#the source of Nancy’s worst pain is also the source of her moments of joy
strangerwheelerthings · 3 months
I don't know if it's because it's been too long since I last watched Stranger Things, but I genuinely don't remember a happy Nancy scene post Barb...
This is such an interesting thing to think about because it's not as if Nancy looks miserable in most scenes of the show. In fact, she often looks determined and occasionally excited even. She has smiled before, but excitement about progress in a case, something she's passionate about because of Barb, isn't necessarily happiness. So this is something you have to look beyond face value for.
Nancy suffers quite plainly with survivors guilt and with a lot of trauma. She isn't healed from what happened in Season One, and I don't think she even let herself really start until after season three. Not with so much unresolved. She also hasn't had the help she really needs either. However, Nancy has experienced happiness since Barb's death. There are moments she forgets. It’s only healthy that she's not so obessively mired in her misery that she can't have moments to breathe.
It's been a while since I've watched the show, too, so I can't say if there's a Jancy scene where she's just happy. Their get-together scene was very in the middle of Barb trauma, the wake up together scene is very stressed and rushed. Jonathan has been good to her, but all their scenes are a very mixed bag of emotions with happiness not really being the predominant one.
There are three small scenes from season four that come to mind. The first is Lucas's game. Nancy is quite genuinely proud and happy for Lucas in that moment of success. It's such a small shot, but it's one of a few scenes that show us that Nancy cares a whole lot more about Mike’s friends than she ever says.
The second is the scene with the dog, right before the plot plummets Nancy right back into her guilt complex. She's starting to live, and she lets herself be, for just a second, when she steps away from a murder investigation to just play with a dog. This is the first real evidence that her passion for her work is not just about Barb anymore.
The last scene is the officially friends scene with Robin. It's simply a moment of establishing connection, and both girls are just so warm in that moment. It's another sign of Nancy starting to actually heal. She's happy to have a new girl friend, not scared or guilty like she would have been before.
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Unmasking the Unhealthy Relationship: A Plea to My Friend Nancy
Friendship is a treasure that deepens and matures over time, marked by shared experiences, joy, and support. My friendship with Nancy has been a cherished journey spanning 18 years. However, it's only been in the last 16 years that we've grown even closer, sharing some of the most precious moments of our lives. Yet, the shadow of a tumultuous relationship with a man named Zach looms large, casting a dark cloud over her happiness. In this blog, we'll explore the heart-wrenching journey that Nancy is on and the heartfelt plea I have for her to reconsider her relationship with Zach, for her sake and her father's, who is not getting any younger.
Zach: A Source of Constant Concern
Nancy's relationship with Zach has been a rollercoaster, marked by on-again, off-again dynamics. It's not uncommon for age differences to play a role in the dynamics of a relationship, but what has been concerning is how Zach's actions and words have impacted Nancy's life.
1. Unemployment and Dwelling on the Past
Zach's lack of employment has been a perpetual issue, but that's not the extent of the problem. He also dwells on Nancy's past, constantly bringing it up and causing her distress. A healthy relationship should be built on understanding and growth, not constant regurgitation of the past.
2. Isolation from Friends
The most heart-wrenching aspect of this relationship is how Zach isolates Nancy from her friends, including me. Isolation is a powerful tool of manipulation and control, and it's evident that Zach employs it to his advantage.
The Heartbreaking Admission
What's truly heart-wrenching is what Zach has admitted, openly and without remorse. His statements are shocking and revealing:
- He doesn't love Nancy anymore.
- He desires to make her miserable.
- He is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve this goal.
This is not love; it's manipulation, disrespect, and emotional abuse of the worst kind. Hearing these words from someone who is supposed to care for you is a soul-crushing experience.
Parallels with My Own Experience
Nancy's situation with Zach has eerie parallels with my own experiences, particularly in a five-year relationship with a person named Eric. The difference is that while Eric physically abused me, Zach's abuse is emotional. It's an attempt to control Nancy, keep her isolated, and make her unhappy to ensure she doesn't seek happiness elsewhere.
A Plea to Nancy
The pain and heartache that Nancy is enduring, the isolation and disrespect she is subjected to, are devastating to witness. The situation with her father adds an extra layer of urgency to this plea. Her father's health is fragile, and she needs to have a candid conversation with him about the changes in her life since rekindling her relationship with Zach. She should ask him if he believes she has changed for the better or worse and if he gets the sense that Zach truly loves her.
The truth might be difficult to bear, but it's vital that Nancy listens to what her father has to say. Her happiness and well-being should be paramount, and if Zach is causing her pain and unhappiness, it's time to reconsider this relationship.
Nancy is not alone in this journey. Friends like me are here to support and stand by her side as she makes the difficult decisions that lie ahead. We want to see her find her path back to happiness and self-discovery. Life is too short to be trapped in a relationship that brings nothing but misery and isolation. We're not growing any younger, and every moment spent in sorrow is a moment that can't be reclaimed. It's time for Nancy to break free from the chains of manipulation, control, and disrespect and to rediscover her true self and her happiness.
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