#the note got really long didn't it aghkadkjaff sorry!
hsficrecommendation · 2 months
@hsficrecommendation 's Masterlist
Note: This is a post that holds links to all of the fic-rec masterlists/wrap ups I've posted of months mentioned below.
Now, this is how it works - I'm an avid fanfiction reader (and I'm sure that if you're here, then, you're one too) and I genuinely believe that it's one of the purest and best forms of media. Every single fic we read deserves ton of support, for which I've got another sideblog called (@ireblogwhatireadcauseduh ) where I reblog all the fics I read.
This one, though, is a blog I created to hopefully preserve some of the best fics, according to me, that I've read so far. Fics that just really affected me in a way that I simply fell in love.
Mentioned below, are links that will lead you to the best fics, (again, according to me) that I read in the namely month. If a month isn't mentioned, it just means that either I didn't really read anything because life gets in the way sometimes, or that I didn't find any fic very touching.
So, if you do decide to read any of the fics that I've recommended in the links below, please make sure to reblog the fics and to leave feedback on them for the writers because that's what keeps them going!!
Also, a very shameless self-promo -- I've got a writing account as well! (Although I'm pretty sure you found this one from there ghsfkhjl) It's named @0oolookitsme ! Feel free to take a stroll <3
Aaand that's all I had to say! I'll let you lose now, hope you enjoy your little walk through this blog, and come back again!
All the love <3
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April, May, June, July, August, September
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January, February, April
June, September, October
November, December
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January, February and March (should be here in the beginning of April!)
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