#thank you YR fic writers
putnamcapital · 4 months
Today at work someone broke down into tears, in a very visible way, while they were trying to say something important during an event. The emotions were raw and welcome, but the person was really struggling. And as someone with some institutional responsibility, but also as a human, i wanted to comfort her - and my first instinct was to reach out and hug her.
But then i remembered the countless fics i've read with descriptions of Wille, or Simon, or Sara, having a breakdown, and how it can be deeply unsettling and uncomfortable to be touched out of nowhere when you're feeling that way. So I caught myself and I asked for her consent before touching her shoulder. She said yes, and said afterwards the physical contact was really helpful and comforting.
Just putting this on here as a gentle reminder that your writing matters. Thank you!
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grounded-parasocial · 29 days
Wille’s Month 2024-
prompt 14- Mental Health
As mental health is kinda my thing, I thought I would gather some fanfiction recommendations where Wille’s mental health is integral to the story as well as beautifully represented. One of the thing I really enjoy about YR fans and writers (or the little bubble I have curated for myself) is the way everyone validates, supports and makes space for mental health.
Everyone’s mental health journey is personal and I feel that truth in our writers stories, in how they embody Wille and Simon, and sometimes, I think I can even hear their therapist’s voices whispering from in between the lines. Even knowing not everyone is writing from personal experience, I still can’t help but feel grateful for the way writers make us feel and understand their struggles with constant care and compassion.
Because its Wille’s Month, I have tried to give suggestions where Wille’s MH is at the forefront or equally present and some variation in presentation - depression, body dismorphia, trauma/ptsd, ocd, substance abuse, autism, suicide, self-harm, burn-out, disordered eating and grief. Please mind the tags in each story.
There are also so many stunning depictions where Simon’s struggle is the louder voice, and it absolutely pains me not to include some of those here, but if people are interested, I would be happy to share Simon’s list too.
And that’s how we make history, baby @waybeforeyourtime (T, WIP 82K)
Yours to Keep -Series by fitz_y (T/E, 165K)
Känsla by despassurlaneige (E, 202K)
True Colors by DemiLune13 (M, 97K)
Wear Your Independence like a crown @earlgrey-lateatnight (T, WIP 22K)
Obviously @grapehyasynth (M, 124K) both
I don’t feel like our love is brand new @prince-simon (E, WIP 395K)
There are Many Names in History @prplewille by aqua_rius (E, 68K)
The road not taken looks real good now @stretchoutfics (E, 90K)
Almost is Never Enough @in-amor-veritas (E, WIP 202K)
You Don’t Have to Hurt Anymore by wilmonxoxo (G, 210K)
I would drive on (to the end with you) @glassdollls (unrated, WIP 118K)
-also take a deep breath and chase it with mine (T, 4K)
I’m Losing By Your Side @unfortunate17 (M, 10K)
Terrified the present will not last by FakeButILikeYou (T, 5K)
Where we left off @gulliblelemon (T, 84K)
Finding Home @ishotforthestars by Elin98 (G, WIP 19K)
the human eye is god’s loneliest creation @prplewille by aqua_rius (M, WIP 32K)
just a feeling, falling in repeat @ungaroyals part of the Rewrite the Stars Series (T, 6K)
Sending my love, admiration and gratitude to all our brave yr writers!! 💜
Be kind to yourself and be kind to one another!
*its a community so please add any additions I may have missed
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altschmerzes · 8 months
i love to rub my grubby little aro hands all over popular ship tropes. writing a fake dating au right now where the 2 characters fake date for the whole thing and never fall in love with each other. they're just besties. they get free dessert at restaurants, they stop other people from hitting on each other, they confuse everybody else, and they have a great time. your ship tropes are mine now.
YES. YES, YOU GET IT!!! YES. there is something so satisfying and fun about getting my grubby little aro hands on ship tropes and making them platonic/aro/whatever. like yes i ALSO get to enjoy these things and no amount of people being weird about it is gonna stop me.
anon I hope you have so much fun and get one million comments and that you know how cool and fun and smart you are for this
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I wish all the YR writers inspiration!!!! I love your works so much, please continue writing!!!! If you need a sign that you should go on writing, that your work is needed by someone - here it is! I want it!!! I need it!!!! Give it to me!!! Forever grateful for your time and effort!!!! All my love for your creative minds!!!! Please, don't give up!!!!
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 months
Ur literally amazing wtf 😭 who just pops into someone’s inbox and says that an author writing exclusively for the most niche fandom crossover is doing it for “clout” instead of just assuming they’re doing it out of love of the fandom?? Anyway I love your writing a lot and if there’s been any dio in quality it still definitely doesn’t come off as “doing it for clout” (????) at most it’s just like when a fic writer hyperfixates on sth else for a lil bit and their other fandom slows down for a bit, but ur writing is always rly evocative and expressive and also ily <3 (it gets better -> wrt to depression, as someone who was there 2 yrs ago)
I know it's been a while, but thank you for your support. I've been trying to figure out how to respond, but honestly, I'm just happy you enjoyed my writing so much.
I think Anon had nothing better to do than send hurtful messages. I ignored them when they sent new requests. Still, it's nice to know that not all Anons are like that.
I did get really into my Harry Potter stuff again, so I admit I got distracted by this blog. I will finish all the asks soon while working on my Kindness and Remorse fic.
Thank you for your words! You are the sweetest!
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piggyinparadise · 4 months
My favourites writers:
They're in a random order:
@ungaroyals / embracedthevoid
@earlgrey-lateatnight / RubyIntyale 
@ayellowcurtain (not only YR but WTFock fics)
I’ll be forever grateful for all your stories, you’re all incredibly talented and perseverant. I'm not always good at writing down my emotions but I don't want this whole Young Royals hype to end without saying this. Your stories altered my brain chemistry forever, hope to read more of what you all have!
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thank you 💜
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gulliblelemon · 6 months
Hi! 1, 2, 6, 16 for the fanfic ask :)
Thanks for the ask! I love these sorts of things, I’m so pleased someone did one for YR fanfic. Thanks @margotdanslebois
1. Favourite fanfic of all time
Oh my goodness, such a hard one to answer. Probably Call Me Up Late by @royalwilmon. I read it very early on in my YR fic reading journey and it really stuck with me. I tend to not do lots of rereading but I’ve read that one at least three times and I love it every time. And there are scenes that I’ve gone back to reread when I’ve needing something to cheer me up too
2. Favourite writer of the fandom
Okay this is even harder to answer 😂. I love so many people’s stories and am subscribed to a lot of authors and do a little happy dance every time they upload a new story. I’m going to list a few: @iwouldnevergetintofanfic, @stretchoutfics, @unfortunate17, @ishotforthestars, @pleuvian, @piebingo, @pagegirlintraining, @groenendaelfic
6. Favourite one shot
It depends how long you might want a one shot to be. For a short one shot probably Soul Meets Soul (on lovers lips) by @unfortunate17 or like he hung the moon and the stars in the sky.
For a slightly longer one shot, The weekend by @stretchoutfics is amazing. As is you can stay by @princewillesothermom
16. A fanfic that hasn’t been updated for a looooong time but you’re hoping for it (no pressure on the writer!)
It’s not been a looooooong long time, but I’m eagerly awaiting the next chapter of I would drive on (to the end with you) by @glassdollls. (Reiterating the ‘absolutely no pressure at all’ for this - it’s not a plea for an update, just a letting you know that I’m really excited for when you do!)
That was way harder than I thought, and I’m left with the slight feeling of having chosen which child I like best 😅. But I always enjoy talking about fanfic! I can’t wait to see everyone’s answers!
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crepesuzette2023 · 2 months
I’m not sure how long you’ve been reading mclennon fic, or if this is something you’d notice, but do you know which authors have been writing the longest? Or if there’s anyone who wrote maybe 7-10 yrs ago and came back? It seems to me people stay active for 2-4 years and stop. Im hoping I’m wrong and there are writers out there who have been around in this fandom for longer.
Thank you for all the recs you’ve given everyone and your fantastic comments and insight on my favorite fics (yes, I’m one of those, that read the comments along with the story! 😄)
I haven't been reading mclennon fic for all that long; I only started in 2021 (no surprise, "what were we doing?!"). And the first time around, I was reading all over the place, following people's AO3 bookmarks and recommendations shared here. Then I got an ao3 account...
I'm currently having my second go around the Lennon/McCartney fic buffet, and the more I read, the more I realize how much more there is to read!
In other words, I'm definitely not the best person to ask who's been writing the longest. I'm still digging and reading and sorting, and going "oh" and "ah" and "wow" and "fuck a pig."
That said, I do know that @scurator (obstinatrix) has been writing for a very long time. And I think @saint-mona (smothermeinrelish) and @unchaineddaisychain (Unchained_Daisychain) as well, and @dailyhowl (thisbirdhadflown).
And perhaps there are other writers who have changed their names? And many more I'm not aware of, or whose year-long career escaped my notice...(Feel free to add on! And I'm sorry for not mentioning them; it's genuine ignorance.)
It's interesting what you say about the 2-4 years interval. I wonder what could be the reason for that, if true. Feeling sated by the pairing? Nothing more to write? A new obsession? Private stuff? Probably all of the above. At least the works remain, and spark joy. To be passed on for as long as the internet exists...and possibly beyond.
Thank you for asking!
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hillerskalibrary · 1 year
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It's been A Week for YR fans everywhere - which was, of course, the intention. Most everyone seemed to enjoy it (see also the tags above), although some people had missed the memo.
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(It happens to the best of us!)
Fortunately though the creators had marked their calendars - and so we got art, we got a whole ass Character Tournament (which is not over yet! keep an eye out for the finale tomorrow!) and of course we got fic.
So. Much. FIC.
There are no less than 37 works in the AO3 collection, good for over 130 000 words. Yes, you read that correctly - YR writers collectively wrote a novel the size of Return of the King in just one week. And considering there's multiple WIPs in there, the fun is far from over!
So let's give it up for @1-life-to-give, @404royals, @andthatisnotfake, @atdawnweryd, @chlorallines, @cahaya-dreaming, @earlgrey-lateatnight, @frogprincesnowglobe, @heartbreakprincewille, @in-amor-veritas, @itsmadreia, @jj-draws-stupid-things, @piebingo, @sflow-er @silvagrey, @simonsfish, @skydragon05, @starvalisedham, @stretchoutfics, @stygianirondiangelo, @taecereals, @willesworld, and @zee-has-commitment-issues!
and now I hope to god I didn't forget anyone cause that would be awkward
Oh, and as a general reminder to all writers who may have unfinished drafts lying about:
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So I'll keep tracking the tag for at least a little longer ;).
Thank you everyone - let's do this again some time!
(And if you want to reminisce, or go back to make sure you didn't miss anything, you can find everything under the YR week 2023 tag, as well as in this masterpost.)
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skibasyndrome · 6 days
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much @darktwistedgenderplural, @wilmonsfolklore, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic & @earlgrey-lateatnight for tagging me in this!!!! This is so much fun!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
How many works do you have on Ao3?
17! (but only 12 of those "count", the other 5 are 6+ years old)
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Young Royals
Top five fics by kudos
You crave the Applause / Yet hate the Attention
Lavender Haze
It's in the water, baby
Never Letting You Go
Close, Closer
Do you respond to comments?
Yessssss, I really want to reply to every comment I get because I appreciate people taking their time to write them a lot, but sadly I've been super busy this semester and so there are quite a few still waiting to be responded to. But!!! I've seen them, I have and continue to feel over the moon about them and some day you'll all get your replies!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're only talking about the current fandom... none? I don't think I've ever given anything an angst ending. I don't even know if I'd be able to do that with Wilmon
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
By that logic, all the rest lmao. I think the ending that made me personally most giddy/happy for my blorbos was probably Lavender Haze because the potential, the big feelings that don't have a name yet, the I-really-wanna-see-you-again of it all? Yeah that one feels the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, no. Although I had one salty anon who apparently thinks writing about characters being attracted to each other qualifies as fetishizing the actors? Lot to unpack there.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I don't think I've ever written anything that could be considered a crossover
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, in the early days of me writing fics people would go around and just... copy a whole fic and post it to their blog instead?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I get comments asking me if people can translate my fics, but I haven't seen a translation thus far, no.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Would love to try it some time though
All time favourite ship?
Wilmon all the waaaaayyy
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh the list is so long. One thing that I'd LOVE to write but I'm just not sure I've got it in me worldbuilding-wise is a fic where wilmon are ancient greek heroes to be
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that "filth with feelings" is one of my strengths. Oh and some of my favorite compliments have been ones that said I was good at really getting into a character's (let's be real, it's Wille's) psyche
What are your writing weaknesses?
How long do you have lmao? Idk where to start, hmm. I think I just always question myself and every choice a little too much in general, I have a very weird mix of perfectionism and impatience going on, I start too many new things before old ones are finished, my English isn't as good as it could be, I don't know when to stop rambling...
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I really don't see why you wouldn't use it. I think it's a nice little touch, at least I like it a lot on YR fanfic. It needs to make sense of course, but why not have a casual little "nej" somewhere, I think that's fun!
First fandom you wrote in?
One Direction, in ye olden days (2012) lol
Favourite fic you've written?
Oh this is difficuuuuult, aaaaah. But tbh I like Lavender Haze and the sequel All this shit is new to me a lot. Those are my sweet, sweet babies, because, I think I've said this before, this is my first multichaptered Wilmon fic that isn't "just" pwalp (=porn with a little plot) and I feel like I get to try myself out a lot with All this shit. I like the process of writing it and as for Lavender Haze, there are just some tiny elements in there that I feel immensely proud of.
I'm gonna (very much no pressure) tag @grapehyasynth, @oneofthosebells, @toffeelemon, @goldenwilmon & @piebingo and anyone else who sees this and hasn't been tagged yet (and if I'm double-tagging, apologies!) 💜
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putnamcapital · 6 months
Some love for the YR writers, and their OCs
As a small gesture of thanks to the incredible creativity and generosity of fanfic writers, during this time of holiday excess and the AO3 YR tag being just lit!, I thought i’d pull together some favorites to share. Hopefully if you’ve haven’t read these fics yet, they might entice you. I know we all know and love the endless iterations of Wille and Simon, and Sara, August, and Felice, but did you know there are some truly incredible original characters in the YR fanfic library? Here are just a few of the characters that have stayed with me. Made an effort not to spoil in the descriptions! I’ve tried to spread the love across lots of writers and have tagged you if i know you're on Tumblr. And i mostly read AUs. If you’ve got other OCs you just love, please add to this!
So, in no particular order … Part 1 of ?.
Chetna from Tis the Damn Season by littelbluefish, (M, 15/15) - “in a near-constant state of dancing readiness” (i love her for that alone), also witty meddler, dispatches unwanted men with savage accuracy, pitch perfect level of snark, loves Simon to pieces.
MJ and Mario from And that’s how you make history baby by waybeforeyourtime (T, 16/?) - it’s difficult for me to choose between the two, but i think maybe the author would agree they are inseparable. MJ and Mario run Benders, a bar where Simon ends up performing. They literally jump off at the page at you. MJ, appearing as Mary Jane, gets one of the best entrances i’ve seen in a while. (“Mary Jane sat in front of the door of Benders in a crudely made replica of the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones, except it was dildos that adorned it, not swords. She wore a pale pink strapless dress, white fishnet stockings, and black patent-leather Mary Jane platforms.”) His partner, Mario’s, first words to Simon: “"I don't have time for games. Violet, kill the light.”, but it was a match made in heaven. The dialogue between these two!!! Read this fic! Run! Don’t walk!
Melvin from Simon Eriksson: Just some guy from biology (G, 1/1) by fandom_commitment_Issues (@zee-has-commitment-issues) - good student, considerate partner and father. On this list because he does deadpan so well. He kept a straight face when W huffed “I’m getting married to an idiot”.
Alba from Taking me Back (M, 6/?) by wilmonlibrarian - for being one of those too smart for your own damn good teenagers who sees straight through her own father, Simon. (Alba isn’t buying it. “So, you’re saying nothing I experience in the next few years will matter to me in the future?”) and yeah karma really is playing a terrible joke on poor W & S in this.
Luis from All the Places we’ve been (M, 10/10) by This_time_its_just_me (@in-amor-veritas) - Simon’s roommate in New York, Simon who has his own life and successful career as a singer. Gives Simon essential advice on what to wear to meet his ex (yes, you know the ex). (“Oh please, none of your clothes fit you correctly, Simón”) He works at one of NYC’s biggest fashion magazines. Think Devil Wears Prada, friends. Just the absolute funniest and most loving wingman, takes absolutely none of Simon’s bullshit or his polyester. Has entirely the correct reaction when he finds W in his bathroom.
Lotta from Heart and Homeland (M, 33/ ) by @bluedalahorse and @heliza24 - An intrepid, loyal, and revolutionary woman with a heart of gold, who holds the key to a major plot twist in this masterful AU set in the early 1800s, where Wilhelm is at the center of a fight for Sweden’s future, and everyone writes each other a lot of beautiful letters. (“Lotta sighs and giggles like we are best friends and says we should tell one another romances or fairy tales and I want to tell her that princes are not the same in real life as they are in stories.”) Don't miss this fic!
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grounded-parasocial · 3 months
With all the emotions swirling around the approaching S3, I have been seeking solace in fanfic and let me tell you, it is like FicMas right now!! 💜
So I have a recommendation- if you have read there are many names in history by aqua_rius a beautifully written heartbreaker of a story, you should go read its newly published companion piece but none of them are ours from Simon’s pov. If you have not read part one, do that first, and bring tissues!
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nikki-pondtheauthor · 8 months
Howdy Nixxie!
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
thank you @oliveofvanders @halfagone @summerssixecho for the tag (sorry it took a while for me to finally answer this reply)
Ngl, most of my fav fics that I've written are the ones that I haven't published yet. But I'll go with the current WIPs posted on ao3 :)
House of Memories (dpxdc, Dick/Danny)
This fic comes to my mind first. I think one of the reasons why I have a soft spot for this one, in particular, is because this is the first fic that I felt I truly succeeded in writing angst. My first MCD fic as well. And I remember I've always wanted to write AU Soulmates for so long and this was the result. Plus I love Dick and wanted to give him more attention. Bonus is that I haven't seen many dpxdc fics where it is set to Dick is Robin.
Legacy (dpxdc, Danny & Jason. Biodad!Jason)
I love Jason. And I also love the thought of exploring Father-Son relationship between Jason and Danny (I'm used to reading deaged Danny, but there's something cathartic writing when it's Danny as a teenager while Jason, in his mid30s, exasperated at his son. That's the dynamic I want to explore) No joke that I immensely enjoy writing about Jason feeling guilty of not being there for Danny (and not knowing he existed). Last I checked, the draft for the next chapter of Legacy is around 4k words (I just havent gotten around editing it). Plus it's set where Jason is Batman, a trope that is not much explored in the dpxdc.
Two of a Kind (dpxdc, Jason & Danny, Halfa!Jason)
I will always be grateful to Kaida for bringing this idea to life of Jason being the second Halfa. I love the idea of Danny having a trusted adult he can come to this time. There's so many I want to gush about this, especially Jason's complicated issues with Vlad. You'll find Jason in this fic interesting because he has different priorities while feeling guilty at the same time. Plus we get some flashbacks (*nods to Red Hood: Lost Days*). Plus I also ADORE where this fic is set to Post-Infinite Crisis.
Dynasty | Loving You Was Like Dancing without Music (ATLA, Sokka/Zukko)
I remember the intense research I did for this fic. I have a separate word doc of writing the history and Fire Nation "legal documents". Even got 3 docs of flashbacks for Sokha, Mai, and Zuko (overall wc: 5k). And the fic is inspired from my fav kdrama show at all times so that's one of the reasons why I enjoy writing this fic.
Danny the Intern (dpxdc, GEN)
Ngl, I debated back and forth with this one because I have mixed feelings about this fic nowadays, but I can never forget the intense planning and outline for this fic and the 2 months I spent writing the buffer chapters just so I could be ahead of this fic. Part of why I enjoy writing this fic is that it's a Case fic. A mystery going on that I'm excited to eventually reveal, which I've been keeping my mouth shut for 11 months now. Currently, ch 6-11 have an overall 13k words. If it goes according to plan, Danny the Intern fic will be updated either this halloween or next month (for the 1 yr anniversary of DtI)
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Our fic writers are the best 🙏🏻 so happy we have them
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leclsrc · 7 months
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2 days before my birthday i had an urge to check my followers list and found a hive mind w/ a population of over 5,000 party people, porn bots, and perv anons. WHAAAT.
i’d like to preface by saying i’ve never been happier than when i was up daily, writing for this blog, pulling inspiration from all corners of life and cherishing in the fact that people got what i want to put across and even appreciated it. thank u is not enough. what a trip!!! a year ago i was a follower of talented writers who i now call friends, with the beginnings of my first ever fic barely in fruition, and that stuns me.
the future for this blog is a little foggy with how much life i’ll be needing to live in the next few months. but while i have you, let’s celebrate!!!
send me a driver and a prompt from this list
send me a driver and a prompt from this nsfw list
req a drabble based on a song of yr choice!
this event closes 17 november, midnight gmt. can’t promise i’ll complete everything in time but keep them coming :) ps if any of u r wondering the only sequel in order is the one to 'do you want it?' !!!
now for the thank yous which are so clearly in order—
to mack @formulaforza, thank you for everything. i wish i knew you sooner and i wish you and i grew up together with how often you get me all figured out – in times of quiet and inactivity i still manage to find you in bites of butter and knee scrapes, and when i feel like there’s nothing good to read i creep back onto your masterlist and exhaust it until my eyes droop closed. but besides being a brilliant writer you’re a true friend, not just to me but to everyone u surround urself with… i’m just lucky i’m in ur orbit
to dani @silverstonesainz, i still think of u as a famous writer i somehow lucked out with on the friendship front. the fame is deserved though because the talent is oh so thereeeeee. you’re an angel and a staunch defender of ur friends and u don’t deserve a lot of things that were thrown at u. i love you a lot and i miss you moresies
to the discord server of writers that so readily keeps me laughing and updated on the f1verse after i’m gone for weeks/months, thank you. backreading over 100 messages on random wednesday mornings reminds me why a community on this app is soo necessary!!!! keep being brill writers :***
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im-a-king-baby · 6 months
Joined tumblr just so I could read your ELYN snippets, after rereading the fic over the past few days.
Just wanted to say thanks for it. It's still one of the most vivid fics I've read. It's still amazing.
Will you be writing anything else in the YR world, do you think?
Hi, thank you for the lovely comment <3 Welcome to tumblr!
There is not a definite answer to this. I would like to write more, I really enjoyed doing ELYN, the fandom has been great, but I am a very slowwww writer who would like to publish a novel one day so my fic writing time is very limited.
I do have things I would like to write! I have a vague outline for a soulmarks fic, I made the mistake of talking to a friend about werewolves and now there is a werewolf AU starting to take shape in my brain. But at the moment nothing has grabbed me to be like 'write this right now' in the way ELYN did in the weeks after season 2 came out.
...Maybe when season 3 comes out!
(if anyone got excited about a werewolf au and would like to read more longfic by me in general, I have a very long werewolf les mis fic that requires no canon knowledge and shares similar themes to YR in that it is about class differences and overthrowing the system. Also there are werewolves and everything is better with werewolves.)
((tiny bonus YR soulmark snippet below))
“Okay,” Rosh says. “But say you’re in a long term proper relationship, then one day you wake up and bam, you’ve got a soulmark. You'd still leave your partner?" “Of course," Ayub says. "Like, that’s your soulmate, you can’t argue with that shit, man.” Markus slings an arm over Simon’s shoulder. “Simme and I don’t believe in soulmates,” he says, like that’s something they’ve ever agreed on or even discussed. “We think who you choose to be with is more important, don’t we?” Simon gives a vague noise that could be counted as agreement, and then after he’s seen Markus to the door and invented an excuse for not being able to go back to Markus’s place - “I’ve got a test tomorrow I need to study for.” - he walks back into the room and pushes Rosh over into a pile of pillows. “You’re a dick, you know that?” She snorts. “You kept saying you were going to tell him! Did it come back?” Simon hesitates for a moment, then rolls up his left sleeve to reveal the constellation of black stars tracing across his wrist. Ayub freaks out, grabbing Simon’s arm to see it properly. “Oh my god, is that real?” Simon doesn’t need to look. At this point he knows it by heart, has traced lines between the dots so many times he’s almost surprised they're not permanently etched onto his skin. Somewhere out there, someone else is watching the same marks fade away on their own skin, as they drive away from Bjarstad. Again.
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