tifadoesnotblog · 9 months
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Oh. Well...That looks malignant...
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tifadoesnotblog · 5 months
My little Octopus
DEarest octopodi, oh how i misss thee. Thy slimy skin and thy boring tales. Oh how they made me wish i was literally dead. No exaggeration, I've never wanted to kill myself more than when i had to listen to the wasp story.
Oh sticky suckly octopus, how i long to see those glasses a cracked and thine blood a green. I wonder my squishy friend, if thine sweet delusion will ever crumble and those cracked glasses will ever truly break.
Squidge on my friend. I miss you xx
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tifadoesnotblog · 1 year
just saying, for anyone who cares (which should be everyone) the tgwuml Christmas special dropped on the 5th. Read it or die 
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tifadoesnotblog · 1 year
An open letter to the most deluded delusional cracker jack I have ever-
Hello, father. I just would like to inform you that the police have been contacted and you will be charged with tackiosity AND racism. There is one way for you to prevent this, flacid-haired loon. Describe in detail why on earth you woke up one feeble morning of you mediocre life and decided MY best selling novel https://www.wattpad.com/story/186965069-the-girl-who-unlocked-my-leg was suddenly an issue for you. YOU knew from the very beginning of your untamed and unkempt time in the tgwuml fan club that it was what it was. irregardless of this YOU are the one who wrote note only a sickening psychotic spiral of a fanfiction about one of side characters BARRYS taking over the entire tgwumlverse because you used MY characters to project about your main character syndrome fantasy because your real life is so underwhelmingly underwhelming that you had to resort to BABY MUTILATION in your BArrys sequel to bring your life some semblance of meaning. Give me my list or I will have you arrested. You know this because in @anartistthatdoesthings do fanfiction you think is your life I AM THE ANGRY BLACK WOMAN WHO CALLS THE SAD LITTLE ARIAN SLURS. DO you see the issues in your delusion?
your obedient servant (of an undetermined colour),
L. Aji
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