#this is my ffxiv sideblog ^^;
ungrateful-cyborg · 1 month
FFXIV ask meme
A short list to think about our characters' relationship with the world around them.
What do they do to pass time during long journeys? (caravans, chocobo rides, etc.)
How good are they at reading a map? How good is their sense of direction?
Are they well informed about the world around them? How do they get their news?
What do they think of the current government of their home? For those who don't have a home anymore, do they have a preferred political system? (monarchy, republic, etc.)
Does the smell of chocobos bother them?
Do they like bard performances? What's their favorite type of shows?
What do they think of Garlean technology and their use of ceruleum?
What do they think of the political power of the WoL? (Alternatively, for WoLs: do they fear being backstabbed eventually by the city-state leaders should they deem the WoL too inconvenient/threatening?)
Do they repair their clothes and furniture themselves?
What advice would they give to people seeking to visit their homeland?
As a courtesy, please send something to the person you're reblogging this from.
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storytellers-and-co · 23 days
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Tansui's Adventures - #9, Allies and Enemies
By the time Tansui had delivered the treats and gotten the news, it was starting to be evening again - and he was more than ready to just curl up by the stairs and sleep. However, Papashan informed the thaumaturge about something alarming… 
Someone of importance had gone missing. And the rounds were to find some clues. And now, knowing someone was out there, alone and possibly in danger, how was Tansui supposed to sleep? Answer, they couldn’t. And thus, the new mage set for searching this missing person. 
Thankfully, it didn’t take too long - natural curiosity and their ability to attract situations was for once playing in their favour… until, as the roguishly handsome stranger with white hair and quick with so fittingly put it, the dead came out to play. 
Tansui hadn’t fought against Voidsent in what felt like years, and yet they’d always remember the stench of one. Thankfully though, they had some help this time - the stranger taking majority of the heat while Tansui could focus on slinging his spells. Magic from both the mage in training and the Voidsent flashed in the night, illuminating the otherwise dark landscape - the steel of the strangers sword glinting at every spell and attack slung. 
Even when additional company was brought in, or when the claws came far too close for comfort, or when they were starting to run awfully low on fire-power for a short moment, Tansui felt oddly at ease - knowing someone was there, had his back for however short of a moment, that they weren’t in this alone for once was a comforting thought. 
One last Astral Fire was what finally took the Voidsent down, allowing Tansui to take a step back, catch his breath, and let the stranger help with the lady. She was apparently his responsibility, or some sort - Tansui might’ve slipped on his focus roughly there, distracted by a crystal on the ground….
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dogicrimsonofficial · 30 days
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Tansui's Adventures - #8, Directions
In a span of three days, Tansui had joined an Adventuring guild, almost got eaten by marmots, got involved in family drama he had no business getting involved with, and had learned to harness a little more of their powers. 
That family drama however was a tad too much for them right now - ill-equipped to comfort anyone, not familiar with spell-crafting or aether requirements, not to mention their own powers weren’t quite up to any bigger tasks… 
So instead, Tansui turned their attention to the Adventuring guild. See if there was anything he could do to help - only to be sent off right away to the Dispatch Yard for some additional aid. And from there, he was sent to deliver… snacks. He was sent to deliver snacks for three different people. 
You know, not the worst possible job, if Tansui had known where all these people were. Thankfully, the little Au’ra had come to learn that it never hurt to ask for some directions from other adventurers if he happened to run into any - like a rather pretty, freckled Duskwight. Who didn’t seem to mind at all that it took a minute for Tansui to write down what he was after - before she pointed out exactly where she had seen a man fitting the description on the little map.
And if Tansui gave one of the extra snacks to her as a thank you, that was his secret to keep. 
Cameo: Ramora D’aubigne by @ladyramora
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fiopico · 2 years
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riessene · 2 years
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various g’raha drawings i did through the years masterpost (dont say he had to do it to em i cannot live through it twice OTL)
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thefinalwitness · 4 months
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"hello again."
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xxspidersgeorgxx · 11 months
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biden voice TITANIA!!!
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pdwoozi · 2 years
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Lands that stretched on forever. Skies one could drown in. The heartbeat of nature, silent yet strong. And amidst it all a people. Beacons of light and life. Laughter that warmed my heart like naught else before. They are meaning and my purpose. My love. In spite of...or perhaps because of this, I choose to believe. In mankind’s potential. In his ability to find a way forward. 
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vinylwitch-art · 8 months
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SEASCAPE UPDATE 9 17 pages done I’m doing my best ; ; Webcomic starts next month, Nov 7th I’m so excited for the first chapter. I’ve grown as an artist and a writer! The first chapter will look a but different and tbh expect every chapter to look slightly different because I think it would be neat! Time for more art AND the newest patch of ffxiv! Enjoy a picture of Lain, maybe the saltiest woman alive?
She also declined to make a comment to put on this update I hope you understand!
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nocalin · 1 year
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ffxiv ocs
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candycryptids · 1 year
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Finally finished all one million fates in Labyrinthos so I got my warning sign 🥰 perfect for Chuus Workshop. …. Yeah she should have her closed toe safety compliant shoes on :/ I imagine she just got back from something casual and wanted to check a thought/chase an idea before it escaped her. Dw about it
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starlit-warren · 5 months
i speak very little but once it's past 1am all bets are off and my likelihood of going on some ramble in the tags of a reblog are much much higher
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glacierbash · 1 year
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hello everybody. collection of elf posts + the first one featuring her wife (and my partner did you KNOW). these are all. older. so their quality is VERY variable. don’t worry! my more recent gposes are original poses! :)
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marcilled · 9 months
should i stop living in fear and just post about my ffxiv ocs on this blog
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sidereon-spaceace · 8 months
Did you know exactly 3 years ago I came up with a character who became one of my Favorite Guys, and whose name I accidentally stole?
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It's his birthday, go wish him a happy birthday
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hereticglory · 8 months
the way my ffxiv tag on here is almost entirely zenos
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