#the quarry sentence starters
stardustprompts · 2 years
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supermassive game’s  the quarry  sentence starters  change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying   tw :   alcohol mention ,  nsfw ,  death ,  language ,  violence
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‘why’d you kill the music?’
‘we’re just in geographic flux.’ 
‘put that in your pipe and smoke it.’
‘I really f’d this car up.’ 
‘oh fuck! oh my god, my heart just exploded!’
‘seriously, do I look like a ma’am to you?! I have at least twenty years before I’m a ma’am.’
(name), don’t be a dick.’
‘what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.’ 
‘I’ll be right back! I’m going to get some help!’ 
‘you’ve seen the evil dead, right?’
‘I mean, you must be exhausted. I know I am.’
‘I mean you never know ... the universe has a kinda way of, er, working these things out.’
‘you’re a bad person!’
‘a.) it was (name’s) idea and 2.) it was really funny.’
‘oh! boring!’
‘okay wow. the fumes of jealousy are just stifling over here.’
‘you’re a real charmer, you know that?’
‘okay, not gonna miss ya (name).’
‘one more night out in the great outdoors might actually kill me.’
‘freaks. I’m surrounded by freaks.’
‘okay, lets all put out little dicks away and get this show on the road.’
 ‘oh my god, relax! it’s not like we killed someone.’ 
‘in a way, ‘faking it’ is just being yourself but louder.’
‘uh oh, i’m not fired am I?’
‘them’s the rules, you noob.’ 
‘I need you to trust me. like I’m trusting you.’
‘it seems like the stars have aligned for us.’ 
‘high five! touch my hand, (name).’
‘and for the record your analogies are very hurtful.’
‘beep, beep, beep ... uh ... it’s my beerdar. helps me ‘dar’ for beers.’
‘how am I just noticing how super lame you are?’
‘look if you’re trying to scare me it’s not gonna work.’
‘booty? oh, it means like ... um, treasure. or butts.’ 
‘you’re trying not to laugh right now because it kinda sounds like boner, aren’t you?’ 
‘your wit knows no bounds.’
‘I knew that there was a secret sex dungeon around here somewhere.’
‘what can I do for you on this darn - tootin’ - doozy of a day?’
‘maybe we should stop touching stuff.’ 
‘it’s like my mom always said, if you wanna party you’ve gotta bring protection.’ 
‘I’m not gonna fuck a bear.’ 
‘I beefed it.’
‘to be fair, bigfoot is not a conspiracy.’ 
‘whatever happens is what’s meant to happen.’
‘not everyone knows what they’re capable of.’
‘you know I just realized we may never see each other after tonight.’
‘nice! but we’ve already done that joke.’ 
‘the main party’s not gonna die just because you’re off on a little side quest.’
‘we all get performance anxiety sometimes. you just better make your move before a real man swoops in.’ 
‘disqualified for being a dumbass.’
‘oh ‘it was just a game!’ yeah, the fuck it was, man!’
‘you never really get to kiss who you really want in these dumb games anyway.’ 
‘so I’m saying that I like you, too, or whatever.’ 
‘sneaking down here was a little more fun when we thought we could get caught, huh?’
‘you just love having an audience, huh?’
‘you really love fucking with me, huh?’
‘lighten up, sourpuss, please.’ 
‘I don’t want this to end.’
‘do I look like a doctor?’ 
‘are you trying to piss me off?’ 
‘I’m gonna carpe this diem so damn hard it won’t know what hit it!’
‘I’m just desperate to stay afloat in a world where everyone wants to be different.’ 
‘time makes fools of us all.’ 
‘you mean ‘911?’ who says ninety - one - one?’
‘do you have to specifically ask for an ambulance or can you just say ��help, help!’?’
‘maybe that’s just what they want you to think, man.’ 
‘why does everyone blame everything on bears?’ 
‘don’t write a check that your ass can’t cash.’ 
‘you ran away.’
‘hey ... I’m kinda pouring my heart out here.’
‘didn’t think I was that boring.’ 
‘technology ... it giveth and it taketh.’
‘I’m sorry if it’s not up to your standards, okay? but I’ve been putting in a lot of TLC.’ 
‘well, if you like, I could show you the ropes.’ 
‘sign me up, teach!’
‘S.O.S. this is an emergency ... save our ship ... come on down ... please help us.’ 
‘why didn’t you tell me there was something out there?’
‘fuck! it’s spreading!’ 
‘that was a bad idea.’ 
‘I’m okay, I mean... I’m not but ... it doesn’t hurt.’ 
‘you’re in shock.’
‘you left me back there you asshole!’
‘you don’t have to be a dick about literally everything.’ 
‘I’m not going to suddenly fall in love with you because you’re my knight in shining armor.’
‘can we please not do this right now, seriously! I literally came looking for you as soon as I heard there was something out here.’ 
‘I don’t know what’s going on with you right now but I liked the old (name) better.’ 
‘I only hung out with you because you seemed so desperate. poor, pathetic (name) willing to throw herself at the first guy who came along.’
‘you don’t like me at all, do you?’ 
‘we officially suck as counselors.’
‘you just stepped in some grade a, double prime, go ahead and kill yourself, cosmic type shit.’
‘your only option is to buckle the fuck up and do what I say.’ 
‘I feel like I'm going crazy!’
‘I’m kinda all mixed up but ... more or less intact.’ 
‘watch it man, I bruise easily.’
‘you have nothing to bargain with.’ 
‘sometimes things just don’t make sense. what then?’
‘you know you can talk to me about anything, right?’
‘I’m just saying, maybe there was a slight chance that it was a werewolf.’ 
‘that’s not really a plan though, that’s just like saying ‘let’s escape’ but with a bunch more words.’ 
‘you’re not going to believe it until you see it for yourself.’
‘let’s see how smart you really are.’ 
‘it wasn’t you. I know it wasn’t you.’ 
‘we don’t have much time.’ 
‘please let me go! I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!’ 
‘this isn’t a ghost story, it’s a creature feature.’ 
‘wow, are you flirting with me?’ 
‘how long do you have?’ 
‘this doesn’t feel right. I think you’re up to something.’
‘why are you like this?’ 
‘if I let my conscience slow me down now, everything gets a lot worse for everyone.’ 
‘jesus, mary and jazz hands!’ 
‘stop being weird.’ 
‘look whose finding their funny bone!’
‘I don’t fit into the right box, is that what you’re saying?’ 
‘trauma can bring people together.’
‘just because you’re using ‘logic’ to ‘make sense’ doesn’t mean that I’m into it.’
‘okay, fuck you man! I’m trying to help.’ 
‘I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could take it all back but I can’t.’
‘nobody’s ever gonna treat me the same.’ 
‘I guess I just don’t like to see other people sad.’ 
‘maybe I just like to make people laugh.’ 
‘well, fuck this night, huh?’
‘you stole my knife!’ 
‘pick on someone your own size.’
‘how bad is it?’
‘I keep trying to fix it ... whatever this is ... but people keep getting hurt.’
‘uh, you’re not the boss of me.’ 
‘am I dying?’ 
‘you’ve lost a lot of blood.’ 
‘are we gonna end up in a documentary?’
‘you actually saved my life. for realsies.’ 
‘I just can’t wait to see who they choose. y’know, to play me ... in the movie about how brave I am.’
‘I’m not leaving you!’
‘thanks ... for uh ... not killing me.’ 
‘you think this is over? this isn’t over.’ 
‘why the hell should I trust you?’
‘I’m not asking you to trust me. I’m telling you we can end this.’ 
‘this doesn’t mean I forgive you for what you did to me.’
‘I wanted to spend one more night with you ...  you know together ... like before.’ 
‘we’re not good together. we’re just not.’ 
‘I am sorry. even if it means you’re never gonna talk to me again. I just ... I want you to know that.’ 
‘it’s not long before sunrise. all we have to do it wait it out.’ 
‘we can still come out on top. the past is the past.’ 
‘can’t get much worse than it already is.’ 
‘we have enough on our plates already. stop discovering shit.’ 
‘you changed me. I will never, ever be the same because of you.’
‘you’re the one who has to live with what he’s done.’
‘what we’ve up against is my only chance to end this thing for good.’ 
‘god damn this place has got some uncool vibes.’
‘I bet you think you’ve got it all figured out. I bet you think you’re fucking clever.’ 
‘stop doing a podcast, no one’s listening!’
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sowritten · 2 years
warning:  may contain spoilers
why’d you kill the music?
we’re not lost, we’re in geographic flux.
I lost track like two hundred miles ago.
do you think we hit a person?
maybe it looks worse than it is.
the sooner we get out of here, the better.
just picture yourself curling up in front of a big ol’ fire pit singing campfire singalongs.
I’m worried that there’s somebody down there.
I heard something, like a woman.
I just want to check it out.
just don’t go too far, okay? be careful.
talk to me. what’s going on?
it’s the woods. there’s a lot of stuff out there, there’s animals. it’s easy to freak yourself out.
oh my god, my heart just exploded!
that guy was giving me major weirdo vibes.
was that blood?
I think I’ve had enough woodland encounters for one night.
do I look like a ma’am to you? I’ve got twenty years before I’m a ma’am!
I’m kind of into ma’ams.
there’s someone in there.
I’m not seeing anyone.
there was definitely someone there.
you’ve seen the evil dead, right?
you must be exhausted; I know I am.
I think I’m bleeding a lot.
we are friends, aren’t we?
I’ve waited for you.
I hope our time together proves enlightening.
there’s no need to be frightened; I’m here to help you.
if you let me help you, I can help you.
we can help each other.
we all know a fool when we see one, don’t we?
there are secrets out there. secrets and lies.
you know how many hearts are broken on the last day of summer camp? it’s like a romanci-pocalypse.
you never know. the universe has a kind of thing about working these things out.
so she dumped your ass, huh.
you’re a bad person!
who would want to leave a place like this?
really dude? locking me out?
you were telling me about how you totally have a thing for [name].
man, she has you wrapped all around that dainty little finger of hers. how does she do it?
it was just like, a stupid summer fling.
one more night in the great outdoors might kill me.
I wish I had some singles.
freaks. I’m surrounded by freaks.
nothing’s ever your fault, is it?
is being dumped an emergency?
I either got zero signal, or everybody’s already forgotten I exist.
I can go one more day without a phone.
sometimes you know stuff I don’t.
keep dreaming, junior.
maybe not everyone is looking for a relationship.
we’d better not get in trouble.
I won’t tell if you won’t tell.
are you sure they’re gonna think it was a bear?
relax. it’s not like we killed someone.
how are you so annoying?
it’s just acting. it’s what the people want.
in a way, faking it is just being yourself, but louder.
email? are you ninety-three?
was that a compliment?
your charm is infectious, what can I say?
worried [name] is going to leave without you?
I can take care of my own bag, thank you.
you think I was listening to a podcast about you?
at least I don’t look and smell like a butt.
the who of the whatsit where now?
some people say that if she catches you alone, she’ll try to turn you into her son.
you made that up.
no big deal, you can share my earbuds.
I’m actually glad we got a moment to talk.
you got a hot date tonight?
if you only knew.
what did you need me for?
I didn’t realize it was such a big deal.
just stick to kumbaya next time, okay?
good grief, I’m outgrowing my own cliches.
seriously, [name], what’s going on?
them’s the rules, ya noob!
I try not to dwell on the past.
I think there’s something wrong with the engine.
coulda and shoulda doesn’t mean it is!
it’s not that big of a deal. we’ll just spend one more night here.
stop, just let me think!
lock the doors. no one in, no one out. no one. got it?
I’ll be back first thing in the morning.
can you promise me you’ll do that?
for god’s sake, keep the noise down!
so... what was that about?
are you kidding me?
what are we supposed to do?
just a bunch of grown-ass adults ready to cut loose and get down with their animal side.
P, A, R, T, why the fuck not?
it seems like the stars have aligned for us.
dude, fuck yes! I’m in.
I go where my people need me.
he was just trying to freak us out!
why would he want to scare us?
you don’t want to disappoint ‘daddy’.
it’s gonna be fine, trust me. it’s gonna be chill.
let’s see what you’ve found.
there’s more I can show you, if you’d like.
I was hoping you’d say that.
be careful. look after yourself.
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notstilinski · 2 years
The Quarry Starters !
Taken from  the 2022 Supermassive Games video game, The Quarry! Some of these have already been edited. You can change them however you see fit! There may be some light spoilers!
“We’re just… We’re in geographic flux.”
“Guess it’s all part of the rustic summer camp experience.”
“Just another guy who didn’t want to admit that he was lost.”
“Is this guy, like, the all time scariest cop?”
“You really want to listen to the advice of some creep ass cop who told us in the middle of the creep ass woods to go to some creep ass motel?”
“Oh my god, if he called me ‘ma’am’ one more time, I was about to shove that badge up his dickhole.”
“You’ve seen Evil Dead, right?”
“I’ve waited for you. I’ve waited, yes. So I do hope our time together proves… enlightening.”
“There are secrets out there, you know. Secrets and lies.”
“Ugh, horror. I hate horror.”
“Well, I haven’t killed you… yet. And you’re still pretty pathetic.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s all put our little dicks away and get this show on the road, huh?”
“Time to let loose and vamoos this caboose.”
“I mean… in a way, ‘faking’ it is just being yourself, but louder.”
“Gotta understand the repercussions of your actions, buster.”
“Good grief. I’m outgrowing my own cliches.”
“Will humanity prevail? Or will we grow ravenous and resort to eating the flesh of the deceased like I saw in that one plane crash movie.”
“What? You got a gun, why can’t I get firecrackers?”
“Booty? Oh, uh, it means like treasure… Or butts.”
“I knew there was a secret sex dungeon around here somewhere!”
“Alright, well, it looks like a pit of eternal darkness so…”
“It is pretty spooky down here and it smells pretty unnatural so… Yeah. Okay. I’m coming back up.”
“You’re in danger. Hunted by a creature of indeterminate origin-“
“Where’s the fun in hunting that which is already dead.”
“Big jokes take big sacrifices.”
“Well, I hate to break it to you, but he just had his tongue down my throat, and he definitely knew what to do with it.”
“What’s this? A female in need? Fear not, fragile thing — For Hurricane (Name) is here!”
“I-I-I don’t even know what it was. It was so fast, and it was- and there was a hunter.”
“Looks like we have a choice on our hands. Do we snoop though someone else’s belongings, or do we open the spooky trapped door and die a horrible, painful death?!”
“You mean nine-one-one? Who says ‘ninety one one?”
“Okay, sure, but that’s because I really wanted a gun.”
“Okay, so maybe I was a little nervous when I arrived in an uncomfortable social situation and I overcompensated a little bit by making a bunch of jokes.”
“Well that bodes ill. Fucking hell.”
“I’m sick, (Name)… Why don’t you care about me?”
“I mean… dead people don’t usually jump out of windows and run into the forest.”
“You have no idea what’s going on here. Not a goddamn clue. You just stepped into Grade A, Double Prime, Go Ahead and Kill Yourself cosmic type shit. And your only option is to buckle the fuck up and do as I say. Do you understand?”
“I’m just trying to get us out of here, and I can’t get us out of here until I have some clue about why the fuck we’re in here.”
“It really did a number on you. Like, I’m surprised you’re not more messed up. Like I vividly remember the things teeth ripping into you.”
“So what? What do we do, really? We run off into the sunset, only to be stopped when I turn into a nasty ass monster and kill you. And eat you. And then I run off into the sunset alone with little bits of you stuck in my teeth.”
“So much for my depth perception.”
“We’re gonna fix you, (Name). Promise. I promise.”
“‘Fucking around where they shouldn’t have.’ That’s (Name)‘a middle name. This is very bad.”
“This isn’t a ghost story. It’s a creature features. It’s really happening, and you’re all in it.”
“You’re doing all of this for a boy?”
“Jesus, Mary and Jazzhands.”
“Trauma can bring people together.”
“Someone’s been eating there spinach.”
“So — You want to go into the collapsing nightmare tunnel first, or shall I?”
“I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t.”
“Hey, find me something sharp enough in the scrapyard and… we can make that happen.”
“Fuck this night. Fuck it all the way until morning.”
“This isn’t gonna be too pleasant for you. I promise you that!”
“I ain’t ever been stabbed before.”
“I keep trying to fix it… Whatever this is… But people keep getting hurt.”
“We are being hunted by literal monsters and this is what bothers you?”
“Thanks. For… Uh… Not killing me.”
“The nights not over yet. These fuckers know we’re here, and they’re coming back first chance they get.”
“I kind of want an oil painting of me now.”
“Showtime, motherfuckers.”
“I wish I could tell you I’m sorry. More than anything.”
“Fuck! I just wanted one more night together. Is that too much to ask? Shit. Stop crying you big baby.”
“God damn this place has some uncool vibes.”
“Okay. I hope you got hat insurance, (Name) — Because I’m about to blow your mind!”
“You always have to oversell something to sell it! That’s capitalism, baby!”
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hymemena · 6 months
The Quarry Sentence Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Swearing, violence, injury, animal attack mention, suggestive
"Swarm of bears?"
"Fine… Okay. Once again, -muse- puts themself in mortal danger for the sake of their 'work friends.'"
"Just… How can you be so certain?"
"If I let my conscience slow me down, now, everything gets a lot worse for everyone. Believe me."
"Ah-ah, you'll have it when I say you'll have it."
"Alright, huddle up boys, this is how we're gonna do this."
"There's a half naked girl/boy waiting for you back there, -name-, what are you doing?"
"It was… It was okay."
"They seemed pretty insistent we stay in the lodge."
"I'm just desperate to stay afloat in a world where everyone wants to be different."
"Sometimes things just don't make sense."
"Son of a binky-bonky!"
"Well, at least I don't look and smell like a butt."
"Podcast, huh?"
"Family is very important."
"Does this look like the Goddamn Harbinger Motel to you?!"
"Maybe they don't check their voicemail."
"How was I supposed to know that?"
"I saw it online."
"I don't know! This was my first cop!"
"You're a horrible person."
"You shot me?! I'm telling mom!"
"You stabbed me. That really hurt."
"Goodbye, cruel world! The final curtain is calling and there's no time for an encore…"
"Who should we call?"
"Ninety-one one."
"You mean nine-one-one? Who says ninety-one-one?"
"Okay, well, just because you're using 'logic' to 'make sense' doesn't mean that I'm totally into it."
"Hey, you're singing off-key."
"We are being hunted by literal monsters and this is what scares you?!"
"Oh my God. You are so childish."
"Yeah, if they made a podcast called 'How To Look And Smell Like A Butt.'"
"-Muse-, what's your position?"
"Uhm… Standing?"
"I just can't wait to see who they choose to play me. In the movie about how brave I am."
"Maybe you should have asked them out on a date?"
"Damn it! I missed my shot!"
"P-A-R-T… Why the fuck not?"
"Check out my huge melons!"
"There's been a horrible accident--Attack. Some stuff's bad here."
"I'm not gonna fuck a bear."
"Why didn't you tell me there was something out there?!"
"I don't know what I saw!"
"Oh my God, -Muse-, you won't believe this! It's… Nothing."
"Yeah, well… Worse things have happened this summer."
"You beefed it."
"Ah, not this time, motherfucker!"
"And what? Risk another run-in with Captain Deliverance?"
"Well, that bodes ill!"
"Whoa, watch your step!"
"Why'd you do that?"
"You told me to!"
"That was a bad idea."
"Huh. Rude."
"They get kinda hot when they're bossy, huh?"
"I'm always hot, pencil dick."
"It's my beer-dar. Helps me dar for beers."
"It's not a secret room! It's just hidden… By stuff…"
"Yeah, that's what a secret is!"
"I haven't ever been stabbed before."
"Why is there what I can only hope is strawberry jelly on your face?"
"Oh, yeah, no. I'm pretty sure it's blood."
"You can't hide from me in my own house, fucker!"
"You're a fucker!"
""Oh, so now I'm blind, too, you motherfucker!"
"Why does everyone blame everything on bears?"
"Okay, so for the sake of argument, what if that 'bear' that cut our phone line and just cut out all the power-- What if that bear is waiting for us out in the hallway?"
"What's wrong with this thing? It's just closing!"
"Sorry, bro!"
"Double skill!"
"Ow! Mother… Hubbard!"
"No… They're funny!"
"Moment's gone."
"…But not forgotten."
"No… -Muse-… Don't do it… Stop…"
"Herd of bears."
"Yeah, I've heard of bears."
"I can try to encourage them."
"Go for it! You guys can do it! --it's not working."
"You know that's kind of a movie-only thing, right?"
"I mean, you bang someone on the head you're more likely to kill them or leave them with permanent brain damage… Not just 'knock 'em out.'"
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apexulansis · 1 year
you  did  this  to  yourself . (ardaka 😌)
sentence starters | accepting
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Actions, meet consequences. Wasn't that a recurring trope in his life? Exasperation passes the expression under the mask. His arm jerks out, sword held tightly in his fist, and he flicks the blood across the snow, then turning to the beastly woman in the trees, lifting the blade to rest it casually upon a shoulder.
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❝They were going to die anyway. Does it really matter how it happens?❞ Yes, absolutely. Being a Kariian, he knew that. Stealing another's kill was never a popular action. ❝It isn't my fault my prey ran into your territory. I don't hunt your forest's quarry — but I was hunting these long before you.❞
His pose looked casual, but he was most certainly preparing himself to dart away and flee (could she even keep up in that dress?). Right now, though — maybe he could stall before she attacked. Not that he had much experience in... Whatever she was. The bizarre, at least, was ironically not out of the ordinary for him.
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honorisen · 2 years
‘do I look like a doctor?’ 
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◈ ᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴄᴏᴍʙᴀᴛ ᴍᴏᴅᴇ — ▮ The Quarry sentence starters
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“ No, but...I thought you looked someone who at least knew a thing or two about combat. Y’know, with the- ” 
Zack would make a vague gesture with a swipe of his finger across his face to mimic the other’s scar. He’d just been assuming, and that was probably his fault, but that had come from some sort of fight, hadn’t it? And if it had, then maybe that could help Zack out with just the lucky break he was looking for! But either way...
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“ ...So, does that mean you don’t have an extra potion on you I can borrow? Or? ” 
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survivoreffect · 2 years
I wanna make sentence starters from the epilogue of the quarry for good & bad ending…
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princguard-a · 2 years
outlander starter sentences
Accepting @crowshoots​  said:  “getting up once in the dark to go adventuring is a lark. twice in two days smacks of masochism.”
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Dark brows furrowed as she glanced at Jesper. Annoyance laden her face as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“ You didn’t need to come.” she replied as she glanced back over Ketterdam. She remained stagnant on the roof, her gaze burning a hole into the near by manor. 
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Her fingers were licked by the sparks of her Inferni power. It bit at her, begging for release like a horse chomping at the bit. She had come so far and now she had found her quarry. 
“ You can go back home if you like. I am getting my vengeance with or without you.” she hissed and didn’t wait for a reply before moving over to the next roof. 
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fearinfected · 29 days
❛ I don’t think you need sad memories in your head right now. ❜ ― bev
Beverly was only trying to help, voice as soft as her gaze as she took a seat beside him on the dusty ground beside the Quarry's edge -- That was what Eddie needed to remind himself, remembering the solid support that she had provided to him during their friendship. Or the parts he could remember, anyway. Beverly Marsh had been like a sister to him... and he'd managed to forget her.
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"Yeah, well..." He shrugged, the corner of his lips quirking in a meagre attempt at a smile. "I guess I'm finding it hard to remember the better ones."
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unrealization · 3 months
❛ is this supposed to scare me? ❜ from g'raha to zenos
Hostile Sentence starters | Accepting!
The Miquo'te was familiar to Zenos. He was ever at the side of his friend. He had no interest in their hunting hounds, unless they could sniff out their master. He brandished his scythe, communicating a violent intent.
"Your fear is as irrelevant as you are."
Still, he couldn't help but wonder. How would his friend react if he rent their hound asunder? It was one thing to endanger the world, but another thing entirely to harm someone's personal possessions. Mayhap that would be a good motivation.
"You are no worthy prey, but mayhap you could serve as bait for my quarry. By all means, try to fight back."
He raised his scythe, empowering it with energy as he prepared a lethal attack at the hound's vulnerable neck. He swung, fast as lightning, his blade tearing through the air toward its mark.
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e-m-p-error · 6 months
"Maybe they don't check their voicemail." @ Valentino
The Quarry Sentence Starters
[ Valentino ]
"Who the fuck doesn't check their fucking voicemail!?"
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As it was, Val was close to chucking his phone at the wall. He had been waiting in this fucking WackDonald's parking lot for the better part of an hour. If his hookup wasn't going to show, they should have called.
Then again, this was sort of his fault, wasn't it? He'd been the one to call and reschedule the appointment an hour sooner.
Actually, no. This wasn't his fault. Nothing was ever Valentino's fault.
Resting his elbow on the door and his chin in his hand, he sighed heavily at his reflection in the tinted glass. Unlocking his phone, he shot a quick text to Vox, just something simple asking him if he'd eaten. Most likely, the answer would be no.
"Do you want anything?" He asked, thumbing at the fast food restaurant behind him, "Because Daddy's hungry." And if he was going to eat at WackDonald's again today, he was going to make their employees suffer.
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sowritten · 2 years
warning:  may contain spoilers
it looks like you’re trying to thread a needle with a packet of loose sausages.
I’m almost done, okay?
for the record, your analogies are very hurtful.
if I were a beer, where would I be hiding?
it’s my beerdar. helps me ‘dar for beers.
how am I just noticing how super lame you are?
don’t know what I was expecting.
check out my giant melons.
you just pour the vodka right in it?
it’s the most fun you can have with a hole in a watermelon... well. second most.
can’t pass up an opportunity like this.
have you ever seen a grown man crap his pants?
look, if you’re trying to scare me, it’s not going to work.
you’re not scared of clowns?
you think this is supposed to be funny?
mother hubbard!
no wonder he kept this place locked up.
think he’ll be pissed when he finds out we raided his stash?
it’s like human rights, or whatever.
did a bear do this?
you’re really gonna keep the gun, huh?
what else is in there?
dude! peanut butter fucking butter pops!
they’re like the greatest snack of all time.
they’re like their own thing. like their own subgenre of food snack.
booty? it means like treasure. or butts.
this is where the magic happens.
your wit knows no bounds.
it’s like my mom always says: if you wanna party, you gotta bring protection.
I’m not gonna fuck a bear.
is that a trap door?
it looks like a pit of eternal darkness.
you’re being dramatic.
what can I do for you on this darn-tootin’ doozy of a day?
is that your impression of [name]?
that’s a little forward, but I can see what I can do.
you’re not a little bit curious?
I can’t promise that.
what the fuck?
is [name] spying on us?
it’s not exactly secret, it’s just hidden by stuff.
it’s gotta be something juicy in here.
I’m leaving the secret lair, have fun.
it’s kind of hard to talk about right now.
it’s really very pretty out here when there’s no kids around.
they always seem to listen to you.
you’ve seen my class?
are you sure this is safe?
it’s alright, calm down!
so do you ever think about what’s next?
sometimes I just try to like... let it happen, you know?
I guess that is a little freeing in a sociopathic kind of way.
damn, [name]. you’re really good.
it’s really cool you know that about yourself.
not everyone knows what they’re capable of, you know?
I’m sure you’re capable of a lot, [name].
you’ll figure it out.
did you hear that?
it’s probably nothing.
no, listen. there’s something there.
what the hell, [name]?
that thing almost just mauled me to death!
I think she was coming onto me.
aw, you got yourself a little girlfriend!
[name] is a voyeuristic creep.
he’s got cameras hidden everywhere in a secret room.
you have no imagination.
yeah, that’s pretty spooky.
we may never see each other again after tonight.
just trying to set the mood.
big jokes take big sacrifices.
I just want to shrink you down to a little pocket person and put you in my pocket and then peep at you when I need a little pick-me-up!
where the hell did that gun come from?
pop pop! peanut butter butter pops! pop pop! pop ‘em in your mouth!
please hand me the shotgun.
what, you’re going to shoot me over them?
guess we’re gonna have ourselves an old-fashioned shootout.
I’m just letting you know, your goose is cooked.
what I say goes, got it?
I’m always hot, pencil dick!
don’t be gross!
no sweat, we all get performance anxiety sometimes.
alright, let’s see what you got.
better luck next time!
you’re very mean.
you thought this was over?
let’s make some memories!
how about the ultimate game of secrets and lies? truth or dare.
truth or dare?
you really dodged a bullet, huh?
take it easy, that’s too far.
your dare comes with a choice.
I can do whatever I want.
sorry, I don’t make the rules.
always happy to please.
alright, let’s see what you’re made of.
I dare you to take a flying leap over that fire pit.... naked.
yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
I don’t know if that’s a good idea.
he’s good.
you like kissing my girlfriend?
it’s just a game!
hey, I’m nobody’s girlfriend.
[name], grow up!
you should probably go find [name].
fuck this.
I am, as always, delighted that you’re here.
sometimes one needs to be strung up in order to let go.
there’s more to show you, if you’ll let me.
I’ll see you again, you can count on that.
what are we, in middle school?
why should I even care?
you ran off.
I think that game just got a little too intense for me.
I know what you mean.
guess [name]’s had a thing for you all along.
they’re just trying to make [name] jealous. 
I was just playing along.
you seem to enjoy playing along.
I guess you found me, then.
sneaking down here was a lot more fun when we thought we could get caught, huh?
I thought we agreed that this — us — was just supposed to be some summer fun.
you just love having an audience, huh?
what are we, twelve?
you really love fucking with me, huh?
lighten up sourpuss, please!
this is not how tonight was supposed to go.
you know what, nothing. nothing. nevermind.
you can stand here, sulking and driving yourself crazy, or you could go grab us some towels.
we agreed, summer fun, right? apparently, summer is not quite over.
yeah, we’ll see about that.
we could shake it out doggy-style.
wow! you really know how to talk to a girl, don’t you?
look, you can’t just pretend that it didn’t happen.
I need a big, strong, not at all insecure man to come save me!
stop being a grump!
dick move.
I don’t want this to end.
I had a great summer with you.
if I can do a backflip off of here, you’ll let me come visit you, okay?
oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me!
it was like a scream, but not the good kind of scream.
I’m gonna go check it out.
that was some mighty fine social disruption there, I have to say.
you’re an evil genius.
what do you want to do now?
we gotta go!
can you walk?
come on, let’s get back to the fire.
just let me down, okay?
don’t hurt me, please!
oh jesus christ, what the fuck are you doing?
helps if you close your eyes.
it’s for your own good.
seems like just a blink, and you’re back to see me again.
so, what have we got?
watch your step, it could be your last.
remember, there’s always more than meets the eye.
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[ @grabxyourxcrucifix LIKED for a Starter! || Josh ]
[ Max ]
Sometimes, he couldn't help it. It felt like a relic from a past life, from ten thousand past lives, and simultaneously like it was an everyday occurrence. When he was near certain scents, heard certain words, or saw police lights, he always felt cagey and uncertain. Sometimes, it was too much.
It had been becoming too much for the better part of three months, and Laura had finally taken him on that long trip he'd been wanting to take. He'd be safe in the woods again, and he wanted to get as far from Hackett's Quarry as he could. Going back to that place risked too much, and so he'd chosen to just go North.
She'd left him where he'd asked in that little outcropping off of the side of the road. Her promises of returning for him in the morning only pulled a soft, strained smile onto his face, he told her he loved her and closed the door. He did. He did still love her. When he got like this, he only remembered how her blood smelled, and that was why she needed to leave him.
If he was alone, she would be safe. Everyone would be safe. With any luck, he'd just stay in the woods, he'd hunt himself some deer or whatever, and things would be okay.
Nothing smelled particularly human when he arrived at a small path that looked more like a game trail than anything, and he figured he could scale it if he needed to. It wasn't an easy climb, but it wore him out, and if he wasn't at one hundred percent when he started this, he hoped it would make things easier.
It was never easy, though.
The moonrise had started earlier than day, but it wouldn't have any ill effects until it was brighter, until it had reached its full potential. That didn't mean that he hadn't been bristled and growly all day, though, and he was sure he'd said things he didn't mean. The infection wasn't easy on anyone, and Laura's decision to turn the gun on Travis instead had made this a life sentence.
"Ooooooooh fuck." The trail had run into a rocky cliff face, and when he finally got to the top, he'd crumpled in on himself. No, no, he had to keep his wits about him, "That... Smarts."
Like it really mattered right now if he cussed or not.
When he could finally move again, he forced himself to crawl ahead before seeking out a place he could leave his stuff. The backpack would at least have some clothes for him to change into in the morning, a blanket, and some water. Crunching through the snow, he wondered vaguely how it was going to make his transformation harder. He never remembered it when he woke up, he just knew it caused a huge mess.
Up ahead, he heard something, and his head snapped up. It was hard to tell what that smell was... Human? Or was it? Did he just stumble upon some mountain troll? That would be just his luck, wouldn't it?
Laura would have wanted him to help. Say something, call out to this thing (Person? Monster? Deer?), and ask if it needed something. Laura, whose need to help others was the reason he was in this position at all.
He'd just wanted to sleep.
When it got closer, he ducked behind a tree, straining his ears to listen for anything.
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hymemena · 1 year
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‘one more night out in the great outdoors might actually kill me.’
supermassive game’s  the quarry  sentence starters
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Oh gods, take the wheel. "If it only took one day to almost kill you, then you have another thing coming boy." Just how is this boy Regis' son again?
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vxctorx · 2 years
‘you’re a real charmer, you know that?’
the quarry sentence starters
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  ❝—And you are terribly uncreative in conceiving original expressions of sarcasm.❞ His countenance resembles that of a self-satisfied feline, as he regards the other from above the curve of his knuckles upon which the smooth line of his jaw rests.
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