#thoma stop being such a jerk plz
kalineas · 11 months
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Rewatched T&B2 and i love him so much now
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galactic-magick · 4 years
Not So Different: Virgil x Reader
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Request: Can I get uhh new side (Pride?) Who is female and everyone is surprised and it's virgil x reader and lots of him being jealous even tho u aren't together and angst and him being the big spoon and stuff ty mwah (sorry if this is badly written I'm going on 1 hours of sleep in the past 2 days hahaha okay - @hhh-angels​
Summary: You are Thomas’s prideful side, and you immediately bond with Roman for obvious reasons. Virgil doesn’t like that very much…
Words: 1400+
Warnings: angst, jealousy
Author’s Notes: I hope you like this! There’s a few time-skips cuz I wanted it to be kinda slow-burn and build up the angst lol. (Also I’d just like to say there is no Roman hate here! He’s kinda viewed as the bad guy in this but I promise I love him plz don’t come after me)
“Hi!” you pop up next to Roman, waving to Thomas. Everyone jumps, but you’re so happy to actually be here that you don’t mind their intense reaction. Deceit’s done a great job at hiding you for years, and you’re finally getting to reveal your existence.
You represent Thomas’s pride. You’re not really either a light or dark side, since pride can be used in so many different ways. Pride can be used for good, such as when Thomas is confident in his achievements, ideas, and sexuality. But if it gets too strong, it can become an issue. Excessive pride can lead to being self-absorbed, insensitive, and arrogant, and unfortunately that may be the reason you’re here.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Thomas asks.
“I’m your pride!” you grin. “But you can just call be Y/N,”
Roman looks you up and down, “But, why are you-?”
“A girl? I just felt like presenting myself this way. Do you need me to change?”
“No, no, of course not! We can sing Disney duets together!” You and Roman immediately start singing “A Whole New World.”
Virgil rolls his eyes.
Thomas stares in disbelief, “I’m still confused, why are you here? Where did you come from?”
“You tell me, Thomas,” you laugh, continuing to sing with Roman.
“Did you guys know about her?”
“Not particularly, no,” Logan and the other sides shake their heads.
“Virgil? Is she another dark side?”
“Not exactly,” he sighs. “But I- I should’ve been able to stop her,”
“Yeah, why, Virgil?” your singing stops and you meet his gaze.
“I’m the one who’s supposed to balance out Thomas’s ego with self-consciousness and insecurity,”
“Who needs that,” Roman scoffs.
“Actually, he does need it,” Logan corrects, pulling up a chart. “Think of it as a modified Yerkes-Dodson curve. With anxiety, one side of the extreme is complete carelessness, and the other is full-on panic. With pride, one side would be self-loathing, and the other would be narcissism. Ideally, everyone should be in the middle, having confidence in yourself but not so much that you become ignorant or put others down,”
“Is she here because…I’m on the second side?”
“Oh no…” Patton mumbles.
“Nonsense! I see nothing wrong with Y/N being here,” Roman objects, draping an arm around your shoulders. Virgil cringes a bit.
“Technically, Roman is correct,” Logan admits hesitantly. “As long as you don’t listen to her excessively, nothing detrimental will come of her presence,”
“Okay…” Thomas exhales.
“Her getting too close to Roman is what you really need to worry about,” Virgil grumbles.
“Hey! I thought you guys were past this?”
“Maybe not,”
“Well fine, Virgil, we’ll go if you have such a big problem with us,” Roman sneers, taking your hand and sinking down.
 Over the next few weeks, you and Roman have become best friends. You’ve written approximately 15 musicals together now, sung every single Disney song multiple times, and have brainstormed millions of ideas on how to help Thomas achieve his dreams in the most extravagant way possible.
“I don’t know how much longer I can take this obnoxious behavior,” Logan closes his book and slams it on the table. You and Roman are very loudly reenacting Hamilton in his room at the moment, and the noise is filling the entire mind palace.
“They’re just having fun, Logan!” Patton shrugs, playing some Go Fish with Virgil.
“Come on, Patton, you know Roman’s just going to corrupt her,” Virgil groans.
“Now, Virgil, I may have had my doubts before but there’s no need to be mean,”
“I’ve had it,” Logan stands up and stomps over to Roman’s door. “CAN I PLEASE HAVE SOME PEACE AND QUIET FOR THIRTY MINUTES?!”
With that, no one so much as breathes loudly for the rest of the day.
 It’s probably way past midnight now, but you still can’t sleep. You head to the kitchen to grab a snack, jumping when you see Virgil there as well.
“What are you doing here?” you shriek.
“I could ask you the same thing,”
“I suppose so,” you grin, hoisting yourself up to sit on the counter. “I guess I wouldn’t mind the company,”
“I usually come down here to be alone,”
“Look, I know you hate me, but you could just kindly ask me to leave,”
“I don’t hate you,”
“You don’t?”
“No!” he sighs, rubbing his eyes. “Are you really so self-absorbed that you think if people aren’t all over you they hate you?”
“Excuse me?” you shoot back. “I’m pretty sure you directly said you didn’t want me around!”
“I did not say that. I said you need to be under control, and teaming up with Roman is not going to help that,”
“What’s wrong with Roman?”
“Can’t you see he’s using you? He only likes you because you’re so similar and you can sing princess songs with him!”
“And how is that bad, exactly?” you retaliate. “He’s the only one who’s been nice to me since I got here, so sorry if my choice in friends isn’t to your standards,”
“It’s just-“
“You know what, Virgil? I really thought we would get along. We both have the capacity for good and evil, and we both help to balance Thomas out. We have a lot more in common than you think,” you slide off the counter and walk out.
 You and Virgil don’t speak for a while after that. Not that you talked a lot before, but that fight really solidified things. You can’t even make eye contact with each other, it’s like you’re not even there.
Roman keeps asking you what’s wrong, but you just shrug him off. How are you supposed to tell him that he’s part of the problem? That maybe if you weren’t so close, Virgil would consider talking to you?
You never meant any harm when you revealed yourself. You really thought you’d be able to get along with all the sides, but it seems that Roman’s the only one who celebrates who you are. Logan barely tolerates you, and that’s only when you’re not being obnoxious with Roman. Patton’s alright with you, but he gets a little jittery if you suggest anything that compromises his morals. And then there’s Virgil, and you know how that’s going.
You don’t really feel like you have to apologize, it’s not in your nature anyway, but you’re sick of having to avoid him all the time now. You need to talk to him again whether he likes it or not.
You swing open the door to his room without knocking and sit on the bed, “Hi,”
“Is privacy just something you don’t understand?”
“It appears so,” you laugh. “Look Virgil, I know you’re mad at me, and honestly I’m mad at you too, but I don’t want to be anymore,” You take a deep breath, “I like you. I wish we had a better start, but I’m willing to start over,”
“Are you serious?”
“Yes,” you scoot closer to him. “And I told Roman to leave us alone for the rest of the day, so don’t worry about him,”
“You didn’t have to do that,”
“I know I didn’t. But I did. So do you want to hang out or not?”
“I guess so-“ before he can finish, you grab his hand and drag him out of his room to the main area of the mind palace.
“You pick a movie, I’m gonna go steal some of Patton’s cookies,” Virgil watches you, stunned, before flopping on the couch and scrolling through the selection. He starts one as you sit down next to him, handing him some cookies.
“Just want to make sure, you actually want to hang out with me?”
“Yes, Virgil. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have asked,” you drape a blanket over the two of you and settle in.
As the movie goes on, you subconsciously rest your head on his shoulder. He stiffens immediately and you jerk back up.
“Oh my gosh I’m so sorry-“
“N-no, it’s fine,” he releases his breath. “I’m just…not used to people doing that,”
By the time the movie’s over, you’re fully asleep and Virgil freezes again, unsure what to do. Should he carry you to your room? Leave you here to sleep? Wake you up?
He slowly wraps his arms around your waist and lies down with you, being careful not to make any sudden movements. Despite his efforts, you squirm a bit in your sleep, but thankfully you don’t open your eyes. He fits his chin in the crook of your neck and dozes off himself.
He knows you didn’t have to give him a second chance, but you did. You were right, you weren’t so different after all, and he’ll always be thankful for the opportunity to be something more to you.
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bhaalpit · 5 years
hey boy, you make me want to write a song
Also available on ao3
It’s been literally six years since I posted a fanfic, and I've always wanted to be writer so we might as well START.
DISCLAIMER!!: The song that Derek “writes” in his head is actually a Thomas Rhett song that I modified the pronouns on bc I was too lazy to write an original song plz don’t hate me or sue me Mr. Rhett. In this AU Thomas Rhett doesn’t exist lmao.
He doesn’t want to be here. After an eight hour work day at the pool Derek is tired, still grimy even after a hasty shower, and just wants to sleep until he has to work again tomorrow. But, after bailing on their previous outing, his friends had successfully guilted him into coming out to what looks like an impromptu bonfire beach party.
He scoops up his grocery bag (case of cider, a three-quarters full bottle of vodka, a bag of chips), and pumps himself up for at least a few hours of social interaction before exiting his car. 
“Derek!” Shielding his eyes against the glare of the setting sun, just starting to dip below the lake’s horizon, Derek spots Erica waving frantically at him. He heads in the direction of the fire and scattered blankets, sand already between his toes and under his heels. “You came!” As soon as he’s within distance, Erica flings her arms around him.
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolls his eyes good naturally, but hugs her back. His friends are pushy in just the right ways, and Derek loves them all fiercely. “Don’t chirp me about it or I’m leaving.”
“I’ll hug your legs if you try,” she threatens. “Try me, loser.”
Isaac comes up behind him, ducking under Erica’s reaching arms to take the bag from Derek. “Hey Der, nice to see you - Erica, watch it - lemme put these in the cooler.” After Erica has finished thoroughly annoying him, Derek extricates himself, grinning despite himself, and wanders over to where Boyd is lounging on a frayed serape blanket
“Hey man.” Boyd presses a wet can into his hand. “Still alive, I see.”
“Despite Erica’s attempts at smothering me.” He pops the can open, chugging the cheap, bitter beer. He grimaces, wishing he had had the forethought to refrigerate his cider beforehand.
“You love me.” Erica plops down into Boyd’s laugh and he wraps one arm around her waist while keeping his beer from spilling. He blows a raspberry into the back of her neck and she giggles, squirming away from him.
His chest swells with a bloom of affection as he watches the two of them tussel, expertly moving his beer around their flailing limbs. He takes another sip of beer and holds back a gag. “Ugh. Isaac, can you pass me a cider? You can have the rest of my beer.”
Isaac snorts. “Sure, man. The cider’s still room temperature though.”
“Anything is better than this. I’m literally begging you.”
Isaac snickers, but fetches a can out of the cooler. “Here, you big baby.” The cider is barely anything colder than when he brought it from home, but at least he won’t gag after every sip. Beer is nasty and no one will ever convince him otherwise. “Scott just texted me. They’ll be here in about fifteen minutes.”
 Derek is well into his second can of cider, loose limbed enough that he is slumped comfortably into Boyd’s side, when Scott and the others show up in a beat-up blue jeep and an old red convertible. They spill out, laughing and waving at them from the parking lot. It’s almost too dark to distinguish their figures from the darkness of the night settling around them.
As they approach, Derek recognizes almost everyone in the group, except for one broad-shouldered, narrow-hipped lanky boy with amber eyes, a ski-tipped nose, and a smattering of beauty marks. Although there is something vaguely familiar about his eyes, Derek is sure he hasn’t met him before. He would have remembered.
Feeling suddenly too warm and too big for his skin, Derek stumbles to his feet. It’s nearing the end of August, so the air is still heavy and thick as it settles around him. Derek rolls his shoulders, the fabric sticking slightly to his back.
The group of them finally reach the bonfire, and Derek waits for the introductions, stupidly. They’re a bunch of teenagers and twenty-somethings - no one does introductions, you either know someone or you fumble your way into knowing someone. The amber-eyed boy meets his gaze for a short moment before his eyes skitter away. Derek swallows, hard.
“-erek. Derek?” His head snaps up guiltily. Kira is wiggling her fingers in front of his face.
“Yes? Sorry, I zoned out for a second.” He has to physically stop his head from turning to follow the figure walking at the peripheral of his vision. 
Kira narrows her eyes, considering. “Hm. Distracted by something?”
He dangles his can of cider in front of her. “I am drunk ma’am.” He tilts the can up, frowning when nothing comes out. “And I am out of alcohol. Please excuse me.” He attempts to bow, and judging from her giggle, looks ridiculous for it. 
Also, the boy is by the cooler and Derek desperately needs to know his name. He tosses his can into the garbage bag, pinned into the sand with several large rocks, and heads toward the cooler. Scott is there, one tanned arm slung around the boy as they stand directly in his way. Derek would be annoyed if he wasn’t so smitten. 
“Hey.” Does his voice sound normal? Oh, God, he hopes he sounds cool. “Uh, could I get in there -?” He gestures to the two of them, hoping for the boy to slip in his name.
“Oh!” The amber-eyed boy jumps a little, shuffling away from Scott guiltily. “Sorry about that!”
Derek flashes a smile. “No worries.” He waits for a few beats, then turns to rifle through the mess of half melted ice. When he turns around with a wet can in his hand, the amber-eyed boy is digging his elbow into Scott’s stomach.
“Derek, this is Stiles!” Scott exclaims, suddenly and a bit too loudly. The other boy, Stiles, elbows him again, but turns to face Derek. “Uh, I realize you probably hadn’t met him. And, uh. Yeah.”
Pulse racing, Derek nods at Stiles in a hopefully-cool way. “Cool. Yeah, I don’t think we’ve met before? I’m Derek.”
Stiles smiles, a bit shyly. “I’m just here for the summer. Scott and I have been friends forever so he’s showing me around.” His fingers, wrapped around the neck of a brown bottle, are distracting. 
“Oh?” He shuffles closer, belatedly realizing that Scott is heading away from the two of them. “Where are you from?”
“Not far from here - I live over in the next county, but I lived here in Beacon Hills until I was, uh, ten. And then we moved.” He scratches the back of his neck, his face tight with what looks like discomfort. “But Scott and I stayed really good friends.”
Derek has a sudden, vivid flashback of a thin, waif-like child wearing a hoodie down to his knees with a bandaid across the bridge of his nose. Sitting in a hospital waiting room across from him. “I -  I think I remember you?” Stiles’ eyes widen. “Did you have a Mets sweatshirt when you were a kid?”
“I didn’t think you’d remember me,” Stiles says quietly.
Dirty white sneakers, knobby knees, a packet of - “- Reese cups?” When Stiles smiles, his eyes crinkle. “I hadn’t thought about it in years. I think I forgot about it because - well.” Derek cuts himself off before he can put a complete damper on the conversation. “I just forgot, I guess.”
Stiles smiles, a little bit sadly and a lot in understanding. “You seemed so cool to ten year old me. I think you had a walkman and I was so jealous of you.”
Derek snorts, grasping at the new conversation thread in relief. “I was probably listening to Green Day or something equally ‘edgy’.”
“Definitely cooler than me, then.”
They’re interrupted by someone yelling “Derek!” He sighs, turning to see who’s yelling at him this time. It’s Isaac, brandishing - his guitar? Derek had left it in the backseat of his car, but clearly he had forgotten to lock it. “Come play some tunes, man!” Everyone by the fire turns to look at him, expectant.
Stiles makes a noise beside him. “You can play guitar?” Stiles asks. Then, under his breath, “of course you do.”
Derek shrugs, the back of his neck prickling with the sudden attention. “I’m alright, I guess. You coming?” He jerks his head over to the fire and Stiles nods frantically.
He settles once he’s sitting down with the guitar under his hands, fingers lazily sweeping over the strings as he tunes the old thing. The guitar is old, gifted to him by his mother, but it’s well-made and will last Derek many, many more years.
“Any requests?” Derek asks, strumming a few chords. He starts to play Wonderwall with a shit-eating grin, Isaac flips him off, and Boyd gets up and starts dramatically walking away from the fire.
Kira snickers and offers “Van Morrison?”
“Brown-eyed girl it is,” he confirms, strumming a G chord, and then they’re in it. Derek might hate being the center of attention, but it’s different when he’s playing like this. With the flow of music under his fingertips, the singing voices cresting on either side of him, he feels a part of something. He’d never ever perform, but this? This warmth, sitting in a circle of familiar and not-yet-familiar faces, all of them suspended in this moment, together? He could do this forever.
Derek cycles through the usual fireside songs - Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, John Denver, Eagles, Tracy Chapman, Howie Day, Gavin DeGraw. Somewhere in the midst of it all, Derek catches Stiles’ gaze across the flames, his eyes luminous with the reflection of fire in them, and very nearly forgets to keep playing. And then Derek has to fight against the urge to start strumming an entirely different song, one about whiskey and smoke and stars and falling to his knees.
His fingers fumble on the fret and he hastily looks away, focusing on something safe - the fire, which reminds him of how it had looked reflected in Stiles’ eyes, so he looks at the sand instead. Dark blue in the shadow of the night sky, except for where the fire cuts across it in swaths of glowing orange.
After what feels like hours of playing, the energy of the circle has dipped and levelled out to something mellow and relaxed. Derek’s playing has mostly become background music to a number of side conversations, and at least one makeout session, so he starts strumming Closing Time before he puts his guitar away.
Someone snickers from beside him; Stiles has moved from across the fire to beside him. He was concentrating so hard on not staring at him that he somehow missed Stiles moving from his spot. “Very subtle,” Stiles says.
Derek grins over at him. Stiles is staring at his fretboard, his lashes dark against his cheek. “I’m glad someone appreciates my very subtle song choices.” Derek carefully packs his guitar up, considers leaving it on one of the unoccupied blankets, but decides to keep it on him. 
The night is so clear that the moon’s path is reflected on the rippling surface of the lake. The sky is dripping in stars and Derek desperately wants to walk along the shore of this moonlit lake, wants to hold Stiles hand while he does it because he is, apparently, the world’s sappiest twenty year old guy.
“You want to go for a walk?” Stiles asks. He’s already slipping out of his flip flops, chucking them carelessly over to the side, so he misses Derek’s (probably besotted) look in his direction.
“You read my mind.” Derek digs his toes past the warm sand into the cooler layer underneath. Stiles whoops and races for the shoreline, splashing into ankle-deep water. He is bathed in silver, splashing liquid moonlight everywhere. He looks like some kind of carefree, fae-like god, frolicking along the edges of a sea of stars.
Derek needs to stop writing song lyrics in his head and actually talk to the boy.
Guitar in tow, Derek follows suit and wades into the cold water. “Shit,” he swears, darting back out of the water. “It’s fucking freezing.” Stiles laughs at him as he sticks one toe back in the water.
“Didn’t you grow up here? Shouldn’t you be used to this?”
“I am a warm-blooded creature, thank you very much.” Derek gestures down the stretch of empty beach. “C’mon, I want to show you something.”
“Ooh, are you leading me to a secret hideout?” Stiles asks, excitedly.
“Well - no. But, it’s a close second.” This answer does nothing to deter Stiles’ enthusiasm as they splash along the quiet shore. After a few minutes, they come across Derek’s something - a small, hidden rocky cove out of sight of the rest of the beach. Most of the boulders here are wide and flat, perfect for lounging or sitting on. Derek leads them to a collection of rocks a little ways down, carefully setting his guitar case down and hopping up onto the rock next to it.
“Wow,” Stiles breathes, settling down next to him. “This is gorgeous, Derek.”
Derek is a cliche because he very nearly sighs out “yes,” in response while blatantly staring at Stiles. Instead, he forces himself to look at the scenery, which pales in comparison to the way the moonlight turns Stiles’ skin luminous and otherworldly. His skin is like the inverse of the sky stretched out above them; a pale, glowing canvas pricked with dark constellations.
“What song is that? I haven’t heard it before.”
Derek pauses mid-hum; he hadn’t realized he was humming anything. And then he realizes he’s humming the song that ‘s been writing itself in his head ever since he laid eyes on Stiles. Shit. “It’s original.”
Stiles raises his brows in appreciation. “You a songwriter as well?”
Derek shrugs, but can’t help the pleased grin that sneaks out. “I guess. It’s kinda unavoidable for me. Sometimes I just see someone - something, I mean - and I start mentally writing lyrics.”
Stiles hums, leaning back onto his hands. His legs, constant pendulums, keep shifting so that their knees knock together. Stiles pauses, letting his leg rest against Derek’s. “Will you sing me one?”
His guitar is in his lap before he’s even said the word “yes” out loud. He places his fingers against the fretboard, imagines places his fingers the same way against a set of ribs, a white throat, and begins to sing. He keeps his voice as low as possible, quiet and husky in the fragile not-quite-silence on this secluded strip of beach,
Hey boy, you make me wanna write a song
Sit you down, sing it to you all night long
I've had a melody in my head since you walked in here and knocked me dead
Yeah boy, you make me wanna write a song
And it goes like ooh, what I wouldn't do
To write my name on your heart, get you wrapped in my arms baby all around you
And it goes like hey, boy I'm blown away
Yeah it starts with a smile and it ends with an all night long slow kiss
Yeah it goes like this
Stiles’ eyes have gone a dark, molten amber; either due to being away from the campfire or something else, Derek doesn’t know. His hands are remarkably steady as he plays, despite his heart beating so hard it feels like it’s trying to leap out of his chest, directly into Stiles’ hands. Stiles has nice hands - long-fingered and strong-boned - and Derek thinks tt wouldn’t be so bad, probably, if that were to happen.
His thigh is burning through denim where Stiles is pressed close, no longer subtly brushing their knees together. When he’s finished strumming the last notes of the song, letting them fade into the sound of rolling waves, he decides it’s now or never. Gently setting the guitar aside, Derek leans forward to almost-whisper into Stiles’ ear.
“Hey, Stiles,” Derek whispers.
“Can I kiss you now?”
Stiles’ scrunches his nose up into a shy smile and he nods, swaying toward Derek.
Derek catches him behind the neck, thumb in front of one blushing ear, and rushes to meet him halfway in a bruising kiss. He’s just drunk enough that he feels loose and floaty, but not clumsy and sloppy. He’s clear-headed enough to feel the nerves and butterflies inside him roll into a low buzz of excitement as he leans into the kiss.
Stiles runs his tongue over Derek’s bottom lip, one hand sliding up into Derek’s hair and the other is warm on Derek’s thigh. He tugs gently, pulling Derek closer, and he moves into it. Kissing Stiles is like the waves sliding up on the shore, tugged by the moon’s gravity, except Derek is the water and Stiles is his moon.
When they separate to breathe and calm their racing hearts down, Derek keeps Stiles close with an arm settled around his waist. He looks breathtaking in the moonlight, with his hair unruly and his lips reddened, so Derek tells him. Stiles flushes, squirming a little, but beams at him. “Derek Hale, are you a romantic?” he teases.
“Only around you,” Derek replies honestly.
“Oh, you’re so unfair.” Stiles ducks his head down so blow a raspberry against Dereks’ throat in apparent retaliation. He kisses the same spot right after and Derek shivers.
“What?” Derek’s lost the thread of the conversation somehow.
“S’not fair that you’re hot and romantic and ernest about it,” Stiles explains. “You’re going to kill me.”
Oh. Derek smiles at him helplessly, shrugging his shoulders. He can’t think of anything funny to say back; his mind is writing lyrics again and he can’t focus on anything else. But before he let’s it run rampant, he has something very important to ask Stiles. He takes Stiles hand in his.
“Stiles, will you go out with me?”
That seems to startle a laugh out of Stiles, who appeases Derek’s offended look immediately. “Wait, wait, I’m not laughing at you, I just. You had your tongue down my throat five minutes ago and now you’re asking me out like a gentleman.”
“Well, I wanted to be clear that I, y’know, like you. Like in a date-you way not just in a this”, Derek motions between them, “way.” He sighs, his shoulders slumping a bit. He always messes things up somehow. “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not!” Stiles holds their clasped hands up to his chest, speaking fiercely. “It’s really sweet, Derek. No one’s ever said that to me before, I was just caught off guard.” Any trace of the earlier teasing is gone, replaced by a very serious looking Stiles. “That was - you’re something else, Derek Hale. I mean that in the best way possible.”
“Oh.” Derek doesn’t know what else to do, so he just sits there while his cheeks heat up.
“And yes, by the way. I would love to go on a date with you.” Stiles smiles at him so softly that Derek wants to sing about sunlight and spring buds and early mornings. He doesn’t realize he’s started humming again, until Stiles asks him if he’s writing another song in his head. 
“Dammit,” he swears. “I can’t seem to help myself around you.”
Stiles looks impossibly fond and just kisses the corner of his mouth, asking, “will you play me another song?”
And Derek says, “always,” and he means it.
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im-basically-logan · 6 years
welcome back to the routine of me yelling about the latest sander sides vid! everything will be under the cut but just know there are obviously spoilers.
see you on the other side lmao
they all did that intro all at once???? damn!
thomas... what are you doing. also Joan’s line of thought is what i thought of first lmao
“... just how weird that was” indeed. look at the nerd risin on in tho!
“feeling it...”
Logan’s groan of frustration to thomas saying “motivated” is a big mood
“now you’re just pandering to my fondness for being told that im right” lmaoooo
logan’s sass is great
i love logan too, thomas
deceit flipped them off jdkshgjkfdhs
i sure hope he doesnt excrete slime jfc
they actually looked at the painting on the wall omfg. logan being confused by it’s abstract look is hilarious imo
existentialism ACTIVATED
when they were trying to get virgil to come out?? roman was literally pulling him omfggg why
also patton and logan just sorta told him to come out but pulling could still be a thing in that regard but rOMAN TUGGED ON HIM
back on topic--”YOU PULLED MY HAIR”
roman back at it again with the weird phrases!
“I would talk about you in another room” “...fair enough”
roman’s facial expressions are amazing
“i think you’re just being a jerk” hgjksd roman’s pouty face lmao
yay roman complimented logan!!!
“myth of the great manbaby” what the hell roman
when you break the fourth wall column and make everyone uncomfortable
i love the drawing things for roman’s thinking. he is creativity after all
the thing about financial perception is great-- i love listening to logan talk kgdfhgkdfl give us a podcast. (jk jk)
the fact that logan indirectly acknowledges he’s a nerd lmaooo
virgil spawning in and saying “i’m listeninnnnng”
“hi virgil” “sup thomas”
ngl roman, that idea is pretty... bad sorry
“but you just called me a little bratty baby--” “A- DUB DUBGFBBFJK THOMAS”
“holy sh-” THOMAS
is aunt patty a real person??
constantly circling the answer lmao
windshield of diamond...? i mean diamonds can be clear but-
“we’re talking about a car, not a horse” lo... logan it’s a metaphor
“i hope you know that my agreeing to a point i made is not a win for you”
once again i love the little animations
thomas playing an elongated word association game is me tbh
“a.. scripted series” “nods in agreement” KJEHGJDFK THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN DESTROYED
nexus... instrument??? oh wait nvm
“quixotic, quarreling. quaaaaaaaaaaaah” and the little shake as he said “im not good at nicknames” lmao
circadian rhythm? who’s she???
ok listen i know logan is right about the sleeping schedule but also??? no?? thanks??
“but twitter!” “tumblr?” “tinder?” “twinster!” JDFKJDS
“my twin kinda looks like you, logan!” REALLY ROMAN?
and then all the remy fans went insane...
“copulating” LOGAN
pancake and pillow fights jffkhgsf
“BRO-gan” JDSKHASJK didnt thomas say that in a tweet lmao
“okay dad” “y’called?”
“love you patton” “love you thomas”
“BUT A BIG MEAL MAKES ME SLEEPY” oh jeez i’ve never tried doing that and i probably wont-- thanks logan lol
“this snack over here is wondering if you’re finished or not!” roman..?? what??
i love logan’s face when he’s about to start rambling again lmao
i just noticed the amazing sound design for the handwriting effects, kudos to you guys!!
“shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots i endorse, are vaccines” agreed but also logan n o
look at his face tho he looks sorta proud of himself
“why are you drinking... out of a blender” "this is the biggest container that i have” th-thomas..??? my god lmao
“but how is it good for you?” “how?” logan is slytherclaw tbh
“CORN! ... to eat”
nice pie chart
roman’s face at 16:06 is a mood
“and health...! facts!”
logan being a literal encyclopedia is amazing... also fairly robotic wouldnt you say (hahaha)
but also roman brushing his teeth immediately after dlsjgdfkl
roman throwing a little temper tantrum lmaooo
“elms need tending..”
i like to think roman just has imagery dancing around for thomas and logan to see in his hand or smth. or he’s awkwardly projecting it idfk
17:43 logan is a mood (i say this a lot bear with me)
roman, sorry buddy, but shakespeare plagiarized a lot of things and frankly i believe thats a big no no for you? (remember the originality episode oof)
“FORGET SLEEP” same roman
“then you will care for your friends more than they have ever been cared for in their. entire. LIFE” “yES”
“i dont know the meaning of the word...” “it means ridiculous” “oh really?” ROMAN??? HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT?
all the other times logan has used preposterous just went over his head????
hasnt roman USED the word preposterous?????
i go straight to logan’s thinking. roman get the heck out of there? dont fight a chimera with a broken leg plz
“how can you be teaching me so many things but also be so wrong today?” WOW ROMAN LMAO
20:09 Logan...ok listen, somebody just send me a bunch of screenshots of their faces in this video plz
“pardon me while i laugh! .... ha” ok the motions before he “laughed” looked oddly like deceit...
hello yes?? can we get a sander sides soundtrack??? the music while logan explains the worth of living is great
“uber yawn” im sorry roman, w h a t
ok there we go
aww logan’s little smirk
“that sounds cool..” roman is such a dork jkdshfs
logans little bounce at 23:43 gives me life
awww they’re getting along
the next video thomas was hinting at... the puppet show
also i would’ve mentioned this earlier but i forgot but I THINK THATS A NEW SHIRT? :O
“every dog has it’s day” Virgil: patton n o
“may the force be with you” lmao
patton sounds oddly... solemn? it just sounds slightly lower than patton’s usual voice??? i dunno im reading into things
take it easy guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!
we’re at the end! im so proud of thomas, talyn, and joan! amazin as usual. Also best wishes to Joan’s recovery. they better rest after this
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