#there are probably a lot more mamas but I can‘t think of more
roselamoure · 1 year
Elvis Presley Zodiac Chart Analysis ♐︎ ♑︎ ♓︎
I here all the time from fans that Elvis Presley is a complicated man but I don’t really think so. He had many sides and facets about him that many people can‘t understand or find complicated. He is a very unique, outstanding and beautiful individual and as someone who is highly spiritual herself and a Capricorn herself, had many Capricorn men in her life, I want to explain and tell you everything you need to know about Elvis Presley and you will understand and see how much his Zodiac chart explains him and what a big role it plays in his persona and being. This is gonna be a very detailed and long analysis about Elvis so please be prepared and bare with me, it is for sure worth it, though. I want to bring Elvis Presley fans closer to him and bring all of you a better understanding to Elvis and who he was deep in his heart and soul. So let‘s start,shall we?
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As you all may know, Elvis Presley was born on the 8th of January 1935 which makes him a sun Capricorn. Capricorn people are known to be the most feminine of all the sign. They love the color pink but also love black. They love art, poetry, music, fashion and history. They are old souls deep down. I have met many Capricorn men in my life and they all were dresses as if they were going to fashion week. Elvis loved fashion and he was probably the best dressed and had immaculate taste in everything, cars, clothing, interior. Elvis is known to have a flashy, yet extravagant style. He loved luxury and expensive things. Gold, pink, black, Smaragd green, ruby red. It‘s comparable with the elegant „old money“ aesthetic that we know now. Italian fashion is a big part of that. He could easily have been a fashion designer and his passion for fashion really shows from his early days on. Capricorn men also tend to be big mama boys. They LOVE their mothers. Of course everyone loves their mothers, but for Elvis, his mother was his number 1 and he would have done everything for her. All the other Capricorn men I met where exactly like that. Capricorn men will always love their mother’s more than their girlfriend or wife. And from my observation I will give you the ranking of their priority list now.
Their Mother
Their job
Romantic relationship
We all know that Priscilla was not on Elvis‘s priority. His job always came first. He was married to his job and he would have done everything for his job. It was his identity. Priscilla therefore always came last. He never wanted to change for anyone and would never give up his career for anyone. Capricorn‘s are also very stubborn which is represented by the goat. They are extremely stubborn and hate when people tell them what to do. They are also perfectionists and can slip that in in relationships as well, therefore they have very high standards and a distorted image of romance almost. They expect a lot from their partners especially when it comes to looks. Capricorn tend to be superficial and they care a lot about physical appearance. They want their partners to find in their standards and always look perfect. Which we all know resulted in Elvis „controlling“ Priscilla‘s looks and the way she acts, thinks and behaves. They don’t have bad intentions with it. They just like the idea of „showing off“ their „perfect“ partners and how pretty or good they look. This is especially common for Capricorn men compared to the women. Capricorn men are extremely hard working and their careers are their everything. They get charged and nurtured through their job and it makes them happy to work. Without work, they would feel very empty inside and would feel like they have no purpose or meaning in life and would feel lost. It would be very draining. Therefore, Capricorn men find most happiness in their work and they love to work a lot and hard. It‘s in their nature. They always give their best and find life and happiness by working hard and giving back to others. Capricorns are also pretty controlling and they can get stressed out or feel uneasy if they have no control over anything. Capricorns are also very loyal but they often times can be in denial about bad traits they have. For a Capricorn it‘s always „my way or the highway“. Capricorn people love to be right, love compliments and love to have a successful career. They love looking good as well. They want to look „perfect“, which is due to their perfectionism. They are not well with criticism and they have a hard time accepting it. A result of that would be to get mad, aggressive and cut the person of eventually when want to boss a Capricorn around or tell them what they are doing is wrong and that they should change it. Capricorns biggest pet peeve is when people boss them around or tell them what to do. They despise it. Which is what we learned about Elvis as well, he would cut people off his life when they told him to stop taking pills or to do something. He absolutely hated it and would throw things at people and get super mad. Capricorns think they know it all, they have a complex and want to achieve perfection in everything they do and are. Capricorns also tend to be more on the traditional side. They have traditional values and likes in life and don‘t prefer modernity, yet are open individuals for everything. Since Capricorns are very hardworking, they even spend their free time trying to better themselves by reading plenty of books, broadening their perspective, better themselves and gain more knowledge in the world. They are very curious individuals and always want to learn new things and study. Capricorns are hungry for knowledge and they could easily spend hours locked in their room studying and researching about many different subjects in life. They want to know everything their is about the world and never feel like they have researched enough, which is totally what Elvis would do in his free time. He would read medical books as well to learn more about medicine. Capricorns are loyal, dependable and devoted being. They may appear cold at first, but are very warm hearted and generous and kind on the inside. Capricorns don’t open up easily and build high walls around them, they have a hard time trusting people. Capricorn‘s also are incredibly close with their families and value traditions.
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Capricorns keep themselves closed off from most of the world, so if they let you inside, they value you immensely. They spend a lot of time bettering themselves and strive for success constantly. Capricorns can be very unforgiving when you betray them or do them wrong. They will immediately cut you off from their lives. Capricorns hold not only high standards to their partners or friends, but also themselves. They are never satisfied with themselves and are their biggest critics. They can as a result of hard work neglect their needs and health and be their own worst enemy. Capricorns men would rather give more gifts to their partners rather than talk about their feelings. They can be somewhat materialistic. They are also very supportive and always willing to help others. They mostly show their love and gratitude through gifts or acts of service. In love, a Capricorn man would rather take it slowly to make sure they made the right decision and feel secure in their connection with the person. Capricorn men can also have a macho side to them and want to be seen as „cool“ and have a hard time talking about their feelings. Being vulnerable can be hard for them as they don’t want to let their guard as the „cool macho“ guy down. They are introverted beings. Image is very important to them.
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Like for part 2 for the moon and rising sign analysis🤍
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trashyyoi · 4 years
Today is Mother‘s Day, so let‘s talk about all the mothers Oda did dirty and who deserve better.
Vinsmoke Sora
Portgas D. Rouge
Nico Olvia
Big Mom. Wait no, she can choke.
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nyaheum · 4 years
Eurovision 2020 – The Least Useful List Ever
Disclaimer: I am absolutely biased towards certain styles of music and am probably the least impartial person ever. I also don‘t take anything seriously, so you shouldn‘t make that mistake with this list. I mean, Eurovision has been postponed anyway and we‘re all going mad in self-isolation.
France: Tom Leeb – Mon Alliée
MEEEH, it‘s a dude with a guitar singing a quiet love song. Super basic and also super boring. Would be better if there was no English in it, that makes it worse. 3 Points.
Czech Republic: Benny Cristo – Kemama
Czechia has a type. It‘s kinda fun, but it‘s not my style of music. This could be on the radio and I‘d be „Okay, I‘m driving anyway“. There‘s not enough happening for me here. 4 Points.
Armenia: Athena Manoukian – Chains On You
Someone saw Ukraine‘s entry from last year, huh. But I actually kinda like it. I actually like the aesthetic more than the song itself, but it‘s kinda good. Except for the super basic chorus. Wouldn‘t add to my playlist but I don‘t mind it. 5 Points.
Italy: Diodato - Fai Rumore
Hey, I‘m having a déjà vu. Another non-english love song. But this is better than the french one, simply because there‘s actually some emotion in this dudes voice. Also Italy just gets sympathy points from me at this point. 5 Points.
Russia: Little Big – Uno
I love this song so much. It‘s so much fun. It‘s so stupid and campy. In short: very Eurovision. It‘s also just very interesting instrumental-wise. At least I think it is. I really like it. (also their dancer in the blue jumpsuit doing splits and a death drop? Icon) 10/12 Points.
Denmark: Ben & Tan – YES
Why does this sound like Shallow to me? I think it‘s the guitar and the male and female voice. Anyway if it‘s Shallow it‘s bad Shallow. NO from me. I don‘t like the pacing. BUT if they had had a live performance at least it would‘ve been great for audience participation. 4 Points
Estonia: Uku Suviste – What Love Is
Oh. It‘s that kind of song, huh. Why does th music video like this. Why are there spider webs on the microphone. Why is there the word „LOVE“ in an empty industrial hall. Why does he do so many vocal runs. Just a big WHY from me. 2 Points.
Romania: ROXEN – Alcohol You
I know this was the fan favourite song, but I liked literally ALL OTHER songs she had more than this one. It does look really cool though. It‘s also very modern, but there‘s not enough build-up for me? Or rather, it sounds like it builds up to something and it doesn‘t really in the end? Like it builds up to something, but it doesn‘t go as hard as I would have liked it to? But that‘s just me. 6 Points.
Azerbaijan: Efendi – Cleopatra
Okay, this is my guilty pleasure song this year. The music video is super weird (the dancers all look like they do not want to be there, she‘s suddenly dancing around a car in an outfit from 2009 and she‘s raking around in a baththub full of gold dust?), the text is super basic BUT holy shit I just love the pre-chorus and the chorus. I mean. What‘s going on there?...Whatever it is, I like it. 7 Points.
Albania: Arilena Ara – Fall From The Sky
She reminds me of Poppy, of all people. But her voice is deeper. Her song is also more basic. I really have nothing to say about thsi, except that it sounds like a song from last years ESC but I don‘t know which one right now. 2 Points.
Greece: Stefania – SUPERG!RL
If we have learned anything from S!ISTERS last year, then it is that you shouldn‘t replace I‘s with exclamation marks. Also why is she singing about her being super strong and stuff and then she uses her powers to...make two bullies probably break their noses?...and why did the nerd draw her (so weirdly)?  What is this music video… 2 Points
Portugal: Elisa – Medo De Sentir
Conan was robbed last year and therefore I cannot like whatever Portugal does this year. Conveniently, I also don‘t like this song. I swear, there‘s slow and quiet songs I like, it‘s just not...this kind. 3 Points
Moldova: Natalia Gordienko -  Prison
This year‘s music videos are so obscure, but at least this isn‘t the slow-mo-romance from last year. That being said...I do not like her face being so close to the camera. The song is surprisingly decent though. In an Eurovision context, duh. 4 Points
Malta: Destiny – All Of My Love
Two things: Destiny‘s voice is absolutely stunning. I love listening to her sing. She really knows what she‘s doing. And: although I had to skip the narration at the beginning (it made me uncomfortable??) it‘s a great song. It‘s fun. They‘re also all covering their mouths and noses. Truly ahead of their time. 7 Points.
Serbia: Hurricane – Hasta La Vista
My immediate reaction to that opening shot was: „Oh, hatred will win again huh?“. That‘s pretty much all they had in common with Iceland though. Something is wrong about this Instrumental. I don‘t know what it is, but it sounds off-beat for some reason? It‘s super weird to listen to, I don‘t know. It‘s also, eh, basic? 3 Points
Poland: Alicja – Empires
I knew an Alicia in school and I hated her with all I had.  I wouldn‘t say I dislike this song that much, but I also don‘t...really like it? I‘m always sceptical about songs that have very ambigious lyrics and then show some political stuff in the music video because I just KNOW that they do that so they can collect their Internet points while not risking to lose the points of older people who only watch the Contest on TV and will never see the music video. Apart from that, I just don‘t care for the song, honestly. 4 Points
San Marino: Senhit – Freaky! So, in the years where San Marino doesn‘t send Serhat, can we borrow him? I mean, he works in Germany anyway and speaks German, so it shouldn‘t be a problem, right? About the song: yeah, why not. Sounds a bit like they tried to do a little bit of Lizzo here, and I don‘t mind it. The people who did the music video also saw Ukraines entry from last year. The scene where they‘re all touching each other is basically the same. 5 Points
North Macedonia: Vasil – YOU
ME?! Why is he in the „She Got Me“-Bar by the way? And why is there a passed out guy in the background?! Is that girl wearing a Scrunchy? This whole video is She Got Me. Only worse. IT‘S EVEN THE SAME LOCATION?? 2 Points
Iceland: Daði og Gagnamagnið – Think About Things
I haven‘t seen one person on the Internet who dislikes this song and I...for once...am part of the hype. I love this song, I love these people, it‘s so stupid and that‘s why it‘s amazing. Iceland just gets Eurovision recently. It‘s also a total bop, all other things apart. I‘m humming it at least once a day, it‘s becoming a problem. Daði ALSO lives in Germany, so I think we can claim this song at least a bit? 12 Points
Finland: Aksel – Looking Back
In German, your „Axel“ is your arm pit. I just though you should know that. And I‘m only writing that because this song makes me feel nothing. It just faded right out as soon as I looked at my computer screen. It was gone immediately. 3 Points
Sweden: The Mamas – Move
Good voices. This sounds a lot like their song from last year for some reason. I mean. It even has the same lights or am I going mad?? It‘s totally fine though. 5 Points
Cyprus: Sandro – Running
This will sound weird, but...he looks like a german teenager. I can‘t explain it, he just DOES. Yes, the weird moustache totally included. With me talking about this, you can probably guess that I do not care about this song eiter. Bleh. 4 Points.
Slovenia: Ana Soklic – Voda
We wanna pRääääy – I know she (probably) isn‘t singing that but I can‘t hear anything else. The way she looks at the camera also weirdly bothers me, but that might just be because I can‘t really do eye contact. By the way, the chorus totally sounds like Paper from Iceland 2017. To me. I can‘t explain myself. 5 Points
Bulgaria: Victoria – Tears Getting Sober
Ouh...that title. She‘s going for a Billie Eilish-vibe, isn‘t she. She so is. And I wouldn‘t mind usually, but this is...very obvious. Like, VERY. I also don‘t care a lot for Billie Eilish‘s music, so, you know… 3 Points
Ireland: Lesley Roy – Story Of My Life
„Hey, Lesley, we‘re selling you to One Direction so we can go to the Eurovision Finale.“ What do you mean, it‘s not that Story Of My Life? Hmpfh. She also does not look like she should have that voice. She looks a bit like a middle-aged lesbian, if I dare say so. Why are there so many songs this year that I do not care about? AAAAH. 4 Points
Austria: Vincent Bueno – Alive
Damn, I want a Kinder Bueno now. His voice caught me a little bit off guard, I won‘t lie. And I know he‘s Austrian, but he looks like he‘s a classmate of the guy from Cyprus. Both weirdly german teenager-esque. The song is fine. Still not my genre. She can dance though, so I like him. 5 Points
Israel: Eden Alene – Feker Libi
What I conclude from this song: Israel is not yet ready to win again. I mean, the song is totally fine, but...it‘s not anything special? It just blends right in with the song from before. And I wanted to give bonus points for native language, but just the chorus doesn‘t count. Nuh-uh. 4 Points
The Netherlands: Jeangu Macrooy – Glow
Ah, the Dutch, known for weed and speaking funny German. One thing I genuinely don‘t get: if you are the hosting country, why send ballads or sad songs? I mean, the chances of you winning are so slim, you might as well send a song that‘s entertaining for the home crowd. Maybe in your native language, maybe with a catchy and fun chorus or a repeatable dance move...(may I mention Germany‘s opening act when they hosted the contest in 2011 and the way Stefan Raab completely transformed the song to have it be more fun and entertaining? Not the same thing, but I just think it needs attention). The song isn‘t bad, though. 4 Points
Switzerland: Gjon‘s Tears – Répondez-moi
Oh look, the Swiss remembered they know French. I swear, if they send a German song before us and all of Europe and Australia has to listen to Swiss-German I will throw something. Anyway. It‘s better than the Song sent by France. I like the „Ah-aaah“-parts a lot actually. Honestly, I quite like this song in general. The longer I listen to it, the more I like it. Oh no. 7 Points
Latvia: Samanta Tina – Still Breathing
Why do I feel like I heard this song already? Like, in this list. At least she has a very subtle hat. She won‘t stand out a lot. That reminds me, I don‘t understand art. I have also reached the chorus now and have to say that it still sounds a little bit like Azerbaijan but it‘s actually pretty cool. I don‘t know why, but there‘s just something about it. 7 Points
Georgia: Tornike Kipiani – Take Me As I Am
Okay, don‘t add me, but I really like this song. No jokes here. I just really love the way Georgia keeps sending super angry dudes to Eurovision and nobody cares about it. Although he sounds a lot less scary than Oto, which, in my book, gives him some minus points. Still. I like this. This Song also has more German in it than the German Song. Just pointing that out. 8 Points
Germany: Ben Dolic – Violent Thing
When I first heard this song, I absolutely despised it. I think it‘s just my natural reaction to Germany‘s songs nowaday. Anyway, everyone keeps saying that Germany finally has a good song again like it‘s been ages and ages. But, let‘s be real: 2019 was really bad, yeah, but 2018 was super good, I love 2015‘s Black Smoke to this day and we won in 2010, which, for a contests that only occurs every year and has more than 40 contestans, is not bad at all. What I want to say with that: yes, it‘s actually good, but it‘s not our first good song in decades. 7 Points / Not allowed to vote for it
Belarus: VAL – Da Vidna
This is the first video that YouTube gave me an ad for and I‘m not here for it. I know I‘m supposed to judge the song, but I also have to ask: what does she have on her head? That is a serious question. What is that. She also looks like my cousin a little bit, which is neither good nor bad for her. I‘d like to give her native language points, but two things bother me: a) what is she doing with those dudes and b) I don‘t like this song. 2 Points
Lithuania: The Roop – On Fire
(The Roop! The Roop! The Roop is on fire!) I love this. And what I mean by „this“ is the full package. The song is fine by itself (yes, I like weird songs) but his whole demeanor is just so obsucre...I love it. He manages to look like an extremely serious person while doing the silliest moves ever. He also just looks SO Eastern-European, it‘s ridiculous. 10 Points
Croatia: Damir Kedzo - Divlji Vjetre
He does not look like he should sing this kind of song. He looks like a German amateur rapper. Yes I know, it‘s not my fault that a lot of people look German. I don‘t like this song! I‘m sorry! 2 Points
United Kingdom: James Newman – My Last Breath
There‘s a fire-, no wait, wrong guitar intro. This dude looks like what my brother would looks like if he could grew a proper beard and was a few years older. I don‘t know what you are supposed to do with this information, but at least you have it now. For an UK song, this is absolutely decent. 4 Points
Ukraine: Go_A – Solovey
Yesss, ethnic stuff! I love this song, it‘s absolutely great. And her dress is absolutely stunning. I can‘t even think of anything funny to say about this song, it just totally takes me in. 10 Points
Spain: Blas Cantó – Universo
Can we have La Venda back please? And what is he doing with his hands? And why does he look like he does YouTube? So many questions, so little answers in this music video...(no, seriously, I KNOW this dude from somewhere.) 3 Points
Belgium: Hooverphonic – Release
Yah, Release me from this song please. I‘m getting sick of these songs!! Why is everyone whining, the world is bad enough already!! I‘m using two exclamation marks at once so it‘s serious!! And she says losing game, which is a direct nod to Arcade which led the Netherlands to the win. It‘s song science. Or for short: love love peace peace and all that. 2 Points
Norway: Ulrikke – Attention
Whenever I read the word „Attention“, all I can think about is Todrick Hall. Which is a problem, because this isn‘t…a party song. By the way, why is she squinting so hard? She looks like she‘s in physical pain. And not the „I‘m so sad“-way, but the „I really need to go to the toilet please“-way. I‘m running out of things to say so I have to resort to potty humour. Sorry. 2 Points.
Australia: Montaigne – Don‘t Break Me
I know we have all seen the outfit already, but why does she look like that. She also looks so lost on stage? I feel bad for her, but not because of the lyrics but because of the look on her face. Oh, and about the song: meh? 4 Points
One Point: Azerbaijan
Two Points: Malta
Three Points: Germany (I can‘t really vote for them but who cares there‘s no contest)
Four Points: Latvia
Five Points: Switzerland
Six Points: Georgia
Seven Points: Lithuania
Eight Points: Ukraine
Ten Points: Russia
Twelve Points: Iceland
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daylighteclipsed · 6 years
yesterday I came up with this Murphy’s Law au for TH--and it is dark, just warning--where Claire and Argante’s essences have merged into one in Claire’s body, but Jim can’t bring himself to kill her or let her be killed by anyone.
He sticks close to her to protect her and try to save her, but it’s not like she’s a separate identity exactly, more like her identity is tangled with the dark sorceress. You’d have to separate the two of them to get the old Claire back, which would, at this point, kill her.
She hesitates to kill Jim when he first shows up because Claire likes Jim, and Argante sees something she can use to her advantage. For Jim to protect her while trying to save her he has to cut down everyone who wants to kill her, the people he used to fight with and fight for. He’s getting rid of her enemies for her, with far more power and skill than any of the other soldiers because he’s got the Amulet. The armor makes him practically invincible and the sword can cut through anything. He could probably slaughter an entire army in minutes if he wanted to.
Argante!Claire strings him along with false hope, acting as if the old Claire surfaces sometimes like that’s possible, manipulating the absolute hell out of him. Keeping him there, subservient to her, with no doubts he’d ever turn around and try to kill her, not as long as he believes Claire is still there. And all the while he is destroying everything and destroying himself with every awful thing he does. He’s becoming a monster and she’s encouraging it.
She wants to watch the Trollhunter fall. She could kill him (although she is quite fond of the boy), or she could use him, play with him, twist him into her weapon. She could break him, watch as he succumbs to darkness, watch as Merlin’s own weapon destroys him and everything it was supposed to protect. If he’s half changeling, she could watch as he gives into his feral side, as the hesitations become less and he rips into people. Growls. Acts like a monster because that’s what he is. 
[I think that’s what Argante’s thing might be. She’s Morgan Le Fay/Baba Yaga/The Eldritch Queen--She seems like a Mother Nature figure except she’s the mother of the Supernatural, not the natural. Maybe not the literal mother (except for the changelings, which she did create), but the mother figure: guardian, protector, nurturer. She’s Mama monster. And I don’t think she likes that her children have to hide to stay safe, to be accepted and respected. Its not enough for the supernatural and the natural (humans) to integrate. I think she wants monsters to be able to look and act like, well, monsters.] The Argante tangled up in Claire would want to see Jim’s monster half flourish (think: the Deep). No more hiding. Monsters have had to hide for too long.
She’s not mean to him. Quite the opposite: she expresses love and praise and gentle care until he’s not sure if it’s Claire talking or Argante. It’s gotta be Argante because she’s praising him for doing terrible things and becoming something he doesn’t want to be, something Claire would never want, but she sounds like Claire, looks like Claire, feels like Claire...tastes like Claire...and it’s so nice to be loved...to hold her and have his tears brushed away, to feel Claire kissing every inch of him, human and troll, and saying he’s wonderful even when he’s not, he’s not, he’s not.
She makes it so that he can’t hate her. She chips away at him over the years and he chips away at himself. She’s manipulating him, but Jim is still making these choices, crafting his own chains. He doesn’t have to stay. He doesn’t have to do anything. But he does. He loves her.
(”Sometimes the heart leads us down paths we shouldn’t cross.”)
Avoiding killing becomes killing a little becomes killing a lot becomes things he will never ever forgive himself for becomes--nothing. Numb. He misses his friends. His mom. But he can’t go back. He won’t be welcomed back, and he doesn’t deserve it anyway. He’s a nightmare. If his 15 year old self could see him now, he’d run the Daylight sword straight through him.
Jim would let him.
His friends are alive because as long as there’s still some Jim left in him, he can‘t bring himself to hurt them, especially his mom, and Toby, who tries so desperately to bring him back, bring him home. Maybe Claire’s still in there, maybe she isn’t, but they can figure this out together. Please, Jimbo. If Claire is the dark and Jim is where the light and dark meet, Toby is the light. The hope and optimism and never ending faith, the hand that’s always held out to Jim no matter what he does, no matter how much time passes. Most people think he’s crazy for still believing there’s good in Jim and maybe Claire too, but it will never be too late for Toby. Jim is his brother.
It should be so easy to take his hand, but Jim’s hands are chained and slippery with blood.
Every time Jim doesn’t hurt him or any of his friends is another point in Toby’s favor though. Every time Jim lets them get away is a reminder that he’s not totally lost. Toby never gives up. Barbara, if she’s still alive, is the only one who feels the same.
If Barbara tried to bring Jim home I feel like he would immediately cave and start crying. Cause when your own mother is standing there crying, begging you to come home because she still loves you and you’re breaking her heart, you’d have to not care about her at all to turn away.
But this is the universe where everything goes wrong. (Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.)
Barbara dies before she can get to him, and Jim blames himself for not being there to protect her. He promised he’d never leave her like his dad did, and then he did. He left without saying goodbye. Without keeping in contact. Without even letting her know why.
He didn’t mean to. He was just trying to help Claire! He didn’t know that would turn into…all this. He didn’t know.
But the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
He dreams about his mom, or maybe her spirit’s really there visiting him. He’s in his old home. It’s one of those very rare nights where his mom’s there and they have time to watch a movie together before bed. There’s freshly popped popcorn sitting on the coffee table. She’s covered in a blanket waiting for him on the sofa. He’s 16 again, and he throws himself at her, sobbing, trembling, apologizing, a child tucked under her chin. She strokes his hair, murmurs his name and soft reassurances, and he sobs harder because he does not deserve it. How can she even look at him? How does she not hate him? (Because he’s still her son. He’s a little lost right now, but he’s still her Jim.)
The good end is Jim and Claire being saved somehow. The okay end is Jim stopping before he goes too far and accepting the Claire he loves is gone. The bad end is Jim killing his friends under her authority. That’s the point of no return for him and for Claire.
I kinda want to believe that things start to go at least a little right in the end. They can’t keep going wrong forever. Right has to exist for wrong to exist. But that’s just my take on it.
The basic idea of Jim serving Claire like this is a twisted, classic dynamic of a lady and her knight. A knight pledges himself to a lady and after that he must defend her, her honor, her life, no matter what. It’s also a twisted Lancelot and Guinevere story. Lancelot betrays everyone to save Guinevere from being sentenced to death. He cuts down his own fellow knights and takes her away somewhere safe. The difference is Guinevere wasn’t getting killed because an evil sorceress was consuming her soul. But even so Lancelot would probably still save her, just like Jim. Love and loyalty are his undoing.
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ecofinisher · 3 years
¡Vamos a España! - Chap 19
Chapter 19
On Monday Alfida stood on the airfield with a few other pilots chatting while the rest of the team sat inside the cabin waiting for her to come back.
„I assume we‘re going to wait a few more hours here,“ Kai mentioned making Gerda shrug her shoulders.
„The wind doesn‘t seem as bad as it was overnight,“ Gerda commented. „I felt uncomfortable to sleep,“
„And you think I slept better?“ Kai questioned. „I slept on the floor because a certain troll can‘t share a hammock,“
„I‘m sorry Kai. I can‘t help myself, when during the sleep I keep pushing things around,“ Apologized Orm making Gerda chuckle.
„I would have rather shared the hammock with you or Alfida,“ Kai commented earning a nod from the troll.
„She is most likely to kick you off the hammock too if I need to be honest. Gerda would be the better choice for you,“ Commented the troll.
„She wouldn‘t do that unless it‘s by accident or as a joke. If not, I would have to get used to it the next few years,“ Kai mentioned making Orm raise his left eyebrow.
„You are already planning on moving further with her?“
„Not only us,“ Kai mentioned looking at Gerda, which was looking through the bookshelf for something to read.
„Oh yes, she mentioned it during that dinner night,“ Orm commented.
„Yes, but I‘m taking my time…..hey if I‘m able to see Rollan‘s mom, we may get to know each other, just as my parents know him,“
„She will totally like you Gerda…...or she will hate you, because Rollan will leave her for you,“ Kai said making Gerda and Orm laugh.
„I believe, that she will let Rollan go, knowing he‘s around us. People that like him,“ Gerda said making Orm and Kai cough at Gerda‘s comment. „Well…..won‘t kill him or something,“
„I respect you two as long as you‘re happy together,“ Kai promised watching Gerda take out a book, then walk up at Kai, which looked at Orm, which was adjusting the rope of the hammock.
„Me too,“ Orm added. „Oh hey about this scene with his mother…...he had once lied to you about it, that his mother was…...vanished…..what would you have done back in time, if you knew his mother was actually alive, but Rollan had died or disappeared back at lake Gao?“
„You mean the night I……..threw the demon in there?“ Questioned Gerda earning a nod from the troll. „I don‘t know. At that time I was shocked and angry about what had happened. I wouldn‘t even have dared to speak about that…... I‘m kind of glad, this never was a case. How would I have explained a mother, which would be looking for his son and then what she hears is how I killed his son because he became a monster?“
„That would have been terrible,“ Orm admitted earning a nod from Gerda‘s brother.
„We could always have said the demon took over him and killed him?“ Kai suggested.
„Or that he sacrificed himself?“ Orm added. „The least painful thing you can come up with. I know lying is bad, but I think at that time the truth would be very painful,“
„I wouldn‘t be able to live with that lie in the end and with her knowledge knowing I was the one, who ended his life,“ Gerda commended sad about those thoughts, then Kai placed his hand around Gerda‘s shoulders.
„Forget all that Gerda. He‘s not dead, he‘s now here with us and he‘s changed or…...he‘s not that what he was before. The best part is, you knew there was a good side in him, which I or anyone else probably would not have seen,“
„You know in every good guy there‘s a black spot in it and in every bad guy a good spot. I had got known Rollan over this year as a kind-hearted, brave, and temperamental boy,“
„And his temperament is his black spot or is it this with the wishing stone that happened the other time?“ Kai asked making Orm shrug his shoulders.
„No, how should I say this…...look, out of us three I‘m the one, who knows Rollan the best. With the time we were together I got to know more facts about him from his past and his previous life in Spain,“
„Was it more terrible than ours?“ Kai asked making Gerda shrug her shoulders.
„It‘s not that. His case was more he missed a person to talk to about. Someone around his age mostly,“
„And let me guess…..you were the only person he was able to talk to after all these years?“
„No, more the person who would understand him and mention the right and wrongs acts,“ Gerda commented. „Like Orm, he was misunderstood,“
„Alright, I wasn‘t aware of that,“ Kai mentioned.
„Neither was I and now I kind of feel sorry for those stories I made up back when he arrived in the troll kingdom,“
„I know. He‘s fine and that‘s what matters,“ Gerda noticed, then saw the door open up, so Alfida got into the cabin with the book with the map of Europe and placed it on top of a box.
„Friends, I‘ve spoken with the captain of the air fleet over there and they suggested me to fly toward Bilbao instead, then head across Madrid, Toledo, or anywhere else here in the middle and follow our route to Alicante,“ Alfida mentioned. „Over the Pyrenees, it‘s currently windier than the last few days and for safety reasons, it would be better for us to look for an alternative,“
„So we will be another day and eventually night flying?“ Questioned the blonde earning a nod from Alfida.
„We‘ve got food for two days, but if you want we can make a stop somewhere in Madrid for a little walk or we can go further,“
„Would be okay for me,“ Kai responded making Orm shrug his shoulder, then all looked at Gerda, which shrugged too.
„Or if Gerda and Orm want, we just head to Madrid, make a break, and follow right away to Alicante?“ Alfida suggested.
„Or we take a look around Madrid?“ Gerda suggested. „We‘ve been stuck in this ship long enough. We also deserve to see more things, than just clouds and landscapes. Why not even go around Spain, before we go down to Rollan and the cubs?“ Suggested Gerda.
„That would be cool and we would get to know more about certain places. If we liked it we could in the future come here with our family for vacation?“ Kai suggested watching his sister nod and Alfida smile at the idea.
„I like your idea Gerda…...and now that we‘re here, right next to Spain we‘ve got Portugal. I heard they make pretty good Wine,“ Suggested Alfida. „Oh I got it, I‘ll buy your father one of those good vines and we‘ll need to share once together on family dinner,“
„Aren‘t they expensive?“ Orm asked.
„We‘ll see, otherwise I‘m a pirate. I know other ways to get to them,“
„Really Alfida?“ Gerda asked surprised at Alfida‘s idea. „As long as Kai and I aren‘t pulled into your schemes, I‘m fine with it,“
„Don‘t worry about it,“ Alfida assumed with a wink, then marked the Spanish capital with a circle, afterward she marked the two biggest cities of the neighboring country and placed the pencil down to look at her friends. „So Madrid, Porto, and Lisbon are our next destinations. And our very last and final destination will be Alicante, where we will reunite Orm and Gerda back with Rollan and the triplets,“ Announced the raven-haired girl. „Do we agree?“ Alfida asked watching all nod.
„Great…..Kai, you‘re the one to start the ship. Follow me and show me, what you‘re able to do,“ Alfida ordered watching her boyfriend salute at the girl and walk out of the ship leaving a chuckling Orm back, while Gerda just smiled at seeing the two raven-haired teens head out to the steering wheel.
„Gerda, your swift has returned!“ Kai shouted as on their steering wheel had landed a black bird, then Gerda lifted her thumb up and grabbed the pencil, to walk out off the cabin.
Rollan, Pastor, Marina and half of the students from the academy were making their way together along with an older guard to the shooting range.
„Is it true, that you stopped yesterday a thief, that had been stealing money from people?“ Pastor asked Rollan, which was facing forward the place they were going, then he glanced at Pastor and nodded.
„Si, that‘s what Roberto said,“ Rollan pointed out.
„Wow, I would have love to see that,“ Marina said making Pastor nod.
„That‘s what we‘re practicing for. Or at least that‘s one part of it,“
„I know…...oh our friends back there should have been there, when you did that. Imagine the faces they would have done,“
„Actually they were around with Enrico‘s dad I think. I don‘t think they saw it, but they‘re aware I did that,“ Rollan commented.
„And what did they say?“ Marina asked making Rollan cackle.
„Nothing special. Well except…..Ernesto. He said what I pulled off was good and I shouldn‘t take Enrico‘s stupid comments serious. The reason he acts badly towards me is that he has problems at his home and lets his anger out on me or Ernesto,“
„Well, that makes sense I guess?“ Pastor commented making Marina frown wondering about what Rollan told.
„Not everyone has a perfect family. My parents argued a lot due to my dad‘s alcoholism and although living in this situation was hard for me I didn‘t take it out on other people as Enrico does,“
„Maybe not everyone can handle the pressure?“ Pastor commented, then Rollan shrugged his shoulders.
„I don‘t know anything of Enrico or Ernesto‘s life. It could have been harder, than mine was. My father just died when I was around 10 years and mama was alone taking care of me until I got older,“
„Life‘s never fair. That‘s what my dad always says when everything seems to go bad,“ Pastor mentioned earning a nod from Rollan.
„You know I sometimes thought about that a lot…..Gerda...her life wasn‘t also an easy bite. Half of her life she spent in an orphanage, the other part she walked around with her brother gaining money to survive on their own and yet from everyone I have met in my life, she has a big heart and sees in everyone good, even when you believe there is no good,“
„She sounds like an exceptional girl,“ Marina commented and the group arrived at the shooting range and entered into the cottage to see a row with an arc space for eight people. On the other side of the range stood wooden shapes of criminals which had holes from being shot in various places.
“Alright, the first eight of you, which are standing right in front I plead you to get to a free space and take the fire gun, which lies there on the table. Right next to the gun you see a few small boxes filled with ammo you’ll need to charge before use. Before we get to it, are you all aware of how a gun works?” The teacher asked watching the students nod. “So you paid attention to José’s lessons I see,”
“Si,” Announced the students, then the teacher approached Marina and stared at her. “Miss Marina, show me how to use it,”
Marina smiled picking up the gun, then moved her arm at the students and pulled a trigger on its head, and pulled the handle in front of the hold to make a clicking noise meaning the gun wasn’t charged.
“Exactly. The first thing you always have to do is to release the safety on top of it. Only after this you’re able to shot,” The teacher explained, then picked up the ammo box to give it to Marina, which opened the case and introduced the bullets into it, then closed it and aimed at the standing criminal made of wood across the range.
“Where do you want me to hit him?” Questioned Marina making the teacher shrug.
“Doesn’t matter. The first lesson is to learn how to handle it,” The teacher explained, then Marina took the shot and hit the criminal on the left arm. “Very well. Now everyone else take your try, the rest stay far behind and observe them,”
Rollan grabbed the gun, then charged it with ammo and held it up against the shapes at the end of the range and took a shoot missing his aim. Rollan adjusted his gun more at the middle and shot again hitting the card on the side of the belly. Rollan smiled and aimed again at the same place, pulling the trigger to miss it by a few millimeters making Rollan pout.
“Harold’s crossbow feels easier to aim towards things,” Rollan told himself, then he heard someone whistle and looked back to see Enrico stand there with his arms crossed.
“How do you feel when you hold the gun?” Enrico asked making Rollan roll his eyes to give himself another try at hitting the criminal. “Some people often misuse it and feel all-powerful. Did you know that?”
“I just feel like a newbie trying to use it. Which I am,” Rollan commented and used the gun, managing to hit the woodboard at the area of the heart. “Yes, a heart shot!”
Enrico chuckled, then approached Rollan trying to score on the criminal another time. “You know…..you’re giving me the impression, that you are on of those persons that would kill to stop someone escaping,” Enrico commented making Rollan wide his eyes in shock at the boy’s comment. Enrico smirked as he noticed Rollan’s body get still, then watched Rollan place his gun down and turn around to the blue-eyed boy.
“Why are you talking about me like that?” Questioned the raven-haired boy. “You don’t even know me so long to be joking like this,”
“I’m just curious. You were excited about a heart shot,”
“Of course I am excited. I’m practicing the use of a gun and if I’m able to hit a space I’ve aimed it’s a good sign,” Rollan explained. “Now that you’re here I’d like to as you something…...how’s your life back at your house?” Questioned Rollan making the boy furrow his eyebrows.
“That’s none of your business, Rollan. It only matters the ones around my life,”
“Okay. You know I’ve heard about you and your dad’s relationship to not be the best and I thought you may need someone else you could talk about?”
“You know nothing about me or my relationship with my father. Even if you know it’s not your problem,”
“But you can ask people like me for help. I would rather be able to help you than get treated like trash for no decent reason,”
“Not everyone’s life is a walk in a field of roses, Rollan. But you wouldn‘t understand this, cause you think you live in a world of fantasies, but you don‘t. This is the real life and that life is not fair with everybody,“ Enrico told Rollan stern about his feeling about it, then Rollan looked down at the ground thinking about Enrico‘s words. „The world is that what we make it,“
„Say that again?“ Enrico asked looking back at Rollan‘s comment. „What do you mean?“
„If there are things that make you believe it‘s not worth to change because of certain incidents, you‘re wrong. Life is always changing and you can contribute, that it works for you in a good way,“ Rollan explained making the boy frown.
„Rollan just open your eyes. My mother and aunt died years ago, my father and I are on our own since ever. Stop throwing stupid book quotes at me believing my life would suddenly get better,“
„I‘m not talking about books, I swear. What I mean is, that you shouldn‘t blame the world or me for you and your father‘s life. There‘s no need to act bad, because of….“
„It‘s easy for you to talk, cause you‘re not the one with that problem!“ Enrico yelled at Rollan pushing him against the wall, then left Rollan back while a few students looked at Enrico leaving. Marina got out of her corner to spot Rollan sitting on the ground, then she helped him up and held her hand on his cheek.
„Are you okay?“ Marina asked making Rollan nod and take her arm down minorly bothered about it.
„Soon or later he will understand and change,“
„Just leave him alone. He‘s no worth your attention,“
„But I really would love to know what leads him to act this way. It‘s quite a mystery to me,“
„Rollan, whatever his problem is, this doesn‘t excuse his cruel behavior,“
„I know, I just tried to help,“
„I know. Look the best thing for you now is to focus on yourself and practice your skills, improve and go to your limits. We‘re getting close to the elimination date and we‘ll need to be good enough to be able to pass. That‘s what you want, right?“
„You‘re right. If you excuse me, I need to practice on my shooting skills,“ Rollan mentioned earning a thumb up from Marina, then watched him aim the criminal wooden board and shot at it.
0 notes
Major Crimes Re-Watch-Medical Causes
What I loved best about this episode is how Andy/Sharon centric it really is. Though I’m not sure the writers were even thinking in this vein yet or not, we get some major foreshadowing of the future Raydor/Flynn/Beck family with Sharon relying heavily on Andy to help her in dealing with Rusty and his mom.
The case-Jumping to conclusions. The crowd outside the club jumps on Lesley and nearly beats her to death assuming she was drunk when she plowed into the crowd. Later, after finding out how her boyfriend had drugged her Lesley is tormented by the idea that he made her a murderer and it is something that she will have to deal with for the rest of her life. Imagine how those people would feel if they’d killed Lesley and then found out that she was innocent. This is why we let the law deal with things, because in the heat of the moment no one is thinking rationally.
“Oh, you’re through already, cause that was hilarious“-Andy’s got the dad thing down. Rusty is pissed that he got dragged out of bed to follow Sharon to work and Andy gets another glimpse into what Sharon is dealing with—and sympathizes with her.  After Rusty’s sarcastic rant, typically Sharon just ignores him and lets it all roll off her back. In her profession and because she is a mom she is used to this kind of stuff and doesn’t let it get to her, it is Andy in dad mode who gives it back to him.
“Maybe now you can get rid of the little psycho”-The look on Sharon’s face when Andy says this and the way that she speaks shows us that however much of a pain in the ass Rusty is, Sharon has already become attached to him and isn’t completely relishing the idea of letting him go. Also, I think she is understandably wary about Sharon Beck and handing Rusty back over to her given her history of abuse.
“You did get a warrant to search that purse?” “Come on, do you think I’m new at this?” The look that Sharon gives him is actually quite sexy and his cocky sexy grin in response is really  the first—and only time—we get anything resembling a sexual vibe between them. Yes, we get a lot of sweet puppy dog eyes and tender smiles—but evidently, James Duff does not believe people over 50 can be sexy—just sweet and tender. And it is a real shame because Mary and Tony do it very well and there could have been some great sexual tension in the relationship that was never developed. These re-watch’s can be extremely frustrating because of all the “what could have, and should have beens.” So many missed opportunities.
“She’s agreed to return to LA and resume her role as Rusty’s mother as long as we wire her $500.00 cash.” OMFG, really? How BIG of her. This is a woman who should not be allowed to have a pet, let alone be responsible for a child. Personally, I think she should be arrested for child abandonment and gross neglect but Sharon Beck’s treatment of Rusty growing up is quite often glossed over on MC.
“Cough it up”- Interesting again that it is Andy who takes it upon himself to get contributions for Rusty’s mother’s bus. For Andy I think it is a combination of trying to help Rusty along with getting him off all their backs, while for Buzz it’s all about not having to baby-sit the little pain in the ass anymore. If he’d had the money, I think Buzz would have paid it in full to get rid of him. If that scene happened today, I think many MC fans would contribute to the “say bye bye to Rusty fund”. But, at this point in the series, the Rusty/Sharon condo mother ship scenes were my favorites. It’s only later when it becomes apparent that the TPTB aren’t interested in any other insight into Sharon’s life other than her job and as Rusty’s mother and the Rusty show started overshadowing and interrupting the Sharon storylines I really wanted to see developed, that I was ready for him to be gone--or at least cut back recurring status.
“Everyone is putting money in to buy a bus ticket.” “Everyone put money in?”
Kind of sad. Rusty’s never had people doing things for him before and he’s not sure how to respond to kindness other than to promise he’ll pay everyone back.
“Lt. Flynn has offered to take the two of you out to dinner.” It was only in the re-watch that I noticed the “offered”. I wonder if Andy offered because of his knowledge of addiction. Having spent so many years in AA and counseling Andy would probably be the one who could easily size Sharon Beck up--and also be the one to offer insight and assistance in getting her into a rehab situation should she be open to that. Having said that I think there was a real missed opportunity for a great scene here between Andy and Sharon. Sharon could have opened up to him about why she didn’t want to be the one to meet Sharon Beck, first because she didn’t want the woman to be ill at ease from the start and wanted this meeting to go well for Rusty,  but also I think because she is angry with the way this woman treated Rusty and she doesn’t want Sharon B. to get that sense of judgment right from the start. I don’t think we get nearly enough of Sharon being frustrated or angry at the way Sharon B. treated Rusty. Understandably, she isn’t going to vent to Rusty because that isn’t appropriate, but I would like to have seen her vent a little “mama bear” to Andy or Provenza or anyone really. And then Andy would offer to take him to the bus station and take them out to dinner, that way he can size Sharon B. up and also offer assistance to get her on the path to regaining custody of Rusty.
“People have bad days.“ Good God, this just shows us the world Rusty inhabited. Yes, people have bad days, they say things they shouldn’t say etc. but a bad day is NOT abandoning your child at the zoo. No, that is criminal. In this scene with Sharon, we see Rusty the child and Rusty the enabler completely emerge. He makes every excuse in the book for his mother’s inexcusable behavior, especially blaming it all on Gary. Because it is easier to believe that someone made her dump him than it is to accept that his own mother left him of her own volition. He is trying to convince Sharon, and himself, that once Gary is out of the picture things will be perfect between them again, conveniently forgetting that they were not perfect before Gary was in the picture.
“I cannot release you into her custody right away.” I should think not. I’m surprised that Rusty didn’t think there would be any repercussions for what his mother did. It just shows how neglected he was his entire life for him not to realize what a terrible thing she did and that she would have to prove she could be a better mother to get him back.
“They’re not rules, they’re laws” Of course Rusty immediately turns on Sharon when she tells him she can‘t just hand him over to his mother, that‘s for a judge to decide, and, just like with Andy in episode 1, Sharon remains calm and rational in the face of his outburst. Rusty responds to this by immediately calming down, just as Andy did, which proves how good Sharon is at de-escalating angry confrontations.
“Concentrate on the positive”-Sharon is training Rusty on the way she deals with life. You can’t dwell on the negative; you have to try to take the best out of every situation.
“I wanna make this up to you, and I will. “ “You don’t have to make anything up to me. I was perfectly happy to help you.”
This is beyond Rusty’s comprehension; in his world, nobody does anything for anybody just out of the kindness of their heart. There is always the expectation of reciprocity. This is the start of Rusty continually feeling like he owes Sharon--no matter how many times she tells him he doesn’t owe her anything but to be safe and be kind.
“I guess I don’t have to fill out these school forms anymore.” “I guess not.”
There is almost a little sadness and a tinge of regret that shows us that Sharon does mean a little something to Rusty and that he is giving something up to regain his mother.
“Flynn can take Rusty’s mother to dinner, but if you would like to go with Rusty yourself?” “I would but I don’t think his mother would appreciate me being there and I want this to be as easy on Rusty as possible.”
Two things here--Provenza has just put out his own olive branch. He sees Sharon now as a person with feelings, not just the Captain who took away the job he wanted. And he can see how trying this whole situation is on her and tries to help. From this moment on the anger is gone, acceptance given. Of course, there is still a little friction occasionally, but it is more grudging and/or humorous than laced with rancor.  It happened much faster for Sharon than for Brenda.
And, again, we see that Sharon is always trying to do the right thing, always trying to do what is best for others, not necessarily what is best for her. Provenza sees that and starts to respect that she is one of the “good guys”. But, at times, this isn’t always a good thing; it is this character trait that kept her in an unhappy marriage.
“Does it have a mini- bar? She doesn’t like mini-bars.” Rusty is obviously very nervous. Nervous about seeing his mother again, nervous about Andy judging her and nervous about his mother displaying her addictions in front of Andy. This is a great fatherly scene here for Andy. This is the Andy I love. He is kind, compassionate and understanding and does not make any derogatory comments about Sharon B. or what she‘s done, instead he humors Rusty‘s nerves and tries to make things easier for him. This is important because Andy is the dirt bag king; criminals only bring out disgust in him. So, for him to tell Rusty he got a nice hotel room for Sharon B. and then offering to cancel dinner when Rusty seems uncomfortable with it all, is quite revealing of the man beneath the cynical shield Andy surrounds himself with as a coping mechanism to deal with the ugliness of the world he inhabits in his work.
“Hold on…” Rusty is not oblivious to who his mother is. He knows Sharon B is not on that bus well before Andy turns his back on him to question the bus driver. Disappointed and devastated, his world crashing in, Rusty flees before bursting into tears in front of Andy.
“What do you mean Rusty ran off?” Andy feels so horrible about the situation. You can read it all over his face. And it’s personal. He truly feels like he let Sharon down, not just as his boss, but also as a friend. The fact that Sharon is trying so hard to be brave, assuring him that it’s not his fault only makes Andy feel even worse. And, like Rusty before her, Sharon has to turn to leave the murder room before she cries in front of her colleagues--though they can all tell by her sort of quivering voice.  
It is interesting that at this point they are so convinced that Rusty just wants to escape they never bothered checking Sharon’s condo to see if he’d returned there.
It’s the end of another exhausting day--this time Sharon needs a glass of wine.
“Why did you run away from Lt. Flynn?” “I don’t cry in front of people and I started to cry, so I left.”
Sharon nods, she gets it. She doesn’t cry in front of people either. But more than that, Rusty has opened up to her for the first time, has allowed her to see his vulnerability. When Rusty offers to pay everyone back the money his mother stole from them Sharon makes up the idea that their bosses will cover it--yet again allowing someone to save face.
Rusty tells her he is filling out the forms for school, tacitly admitting that he has given up on his mother and will be staying with her.  
“Your mother is the one who is losing out. It doesn’t have anything to do with you.“ I have a feeling this is probably something she’s had to tell her own children in regards to Jack’s disappearance from their lives. Rusty tells her it’s hard to let go and Sharon responds that holding on to someone when they’re gone is even harder. Again, speaking from her experience. This is something they have in common.
“Rusty is home.” For good. Sharon has become home to Rusty. His rose colored glasses have come off and he’s finally seen his mother for who she is, and, unlike his mother, Rusty learned in this episode that he could trust Sharon. She said she would find his mother and she did. So when his world came crashing down, he rushed back to Sharon’s condo, to his home, where he is safe and ready to build a new life with a mother who truly cares about his well being.
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