#there's just loud quacking and hooting
I think a duck and an owl are having a brawl outside
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Heart Shaped Wound: Yandere Various Baki x Reader
Chapter 3
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Author’s note: the faster updates of updates.
Koreha Shinogi is now added to the love interest list.
    (Your name) hummed to herself as she sat on her hospital bed. She had gotten really lucky with her legs. The doctors said her legs would recover in a week or two so for now she’d be under one of their top doctors, Doctor Kureha Shinogi. 
     “I was able to reattach all the muscles back to your legs.” Doctor Kureha told the young woman with a smile. “The flexibility and strength you show cased in that fight were admirable. How are you able to be so flexible with such a soft, muscular body? I’ve never seen anything like it. Not to mention, your skin didn’t break open when Hanayama grabbed and pinched you with all his might.”
    (Your name) gave the doctor a small smile. “I lived in a small village in the Amazon rainforest. Everything there could kill you so I trained my body to be able to protect myself against anything that could potentially kill me.” (Your name)’s (eye color) eyes stated deeply into the doctor’s brown eyes. “The anaconda was just my favorite among all the predators. It’s one of the first creatures that tried to kill me.”
     “I am in now way trying to be unprofessional do inappropriate, this is a question for science, can I study you?” Doctor Koreha asked, (your name) trying not to laugh at how curious he was about her. 
    “Doctor you’re acting as if I’m some sort of biological anomaly. It’s just contortion, muscle memory, and growing up in a constant state of survival.” (Your name) stated. “You are looking into a  bit too much. I do appreciate your stare of professionalism. Thank you for the interest.”
     “Ah.” Doctor Koreha didn’t think she’d refuse him. Most women couldn’t resist his pretty face and his sweet words when he asked them something. A shame his charms didn’t work on her, but it’s not like he could try throughout her two week stay. “I will continue to persist then, until you accept my efforts for medical science.”
    “You’re goofy. I was trying not to directly say no since you’re a doctor but it seems I must be firm. No. Now leave me alone you quack.” Doctor Koreha had never been called goofy in his entire life, it was almost refreshing to be insulted by someone for a change.
    “You’re funny. I like you.”
    “I don’t like you. Now leave me alone.” 
     Doctor Koreha laughed, leaving the room before (your name) began to become more feisty. She was a hoot.
    Doctor Koreha narrowed his brows when he saw a thin man carrying a giant bouquet of roses, camellias, and carnations towards (your name)‘s room. 
    “Kizaki.” The yakuza perked up at his name, turning to look at Doctor Koreha. “Why do you have so many flowers?”
     “Hanayama sent me to give these to miss (last name). As well as to tell her he paid for all of her hospital expenses. I think he may be smitten.”
    Doctor Koreha frowned. Hanayama was interested in the woman who beat him in a fight? How interesting.
    “Alright. I was just hoping you weren’t planning anything violent in my hospital.” Doctor Koreha bit his lip. This just wouldn’t do. He couldn’t have someone so valuable fall into Hanayama’s clumsy hands. Hanayama could break her.
    “Hello?” (Your name) tilted her head at the man in the suit who entered her room. Who on earth was he? She has certainly never seen him before.
    “I am Kizaki. I am Hanayama’s right hand man. I’m here on a personal delivery for him.” Kizaki held out the bouquet to her, a smile on (your name)’s lips. It seems mister Hanayama covets her affections now. He must be a very peculiar man from how sweaty Kizaki was.
    “They’re lovely.” Red roses for passion, pink camellias for longing, red camellias for desire, and light red carnations for admiration. How interesting that a stoic man picked such loud flowers. It was incredibly romantic if she thought about it. If he wanted her attention, he certainly has it now. “Will you tell him I accept these?”
     “Of course, ma’am. He also paid for all of your hospital expenses.”
     (Your name) smiled as she smelled the flowers gifted to her. This was extremely flattering, she almost didn’t know how to react. It’s been a long time since she’s had such big demonstrations of affection done for her
     “I’m flattered to the highest degree. Please tell him of my thanks. May I be so bold to ask to see him once we have both recovered?” 
     Kizaki’s eyes widened in surprise. She was interested in his boss? Hanayama would probably be happy to know. He’s never been so interested in someone before, at least someone of the opposite gender. His boss never was one for romance. Maybe the pressure of getting his head crushed between thighs changed his mind. Who knew with Hanayama.
     “I will let my boss know. Have a safe recovery, ma’am.” Kizaki bowed to (your name). He wouldn’t mind if she became the boss’s girl. She must be someone special for Hanayama to go so far out of his way to do all of this for her. 
     Kizaki brushed past Zaria, the girl quirking a brow at the man in the suit. (Your name)‘a mother couldn’t have sent a man to pursue (your name) yet, right? 
    “(Your name), who’s as the weird man- whoah.” Zaria’s eyes widened at the huge bouquet of flowers in her (skin color) hands. And was (your name) smiling. “Who are those from?”
     “Hanayama. My opponent from the arena.” (Your name) smiled at Zaria. “He paid for my hospital expenses too.”
    “How does he have all the money to do all of that?”
     “He’s the head of the the Hanayama group. He’s yakuza.” Zaria choked on her spit in shock.
     “He’s what-“
    “He was announced as the strongest yakuza during our fight. Don’t you remember?” (Your name) chuckled as she placed the flowers on the side of her bed. “I’ll need a vase for these if you’d be so kind as to get me one.”
    “I didn’t even hear it because that guy was getting naked-“
     “Shh. It’s what Japanese brawlers too. He seems to be a very traditional man.”
    “Well I personally liked that Katsumi guy for you. His whole family fights. His mom supports his dad and him.” (Your name) smiled at her friend. It seems Katsumi’s mom must’ve been near her to put a little worm in her ear.
     “The cute karate guy?” (Your name) giggled, holding a hand on her chin. “He seemed pretty strong too. And respectful.”
    Katsumi seemed to be the type of guy who would treat a girl really well. The gentlemanly type with a playful side. And he was nice to look at, so (your name) wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of going on a date with him.
     “His mom, Natsue, said you could come to the Shinshinkai dojo whenever. She said they’d accept you with open arms.” (Your name) smiled at her friend.
     “He had said I could stop by at anytime. Maybe I’ll go see him. And see what his karate is all about.” (Your name) hummed, before glancing out the window. “And that Jack Hanma guy asked me out on a date too. How lucky am I?”
    “Retsu and Katsumi also wanted to go dancing with both of us. It could be like a double date.” (Your name) giggled at her friend.
     “There’s a lot of romantic options around here I guess.” (Your name) didn’t think there’d be so many bachelors around here but guess she was wrong. “I wonder if my mom would accept any of them.”
    “At this point I think she’ll be acceptable of you dating anyone at this point.” Zaria chuckled. “She just wants you to be happy.”
     “I know. I just wish she’d stop trying to force me to marry. I’ll just beat most of them up anyways.”
    “What even is your type, (your name)?” Zaria asked with a furrowed brow. “Do you even like men?”
     “I do. I just like men who are stronger than me. I just don’t want to be with someone who thinks that women can’t fight. Is that too much to ask?” (Your name) laughed, Zaria placing her face in her palms.
     “What about personality traits? Physical appearance?”
     “I’ve never dated nor have I been attracted to anyone. So I’m open to anyone.” (Your name) smiled, her friend looking at her with a deadpanned expression. “Hanayama is very ruggedly handsome and so is Jack. Retsu is a gentleman and much older. And Katsumi is cute. I think he is the most conventionally attractive of all of them.”
    “You’re something else.” Zaria took a seat beside (your name).
    “So I’ve heard.” (Your name) bit her lip. “We’ll see how long these suitors last. I give it a week.”
     “Do you really think so little of yourself?” Zaria asked curiously. “I mean your the whole package deal. Also speaking of packages, do you want me to undo your chest binding?”
     “Please!” The two girls shared a quick laugh before Zaria unfastened the bandages around (your name)’s chest, the girl moaning in relief when her chest finally fell back into its proper place. “It was killing me.”
     “But no boobs were seen during the fights so it’s all good.” 
    “True. I still have my dignity in all of this.”
     “I’ll go get you your vase. Inform me of anymore visitors that appear while I’m gone. Also, about that hot doctor.” Zaria winked at (your name), the woman merely smiling at her friend.
     “I will. Be safe.” (Your name) waved at her friend. A relieved sigh leaving her throat. All this socializing was making her tired. 
    (Your name) laid back on the bed, making herself comfortable. A small nap sounded nice. 
    (Your name) folded her hands across her stomach before closing her eyes. She couldn’t wait to get out of this hospital.
Author’s note: thanks for reading!
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
Cross Timbers
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Dean Winchester x Donna Hanscum, Sam Winchester x Jody Mills, no warnings, mildly PG-rated Chapter 1 - 1830 words Chapter 2 - 2265 words Chapter 3 - 1885 words
A/N: This story was just a passing idea until I brought it up in my Slack chat and got a ton of great ideas from the folks there! Friends, I hope I have remembered everyone’s ideas and done them justice. Thanks for this and everything else!
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Jody woke up early the next morning. She reached out and grabbed Sam's discarded flannel from the night before. She pulled it over her shoulders, wrapping herself in warmth and the smell of him. She bent down and brushed a kiss to his lips, and he murmured her name in his sleep, before she slipped out of the tent. 
She made a pot of coffee, enjoying the cool morning air and the sunlight warming her bare legs. She chopped apples, getting them ready to mix into oatmeal with cinnamon and brown sugar. She was bending over to tend the fire when she heard a low voice right behind her. She stood up and saw Sam striding towards her.
“Good morning,” she called softly. 
"Well, it’s definitely a good morning for me." A smile creased his face, pushing dimples into his cheeks. He held out his arms and she slipped into them, leaning in for a kiss. 
“Where are you headed so early?” she asked. Her fingers slipped under the waistband of his shorts, and then down over the curve of his ass. 
“Well, I was going running,” he murmured. A mischievous glint lit his hazel eyes. “But I can think of a more enjoyable way to get some exercise.”
“Oh yeah?” Jody sighed, as his lips trailed over her jawline, down her neck, and towards the buttons of her -his- shirt. 
“Let me show you.” He tugged her back towards the tent.  /\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
When Sam and Jody exited the tent, hand in hand, he started. Next to his SUV was- what? An inflatable slice of pizza almost as tall as him. He blinked, and it was still there. He shook his head and decided to figure it out later. 
Dean and Donna were lounging by the fire. They had helped themselves to oatmeal, and coffee, and made more coffee. Sam and Jody got their own mugs and bowls before they sat down too. 
Dean waited until they were settled to speak. “So, what should we do today?”
“I thought we could hike?” Sam spoke up with an eager look on his face. 
Dean laughed as he took a big gulp of coffee. “Didn’t Jody give you enough of a workout? Do you two need more time in your tent?” 
Sam rolled his eyes at his older brother before turning to Jody with a smile and a soft kiss. 
“Today we should go to the lake. We’ve got the pizza float,” Donna chimed in. 
Sam’s eyebrows went up, furrowing his brow. “The … pizza float?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t see it.” Dean gestured back. “When we went supply shopping for this trip, Donna just insisted that she needed it.”
“Stuff you, Dean,” she sassed back, dimples popping in her cheeks as she grinned. “You’re the one who loves pizza.”
“I love you,” he answered with a kiss. “
Well, the lake sounds good to me,” Jody spoke up.
“Oh, yeah.” Dean returned to the moment. “I already went to the store down at the park entrance, got some ice. We can pack the cooler full of beer and snacks.” 
/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Everyone changed into swimsuits. Jody insisted on sunscreen all around before they headed out, the boys carrying chairs and the cooler between them. She had the towels, while Donna wrangled the pizza float. 
The lake was a short easy walk away. Tall trees opened onto a sloped beach, pebbles mixed with gritty sand. The lake itself was wide and clear, sun sparkling bright. A gentle breeze swept waves across the surface, stirring the air damp and cool. In the distance, ducks paddled on the water, quacking softly. 
The four of them dropped everything on the sand and headed straight for the water. Sam and Dean jumped in headfirst, racing each other to some invisible point far out in the lake. Jody and Donna waded in more slowly, but the water was warm and inviting, and they soon joined the boys. 
In the lake, they were weightless, free. The worries of land slipped away, leaving them to enjoy the embrace of sun and water. The four of them stayed for a long time, talking and laughing and splashing. 
Finally, Sam and Dean headed towards shore. They settled into their folding chairs and cracked open beers. Both of them looked out across the lake where Jody and Donna had their arms on the pizza float, heads together in conversation. 
“Looks like trouble for us.” Dean chuckled.
“They’re the best damn thing that has ever happened to us and you know it,” Sam responded, scoffing. Dean tipped his beer wordlessly towards him in agreement. Both took a long cool drink, savoring the moment. 
Finally, Dean spoke again.“You know, it’s not quite the toes in the sand vacation I envisioned.” 
Sam looked at his sweating beer with a mock sad face, turning down the corners of his mouth. “And sadly lacking in umbrella drinks.” 
“Hah!” Dean turned to look at his younger brother. “Anyway, I’m happy. I think you’re happy. For two fucked up ex hunters, we have it pretty good.” 
Sam met his gaze with a bright, genuine smile. “We have each other. We have Jody and Donna. Yeah, I’d say I’m happy.” 
Before the chick flick moment could drag on, the aforementioned ladies splashed in from the lake, dragging the pizza float behind them. 
Once they dried off, they opened the cooler. Both took beers before digging into the snacks. There were crackers and pretzels, hummus and different kinds of cheese, green olives and red grapes. Everything was cool and tasty.
The four of them splashed in and out of the lake, basked in the sun, sat around talking, ate, drank, and ducked into the water again. The sun was golden bright, low in the sky, before they gathered up their things and headed back to camp.
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Dean built a fire while Donna made sure the grill packs were ready to go. Sam and Jody hung around making sure dinner got into the coals. Then they left, hand in hand, to refill the collapsible water jug from Sam’s stream-fed irrigation system. 
The sun was sinking behind the trees, filling the campsite with golden bands of light, before dinner was ready. Everyone felt the chill of evening on sunwarmed skin. 
Sam pulled on a lightweight running shirt, while Jody returned to his button-up flannel. Dean grabbed a soft henley. Donna had the coziest solution of all: wrapping herself in a blanket, tossing the ends over her shoulders. 
Around the fire, they ate and drank, laughed and talked. That night they didn’t have to worry about anything else. They just enjoyed the moment. 
The fire had burned down to embers again when Dean cleared his throat. “You know, I think I might take Donna for a drive in Baby, show her where I’ve been fishing.” 
“Ooh, yeah,” Donna cooed, running her fingers through Dean’s hair. “You got something to show me?”
Dean winked at Sam before he turned his attention fully to her with a deep warm kiss. 
/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
Dean drove in silence, Donna’s hand resting on his thigh. It took moments to arrive at the spot where he had been fishing the day before. 
The moon shone a silvery path from the dark sky onto the deep water. He put the car in park and rolled down the windows. Donna snuggled up against him.
“Oh yeah,” she breathed. “This is nice.” 
“Just you and me, sweetheart,” he answered with a suggestive tilt of his brows. “Alone, together.”
She didn’t need to hear any more before she landed in his lap, pushing his shoulders back against the car door.
/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
“Hasn’t Dean been walking to the fishing spot?” Jody wondered, back at the campsite.
“Well, yeah,” Sam answered, as if it was obvious. “But he’s not gonna take Donna out and make love to her on a splintery old dock.”
“Oh. OH.” Jody’s big brown eyes widened. 
“Sex under the stars,” Sam continued as he reached out, and she slipped her hand into his. “Sounds nice, doesn’t it?”
“Until you mentioned splinters,” she retorted. 
“Wait.” He got up and took the blanket that Donna had discarded and spread it over one of the picnic tables. Then he sat down on the bench and held out his arms. Jody slipped eagerly into his embrace before he pulled her onto his lap. 
The moon and the stars in the velvet dark sky seemed to hang low over the trees. Kisses and whispers drifted into the night. Everything was close and stripped bare and perfect. 
/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
It was long past midnight. The chorus of night sounds had settled to the whisper of running water and the occasional enthusiastic frog. Somewhere close, an owl hooted gently, keeping watch. 
Jody was in a camp chair, Sam at her feet beside a low but warm fire. He leaned his head on her knee as she gently stroked his hair. 
Dean and Donna drove up, holding hands as they got out of Baby. Her curls were more riotous than usual, his hair soft and all on end. They settled in a pair of chairs. 
For a long time, everyone was still and no one spoke. Eventually, Dean got up and went to the cooler and handed out beer all around. 
They were still again, enjoying the moment, when finally Donna spoke.“S’mores?” 
Sam laughed, actually laughed out loud. Of course that was what this moment was missing. Never mind that it was well past 1am. Never mind that he and his brother were grown men. What a camping trip needed was s’mores. 
He got up and dug around until he found the basics: marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Jody appeared at his side with long roasting sticks. 
Dean stoked the fire higher before he settled back into his seat. When Donna came up to him, he cupped a hand under her ass and then pulled her onto his lap.
Some marshmallows were burned to a crisp and others were toasted perfectly. More chocolate was eaten than made it onto graham crackers. They stayed up long after the snacks were gone, poking the fire now and then, casting a burst of sparks upward. 
Sam gathered the blanket off the picnic table and settled on the ground, his back against a cooler. Jody sat between his knees, her back against his chest. He wrapped her in the blanket and held her close.
Sam and Jody, Donna and Dean - they deserved so much more. But for one night, under the light of the stars, the Winchesters were happy. They would hold on to that moment as long as they could. Afterwards they would treasure the memories of their camping trip at Cross Timbers. 
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SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons @defenderrosetyler​ @divadinag​ @emoryhemsworth​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @idreamofplaid​ @kalesrebellion​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @maddiepants​ @magssteenkamp​ @onethirstyunicorn​   @there-must-be-a-lock​ @tloveswriting​ Sam Girl For Life: @awesomesusiebstuff​ @lilsylvia​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ Dean Curious:@adoptdontshoppets​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @deangirl7695​ @deans-baby-momma​  @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @stoneyggirl​ @wayward-gypsy​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ Cross Timbers Tags: @deangirl7695​, @elliloumom, @meeshw777
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roosterron · 3 years
the wind flows through the air brushing against chickens feathers
the leaves turn around and flutter as if they want freedom
the chicken clucks repeatedly,like a warning but only out of surprise
why?i do not know why
the ducks quack and i can imagine the bobbing of there heads,up and down up and down
the hooting of an owl is heard but it is not from an owl
the dogs breathing is loud
the leaves have stopped fluttering have they given up?no,they still want to be free
the chickens are talking,they are clucking in surprise,did they hear a noise?lay an egg?or are they just being silly?
the leaves are makeing noises,there flapping harder,they want to be free from the tree they are bound to
freedom that’s what they want
so do I
thats what we all want,freedom,when you catch it,it feels so good
but then it fades away
all the pressure is back
you cannot keep freedom forever
you will never be free forever
only for a minute you can have it
then it runs away,revealing the dirty truth
once your freed,just like the leaves you will fall
your freedom will be from those bigger then you
like the wind that pushes the leaves into the air
you think you can make it higher but the wind will stop and let you go
you will fall hard
and your freedom lost
untill you try to find it ,and catch it again,like the leaves that catch the wind
it will be gone
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