#the person texting Vash is Meryl
stageplaymlp · 7 months
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Here’s some more art of Angie, the accidental Vashwood fan kid I made
More detail about her in this post
Also here’s a screenshot of the post I based this art off of:
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into-the-feniverse · 3 months
Finished reading Trigun/TriMax a couple days ago and have been feverishly trying to piece together a timeline, so here’s the result of that ✨
EDIT: as of 3/13/24 this has been UPDATED
For a more detailed timeline (with vol/ch marks): google sheet
Full res of the graphic (& other resources): bit.l/trigunresources
Notes & rest of the timeline under the cut!
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Edits as of 3/13/24
The detailed spreadsheet is organized and color coded! If you'd like a more concise breakdown of events/see some of my reasoning behind certain time stamps feel free to skim through that
Changed where in the timeline the Maylene and Wolfwood events happened (originally where I had placed them would have made Maylene like 6 when she and Wolfwood reunited which is NOT correct)
moved where in the timeline Knives started collecting the GungHo Guns (at latest he started in 0090 (20 years before 0110) since it's noted that Monev has been training in a cellar for the past 20 years
Moved where Knives initially tracked down Conrad (felt like it needed to happen at least a decade before July)
Changed up some of the months (personally, I don't think the Ark launched in December, since that'd put Milly and Meryl's arrival to the colony in July, which wouldn't make sense. So I placed the ark launch in October which of course offset some of the other month stand ins)
Added an earth year for when Knives and Vash are born. The explanation is I think at minimum there was at least a 2 year period between them and Tesla (since Rem was around for that whole process). I do think it was more than that, but that’s the earliest possible year I think it could have happened. Personally I’m more in the camp of 5-10 years, but def not 50 like in tristamp
Old Notes:
If you see any typos or phrase inconsistencies: no you don’t 💕 (😭)
Blue text can be completely ignored, that’s just kinda my personal preference/wild guesstimating of when “exactly” those events happened
Blue lines can also be ignored, they’re also just rough guesstimates on where exactly in the timeline these could have happened
The distance of the lines from one another doesn’t really mean anything, I started trying to follow a system to notate when things happened really close together but it was//// not consistently done ngl
Fun fact: by the time Wolfwood leaves the orphanage Meryl is 18! And she was 14 at the time of July’s destruction
Additional fun fact: Brad is 17 when he and sensei meet up with Vash in the Factioned city (which I think is absolutely RIDICULOUS), and we know this because he was 4 the one/last time he had met Vash and it’s been 13 years since
It was noted by Karen, one of Meryl’s coworkers, that she and Milly had been on assignment with Vash for about 4 months. (Might be that they were out searching for him during that time as well, but I’m choosing to interpret it as they were actually with him for that amount of time)
I’m also working on a 98 timeline for comparison (but more like just sequence of events cause I don’t think I have the patience to sift through the lore quite as much… mainly making it just to clarify how the anime delineates from the manga)
I am//::: feeling v unhinged after this and feel like it could be improved/i need to do a more thorough read, but I’m calling it quits for now before I actually go insane (but hopefully some people will find it somewhat helpful!)
Also: if anybody has any notes to add or clarifications/corrections I would be more than happy to hear them 👂
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bendycxmet · 7 months
Makeup, Makeout—Vash the Stampede
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Summary: Relaxing one night with Vash leads you to wanting to do makeup on him, and leads to more than you could have hoped for.
Word Count: ~2.1k
Pairing: gn!reader x Vash the Stampede
Content: modern AU, tension, teasing, some heavy making out, makeup, overall fluff
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“Yo Wolfwood, you going anywhere today?” Vash peeked into his friend’s doorway.
“Want me out for a specific reason?” inquired Wolfwood from his desk in the corner of his dimly lit room, the only light coming from his computer screen as his lithe fingers danced over the keyboard, furious clicks sounding as he shot away at the enemy team. “Playing hooky? Thought that was my job.” With a quick glance, Wolfwood glanced at his blonde roommate, fidgeting with his vermilion hoodie, shrinking into the cotton material under his gaze.
Wolfwood snickered.
“They’re coming over aren’t they?” Vash sheepishly hummed at his friend’s guess, hinting to him that his guess was right as ever. Wolfwood sighed, pausing his game and removing his headphones so that he can turn to face Vash.
“Vash, when are you two going to finally date each other? We all can only handle so much pining between you two,” he said, referencing the times he, Milly, and Meryl all shared exasperated looks at the only two in the room that didn’t realize they had feelings for each other. 
“Give me a break? I don’t even know if they like me!” Vash groaned.
Wolfwood sighed. “Yeah yeah I’ll head out tonight to the girl’s apartment upstairs and give you two lovebirds your time alone.”
Living in the same apartment building as your friend group can really come in handy sometimes. You were more comfortable living with the girls, obviously, since they cleaned up after themselves and weren’t as noisy as the boys rooming a floor away. 
“Thank you…I appreciate it. It’s been a long week for them. They just wanted to have a movie night with me. No offense to you guys.” Vash chuckled, not blaming you for wanting to avoid the others, seeing as they were more…energized in their interactions half the time.
“Don’t sweat it. Already knew. Milly and Meryl texted me earlier inviting me to theirs so we could eat out at the new noodle shop since they said they saw how restless you seemed. We all know that means they want some alone time to recharge with their favorite person…” Wolfwood insinuated, winking at Vash. “Don’t have too much fun tonight.”
“Can I give you a rocker look?”
You and Vash were cuddled together on the couch, watching some seasonal movie on TV as the end of the year was finally upon you two. You felt extremely cozy, a large plush blanket covering your body, your arms wrapped around his middle, smushing your face into his shoulder as you peered up at him, his arm softly placed on your back. He could hardly take the way your eyes peered up at him. 
It had been rainy that day, thick fluffy clouds slathered across the sky, a cold that licked at your skin all day until the warmth that radiated from Vash chased away the chills you had. 
The boys’ apartment, although weirdly put together in their decorations, was welcoming. Vash’s plants lined the wall that welcomed in the sun’s rays the most, not a leaf out of place. Poorly strung lights were loosely strewn across the ceiling, illuminating the living room in a warm glow, reflecting off the group pictures hung on the walls. The sky peeking in through the blinds revealed that it was blue hour, a contrasting gloomy blue to the warm tones of Vash’s apartment. All of these components proved to be a perfect spell for you to fall asleep on his couch. You needed something to wake yourself up.
“Yanno. With makeup,” you deadpanned, as if it was the obvious answer to his bewilderment.
“But…why? We don’t have any makeup here.” Vash tilted his head to the side, looking more like a confused puppy than ever. 
“I think you got the perfect face for a rocker look.” 
You could never tell him that it’s because he was already gorgeous, you were just curious how much prettier he could be with makeup on. 
“Besides, I have my makeup on me right now.”
“...were you planning on this?” Vash teased, squeezing your sides as a toothy grin fought to crack his face. You squealed at his movements, sadly having to wrench yourself from his warmth. 
“No! Mmm… maybe… anyways! I thought it would be good practice!” With that, you got up and quickly gathered your supplies from your bag. Black eyeshadow and eyeliner, a simple look that no doubt will send you to your knees once you saw it on him. 
“Hmm, ok how should I go about this…” you looked around, first glancing to his bedroom wondering if the dingy light in the bathroom would be enough. Yet, he was much taller than you, so peering up at him would hurt your neck…
“Uhh, we could just do it right here, no? I mean, it’s comfortable,” Vash offered from where he lounged on the couch.
“I guess you’re right!” With that, you plopped yourself down. Only, you don’t know what got into you. Or how shameless you were in that moment. Well, with how you were seated in Vash’s lap, knees on either side of his legs as you rummaged around in your makeup bag.
Vash froze. He was warm before, but now he felt hot. He peered at you as you grabbed a makeup palette, opening it and looking at your options, oblivious to the effect you had on him. You were rambling about how you came across this look, seeing a tutorial online earlier in the day and feeling inspired to try it on him as the guy in the video had similar features to the man between your thighs.
“Ok, ready. Close your eyes for me,” you said, opting to use your finger for the black eyeshadow. Doesn’t need to be perfect. 
Vash rushed to close his eyes before you made eye contact, hoping you couldn’t see how wide his eyes became from your previous movements. 
You hummed as you gently swiped the pigment onto his pale complexion, perfectly content and focused with the task at hand. Vash fought to keep his breathing under control so as to not reveal how fast paced his heart was, the action proving difficult as he felt your warm breath swoop over his cheeks, the scent that is so uniquely you filling his nostrils, indicating just how close you truly were.
Vash felt you lean back, thanking the heavens he was able to get a second to clear his mind of you. This was short lived as he felt you lean back in.
“Alright, now I need you to open your eyes for me. I gotta do the eyeliner on your bottom lid.” Vash breathed, slowly opening his blue eyes to stare down at a spot on your shoulder, avoiding eye contact. 
“Heyy~ I need you to look up now.”
He looked up at the low hanging lights, choosing to focus on one bulb. You went to work again, slowly adding the eyeliner to his lower lids. You were nearly done with the second eye when a shuddering breath reached your ears. The haze in your mind from focusing on applying makeup cleared, a veil seemingly lifted from your senses. When had you gotten so close?!
Shit. Vash nearly made it through your routine, just up until you leaned impossibly closer to him. The moment the warmth radiating off your face connected with his, your chest flattening against his, he couldn’t help the staggering breath that left him. The position you two were in was becoming too intimate.
You took a deep breath before taking in the sight before you. Damn, you did a good job. The onyx pigmentation contrasted perfectly with everything that is Vash. His fair skin. His wonderfully blue eyes that were always regarding you with such kindness and reverence. He was a sight to behold. He was hot. 
Your senses were completely engulfed by Vash, your surroundings blurring. His light floral scent, his warmth that came from where you two were touching, his wet, slightly parted lips…his heaving chest… wait. What the hell is going on? 
It was finally then that you realized what you had been up to for the past five minutes. You were seated, too comfortably, in his lap. Your proximity to him could be labeled as promiscuous with how your thighs were hugging his.
“O-Ok, I think I’m done. You’re making me jealous! How dare you have better eyelashes than me. Anyway, you look really cool! Let’s go look in the mirror!” you rambled, reeling from your revelation. 
Get out. Abort. Move away, goddammit! You’re cutting it close! Your mind all but screamed at you.
You went to push away from him, but you found yourself not budging an inch. Confused, you looked down, seeing Vash’s lean arm grasping your back, keeping you close to him.
“You’re a coward.”
“Excuse you?!” screamed Vash, his words slurred as Wolfwood kept him upright on their walk home from the club.
“All that liquid courage and you didn’t make a single damn move on them?? No matter how drunk everyone in that club was, people could tell how in love you two were!” Wolfwood pressed.
The group had gone out on a chilly Saturday night, searching for a fun time, choosing to head into a local club, where they all got positively hammered. Everyone had several rounds of tequila, you and Vash taking the lead and stumbling on the dancefloor. The entire night, the remaining crew rolled their eyes at your blatant affection for one another. Your hands were around Vash’s neck, his hands protectively encircling your back as you two danced song after song, bodies closely swaying to the beat, in your own worlds until Vash had to run to the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach. 
“We were just dancing, like everyone else!” Vash yelled.
“If only you saw it from our point of view…prove me wrong. Next time.”
Wolfwood breathed a sigh of relief as they entered their apartment building. 
“Next time you’re that close to them, make a move. Normal friends don’t usually get that close to each other. Time and time again.”
Although Vash was drunk out of his mind that night, he managed to catch every single one of Wolfwood’s critiques. Wolfwood’s recommendation managed to lodge itself in the recesses of his mind. 
His pupils were dilated, probably matching the way yours looked at that moment. You shuddered as his hand slowly moved up to caress the back of your head. You didn’t dare move away this time. 
Make a move. Wolfwood’s words echoed once again in his head. 
Yeah, maybe I will. With that final thought, he closed the tiny distance you had created.
Warm. That’s all you felt in that moment. You had imagined countless times what it would feel like to finally kiss him, but none of your childish fantasies lived up to this moment. His plump lips were soft as they moved against your own, pulling gasps and full-body shivers from you. He angled both your heads, deepening the kiss. He groaned at your reciprocation, the arm around your waist squeezing you tighter against him, unknowingly brushing you against his hips. Your arms went to hug his shoulders at the same time his hand came up to carefully cradle your jaw, his thumb swiping across your cheekbones. You were panting into his mouth at this point, all oxygen leaving your body at the deep kisses he was giving you, his tongue swiping across your bottom lip as a heads up before delving in to explore and get to know a new part of you.
He’s gonna be the death of you.
He hoped you could understand him. In the kisses he gave you, he hoped you could hear his confessions of love and admiration he has harbored for you, his apologies for taking so long to give them to you. One day, he would say them out loud. Not today, though. What you both needed at this moment was each other’s physical presence finally molding and mixing together. 
3am. That’s gotta be enough time for those lovebirds. Wolfwood sleepily pondered, key turning in the lock to his shared apartment. 
"Let us know how they are! They haven’t responded to our texts for awhile now. That’s gotta mean something!" The girls’ voice rang in the back of his head. Crossing the threshold, Wolfwood’s eyes immediately fell on the pair on the couch. 
He snickered. You were in a peculiar position, arms and legs wrapped around Vash’s hips and waist, your sleeping face tucked into his neck, soft, even breaths occasionally blowing against the blonde’s skin. It was as if your unconscious body was unwilling to let go of Vash now that you finally had him. Your head failed to cover the circular bruises littered on Vash’s neck, your own neck mirroring his.
Vash shyly met Wolfwood’s eyes. Although the room was dimly lit, Wolfwood could see Vash’s face had been beet red.
“You two really are idiots.”
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A/N: thx for reading! everything is crossposted on my ao3
divider by saradika
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nanomooselet · 4 months
My Brother's Keeper (V)
This whole memory retrieval/assimilation scene is interesting for a number of reasons (putting aside the continuous wails of agony emitted watching it; I know I discuss it calmly, but that's because I'm a wizard I compartmentalise/modulate my tone in text. Hooray for incomplete degrees).
In the score, this bit is called "The Memory World of Knives" - these are Knives's memories, ones that he can share with Vash for whatever reason. By that token, then, it's how you can figure out which incidents Knives has direct knowledge of and involvement in.
He remembers the blood-soaked room of withered Plants, of course. Doubt he'll ever forget it. Not because of the Last Run, but because it's when Vash turned on him and their confrontation was put on pause - up until now.
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Vash fleeing the SEEDs wreckage in ep 1/8 then entering the Plant room in ep 9, Knives withdrawing, then showing up at Jeneora Rock in ep 3, then finally Vash entering Knives's piano room in July at the end of ep 10, and the confrontation/manipulation/awakening/battle over 11 and 12. It's all a single argument/fight split into parts, separated by over a century.
Funny that the only thing Knives seems to truly regret about it is cutting off Vash's arm. Maybe… maybe because it's the one wound even he can't lie to himself about inflicting. I wonder, does he believe it was his one mistake? If he'd found another way, Vash wouldn't have stuck a gun in his face? Which makes him trying to "fix" it being what clues Vash in that he's being lied to some sublime irony. Vash doesn't trust a world where his brother never hurt him.
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Anyway, Knives was obviously there in person to destroy Jeneora Rock, so he remembers that. Knives definitely intended Rosa's rejection to happen when he left her alive (interesting that he only uses her voice, not her appearance. This man has a problem with women) and he would have learned about Tonis's injuries from Zazie via the cage of bug-Worms.
Then comes the crashed ships and the vanishing reporters. Roberto and Meryl don't do anything but stand there looking blank, and that's because Knives doesn't have anything to do with them. He doesn't care to learn what they mean to Vash, so he doesn't bother to twist it. He goes for “oh they'd hate you if they knew about what you've done”, and as Vash's shame makes him vulnerable, he rips them out of Vash's head. That's them disposed of and he doesn't think about them again. (More fool him.)
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The guilt that Knives planted in Vash is his primary weapon. Remember that it was his guilt that made Vash want to die in the wake of the Fall. Knives is using it to chip away at his will to resist; every time Vash is reminded of it, he reels and his defences weaken.
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Similarly, it's why we don't see that much of Rem and nothing of her post-Tesla except her running into the fire. What we do see of her makes her look rather one-dimensionally nice, well-meaning but suspiciously secretive, and Vash food-obsessed, dorky, clingy, insecure and oblivious. Meanwhile Nai is very clever and perceptive and handsome and perfect and amazing with his super cool powers, just like Rem said. But she didn't actually mean anything to him.
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It's conspicuous that he also doesn't actually talk at all about poor Tesla and tries to dismiss her significance ("she was but a grain of sand in the desert of their misdeeds" is a banger line, by the way; the English localisation is always excellent but goes off as the series draws to its climax, and it don't stop 'til the credits roll on the finale). These are the rare points you can find honesty in anything Knives says: via what he omits.
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You have to keep in mind throughout this entire sequence that besides the geranium petals and Vash cuddling Rem in the fields of geraniums, Knives is in control. This is his world, and these are his memories that he's using to infiltrate and tear Vash's memories apart. It's not objective - there's no context, for one - nor is it complete. Vash's perspective is absent.
It's actually a bit surprising how rarely Vash's voice comes through in the series. From what I can tell it's mostly Knives's perspective that's assumed.
But oh yes, Knives knows all about the Punisher. He built the Eye of Michael, after all, and Dr. Conrad works for him. Rollo crying out to Vash for salvation that he never received probably came from Dr. Conrad, as well as that it was Wolfwood in the end who killed Monev.
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And here we are at last. The dreadful cost and hidden purpose I mentioned all the way back in Part I comes due. Wolfwood's purpose, the poison lacing Knives's helpful gift. He's the viral shell carrying Knives's infection. Because Vash opened his heart to Wolfwood as a friend, he also opened it to Knives.
And so, from the inside, Knives begins inexorably to devour his brother alive.
Knives-the-person wearing the Punisher's face to fire Punisher-the-weapon and kill Rollo/Tonis, the child Vash couldn't save, is his most perfectly constructed and vile feat of manipulation below I did it all for you./Everything I did was for you. It has an almost perversely admirable precision.
Silly Vash. Did he think he'd made a friend in the Punisher? Brought out the goodness in him? The Punisher is a monster, a killer, a weapon and what's more, one who was always being wielded by Knives. He betrayed you; he isn't a good man and he'll never change because humanity never learns. Just like Knives told Vash all those years ago. Was it really "Wolfwood" who Vash loved, or was it only the part of him that was shaped by his real brother? (It's the former because Vash clocked him from the start and could tell Wolfwood never wanted to be the Punisher, but even if Knives wasn't gleefully monologuing he'd never hear it. I hate how much he's enjoying this.)
Everywhere you turn, Vash, and no matter far it is you run, I'll be here for you because I love you. (I won't let you get away.)
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How foolish you are, little brother, to have your hopes kindled because you "saved" a monster. One only lives if another dies - and a monster would rather die. You should let it happen. It's a necessary sacrifice. It's mercy. Death is a wonderful thing. (Death is a mercy Tesla never received. And perhaps still hasn't.)
You're too weak to give it to them. That's why they'll never love you as I do. You make the false promise that is hope for salvation, and inevitably you fail to fulfil it, and they will always turn upon you in their despair. (I am the only one who will protect you.)
There is a single promise that you can always keep. Your real purpose. The reason you exist. What a weapon is for. Have mercy. I will wield you. You need not continue to suffer. Don't fight. Submit. Give yourself to me. Let go. Unleash your power.
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By the way, literally every single one of the things he's using to heap blame on Vash is Knives's fucking fault and he is the worst brother ever of all time forever and ever amen. And a liar. Knives can never forgive humanity, he says, because only he loves Vash enough to protect him from humanity. Even a human's love, he says, is a leash; contingent upon Vash's charm and usefulness and indistinguishable from hatred...
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Knives either lives on opposite planet or he's secretly human.
And still. And yet.
I pity him.
(Okay. We're in the home stretch now, guys - and believe me, I deeply appreciate your support - but you might want to brace yourself.)
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(Part I)
(Part II)
(Part III)
(Part IV)
(Part VI)
(Part VII)
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Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1, Chapter #03
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More Trigun annotations! I'm doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc. (and being so so gay about the characters. of course)
As always, here are the non-analysis panels of my dear babygirl (+ memes)...
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And the rest is under the cut. i am living in ur brain now <3
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
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Starting off with the chapter cover of our handsome boy, this is the first time we see him with his glasses! I've seen someone on Twitter make a guide on Vash's different glasses designs over the manga (sadly it either cost money or was only distributed at a con and I don't have it...), so I'll try to pay attention to that during this readthrough.
As I've mentioned in the previous chapter, his antennae used to stand straight up, but they're bent now! They pop back up once in a while but from here on, the default is bent.
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I love how gently he sets the girl down, and also the way everyone waits in awkward silence (and confusion) for Vash to move the rubble.
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I think this part works excellently as-is, but notes on the nuances of what Nebraska originally said (this was ridiculously hard and the translation is very rough):
①「絶対どこかで不都合を並べた奴を消して来てるのさ」 ②「なぜなら」 ③「現におまえは消される側にまわってねえ……!!」 ↓ ① There has to have been a time when you "eliminated" ("erased"/killed) someone that got in your way (/someone unfortunate enough to [be there]...etc). ② Because... ③ In reality, you haven't taken on the role ("side") of being eliminated...!!
This part's very hard... He's talking about something similar to offense/defense. In this case, it's that because Vash has been avoiding conflict/being in direct danger entirely, Nebraska is saying that Vash must have killed, directly or indirectly, someone who got in the way of Vash's fleeing. I think.
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I'm not sure why, but the way this was phrased stuck out to me.
Also, Gofsef's fist had an extra knuckle for one panel.
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A translation error - it should be something like "He shot every bullet into the same precise spot... And shifted its trajectory!?"
Vash says "JACKPOT!" in English here, in the Japanese version. also hes soooo handsomeeeeee look at him omgggg kicking my legs back n forth blushing giggling i need to be tranquilized.
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Nebraska's straight-up being crushed into pieces here. goddamn.
Not sure if it was removed in one of the reprints or in Overhaul's cleanup process, but in my Japanese copy, there was a "thump" onomatopoea of the guy backing into a wall.
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Milly and Meryl are the best comedy duo in the world... They're perfect... The tiny speech bubble actually says something like "They're goofing all over the place..." The word ボケ (boke) is the funny man in a manzai comedy duo (as opposed to the straight man), and/or the jokes that the person in that role makes.
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YIPPEE!! (In Japanese, it's one continuous exclamation ↑ like so. Also, there are tiny music notes around the handwritten text in the wahoo speech bubble.)
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Vash runs out of breath after celebrating (cleaned up in Overhaul). God he's so silly...
A small error - I would phrase Meryl's line as "[Now, now,] Don't get too ahead of yourself."
I love how in Japanese, Meryl calls Vash "a very dangerous person with chronic troublemaker disease (慢性トラブル症)." I'm saying this from now on.
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She also sarcastically says that she's grateful of the stars' alignment that they were able to meet, while gorilla gripping Vash's hand.
Also, I never noticed how fucked up Nebraska's body was!? Maybe the memories just got rewritten by Stampede. but goddamn. gun for legs...giant mechanical hands...
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Vash making a Kirby Ꙩ.Ꙩ face my beloved. just a little guy!! with some badass girls!!! The last line is 「…はい?」 which is like what??/huh??/alright?? etc. はい is a very versatile word ☝ lol
That's it for Chapter #03! As always, the Japanese annotations will be in the reblogs. I'll remember to write the post about Meryl's speech patterns sometime soon.
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yuhi-san · 5 months
So for the last day of @tristampparty have just some fun fact about trigun, escpecially july but lets get them done in order.
Despite being very, very obsessed with anime and manga and being quite active in german forums at the time trigun 98 first aired and was popular here… I was barely aware it existed.
I vaguely recall two people from a rpg trying to get me into trigon but they showed me the silly opening, vash skedaddling around like a lizard and him not having a bullet in the first episode. So it didn’t seem like something for my edgy teenage taste (oh sweet summer child I was.)
Trigon stampede didn’t show up on my radar at all either until I was traveling in japan in late july. I have no idea what even caused it but I went through the wiki, snooping for spoilers like any normal person. Which, sins the wiki contains stuff from trimax, 98 and tristamp it was. Uhm yea.
So anyway what I knew after was:
Vash and knives were species plant (which was so like ???? because I was thinking of trees without any context)
Also what the fuck is millions knives, how is that a name, this is almost as bad as the very manly male priest named ‘frau’
I am not going to entertine the section about a group that calls themself the freaking gung-ho guns, is this a joke
There is superhuman stuff going on with vash and also knives who is his twin.
Apparently he blew a hole in a moon??
He has a bounty on his head.. because he destroyed a city I think.
There are the two girls milly and meryl
Wolfwood dies (I vaguely remember seeing his death in a top then tragic anime deaths from watch mojo, I think)
when I came home from japan I just binge-watched it before going back to work.
So I went into stampede with very little context, but still some. I guess a lot of easteregs and hints went past me at first but that meant I was also unbiased (*cough*Roberto*cough* Milly *cough* new design *cough*)
I was delighted to hear johnny young bosch but a little disappointed we didn’t get any robin-esque gremlin cackle.
Was just a little surprised that wolfwood lived but I did eventually catch on that it was sort of an alternate prequel so to speak.
But then there is lost july.
See, I was vaguely aware vash destroyed I city. Sort of. But I don’t think I really took notice of july when skimming the wiki.
So the finale comes. Everything goes horribly. Roberto dies. At least meryl and wolfwood live. What knives does to vash is terrible. The fight isn’t looking too good for vash. The way knives kills the officers that attack vash.
and like vash was probably expecting it to be a suicide stunt to get the cube so far up in the air and detonate/fire (?) it. And in such a tragic way, it kills knives too (or at least that’s what it looks like to an unsuspecting audience and DEFINITELY to vash).
Everything is horrible but at least he managed to save the city.
Except it explodes anyway.
I was like WHAT!? WHAT!?
I’m telling you guys, I was shocked. I did not see that coming. In the slightest. I think I was still reeling from it by the credits.
Somehow, despite all the spoilers I’ve seen and read (also the couch…) I somehow managed to not expect lost july and was so blindsided by it
Edit: I posted this like three minutes ago but it just hit me what triggered me getting into trigun!! I’m pretty sure I never had trigon posts on my dash but somehow I had a post on it suddenly that was like this:
A screenshot of wolfwood saying to vash: don’t call me that! I’m Nicholas the punisher!
Then a short text about how he was trying to make himself and others believe that this was all he was or something along these lines and then the screenshot of the title drop “Wolfwood”
And then something really clever about how this was set up, as if right after wolfwood insisting he was just the punisher, the title drop immediately tells is otherwise. Like, no, no matter what you tell others and yourself, you are still wolfwood.
Actually if anyone has an idea what post that was hit me up.
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intoxicated-chan · 7 months
𝐈❜𝐦𝐦𝐚 𝐇𝐚𝐮𝐧𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬
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Summary ➳ Being separated doesn’t mean anything to him, breaking up doesn’t mean anything to him. In his mind, he still has you. In your mind, he haunts you daily.
(A/n) ➳ Sorry for the lack of posting/updating. I’ve been trying to work on my other works as well as working with a shitty boss. Anyways, eat something and drink water everyone!! I hope you all are taking care of yourselves. Thank you @/benkeibear for the divider!!
Word Count ➳ 790
Content Warnings ➳ Female reader, MODERN AU, toxic relationship, mentions of smoking, swearing, angst, mentions of violence, alcohol use, mentions of threats (not aimed towards reader), sabotaging, yandere/obsessive behavior, stealing…
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It wasn’t even a single minute before you received another text from an unknown number…
dont ignore me
What it said. Nothing more, nothing less. You didn’t have to even guess who the text came from, afterall, he’s been terrorizing you ever since you decided to break up with Nicholas.
You thought he took the news well but you couldn’t have been more wrong that day.
He wouldn’t leave you alone for a second. At first, he spoke to you like a usual friend or a regular day. But then came him to ask you to dinner that would’ve landed on your third anniversary.
You thought it was a misunderstanding but he continued to press and press until you gave in.
You had hoped to use that opportunity to make it clear that you wouldn’t tolerate any more attempts like this, but it fell on death’s ears as he clearly ignored your words and talked and talked. Ordering your favorite meal and drink, going as far as to pay and drop you off home.
Nicholas doesn’t even acknowledge your attempts to talk, he very much ignores you, over and over again.
Frustrating would be an understatement.
The next came when Meryl decided to throw a party to celebrate New Years. Since Nicholas wasn’t listening to you, ignoring him was your next choice. But that too became difficult when he was watching you and following you all the damn time.
You wanted to catch up with Vash and his brother, Nicholas stood by you the entire time, contributing nothing to the conversations.
You wanted a cigarette from Roberto? You couldn’t, it was stolen by him… More like he took it and threw it right out in front of you with a smile. Not a smirk. A smile.
You were suspicious when he randomly came up to you with a hug, he refused to let go and kept on until you threatened to kick him in the balls.
“Relax! Relax!” Nicholas laughed. “I just wanted a hug. No need to get all worked up.” Oh, this man certainly pissed you off!
The reason you were suspicious was when he finally left you alone, you noticed your phone missing minutes later. It only reappeared when Meryl found it in the bathroom. When you asked Nicholas about, all he said was-
“You really think that I stole your phone?” His brother, Livio, was there, looking at you. You knew Livio was confused but you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You muttered an apology and remained close to Meryl and Vash.
But there was one good thing about that party, he surprisingly left you alone. But it wouldn’t last long when it was time to go home, he unfortunately had a couple of drinks, and Nicholas was the only person who was in the right state to drive.
You didn’t want his help, you wanted to stay at Meryl’s place until the morning but she was knocked out to say anything in your defense.
The ride felt like hours long, even though it was only twenty minutes. He tried making small talk, ignoring your shutdowns.
He also ignored your protests to push him off you when he helped you walk to your apartment.
He kept a tight grip on your arms, practically dragging you to your door. He tried to stay for the night but Livio called him for help as well.
You were on the verge of passing out, not hearing Nicholas snooping through your apartment.
He took stuff that he was sure that you weren’t going to miss, how does he know? He was with you for two years, just because it was a short time, he made sure he understood every single thing about you.
He knows every flaw, every mark, everything and anything. He has all eyes on you, especially with the app he downloaded into your phone, making sure to remember each and every person that messages you.
He’d share not so kind words with the user that seemed to be getting too close for his taste and that be every user, didn’t matter who. He didn’t care. He never cared.
You ruined him. Maybe he wanted to ruin you.
All those lonely nights just because you wanted to break things off, what did you mean when he was too controlling? Or the resentment he held whenever a man would glance your way?
You didn’t want to listen to him when he said that your family was no good. You didn’t listen to him when you needed to cut Vash and his brother off.
If he couldn’t have you now then he’ll make sure you remember that he’s always around, haunting you.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2023, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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paiteyy · 1 year
Stampede and Maximum Spoilers!
Look this is kinda a negative (not totally but I wanna be polite and warn! ) look at Stampede and it's handling of the queer content in the source marital, if ur not in the mood for that, block me or scroll past plz 👌don't wanna be a downer for anyone so ye, thought I'd slap this uptop lol
Gonna be real, idk how I feel abt the last ep... Some of my fears are definitely coming true. The big one being that Wolfwood's role in the manga seems to be played by Meryl in Stampede.
The manga is so important to me because it lacks the typical anime/manga hetrosexual tropes.
They put these tropes back in when they made the 98 anime, and it feels like they're putting them back into Stampede.
Wolfwood is the one who saves Vash in the manga, he is Vash's reason to fight. I know Stampede is pretty much an AU of the manga, but they're hitting the major plot points in their own unique way. Not everything is in order, and it's different, which I don't mind.
What I do mind is the fact that they've cut out all the queer parts of Maximum.
From changing Elendira, the cannon trans woman (who wasn't perfect rep, but goddamn it a cannon transwoman who wasnt a joke at that time?! I fucking love her), to a lab grown loli (before you come at me, I know this is a prequel and that she'll age, but that's not the point, because it doesn't negate the fact that she is no longer trans. They could have updated her rep from the manga, but no.) To subbing in Meryl for Wolfwood in narrative moments he occupied in the manga, like saving Vash from Knives.
Narrative moments that would have been occupied by a female love interest in most manga were occupied by Wolfwood in TriMax, and intentional or not, TriMax is queer coded as shit. By switching him with Meryl in Stampede, that is gone.
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This is what happens in the manga, in the Stampede Vash is saved by, and saves, Meryl instead. (Also black coat Vash is a reference to Vash from this fight in Maximum. It is the result of him fighting Legato and killing him to preserve Wolfwood's memory, ((he is taking on Wolfwood's color pallet in this fight, the layers in Maximum are insane)):
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This isn't a ship post, not really, it's about stripping the queer aspects from TriMax, which are an integral part of TriMax's narrative, a major part what makes the work unique, especially for it's time, and straight-washing it in Stampede (which is taking a lot from Trimax... just not the queer stuff, hum). However, I'll entertain some ship talk.
People have been calling Vashwood the "yaoi flavor of the season" and in all honesty, to me, that's what Stampede Vashwood feels like. I KNOW it's the first season and this could change, but damn it, I feel like I'm allowed to be a little frustrated and worried about the direction they're going.
Vashwood in the manga is a queer relationship supported by COUNTLESS examples in the text, read as romantic or not,(personally, I think it should be read as romantic based on manga framing ((Wolfwood playing the role narratively reserved for the female love interest in most manga)) and textually (("I wanted to spend my tomorrows with him," just one of many examples of Vash's feeling about Wolfwood)) it is undeniable that they are integral to each other in a bone deep way. To the point where the only person as, or more, important as Wolfwood to Vash is Rem, his mother and guiding light.
This is absent in Stampede.
I'm trying not to be uncharitable, but I have a sinking suspicion that Meryl is going to be the one to find Vash after the timeskip, a role given to Wolfwood in TriMax. I wanna be proven wrong tho!
I DO like how Meryl and Wolfwood are getting more interactions in Stampede! They didn't get many in the manga and I love their dynamic. Honestly him grabbing her like a sack of potatoes and booking it outta there was the best part for me lol, I'm glad Milly is coming back too! Vash getting his spikes back also was rad af!!
I feel like I should also say, this isn't a ship hate post or anything. This isn't a Meryl hate post either, I don't kin characters myself but she's as close as they come for me, so I love the little lady. Plus, I've really been enjoying her Stampede design and character development, it's one of the best parts of the show imo!!
It's just the fact that the queer content from the original didn't make it in, while so many other things from TriMax did, that rubs me the wrong way.
I think I'm mostly just frustrated, I'm enjoying Stampede for what it is, but I'm a queer woman, and I can't help but feel cheated out of the faithful Maximum adaptation I've always dreamed of. How come every other manga gets a one for one adaptation, but Maximum, with all it's queer text, doesn't?! I'm frustrated. They always try to make Trigun more appealing, mass marketable, but damnit that's not why I love it. Idk, I just feel sad. With this new adaptation, idk if I'll ever see a faithful Maximum adaptation, which is a depressing thought for me.
Anyway, this became a vent post, sorry. I'm a longtime TriMax shill and I was really (and to be fair, still am to a degree) enjoying Stampede up until these last few eps. In some ways it feels like I'm watching watered down, more marketable Maximum and that just frustrates me.
I'm still holding out hope for season 2 though, I can't help it, even with the things I'm not personally into in Stampedes it's still Trigun, and if I'm not going to bat for Trigun, am I even me?
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adventures-written · 1 year
;; @letsbreakhearts plotted starter for the Coffee shop AU.
Vash was having a bit of a down day. He had been trying to plan a movie night with friends for what felt like weeks now, and it got canceled. Why? Well, a lot of them were in University. Kind of like Nai was, so they all had midterms or papers to write. He completely understood why they were so busy, he was just bummed out. On the upside, his brother would at least be free and home tonight so he had said they could have a movie night. He’d bring home popcorn, as he said.
He decided he needed something to cheer himself up. So instead of wallowing in his own self-pity, he went to the coffee shop nearby. It was a favorite place of his, they made pretty good lattes. Nai never understood why he’d pay so much money for a coffee, always saying they could make it at home, but Vash also liked being around the people. It certainly helped when he was in a down mood. Besides, the staff were all really nice! One of the barista’s even gave him a free donut on one of his down days!
Waiting in line though, he couldn’t seem to hide the look of sadness on his face as he waited, looking down at his phone. Meryl as texting him, already trying to plan for a different day. She really was sweet, though, Nai was also texting him between classes. Trying to plan out what movie they’d watch. He really was lucky to have all of these people that cared about him.
Looking up, he smiled at the person behind the counter, noting that Nicholas was making drinks today. “Good Afternoon,” he greeted, loud enough that hopefully the man would hear too. He put on a grin, hiding any semblance of sadness. “What can we get for you, Vash?” they asked. He was a regular so they knew him by name. “Ahh, probably just the usual, Zazie. Just a latte, Thanks.” “No donuts today?” they smirked, glancing back at Nicholas teasingly. “Ahh..n-no. Not today. I was told not to spoil my appetite...” he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Alright then..to stay?” “Mhmm.” “Right..$3.85.” He figured he could sit down and people watch for a bit, get himself out of the house and all that.
He tapped his card on the machine, hearing the beep of payment being accepted. “Now don’t distract my barista too much, ok?” Zazie grinned teasingly, “He’s a hard working boy who needs to focus~” Vash couldn’t help the small tinge of red that brushed over his cheeks. “Ah..O-Of course...!” he stepped aside, standing near the wait area to wait for his drink.
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memoriesoftanalorr · 1 year
Note: That's my Trigun Stampede 2023 sona and plus it's au where's Nai is getting redemption arc in the season one finale. I don't remember where's I find this bio template, should I credit on the original? I'll do it later. I'm promise, I just can't find the original oh. I know I'm said before that I wanna make a break but I want to finish this bio. Sorry for slight grammar mistakes. It's a bit embarrassing but l will check on the text soon. I need a break.
Have a good weekend and I highly recommended to watch this anime or old one or manga if you prefer manga. Any of Trigun is awesome.
Bio: Ayumu Nagatsuki
"Hatred and jealousy is not good for anyone's health. You need to let go. I don't know what happened between you two but… I think you need to understand your brother. Everything will be okay someday." Ayumu to Nai/Millions Knives about their conflict with his brother Vash.
First Name: Ayumu
Last Name: Nagatsuki
Alias: Kazu (her nickname), Ayumu or Ayu (By Meryl and Vash), goth girl (By Roberto), Silent Miss (by Wolfwood), Human or worthy one ( by Nai/Millions Knives)
Gender: Female
Age: 27 years old/29 years old (timeskip)
Species/Race: Human/Japanese and Chinese
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Asexual/Aromantic
Birthday: 1st of September
Height: 5'1/154
Weight: 43
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black Hair
Style: She has a pale skin, thin lips, brown eyes, short black hair, bangs above the eyebrows and back hair is undercut. She is quite a goth and wears a black leather jacket with a hoodie, she wears long, purple fingerless gloves that cover her forearms, gray top and corset, sometimes her back hurts and it helps to keep her back straight, gray pants and flats shoes, no makeup, she wears a helmet mask, when is not, she's wearing red framed glasses since she has bad eyesight. Later on, she began to wearing hat, black T-shirt, grey jeans and boots, either light-blue easy jacket, white t-shirt with dark blue strips and light blue jeans and brown shoes.
Body Type: She's pretty short and slender, pale skin.
Scars: N/A
Piercings: N/A
Makeup: N/A
Accessories: A backpack containing her weapons, a notebook, a pen, a pocket radio. She also wears a gold heart locket. Ayumu mostly wears hood on but later on when she wears easy jacket she started wearing cart-wheel hat.
Personality: Ayumu is kind, caring, humorous, naive, depressive, sad, sarcastic, mindfulness, disciplined, she has sense of perseverance, punctuality and patience, also she's emotional empath.
Ayumu graduated Archival science courses well but unable to continue studying higher education because of her family problems. Ayumu's mother passed away from illness two years ago and she grieves sometimes but tries her best. Some time later, Ayumu studied martial arts Tai Chi. She had a good mentor.
Ayumu was in the desert and lost her way, she could see a large thunderhead clouds and noticed that the wind is picking up, it's was a hint that sandstorm is coming. Suddenly she noticed someone coming her way, when figure get closer she could see a tall guy with blond hair and glasses wearing red jacket. "Hey, I think we're should hide before the sandstorm. My name is Vash." he smiled friendly.
"Hello, my name is Ayumu. Nice to meet you. Do you know a good place for hiding?" A young lady asked.
"Nice to meet you too. Yes, see the ruins far away on the west? How about to come with me?" Vash said.
"Alright, thanks for inviting me."
"Not a big deal." Vash rubbed his neck with his arm awkwardly.
"Let's go then!"
When Vash and Ayumu get inside the abandoned house, she giving him some bread from her backpack and Vash was actually hungry and said thanks to Ayumu. He fall asleep and starts snoring and a girl didn't sleeping.
When sandstorm was over Ayumu woke up Vash carefully and both walked outside. "I hope we're see each other again." Vash said.
"I hope so too." Ayumu replied.
"Bright Light, Shine Through the Darkness"
Some time later at Jeneora Rock, Hamilton who's enjoying killing people with bombs attacks Vash and the others people in the town, also he tried to steal the town's plant, while Ayumu takes away her family for safety then wanted to help others. Things gets even worse when Knives arrived and destroyed and killed or injured some of the townspeople. Vash screaming to Ayumu that she should leave quickly. When she glanced at Vash's brother, she could feel like her body began to tremble, she was scared. Knives was interested in mysterious women in the mask, she was strong enough to survive after his attacks. In anger some of the townspeople telling Vash to leave the town when they're realized that Knives his brother. Ayumu was upset hearing this. A young lady wears off the mask and introducing herself to Meryl and Roberto. Ayumu decided to catch up with Vash and two reporters after she will be sure that her family is okay since she wanted to help her friend.
While driving Vash and Roberto alongside with Ayumu to July City, Meryl accidentally hits a traveling priest carrying a large wrapped cross. They take him to a nearby refueling station where they find the inhabitants murdered except for a young boy. Ayumu has a strange feeling about the whole situation but keeping herself calm and quiet, she's okay with Wolfwood and he seem to making her a nickname 'silent miss'. Suddenly, the whole group is swallowed from below by a Grand Worm. Inside the cavernous body, the boy runs off, and Meryl and Roberto disappear as well. Vash and the priest with Kazu are then ejected from the worm through its spout, but Vash allows them to be swallowed again to save the others. Vash realizes that the boy is controlling the worm and the priest unwraps the cross to reveal a highly advanced weapon which he uses to fire at the boy and slice the worm in half from the inside. After the group is reunited and dine on worm meat, he reveals that his name is Nicholas D. Wolfwood and offers to travel with them. Later, Wolfwood secretly meets up with the boy, who is really Zazie the Beast, revealing they are both working on Knives. While this Ayumu wandering why she joined the group, she wants convince Knives that his ways is wrong.
Fun facts:
Ayumu means 'dream', ,'walk', 'vision' and Nagatsuki is old name for September. Kazu is her nickname which means 'harmony, peace.'
She has birthmark on her right hand, it's like a dot.
Ayumu is left-handed. Her writting is a mess but she gonna to improve on her handwriting.
She get a crush on Nai/Millions Knives though she's never knew that she would in love with someone. Ayumu feels his pain and anger and she feeling compassion towards him.
She's rather in love with the voice and eyes of and personality of the person if she even wanted a lover.
Yanchidao or Goose-Wing Saber - A variety of liuyedao, the yanchidao has a clipped tip, which can be straight, hollow, or decorative. Some scalloped edges resemble the ends of feathers on a bird’s wing, hence the name. It is also called fengchidao, which means phoenix wing saber. The other of her weapons are Jian -- an a straight double-edged sword and feng huo lun -- wind and fire wheels, she most keeps it on her belt over her back.
Note: Huh this is the continue of the her backstory cause I'm paste other half in a wrong place of the bio cause I'm on my phone lol.
"Child of Blessing"
Vash and his friends come across an abandoned settlement which relied on wind power instead of plants for survival. However, the wind has long stopped. They are suddenly attacked by massive cyborg, which is intent on killing Vash. As Vash evades the cyborg, it is slowly revealed that the god-fearing village was struggling due to the lack of wind and a boy named Rollo was picked to be the next "sacrifice" to obtain God's blessing. Rollo ran into the desert and was found by Vash, who promised to protect him. However, Rollo was still sacrificed and taken by Knives's organization. Their experiments turned him into a powerful cyborg. He was then set loose and returned to slaughter the entire village, including his mother. Knives is now exploiting Rollo's resentment towards Vash for failing to protect him. Vash tries to calm Rollo down who hesitates. However, Wolfwood shoots him through the head, killing him. Vash is furious at Wolfwood, but he reminds Vash of his failure to protect the boy who had his humanity taken from him. Ayumu a bit confused by the fact that Meryl and Roberto found an a old photograph of Vash and baby Rollo. Former archival science student was angry and emotionally overexhausted and decided to meet with the group later, she's also was scared.
Ayumu travels through desert and being attacked by some people, they are fought her and she get wounded, a young archivist fainted, Knives was nearby and caught Ayumu while she falls on the ground unconscious, he carried her away. She woke up in the room lying in a bed bandaged in Knives' organization. Ayumu still feel herself weak, she rubbed her eyes and about to lay in the bed a bit longer. Then she remembered everything and get up and wears her glasses on. "Wait, how I got here? Where I am?" She looked around the room and then get a deep breath to calm herself down. Ayumu start to remembering every second of the previous events before she got into this room. She closed her eyes and started to remaining of all the sounds and feelings, she remembered she felt that someone grabbed her and probably rescued her. Is this Vash? No it's can't be him neither Nicolas or Roberto. Ayumu decided look outside the room but she heard someone's steps walking towards the room and she lay down in the bed and wear her glasses off and pretended she still asleep.
A scientist William Conrad who working on Knives comes inside the room and walked near a young lady. "Wake up. Miss Nagatsuki, you should follow me. I'm the one who take care of your wounded leg. You need to go with me without questions."
"Oh, alright. I'm coming and thank you by the way." she put her glasses on her nose.
A scientist left Ayumu in the room with a person in the huge and weird clothes in a hood, her body starts shaking in fear, she recognized a person in front of her, it was Millions Knives. Also Ayumu heard how Vash called his brother Nai. "Your name is Ayumu Nagatsuki, right?" he glanced at the young archivist. "That's right." Ayumu replied looking at him, rubbing her arm nervously.
"I don't think I have to introduce myself to you." Nai spoke.
"I've seen you before…" Ayumu closed her eyes in anxiety.
"I had watching you as well." He said calmly. "Why have you do all of this?" She asked.
"You humans…" He said angerly.
"Humans? So you want to say that you're and Vash are Plants?" Ayumu guessed.
"You're clever. I underestimated you." "Why you that hate humanity?" Ayumu asked again.
"I have many reasons to hate humanity but I can tell you one of them. Because Vash, my brother choose humans over his own kind! He left me!" Tears flowing down his face, he was full of pain and anger. Ayumu feeling his pain, she stepped towards him. "Hatred and jealousy is not good for anyone's health. You need to let go. I don't know what happened between you two but… I think you need to understand your brother. Everything will be okay someday." Ayumu said softly. "Shut up, it's not your business! How dare you!" Knives shouted furiously. "I'm sorry, I'm didn't meant to---" Ayumu lowered her head, somehow her voice calmed him down, Knives stared at the girl's eyes when she watching him for a second. He walked in piano room not caring if Ayumu follows him or not.
Ayumu walked after him, "Wait, you didn't tell me why I'm here." Knives seat down next to the piano and started playing, his fingers dancing on the keyboard and Ayumu standing in silence and enjoying the music. When he finished a young lady spoke again. "That was wonderful."
"I'm bet you never played piano, right?" Knives made a smug smile.
"What a lame insult. I heard better. I have another talent. I think hearing, listening and empathy is my thing." Ayumu said calmly.
"I think you don't think highly of yourself as a skilled fighter. You're an a worthy opponent." Nai looked at Ayumu.
"Oh, you're giving a compliment to a human or it's seems to me." Ayumu teased him. Knives stared at her bitterly. Ayumu stay silent for a moment. "Can you do me a favor?"
"What?" He frowned.
"Can you promise me that you're never hurt me and can I leave?" Ayumu leaned her back against the wall.
"I promise you and I didn't have plans on kidnapping you against your will." Knives said calmly.
"Seriously? But you want something from me, right?" A young archivist replied.
"You're here because I wanted to heal your wound. Actually I wanted you to join me." Knives made a little smile.
"So I thought, I need to think about that." Ayumu hide her face.
"What you promise me in return?" He walked towards her.
"What you want me to say?" Ayumu lowered her head again.
"I thinking of meet up again and you owe me a duel. As I said before, you're worthy opponent." Knives told her.
"I promise." Ayumu sighed in relief. "Goodbye for now." Knives finished the conversation. Ayumu taking her belongings and weapons and walked away. "What a weirdo." She thought. William Conrad lead her away.
Some days later
Ayumu fall behind from Vash and the gang, she stayed on the abandoned house for a while, a young archivist wants to think about everything on her own. Ayumu sitting on the roof and watching the sunset. Then she jumps down and take a walk over ruins. Knives knows where she is hiding, he walking towards her slowly in the shadows. Ayumu feel someone's presence and take her sword and turned to him. "You?" She still holding her sword over his neck, she glances through his eyes, she was stunned for a second but she could see pain, loneliness and coldness inside his eyes.
"Ayumu." He made a little smile and that surprises her because this smile wasn't evil or smug. Also she noticed he wears a white suit with markings, this suit making him look skinny which makes Ayumu blushing. What a show off. Miss Nagatsuki take her sword away from him and stepped beck, lowering her head. "Why don't you just leave me alone?"
"No way I'll do that, you owed me a duel." He grabbed her hand when she turned away from him. Ayumu blushes again. "A little warm up won't hurt. But remember you're promised me that you'll not hurt me."
"Yes I remember."
Ayumu standing up holding her sword, concentrating and become calm. Knives attacked first and she used self-defense kind of attacks and gracefully avoided his attacks, then blocks him but after some time she losing her focus when he grabbed her arm and pushed her against the wall and her hand starts trembling causing her sword falling on the ground, he stepped away a bit and Ayumu looked away confused. "Not bad, human." He make a smug smile.
"Not so good either." Ayumu blushing.
"What's wrong or you're can't face your losing in a fight?" Knives chuckled.
"Not quite." Ayumu take a deep breath. She turned away from him and walked away dramatically. Nai following her through ruins. Ayumu standing and looking at the skies, still silent. Nai touched her hand again. "Why you're so silent?" He asked annoyed.
"Because today I'm thinking of a person I loved and that person is gone for two years now. I'm sad. Let me just a minute to think in silence." Ayumu answers coldly. Nai let go of her hand annoyed. Several minutes later, she glanced at him. "Why you're followed me here?"
"Do you decided will you join me or not?" Nai asked.
"It's hard… I didn't think of this for a while." She confessed.
"Then I'll give you more time to think. I can admit you're not like the other humans." Nai replied. "Seriously? I'm flattered." Ayumu hiding her smile.
"Goodbye, Ayumu."
"Bye, Nai." Ayumu turned away again and walked inside the house.
"Millions Knives"
Vash wakes up in Ship Three, which intervened to stop the sand steamer. The much older Luida shows Meryl and Roberto a huge terrarium containing flora with which they plan to terraform Noman's Land. Also Luida found Ayumu and said her friends already waiting for her. Ayumu was glad to see Vash and Meryl and Roberto again. Meryl was happy to see her too and asked Ayumu where's she been all this time and she replied that she get into a fight on the way in the desert.Later on, Meryl and Roberto and Ayumu are kidnapped by Zazie and taken to Knives' base in July. Zazie reveals that they are in fact a hive mind representing the collective will of the indigenous Worms of Noman's Land, who are trying to determine whether they would benefit most by aligning themselves with humans or plants. Knives takes Ayumu and told her about his plans. Ayumu begging him gave a chance to the humanity and gave up on his plans. Knives was angry hearing her words, he asking her several times joining him but she can't choose between Vash and Nai's side.
"To a New World"
Vash is dropped into a tank, where Knives forcefully initiates mental connection with him. Meanwhile, Meryl and Ayumu heads to find Vash and is outraged when Wolfwood states that Vash is no longer his concern. She reaches Conrad's lab where he explains that plants are a conduit between their physical powers and its source in a core which exists in a higher dimension. Knives intends to synchronize with Vash, using his unique ability to open a two-way gate to the higher dimension. Knives plans to use the core to give every plant a soul, making them all Independents and guaranteeing humanity's extinction. Vash resists as Knives manipulates his memories and shows him that there was a third Independent child on their ship who was used for cruel experiments. Knives finally breaks Vash's will by saying he brought down the colonial fleet for Vash's benefit. When the brothers are fully synchronized, Knives opens the gate and travels to the core. Outside, Vash begins spawning tendrils that begin destroying July as they form a massive flowering humanoid figure while Knives proclaims the Independents will bring a new order to the world. Ayumu wandering again, she's halfway gave up on Nai. In the same time she's don't want to face him but Meryl needs her.
"High Noon at July" Knives makes contact with the Core to birth a new generation of Independents. Meryl pleads with Vash to wake up, and her voice causes him to regains his senses, ejecting Knives from the higher dimension. Shortly beforehand Ayumu distracted Knives with saying, "Do you remember what I'm told you about hatred? You need to let go, Nai! Please! You promised me you won't hurt me." Tears flows down her face. Knives become confused but answering. "Join me or leave." Ayumu was scared for Meryl cause he is about to kill her, Vash saved Meryl just in time while Ayumu get a bruise. Knives then battles Vash for control of the Core as Wolfwood takes Meryl to safety, Ayumu coming after them. Eventually, Vash loads the Core into his gun and fires it into space to safely dispose of its energy. Vash then impacts in July City, inadvertently destroying the entire city. Nai somehow in emotional breakdown and refuse of his plans because he couldn't cause pain for Ayumu. He approaching his brother saying he can't do this anymore and saying he never wanted to kill Rem and begging Vash to forgive him, Vash hugs him and saying that he's forgiving him. Then Ayumu face Nai some time later after the city blows.
"Ayumu." Nai's voice cracks. "Nai? What happened? What's makes you change your goal to get rid of humanity?" she said coldly.
"I'm… I did it for you." Nai spoke.
"Why?" Ayumu asking.
"Because I promised you I'll never hurt you." Nai's voice cracks.
"Oh, Nai. How's Vash? You two become whole again?" She squeeze his hands.
"I hope he'll forgive me. Will you?" Nai said.
"I think I will."
Two years later, Ayumu get back to her family and get a job as archivist. Nai was afraid that humans will not forgive him for his murders and hides somewhere only he and Ayumu knows. She visits him, both care for each other but both not sure what they're feel for sure, at least Ayumu will be his emotional support and making him healthier but she's unsure if his hatred for humanity return again or not.
Vash has become a fugitive again, with the remaining cities posting an billion bounty on his head. Meryl and Ayumu pays a visit to the city's ruins to pay her respects to Roberto, she plsced a photo, on the photograph is Roberto, she, Wolfwood, Vash and Ayumu, then the two was warned by Zazie that other humans from Earth will be coming. Meryl is informed by her superiors that she is being assigned a new partner named Milly Thompson. Ayumu proud of Meryl and wishing her luck. Meanwhile, an amnesiac Vash is living quietly in a small settlement. In outer space, another human colony fleet led by the Independent Chronica detects a Gate disturbance and traces its location to Noman's Land.
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Trigun Ultimate Overhaul: Multiple Bullets Teasers and Commentary - Chapter 7, 8 and Extra.
Welcome to the last of three post in the series of teaser posts for Trigun: Multiple Bullets.
These will be simple and quick posts to give people a small taste of the upcoming volume. Some may be unsure what exactly Multiple Bullets is, and to give a short answer to this, it’s a collection of small chapters by various guest artists. This time we’re digging into more varied artists and their small tribute chapters to the Trigun series.
Pictures and commentary below.
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- By Yusuke Takeyama (Other works include: Kaizer Spike and Samurai Leaguers.)
Who exactly is the lonesome rocket-skater samurai, Rai-Dei the Blade, Gung-Ho Gun #9? Where did he learn his technique? What did he do before serving Knives?
This is a full chapter about Rai-Dei that both gives us a new story and some background into the mysterious character. Handled in proper seinen fashion, it is gritty and gory. The way characters spoke was also very different from what we're used to from Nightow, as the dialogue clearly has more edge to it in this chapter.
I've come to personally appreciate this chapter a lot more than I did to begin with, noting nice details added in the dialogue that refer to existing lore from the original manga, seeing how the story fits well within the world and how it brings up a couple of intriguing concepts for existing lore.
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- By Akira Sagami (Other works include: London-tuo no Nue and Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai wo Gyuujiru! )
Vash is in dire need of a haircut and Meryl reluctantly obliges. However, she is unware of the unexpected dangers lurking within those blond locks.
Well, this is a chapter without a single word being uttered. The only work done in this one is edge damage clean-up and a single bubble with sound effects. This is a chapter that would've been improved with sound effect translation, something we don't quite have fully covered as of yet. In the future, once we get a second Japanese translator to help us out, it'll be possible for us to have a go at the heavily stylized effects.
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- By various mangaka.
This is only one out of several pages of small scribbles from various mangaka, sharing their love and excitement for Trigun and its movie release. Some of these will be missing, as they only included text that has yet to be translated. The reason these notes haven't been translated just yet is because, without somebody super used to handwritten Japanese, it can be very hard to decipher the tiny handwritten notes. We hope to share them with you in the future!
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typhoonvash · 1 year
i'll run forever if i have to!
an independent, selective rp account for vash the stampede (trigun stampede) by melee
Current Status: active
name: melee, some know me as kaz pronouns: they/them age: 29
muse nickname: canary (if you are referring to my vash in particular, you can use this name instead of saying "melee's vash")
rules: -18+ only. no minors. -my vash's main verse (and appearance) is post-stampede s1 with early trimax inspiration. some interactions/threads may occur pre-stampede or during stampede, but the stampede timeline is a constant. -doubles okay and encouraged. -n/s/f/w sometimes and only with 21+ muns. will be properly tagged and placed under a read more when intense. -rp style: multiparagraph preferred with small text. i've been moving away from using icons as my muse develops and takes its own image, but don't let that intimidate you from using icons yourself! -oc rp is friend only and very selective. -if you are a multifandom multimuse i likely will not follow back unless you're serious about plotting threads and keeping them going. i prefer to keep my dash trigun and friends' threads only. i also don't enjoy short, shallow interactions without any development. sorry. -if you run both a trigun character rp blog and a character from another media, we can talk about crossover interactions after we get to know each other. i do not want to do research in order to rp with you, otherwise it is too difficult to write. the same rule applies to extreme canon divergence/aus. i dont mind joining them after we know each other, but again, don't expect me to research everything unless i explicitly tell you i will. -not interested in drama. -shipping is by discussion only. flirtation is fine, but if we're shipping, we gotta be friends. -multiship and polygun friendly. each rp partner will get their own 'verse.' this allows us to best develop our muses and plot stuff together. i dont mind combining these personal verses with others though (for instance, we are a vash and wolfwood, but we want to add a meryl. that kind of thing) -this blog is not k/v / plantc*st / plant wo*d friendly. do not expect me to follow you back if you are interested in the ship. i will not start drama about this decision, and it is non-negotiable. -will tag common triggers not present in trigun. blood, violence, and alcohol will not be tagged. i try to read bios for personal triggers, but please let me know if it's extremely serious/common/i mess up. -lastly, i am very patient. i do not mind if you take a long time to reply. don't feel pressured if you haven't replied to something in a long time, but if possible i would like it if you kept in touch. i likely will not ever hassle you for replies out of courtesy.
m!a status: open anons: open random starters: open
threads preferred, but short interactions will happen.
Please read my full About and Rules pages before following. I'm pretty open, but I do have some basic things.
I have an RP wishlist if you're not sure where to start with me; feel free to ask me about any of it or send an ask with a starter!
I will provide my discord via request.
other muses:
wolfwood: @forgivenpunishment midvalley: @thathollowsound
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severalspoons · 4 years
Liveblog: Rewatching Trigun, Episode 13
I hate the timing of this episode. We just had an episode that introduced Legato, revealed Vash’s arm gun, and showed Vash almost killing someone. The dramatic tension is high as we’re at the edge of our seats wanting to learn more.
And then you get Meryl writing a report about what’s already happened, and a whole bunch of footage we’ve already seen.
Poof. Dramatic tension gone.
And for what? We don’t learn much new IMO, we just see a not-particularly-insightful character (sorry Meryl) sorting through her thoughts and feelings. 
I know she’s supposed to be a stand-in for the audience, and that worked really well in the first few episodes, but we’re beyond the point of needing to be drawn in.  And while everyone watching for the first time is asking the same questions about who Vash really is, I don’t think she’s much of a guide. ><
(Sorry for being hard on Meryl. I actually like her. I just think that she’s so cut off from emotions, her own and others’, that understanding other people isn’t her strong suit. That’s Milly’s job).
-- “I’m not that trusting. I kept my finger on the trigger the whole time.” Perfect example of how “do no harm and take no shit” actually looks in real life. Thank you Vash!
-- So, none of the gossips thinks it’s weird that erstwhile lone wolf Vash the Stampede, Humanoid Typhoon, has minions now? Just pin all problems on him, it’s easier that way.
-- “Everyone somehow regained an emotion which was once lost.” Good insight, Meryl! Dealing with feeling and expressing emotions is such an important theme in this show so far, and I haven’t seen people talk about it much.
-- Talking about all of Vash’s different ways of presenting himself. “Which side is the real one?” Wrong question. Too simplistic. I could write a whole post on why and probably will at some point. Or what the hell, a whole blog.
-- So Vash is living this miserable wandering life till he can come to terms with it? How long will that take? How will that even happen?
Boy, you’ve got to carry that weight, carry that weight, a long time...
Spoiler warning: Vash has scars and we’re going to talk about them. Scroll down til the next bold text.
I don’t like the visual style in which Vash’s scars are drawn. It looks kind of fake, like a bunch of metal and fabric pieces were put all over smooth skin. The “seams” on his lower torso make him look like a robot. I get they want him to look both horrifically injured and pretty, but it didn’t really work, IMO.
Also it’s so bittersweetly cute when he sees the insurance girls watching him and does that little jump and tries to cover himself. Or am I just weird?
Has Vash actually had girls react badly to his scars, or is this just what he assumes will happen? Or maybe he’s spent too much time on Tinder.
“I wouldn’t run away.” That’s sweet, Meryl, but Milly isn’t either. She’s not even making a big deal about it, because this is about Vash, not her. It’s called being a good person and a friend.
-- He’s not self-injuring exactly, but it’s pretty damn close, especially now that he knows he can heal away his scars. This is one area where Vash is NOT a good role model, at least for someone who struggles with shame and self-hatred. There is some deep stuff being said here about scars and self-lacerating and shame--I can almost taste it. I keep playing around with different ideas and not quite getting it right. Headcanons welcome.
OK, I think we’re out of spoiler range now.
-- Meryl is clearly into him now--even Milly is joking about it.
This is yet another way that Nightow gets women. Attractive guy shows vulnerability without wallowing in self pity or demanding care? Maybe even seems embarrassed about it? Boom, protective instinct kicks in.
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-- Other thoughts: Vash standing there silently letting people lambaste him, like he deserves it. Been there, done that. Damn, it’s heartbreaking to watch. 
I just want to give Vash a hug. OK, many hugs. Don’t we all?
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