#the viaduct tavern
arebirthingofsorts · 9 months
the entirety of buzzfeed unsolved but the stories are in chronological order: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGGIwil6tMX95BMdYvMY8Co5Y2J8yxpe-
supernatural was very hard to do so under the cut i've added my reasons for some difficult episodes to list! if anyone has qualms with it or if you notice any mistakes in the playlist please let me know!
the london tombs, la llorona, and the voodoo episodes were difficult due to no real timeframe being known for when they began so i based the london tombs off of ryan saying the bridge has been around since ancient rome which is why it's one of the first videos in the playlist. la llorona required me to do my own research which led me to believe the story came about in the 1500s? possibly predating that but the first written versions were apparently from the 1500s. for the voodoo new orleans episode i did some research and based it on when it could have been brought to the area.
for bigfoot, mothman, and the men in black, i listed those based on the first encounters/evidence presented
many of the locations, i listed based on when they closed their operations or the owners passed before becoming noted haunted locations. (winchester house, sorrel-weed, villa montezuma, whaley house, old city jail, pythian castle, vulture mine, waverly hills, bellaire house, eastern state, rolling hills)
other haunted ones are currently still operating so i listed those based on when they first opened or got into the hands of the current owners (viaduct tavern, st. augustine, tombstone, goatman's bridge, the viper room, bobby mackey's, moon river)
dauphine orleans hotel was listed as the date ryan said a license to may bailey was given for the bordello. im very unsure about this one so if anyone has suggestions on how to list this one, please reach out EDIT: decided on 1775 because ryan mentioned that year as the site the hotel is on and i felt more sure about it that choice
farnsworth was listed as the year of the battle of gettysburg due to the house being named after a soldier who died in that battle + notable events happening and around the house
the bermuda triangle was tricky so i listed that as the date the term "bermuda triangle" was first coined EDIT: it's been moved to close to the top of the playlist due to the first alleged reporting of weird bermuda shit being by christopher columbus in 1492. this made more sense to me
colchester and morris-jumel are museums now so those were dated as when they were officially museums
the uss yorktown and the queen mary are listed as when they docked for good.
the alien abductions episode is in the 70s area of the playlist because 2/3 of the stories happened in the 70s.
the date the island of the dolls began is where i based "3 horrifying cases of ghosts and demons" since there are separate episodes for the winchester mansion and the sallie house
i based all the haunted locations on those things because i figured that the ghosties would appear after the notable deaths and wild events instead of listing all of them as when they first opened.
i hope all of this makes sense. enjoy.
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bilesandthesourwolf · 6 months
Shane and Ryan have got to be 2 of my favorite people! They came dancing down the stairs to get to the stage! Some highlights:
-The dancing! And then they got all stage and were all out of breath
-Everything was "fuck it, it's Vegas" and "fuck it, it's the last stop of the tour"
-They did a live spirit box session
-During the q & a, someone asked if the ghost in the G logo had a name. The boys were very impressed with the question and said no one has ever asked that. So, they came up with the name right then and there. His name is Gilbert!
-They told the story of how they almost died while filming the doll island episode.
-Shane is obsessed with the smell of skunk spray, lol!
-Ryan really wants to drop kick a gnome to see how far it would go!
-Shane wants to see Ryan take on the loch ness monster while Ryan wants to see Shane fight a gnome
-The amount of ghost shit in mouth jokes was so ridiculous!
-They locked Steven in the jails below the Viaduct Tavern and they said he was scared stiff after making fun of them so much lol!
-The boys want to do a Too Many Spirits and Ghost Files crossover
-Going through audience submitted evidence was fun and a real struggle for Shane lol!
- Both Sara and Mari were there and I saw both of them up close!
-My little sister saw Mari in the lobby and told her she was really pretty to which she replied that my sister was pretty too!
-My sis and I got little matching ghost tattoos!
I had a blast and I just love them so much!
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ghostbergara · 2 years
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Viaduct tavern!!
The guy in there was super kind when I asked to see the basement and he told all the history of the place plus some more fun stories! He asked how I knew about the place and I told him it was from Ryan and Shane going here and he was a fan too! So we had a bit of a talk about them as well!
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Yes this is the only picture I got in the basement😭 i was too invested in his talking than getting a proper photo and tbh it was also very dark in the cells
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Here’s the spring that used to be the spot they hanged people
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And the former new gate gaol!
Sadly no ghost at this particular time
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abavava · 2 years
*in british:
“The Viaduct Tavern Goal”
“It’s jail you idiot.”
-My favorite quote from Buzzfeed Unsolved
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Hi there I was wondering if there are any fics about the viaduct tavern episode? Thanks in advance!
unfortunately we couldn't find any for you but if any of our lovely followers know any feel free to share!
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London's oldest pubs
London's rich history is not confined to its grand landmarks and majestic buildings alone. Tucked away in its labyrinthine streets are historic pubs that have witnessed centuries of tales, laughter, and camaraderie. In this blog post, we embark on a spirited journey to explore some of London's most iconic pubs, each with its unique charm and fascinating history.
The Lamb and Flag, Covent Garden: A Literary Oasis Nestled in the heart of Covent Garden, The Lamb and Flag stands as a literary haven with a history dating back to the 17th century. Frequented by the likes of Charles Dickens and other literary giants, this pub has retained its historic ambiance. Its low ceilings and wooden interiors transport visitors to a bygone era, making it a must-visit for history enthusiasts and literature lovers alike.
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese: A Time Capsule in Fleet Street Venturing down Fleet Street, one cannot miss the allure of Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. Stepping inside is like stepping into a time capsule, with its dark, oak-paneled interiors and nooks that echo with centuries of conversations. The pub has stood since the Great Fire of London in 1666 and has hosted literary figures such as Mark Twain and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
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The Prospect of Whitby: Riverside Elegance Overlooking the Thames in Wapping, The Prospect of Whitby boasts a history that dates back to 1520, making it one of London's oldest pubs. Originally a tavern frequented by sailors and smugglers, it has evolved into a charming riverside pub. The wooden balcony, offering stunning views of the river, adds to the pub's timeless appeal.
Ye Old Mitre: A Hidden Gem in Holborn Tucked away on Ely Court in Holborn, Ye Old Mitre is a hidden gem with a history that predates the Great Fire of London. Its quaint, secluded courtyard and traditional interiors make it a delightful escape from the bustling city. This historic pub has retained its original charm, attracting visitors who seek a taste of old-world London.
The Viaduct Tavern: A Victorian Marvel Situated near St. Paul's Cathedral, The Viaduct Tavern is a Victorian masterpiece with an impressive facade. Built on the site of Newgate Prison's debtor's yard, the pub features cells in its basement, providing a glimpse into London's darker history. The ornate decor and stained glass windows add to the pub's allure, making it a unique stop for history enthusiasts.
The Churchill Arms: A Floral Extravaganza While not as ancient as some of its counterparts, The Churchill Arms in Kensington deserves a mention for its vibrant character. Adorned with an abundance of flowers, it pays homage to Winston Churchill with a nod to his military service. The pub's lively atmosphere, combined with its unique decor, makes it a standout destination for those seeking a blend of history and charm.
London's historic pubs are more than mere drinking establishments; they are living monuments that connect us to the city's rich past. Each pub tells a story, echoing with the laughter, conversations, and camaraderie of generations long gone. As you explore these iconic establishments, you'll find yourself immersed in the essence of London's history, one pint at a time. Cheers to the timeless charm of London's historic pubs!
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1weltreisender · 10 months
Haunted London: Reisen mit Gruselfaktor
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London ist bekannt für seinen Nebel, seine dunklen Gassen und zwielichtige Gestalten. Kaum eine andere europäische Hauptstadt kommt mit so viel Gruselatmosphäre daher wie die englische Metropole. Egal ob Gruselshow oder echter Spuk im Pub - Gänsehaut ist dem garantiert, der sich auf die dunkle Seite Londons einlässt.
Anreise und Unterkunft
Jeder perfekte Urlaub startet mit einer guten Anreise. London hat mehrere Flughäfen, die größten sind Heathrow, Stansted und Gatwick. Online lassen sich bequem Flüge buchen, die einen zu guten Konditionen die englische Hauptstadt bringen. Und schon kann das Gruselerlebnis beginnen. Wer gleich in die Vollen gehen möchte, kann sich direkt in einem der Londoner Spukhotels einquartieren. Besonders bekannt für seine nebulösen Dauergäste ist das Langham Hotel, welches allerdings auch stolze Preise für das Nachtquartier verlangt. Immerhin hat man dafür die Chance auf eine Begegnung mit den Geistern eines ermordeten Paares oder gar dem eines deutschen Prinzen aus der Kaiserzeit. Auch andere paranormale Begebenheiten, wie das unerklärliche Flackern von Lichtern, wurden aus dem Hotel berichtet. Wer nicht in eine Nacht im Luxushotel investieren möchte, sollte in Erwägung ziehen, sich im Georgian House Hotel einzuquartieren. Diese Unterkunft ist preisgünstiger, kann aber dennoch mit reichlich Spukgeschichten aufwarten. Zudem erinnern einige der aufwendig gestalteten Zimmer an die Schlafsäle aus Hogwarts.
Enjoy the spirits - Spuk im Pub
In London beherbergen nicht nur die Hotels Geister, sondern natürlich auch die Pubs. Im Spaniards Inn in Hampstead Heath beispielsweise soll der Geist eines Spaniers gesichtet worden sein, der einst bei einem Duell tödliche Verletzungen erlitt. Auch der Geist von Dick Turpin soll hier umgehen. Das Spaniards Inn ist jedoch bei weitem nicht der einige Pub mit paranormalen Aktivitäten. Weitere Wirtshäuser, in denen von ungewöhnlichen Erscheinungen berichtet wurde, sind unter anderem das Bow Bells, das Grenadier, das Viaduct Tavern, das Coach and Horses oder Ye Olde Cock Tavern in Fleet Street, wo der Geist von Oliver Goldsmith regelmäßig einkehren soll. Die Liste ist jedoch endlos lang und eine kurze Internetrecherche liefert schnell zahlreiche Treffer.
Auf Geistertour
Wer sich nicht damit begnügen möchte, eventuell im Hotel oder im Pub einem Geist zu begegnen, hat in London zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, weitere berühmt-berüchtigte Spukorte aufzusuchen. Neben Bustouren gibt es geführte Rundgänge zu einschlägigen Plätzen, die für Geistererscheinungen oder blutrünstige Kriminalfälle bekannt sind. Gänsehaut ist ebenso bei einem Besuch des London Dungeons garantiert, wo die gruseligsten und grausamsten Geschichten aus der Vergangenheit der britischen Metropole präsentiert werden. Wer einen Flug Hamburg-London bucht, kann sogar Gruselstimmung im Doppelpack erleben, denn mit dem Hamburg Dungeon wartet dort das norddeutsche Äquivalent auf seine gruselbegeisterten Besucher.
Nicht nur für die letzte Ruhe
Friedhöfe sind ein gern besuchter Ort für echte Geisterjäger und alle, die es werden möchten. Aber auch ohne diese Intention üben sie eine große Anziehungskraft aus, denn sie sind ein Ort der Ruhe, an dem die Zeit stillzustehen scheint. In London gibt es sieben besonders sehenswerte Friedhöfe aus viktorianischer Zeit, wie Highgate oder Kensal Green. Neben aufwendig gestalteten Mausoleen, Grabsteinen und Denkmälern befinden sich hier auch einige Ruhestätten berühmter Persönlichkeiten. Wer etwas Ruhe vom turbulenten Londoner Stadtleben sucht, für den ist ein Besuch dieser Anlagen absolut empfehlenswert. Titelfoto: London Bridge / Foto: PIRO4D / pixabay
Auch interessant:
Read the full article
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sayholee · 1 year
29 Dec - Drink at
Viaduct Tavern
Rising Sun
The Shakespeare
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theblueorchidhotels · 2 years
How to Celebrate a Luxury Halloween in London | Blue Orchid Hotels
With mansions, monuments, parks and castles, London's got a handful of locations where you can find yourself the perfect trick-and-treating opportunities. 
To find the best hotels in London as well as stay close to all the top attractions, central London is your answer. From there on, you can hop on a tube, cab or even walk to the best Halloween parties in town. 
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Visit the haunted locations in London 
Encounter a ghost or two at the Queen's House in Greenwich or the Sutton House and Breaker's Yard. Both are some of the most haunted locations in the city with several stories of supernatural encounters dotting the history. 
If these are not scary enough for you, you can always visit some of London's most eerie and haunting cemeteries. It would be fitting to find a white lady floating through the thick forest. 
The Rochester hotel by Blue Orchid is located near Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. 15 minutes from Covent Gardens, you can walk over to Victoria Station to board a tube for Greenwich. 
In case you are seeking a more family-friendly Halloween venue, try out the fun-filled trail at Chiswick House & Gardens. The illuminated woods are extremely haunting and filled with delicious treats. Or you can grab a pint at some of the oldest pubs in London such as The Ten Bells, The Grenadier, The Spaniards Inn and The Viaduct Tavern.
Is a trip to London ever complete without attending a theatre show? 
Watch a musical adaptation of Wicked or the haunting romance story of The Phantom of the Opera. To watch the film screening of Halloween's cult classics such as Hocus Pocus or the Shining, head over to the Rivoli Ballroom's Halloween horror film fest. 
27 minutes from Tower Suites by the Blue Orchid, the best hotel in central London, a stay at this hotel will keep you near the Sky Gardens, Jack the Ripper museum and Clink museum. 
Ghost tours 
Hop on the ghost bus tour to discover the dark and gory secrets that are hiding behind the iconic monuments in the city. These tours include museums, cemeteries and even secret ale houses with tons of haunting locations included in the itinerary. 
The Rochester hotel by Blue Orchid, 19 minutes away from Trafalgar Square, is the best accommodation in case the ghost bus tours are on your bucket list. Trafalgar Square is the pick-and-drop point for most of these ghost bus tours.
The Halloween experience 
Are you someone who prefers a more interactive experience over visiting cemeteries? Worry not, you have tons of venues to visit before and after Halloween. 
Arcane Afternoon Tea at Wands and Wizard Exploratorium lets you cast spells on the tea stand and solve puzzles that reveal delicious treats. 
The best hotels in London such as The Wellington and the Rochester are 2.7 miles away and guests can walk to Victoria station to board a tube. 
There is always the Tower Vaults at the Tower of London where you can join Guy Fawkes portrayed by Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. Play your parts and solve the explosive conspiracy plots 
For a digital experience head over to the Sandbox VR in Covent Garden to participate in the zombie-themed Deadwood Valley experience. 
London's haunting experience 
Visit the Harry Potter film studios at Warner Bros studio tour in London. Similar to the movies, the studio is warped to suit a Halloween theme and is an absolute delight. 
The Tower of London has narrators that speak of the tales of torture and imprisonment while exploring the Bloody Tower. Adding to the mystical and haunting environment are the nine ravens which are like the cherry on top of this tour. 
To stay closer to the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, River Thames and Tower Pier, you can choose the best hotel in central London by Blue Orchid, Tower Suites, which is 7 minutes away from these marvellous attractions. 
With 273 suites, this 5-star hotel gives you a chance to experience the high life of London while celebrating the Halloween spirit. Tower Suites has a spa, gym, grooming atelier, 3 restaurants and even a coffee shop.
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unsolvedspookystuff · 6 years
Hahahahaha imagine a ghost stomping up to your room, smacking the newspaper out of your hand, and then promptly stomping out
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navree · 3 years
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10 Buzzfeed Unsolved Caps Per Episode
Episode Forty Seven - “London’s Haunted Viaduct Tavern”
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makemadej · 5 years
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That’s how they used to spell it back in old English times. [x]
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ghostbergara · 2 years
omg so cool that you're going to the viaduct tavern!! i hope you have so much fun in london (and maybe see a ghost? 👻)!!
Thank you!! I got here yesterday it’s very cool! I hadn’t actually planned to see the viaduct tavern until I realized that I absolutely needed to see the viaduct tavern! I will be so fucking stocked if I see a ghost!!!
Already having fun too!
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I saw this guy today and I love him.
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imsuchafuckinlady · 4 years
Steven x Buzzfeed Unsolved Part 3
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When Shane asked the ghosts to 'chat him up' in the viaduct tavern I don't think he realised that to chat someone up means to flirt with them, so he was basically asking for some ghost dick.
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marksandrec · 5 years
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Marks and Rec: Misc #1603
(Nice try.) (Dialogue from Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency.)
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