#they‘re creative
Ok I just realised how much I suck at dating
In my head I was like „I mean, I guess there is one person I‘ve been kind of seeing, but we barely know each other and we could really just be friends, I mean we’re pretty much just ‚aquaintances’, they probably don‘t care about me anyway“
Until I thought about it and remembered that:
I thought we had known each other for a few months tops when it‘s really been like 8 months
„We haven‘t even met that often“ yeah but we‘ve been at their place twice and at my place twice and we’ve met each other‘s parents and we‘ve both talked to several friends about seeing the other and we‘ve talked on the phone for hours on end multiple times
I went to a different country for three months during the time we‘ve known each other and we still kept in touch even though we‘d barely known each other before
I‘ve shared a lot more personal stuff with them than I would care to admit and they did the same
They have sent me a pretty romantic song without context and I did the same later
I‘ve cooked for them
I got them a souvenir based on a fact I know about them even though we haven‘t seen each other since last year
We talked about casual topics like religion, mental health problems and figuring out our sexualities on our second meeting
the last time we talked we both casually figured out whether the other one was still single and then both went on to joke that we‘d probably stay single forever
God this is exhausting I mean I really don‘t have room in my life for another person (never mind someone in my hometown) but this sounds an awful lot like dating
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pitske · 5 months
When the forest goes quiet
Deadly silence none the wiser
Walk the forest, walk the path
Let the birdsong fill the air
Burn your only photograph
Ten. One. Seven. Eight
One second might be one too late
Heavy breathing, heavy dread
The birds stopped singing, Are they dead?
One in eight, seven in ten
Can you hear the screams again?
Walk the forest, walk the path
Stumble quietly, run on fast
Feeling watched yet? Feeling stalked?
Just for how long have you walked?
Was it this tree or this stone?
Do you recall which way is home?
„Oh, really? where are you from?“
Where has the time- the songbird gone?
Its been a while now, take a walk
Birds with cut throats can not talk.
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auroragehenna · 8 months
Ai-less Whumptober
Day 30 (Mind games)
CW/TW: Toxic relationship (frienship), torture, anticipation, non-con touch, threats towards loved ones, prey, nicknames, semi-dysfunctional systems (DID/OSDD). talk that could sound NSFW-whump but it won't go there Word count: 1'891 (give or take)
Dark was fuming. And now she was on the way to the body’s father for dinner. That would not make it better. She hit up the chat from/with the Tempest system and started typing. In her anger she asked if anyone would be interested in torturing their host. She walked the short way between the two houses in the darkness only illuminated by lampposts partially covered by big trees. It was a cold and beautiful night and she knew her way around the village by heart. Her phone vibrated and she held it up to see an answer. Somebody was indeed interested. Honestly not really a miracle. Lilith, the alter called herself. Dark engaged in the conversation a bit before she had to go offline for the dinner. It was horrible as could be expected but fortunately helped her get her anger and annoyance out of her system. Somehow. When she walked back she texted the other system back that their problem had been solved and no torture was necessary. But next time she looked on the screen she saw that Lilith didn’t want to take “No” for an answer “after they had already asked”.
The next few days Dark and Jayna both tried to stop the torture from happening. Mainly Dark, she made this mess now she had to make sure it at the very least went as safely as possible. Persecutor still also meant protector. She talked to Lilith and her befriended alters. Tried to bargain her way to safety. And even though she wouldn’t even be the victim she felt scared. She felt the degrading attitude Lilith and her associates gave off. Even to one who was technically one of them. In a way. It was a hard battle but eventually between bribery and pleading she got Lilith to agree to their terms. No death. Wounds you could hide. No sexual harassment or assault. The last one had been the hardest to get her to agree to. They set the date for the end of this week. But when it was supposed to be time something suddenly came up and the other system didn’t have time anymore. So they rescheduled. But at the next closest date also didn’t work. Until finally they found a date and managed to stick to it. Dark mainly wasn’t at the front during that time unless for negotiations.
Jayna looked at the messages with a mix of desperation and frustration. She also had to negotiate with them a bit and it was terrifying. Mostly she tried to talk to other alters and find out details like that. But to also re-instate the rules she had to talk to Lilith once directly. Well over a voice chat. It was stressful at best. She found herself not being able to forget it and focus on anything else. The anticipation growing worse and worse every single day. So she was nearly longing for the evening it was going to happen. That is until it had to be rescheduled. Part of her was very relieved the other part was just in agony. Time passed with school and trying to prepare. She tried to educate herself as well as possible about this specific session but the anticipation wore her defences thinner and thinner. The day it was going to happen her nerves were practically non-existent. She had asked Bloom to front to allow herself and hopefully the body a break.
Bloom didn’t mind helping her even though she was freaked out by the situation. It did work to give Jayna a break she supposed but definitely not the body. As the hours went by it got worse and worse. She tried to distract herself by watching episodes from her source and playing games but her attention span spoke for itself. The body had started to shake at some point. A faint headache was also making itself known and her stomach was in knots. They had not been able to eat anything so far and neither drink anything. Yet Bloom without counting was sure they’ve had to go to the restroom already at least 50 times. It was definitely stress. She made a Whats Apps audio to a friend, trying to talk about a series they were both watching but the stutter they obtained only got worse and worse until coherent sentences were basically impossible. And even now Lilith was drawing it out. When they finally got the green light they took the next best bus and went over. They didn’t even think of not going, but even if, it would just happen another time unexpectedly.
Jayna came co-conscious with Bloom during the travel and brought a wave of calm into the body. But before they walked to the house she asked Dark to do the beginning part. Dark agreed.
Her hands weren‘t shaking as she typed in the message that they were now at the front door. Her mind wasn‘t racing like crazy like it had all day. Like it had for two weeks now. She had been tasked with experiencing the beginning, the prep work if you will. A mixture between excitement and reasonable anxiety filled her whole being. She knew that her headmates, Bloom and Jayna had been a wreck the whole day. Too nervous to stay still, to nervous and eventually nauseous to eat. And the closer it had gotten, the worse they had started to stutter. But Dark wasn‘t scared per say. She talked about this. The rules were clear even if she has had (? Gosh I hate tenses) to bargain about nearly each and everyone of them. And there were really only three. No murder, they needed to be able to hide it and no sexual harassment or assault. The last one had been the one she has had to bargain about the most. Walking a thin line between pleading and bribery. A confusing line. But now all was set. She just had to greet Lilith and get startet. The rest would be up to Jayna to experience. Not her. Then the door opened and Lilith invited her in.
„Just give me a second and I‘ll be right done.“, Lilith said cheerfully.
„Of course.“, Dark forced herself to say. Okay truthfully the body might be a little bit very nervous and Lilith was scary. To her too. But she could handle it. Obviously. She watched Lilith clean up the kitchen in which she to her knowledge had been making brownies prior to their arrival. That was actually why it was now so late even though they would have had the whole day.
„Alright. Shall we go upstairs?“, Lilith asked, now standing next to her in front of the dog door.
„Yeah I‘d say so.“, Dark agreed awkwardly and they walked up the stairs to their bedroom.
Once there they continued the awkward small talk for a little while before Lilith again took the initiative and put a stop to the conversation. She got up from the bed and returned with the ropes she weaved(?) specifically for this. „Alright. I need to tie you up.“
„Yeah, I know.“
„You gotta lay down.“
So she did, laying down on her back legs in an angle and stuck together. She know that wasn‘t the plan but she just couldn‘t get herself to move them apart. (Fully clothed or not).
„I only need one leg.“
„Right.“ But she couldn‘t move the leg. Lilith got annoyed and forcefully separated them before starting to tie her knots around it. Dark was starting to feel more and more at unease.
After a little while though Lilith decided that this knot wasn‘t going to work and blessedly just settled for tying both legs and arms together and then tying both of these knots together over the length of their back after she had rolled onto her stomach. Now she felt utterly exposed and vulnerable but she would be fine. This was going to be fun. „We need to fronting trigger her. And I‘m gonna search for her because I assume she‘s hiding somewhere in the shadows of the inner world. (548 words).
„Okay how can we do that?“, Lilith inquired.
„I‘d say play some Harry Potter music, that usually works. I’m gonna go search for her.“
Lilith did as Dark suggested and then waited next to the seemingly unconscious body in the gaming chair.
„Ugh, this is taking too long I‘m gonna ask Erebos for help, hang on a second.“, Dark informed before resuming communications with her headmates. It was silent for a few more minutes before Dark began to speak again. „Got her. „Alright, I will go now.“
Lilith didn‘t comment anything just straightened up in the chair and reached for the remote to turn the lights off. She could shortly after make out that the body in front of her that had before lay so relaxed and calm started to tense up. So she took a step back into the subconscious and let another alter front. Lucifer. He had always been planned to do the actual torturing, only that they didn‘t tell anyone that. Then she took her leave as soon as possible since honestly nobody wanted to be near Lucifer when he tortures people.
Jayna had been dragged to the front against her will. Erebos had found her lurking in the shadows of the inner world with ease and had forced her to front. As soon as she got concious in the body fear started to wash over her. So even if she had been a wave of calmity when she finally saved Bloom from the front and before giving it to Dark so was she know terrified. She tried her best to not let it show, tried not to move to not give away her arrival yet and tried to supress the tension forming in her muscles. But it was all futile.
„Ooh. I can already smell the fear.“
Jayna‘s breath caught and her eyes became unbelievably wide, and yet were only able to take in the darkness around her. Dark had blessedly given her the small mercy of having their head turned away, facing the wall instead of them. She could hear Lilith getting up and coming towards her. Her stomach felt awful. She knew the feeling. Fear. She always felt it like this in her stomach when she was really scared. Only it felt a lot stronger this time. She felt absolutely dread and terror. Now she was glad for the darkness as it would hopefully hide the way she had started to shake.
(Trauma amnesia)
-She flinched when Lilith grazed her fingertips ever so lightly over her arms. She waited but there was no pain. She just kept speaking creepy words and wandering her fingertips over her arms.
-A single finger touched the small of her back at the very bottom and caressed it‘s way all up to the top of her spine. And she felt in the worst way electrified.
-„~Bunny. How naive to think that you could run away from a hungry wolf.“
-„But what if not you are that bunny? But instead somebody you love?“
-„They will all suffer, just because of you.“
-„Now what scares you the most? How about we look in here?“, she said and pressed a finger into Jayna‘s forhead.
Taglist: @ailesswhumptober
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dsybouquet · 7 months
little brabble about getting high with stoner! ellie because i am convinced she’s so fucking hilarious and geniuenly funny apart from being horny
pulling out her pun book and read those horrible dad jokes to you until your body gives out from laughing.
„Do you know what’s not right? left.“
You giggled and took another hit from the blunt. „They‘re getting better.“
„Okay wait..“ Ellie already started laughing before even telling you the joke, resulting in you trying to hold back laughter so hard. „Okay… I used to be addicted to soap….but I’m clean now.“
As a result of Ellie laughing like a teakettle, you busted into laughter as well, unable to stop and to catch your breath.
she‘s be so out of her mind, talking about space and how things work - according to her brain, scientifically unproven.
„Babe, what if earth was rotated by two people that work in shifts.“
„Sure, El. That‘s how it works.“
„No, seriously it makes sense! Look….“
You just stole the blunt from her hands and took more hits, until what she said ACTUALLY made sense.
However, if you asked her about it the next morning she‘d blame you, telling you that you were way to stoned to think straight and whips out a space book with all the facts.
„See! No „people“ rotating earth.“
„That was your fucking thought, not mine!“
„Sure babe.“
ALSO, she‘d be so creative. the lyrics she‘d write while smoking are some of the most heart aching and beautiful lyrics you‘ve ever read. about past trauma, future and even about you. she’d also compose amazing melodies.
she’d play these songs for you while you’re just relaxing - be its reading, smoking or doing creative things yourself.
“That’s beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.”
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oceans-beloved · 3 months
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★。:*・.Thaumoyaki Recipe .・*:。★
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Thaumoyaki, or Grilled Thaumo Balls, originated in Osaka and are one of Japan’s best-known street foods. Whether you make a traditional style with bits of Thaumo or choose creative alternatives, these ball-shaped dumplings are fun to make with your friends and family!
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Thaumoyaki is a Japanese snack in the shape of little round balls containing pieces of Thaumo. Thaumo-yaki literally translates to “thaumo-grilled/fried” and some people may call it “Grilled Thaumo Balls” or “Thaumo Dumplings”.
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PREP TIME: 15minutes mins
COOK TIME: 10minutes mins
TOTAL TIME: 25minutes mins
SERVINGS: 26 pieces
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For the filling:-
3 g katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) 
2 green onions/scallions
1 Tbsp pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga)
120 g Thaumo sashimi (boiled Thaumo)
For the Batter:-
120 g all-purpose flour (plain flour)
2 tsp baking powder
½ tsp Diamond Crystal kosher salt
2 large eggs (50 g each w/o shell)
1 tsp soy sauce
360 ml dashi (Japanese soup stock)
For Cooking:-
2 Tbsp neutral oil
15 g tenkasu/agedama (tempura scraps)
For the Toppings:-
120 ml Thaumoyaki sauce
Japanese Kewpie mayonnaise
katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)
aonori (dried green laver seaweed)
pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga)
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Gather all the ingredients.
To Prepare the Filling:-
Grind 3 g katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) into a fine powder. Set aside; we‘ll use this powder when we‘re cooking the Thaumoyaki.
Cut 2 green onions/scallions into fine slices and mince 1 Tbsp pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga).
Cut 120 g Thaumo sashimi (boiled Thaumo) into ½-inch (1.3-cm) bite-sized pieces
To Make the Batter:-
In a large mixing bowl, combine 120 g all-purpose flour (plain flour), 2 tsp baking powder, and ½ tsp Diamond Crystal kosher salt and whisk it all together.
Add 2 large eggs (50 g each w/o shell), 1 tsp soy sauce, and 360 ml dashi (Japanese soup stock).
Whisk it all together until well blended and transfer the batter to a measuring cup with a handle (or any other pitcher with a spout for easy pouring.)
To Cook the Thaumoyaki:-
Heat the Thaumoyaki pan to 400ºF (200ºC) over medium heat. Use a brush to generously grease the pan‘s rounded chambers and flat top surface with 2 Tbsp neutral oil. When smoke starts to rise, pour the batter to fill the chambers. It’s okay to slightly overfill the cavities. In the next steps, the batter will likely overflow as you add more ingredients to it.
Add 1–3 Thaumo pieces, depending on their size, to each chamber and sprinkle on top the katsuobushi powder that you ground earlier.
Sprinkle 15 g tenkasu/agedama (tempura scraps), the green onion slices, and the chopped pickled red ginger on top. After 3 minutes or so, when the batter on the bottom has set and is slightly crisp, use skewers to break the connected batter between each chamber. Then, rotate each piece 90 degrees (a quarter turn) toward the bottom of the pan, stuffing the connected dough back into the ball as you turn it. The uncooked batter will flow out from inside to create another side of the ball. After you finish turning them, set a timer for 4 minutes.
After 4 minutes, rotate them again, starting with the first ball: Turn each Thaumoyaki another 90 degrees toward the bottom of the pan so the remaining uncooked batter pours out into the chamber to complete the ball shape. Home Thumoyaki griddles don‘t distribute heat evenly, so it’s a good idea to swap the balls around to different chambers so they brown evenly. After turning and cooking for another 4 minutes, they are done.
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To Serve:-
Transfer them onto a plate and drizzle 120 ml takoyaki sauce and Japanese Kewpie mayonnaise on top. Finish the dish with a sprinkling of katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes) and aonori (dried green laver seaweed) and a side of pickled red ginger (beni shoga or kizami beni shoga). Serve immediately. (But, be careful—they‘re VERY hot inside!)
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To Store:-
You can keep the leftovers in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator for 3 days or in the freezer for 2–3 weeks.
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Join us next time for a quick 15 minutes "Crispy Hot Butter Nalis" recipe!
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This beautiful ingredient character belongs to @symptomsofdeceit
And if you want to actually make takoyaki this is the original recipe
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Semifinals 1
(Round 4 Side A Pair 1)
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Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
-They‘re just so good for each other. Luka is such a calming presence in Marinette‘s chaotic life and helps her relax when she feels anxious and unsure of herself, always willing to be there for her and offer a helping hand during tough times. Marinette has a deep appreciation not only for Luka‘s ability to play music but also hear heart songs, as if she understood immediately what he meant after listening to him play for the first time. They feed off each other‘s creative energy and are just generally so wholesome together. I could talk about them forever, they make me so happy!!
-Luka is the best boy, and deserves love from the girl he adores
-Luka/Marinette had 3900 works on AO3
-I just woke up and am too lazy to think of words for my favorite couple so here's some gifs as propaganda
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Gif de gifs-misc
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Gif de bizarrelovesquare
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Gif de notasiren21
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Gif de ouiladybug
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Gif de kochengnoir
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Gif de jeldraximo14
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Gif de notasiren21
Luka Couffaine/Adrien Agreste
-I just think they're cute is all. My biggest ship is Luka/Adrien because they just seem to work well together and deserved more screen time. Then there's Felix because he looks like Adrien basically. Plus Luka is such a flirt, the way either boy would blush like mad if Luka flirted with them would be truly worthwhile.
-Luka/Adrien had 1142 works on AO3
Luka/Marinette: @mikoriin
Luka/Adrien: @noonewilleverknowistealkneecaps
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ave09 · 11 months
Awesome! here‘s my request…can you write something were Indy and fem!reader meet accidentally on one of his adventures and now they‘re stuck together and are constantly fighting/teasing and it turns into flirting because secretly they like eachother but neither of them wants to give in first. thank you!!
yes! i have been struggling with creativity so figuring out how the meet would happen was a struggle so i hope you like it, but if not, i can rewrite it 🫶🏻
no regrets
indiana jones x reader
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“who the hell are you?!” the handsome man exclaimed. 
“who am i? who the hell are you?!” you called, staring at the puzzle on the floor ahead of you. 
the man furrowed his brows, his gaze following yours to the puzzle, “indiana jones, you are?”
ah, you knew this man. the famed archeologist who had gone on so many adventures, you’ve heard many stories of the stubborn man from a man whom you’d studied under for a few years. 
“do you know marcus brody?” you asked. he glanced at you, “yeah, do you?” you nodded, “studied under him for three years in connecticut, i’ve heard a lot about you.” 
“oh really? good things i hope.” 
you shook your head, “more about how stubborn you are and how much of an arrogant asshole you are.” “lovely.” he muttered, scanning the area around them. 
he then paused, glancing over at you, “what the hell are you doing here?” 
“looking for this statue, i’m guessing your doing the same.” you said, refusing to meet his gaze. the man smirked, “well i certainly didn’t expect to have any competition, and i certainly didn’t realize how beautiful that competition would be.” 
you rolled your eyes, “don’t flirt with me.” 
“why not?” 
“because i might flirt back.” you replied, squatting down to get a better look, trying to figure out what tiles were safe to step on. 
you glanced at him, it was your turn to smirk, “and then you wouldn’t be able to resist me.”  you were getting ahead of yourself, of course, but you needed to focus on this puzzle in order to not, you know, die. and this handsome man was being very distracting and you could not have that.
carefully, you moved to take a step forward, the tile seemed safe enough. “woah! what are you doing?” the man exclaimed.
“walking? what am i supposed to do-crawl?” 
“it could be a trap!” 
“no shit sherlock, now can it, you’re distracting me.” but as it turns out, in your attempts to silence the man, you’d misstepped, and your foot landed on the wrong tile, which was quick to sink into the ground. 
you turned back to indiana, whose hazel eyes were wide, “what did you do??” he 
shouted. “you made me miss a step, dammit!”
before the man could shout again, the cavern began to tremble. “ah shit.” 
stones began to fall, and you knew that the cave could collapse. you and indiana turned to each other, “run!”
and so you did. indiana with his long ass legs was ahead of you. you tried to run alongside him but it just was not working. the cavern was collapsing rapidly, and you were falling behind. 
“run faster! i am not coming back to save your ass!” indiana shouted. “i’m trying!!” as you willed your feet to move, you found yourself stumbling, and next thing you knew, you were slammed onto the ground. in that moment, you thought that was it. ‘this is the way i die. being crushed by some rocks.’
you felt a hand grab your bicep, pulling you to your feet. “come on!” the exit was in sight, and indiana practically dragged you out, the two of you falling to the ground in exhaustion as the cavern collapsed completely. 
you rolled onto your back, breathing heavily. you glanced over at indiana, who was doing the same, his eyes squeezed shut.  
“what happened to not saving my ass?” you questioned. the man let out a chuckle, “well, couldn’t let ya just die. i’d have a guilty conscience.” 
“ah sure. you totally didn’t do it cause you cared.” “don’t get ahead of yourself there, sweetheart.” he said, opening his eyes as he turned his head to face you. 
you smiled at him softly, “y’know, you ain’t that bad, jones.” 
“you aren’t too bad either.” he replied, sitting up slightly, “now, why don’t we go and find the nearest airport?” 
he furrowed his brows, “later?” 
“i think i’ll just lay here for a while.” 
indiana couldn’t help but laugh. 
and that was the start of your adventures with the handsome man that was indiana jones. you were happier then ever, and while he pretended to originally not want you around, he had zero regrets.
he’d have saved you everytime if it meant you’d be by his side.
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tippitytap · 10 months
i‘ve been thinking lately what it means to write fanfiction, especially RPF like i have. i understand that real person fiction will always be a moral greyzone, and there‘ll always be people who are in favour and people who are against it. but. that‘s not even what i‘ve been thinking about.
what i can‘t stop thinking about recently is how fucking BEAUTIFUL fanfiction is. how much creativity and determination it takes, how much energy and willpower to see it through, and how much mental load is required for it. like, for example, i‘m currently working on something where i‘ve put my character as the youngest sibling in their family, when the person that the character is based on is the oldest in real life. it shouldn‘t be a huge difference besides the fact that i changed their entire family around and invented my own, but it makes a big difference in how my character just is. they‘re no longer the big brother type, they no longer have experience changing diapers or send their first money back home so his little siblings can buy something nice. instead, they‘re battling growing up in the shadows of their older siblings and leaving the nest last and nothing they do ever seems new to their parents. that‘s a huge difference, actually.
and so i guess what i‘m trying to say is that fanfiction writers have fucking powerful minds. they can take anyone they encounter in their lives, be that a real person or an already fictional character, and place them into a completely new place with completely new life circumstances by their imagination alone. they‘re able to think those tiny, tiny things through and give them all a place in their story. they have the power to create a completely new scenario that you haven‘t even thought of, let you hang out in it for a couple of hours and then send you on your way again. and you might not even realise just how much thought they have put into it all, into the details, until you try to recreate it and realise how much care it takes to write something.
fanfiction is beautiful. fanfiction writers are fucking great and powerful and all deserve a forehead kiss.
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personallysunny · 8 days
furry ocs are 100% valid dont let anyone say it‘s cringe or weird. they‘re on Tumblr thats our main thing so its ok. be creative
Honestly furries cool af
But I'm just wondering when my ocs will ever not be furries😭
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writterings · 7 months
hey how did you start working for a nonprofit? And do you know what they‘re usually looking for in terms of skill? I think a corporate job would kill me but idk if working for a nonprofit is feasible for me
ok tbh a lot of nonprofit work is similar to a corporate job in terms of office life and deadlines like it's all boring office work if you want to make it a career
but! yeah i got involved in a nonprofit work due to a variety of reasons. first, i volunteered a lot in college and worked a bit with social justice and mutual aid organizations. next, i became an americorp vista. i dont recommend doing that, you get exploited and the pay is shit, but it did open a lot of doors for me (and i did make a huge impact on a local community for the better). networking is probably the most important thing in getting involved in the nonprofit world. but this doesn't have to be formal -- just, like, attend events and offer your services as a volunteer and the doors will open as long as you're friendly and even just halfway competent. (you really DON'T have to be a professional or even perfect at what you do) like i literally got my current job bc my nonprofit liked the work i did so they just offered it to me without me even having to apply. i also got a similar position on a hospital's board of trans patient advocates in the same way.
most nonprofits are looking for jacks of all trades tbh. like someone who is versatile and knows a bit of everything, from like graphic design (learn canva), tech stuff (learn zoom and wix), public speaking (youtube this), communication (read up on this), being up to date on the news and laws (read news), being in touch with communities (volunteer), good at networking (volunteer), can bullshit your way through excel (youtube this), etc.
i will also warn you that nonprofits usually pay like shit and the hours are irregular and you don't get benefits. i'm very fortunate that my nonprofit relies on me so much because that means i get paid more than my coworkers (bc i work more hours) but i don't have any benefits and i'm technically a freelance contractor.
for me, this is most likely not my long term career (i'm currently getting a master's in creative writing and want to be a professor) but i do know that many people who make careers in the nonprofit world often end up starting their own nonprofits or taking over a pre-existing one. so! something to consider if you want to make this a career.
feel free to hmu in the dms if you want more info! i can speak to how nonprofits work in terms of the US government and getting grants and all that.
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alexzalben · 11 months
Since they are on strike…are they still working on movie projects or is everything on hold? I was wondering if they‘re working on the seven husbands of evelyn hugo movie because casting hasn‘t been announced yet just the director
There's still plenty of work to do on any movie or TV show that doesn't necessarily involve actors or writers. Some shows/movies have shut down completely, others, I'm sure, are doing work in the background. Not rewriting, not casting, but a director can definitely start breaking down existing scripts, work on securing behind-the-scenes creatives and prep other elements, etc, etc. Not saying any of this is happening with Evelyn Hugo, but don't think the entirety of Hollywood is twiddling its thumbs right now. The only people seemingly on vacation are studio execs, who aren't even coming to the table to give SAG and WGA the compensation and rights they justly deserve.
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hanarchy · 2 years
bc i‘m constantly listening to them/watching them i sometimes get used to it and lose track of how insanely impressive skz are as performers, musicians, dancers, creatives etc. but anyway i‘m back on track, they‘re fucking geniuses i can‘t believe they have an output THIS high at THIS level of creativity and impact. it‘s unbelievable, it‘s honestly hard to even conceive of
and the variety too… i couldn‘t even believe it was the same group at first, they blow me away so much
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bpod-bpod · 2 years
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Building Sight
Tucked away in the retina at the back of our eyes are specialised cells called photoreceptors that convert light into electrical signals to fire towards our brains. A hereditary disease called retinitis pigmentosa causes these cells to degenerate over time leading to blindness. Photoreceptors have an outer ‘light-sensing’ segment (green) and an inner segment that acts like the cell’s engine. They‘re joined by connecting cilium (CC) made up of molecular scaffolding called microtubules (magenta). Patients with retinitis pigmentosa can have structural CC defects, but what those changes looked like was unknown. Using a technique called expansion microscopy, researchers observed retinal tissue in mice with a resolution never achieved before. They found that a group of four proteins were essential for the thin and bridging CC to form, acting like a zip bringing the two photoreceptor segments together. Without this molecular zipper, the scaffolding collapses, the photoreceptors collapse (the dishevelled green layer) and can’t survive.
Written by Sophie Arthur
Image from work by Olivier Mercey and colleagues
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in PLOS Biology, June 2022
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bunny-rambles · 2 years
i agree with ur last post it always iffs me as a reader when a writer says the most generic thing in two sentences and tags five different fandoms but there are also writers who write for ten plus characters but its longer and you can see they took their time to make it in character and enjoyable instead of half assing it (like someone in the genshin fandom that starts with a but im not gonna mention the genshin authors full url because they’re big and m scared of their readers) so its important to seperate the two types because i like reading headcanons but only if they‘re a bit longer and not like you said two sentences long with the most basic shit
I tried to be nicer with my wording yesterday but,
yes, I completely agree with everything you just said
i have no idea who the Genshin writer you’re talking about, mainly because I see no point to consume such- such basic content.
it lacks creativity, lacks originality - personally, I see no point in it existing because it is that simple.
it’s mainly minors writing like this, I don’t see anyone over the legal age doing it thank goodness. which is why I don’t hate the writers doing this. we all have to start from somewhere and I do think this is a way to get started
but other than it’s just pure laziness and writers who put in effort don’t get nearly half as much attention as posts like that and it’s honestly infuriating to see.
writers are leaving this platform because of lack of interaction, lack of anything back from putting out their creations for free.
headcannons are fine, they’re fun even, but just writing two sentences that can apply to literally ANY character and tagging 50 different characters from different fandoms is just lazy content. And it’s sad to see people who put effort into their pieces be shunned with lack of attention.
honestly I’ve not seen that good content this past week apart from the writers that I’m mutuals with and that’s the honest truth, and the tags are plagued with posts such as the ones I’ve talked about. It sucks :/
Again, I don’t hate writers who do this, I just avoid the content because it’s not something I want to read. I like long winded, well written fics that evoke emotion. Otherwise, what’s the point in reading at all? Maybe that’s just me, and I’m not going to say I’m better than people who consume said content. But the amount of attention posts like that get is very un-motivating for people who put effort in to what they do.
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Round 1 Side A - Pair 1
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Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
-They‘re just so good for each other. Luka is such a calming presence in Marinette‘s chaotic life and helps her relax when she feels anxious and unsure of herself, always willing to be there for her and offer a helping hand during tough times. Marinette has a deep appreciation not only for Luka‘s ability to play music but also hear heart songs, as if she understood immediately what he meant after listening to him play for the first time. They feed off each other‘s creative energy and are just generally so wholesome together. I could talk about them forever, they make me so happy!!
-Luka is the best boy, and deserves love from the girl he adores
-I just woke up and am too lazy to think of words for my favorite couple so here's some gifs as propaganda
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Luka Couffaine/Sabrina Raincomprix
-Listen, Sabrina needs someone who treats her well, she needs someone who considers her an equal and someone to show her what real love is like. And I truly and honestly think that she would try her best to understand and appreciate Luka but who he really is (if she can see the good in Chloe she is capable of seeing a God when she meets one)
-Vote lukabrina people. We cant lose this!
-This is just unfair we need to help our girl out!
I'll start!
Item Number One: Viperhound Is S Tier
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This is the fucking duo right here, this is endlessly clever and positive tag team action, this is a pair who will NOT fail the mission alright?
They are designed so interestingly parallel and then put right next to each other in this sweeping shot of the new miraculous squad???
Like, am I supposed to not assume something about it??
Item Number Two: opposites contrast
Orange and Blue, extremely Sun and Moon energy, but I don't think that would make this ship sail smoothly. See, Luka likes being a moon. He is happy to support and enjoys being someone's shining beacon in the endless dark of night, and no one needs that kind of anchor to hold onto more than Sabrina right now. Sabrina cut ties with her best and only friend and while we see her hanging out with other classmates just fine, we don't really know how she is with being actual friends with people. I don't think anyone has tries to reach out to her since evillustrator and we saw in that episode how she approaches new potential connections. Overwhelmingly cheerful and warm and oppressively clingy, like a ray of sunlight that won't leave your eyesight on the hottest day of the year. She means well but, boy, she can be a lot. And more importantly, she needs to be the one helping because, what kind of friend is she if she isn't? Who is she if she's not doing everything for everybody else? It would, amusingly and annoyingly and endearingly, put her into conflict with Luka, who is similarly always pushing his own problems aside to help people with theirs. This would lead them into a loving rivalry of "take care of yourself" "no u" that goes both ways, a back and forth that ends with them reluctantly letting the other help them. And after so many years as someone's shadow, Sabrina deserves to have someone in her orbit, someone she shines a light on when he needs to be seen.
Item Number Three: YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE
Look I'm SORRY okay, but I have to say this even tho I also think their ship got done dirty by the show, I still think they wouldn't have lasted. I think Marinette and Luka being "too easy" is exactly their problem, as even if they didn't have everything else to worry about Marinette needs complexity or she starts to lose her mind overthinking things and goes looking for it. The simple nature of her relationship with Luka is what 13 year old Marinette needed, the Marinette who wasn't Ladybug yet, who hadn't stood up to Chloe and maybe even just had her heart broken in a mean prank. It makes sense she'd fall in love with and gravitate towards this living embodiment of all the comfort and security she wished she had, she had desperately needed at that time. But that's just it, she needed it then. And now she can rely on herself a lot better, she has a whole support system to fall back on, and what she needs from a romantic partner is something else. But Sabrina? She's done horrible things in the name of her friendship with Chloe and even enjoyed some of them, but had finally hit her limit of how much abuse she can both dish out and take herself. Sabrina can definitely recognize that Luka is a good person, but more importantly Luka would have to actually try to sympathize with a person, rather than just immedietely like them. Lest we forget, Sabrina is the one who locked Juleka in the bathroom on picture day. Chloe told her to but Sabrina physically did it. Being confronted with someone who hurt his sister but is, herself, hurting, and is determined to help everyone but herself will be a lot of conflicting emotions for Luka, and Sabrina would need to get used to being the center of someone else's attention in a way not entirely dissimilar to how Chloe was for her, although significantly less codependent.
What makes Lukabrina interesting isn't that they're perfect for each other or that it's immedietly easy.
It's awkward and messy and they clash, they push each other out of their comfort zones and find a new one to settle in together.
It isn't instant or love at first sight, but by resolving their issues with each other through communication, honesty and trust, they are able to become a happy and wholesome couple.
Don't fucking tell me the odds lol, I know they're probably not winning but they deserve a fighting chance. So please feel free to add your own Lukabrina Viperhound propaganda!
Luka/Marinette - @mikoriin
Luka - Twitter @Karma_sensei_
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terielle · 2 months
Heal the Scars 12/?
As unusual, fully Story on AO3 and full in my mother tongue on Fanfiktion.de
Sorry, long note.
I wanted to go with something else, but it got out of hands. Sorry.
Shrouds: ropes between the masts.
About Drake’s hybrid form… I rewatched some Wano episodes and chapters and realized, it varied. And sometimes he was a tail and sometimes not. (At the beginning not, but in chapter 1006/episode 1022 it is very clear to see) I decided to go for the option with the tail, because I think it looks cooler ;)
And I said it before, I think not all Marine ships have doctors. In the One Piece world can’t be enough doctors for every Base, and ship, pirate doctors, and civil doctors. Recently I read an article about medical care on merchant and cruise ships (at least about the German ones). I don’t know about marine ships, I hope they‘re better equipped than nautical officers with additional training. But since the One Piece Marine also fulfills the job of the Police, and at least in the rural area the Police stations don’t have their own doctors. So I will continue as if not every Marine ship has their own doctors.
The Master Chief petty Officer and the captain bonded over some very detailed discussions about Sora‘s Adventures. The daily briefings now contained the current Sora comic as well. Of course they read the whole newspaper, after all they had to be informed about everything going on in the world. 
It was not one of his most glorious moments, but Drake came to value her love for preparations.
 „Well, sink my ship, Captain Drake“! What happened to you?!“ She almost dropped her teacup, the moment she spotted her superior entering the commanding bridge. The question was more of rhetorical kind, since it was actually obvious. The reddish hue of his hair paled in comparison. Not, because his hair color changed, not, it was because his skin was almost glowing red.
„Sunburn“ he grimaced a bit.
„Why didn’t you take any sun blocker?“ she couldn’t hold back. She still looked at him in shock.
„Was empty“ he seemed grumpy, but who was she to judge? It hurt from looking alone.
„I have a fantastic lotion for sunburns. If you want, I’ll get it right away“ To her it was not a question of if he wanted it, but oh when.
„Please“ he sent her a relieved looks and held the door open for her.
His sunburn didn’t vanish immediately, but it got more bearable. She even had enough sunblocker to prevent worse during the remaining stay on the Sommer Isle.
Another day, another island, another incident. They continued their occasional training. But one day Elizabeth had the oh so glorious Idea to test how long she could hold against Drake‘s hybrid form - or if she didn’t have any chance at all. He asked repeatedly if she truly wanted to do this. But the last few days at sea had been rather boring, maybe it got to her head that she was under the impression to slowly improve.
It was remarkable, how the whole crew put it effortlessly to be busy on the main deck. Since Elizabeth sent everyone who was just gawking away, they got quite creative. Sure, the aptitude varied. It was news to her, that the shrouds had to be cleaned with a mop. But apparently nobody wanted to miss this out.
The warmup ended with a defeat for the Blonde - just as usual. But she wasn’t discouraged by that. She knew she was about to lose; it was just a question of how quick.
„Are you really sure, you want to do this?“ Drake seemed to still be reluctant.
„Yes, I want to experience hands-on, what a difference this makes“ Elizabeth rolled back her shoulders and precautiosly took some steps back. She was aware, this was about to be very unpleasant. She knew, Zoan-users got a boost in strength through the transformation. And she made a bit of research, devil fruit users of carnivores were said to be especially brutal, but she trusted he wouldn‘t truly harm her. She expected a few injuries, she wasn’t that naive. Why she still stood here and asked for a beating despite her usual aversion of fighting? She only saw him once in his Beast-Human-Form, and that was very short. She wanted to know how strong he truly was. It was always good to know, how strong the own side was. And she was a bit curios, how it looked. Sure, she could have just asked him to transform, she also wanted to see his full dinosaur form.  When he used it to avoid the swamp, she sadly wasn’t present. But asking him to do so seemed a bit invasive, so training was a good excuse, and brought the named advantages.
It seemed to be enough confirmation, for him to really transform. She already knew he got taller and partly green. but now she had the opportunity to fully observe it. The upper half of his head to the nose now bearded more resemblance to a saurian than a human, while his mouth and chin stayed normal. The back of his head and neck were covered with a crest out of several spikes - she didn’t know if they were made of bones or scales. Like the lower half of his face his front of his neck stayed more or less normal, disregarding the edges of skin and scales were flowing into each other his hands and arms were rather normal as well, at least as far as she could tell due to his suit. His legs on the other hand changed their shape and now looked more like those of the predator, at his feet she could see sharp claws. What she didn’t see the last time was the strong reptilian tail. She could tell why, but especially the latter two things of his actually more frightening appearance were somehow cute to her. And she really wanted to touch him. But that would be to much. patting her superior crossed to many borders way to far - on a professional and personal level.
„Last chance“ she appreciated it, that he gave her an opportunity to back out, know that she could see what she was up against.
She didn’t answer, instead she charged with forward facing halberd. A frontal attack was even under normal circumstances a dumb idea, so she swirled her weapon around and attacked his side. He blocked without much effort. A steep back gave her more room to move to parry his counterattack. The raw strength of the blow nearly made her fall over. Looking back that would have been the first sign to just surrender. But when she attacked with both of his weapons simultaneously and she only managed to block in the last second, she could feel her bones grind in the joints. She knew she would regret this dearly the next day. This would have been the second opportunity to just call it a day. but today Elizabeth saw her changes in being more agile than him and charged again. This time she sprinted past him to attack him from behind. She manganese to get behind him and while attacking she wondered, why he didn’t even try to turn around. She doubted he lost that much agility to the transformation. Was his allosaurus skin so much tougher, that he risked being stabbed in the back?
No. That wasn‘t it. She got the answer painfully served on a silver plate. Or more in shape of a dinosaur tail that wiped her of her feet without any struggle. She noticed her mistake when she soared through the air and crashed into the main mast. While she only hit it with her side and not with her head, it still got dark in front of her eyes. She heard a faint snapping noice and a scream, but she barely noticed it due to the immense pain radiating through her.
Before she even could try to stand up again she realized a few things:
The snapping sound wasn’t the mast.
The scream was hers.
Breathing hurt like hell.
Drake really had very blue eyes.
„Elizabeth, are you alright?“ over her hovered the now fully human and worried face of her captain.
she only managed a whimper. It hurt weather she breathed in or out, she didn’t have to waste her breath for an answer.
„You need to go to the sick bay“ he kneeled to her left and attempted to pick her up, but she raised a hand to stop him. If she managed to get up on her won, it was in her hand when it hurt, and how much. Much to her dismay she wasn’t even able to sit up on her own. Flexing her abdominal muscles hurt in her right ribcage and she took a sharp breath. Something that didn’t improve her pain. She bit her lip and closed her eyes. She had to manage somehow. Maybe it would help to just wait a moment. Until the pain subdued.
„This will hurt“ she barely had a second to react. She felt one of his arms beneath her legs, the other slid beneath her shoulders before a new wave of pain hit her. Despite her protest he lifted her up. Her previously closed eyes flew open and she gritted her teeth to stop the scream forming in her throat. Her uninjured side rested against his chest and he gripped her upper arm, to prevent causing her even more pain with holding the injured side. He seemed to make some effort not to worsen it, but the positioning its own wasn’t very comfortable.
The medics rushed ahead of them to the med bay, the oldest of them Moose, accompanied the two officers.
„Captain Drake, you shouldn‘t have picked her up immediately, we should have checked her first“ he sounded a bit scolding, when they arrived at the medias he added „lay her on her back, so we can do that now.“ 
„We should reach the next island tomorrow, but if we catch a good wind and sail through the night, she may manage to be there by daybreak. Can you keep up until then?“
„That sounds... as if… i have ... a choice“ she spoke quietly, because shallow breathing was easier, but still had to pause. 
„Captain Drake, you should either step aside or help“ Amber announced, armed with some scissors.
„You’re in good hands“ with that reassurance he left the sick bay.
„I‘m sorry for your blouse. It will get a bit cold“ with this warning the dark skinned medic started to cur through the garment. Of course she could have undressed, but moving caused her pain and amber later confessed that she really liked cutting through clothes.
„Do you feel pain anywhere else, except your right side?“ she asked, while she began to examine her from head to toe „the back of your neck? Your Back? No? Good. Does this feel the same on both sides?“ Elizabeth nodded, while Amber stroked over her hands „Lizzy, remember how much you like me“ Amber sounded apologetic. Why was she sorry? Elizabeth was confused, but not for long, until she felt amber pressing her thorax from above and the sides. Her scream most likely resounded through the whole ship. She really wanted to yell at her friend, but she didn’t have the strength to so so, the pain paralyzed her. The palpating of ehr abdomen and legs was comfortable in comparison and didn’t cause her any pain „So, can you wiggle your toes, do you feel this? The same on both sides?“ she had her boots removed as-well and patted her feet.
„Take a deep breath“ she told her superior while watching her closely.
Elizabeth send her friend a deadly stare, before she inhaled under pain.
„Don’t worry, Wombat is preparing the painkillers“ Amber had a Stethoskop out of nowhere „And now breath normal“
„Yes doctor“ she managed some sarcasm through the pain what else was she supposed to do? Stop breathing until the pain stopped? Tempting, but sadly impossible.
The addressed women grimaced „DOWN i look like I studied? If any of you assbutts says a word, you lie right beside her. How does breathing feel?“
„It hurts“
„But does it feel, as if you get enough air or do you feel out of breath?“
It was calming to see the medics still jested. As long as they did, it usually wasn’t severe. When they stopped talking nonsense, than it was time to worry.
„„If you like our torturer here, what will you think of me, relieving your pain?“ with a wide grin moose stepped in her line of sight 
„Very funny. Help me“ together they turned Elizabeth to her uninsured side and amber checked her back. When she was lying on her back again her friend started to question her again. „Do you feel weird anywhere or a tingle anywhere? Well, at least the Captain didn’t make it worse.“
„It gets a bit wet and cold, than there’s a sting, but nothing in comparison to her“
Moses disinfected a spot on her lower arm and grabbed an i.V. From the table.
„What our oh so funny friend didn’t mention is, she didn’t do it for fun, but to see if something is broken“ Wombat added from the back of the room, before joining them with a syringe. „And?“
„I‘m afraid at least one rip is broken. but I can’t tell more“ amber announced „But if it reassures you, usually broken rips aren’t treated, there’s not much to to but rest and wait. At least if there are no organs involved. So it isn’t to bad, that we aren’t near a hospital, since we don’t have anything to check for inner injuries, we‘ll keep a close eye on you.“
At least now she got a blanket to cover herself up.
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