#tell me james potter wouldn’t love extreme ironing
padfootastic · 2 years
So… this ended up longer than I meant for it to be. Sorry. 😁
The way you view James is interesting to me. I always imagined him as being a pretty free spirt who is just so incredibly alive. Most people who meet him probably describe him as the most alive person they’d ever met. He lived every second to the fullest and wanted to go all the way out to the edge and experience everything. Of course him and Sirius are described as “much admired rebels” but his rebellion isn’t the same it’s a freer thing if that makes sense? It’s not born form such darkness as Sirius’ is. James’ is fueled by a lust for life, new experiences, and new people and it’s more him challenging or rebelling against pure blood society (which I think is like just how the Potters roll) and their messed up ideals not his family.  Sirius’ being fueled by a lust for freedom (from his family, their beliefs, abuse, and his demons) and discovery of who he is and wants to be. Thus rebelling against his family, their beliefs, their power, and pure blood society. 
The Potter family where an old and wealthy family, but where mostly content with a comfortable life in the “back waters” of wizarding society and weren’t concerned with blood purity. Even with a history of muggle and muggle born rights activists. I always read this as them being rather different. I kinda felt like we were dealing with a family that just passed down the value of “fuck society we do what we want.” Like I imagine them as eccentric inventors, cures breakers, adventurers, magizooologists, quidditch players, dragon handlers, aurors, and whatever else wild, exciting, fun thing one could think of. I definitely think that doing well (academically, career wise,etc) was important and considered valuable by them but for some reason I just seem like being a rather wild and free bunch. Definitely still approachable, kind, down to earth, kind, accessible, but worldly, fun, exciting, intense, passionate, adventures and excitement on legs.
hello! definitely no sorry needed, i love talking all things jfp 💜💜
i’m gonna be honest, i don’t actually see james as a rebel at all (with or without a cause). i see him as pretty much sticking to what’s expected of him in most cases (esp public) and only really going off the path when he’s with a trusted few. i definitely see where ur going and i love it! he’s definitely full of life and always, always happy to be trying new things. i often call him the sunshine kid and i’ll stick by it. i definitely think a large part of it comes from the confidence & high self esteem his parents instilled in him—he sees something and he goes for it, and this often ends up in him doing all these weird, adventurous, often dangerous things right? (i also think he has a large uhh what’s the word, adrenaline kink? nope, that’s not it. but u know what i mean right? the kind of person who loves extreme sports, for eg)
also lol love the hippie potters vibe you’re drawing here. (i also have this funny mental image of like, ridiculously wacky/eccentric potters and then comes james—a whole buttoned up, proper posh boy kid—and they’re (incl portraits) all just baffled like, how is he like this??? who gave him the stick up the arse?? like everyone else is dressed in the most mismatched, alternative fashion ever and then u have james in sweater vests and shorts and buttons downs)
i’m now also imagining harry learning all this about his family and it’s so !!!! like i’ve read a few fics that super focus on potter family history (one where they were like, military tacticians and super op fighters which was so good) and i love stuff like that! harry finding out that the potters were this bunch of crazy inventors & chose the most ridiculous professions and i feel like that would give him such a sense of freedom and relief and he’d definitely be next in line ykno?
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siriuslysnuffles · 6 years
The Mistletoe Mishap
can also be read here on ff! sorry it’s late!
The Mistletoe Mishap is defined, according to one James Fleamont Potter, as the period between December fourth and December thirteenth when one Lily Evans would unexpectedly change his life forever. It is also defined as the moment three friends decided to meddle with the love lives of their romantically incompetent mates.
(December 4, 1977)
‘Are you sure we should be doing this?’ the mousy-haired boy asked the tallest of his three companions.
‘Should we? No. Are we still going to do it?’ Sirius Black let a small smirk cross his face. ‘Yes.’
‘Maybe Wormtail’s right, Padfoot,’ the third friend said skeptically. ‘James and Lily are bound to figure it out themselves.’
‘Prongs is clueless that Evans fancies him, and Evans believes that James only wants to be mates.’ He laughed, ‘If I have to drop one more hint to James that the bird is mad for him, I will die.’ He let out a dramatic sigh, ‘Lily’s just being friendly, Padfoot. We’re just friends.’
He scoffed. ‘Just friends don't snuggle.’
Remus let out a chuckle, ‘You let Lily fall asleep on you with her head in your lap plenty of times.’
The ebony-haired boy once more sighed, ‘It's all about the sexual tension, Moony. Evans and I are mates, she's practically a sister to me.’ He eyed the corridor awaiting the couple who were meant to be patrolling. He once more turned to his two confidants, ‘James and Lily are basically sexual tension on wheels.’
‘They're coming,’ Peter whispered as he eyed the dots on the Marauder’s Map.
Sirius’ face turned, ironically, serious as he quickly uttered the needed spells on the mistletoe.
‘Are you sure there's no one else around, Wormtail?’ Sirius questioned him. ‘The spell is only good for one pair.’
‘I’m sure.’  
‘How’d you get away from Filch then?’ Lily asked him as James recounted yet another legendary story of Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
‘You’ll never believe it.’
His smirk caused a fluttering feeling to emerge in her stomach which she quickly pushed back. He was one of her best friends after all.
‘Oh, really?’ She said, pushing a strand of red hair behind her ear. ‘Try me.’
He came closer to her, his lips only centimeters away from her ear. ‘Magic,’ he murmured softly.
She felt her heart rate speed up at the lack of distance separating them. She tried to control her blush as he pulled away. ‘You’re a toerag,’ she mumbled embarrassed.
‘Come on, Evans,’ he laughed. ‘You know, I’m hilarious.’
‘Hilarious my arse.’
James shook his head affectionately at her, ‘Let’s go, love.’
As they passed a doorway, they felt themselves unable to move outside of the area. It was as if they were placed in their own annoying bubble.
‘What in Merlin’s beard?’ James questioned as he tried to use a counterspell.
‘Mistletoe.’ Lily’s voice came out softly as she looked up at the green plant.
‘Oh,’ was James’ brilliant response.
‘Someone must have cast a spell on it.’ Her face was extremely pale, exhibiting her anxiety.
‘Err, what do we do?’ His hand went to ruffle his messy hair as he usually did when he was nervous–or around Lily Evans.
She giggled nervously, ‘I don’t think we have much of a choice, do we?’
‘Right.’ His tone was hard to interpret. His eyes temporarily avoiding hers. ‘How do we do this?’
‘Asking me for advice, Potter?’ she teased him, slightly easing their nervousness. ‘And here I thought you’d be a good snog.’
‘Hmm… I alway knew you wanted to snog me, Evans.’ His lips were closer to hers, his breath teasing her lips.
‘Who wouldn’t with that shaggable hair?’ He laughed, placing a shaking hand on each side of her face.
She closed her eyes in anticipation and felt a soft pair of lips meet hers. Her fingers grasping onto said shaggable locks. His hands twisting into her wavy hair as his lips bruised hers, his tongue prying her lips apart. Merlin help her, nothing had ever felt as right as kissing James Potter.
(December 6, 1977)
‘He’s avoiding me.’ Lily feel into the seat next to April, feeling utterly dejected.
‘He’s not avoiding you,’ her friend reassured her.
‘Oh, really?’ Lily’s tone was more than skeptical as she stared at the other end of the Gryffindor table where a group of rowdy boys sat. ‘James hasn’t said more than four words to me since patrols on Sunday night.’ She threw a glare at the back of the boy’s stupid head. ‘And here I thought maybe there was a chance of us working out, but he probably sees me as a sister now. He probably finds it disgusting that we kissed and wants nothing to do with me.’
‘Lily,’ April sighed. ‘James isn't an idiot, and I severely doubt that he sees you as a sister. Who knows what goes on in that boy’s head. He’s probably too dense to even realise you fancy him.’
She scoffed. ‘How can he not, I’m pretty sure the bloody giant squid knows I fancy James at this point, and, may I remind you, the giant squid is underwater.’
April giggled, ‘You did say you’d rather date the squid than Potter. Maybe you should snog it and make him jealous.’
‘Very funny, April.’
‘I know, it’s one of my many talents.’
Lily threw a piece of bacon at her.
April laughed as she took a bite of the bacon. ‘And here I thought we were friends.’
(December 8, 1977)
The boisterous response to the redhead only seemed to anger her more as she began chasing him around the common room, much to the amusement of their audience.
‘I swear to Merlin, Black, I will touch you in a place no girl ever has before and never will if you don't quit it!’
‘I appreciate the offer, Flower!’
James watched from the corner of the room where he sat with Remus and Peter.
‘What do you think she wants with him?’ he asked as he messed up his hair with his fingers.
‘To castrate him?’ Peter responded, his eyes travelling to look at the redhead dragging the notorious Sirius Black away by the ear. ‘Perhaps murder him?’
Remus bit back a smile. ‘Not surprising. I think we've all had that temptation.’
‘I'm serious.’ James sighed frustrated.
James saw as their lips twitched. ‘Oh, bloody hell,’ he said before burying his head in his hands.
‘In all seriousness, Prongs, Lily talking to Sirius isn't the end of the world.’ Remus placed a comforting arm on James’ shoulder.
‘Unless you did something stupid,’ Peter teased.
‘Well…’ James murmured self-consciously.
It was Remus’ turn to bury his head in his hands.
‘What is it, Evans?’ Sirius’ voice was more than a bit annoyed at having been dragged away in such a manner.
‘Is James avoiding me?’
Sirius raised an eyebrow at her. ‘Why would he be avoiding you?’
‘Because,’ she let a hand slide through her curly hair–a habit she seemed to pick up from a certain ebony-haired boy. ‘We kissed.’
‘Then shouldn’t you two be snogging in a cupboard now instead of you assaulting me?’ He rubbed at his ear at the reminder.
‘One should think so, but no. Your best mate is a prat who apparently runs away from girls after he snogs them instead of just telling them he only sees them as a mate. Not only that, but he also has the audacity to avoid them and switch his patrol schedule “because of Quidditch.” Really your bloody friend is a bloody arse, and that leaves me to only vent to April and you, and April isn't being very helpful besides her suggestion to push him against a wall and snog him again.’
She took a deep breath.
‘Are you done ranting?’ The boy asked her.
Lily pouted, but still nodded her head just enough for Sirius.
‘Eliot has the right idea, Lily Flower, but did he actually run away from you?’ He asked the last part in disbelief.
‘He pulled away, looked at me as if I murdered his cat, then said, “Sorry, Evans.” Almost ran into a wall as well, the dork that he is.’
Sirius threw his head back. ‘I'm sorry, Evans, but you knew what you were getting into when you decided to befriend him.’
‘I didn't realise befriending the git meant I would fancy him.’ Her eyes were green and red as she looked up into the boy’s grey eyes.
‘Bloody hell,’ he mumbled. ‘Come here.’
He wrapped his arms around her, a side of him only few people outside of Lily Evans were ever allowed to see. He let her wrap her arms around his waist.
‘It's all right, love. He’ll realise he's being an idiot.’
‘So a little bird told me you ran after you snogged Evans.’ Sirius laughed as he sat down on James’ bed.
‘I did not run,’ he mumbled as he made to catch the snitch for the hundredth time.
‘Really?’ Sirius raised his eyebrow at his best friend in disbelief.
James pouted and stayed silent.
‘James?’ Sirius’ tone left little room for argument.
‘Okay, I might have run off—more of a jog, really.’ He whispered the last part.
Sirius let out a chuckle. ‘You're being an idiot, Prongs. Lily’s upset you're avoiding her.’
James’ eyes softened for a moment, guilt evident in them. ‘I'm not avoiding her,’ he denied as he stood up from the bed.
‘Let's skip the part where you try to lie to me, despite both of us knowing the truth.’ Sirius let out an exasperated sigh. ‘Just tell me, why are you avoiding her? I doubt it was her snogging skills.’
‘No,’ a small grin appeared on his face. ‘The kiss was rather nice—more than nice.’
‘What's wrong then?’ His grey eyes trailed over to the messy-haired boy. Sirius saw how James’ face flushed, his eyes staring at the snitch in his hands.
‘She's one of my best mates, Sirius.’ His eyes looked up to meet Sirius’ own, begging him to understand. ‘I can't lose her, not for a relationship that might not work out.’
‘But what if it does work out? What if you're just too scared to find out?’ He scoffed and got up from the bed. ‘Believe me, Prongsie, you'll lose her if you keep avoiding her and keep switching your patrols because you're too scared to face her.’ Sirius mussed up James’ hair. ‘Think about it.’
And with that, he was out the dorm.
(December 10, 1977)
‘Has he talked to her yet?’ Peter asked as they sat down for breakfast at the Gryffindor table sans James.
‘Not yet, Wormtail.’ Sirius took a deep breath, ‘He's being an idiot, but we all have to support our idiot brother.’
‘How much longer is James going to keep this up? We all know he adores Lily, and Lily adores him.’ Remus gave them both a look, ‘She's not going to wait forever.’
‘Isn't that what he's afraid of?’ Peter mumbled between bites of bacon.
‘Partially, but it is Lily Evans.’ Sirius let a genuine smile grace his face at the thought of his redheaded companion. ‘She is a rather special girl, isn't she?’
(December 12, 1977)
James’ eyes followed her from across the Great Hall as he saw her chatting at the Ravenclaw table with Lucas Blake.
He sighed, moving his food around with his fork.
‘What's wrong, Prongs?’ Remus asked as he watched James’ quiet demeanour.
‘Since when do Lily and Lucas Blake talk?’ His voice came out quietly.
‘Since they've been patrolling together because someone refuses to patrol with her.’ Remus gave him a pointed look. ‘You can't honestly be jealous, Prongs? You're avoiding her, and Lily isn't interested in Luke.’
‘She could be,’ he muttered bitterly. ‘And Lily’s smart, kind, funny, rather beautiful.’ He sighed, ‘She’s also available.’ He cast a longing look at the redhead. ‘Lucas would be crazy not to want to date her, if she is interested.’
‘We’re all aware that Lily is quite a catch, mate.’ Sirius said, cutting off his chat with Peter. ‘Have you considered what we talked about the other day?’
‘Yes.’ His eyes avoided theirs. His food seemed quite appealing as he stuffed it into his mouth to prolong the inevitable.
‘And?’ Sirius pressed.
‘I'll talk to her. I just need time.’
Unfortunately for James, he did not have more time.
As he continued his patrol with Remus, they heard a sudden disturbance coming from the end of the corridor.
‘It better not be another Slytherin,’ he grumbled.
Remus chuckled, ‘It’s not always a Slytherin, James.’
‘Well, I also don't fancy catching another snogging couple,’ he uttered as they sped up.
At the end of the corridor, there was neither a Slytherin nor a pair of hormone-ridden teenagers.
‘Lily,’ James sighed out the redhead’s name. Even while looking like the embodiment of fire—and despite knowing what would happen if he dared to play with the burning sensation—he couldn't help but find her as gorgeous as ever.
‘Remus,’ she said softly, contradicting her sore demeanour. ‘Would you mind giving us a moment?’
‘I, err, don't think that's a good idea.’ Remus responded seeing James’ deer caught in the headlight expression.
‘Remus, I'm not really giving you an option here.’ She shrugged. ‘It's more of a formality.’
James’ face paled at the thought of being left alone with the mad redhead. He looked at Remus for help but saw the traitorous bastard abandoning him.
‘Err, this is really not the time, Lily.’ He grasped his hair with his fingers, already nervous at what she had to say—or do, he really would prefer to keep all pieces of his anatomy as they are.
‘I'm tired of you avoiding me, James Fleamont Potter.’ She sounded strangely like his mother did whenever he misbehaved as a child. Part of him was tempted to begin pouting as he had then, but he figured the outcome wouldn't be nearly as pleasant.
‘No,’ he denied. ‘I've been occupied.’ He stated it rather poorly.
And she did the last thing he would have expected at that point.
She kissed him.
(December 13, 1977)
Her mouth was hot on his, brushing her tongue against it and begging for entrance. He permitted it as he let out a soft moan at the feeling of her against him. The tips of her fingers scraping against his scalp and trailing down to his neck.
His mind went blank at the feeling. The butterflies in his stomach multiplying the longer she touched him, the longer he touched her. He wanted nothing more but to worship her. His conscious, however, was a sadistic bastard.
He pulled away from her.
‘Lily—’ he began, only to have what would have been a very well-intended speech cut off by the witch.
‘I'm giving you a choice, Potter.’ She stated boldly as tears formed in her remarkable green eyes. ‘Either tell me you feel nothing for me but friendship, and we’ll pretend that both kisses never occurred.’ She looked down, her pale skin beginning to flush. ‘Or,’ she took a deep breath. ‘You can tell me that we both feel more than friendship and progress from there.’
She looked into his eyes. He could practically feel the emotions radiating from her body. ‘But I refuse to be stuck in this unknown limbo, James Potter. I deserve better than that.’
‘I—’ he paused, not being able to comprehend what she had just said. ‘You fancy me?’ His heart was racing as he awaited her response.
‘Of course, I do.’ With those words, the fate of the wizarding world would be forever sealed because the next thing James Potter did was anything but idiotic.
He kissed her.
The Mistletoe Mishap is defined by Lily Evans as the period between December fourth and December thirteenth in which James Potter was an idiotic arse who refused to admit his feelings. Synonyms include: Just Snog Him Against a Wall.
thank you to @snowflakejilys (usually @teddylupen) for the feedback and proofreading! 
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I like you better as a dog -  Sirius Black x Reader
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[Request: Hiii can I request a Sirius x reader where she is super cute and he as Padfoot finds her in the woods reading, and she doesn't talk but pets him and he eventually falls in love with her, so then tries to find her in the school but she doesn't trust him?xo Hope you like it nonnie!  
Warnings: um, one swear word?my English? Idk! I don’t own the gif nor the photo. Credits to their original owners!]
You have always found solace in the forest. It was like everything fell into place. Peaceful-somehow you were always searching for serenity.   You were currently sitting under a tree, reading a muggle book you loved and hated equally. It was about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ultimately reconcile their feuding families. But why did they have to die? It was frustrating, to love someone that much but not being able to be with them. Damn you, Shakespeare, you thought. You were so caught up in that beautifully chaotic world of his, that you weren’t paying any attention to your surroundings. “These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder Which, as they kiss, consume” you murmured out loud. It was then that you heard a low bark. Your head snapped towards the direction of the sound. Standing there, was a huge black dog. It looked a bit familiar to you, but you shrugged it off. It was sitting there, next to you, eyes never leaving your gestures. In all honesty, it made you think that the whole scene was awkward, to say the least. But when he came closer and placed his head on your lap, your heart grew a little warmer. It was a stray, you thought. It had never felt the love of a human being. All alone in this world. It kind of reminded you of yourself. Sometimes the world didn’t seem to get you. “Hello there” you said quietly. The dog was staring at you like it could understand what you were saying. You smiled widely and returned to your book. Without even realizing it, your right hand was petting the fluffy excuse of a dog. You moved your hand through his fur, surprised by how soft it was. Your movements gradually stopped and at some point, you noticed the dog poking you with his paw, demanding your attention. You rolled your eyes causing the dog to bark. Sure, animals were sensitive to that kind of things but this particular one… was more human than many humans you’ve met. If you wouldn’t know any better you would have sworn that he smirked at you. A smirk rather familiar.  It might have looked a bit terrifying at first, but really, it was just a marshmallow. Definitely a boy, you thought. A couple of hours later, after spending almost all afternoon under that tree, petting the dog and reading, you figured that you should give him a name. “Do you have a name? No? What about Noir? It’s French for black, you know since you’re… black” you rambled while you could have sworn you saw a mischievous spark lit up the dog’s eyes. So familiar… weird. Was he smiling? Pull yourself together, you thought to yourself. Dogs don’t smile or smirk or stare. But here he was. “Okay, I am terrible at naming. Bear with me” you said to Noir, apologizing for your lack of imagination. He just licked your hand. You burst out laughing. “You’re disgusting” you mumbled between your laughs. Noir was just wiggling his tail like a propeller. However, you had to get going since it was almost dinner time. “I have to go but um… never mind” you trailed off. You were talking to a dog for Merlin’s sake. You stood up and walked away, but not before glancing once or twice back at him. It was strange. Τhis soon became a habit; Every time you would sit under the tree inside the Forbidden Forest, the dog would appear, out of nowhere (you haven’t figured out of which direction he came) and sit down next to you. Usually, you would read a muggle book, and ruffle through his fur absent-minded, sometimes reading to him, while he was sleeping or just being there. Other times you would tell him about how crap of a day your day was or stories of your childhood or even some of the feelings you held for a certain heartbreaker and he seemed to smirk approvingly. Honestly, you could have sworn that this dog smirked more often than most humans did. After a while, you started bringing him all kind of treats, cookies being his favorite. Yet, the past couple of days, you have waited and waited under that particular tree, but Noir never showed up.   You wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but you were actually sad. Today was a rather gloomy day. You had just finished your breakfast but stayed in the Great Hall a bit longer, because you desperately wanted to finish off the last chapter of your book. “Come on Pads, you can’t be serious!” you heard the familiar voice of James Potter saying. Who was Pads? You stopped paying attention to the book but never raised your head.
“I am always Sirius”. You wanted to facepalm yourself. Sirius Black. Annoying, arrogant, narcissistic little git. Handsome as the devil with eyes full of secrets and a smirk-wait a second. You knew that smirk. Yeah, but how? Where? “She is cute, but she hates you” Peter stated. Of course. It was a girl-oriented problem. But since when does the infamous Sirius Black have a problem with a girl? “Nah, she doesn’t. She is just like Lily, really. And you are whipped” James continued. Who was that girl? And was that jealousy that was boiling inside of you?  “Have you even talked to her?” Remus reasoned. By that time, you had closed your book and started rising from your seat. You really didn’t want to listen to anything more. “Y/N!”. You were pretty sure your insides froze. That was Sirius. You halted and looked at him. Those eyes. That smirk. And your eyes widened in realization. Your mouth shaped an “O”. You turned around and exited the Great Hall, heading towards the Forest. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t. Somebody was calling your name. THAT somebody. “What?” you snapped turning on your heels and facing him. Extremely close. “I-I… look, I want to come clean. Can I?” huh? You were left utterly puzzled. “No. I don’t trust you Black” you said in return. How could you trust him? “You don’t trust Black but you trust Noir. Ironic, isn’t it?”. Your jaw hit the ground. How on earth did he know about Noir? How – Everything fell into place. “You are an Animagus, aren’t you?” you whispered. You really wished to take back everything you’ve ever told him. He was the black dog you thought of as a friend.   Merlin, you even had admitted that you had feelings for him when he was in his Animagus form. Well, not exactly… but you were pretty sure he had put two and two together. “You’re cute when you blush” he breathed out. You batted your eyelashes abashed. What exactly was going on? “And I enjoy it very much when you read to me” he continued while he took a step closer. And another. And another. Until your back was pressed against the tree trunk. You couldn’t regulate your heart beating and you knew that he knew it. “But I love it when your hands are on me” he whispered against your lips. He kissed you and you melted into his touch. It was perfect. 
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