#they have way too many houseplants and are way too invested in them
Ok I just realised how much I suck at dating
In my head I was like „I mean, I guess there is one person I‘ve been kind of seeing, but we barely know each other and we could really just be friends, I mean we’re pretty much just ‚aquaintances’, they probably don‘t care about me anyway“
Until I thought about it and remembered that:
I thought we had known each other for a few months tops when it‘s really been like 8 months
„We haven‘t even met that often“ yeah but we‘ve been at their place twice and at my place twice and we’ve met each other‘s parents and we‘ve both talked to several friends about seeing the other and we‘ve talked on the phone for hours on end multiple times
I went to a different country for three months during the time we‘ve known each other and we still kept in touch even though we‘d barely known each other before
I‘ve shared a lot more personal stuff with them than I would care to admit and they did the same
They have sent me a pretty romantic song without context and I did the same later
I‘ve cooked for them
I got them a souvenir based on a fact I know about them even though we haven‘t seen each other since last year
We talked about casual topics like religion, mental health problems and figuring out our sexualities on our second meeting
the last time we talked we both casually figured out whether the other one was still single and then both went on to joke that we‘d probably stay single forever
God this is exhausting I mean I really don‘t have room in my life for another person (never mind someone in my hometown) but this sounds an awful lot like dating
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rippersz · 10 months
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(A Jane Murdstone x Maid!Reader oneshot) (Angsty/Romantic) (TW: Mentions of lesbianism being a disease; Bad self-image) (Reader is chubby :>)
You think you talk softly at night, but you don’t. And certain curious ears often overhear what should not be whispered - not even in the black of the evening.
There was a single window in your bedroom. It was slim, framed by white wood, made spotless by your hands, and had a sill large enough to lean your entire body against. You tried sitting on it once before, but the second it creaked beneath your weight, you scrambled off and vowed not to test it again.
On sunny mornings, the clean glass panes greeted the rays of the sky and let them into the room with open arms. Although it was annoying at first, having to wake with the sun, it eventually became a benefit. You did not have to invest in alarm clocks with the few bits of coin you got, nor ask a fellow maid to wake you. And even if you did- you couldn’t. Being a Lady’s maid offered many things, but companionship wasn’t one of them. In your little room, it was just you. You and the sun in the mornings and you and the moon in the evenings. The stars stayed around all day, mostly hidden and mostly silent. They whispered hellos when you dipped into your room throughout the working hours, taking a moment of solitude to breathe and freshen yourself up in the length of your mirror. They watched as you did that, too - as you fixed your hair and cleared your throat and settled your face and smoothed down your apron and smiled falsely at yourself, wondering briefly if it would please a certain someone. It never did. The stars told you it never did and it never did. But nonetheless, you straightened your back and reset your shoulders and carried on throughout the minutes and hours and tasks of the day until you could finally return to your room again and sidle up to your window and indulge. Finally finally indulge. Finally give yourself a moment of reprieve. Finally grant yourself some closeness with something other than the houseplants.
“Hello.” You spoke softly, heart pounding in your ears as you carefully leaned against the sill and opened the window. It made a little cracking noise - forcing you to pause and listen - before giving way and going up smoothly. During those bits of time, you held your breath; scared half to death that someone would think you’re opening the window to try and escape - or that you’re doing it to disobey or something similar to that. You weren’t, of course. You didn’t have much desire to leave - and you never opened the window during the day. No, only at night. Only when the moon crested over the dark tree-lined horizon, smiling softly and humming beneath her breath. Only when she was in perfect view of your wanting eyes, shimmering instantly at the sight of her cool glow. Like a sprinkle of hope within desolation. Like a lifeline when you fell so hard that your body refused to work. Like the only force in the universe that you felt comfortable sharing your greatest secret with.
A great secret that… well, if it got out, you’d be ruined. Finished. The maids would whisper and the guests would gasp and any future employers would look upon you with utter disdain before sending you away to a place to be fixed.
Because you were diseased. Because no woman with breasts and hips like yours, wider than most, bigger than most, should ever yearn for another woman. And no woman, with a heart like yours and soul like yours, should ever want anything other than a man. Because men were your end and beginning. Men were your chains, your roots, the grounding element. Men- a man - kept you in that house. Kept a roof over your head and food on your table. Kept you warm and busy. Kept you with at least one coin in your pocket at all times. Kept you from running off into the wilderness and dying in the snow. Kept you from thieves, and raiders, and other villainous beings you’d heard whispers of. Kept you working, resting, breathing.
But he never kept you living.
And he never kept you wishing.
And he never kept you dreaming.
And he certainly never kept you loving.
No… no he didn’t do that. He didn’t have the privilege.
But his sister did.
Oh his sister did.
She did - over and over and over again.
She kept you existing. She kept you wanting to get up in the morning. She kept you desperate to be of service. To do a good job.
Hanging on to her every word. Her every breath.
Ms. Jane Murdstone.
Your executioner. Your greatest secret.
When waking from slumber, she smelled like fresh linen and rosewood. When dressing, taking her morning tea, and allowing you to do her hair, she smelled like earl grey and fresh snowbells. When going about her day, dealing with business and spending time with needlework, she smelled of newspaper and lightly roasted coffee. And when the sun fell and it was time to take out her hairpins and slip a nightgown over her head and throw more logs into the fireplace and fix her up a final cup of tea, she smelled like the stars. And the stars, in turn, smelled like love.
Your love.
All of the love you held and hid for her. All of the love you shoved into a withered corner of your mind when standing behind her in the mirror of her vanity, palms caressed by soft dark strands of hair and gaze forced to look away from the glass for fear of revealing every little thought you had. It was maddening to be anything less than her lover, but you knew better than to assume you could ever be anything more than her maid. Her maid. Lady Jane Murdstone’s maid. A woman above all women. A mortal above all gods.
Though perhaps that was your penchant for dramatics talking.
She was no god. Sure, she was cruel like one. And occasionally arrogant like one. And cold like one. But ultimately she did little more than run the house and offer advice to her brother when he needed it. Though still, that within itself, in comparison to your little societal standing, was considered godly. Was considered… better. For she was better. Better than most women. Better than most Ladies. Some of them were horrid. Some refused to make eye contact with their maids, while she insisted upon it. Some kept their maids up until they swayed with exhaustion, while she preferred an early bedtime. Some threw things at their maids, were violent with their maids, but the only weapons she used were her words. They cut deep enough, she knew - and they never drew upon the mess that was bloodshed.
And you loved her.
You weren’t entirely sure why, but you did.
It could have been the way her lips pursed, maybe. They were a gentle pink, with a defined cupid’s bow and a sweeping lower lip and a small scar on the right side of the top one. Or it could have been her eyebrows and how expressive they were, how they twitched when she was contemplating something or furrowed when she was angry (which was often). Perhaps it was her skin and how pale it was… how flawless… how it glowed white in the sun and went warm beneath the flickering of the fireplace. Hell, it could have been her voice. Low, occasionally soft and placating and mean, nearly melodic when the sound of her accent twirled like vines around each syllable. As though each day she grabbed the English language by the balls and made it her bitch. The brief thought of that always made you smile secretly to yourself. Jane Murdstone… grabbing a language and owning it… honestly it wasn’t far from the truth. But then again, maybe your love didn’t stem from any of that. Maybe it wasn’t her incredible height and the way she towered and maybe it wasn’t how her dresses cinched so much at her waist that they left you curling your gaze over the small of her bust and width of her hips with desire. Maybe it wasn’t how long her thin tapered fingers were or how strong her grip seemed to be or how talented she was with a needle. Maybe it wasn’t her dark hair, secretly wavy and long, consistently tied into a severe bun. And maybe- somehow, maybe- it wasn’t her eyes either. Blue and icy and feeling like the chill of ocean waves whenever they ran over you, whenever they drowned you. Taking you in and criticizing and judging and accepting that you were different from the other maids. That your fingers weren’t bony and spindly like theirs and you couldn’t fit through the cracks of doorways like them and your cheeks were naturally bigger, with more fat and more sheen - consistently giving away a violent blush whenever you walked up a flight of stairs too fast or hurried along a hallway too quickly. Your thighs mushed together, gladly touching, leaving you with a bad chafe on the worst of days and some redness on the best - and your venus mound and ‘muffin top’ as some of the other maids liked to call it - were more pronounced and much harder to suck in when you were feeling insecure. Which was often. Nearly always. Only going away and fading when you went to sleep, just to find you again the next morning and force you to face yourself in the mirror. In your own and in your Lady’s, both of which you did try to avoid.
But you wanted to be perfect for her - so you faced your self-hatred and fussed over your appearance until the voices gave up with one large combined sigh and sent you on your way.
And in the vanity, you only glanced when you felt it was safe - and never to look at yourself but always to see how pretty Ms. Murdstone’s reflection was in the sparklingly clear glass. To see how she chewed on the inside of her cheek while reading a novel, to see how she closed her eyes gently when powdering her face. To see how the blue of her irises lit up like lightning through the din of dark clouds once she realized that it was a perfect day to go for a walk in the gardens.
But beyond that, beyond her, you couldn’t stand yourself. You couldn’t stand your weight, your short height, your fidgety anxious nature, your too-romantic heart, your love of pretty things, your bone-deep, terrible, horrible, most horrid disease… You hated it all. You wanted to be better. You wanted to be cured.
But you didn’t want to lose her.
“Gods it’s chilly tonight, isn’t it?” You let out a little huff, crossing your arms and clinging to yourself.
The moon stayed silent, watching you shiver.
“Are you keeping warm?” You knew she couldn’t respond. “I bet it’s quite hard up there in the clouds. With all that… wind.” You also knew she lived in space and you knew space held no wind, but it gave you peace of mind to humanize her a bit. To connect as though she could hear you.
She never spoke. Never moved. She simply watched, listening as you sighed and propped your elbows up on the window sill and leaned against your hands, eyes tired and shining as you stared up at her.
“Just another day down, isn’t it?” You kept your voice soft for fear of waking up the entire house. It certainly didn’t help that your room was right beneath Lady Murdstone’s, but it wasn’t like you were loud. Ever. Honestly, you were quite the opposite. You rarely talked around her. A small ‘Yes, My Lady’ did well enough most times. And she didn’t seem to take offense to it, thank goodness; quite frankly she preferred the quiet anyway. And that was fine by you. You could admire from afar without risking an embarrassing voice crack or weird sound. The moon, on the other hand, heard all of your little scoffs and sighs and groans and squeaks. You often imagined her smirking at you, amused by your expressions as you talked. “I’m happy you’re here tonight, though. Today was tiring but good. My Lady was in one of her better moods… she even let out little hums when eating her toast this morning.” A smile curled onto your lips. “She never used to do that. Or maybe still doesn’t… I don’t know. I think only tomorrow will tell.” There was a pause as you took a moment to listen to the sounds outside. Lightning bugs flitted around from behind the wire-meshed screen, and other various little critters clicked their legs together and chirped and ruffled the bushes outside of your window. It was very soothing, all of the background noise. It made your one-sided chat less awkward than it could have been. “…Will you be here then, as well? Tomorrow? Because it’s Friday and My Lady spends most Fridays doing needlework and the- goodness the complacency,” you sighed and shook your head, smiling at the thought of her little grumbles as she either stuck herself or missed a stitch, “it makes her cranky to say the least.” Your lips were stuck in a permanent simper. “Cranky… and yet endearing.”
You paused, tilted your head, and wondered over your own words.
“Well,” your eyebrows raised while you snorted, “No one’s ever described her as that before, I’m sure… But it’s true. Sometimes she can be endearing. Sometimes she can even be… domestic. Soft, almost.” You mused aloud, nodding. “I mean other maids can’t see it, of course. But she can be. You’d even be surprised.” The moon was silent. “Like she… well I know that she knows lullabies. She hums them sometimes when she’s preoccupied, right before realizing what she’s doing and then stopping…” Your lips twitched into a frown. “…like she doesn’t want to reveal that she knows stuff like that. Soft stuff like that, is what I mean.”
The moon didn’t even blink as you chose to change your train of thought, finding the one you were on to be too dull. Your heart was full after all, and the night was growing darker, and you could feel exhaustion pulling at your body, and you wanted to scream your love to the heavens… but you couldn’t. So you chose to whisper it instead.
“I’m very lucky to be here with her, I think.” Your eyes traced the hazy horizon. “I’m honestly not sure what I’d do if I weren’t with her here. I can’t- gods I can barely remember what life was like before I met her… All I can tell you is that it was dull.” The moon shimmered. “Anything without her is dull. When she goes on business trips with her brother, or spends some time away at one of the seaside homes, the world loses its color. And I’m left to- to just rot here, dwelling in the blacks and whites and greys.” Your shoulders and neck felt tense. “If I could go with her, follow her everywhere, I think I would. Even if she led me straight off a cliff, I think I’d still go willingly……. Though maybe that’s foolish to say. Maybe I wouldn’t follow her at all and would instead try to save her from falling off the edge herself. Maybe I’d beg her to hold on a little bit longer… I’m not sure.” The moon seemed to sigh with you then, inhaling and exhaling into the ether as you ran your hands through your hair and yawned into your forearm. “But either way - I’m glad I’m here by her side. I’d rather it be me, who wants to do a good job, than a girl who is too scared to face her. She hates that, you know. When others become timid and slow because they can’t meet her ‘head-on’, so to speak.” Your fingers did the little quotation marks as you pushed more of your weight against the windowsill. “She doesn’t accept anything less than perfection…. Which is interesting, considering I’m far from perfect. In fact, many of the other maids would be great candidates for my position. And yet… they’re not. I’m still here. Employed and happy - or, well, as happy as one can be in this state,” you shrugged, moving to run your hands over the lines in the wood. “…I just- I just wish- I ugh I just wish…,” your voice got very quiet, your heart got very slow.
“………….I just wish she’d notice me…….”
But it was silly to want that.
And it was silly to daydream. And it was silly to wish for what could not happen. Because tall slim Ladies did not want chubby little maids. And cruel gods did not want pitiful humans. And women did not want women because that was sick and terrible and you were sick and terrible and Lady Jane Murdstone would never be sick and she would never be terrible.
And as you closed the window and smiled one last little smile at the moon and said your silent goodbyes, your mind strayed to nothing else but the woman sleeping in the room above yours.
Every night the moon felt gracious enough to show her face through the clouds and trees, you grasped the moment in both of your hands and thanked her with your words.
“You look beautiful tonight. I’m sorry I didn’t mention it earlier. I know our chats have become a bit dull because I’m tired all the time, but I promise I cherish every moment I have with you. Seeing as you’re the only one keeping me company… well I appreciate your presence, either way. And I wish- hope- that your light is spilling into the window of My Lady’s bedroom right now too, making everything white and glowy as she sleeps. Rests. Cuz she deserves that more than anything. The days can be difficult for her….. And unfortunately all I can do is hope that she gets the rest she deserves. Which is deep and long and full of the best dreams a woman is capable of having.”
Sometimes, you cried to her too.
“She barely looked at me today. Sometimes I think she thinks I’m disgusting… and doesn’t really want me anymore. And maybe she’s just forcing herself through it, seeing as she doesn’t have to look at me if she doesn’t want to.” Hot tears ran down your cheeks. “And I don’t think she wants to. I don’t think she’ll ever want to. Someone so- someone so beautiful- should not have to gaze upon me. Should not have to cringe. Sometimes I wish I could apologize to her for it. I wish I could offer to wear a mask of some sort so that she’d feel more comfortable. But I can barely get myself to speak to her… I’m so scared that she’ll blink and realize what’s been standing before her all this time and find that she absolutely abhors it. And will want me gone.”
Sometimes, you hummed.
A small low melody vaguely reminiscent of one of the ones Lady Murdstone had been singing beneath her breath earlier that day. You weren’t able to memorize each pitch and tone then, but you improvised and repeated the parts you knew over and over until you got sleepy. And even in your dreams, even randomly in the shower, or the halls, or the kitchens or gardens, you found a sweet little tune dancing across your tongue.
Sometimes, you even read.
Maids were allowed to take one book out per month from the Murdstone family library. Some chose novels, some chose picture books, some chose short stories - but you always managed to find and pick a collection of poems. Some small, some large, some old, some modern. You treated them like infants, clutching the book to your chest like a child you swore to protect. Which, in some ways, was true. You couldn’t lose it- couldn’t damage it- for fear of being punished. Though one time around, you took a risk. A minor, nearly imperceptible risk that would not have alerted anyone if they didn’t know what they were looking for. After managing to sneak in a spot of research when no one was looking, you caught eye of a specific collection atop one of the tallest shelves in the library. It had two worn red hardcovers, fabriced and scratchy, with a golden title engraved on the spine: Sappho’s Best.
‘I desire; And I crave.’
‘You set me on fire.’
‘Eros; Giver of pain…’
‘I tell you; someone will remember us; in the future.’
‘I don’t know what to do: I am of two minds.’
‘Love shook my heart; Like the wind on the mountain; Troubling the oak-trees.’
‘…You burn me…’
The moon beamed brightest when you read from the heart.
And once she became new, waning into darkness before waxing again, you took the time to pay attention to the stars and give them a small talk as well.
“I always wish upon you all, by the way. Especially the one that burns the brightest - which is that one, tonight.” You pointed to it, fingertip brushing the window’s wire-mesh screen. “Hi, pretty…” A smile washed over your lips. “…You know I think My Lady would like you. If she ever looked at the stars, I think she’d find you to be lovely. Very lovely, really… but not like her. You’re beautiful, of course, but not like her. She’s more like… well, she’s not like the moon. She doesn’t quite glow like that. And she’s not like the sun, she’s not nearly as optimistic and bright. And she’s not like you either, because she doesn’t twinkle. She kind of… well… hmm…,” you leaned against your knuckles and contemplated your affections. A comparison between Your Lady, between Jane Murdstone, and something from space- the ether- the universe- was hard to find. She was many wonderful things but she was also so complex… so odd… so…. “Ah,” a soft gasp fell past your lips, “Like a supernova.” You nodded, pleased with your connection. “A supernova, indeed. Beautiful and complex and shiny and…well- I believe- explosive.”
You spent months talking to the moon. How many exactly? You weren’t sure. But it was a delightfully long while and you were incredibly happy to sit down at the end of each day and spill your heart out onto the windowsill for the cosmos to pick at. It was your pleasure, always, to indulge in your thoughts - and your dreams - and your hopes, all of which surrounded the strange wonderful existence of Your Lady.
Jane Murdstone… what a mystery. What an enchanting mystery….
A mystery that swiftly changed into your worst nightmare in the blink of one evening.
You’d taken the time that night, after guiding her through her own nightly routine, to soak in a bath in the maid’s restrooms and wash your hair and hum a song and then slip yourself into a long white nightie. It was one of your prettiest pieces of clothing - and made you feel somewhat beautiful even though you were the only one to see it. In the moonlight, it was just as bright as the stars, and with the candle on your bedside finally snuffed, the quiet of the evening poured over you happily. Just in time for another chat. And like clockwork, you opened the window, waited for any sound, opened it further, leaned against the sill, and made heart-eyes at the galaxy.
But as soon as you opened your mouth, as soon as you took a soft breath to speak, your bedroom door flung open and hit the wall with a dull bang.
Jane Murdstone was a proud woman.
A very proud, very intelligent, very strong woman. She didn’t accept mess and she didn’t accept laziness and she didn’t accept impertinence and anyone who thought they could treat her with anything less than respect would be quickly sliced by her silver tongue. She kept it sharp for a reason, dipping into quiet moments of self-contemplation to pick apart and judge the people she was unfortunately surrounded by. From maids to guests and business partners to her brother. She loved him, she did, but sometimes he acted like an idiot. Of course she’d never say that to his face, but nothing stopped her from thinking it.
Just as nothing stopped her from thinking that, when night fell, she was somehow going mad.
A few months previous is when it started. Sparked by the new year, leading through the seasons, into the months, past the holidays. Someone was talking somewhere in the house - nearby enough for her to hear every individual word. It was always at night, it was always beneath the light of the moon and stars, and it was always from the voice of a young woman. A young woman she hadn’t heard before. A maid, to be precise. A maid that sounded vaguely familiar but not familiar enough.
Everyone called her ‘My Lady’ - everyone treated her with civility - everyone was polite and knew their places. But the strange girl that spoke of her- her, Jane Murdstone- beneath the veil of night, was one step over the line. Was one step over the threshold, somewhere in the house, close enough to know that Jane could hear her if she so wished.
And she did wish.
She did wish- but not out of curiosity and not out of wonder and not out of some strange self-centered delight at knowing someone was talking about her, but because she was scorned. She was enraged. How dare someone speak of her behind her back? Who were they? What more were they saying? Why did they think so much about her and why did they talk so freely and why- why why why did they read, recite, ponder over Sappho in the dead of night when everyone else was fast asleep?
Everyone… except for her and Jane.
Everyone… except for the moon and stars.
But a supernova? Truly?
Jane felt hot red hatred fill her veins.
Whoever dared to speak her name not to her face was a coward. A mocking, stupid, rude little coward that could never gain enough courage to face her head on and admit that they thought she was worth laughing about. That they thought she was worth making fun of. Just like those in her youth. Just like those her brother needed to protect her from. Girls and boys that saw her to be too complex- girls and boys that never bothered to understand her- girls and boys that thought her love of flowers and poetry and constellations and needlework was somehow too girlish and stupid to be considered ‘fun’. Girls and boys that left her isolated and alone, forced to tend to her own devices and make a world for herself. Because if she could not be in one, then she’d have to create one. So she did. And she lived in it, occasionally, in her own mind.
But the infuriating distraction of the fearful wimp that spoke of her was occupying her thoughts far more than necessary. So much so that she couldn’t even go for a walk without looking around at each maid that passed, wondering if they were the one she was looking for. If they were the one she seethed over.
For some time- months, weeks, however long, she peered and searched as discreetly as she could. No one noticed. Even the maids, as silly and dim-witted as they were, didn’t pay attention to her gaze. That was probably because most of them couldn’t meet it, but still. Still. No one took note of her viscous curiosity.
And thus, she never found the culprit.
Until one morning… one morning when she was due for a small day-trip with her brother when she had to get up a bit earlier than usual and take tea with the sun. Her handmaid knocked and walked into the room at the exact time she was instructed - and thus the day began.
The handmaid in question was an interesting girl. A smart girl, with rounded features and a small weighted body. She was very quiet, replying with a soft ‘Yes, My Lady’ and a gentle hum whenever she was told to do something. And always, without fail, she carried out Jane’s orders to a level of perfection that no other maid was ever able to achieve in the past. Nor in the future. Or ever, Jane truly suspected. The girl, although bigger than the other maids and more introverted- isolated- alone- was still smarter and more efficient than the entire Murdstone staff put together. She seemed kind, with a warmth in her eyes that Jane was never really privy to considering the little thing was never able to look at her. And during the moments when she was angry, when she insisted that the maid make eye-contact as she demanded she do something, the girl was quiet and timid - disappearing into her own mind as Jane spoke. Though clearly, she was paying attention enough to get her job done. And with no complaint. Ever.
So it was that morning, the day of her little trip, when her idea of the silent introverted handmaid was absolutely shattered.
“Where is- what- urgh what did I do with it?” Jane’s voice was gruff as she muttered beneath her breath, eyes and hands moving in tandem as she nearly flipped her bedroom upside down looking for her lost book.
It was at that moment when the handmaid stepped through the en-suite bathroom, bits of beauty products held in her careful hands. Blue eyes paid her no mind as she mosied over to the vanity, quiet and precise in putting the products down without making a noise and without dropping anything. Jane noticed her of course, but she was too preoccupied to follow their routine. Her book was gone- her novel- and she needed to find it before someone else did. Someone like her brother.
“I swear- no I know I put it here yesterday- what on Earth-” she was growling, she knew, but she didn’t care. It wasn’t like her maid would tell anyone that her Lady went a bit frantic that morning. Over a book, no less.
A book that she was very interested in. A book that she intended to finish at some point either during the day or at night after listening to the coward talk some more before going to bed. But she wouldn’t be able to do either of those things if she didn’t find it. Last evening she had slipped her bookmark snugly between two pages before sliding it onto the smooth wood of her bedside table and snuffing out the last flickers of the candle’s flame - right before falling into a deep dreamless sleep. A sleep that saw her waking up, eyes swiftly widening, when she met the sight of her book-less table. Not a soul could have taken it without her knowing and she was certain she had read it the night before (she remembered the last few scenes) and there was no way she misplaced it, so where the bloody hell had it go-
The maid’s head snapped up, eyes wide at the sound of her Lady calling her name.
“Yes, My Lady?” Her voice was soft as she took a few steps forward, coming up behind Jane with her small hands clasped at her waist. The little thing was always so timid, her shoulders tilted in, her head always slightly bowed, her gaze locked onto her shiny little black buckle shoes with unblinking eyes. Jane found it intriguing just as much as she found it annoying.
But it wasn’t the time to focus on that. It was the time to find her damned book.
“Look under the bed. My book is missing,” and then she was turning on her heel and flicking her hand through the air, gesturing that she should find it and find it quickly so they could get the morning over with.
“Yes, My Lady.”
And the girl dropped to her knees, palms pressing against the wood and shoes squeaking loudly as she pushed herself and crawled under the bed. Jane ignored the little grunts that left those plush lips and instead tended to her beauty products, lining them up in order of which one she’d use first. Once she finally took her seat, back straight and neck stiff, eyes glancing into the mirror to look over her face (noting it was pale and the tiniest bit tired), her gaze also slipped over the picture of- oh goodness.
Florence on her stomach, squirming under the bed, most likely biting her lip to keep in her noises of struggle as she pushed herself to grab the book. The edges of the mattress frame dug into her shoulders and back, pressing against the white and black of her maid’s uniform, leaving indents as she scrambled. And kicked… Jane watched as her legs moved a little bit, trying to get leverage, pushing her backside in the air… leaving Jane’s face red and hot as she ripped her gaze away and focused on something else.
“M-My Lady I- ungh- I believe I may have- gotten it-” Florence’s voice was strained as she grasped onto the book with four fingers and tugged as hard as she could, sliding it across the hardwood to get it closer.
Jane’s ears perked up.
“Is it- oh-” the maid shuffled onto her knees, rising up with an arched back until she was kneeling and holding the book in her palms. “Carmilla? My Lady?”
Jane wasn’t focusing.
11 words.
Those 11 words… the most words Florence had ever spoken to her. Ever.
…And that’s why the coward sounded so familiar.
That’s why she was vaguely recognizable.
The little gossip was her own handmaid.
“My Lady?”
Jane blinked, watching as Florence turned to face her with wide doe eyes and a gentle hand- extending the book for her to take. She smacked down the sudden urge to snarl and growl and yell, deciding instantly that she’d catch the little scaredy-cat in the act and put an end to her mockery later that evening.
“Yes. Now get up - you’re becoming filthy.”
Your heart split in two.
One part fell to your toes, weighed down by a sudden influx of dread.
The other part stayed near your ears, pumping blood so hard that you grew dizzy.
There, in the doorway, outlined by moonlight and starshine, was your Lady.
Draped in a cream dressing gown, dark hair falling over her shoulders and down her back in gentle waves, loose curls twirling around her ears and temples, eyes alight and burning… she looked furious.
Her fists were clenched at her sides. Her pink mouth, still soft and ever so beautiful, was caught in a frown - and once she reached around to grab the doorknob without even looking at it- closing the door with as much quiet as she could muster in her angered state- you knew you were screwed.
And you also knew that she knew. She knew.
“You’re not as quiet as you think you are little, you dreadful little brat.” And before you knew it, your Lady was taking quick steps forward - ocean eyes blazing with anger, disdain, contempt, betrayal.
You swallowed, hands shooting up to shield yourself by instinct alone. There were hot tears building in your eyes, sparked by sick surprise and horrid fear, and you couldn’t stop them from flowing over the shelves of your eyelids as Lady Jane’s face came further into the moonlight. Her eyebrows were furrowed, her faint smile lines twisted with shadow, deepening as she sneered down at you. There was no place to run. The windowsill bit into your back and the chill of the world outside, seeing as autumn had come around once more, seeped through the thin fabric of your clothing - making you shiver. Making you gasp.
“I didn’t- I’m- I’m so sorry- please-”
“Hush,” Your Lady spat, white teeth flashing for only a second before she was so close that you could feel the heat of her body mingling with your own. Her breath smelled like mint and raspberry tea and sleep. You wished you were kissing her. You wished she weren’t so angry. “You foolish girl,” you flinched at the steel in her tone, “did you think you’d get away with it? Hm? Did you think I wouldn’t know? I know everything that happens in this house, girl. Everything.”
Well clearly not everything. Your eyes glanced at the small drawer in your bedside table, picturing the lone collection of poems that lay within it… and unintentionally giving away your greatest secret. Ice blue eyes caught your look - and followed suit. You felt what was left of your heart start to drain from your body, mixing with your tears as you began shaking your head.
“What else are you hiding? A plot to run away? Dirt that you’ve collected on me? Thinking it will get you anything?” Lady Jane hissed before she was jerking herself away from your body and walking over to your bed.
“N-no! Please!” You nearly yelled, hands reaching for her and grasping onto her sleeve. “P-please- I didn’t- please- please don’t open the drawer-” your voice was heavy with breath as you sobbed, eyes burning and body buzzing.
If she found you out- if she knew for certain- she’d send you away. She wouldn’t just fire you, she’d send you away. Banish you. Report you to whoever she could and then rip away any other chance at a good life you could ever have. She’d sneer and gag and spit and that very night, you’d be forced to pack up what little belongings you had and then toddle off into the dark - bearing only the moon and stars as your company. And they probably wouldn’t help. In that moment, watching in slow motion as a strong pale hand grasped the small golden knob of the drawer and tugged, they didn’t help. They just watched everything unfold as blue eyes bore witness to your disease. To your sickness. To your greatest shame and most horrid realization and painful way of existing.
“Please,” you begged, stumbling until you fell and were forced to knock yourself onto the bed, fearing the commotion you’d cause if you made a loud noise with your body hitting the floor. “Please- please My Lady- it’s- it’s harmless, I didn’t mean to. Please, please, I swear I won’t- not again- I didn’t– I just wanted- please-” and you tugged at her sleeve, nearly ripping the damn thing, until she tore her arm away with a loud click of her tongue.
Whimpers and sobs had your chest heaving while you watched, helplessly, as she reached into the drawer and took out the red-bound book. With the title proudly engraved on the spine… right next to the date of your death. Your hands twisted together in your lap, strong and unforgiving as you clawed at yourself and felt shame paint your skin and body. Your Lady was quiet.
“Don’t let me go, My Lady, please. Please don’t let me go. I won’t- I won’t do it again. I won’t even open my- my window. I won’t talk to the moon- won’t look at- at- at the stars, just- please. Please, I can’t leave from here- can’t- can’t leave you- please- please please please please please please-”
“Do you want to wake the whole house? Be quiet,” she barked, finally turning to you with a strange look in her gaze. From behind your blurring tears, all you could see was anger - but she was feeling far more than that. Curiosity lingered there, curiosity and wonder and concern. Lady Jane’s furious expression twisted into one of grave distrust.
You flinched at her tone, hating the way your body shook with shock.
“Please-” you began to beg again, whispered and breathy, but she cut you off before you could continue your pleas.
“Where did you get this?”
You glanced down at the collection of poems, figuring that her harsh grip on it was purely out of disgust.
“The- the library,” came your heavy sniffle.
“Where in the library, you foolish thing?” Lady Jane huffed, looking down at you coldly.
“One of- of- of the highest shelves, M-My Lady. One of the bigg-biggest ones. At the top.” Your heart was slowing in your chest, eased by the lack of immediate termination.
“…..Did you finish it?”
“Did you finish it? Don’t make me repeat myself.” There was a sharpness in her tone, but it was softened. Barely there. Hidden behind something you couldn’t place.
“N-no, My Lady. Not yet. I- I read slowly, My Lady.” And that was true. You did read slowly. You were also so busy that you had to take the time, every single month it wasn’t finished, to select the same book and start off from where you ended the last time.
That seemed to silence Lady Jane. You weren’t sure why. But there was a tremor to her body that wasn’t there before - and you were suddenly struck by the beauty of her nature while you sat helplessly on the bed, trying to hold in your sniffles. The moon lit her from behind, cradling her body in a sea of silver as she looked down at the book in her hand with a troubled expression on her face. Brows still furrowed but cheek teased between her teeth - a sign of her contemplation. Her worry. Her stress? Like she was fighting with herself internally, debating on sharing something she should not share. You sniffed, suddenly stuck in an odd limbo; a grey area between space and time as Your Lady’s attention was swiftly directed elsewhere.
But not for long.
Blue eyes snapped to you, instantly halting the breath in your lungs as she washed her gaze first over your red teary face - then your chest - then the rest of your shaking body. Not sizing you up… but still deciding on something. Questioning something.
You watched pink lips part.
“…Who do you gossip to?”
What? Gossip? Who do you… who do you… oh. She must think– she must- oh. Oh no. Oh no no no, Lady Jane, no. It was time for your expression to relax into realization before you hesitantly pulled a hand up to wipe your eyes and cheeks.
“I don’t- I share my thoughts with no one but- but the moon, My Lady. And the stars.”
You swallowed as you watched her frown. She was misunderstanding you, you figured. She was getting it all wrong. Lady Jane’s eyes snapped down to the book.
“Then why?”
You blinked.
Silly girl. Never make her repeat herself.
In the smallest of seconds, Your Lady’s hand tossed the book onto your pillow as roughly as she could- ignoring the way it bounced and bruised your leg- before that same hand was wrapping around your throat. Five cold fingers pressed into the left side of your neck while a strong thumb held the other side, digging into your flesh, prodding the heavy quick thump of your pulse. You sucked in a gasp before wincing as she tightened her hold and tugged you closer - until you were nearly nose to nose. The shadow of your bodies fell over her face, making her eyes appear nearly black as she sneered at you, baring her teeth in anger.
You briefly flinched on a swallow and watched the way her eyes snapped to your neck, rolling over the sudden movement of your throat. Instantly, her grip softened. The hand stayed, but it no longer hurt. You sniffed, drawing her attention again.
“I- I-”
“Tell me.”
You wanted to. Gods, you wanted to. But she heard it all, hadn’t she? She heard every word you spoke to the moon and stars. She heard everything you said about her. She heard your humming and she heard your recitations and she heard your mindless rambles. She heard what was supposed to be private - but that was your own fault. Of course nothing could ever be truly private. It was her job to know things, after all. It was her job to make sure that all of the maids were to be trusted. And you could be. You could be trusted. She could trust you with her life; she didn’t know that in the moment, but she could. You’d do anything for her. You’d capture your friend- the moon- for her. You’d lasso it from the sky and bring it down so she could hold it in her strong cool palms. You’d memorize every poem there was, every poem in existence, if it would please her to have you read them out by heart. You’d collect every piece of lavender - every sunflower - every lily, every rose, every gardenia, every snowbell, every raspberry from every garden and every bush in the entire world- if she wanted them all to herself. To have in her own tea. To have in her own garden. You would. You’d do it. You’d do it all.
Even though some believed she didn’t deserve it. Even though some thought she was crazy - rude - mean and heartless. Even though some saw her as unforgivable and so cold that she was worlds above the chill of ice. She wasn’t. She wasn’t. She was… but she wasn’t.
You could see the human through the cold. You could see the heart through the heat. She was in desperate need of a soft hand- of a soft person- and though you weren’t sure if she’d understand, though you weren’t sure if she’d throw you out to the wolves or not, you knew you had to try. You knew you had to take another risk, like you did with the sweetest collection of poems… you knew you had to select your heart from the shelf and hold it out for her. So she could have it. Read it. Study it day after day, week after week, month after month - with no need to renew it because you wanted her to own it.
And own it, she did.
Own it, she would.
“I- because- I… love you….” Your words were a breath into the cosmos. A promise to the moon and stars. A declaration of no other.
And it had Lady Jane Murdstone blinking, face still twisted in confusion. Mistrust. She was quiet. She did not understand.
“I love you, My Lady,” your chest stuttered on a breath, making her gaze flicker down before coming back up, “I- well I have loved you… for months. Longer, even. I just- I couldn’t- I just couldn’t….” you glanced to the space where the book was at your thigh, somewhere there, past the vision of her arm near your face.
But through the lines, she understood. And before you could say more, maybe beg her one more time not to let you go, she took her hand away and reached over to grab the collection. You weren’t entirely sure what she was looking for but once she flipped to the very last page, the one where it flipped over to the left side and allowed the raw of the book’s cover to face the air on the right, you realized the truth of everything.
Of course. Of course of course of course… There was a reason why Sappho’s Best collection was in the Murdstone library. Atop a high shelf. Supposed to be hidden - but grabbed by your curious eyes and wanting hands. It was there not to stare at, it was there not to be forgotten about, it was there as a memory. A testament to what once was. The very last piece of evidence from something that you were never privy to. A statement from long gone. A crumb that fell off of the biscuit that was Jane Murdstone’s heart. She held the book with reference. Softly. Gently. You watched her expression fall into something soft. Something… kind. Something that hid sorrow- so much of it- behind those usually cold blue eyes. She was sad. The collection brought her great sadness…
“I’m sorry, My Lady,” you whispered, electrocuted with the sudden urge to apologize. To say you're sorry for causing her grief- for causing her stress- for making her think she was being betrayed when she was being the exact opposite. Appreciated. Loved.
The sound of your voice brought her out of her reverie, making her look up. You watched, starstruck, as her lips quivered for a millisecond before hardening into a straight line, and then with a blink, the warmth in her gaze was gone. Like a reset. Like when she hummed her lullabies and corrected herself. You immediately scorned whoever made her feel as though she couldn’t be vulnerable. You scorned them and hoped, secretly, that they were rolling over in their graves - never able to be comfortable. Never able to rest easy.
“If you want to talk about someone,” your Lady began, voice deep and serious, “do not be a coward and talk in the shadows. You have a voice. Use it.”
And with that, she was gone. Dropping the book in your lap, making you scramble to hold it to your chest, casting you one last glance, and walking out of the room as quickly as she had come. The door closed behind her with the softest ‘click’ - and then you listened to her footsteps recede.
The quiet of the world past your window came back in a flood, carrying with it the chirp and hoot and rustle of various animals while the moon watched from her place in the sky. She shone at you as she usually did, but her positioning had changed. She was a bit further away. Looking down - casting a spotlight on your lap - making you peer at the book in your hands before you pulled it away from your chest and looked at the pages Lady Murdstone had turned to.
And there, beneath the light of the moon, was a message you had yet to see. Written in scrawling dark script, small and hasty along the inside part of the back cover.
‘To Janey,
For I know that even once I’m gone, you will find another heart. Do let the walls down when that happens, yes? She will burn through your iron just as I did. And you know that never once have I regretted it.
Until next time. They will remember us, I tell you. Yours forever, Elaine’
Hope you enjoyed! I wanted to test out a new character. I also didn't proofread. Oops. - Ripley x
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twiststreet · 2 years
I won’t deny the Pavlovian comforts of a story beat like that one. But with so many of the resuscitated rom-coms of recent years, the tropes feel like they’re driving the action, rather than the other way around. The rom-com, like a delicate houseplant, must be watered with a sufficient amount of meet-cutes, airport-chases, and forced misunderstandings. And like a ravenous Audrey II, specificity must bleed out in favor of these Beats You Know and Love. The characters, supposedly the reason we’re getting invested in these romances, get left in the dust. Why must Billy sing a song at the end of Bros? Because that’s what’s supposed to happen in a rom-com, not because it’s earned. 
The recent rom-coms that have succeeded have scrambled tropes consciously as a means to a larger point, like Starstruck on HBOMax, which lets Rose Matafeo run wild in a world of Curtis-isms as a vehicle for her own all-conquering charisma, or even Leslye Headland’s Sleeping With Other People, which feels like a 2000s Katherine Heigl film put through a particle accelerator. Or they have shied away from obvious lamp-shading entirely. I liked the recent low-key Plus One, which uses its concept more as an excuse for Jack Quaid and Maya Erskine to hang out. The second season of Fleabag is a great instance of a romantic comedy that feels no self-consciousness about whether or not it’s a rom-com. It’s a classic dangerous sign for the film industry that so many of the successful, idiosyncratic recent versions of the genre have greater freedom on TV, and even now, the squeeze has come there, too.
-- I think this Jackson McHenry essay over at Vulture is a very good assessment of how the people making these big romcoms keep going wrong, which is that they keep writing “romcoms” in quotation marks, instead of writing romances with comedy in them-- they’re writing the genre instead of writing the people.  
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allcoastac · 3 months
7 Ways To Improve Indoor Air Quality
Can you think of your home as a place where everything is dirty? You can already feel your nose itching and your allergies kicking just by thinking about it. But aside from what you see, the indoor air quality is also something that needs to be improved. Some people will think of air conditioning Central Coast services as a way to have clean air at home. If you already have an aircon in your home, here are other ways to get clean indoor air quality:
Regular Ventilation
The first one on the list is to perform regular ventilation. It is not good when every door and window is closed in your home because there is no fresh air coming in and out. You will also feel enclosed and it can be very difficult to breathe. If you are experiencing this even if you have an air conditioner, the ventilation might be the problem. Always remember to let the fresh air come in and remove indoor pollutants that can trigger asthma, allergies, and other respiratory problems. If you are with someone and they have a viral infection, getting the same sickness is not impossible.
Invest In Houseplants
If you already have an air conditioner and are doing regular ventilation, another thing you can do is invest in houseplants. There are various indoor houseplants you can plant or buy to improve the air circulating in your home. Some good examples are snake plants, peace lilies, and spider plants because they can filter air pollutants that can be dangerous to your home and health.
Use Natural Cleaning Products
There are no other good products to use in your home than the natural ones. Using cleaning products with too many chemicals can put your health in harm, especially if you are not used to using any of them. Your furniture and appliances can also become affected, including the coloured ones. Too much chemicals in your cleaning products can cause the colours to fade. Also, the goal is to improve the indoor air quality, not worsen it.
Maintain A Clean Environment
Maintaining a clean environment is the most important tip anyone can give to someone. You can lessen the amount of pollutants lurking in the air by cleaning your home. Do it by using brooms, wet cloth, and vacuums. These are the tools that can help remove dust and pet dander, helping you breathe better. A clean environment will not just affect the air, but it can also make the entire place look easy to the eyes. You do not need to worry if there are surprise visitors because you are ready to welcome them.
Install Air Purifiers
Air purifiers are also one of the appliances you could purchase to improve the air quality in your home. With their filters, they can catch dust, debris, pet danders, and other airborne particles that can be dangerous to anyone. If you are interested in this option, remember the words HEPA filter or High-Efficiency Particulate Air because this filter is exactly what you will need to make the air purifier work as you intended.
Avoid Smoking Indoors
Many people love to smoke. And if you are one of them, be cautious about where you do it. Even if you own the place, it has certain limitations if you want to keep it clean. The harmful chemicals in the cigarette can pollute the indoor air, affecting those with asthma and other respiratory conditions. Better do the smoking outside to keep the air inside your home clean as you want.
Regularly Wash Bedding
The bed, even if it looks clean and spotless, can be touched by dust. So, if you do not wash it regularly, it could be the source of polluted indoor air. Also, keeping it in that condition can make you feel itchy and uncomfortable. The purpose of the bed is to make you sleep better at night, but you will not achieve this if you keep it dirty.
Having concerns about the indoor air quality in your home shows that you care for your health and the cleanliness. Never keep it dirty by doing these tips and ensuring everything is clean and good for your health. If you want other tips you can do, you may also purchase a vacuum to start the cleaning. Educating yourself with things might be your strong suit someday.
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decorworks · 8 months
How to Cat-Proof Your Plants
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Indoor gardening is a popular way to bring the beauty of the outdoors into our homes. While it's a rewarding hobby, it can present challenges if you have a curious feline friend. Cats often view potted plants as enticing playthings or tasty snacks.  Many cats are naturally drawn to houseplants, whether it's for their lush green leaves to nibble on or the soft soil to dig in. While it's essential to ensure your indoor environment is safe for your feline friend, you don't have to give up your love for gardening and greenery. With some strategic planning and a few simple precautions to cat-proof your plants, you can create a cat-friendly indoor garden without sacrificing the health of your plants or the well-being of your pet.
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Choose Cat-Safe Plants The first step in cat-proofing your indoor garden is to select plants that are non-toxic to cats. Some common houseplants can be harmful or even deadly if ingested by your furry companion. Opt for feline-friendly options such as spider plants, Boston ferns, African violets, and catnip. These plants add greenery to your space and provides a safe source of entertainment for your cat. a. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum): Spider plants are known for being non-toxic to cats and are excellent air purifiers. b. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis exaltata): These lush ferns are safe for cats and add a touch of elegance to your home. c. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens): Areca palms are non-toxic and can give your space a tropical vibe. d. Catnip (Nepeta cataria): Catnip is a favorite among cats, and you can grow it in pots or as a hanging plant. Elevate Your Plants Cats love to explore, and ground-level plants are easy targets for their curiosity. Elevate your plants by placing them on shelves or using hanging planters. Strategically placing your plants can make all the difference. Cats are less likely to target your green friends if they're positioned out of their direct line of sight or in hard-to-reach places. Consider placing them on high shelves or using hanging planters. Use Planters with Deterrents Choose planters that incorporate deterrents to discourage your cat from digging or chewing. Self-watering planters with lids, decorative rocks, or even small chicken wire barriers can help protect your plants. These deterrents make it less appealing for your cat to get too close and cause mischief. a. Bitter Apple Spray: Apply this non-toxic spray to your plant's leaves or the soil to deter cats from nibbling. b. Aluminum Foil: Cats dislike the texture and sound of aluminum foil. Place it around the base of your plants to discourage digging. c. Citrus Peels: Cats generally dislike the scent of citrus. Placing citrus peels or using citrus-scented sprays can keep them away from your plants. d. Double-Sided Tape: Cats dislike the sticky sensation of double-sided tape on their paws. Apply it to surfaces near your plants to deter them. Invest in Cat Grass Cat grass is a safe and attractive distraction for your feline friend. It's easy to grow and readily available at pet stores. By providing your cat with a designated area of cat grass, you can redirect their attention away from your other houseplants. It's an excellent way to satisfy their natural urge to chew on greenery. Use Natural Repellents Cats have a strong sense of smell, and certain scents are known to deter them. Consider using natural repellents to discourage your cat from approaching your plants. Sprinkle citrus peels, coffee grounds, or white vinegar around the base of your pots. Cats tend to dislike the smell of these substances and are less likely to approach the area.
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Train Your Cat Training your cat to stay away from your plants is an effective long-term solution. Whenever you catch your cat showing interest in your plants, use a firm "no" and redirect their attention to a toy or the designated cat grass area. Consistency is key, and over time, your cat will learn to avoid your plants. Reward your cat when they show no interest in the plants, and use gentle redirection if they start to investigate. Create a Cat-Friendly Space To divert your cat's attention from your plants, create a dedicated cat-friendly area with toys, scratching posts, and cozy spots to rest. When your cat has a stimulating environment, they are less likely to be curious about your plants. Cats are more likely to nibble on plants out of boredom or curiosity. Ensure your cat gets enough playtime and mental stimulation to reduce their interest in your indoor garden. Interactive toys, scratching posts, and puzzle feeders can keep your cat engaged and less focused on your plants. Creating a cat-proof indoor garden is entirely possible with the right combination of plant selection, strategic placement, and cat-friendly deterrents. By providing alternative options and making precautions, you can maintain a thriving indoor garden while keeping your curious cat safe and satisfied. With a little patience and consistent training, you and your feline friend can coexist peacefully amid the lush greenery of your home. Every cat is unique, so be prepared to experiment with different strategies until you find what works best for your specific furry friend.
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FAQs Q: Can I use commercial pet deterrent sprays? A: Yes, these sprays can be effective in deterring cats from plants, but always read the labels for safety. Q: What should I do if my cat ingests a toxic plant? A: Contact your vet immediately; they can provide guidance based on the specific plant and your cat's condition. Q: Is it safe to use cayenne pepper as a deterrent? A: While it's generally safe, be cautious as it can irritate your cat's eyes and nose. Q: How can I keep my cat from digging in my potted plants? A: Place aluminum foil or pinecones on the soil's surface; cats dislike the texture. Q: Are there any non-toxic plants that cats dislike? A: Cats typically avoid plants like rosemary, thyme, and rue due to their strong scents. Q: Should I consider keeping my cat away from plants entirely? A: While it's ideal to cat-proof your plants, some cats may never lose their curiosity. Focus on safe plants and training for a balanced approach. Read the full article
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universalinfo · 1 year
Do indoor plants really purify the air?
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The common belief that indoor plants can purify the air
The idea of plants cleansing the surrounding air might sound like something out of a science-fiction movie. However, many people believe this to be true - that indoor plants are capable of purifying the air in our homes! 
Whether it's due to special enzymes they produce or simply just the power of nature, it appears indoor plants can help make our living spaces healthier. Some say adding a few varieties to your home can even help reduce stress and anxiety levels. How amazing is that? 
Despite many people thinking that indoor plants can improve air quality, there are ways to prove it yourself. One of them is grabbing a portable air quality monitor and tracking the progress in your home before and after you introduce some plants. There's sure to be a noticeable improvement, making your living space both beautiful and healthy.
The air-filtering ability of plants
Who says plants are only for brightening a room? Having a pot of greens in your living room can indeed help to lift the mood and give off some killer retro vibes. But did you know it could also be really good for your health? 
Plants don't just create oxygen; they can help to filter out harmful toxins from the air. What might end up on our skin and in our lungs can sometimes have long-term effects on our health.
The evidence supporting that indoor plants can purify the air
Imagine being able to breathe in some fresh air from your own home! That may sound too good to be true. But, believe it or not, there is scientific evidence that suggests indoor plants can purify the air and remove harmful pollutants! 
Studies have found that in areas with a lot of indoor plants, measurably lower levels of carbon dioxide and other contaminants can be detected. Plants are living organisms, so they absorb CO2 and release oxygen - which we all need to survive! Some scientists have even gone as far as to say “houseplants are nature’s vacuum cleaners.” 
The research that denies the claim
On the other hand, recent reports indicate that certain common houseplants may not be as amazing at purifying the air as some may have thought. It’s true that having a few plants still looks great and can add to the home decor. However, it turns out they might not be scrubbing the air of pollutants in quite the same way. 
A bit of a bummer, maybe, but no need to worry about creating a jungle indoors! Keeping your interior clean by dusting and vacuuming is still one of the best ways to make sure you're breathing easy inside.
The benefits of having indoor plants in your home
As you could see, there’s no concluding evidence that confirms or denies that plants can purify the air in indoor spaces. However, there are so many reasons why having indoor plants in your home is a great idea! 
Some studies have indeed shown that plants can even remove toxins from your environment. If you want to check if it really happens with your plants, you can do it with any of the portable air quality monitors available on the market. By using one, you can easily keep track and check if the air in your home gets better by just adding some greenery! 
On the other hand, bringing in some houseplants will surely heighten your spirits as well. What could be better than feeling connected to nature while being safe and comfortable at home? So if you're looking for a natural atmosphere and high spirits, consider getting yourself some indoor plants!
Tips on how to care for houseplants, so they thrive indoors
Caring for houseplants can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be that way! To ensure your houseplants are flourishing indoors, proper lighting is key. Place them near windows or other areas of your home that get ample natural sunlight. 
Also, consider investing in a portable air quality monitor. They offer readings of temperature and humidity levels in your home. That way, you can make sure your houseplants have just the right environment to thrive! And most importantly, don't forget to water your plants. Water when the soil turns dry, so you can keep them growing happy and healthy!
At the end of the day, it’s up to you whether you want to indulge in some indoor plants. If having a green thumb is something that interests you, and you have the time to care for plants, then go out and get yourself some! Not only will your home look nicer, but who knows – maybe your air quality will improve too.
Content Source: https://luftiaq.com/blogs/news/do-indoor-plants-really-purify-air
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imoteb · 1 year
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
Low Maintenance Plants for Urban Homes
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Having plants at home is always a god idea. They are clean, green and oh so serene to look at. However don’t let their maintenance scare you away from owning some of the best home décor investments you could hope to find. Gardening and taking care of plants is no longer a chore thanks to a wide variety of low maintenance greens from Ultima Gardening.
Are you a pet parent looking for pet-friendly options, or do you just want something to purify the air in your home? And hey, if your priority is simply something that looks beautiful and is as low-maintenance as possible for your jet-setting lifestyle, this is just the list for you. There are even tons of options for houseplants that do well in low light, in case you’d like to keep some to decorate your basement or dorm room also when you visit Ultima Gardening.
Peace Lily If you have experience keeping indoor plants alive, it may be time to add a peace lily to your house plant mix. They require just a little bit more TLC—just ensure the soil is moist (not soggy) at all times, and you’ll have beautiful, blooming lilies in no time.
Dracaena Gold Star Another easy-going, low-maintenance plant, the Dracaena Gold Star can easily adapt to a wide range of low to high light environments. It’s an easy, fun way to dress up that awkward empty corner in your space by literally putting some green life into it.
Rubber Plant Some people don’t like the boho chic vibe of extremely leafy plants, and if you’re one of them, you’ll love this compact rubber plant. It needs plenty of bright light and likes to have lots of empty space around it, much like some humans we know.
ZZ Plant The ZZ plant is amazing since its drought tolerant. In some cultures, it’s believed that this plant invites friendship and prosperity to the space it’s in, making it an amazing housewarming gift or then the perfect accompaniment for your own living room too.
Bird’s Nest Fern You may think you have too many indoor plants till you realize there’s a whole other room that could use some. The uniquely-shaped bird’s nest fern thrives in medium, indirect light and a humid environment, so it’ll thrive next to your shower.
To know more about plants, buying the best greens, plant packs and accessories and of course maintenance contracts do visit Ultima Gardening Website.
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youva · 2 years
The Global Real Estate Market has seen a variety of trends over the recent past. From DIYs to Affordable Houseplants, the list is quite comprehensive. However, one trend that has been getting an increasing popularity, is convertible furniture. With our lifestyles constantly changing at a rapid pace, we also see an increase in demand to keep up with current trends. Convertible furniture adheres to that trend of adding that little bit of sophistication to our living spaces while also being incredibly economical and functional in terms of space.
Today, it’s reached a point where people invest in such furniture regardless of space. Here are a few examples of convertible furniture you could consider for your home as well:
Wall mounted beds – these can be tucked back on to the wall when not in use. There are also those that come with storage space at the bottom of the bed so that you can use them as storage shelves during the day when the bed is not in use.
Convertible sofas – probably the most popular convertible furniture that people in small apartments love. This can be used as a sofa during the day and can instantly be stretched out to act as a bed at night. This is ideal for tighter spaces as it can save the space occupied by a bed as well as the cost incurred.
Folding tables – We find folding tables of all sizes and shapes in the market. The smaller ones can be used as a laptop table on the bed or even as a makeshift bedside table. Larger ones can be used for adding extra dining space when you have guests at home.
Convertible nursery furniture – one of the major areas where you might be spending a huge sum is the nursery furniture. So choosing convertible nursery furniture can help add all the facilities to your kids’ room while also allowing them a lot of free space to move around. For example, cribs that can be converted to kid’s bed and sofa are very popular. So once your child outgrows his crib you do not have to throw it away.
So Why Consider Convertible Furniture
As mentioned earlier, convertible furniture is gaining more prominence with time. This is a trend that is probably not going anywhere. There’s no doubting the benefits involved with them either:
Convertible furniture can be more economical than choosing individual furniture. They help cut down the time, efforts and the price spent on finding individual pieces of furniture and instead deliver all the benefits in a single shot.
They take up very little floor space. This allows you to focus on accessorizing your house in a variety of ways. For example, when you save all the space that a large table takes up in a room by investing on a folding table you can place a potted plant instead and add more life to your room.
Convertible furniture is slick in terms of the styling. These are up to date with the modern trends in the furniture segment. The design, quality and the durability are all on par with the current market demands. They are not just useful but also look cool and this is something that any homeowner would love.
Moving becomes easy. You do not have too many items to carry when you shift to a new home.
There are many ways to use them. While most pieces of convertible furniture are designed with some primary objective in mind most of these can be used in multiple other ways too. You can renovate and revamp the looks of your home with these.
So why settle for the boring old style of furniture when you can get a lot more for the money you pay by looking for convertible furniture!
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weheartweekendsblog · 2 years
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7 Best Cat Products Ever Cat Owner Should Have (Besides A Laser Pointer)
by Dale Harris
If you’re a part of the 29% of the American population that owns a cat, then we know you’re always on the lookout for ways to make your feline friend happy.
Of course, cats are notoriously picky animals — and sometimes, they may want nothing to do with the toy or any other accessory you purchased for them. (After all, it’s tough to beat the thrill of a cardboard box.)
However, the good news is that there are tons of products for cats that can improve the lives of both feline and owner. Now is the time to think outside of the standard laser pointer and jingling balls and take things to the next level.
So, what are the best cat products on the market today?
Read on to find out.
1. A Cat Water Fountain
While it’s certainly entertaining to watch your cat drink from the sink, eventually, you’re going to need to access it.
Give your cat the thrill of their own, more accessible water fountain by purchasing one specifically made for them.
You can easily and safely leave the water fountain on while you’re out of the house. This makes a cat water fountain especially convenient for those who travel frequently or aren’t home much during the day.
2. A Battery Powered Mouse
If you have a mouse problem in your home (or are afraid of having one in the future) then having a well-trained cat on your side is a great help.
Plus, having your kitty chase mice all day is fun and great exercise for them, too.
The good news?
You don’t have to wait around for an actual mouse to infest your home. Instead, you can get a battery-operated one that scoots around your home at high speeds. It’s sure to entertain your cat for hours on end.
3. A Cat Self-Grooming Tool
Cats love running underneath tables and chairs in order to give themselves a good scratch on the back.
But over time, this can wear down your furniture.
We suggest you invest in one of the best cat products, and arch-shaped self-grooming tool. Your cat won’t just be able to enjoy a nice massage. They’ll also get the benefit of a well-groomed coat from this product.
4. A Jacket to Keep Them Calm
Just like dogs, many cats have a tendency to get stressed out and scared during a thunderstorm.
They may run and hide in a closet or underneath the bed and refuse to come out for hours. It’s pretty heartbreaking to know that your pet is frightened because of loud thunder or even fireworks outside.
That’s why one of the top cat products is a form-fitting jacket/vest for your kitty. It holds them tightly but gently and puts a safe, calming amount of pressure on them throughout the storm.
5. A Window-Mounted Cat Bed
Every cat loves lounging in front of the window and soaking up the sun.
But if you’re looking to upgrade the experience, you should invest in one of the best cat products on the market right now: a window-mounted cat bed.
These special beds use extra-strong suction cups to stick to glass windows or doors. Think of them as a kind of luxury cat hammock.
If your cat’s favorite spot is the radiator, there are also cat beds designed to fit snugly over the top of yours so your cat can stay both warm and comfortable.
6. A Discreet Litter Box
One of the biggest struggles of being a cat owner?
Trying to find the right place in your home for the litter box. You want it to be convenient for your furry friend, but you also want to avoid smells in high-traffic areas of the house.
Plus, sometimes they can be a bit of an eyesore.
The solution is to look for cool cat products that do an awesome job of properly hiding your litter box and making it a part of your decor.
You can find litter boxes that are built into a houseplant pot, and ones that are designed to be installed in your bathroom cabinets underneath the sink.
No one will even know what they are!
7. The Right House
Who says houses are just for dogs?
Invest in a cat house that is comfortable, stimulates exercise, allows your cat to climb and jump, and even works for those with multiple cats.
Modern cat houses also have plenty of scratching posts built into the design, so you no longer have to worry about your cat tearing up your furniture. There are burrows for your cat to crawl into, and these houses can be placed anywhere in your space.
For more information about how to pick the right cat house, check out the Comfy Cat House website.
Which of These Best Cat Products Will You Buy?
We hope that this list of the best cat products has inspired you to upgrade your feline’s lifestyle (even though they’re already pretty pampered!)
Remember to look for items that encourage exercise, that allow cats the independence they crave, and that fit comfortably in your space. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to make your cat happy.
Need more advice about how to be a better pet owner? Ready to adopt your very first pet?
Our blog is here to tell you everything you need to know about life with a furry friend. Bookmark our page and let us guide you through the ups and downs (but mostly ups) of pet ownership.
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ourpersonalchoices · 2 years
Top tips to decorate your rented apartment on a budget
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Keeping up with the latest trends in interior design might be a struggle especially if you live in a rented property. Luckily there are plenty of sources inline to decorate your space and make it enjoyable.
When you renting an apartment, you want to get the best for your monthly rent but when you live in large city chances are very slim to find a good rental property for a small budget.
Expert decor bloggers like Maria Velniceriu have shown numerous times ideas of how to redecorate a rental kitchen on a budget and she documented the whole process on her YouTube channel.
Besides this project, you can find many more decor ideas on Maria’s blog.
With the cost of living keep rising every month it can limit your choices when planning to redecorate your home, even when trying to make the most out of your budget.
When you are renting an apartment, you do not have the same freedom as when you own one. You can't paint the walls or change the layout of the rooms. However, there are still some ways to make it feel like a home and not just a place where you sleep at night.
Maria Velniceriu expert décor blogger has shared some tips of how to decorate your rented apartment on a budget and make the place look warm and inviting. Take notes and visit her blog to find house warming décor pieces for small to medium budget.
Follow the tips below on how to decorate your rented apartment on a budget:
1) Work with what's already there:
Take advantage of what is already there. If you have a balcony or deck, then use them and add plants and flowers so they feel like they belong to you. Add curtains if possible, to brighten up the room and get privacy and warmth.
2) Use less furniture:
A common mistake people make when renting an apartment is buying too much furniture. This will only make the space feel smaller and cluttered. Instead, try using less furniture or invest in a few good pieces of larger furniture that you can move around the space as needed.
Boho décor accessories are great for rented properties as they have a natural look, they are inexpensive and will warm up the place nicely. Remember less is more.
3) Use plants:
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There are plenty of ways to decorate and make your rented apartment feel like home. Plants are a beautiful, easy and inexpensive option to fill the house with refreshing and lively pieces. Adding plants to your space can help you feel more relaxed, calm, and at peace. Potted plants can help manage stress and anxiety, as well as purify the air in your home.
Potted plants are great for renters who don’t have a lot of space to work with. A houseplant that is easy to take care of and loves indirect light is the Chinese evergreen fern, or Dracaena. If live green plants are not your best option, you can choose a fake plastic plant and will still add colour and create a cozy atmosphere in your place.
4) Use scented candles:
Scented candles are a wonderful way to make your rented apartment smell amazing. Besides, they have calming properties and will turn your home into a cozy never leaving place.
5) Use wall decals
Wall decal stickers are one of the best and renter friendly way to decorate the walls without painting them. We all know that landlords are very strict regarding the changes we make in a rented property, so to avoid damaging the walls, or spending money on wall painting, try self-adhesive wall stickers.
You can use floral, inspirational quotes, a landscape or a city night view such as New York. If you love boho décor style, then you can opt for mural abstract removal wall stickers.
6) Choose small fluffy rugs:
Buy a few small and fluffy rugs and place them near the sofa, under the dinner table and in front of the bed. Choose small rugs so they can be easily cleaned as often as needed. Keep in mind the dominated colors in the room and choose the rugs in tone with those colours. Don’t go for extreme colours to overwhelm the décor.
7) Make your own décor accessories:
Creating your own home décor accessories can feel intimidating, but with little guidance and instructions you can create real art pieces. The cheapest option to DIY décor accessories is origami art. Paper palm leaves are a cool idea to make and place in a large vase, as well as handmade wreaths.
You can also upcycle items found at thrift stores or on Facebook marketplace and style it your way. Change colours, downsize or upgrade the furniture pieces according to your needs. Consider the use of wooden pallets to make a small couch, books added on top of each other with a large tray for creating an authentic coffee table.
8) Utilize wooden crate as night stand tables:
Wooden crates are versatile items that can be repurposed for multiple functions. Gluing two wooden crate on top of each other and adding 4 harpin legs will create fabulous industrial
Apartment decor rules can sometimes limit your creativity and design choices. But by being creative and outside the box , you should be able to get unique results. Think about what you want to create, research and see what other apartment dwellers have done. Then think about how that style can be implemented within your own home. All in all, you will end up with a space that is uniquely your own
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sapphicbookclub · 3 years
Author Spotlight: Victoria Janssen
I’m happy to spotlight an author with over 30 published short stories, and one of those stories by Victoria Janssen we’re also reading in our book club! Read on to find some information and tips on worldbuilding.
SF Worldbuilding Techniques
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While writing Finding Refuge, I revisited various science fiction worldbuilding techniques I’d learned from years of reading the genre, listening to writers, and of course practicing them myself. One of my most important goals is allowing the reader to be curious about what happens next. Worldbulding can be a big part of that.
Many or most guides to writing science fiction hammer in the idea of “showing, not telling,” but no writing rule should be followed off a cliff. If you can make the “telling” interesting, that’s all that matters. In general, I’ve found dialogue is more interesting than exposition, especially if you’re invested in the characters who are speaking.
Dialogue is a perfect opportunity to slip in not only information about a science fictional concept, but also disinformation about it. Say one character is not convinced that aliens exist but they’re about to show up in Kansas; another character knows they’re coming, and they’re angry at humanity. Disinformation in dialogue can thus very easily add more tension and conflict. When a character is seeking out information, or asking questions, or arguing about something, you can increase the effect by stringing them along, releasing the information piece by piece. The reader will also want to find out the answers they’re seeking, and will keep reading until they have all the answers.
Look for opportunities for minor disagreements between characters to reveal vulnerabilities or needs/wants that you can exploit for the story’s purposes. Even something as small as an alien refusing human food because these aliens get their energy from photosynthesis can tell the reader something more about the aliens’ particular limitations. This is a good way to sneak in weaknesses that can generate plot, say when the plant alien is imprisoned and dying because there are no windows (don’t worry, my houseplants are all fine!).
Major disagreements are useful, too, to reveal plot-generating issues. If two of your characters disagree, whether politically or morally or in any other way, they can go out of their way to convince their opponent they’re right, or wrong. Which means you the writer can have them explore your thematic concerns such as colonialism, or gender identity, or fears of the potential climate apocalypse. In dialogue, it will be more interesting and relevant to the story than if you just laid it all out to begin with in a big expository lump. And you don’t have to stop with dialogue; the disagreements can lead to action, and propel the plot forward.
“Breaking something” is another good technique. If you want to describe how the amazing science fictional plant-watering device works, break it first, show the problems the broken thing causes, and then explain how it works while fixing it. This technique can also be applied to societies, relationships, or even the entire plot. For example, say the characters live on a space station. A piece of debris is headed their way, and will damage their ability to communicate with anyone outside of the space station. Something is going to get physically broken, which will expose societal issues. The plant-watering device will be damaged, and the plants will be angry. What will the people do about that? What happens next?
I hope you find some of these techniques useful in your own writing. And I hope you have fun spotting them in your reading, as well.
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greeds · 3 years
notes on houseplants:
fertilizer is a MUST!! plants gotta eat too! when plants are growing in a pot, the nutrients from the limited soil is gradually depleted
aerate the soil! outdoor plants have worms and other helpful creatures to break the soil apart and prevent compacted roots, and potted plants need you to do the same. i take a chopstick or something similar and poke holes through the dirt before watering. dont be scared to damage the roots!
open the windows from time to time! this is important for your health as well as the health of your plants. moving air prevents mold! just be sure not to expose your plants to cold temperatures or strong drafts
rotate your plants once a week to ensure it doesnt start growing too much to one side. unless thats what you want i guess lol
mist your plants to keep them nice n humid! or buy a humidifier! if you live in a place with cold winters, it will vastly improve the quality of life for your plants and for you and your sad dry nose.....speaking from experience !
some plants like to climb! give them something to climb on! they need support!
i would absolutely recommend investing in a grow light for plants that are not receiving enough light. they come in many different sizes to suit your needs, and can be put anywhere theres an outlet! unless youre lucky enough to live in a place with many south facing windows, a grow light should be on the list of things to buy when looking into plantkeeping. my room is east facing but as the heater is directly under the window, i have to keep my plants further away. distances greater than 3ft from the window drastically lowers the amount of indirect sunlight your plants receive
do NOT cut aerial roots if your plant grows those! if possible, try to lead the root back into the soil so it can get those nutrients! ive also seen people put a cup of water around the root so it can drink like that too
wipe the dust from your plant leaves! they need their leaves to photosynthesize and the dust gets in the way. you can also put them in the bath and gently shower the leaves clean while also watering them. just be sure not to drown them while youre in there
this should go without saying, but if you are potting your plant directly into a pot, make sure that pot has at least a couple of drainage holes! ideally you should place your plant in a growing pot (usually plastic, easy to cut through when repotting) and then put the growing pot into a decorative pot
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dannypuro · 4 years
You said your askbox was open so!! From Something Telling I am very invested in the mutual pining of Feuilly and Baz and just that individually they were like. Whispering their feels to their friends. I am parched for any details of. Them. If you are amenable. BYE <3
YOU!!! YOU UNDERSTAND!!!! YOU AND YOUR WONDERFUL ASKS AND GIANT COMMENTS UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANT PARTS OF SOMETHING TELLING ma’am i owe you my life. i adore you. and yes, without further ado... A Very Long Post about the boys.
feuilly moves into bahorel’s apartment building when he first moves to france, like, five or six years before the start of Something Telling. and he doesn’t speak a lot of french at ALL, at first, because he wasn’t expecting to move, but he got an opportunity with a gallery kind of last minute and he only had time to panic and duolingo it up a little bit. but he moves into baz’s apartment building, all the way up in the tiny attic apartment, and he doesn’t hire any movers because he’s broke, and that would be fine, except the elevator breaks sometime between when he goes out to find some furniture and when he gets said furniture delivered to outside the building. and now he has to figure out how to get this stupid second-hand couch up five flights of stairs and he doesn’t even know anyone in the country he can call for help. 
cue bahorel, coming back from the gym and all sweaty and gross. (nasty.) and he’s never seen feuilly before, but he is CERTAINLY seeing him now. 👁👁. and they have an awkward little conversation--all “hey, dude, do you, like, need a hand?” and poor feuilly desperately trying to remember his duolingo to figure out what the fuck this hot guy is saying to him. bahorel is instantly enamored--feuilly is fucking pretty, okay, and he’s funny and his accent is cute and baz just fucking knows feuilly’s smarter than him and he’s so fucking into it. just. he’s so into him.
and the thing is, baz is pretty sure feuilly’s maybe into him, too--he helps him drag the couch up the stairs, and they make conversation, and he thinks that he’s flirting, a little, and he’s definitely ogling baz up a bit. and, like, yeah, sure--he knows he’s hot, and feuilly’s smoking hot, in an overworked, tired, starving artist way, so... yeah. he’s totally gonna sleep with his brand-new hot neighbor.
only, then they start talking about why feuilly’s moving into the building--he tells baz that he’s new to paris, new to france, and he doesn’t know anybody, doesn’t even really speak french, and he moved for work but he doesn’t really know what he’ll do outside of that, and he’s just so! fucking! charming! and smart! and baz is like. right. well. 🥺, dude. 
they get up to feuilly’s apartment (and HOOOO, feuilly’s pretty strong, actually 👁👁 wow 👁👁 what a coincidence bahorel is shredded as well👁👁 maybe we can hook up and be shredded together👁👁) and set the couch down. and bahorel looks around his empty little attic apartment and takes in his nearly-empty kitchen and his one beautiful houseplant in the middle of the room, because that’s where the most light is, and he can’t just LEAVE. not when feuilly doesn’t have any friends. feuilly’s awesome, baz already knows it! he should meet baz’s awesome friends!
only, feuilly’s kind of- feuilly’s kind of leaning in, a bit, and bahorel has hooked up with enough dudes to know when someone’s putting on the moves. and he’s SO into it, and he almost just kisses him, almost hooks up with him on the couch that they just hauled up five flights of stairs together, only-
only, if feuilly’s a one-night stand, he won’t want to meet baz’s awesome friends, and he seems so lonely. so bahorel takes one for the team. and instead of leaning in to make out with the hottest dude he’s ever met, he’s just like HEY MY FRIENDS ARE HAVING A GET-TOGETHER TONIGHT WANNA COME YOU CAN MEET THEM THEY’RE SUPER NICE AND COOL. (oh, god, he really hopes feuilly wants to.)
feuilly’s a little taken aback, for obvious reasons, but- but he does want to meet bahorel’s friends, and mostly, he wants to spend some more time with bahorel, and it’s a shame that he wasn’t reading the room right when he thought baz was into him, but, well, you can’t have everything. maybe he can’t get laid by his super-hot neighbor, but hey, if he can meet some people who don’t mind that he doesn’t actually speak french yet, and if he can get to know bahorel a little better, he’ll take it.
feuilly goes to the party. jehan adores him, obviously. feuilly doesn’t, like... get what’s up with them, yet, since he didn’t watch french media growing up and therefore missed all of their child-stardom, but he likes them just fine, anyways. jehan’s like 20 and is blazed out of their mind and is having a medieval phase (one of many). feuilly is confused, but also within 90 minutes realizes that he would INSTANTLY throw hands with ANYONE if it was for jehan’s sake. so. 
jehan’s all like “go talk to grantaire! he knows all sorts of things about art! he’s working on painting me naked!” so feuilly goes to talk to the lump in the corner but like. listen. grantaire’s having a hard time. he doesn’t make an awesome first impression. not awful, just... he’s having a hard time. feuilly gets it. they become better friends a little later, mostly because bahorel keeps dragging feuilly around with him whenever he’s free. (not like feuilly minds)
but feuilly doesn’t make a move on bahorel again. because he must have misread the situation, right? otherwise they would have fucked. they’d BE fucking. too bad bahorel doesn’t like him like that. oh, well, at least they’re friends!
bahorel DOES like him like that. duh. feuilly’s awesome. but he hasn’t made a move on bahorel since that first afternoon. he’s probably just not that into bahorel, past the one-night-stand type stuff. oh, well, at least they’re friends!
life goes on. they hang out a lot. like, a LOT. they’re totally each other’s best friends. feuilly learns more french. (baz is actually super relieved when he can’t quite manage to get rid of the accent, even though he would never say so, because that would hurt feuilly’s feelings. baz tries not to act like a dick around feuilly, even though he kind of is one around other people, sometimes. he just... wants feuilly to like him.) feuilly gets absorbed into the group. he picks up another job, in addition to the work he’s doing for the gallery, and he’s making a little more money, which is good for both of them, because feuilly can afford meals that aren’t mostly rice, sometimes, and bahorel doesn’t have to spend all day every day wondering how he’s going to be able to get feuilly to let him pay for his food this time around. (if they were dating, baz thinks, if they were dating, he could take feuilly out for dinner and pay for it and pay for the wine and for the dessert, too, and feuilly wouldn’t be able to give him that look he shoots him whenever baz “accidentally” orders the wrong dish from the thai place down the road, so what if it always happens to be feuilly’s favorite, shut up, man, it’s a coincidence)
but feuilly’s making more money, so he decides to move out of his shitty attic apartment, because it kind of sucks, and it’s miniscule, and he’s an adult, damn it. he finds a new place that is marginally larger and marginally less shitty, and it’s not even that far away, just a couple blocks, and he tells baz he’ll be moving when his lease is up that year. 
bahorel just wants to beg him to move in with him, but he only has the one bedroom, and feuilly’s not his fucking boyfriend. so he helps feuilly move, because he’s a good buddy, and he gets hammered with grantaire, after, because grantaire is lonely for someone he hasn’t met yet and bahorel is terrified that feuilly isn’t going to want to hang out with him now that they aren’t neighbors anymore. 
feuilly, meanwhile, is across town at grantaire’s apartment (sans grantaire) getting blazed with jehan because he’s terrified that bahorel isn’t going to want to hang out with him now that they aren’t neighbors anymore. (jehan’s all 🥺You Are Always Welcome At My Humble Abode🥺 and feuilly’s very touched but he’s pretty sure he’s totally in love with bahorel and he’s scared and he’s also not sure that jehan even pays rent. so.)
they totally keep hanging out. obviously. (maybe a little bit less than they used to, but if baz thinks about that he’ll fucking cry.) bahorel feels a little bit like his heart is going to break, which is totally lame and which was not the plan when he agreed to help move a couch three years earlier. it’s just... there’s nobody like feuilly. there’s nobody even CLOSE to being like feuilly. and feuilly doesn’t like him. and so he spends a lot of time at grantaire’s place, and jehan finally gets their own apartment, so he’s free to cry into grantaire’s shoulder all he fucking wants.
feuilly goes on dates, sometimes. bahorel could totally treat him better than any of those dickheads. damn it.
bahorel hooks up with people, sometimes. feuilly could totally fuck him better than any of those dickheads. damn it.
and then grantaire gets a weird new roommate, or something. baz doesn’t know, fuck, nobody tells him jack shit. but he stops hearing from grantaire for a couple weeks, for the most part, and then he gets the party invite in the groupchat, and fuck, if there’s a housewarming party, he shall attend. feuilly mentions something to him about R’s new roomie being some philosopher, or something, but bahorel was kind of busy watching him fold up little origami flowers out of newspaper, so he missed all that. it’s cool, he’ll catch up.
apparently, grantaire’s roommate is from the 19th century. apparently, grantaire also has a massive fucking crush on him. huh.
when they first meet, feuilly and enjolras are kind of hilariously enamored by one another. not in a romantic way, just in a Very Intense Admiration type way. after they meet at the housewarming party, enjolras is like “I Must Find A Way To Speak With Feuilly Again, For He Is A Brilliant Mind And A Good Man” and combeferre is like... want me to invite him over? and enjy is like “No, I Must Pen Him A Letter. Yes. This Is A Good And Rational Plan.” (he spills coffee all over the letter right when he’s almost done and almost cries. ferre just invites feuilly over anyways.)
feuilly, of course, is freaking out about whether or not he can find a way to hang out with enjolras again. because! ahh!!! that’s François-Marie Enjolras, political revolutionary and philosopher!!!! feuilly’s read his essays like five times!!! what reason would he have to want to talk to feuilly? but also, like... he did want to talk to feuilly--at the party, he’d talked to feuilly for hours, and he’s so smart and a little funny and he’d listen to Feuilly go on and on about slavic history and he hadn’t looked bored once, and just- Ah!!!! and he’s trying to figure out if it would be weird if he asked enjolras if he’d want to meet over coffee when he gets combeferre’s text. (it’s something like, enjolras just composed a letter trying to ask you if you’d want to hang out with him do you want to come over before he uses up all of my printer paper? and then, also, don’t tell him i told you about the letter he’s kind of freaked about making a good impression) and feuilly’s just like. :o
and both grantaire and bahorel see enjolras and feuilly embarking on this sweet, awkward, smart person friendship and they’re like. Oh Shit. They’re In Love With Each Other. Shit. because of course feuilly would fall in love with enjolras--feuilly’s too smart for bahorel, anyways, baz has always known that, and it makes sense that he’d fall for someone who can keep up with him. and of course enjolras would fall in love with feuilly--feuilly is kind and super smart and he knows all sorts of things about modern philosophy and he’s hot, okay, and enjolras is too smart for grantaire, anyways. ugh. baz and R get hammered and cry about it together, but the shitty thing is that they can’t even be too angry, because it’s so obvious.
meanwhile, enjolras and feuilly are across town talking about their stupid crushes on their hot beefy friends. commiserating, yanno? feuilly’s all “sometimes i wish i just kissed him that first day i met him, sometimes i wish i hooked up with him at that party, maybe he would have started liking me after” and enjolras is all “why does he never wear shirts with SLEEVES, i do not know what to DO with myself!!!”
and then one day feuilly and baz are hanging out and baz is like “haha grantaire has the biggest crush on enjolras” (because he can’t keep a secret to save his life.) and feuilly’s like.... “grantaire likes enjolras?” and baz is like “uh YEAH dude. DUH” and feuilly’s like. “that can’t be right--enjolras told me grantaire doesn’t like him back” and baz is like... “bACK?” and then he’s like “WAIT ENJOLRAS DOESN’T LIKE YOU?” and feuilly is like... no?
they realize that their friends are idiots. and they try to help, really, they do--feuilly keeps suggesting that maybe, maybe, enjolras can’t know that grantaire doesn’t like him if he’s never actually asked, and he keeps pointing out things that grantaire does that nobody actually does if they’re not totally gone for somebody; bahorel is straight up just like “R bro enjolras wants to be your boy so bad” and R is like I Am Electing Not To Listen To You.
and then-
and then, they all go out to a bar together. they get hammered, etc. etc. and they’re laughing about how grantaire and enjolras are oblivious, how could they not know that they like each other, everybody keeps telling them to go for it, and then-
hold on.
hold on, because- because that’s what everybody tells bahorel about feuilly. that he should just go for it. that maybe it’s not as hopeless as he thinks. and feuilly’s just sitting there, and he’s so fucking pretty, sometimes, honestly, and bahorel loves him so much, and he’s drunk, and he can’t stand not knowing even a second longer. 
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shimyereh · 3 years
Tagged by @thedeadhandofseldon and @vera-dauriac. Thank you!
1. Favorite book of all time?
*Thinks about what I’ve been up to for the past 3 years.* *Looks at my bookshelf.*
…yeah, the answer is Onegin.
2. Favorite fictional friendship or familial relationship (can be any kind of family dynamic)?
Maybe the Stone family from Heinlein’s interplanetary road-trip The Rolling Stones. It’s been a while since I’ve read this book, but I remember coming away from it thinking: wow, I really like all these people! Especially Grandma Hazel Stone. What a badass. I think she also makes appearances in some of Heinlein’s other books, which I haven’t read yet.
I also really like the dynamics between the Rostov siblings in War and Peace, especially Natasha and Nikolai at the beginning of Book 2.
3. Favorite trope?
Nonlinear storytelling! Stories within a story, multiple unreliable narrators, jumping back and forth across the timeline, etc. Stories as an explorable space, with room to question some of the details.
4. A character from a book/series you feel the most like?
In Orson Scott Card’s Enchantment, there’s a scene where the hero (a time-traveling linguist) is being cursed by a witch and all he can think is: gee, I wonder what language *that* was? I like to think I would react similarly under the circumstances.
Performing theater is one of my favorite kinds of literary analysis, and I’ve gotten *very* invested in some characters I’ve played onstage. Some of that is me actively seeking out similarities and resonances to lean into, but there are definitely patterns to what sorts of characters I most enjoy playing. It’s cathartic to play characters who are capable of a certain amount of mischief.
5. A pet from a book or series you would most like to have?
I don’t have a good answer for this. I have virtually no experience keeping pets. (I have managed to keep some pretty hardy houseplants alive for a little over a year now, and I consider that a triumph.)
6. A place from a book or series you would like to hang out?
It’s been a while since I’ve done a full read of Tanith Lee’s Cyrion, but I love to flip it open at random and immerse myself in scenes from it. The settings are so rich and vivid. The first half is pretty episodic — stories within a story, building up the mythos of the title character by showing him in a variety of settings, before we meet him proper in the frame story. Excellent world-building throughout.
7. A series or author you’re willing to give another chance?
Someday I should read more Pratchett. I read a few of the Discworld books a while back and really enjoyed them. And then… schoolwork got in the way, and I fell out of the habit of leisure reading. I’ve only recently gotten back into the habit, but right now my reading habits are centered on material connected to my research into Pushkin and his era. (The other day I was joking to a friend about “things I’ll read when I’m back from 1820s-30s Russia”.)
8. And the book you have liked the most so far this year?
I was surprised at the intensity of my reaction to Pushkin’s Journey to Erzurum, when I read it a couple months ago. Some of the impact was definitely from reading this in the context of my research, and being hyper-aware of connections to other things in Pushkin’s literary canon and his personal writings and the larger arc of his life story.
The landscape descriptions are fantastic; he saw some really striking things, and he captures them so vividly. But then there are also these little human details, like his exhaustion after traveling *way* too many versts in a single day, or the time he gets caught in a rainstorm and soaked through to the skin, and it’s just: holy shit, this was a flesh-and-blood person who physically existed. Like, it’s not that I ever really forget that. But it’s so blatant here.
Tagging: If you see this and want to do the meme, consider yourself tagged!
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universalinfo · 1 year
How to Improve Air Quality Inside Your Home: Bring Nature In With These 5 Indoor Plants
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If you're looking for ways to improve the air quality in your home, consider adding some indoor plants. These five varieties are known for their ability to help purify the air and make it healthier to breathe. Plus, they're easy to care for and can add a touch of green to any room. So why not give them a try?
Aloe vera 
Aloe vera is an amazing plant that can really help us feel better both inside and out! Not only does it purify the air, but its moisturizing and healing properties make it great for our skin too!
It's been used for centuries to treat skin conditions, reduce signs of aging, soothe burns, and even lower cholesterol. A popular home remedy for cuts and scrapes, aloe vera is also known to have antifungal and antibacterial benefits. 
Its leaves can be extracted directly from the plant or added to lotions and creams. All these special benefits make it one of the best natural remedies available without a prescription. If you haven't already, give aloe vera a try.
Snake plant
The snake plant is such a treat! It's easy to take care of and adds a pop of greenery to any area. Not to mention, it has the incredible ability to absorb toxins from the air. So having one around can help improve air quality in your home or workspace. What more could you ask for? The snake plant is a fantastic addition to any home, both for its aesthetic appeal and its surprisingly effective toxin-absorbing properties. Get yourself a snake plant today and your lungs will thank you for it!
Spider plant
Looking for a houseplant that is not only easy to care for but also helps to keep your home more pure and free of toxins? Look no further than the spider plant! This fan-favorite has a natural purifying quality that neutralizes up to 90% of certain airborne toxins, making it the ultimate bringer of freshness in any living space. 
Even better, this impressive feat of cleansing is achieved with little effort from the owner - after all, who doesn't appreciate when something works hard with minimal input? The spider plant has one more ace up its sleeve: it's so low-maintenance and easy to grow that anyone can do it, regardless if they have years of gardening experience or if they're just starting out. What more could you want?
Peace lily 
The peace lily is a fantastic houseplant that not only keeps the air in your home fresh and clean but also provides stunning flowers with beautiful white petals. It's truly a multitasking marvel! This easy-care greenhouse dweller has been a popular pick for years due to its minimal maintenance needs and gorgeous blooms. What better way to bring life into your home than with this dual-purpose flower? The peace lily can help create a healthier home environment while adding a nice splash of beauty to your decor.
Bamboo palm 
Looking for a unique houseplant that doesn't require too much effort to keep alive? Look no further than the bamboo palm! Not only do these lush plants add a touch of life and beauty to any room, they also have tremendous air-purifying benefits. Due to their tall and slim shape, they're perfect for adding some color to smaller spaces without taking up too much floor space. 
Plus, they require minimal upkeep - just water when needed and prune occasionally - meaning you don't need an entire green thumb in order to enjoy one in your home. With the bamboo palm, you can have the look of living greenery without too much stress or worry!
Types of house air pollutants
Radon gas is an odorless, colorless, and radioactive gas that can be found in many homes. Although it's naturally occurring, it can pose a health risk when concentrations become too high. To protect your family, consider investing in a radon home detector to monitor the air quality in your home. This device will alert you if unsafe levels of radon are detected, allowing you to take swift action and reduce the risk of long-term exposure. In addition to using a detector, regular testing is recommended in order to maintain safe air quality inside your home.
Formaldehyde is another type of indoor air pollutant, which can be found in many household materials and products. This colorless gas has been linked to several health issues, including irritation of the eyes, nose and throat. To reduce formaldehyde levels, opt for furniture and building materials that are certified as formaldehyde free. Additionally, use natural air fresheners such as essential oils instead of chemical-based products, and avoid smoking indoors.
Mold and mildew can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory issues and allergies. To prevent the build-up of mold and mildew in your home, keep humidity levels low by using an air conditioner or dehumidifier. Additionally, regularly inspect areas of your home that are prone to moisture buildups such as bathrooms and basements, and take measures to address the issue if you detect any mold or mildew.
Bringing some plants into your home can be a great way to improve air quality and reduce indoor pollutants. All of the above-mentioned houseplants make wonderful additions to a home, so do not hesitate to add one (or more!) to your home. Having plants in and around your home can be immensely rewarding not only because they help purify the air and make your living space look beautiful, but caring for them and watching them grow will also bring a sense of warmth and joy. Plus, it’s an added bonus that these plants are also very easy to maintain. Source: https://luftiaq.com/blogs/indoor-air-quality/improve-air-quality-inside-your-home
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