#this was in our drafts with no name so
the-habitat-sysblog · 1 month
my trauma didn't even make me funny it just made me sad & detached from reality. hwat the fuck
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that-culdesac-kid · 11 months
So we talked about how Tamarack's color palette matches with her favorite colors before. And since then, I've been wondering if Qiu has similar explanation behind their color palette as Tamarack does with hers.
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But unlike Tamarack, Qiu's favorite color is only gold, and they don't even have it in their color palette. I guess their sweater can kinda fall on the gold spectrum, but this still doesn't explain the green jacket, the red scarf, or the other colors in their outfit.
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So... does this stop me from trying to find some secret explanation behind those colors?
*Puts on tin foil hat*
Nope! Quite the opposite actually, I'm taking this as a personal challenge.
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Let's start with the green jacket. It's easy to miss this line, but if MC says their favorite color is green, Qiu will mention that they like green too—the darker kinds, like how their jacket is.
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Earlier, we considered their sweater looking pretty close to gold, but it is stated in the game that their sweater is orange, which is the color that both Qiu and Ren like.
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(I personally disagree and think Qiu's sweater is brown, but maybe it's just me )
And following that pattern, I think we can also assume that the red in Qiu's scarf and sneakers comes from the color that Ren likes too.
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But if their close friends' favorite colors is the pattern here, then what about Baxter?
Well, Baxter's favorite colors are black and white.
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And guess what the colors of Qiu's bike (and helmet) are?
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Okay. Yeah. I know I'm going overboard with the color analyzing. This is the kind of stuff your brain came up with on 3 am when you thought you had a big epiphany but then realized how silly it sounds after you write it down.
But intentional or not, I still think it's interesting that Tamarack's palette is mostly formed of her favorite colors, while Qiu's palette has their friends' favorites but lacks the one color that they like the most.
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(Interestingly, though... step 2 is the time where they actually have gold in their color palette, but the colors they originally had in step 1 seem to disappear in that stage)
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kellystar321 · 4 months
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been a while hlvrai gang, a little dancey gordon feetman for your troubles <3
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steelycunt · 5 months
i would DIE for a snippet xx
hii okay i had a little search to try and find some snippetable bits from chapter one n. tucked them under the cut mwah : ^ )
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
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Draxum is a fearsome commander and warring warrior scientist, but he's also a Dad and does exactly what Dads do.
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teatitty · 2 months
Okay so I'm generously calling this the Dandy Guardian AU until I think of a better name but essentially this is the rundown [had to put this under a cut because it got long WHOOPS]:
In the book version of events, Dandelion isn't present when Geralt is in Cintra and calls the Law of Surprise, but he does know about what happened. I can't recall if we ever see that convo in text or if it's just background knowledge but that's not important right now
When the Fall of Cintra happens, Dandelion already has his ear to the ground, the walls and the crowds to follow Nilfgaard's movements - Oxenfurt's bards are the best bet anyone has for gathering information about the invading armies because they are spread so wide around the continent and have so many connections
Dandelion's first thought is not to send word to Oxenfurt about Cintra's fall. His first thought is Geralt, and his blasted Child Surprise. He starts tracking his way to Cintra, hoping that he might be able to cross paths with Geralt in the surrounding territories to assure himself that his friend didn't get caught in the middle of that Fall
Meanwhile, Ciri knows she has to find a Witcher by the name of Geralt. She knows he is her destiny. She has no fucking idea where to start looking for him, but she's on the run from Nilfgaard, terrified and anxious and stressed, and in her bag, to her surprise, she finds a well worn copy of a hidden book of Dandelion's poems, all of which are to do with Geralt's adventures. Mousesack had given it to her in secret when she was six, and it had been one of her favourites ever since
She quite forgot she had it in her bag
Cirilla has no idea where to find Geralt. But Dandelion might. Dandelion, she thinks, is her best bet to track her own destiny
And of the two of them, Dandelion isn't a very hard man to find. His bright plumage and singing laughter leaves an easy trail of rumours and tracks to follow. Curiously, whenever she asks about where she might find him, people don't tend to question her. They look at her with sympathy - and sometimes pity - and ask if she has anyone else she can rely on
"No," says Ciri, sombre and trembling. "I only have him."
It's not a lie, exactly, and she's gotten quite good at hiding her aristocratic accent. They point her to when they last heard of his presence. They ask if she needs any help. She thanks them for it, because she is still polite, if angry and confused and oh-so-very lost, but she declines any further company
She goes on.
Every night, she opens up that little book of poems, and tries to imagine what the man described in them is like. It's the closest thing she has to knowing Geralt the Person rather than Geralt the Cursed Witcher
Cirilla is three weeks' worth of travel out from Cintra's borders when she finds Dandelion. It's a little more accurate to say she's dragged over to him - apparently, a blonde, freckle faced child asking about such a famous bard is a quick titter of gossip in the grapevine, and she quickly discovers why it is that nobody ever asked her why she wanted him, and always looked with sympathy or pity at her plight:
Dandelion's hair is blonde. Hers is paler than his own, but he is blonde, like her, and his eyes are bright and clear. His face, though worn and tired, is fair and freckled just like hers, and he is just as surprised as she is when she finds herself shoved in front of him and announced to be his "illegitimate daughter"
"Whoever you got unlucky enough to knock up," says the other minstrel who guided her, "the poor lass seems all alone now. From what I heard, you're the only thing she's got left in the world."
Whatever the minstrel says next is lost to her - for a few aching moments, Dandelion looks panicked. And then something shifts. His face softens. "You look dead on your feet, darling," he says. "Come on, lets get you upstairs and clean you up a bit."
Cirilla doesn't trust strangers. Oddly, Dandelion doesn't feel like one. Perhaps because she has spent so many nights reading his work. Or maybe it's because he's a friend of her destiny. Either way, she quietly follows him up to his room, and when the door is closed, he says, "You don't know where Geralt is, do you?"
Ciri does not.
Her lip trembles. Her shoulders shake. When she finally heaves a sob, Dandelion does not crowd her. But his hands are gentle when he moves her cloak from her shoulders. His voice is soft as he brushes her hair and hums a quiet song
Dandelion never met Pavetta in person. But he once saw her in a painting, and he's seen plenty of Calanthe's likeness over the years besides. Ciri looks a spitting image of them both. Privately, he's impressed at how well she could hide her accent. But she is still just a child, and Dandelion has much more experience with putting on such a performance. He's worn many a different mask with many a different voice over the years, and he had heard traces of her native Cintran beneath the roughness of her croak
Cirilla is alone. But she is also alive, and Dandelion knows, with a confidence born of years by Geralt's side, that his Witcher would never let himself die before finding this girl safe
When the morning comes, he begins to take her North
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alchemiccolored · 4 months
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pollutedstar · 9 months
I wrote a fic back when OFMD first came out and I have come to accept that I'm never going to finish and ESPECIALLY not by the time season two drops. but I'm gonna post the snippets anyway.
He is the Kraken for Christ’s sake. He is a killer. He lights ships on fire and orders his hostages skinned alive and he held a rope around his own father’s throat until the man turned blue and rolled into the sea, sinking to the bottom. He was in denial, before. He has already drowned, he is bloodthirsty but all he has to do to quench it is open his mouth and let the violence flood in. He is a fucking ghost, a horror story, a legend across the seas. When people say Blackbeard, they already pictured the Kraken: eight guns and spindly hair and smoke from his lungs like the fire of life being constantly dampened until it became ash. He is the Kraken.
“I’m your friend.”
The Kraken punches a wall at the thought of that voice. The wood cracks from the force, and his knuckles make a similar sound, but he doesn’t care. His hands are still filthy from the black smudges he’s left all over his face. Jim had said he looked dead. That’s the goal. He is the Kraken. And the Kraken isn’t real.
(The Kraken is a fourteen-year-old boy, heartbroken and exhausted, so exhausted he becomes violent. The fourteen-year-old boy is a killer who reveled in the stench of alcohol finally stopping once his victim stopped breathing. The killer is responsible for his mother’s first smile in over a decade.)
The room is empty. Hollowed out and tossed to sea, sinking to the bottom.
He is the Kraken. He is drowning.
He remembers what Calico Jack once told him: anything goes at sea. It’d just been the tired mutterings that come after sex, but Blackbeard had taken it to heart. The open ocean and sky were freedom. Anything goes. The piss-poor son of a maid and a drunk could have power, real power, power rooted in fear and reputation. When Stede Bonnet–the fucking “Gentleman Pirate”–and he had gone to that fancy French boat, his stupid alias had gained so much attention so fast. Blackbeard knows what that’s like. The Kraken will know, too.
He paces the Captain’s quarters. There’s dust growing on everything nowadays. Normally filth doesn’t bother him, but he was used to the filth of blood and anger, not the filth of absence. The dust on the bookshelves is what always grabs his attention. The Gentleman Pirate had never let a book sit on a shelf long enough to gather dust–and neither had the sea. It was impractical, and the more he thought about it the more he realized how embarrassing the man had been. Bookshelves and a fireplace and fucking marmalade instead of gunpowder (and a hidden closet that the Kraken has still told no one about and can’t find it in himself to empty).
“Can you keep a secret?”
The Kraken doesn’t really hear himself when he responds. Something about washing the deck until the crew could eat off it, because he might just make them. He doesn’t know. He’s sure it sounds scary–it’s not hard. They’d asked him once, the crew, how he tapped into a person’s worst fear. As if it isn’t always obvious. As if they don’t all wear it on their sleeves like a tattoo. As if they don’t name themselves after it.
He wakes up to cannon fire, which is absurd. Raids are not to be conducted without the Captain on deck, let alone while the Captain is sound a-fucking-sleep. Having passed out fully dressed in leather from all the rum the night before, he tilts himself out of bed, off-balance. Luckily the dreary shithole has nothing for him to bump into as he stumbles.
“Oh, Dizzy Izzy’s giving me orders now, is he?” Blackbeard spits, towering over his first mate.
If he apologizes, if he begs for mercy, if he cries, Blackbeard’s prepared for all of it. Pirates don’t have friends. We’re all just in various stages of fucking each other over. Stede just managed to do it first.
He can’t help but notice that Stede has a certain grace getting up on the ship. Maybe it’s his clothes, which are looser and less restricting. Blackbeard–the Kraken–almost feels like he’s seeing the man completely naked without the silks and velvets and colors.
Every member of the crew is silent and still, the eye of the worst storm any of them had ever seen in their lives. Stede brushes his shirt, straightening the collar of the threadbare cotton. If he’s trying to impress me, it’s not going to work, Blackbeard thinks.
Instead, after steadying himself, Bonnet says, “You pushed Lucius off the ship?”
“Oh, you’re fucking insane,” Izzy spits, but before the words are even halfway through the man’s mouth Blackbeard has Stede shoved up against the railing, sword pressed against his gut. Stede is not a fool; he notices the blade is hovering in front of his right side, not the left.
The fearsome pirate trembles along with his voice. “I’m going to kill you.”
“I was prepared for that,” Stede says softly, which throws Blackbeard off balance.
“I’ve heard some fearsome stories about you, Ed–”
“It’s Blackbeard,” Izzy shouts while simultaneously Blackbeard interrupts and hisses,
“It’s the Kraken.”
A genuine almost-smile flickers across Stede’s face, and it makes Blackbeard dig the sword in a little deeper, but Stede doesn’t even flinch. He murmurs, quiet enough that only the two of them can hear, “We both know the Kraken isn’t real. But if you need me to keep that secret, I will.”
“Just fucking kill him, Cap’n,” Izzy yells. Blackbeard gets something cold and venomous in his eyes as he keeps a hand on Stede’s chest, held to the railing, while lifting his sword and pointing it in his first mate’s direction.
“What,” he hisses, “have I fucking told you about giving me orders?”
There’s something different about Izzy, Stede realizes, as the man tightens his lip and averts his eyes at Blackbeard’s words. He’s never seen the man so subservient.
Blackbeard turns back around, the sword once again pressed too hard against the flesh of Stede’s stomach. But Stede knows he’s already convinced him.
The sword is resting on his left.
“I was hoping for a proper parlay between two Captains, if you wouldn’t mind.”
Blackbeard snorts. “Pretty sure you need a ship to call yourself a Captain.”
“Well, it appears mine’s been pirated from me.”
“If I remember correctly, you walked away from it.”
Shame clouds Stede’s face, but he keeps his eyes steady on Blackbeard’s.
“I did.”
“So why would I have a proper parlay with a man who doesn’t even want his own ship?”
“Because you deserve an explanation, Edward.”
His crew, who have no doubt been trying to eavesdrop the whole time, begin to climb aboard, deciding the Captains were taking too long. Lucius leads the group.
“Jesus,” Izzy groans. “I’d thought we had finally finished you off.”
“I’m a fucking pirate, Spewer. I know how to swim.”
“Watch your mouth—”
“Izzy,” Blackbeard says, tone calm as the sea. It stops the man dead. He leans on a cane, a new addition since Stede had last seen him. The first mate’s hand almost trembles around the handle. Stede wonders, when it’s not Captain, whether Izzy refers to Ed as the Kraken or Blackbeard.
“He’ll fuck with your head again.”
Lucius mutters under his breath, “Pretty sure he’ll be fucking more than that,” and Stede’s glad Blackbeard doesn’t seem to have heard it. He’s already invaded the pirate’s ship—which in Stede’s defense, actually does belong to him—and he doesn’t want to push too far too fast.
“Captain?” a familiar rough voice questions, and Stede is shocked to find Jim sitting behind bars.
Blackbeard is annoyed by the interruption. “Technically, I’m Jim’s Captain.”
“You’ll be giving me orders over my dead body, Edward Teach.”
“Now, now!” Stede exclaims before Blackbeard can react. “Chosen names are chosen names. You know he’d rather you call him Blackbeard.”
“The Kraken,” Blackbeard corrects angrily.
Jim spits in response. “Well whoever he is, he marooned the crew.”
“Oluwande’s fine.”
“I care about the other guys,” Jim lies, clearly relieved.
“You have no survival instincts. You woke up practically naked under the eye of the world’s most fearsome pirate, and you flirted with me.”
“I did no such thing!” Stede gripes. Brushing his shirt a little in embarrassment, he continues under his breath, “And even if I did, you started it.”
“I’d never been in love, Ed.”
“You had a wife.”
“I suppose I never did properly explain myself with regards to… all that.”
“All that,” Blackbeard mocks. “All that. Never did properly explain.” The voice he uses to imitate Stede is high and whiny. Stede is much more refined than the pirate in front of him is giving him credit for.
He thinks about holding a knife to Doug’s throat at Mary’s art display. Maybe refined isn’t the right word.
But he’s not lily-livered. Not one person could ever call Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate, that again.
“I’ve bucked up,” he tries, which throws Blackbeard off balance just enough to let him keep going. “When I met Mary–did I ever tell you her name?”
“Never really fucking cared.”
“This isn’t her fault. I did the things I did. And I regret them.”
Blackbeard waits, the kohl across his face patchy from days without adjustment. If this was how Ed truly wanted to be, fine. Stede could at least help him with it. He’s been around the French long enough to know his way around a makeup brush.
He gets back on track. “When Mary and I became engaged, we had never even met each other. That’s just not how things are done. She had land, which is bloody important if you’re not a pirate, and I had money.” Stede looks out the window, the choppy movements of the waves, for a moment, bringing him back to that carriage with his father.
“Peasants marry for love.”
“You’ve had… dalliances, yes? You and Calico Jack, at least–”
“Oh that’s fucking rich, you think you have any right–”
“I haven’t,” Stede interrupts. “Had dalliances, that is. Not of… not of that kind. I was faithful to my wife in every way I was capable.” Blackbeard’s face sours, an awful grim expression made worse by the smears on his face. “But I didn’t love her. And it made me a dreadful husband.”
“Maybe she and I should start sending letters. The Stede Bonnet Fucked Us Over Association.”
“Do you know what I meant when I said you made me happy?”
That brings something to the surface of Ed’s face that Stede has never seen before–a type of pain that didn’t even cross his brow when he was stabbed clean through.
“I thought I did,” Blackbeard mumbled, the left corner of his mouth leering up. “Realized I was wrong, though.”
“You weren’t, Ed.”
Blackbeard stands up, his hand resting over his gun like a sort of comfort item. Obscenely, Stede wonders where the red silk handkerchief is.
“You weren’t wrong,” he reiterates. “You knew what I meant. The problem was that I didn’t. Not then.”
“You fucking kissed me. You knew what you were turning away.”
“I’d kissed Mary before.”
“If you bring up your fucking wife one more goddamn time–”
“But it was different with you. Everything was different with you. What was it you said when we first met? How hard it is to find someone new? You were new. Everything about you is still new, Ed. I put a bloody bookshelf in my quarters and a hidden closet with secret passages built into them. I was crazy. And you liked it.”
Blackbeard’s face is stone cold still. Stede’s not saying what he needs to say.
“I’d never been liked before. I’d never had a single friend. So I thought, maybe that’s what it was. Maybe you and I were those kinds of friends the battlefield makes, or the ocean, I suppose. Bonded by something deeper than others could ever feel. And by the time I realized it was more than that, by the time you kissed me…”
Stede catches his breath, words hitching a little. “It’s a long story that involves a gun and a murder-suicide of sorts, but I decided…” His throat tightens, and he looks down in shame. Ed deserves this explanation, though. “I’ve fought for everything, Ed. I understand it doesn’t look like it from the outside. I had a house, and money, and land. But I had very little choice. You know what that feels like, I’m sure. There was no saying no to weddings, to marriage, to children. So with pirating, I made my own choice. I forced it. This was not a life I was able to live, so I did it anyway. And I’m comfortable with that—comfortable pushing and pushing to get what I want. But you were willing to just give me everything. Start over. Give up pirating and do what we wanted to. A life, a happiness, that I… didn’t have to fight for. I decided I didn’t deserve it.”
Blackbeard has turned away, but Stede knows if they met eyes right now, the brooding pirate would be just as vulnerable as he is, guts more bare and laid out than after any of his injurious stab wounds. He just has to prove that this is real, that this is Stede’s true and final choice. Everything that comes after is irrelevant. Stede has decided.
“But you did, Ed. I took what you deserved away from you. And I know that it wasn’t right. I must stop making others’ decisions for them. If you choose me, you’ll have me for the rest of our—probably very short, given all the treason—lives. And if you choose someone else, which no blame can fall on you if you do, you’ll still have me. Co-captain, first mate, crew or prisoner, my ship is our ship.”
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odditiescoining · 1 year
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>>>   a suric gender related to golden blood or gold filled blood in some way. examples include blood with gold instead of plasma, blood with flakes of gold instead cells, ichor or golden blood, etc.
>>>   com[ponere] + [a]uru[m] + [sang]uine (latin for made up of, gold, and blood respectively)
>>>   rqed by no one, coined by us (pluto)
[ START ID: A flag made of a solid colored background and an evenly spaced grid of very large sized dots that is 3 rows by 5 columns. The background is a medium dark red and the dots are a dark golden yellow. END ID ]
Warning: The original flag under the cut is EXTREMELY eyestrainey. It is even somewhat eyestrainey for me, someone who does not usually experience it. I will put the ID above the cut for anyone who wants to know what it looks like without being able to look at it.
[ START ID: A flag made of a solid colored background and an evenly spaced grid of medium sized dots that is 15 rows by 25 columns. The background is a dark blood red and the dots are a golden yellow. END ID ]
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squishosaur · 11 months
what abt dorian and felis? :3
i'm going to make a different post about dorian because felis has literally consumed MONTHS of my time
alright, so felis (genderfluid, goes by he/she, amab) is a former child actor who grew up rather lonely, having only one real friend, rudy. because he grew up just acting and interacting with fans, he learned to just fake emotions and pretending to care about people because physically could not make those emotional connections to others since he was not raised to.
in school, people wanted to be close to him only because they were interested in the clout they could get, so he became reserved and avoided people, including his Actual friend, who still kept chasing after him because they were worried. one day, he was super frustrated and lashed out at them. someone was recording, and got a video of him slapping rudy and posted it on social media. felis blamed rudy for ruining his career and shut people out entirely.
(that was all. before the events of the actual story aksjdkdkdndnn ANYWAY) so the real story begins when rudy reaches out to felis when they're both meant to go to college, asking her to go meet them one last time in a forest where they used to play as kids as one final attempt to make amends. she begrudgingly agrees to go, and they wind up fighting again and falling into a "rabbit hole" (rift in space) and getting seperated in another dimension. (oh my god they divorced so hard they got isekai'd)
they end up split up in the new world, and felis winds up in a bake shop and meeting a pair of elven siblings named clementine and lemon, who take him into the city to ask around for ways to get back home. when he gets there, he is chased around by an eccentric poet, lillos, who recognized him from a dvd of a movie that he acted in as a child.
lillos reveals that he has a collection of oddities from the human realm and offers to take felis to the site where he found these things. together, they set out for the rift between realms, constantly getting detoured by royal guards protecting the rift, bounty hunters who had never seen a human before (and immediately decided that they must be worth a lot), seemingly-natural disasters, and more. they also have to find rudy (who is on a completely different set of adventures).
in the end, felis rekindles her relationship with rudy, figures out the meaning of love and friendship, and finds her way back home where she belongs. wahoo love wins!!
anyways um actual personality blurb now SORRY... so felis is sort of stand-offish and rude. she's quick to correct or reprimand anything she doesn't like. she doesn't really smile or laugh much outside of acting. she's usually proper and poised, but she's known to get violent or snap when she's stressed. she's very opinionated and critical of others. when she's losing an argument, she gets quiet and sulky. she's got very low empathy and is bored with conversation most of the time, so she is somewhat avoidant of talking to most people. SHE DOES GET BETTER ABOUT INTERACTING WITH PEOPLE... and she does learn to apolgize and take responsibility for her own actions and stuff. she can also be polite and knows when to be quiet.
and then obligatory pictures!! since this is an art blog!! still cannot find the right sketchbook 😭😭😭
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This post is no shade to Izzy fans. (Obviously I'm sick of Izzy stans but the Izzy Jar guys and Izzy enjoyers are cool and can probably skip this post because I'm gonna complain about your boy) It's just my personal opinion.
Izzy is so boring dude. Like my initial impression of the show is like oh what a neurotic little villain, and the role he plays cross Ed is interesting. But to me Ed is what makes him interesting. Ed is an interesting character and Izzy plays a huge role in his story. Their relationship is interesting.
But Izzy on his own is like... So boring to me. And every time Ive said "idk what's interesting about him" I've gotten in trouble for it. I even had one person say "IDK what to tell you when we have so many wonderful interviews and panels from the creators" and I was just sitting there like... Yeah I've seen those. They make him even more boring. Like am I the only one without the Izzy wool over my eyes? Because like at the C2E2 panel for example I feel like Con said "he's got a lot of layers and all of them are bad" and everyone just stopped listening after the word layers.
Like in the interviews there's been a some of talk about Izzy's sword fighting, like that's his one skill, his signature weapon. And people are like 🥹 he likes sword fighting!!! And I'm like "oh... So there's no secret piano skill that he's hiding? His hobby is just violence?"
Like the most interesting thing about him is that he likes getting choked and force fed his own toe. Like the fact that he gets horny about depraved shit is my favorite thing about him. But also the depravity isn't even like fun it's about exerting power for him, which is like the most boring reason to be into it. It would be so much cooler if he was into erotic forced auto cannibalism for the love of the game rather than some 24/7 bdsm fantasy of being Blackbeard's dog he has. It's like I love it don't get me wrong, but also whip my balls is the superior masochistic flex. I'm being fed too well by this show to succumb to that
Ill admit that part of this is that I find people who are obsessed with power to be viscerally unappealing (I'm an anarchist politically so) and I think repression is the enemy and hedonism is like my favorite thing and I hate work. Like I'm predisposed to be a hater. Except despite all that I'm not actually a hater I just don't understand the hype.
And again, if you like Izzy that's fine. My brain decided to latch onto Calico Jack I do not sit on very solid judging ground here. But it seems like I'm the only one who's just like "yeah Izzy? Useful for causing problems, kinda mid."
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world-of-eibon · 11 months
hahaha, the new Eibon Map is so large, I can't even upload it to tumblr! Discord can't handle its file size, nor can google, wonder where I could possibly host the image? Oh well, here's the old map with the incorrect hex sizes and with the Far East/Jinwa and Kihara on the map before they were split off into their own continents seperate from Eibon.
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kideternity · 10 months
Breaking my silence. Paige and Jono as a relationship fucking sucked and it was like extremely detrimental to both their characters and the fact they KEPT trying to drag the dead horse around during the 2000s X-men era was like, unforgivable I'm going to be real. Extremely glad they eventually moved on because Jesus Christ
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Don't get me wrong, I am a big big shill for "Wayne & Jeff, Gareth, & [CJ] learn about how Steve's changed & that he's actually a really good guy & adopt him into the fold as their Normie In-Law", I eat it up every time, but I do think there's something very neat about "they have Understandable trepidations upon first learning that the guy notoriously known as King Steve, the self-same guy who was connected to publicly shaming Nancy Wheeler & called Jonathan Byers queer, is suddenly dating their nephew/son / lead guitar/DM/bestie"
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cherry-shipping · 1 year
GYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE I HAD A CUTE DREAM W SANS >:D!!!!!!!! it was in like two parts the first was us just meeting and hitting it off right away which was fun and the other part was. nevermind im too embarrassed to not say it in the tags The tags r my safe cringe space The tags r like my house i live down there
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candied-cae · 2 years
Hey y'all- lemme get a little honest about white privilege and ignorance for a second. We're talking about me in this case. Bc I wanna send a thank you to people I've seen on Twitter discussing the use of the 'nickname' Calico Jack uses for Edward in fanfics.
I've been working on a reunion fight between Stede and Ed for weeks now and in my first draft of it I wrote something like: "Ol' *Nickname*, really is an evil monster down to his evil heart, right?" being said by Ed to Stede.
The intention was to use this nickname as the painful characterization it was in the show as a point for Ed to push how he was feeling. That he felt like all the blame was being unfairly thrown his way, like Stede was looking him as nothing more than the monster everyone else has seen, like Stede was seeing the same racist caricature that so many have assumed was all there was to him.
I thought this reasoning to use to nickname as the slur it was, was enough to justify using it. But when I started seeing the discussion of it, I started to get worried. Most of the posts about the use of the name were to not include it as a nickname, as it isn't really one. To instead replace it with "Beardie" or other things in a context of friendliness. But I wasn't really using it that way, so I wasn't sure how the input applied to the scene I was writing... But I chose to err on the side of caution.
I've gone ahead and re-written the line as: "’The ol’ Demon really is rotten, all the way through his evil fucking bones right into his evil fucking heart’, right?" to just use a different nickname, though the passage loses as bit of the point I was going for...
But - as a white fic writer - my priority is not to be "making points" at the expense of my POC readers.
Just food for thought in case other fic writers run into this sort of question themselves. Lines can be rewritten, even if they don't work in the same way as you as originally wanted the dialogue to go. But POC people in fandom deal with enough racism as is, I do not want to pile onto it in making this space further unsafe for them to participate in.
Remember, education is a never ending endeavor. There are more than a few times when lack of education will fail you. Listen and adjust, it something we all need to keep working at because adding to the suffering of POC's for one's own self interest will never be the right way to go about things.
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