#to be specific it's parallels between shinoa's feelings for yuu and mika and yuu's feelings for each other
owari-no-homo · 2 years
MikaYuu & YuuNoa Parallel
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rev3rb · 2 years
Hey! Sorry for the late ask, I literally just remembered the new chapter is out. And wow did it make me feel a lot of different things. I feel like it’s finally addressed Yuu’s ‘stupidity’ in a substantial way that’s really grounded it in not just his own persistence, but in his belief in Mika and their combined strength. And even though his plan to let Mika make a plan is not immediately promising, I like how they had him reflect on the situation they’re in and fully commit to making the best choices for themselves.
Also there were some much appreciated cute cheeky moments like Mika being chill about Yuu falling off the tower, Yuu self-identifying as the dumb brawn in the duo, and Yuu using Mika’s own words against him.
Ultimately though, their fight hit me right in the feels. It really contrasted Mika’s pessimism to Yuu’s optimism about their relationship and situation at large. Mika’s insistence that he must lose Yuu shouldn’t choose him bc he can’t believe it’s possible for them to actually work out and be happy like he wants. But what got me specifically was Mika telling Yuu that he should learn to like Shinoa back. That he should go live a normal (heterosexual) life without him bc Yuu’s feelings for him are ‘trivial’. As if Yuu could just choose to get over Mika and be happy with Shinoa. Like I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you how much that relates to so many ppl’s young queer experiences, but the nuance of the way they represented it in this chapter felt so much bigger to me than anything else between them so far. So sorry to YuuNoa shippers, but if Shinoa and Yuu ever get together after it being stated that Yuu doesn’t even like her at this point in the story, I might actually have to bring out the baiting word frfr.
Don't worry about it anon! I'm going to be super busy this month, so I also actually forgot there was a new chapter at all, which is why this response is even later than usual.
This gets long since I go a bit off the rails so I'm actually gonna utilize a read more this time! Sorry if this is a mess, again I'm busy and my thoughts are a bit scattered as such.
Yeah, you have a point. Really, I'm glad that Kagami didn't suddenly pull a 'Yuu is suddenly a mastermind' sort of thing and is instead sticking to his guns of 'Yuu has no idea what he's doing, but he sure is doing it'. I wasn't expecting that Yuu would suddenly become a mastermind or anything, but I was a bit worried that Yuu would suddenly have some half-baked plan in mind that would just work out because he's the protagonist you know? I'm much happier to see that his plan is to not plan and let Mika, who is way better at this kind of thing, do it. Sure, it's a bit concerning since Mika's just in the dark about the interworkings of everything as Yuu is, but it's a much better alternative.
And, before I dive into the rest of what you said, I'm happy to see them finally trying to set outside of the role of being a pawn. Outside of it showing some character growth for Yuu (kinda), it reflects Guren's story. Yuu and Guren have always had parallels, but Yuu is finally starting to step away from being a pawn, something Guren (arguably) has never really been able to do. Guren tried his damnedest to stop being a pawn in his story. He even also took the approach of 'either we achieve our goal or we die trying', but, in the end, he failed on both accounts because he cared too much. Maybe you could argue he's no longer a pawn with his current resurrection goals, but I'm specifically referring to Catastrophe at 16's story when I say this. Yuu is now essentially in that same position, but I have a feeling that, unlike Guren, he'll be able to break free from his role and actually achieve his goal. It's a very good 'the student surpasses the mentor' type thing. It'd be interesting to see if it's just because Yuu has more protagonist powers than Guren (a.k.a there's no particular reason Yuu succeeds when Guren failed; it just be what it is), or if it's because, unlike Guren, Yuu is able to sacrifice people more easily. As Yuu alludes to here and we saw last chapter, Yuu apparently has no qualms in killing(?) people he considers friends and has called family before. That could certainly play a role in Yuu taking a different path than Guren. However, you didn't really bring any of this up so this is a huge digression from your ask. Sorry about that! Moving on.
Say what you will about OnS, but it always fits in time for little character moments like that. It's fun to see.
To be honest, I don't have much to add to your last paragraph there as yeah, it's an interesting way to read that part of their argument and I can relate. I'll tackle the last bit of it though. For full disclosure, I feel I should say that I don't personally ship YuuNoa, but have no problems with it. If it became canon I just wouldn't be surprised bc that's how most stories like this go. But now into what I intend to say.
Mmm. Honestly, I do think applying "the baiting word" (I've never seen anyone avoid saying it so that made me laugh. thank you truly LOL) is a fair thing to do if that were to happen. The word does get used maybe a little too liberally as fans hype themselves up for a possible gay romance a bit too much sometimes (and I am very guilty of this myself. Don't get me wrong. I too wear my rose-tinted 'no one is straight' glasses at all times), but OnS is pretty heavy-handed with the subtext sometimes, whether it means to be or not. There are a lot of things I could point to with this, but the most glaring one was what happened in this chapter with comparing Yuu's feelings for Mika with his feelings for Shinoa. It's not even something that's exclusive to this chapter, though I don't think it's been this blatant before. Really, the amount of times the love that the protag (I'm grouping Guren in with this bc what he has going on with Mahiru and Shinya is incredibly comparable to what these three have going on) has for their best friend is compared to the love they have/should have with their LI is too great to count. For Yuu in particular though?
Numerous straight romances in shounen (other genres as well, but particularly shounen) feel forced due to the protag having more chemistry with the male (or female if the protag is not male) cast than their straight LI as romance is usually more of an undertone/side thing than the focus (though there are more reasons than that that I won't get into for length purposes), but usually, there's some build-up even if it's a poor excuse for relationship development. For Yuu and Shinoa that's not really the case. Yuu has never shown romantic interest in Shinoa, so it shouldn't be a surprise to see it confirmed here. Any romantic moments from them are only portrayed/seen as such from Shinoa's perspective, so I'm inclined to agree with you that it'd feel very off at this point in time for Yuu to end up with Shinoa. The story isn't over, so there's still time for feelings to build on Yuu's end of things, but right now? Yeah, there isn't anything there for Yuu. His feelings for Mika, romantic or otherwise, are stronger than his feelings for Shinoa.
But I do feel it's worth bringing up that, just because Yuu doesn't have romantic feelings for Shinoa rn doesn't mean MikaYuu will be canon. Who knows, we might end up with Yuu with no one (which would make more sense than YuuNoa at this point in time).
But hey, just because your ship isn't/doesn't end up as canon doesn't mean you can't enjoy it! That's what headcanons and fanworks are for!
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fandomsarepainful · 4 years
Wow that new chapter... actually i knew something gonna happen with Mika someday to make Yuu realize that he's an idiot, now he's paying for his recklessnes and for not listening to Mika about Guren. And i really, really hope he doesn't gonna defend Guren again! What do you think gonna happen in the next chapter? Maybe Mika really gonna become a demon? Or we finally gonna see his seraph form?
Just to be clear, I am 100% not the person to go to for theories or predictions but um thank you? I don’t consider myself a theorist or an analyst so I feel completely inadequate to do this but also honored that you think I have something to add. It sounds confusing but really I’m grateful for this lol.
As for what I think next chapter will be, I honestly want another flashback but from Krul’s perspective that explains how she was planning on using the seraphs to get her brother back since that was why she had disobeyed the order of exterminating the experiments that was issued at the Progenitor council.
That was the reason she saved Mika in the first place because she needed him- a seraph- to get her brother back.
(My mind is running a mile a minute but I’m trying to focus on the questions specifically asked, so sorry if I end up repeating things or just make no sense at all)
And this brings to the next question which I’m pretty sure is what most care about the most: ”Maybe Mika really gonna become a demon? Or we finally gonna see his seraph form?”
And honestly, I have no clue. (I’m sorry. I’m really not great at theories and what not)
But if we look at the scenarios and how they help in some characters motives, there is a likely chance that the most likely scenario would be that Mika unlocks his seraph gene.
But my issue with this is that to do this, they need a stimulant of some kind that causes incredible pain. How I come to this?
Mirai and Yuu. 
Granted we don’t know if she had transformed into a seraph before the drugs administered to her by the JIDA or even if her transformation was caused by the drugs itself. But it seems to me that in order for the gene to be unlocked, the hosts would have to go through an immeasurable amount of pain.
MIrai was given drugs and when she had developed a tolerance for a certain amount of dosage, the JIDA upped her dosage. And in those scenes, even when she developed a tolerance, she was screaming in agony.
Same thing happened with Yuu. He transformed when he was faced with the likely scenario of loosing his family all over again AND having been given drugs that Guren had ordered Shinoa to have Yuu take. Remember those (I don’t remember their name but I call them steroids lmao) steroids pills that supposedly enhances their strength for a certain time limit and how if they take more than 2, they would die? 
The pills that Yuu were given were made specially for him and Shinoa acknowledges this and demands why Guren had done this (Y’know, the infamous “Did you fall in love with him?” scene)
The drugs paired with the psychological pain that Yuu felt at loosing his family awakened the seraph gene. 
Mika is already in pain. All we need are drugs for him to take.
And as much as I think Krul prepared for some things- I don’t think she’s prepared for this. So we may end up getting Ferid or even Guren appearing (This does not spark joy and well maybe even be another sympathy scene where it tries to show Guren isn’t bad and Yuu might end up listening to him again).
But of course this is all assuming that the drug to control the demon is different from the drugs administered for the seraph gene.
Because technically speaking, Mika already has drugs in his system.
And there is the possibility (highly unlikely but its still an idea to not completely cast aside) of Mika becoming a demon. 
And that is heartbreaking af since that would mean Mika loses his memories. He won’t hate himself anymore but he won’t remember Yuu. 
Well its one possibility. I mean, how many exceptions to the rules of his own universe did Kagami break?
Mika could possibly be one of those exceptions and we end up getting another Mahiru/Guren parallel between Mika/Yuu. 
With Mika being apart of Yuu’s weapon.
But I think that one is unlikely as this scenario doesn’t benefit anyone. Maybe it would benefit Yuu to a certain degree but I don’t think even Yuu would be happy at having the one person who gave his life meaning not remembering who he is.
I hope this helps?? I’ve never done theories so how do I end this?? Er...
We’ll see on May 1st? (Oh god no that was cheesy)
We’ll find out May 1st. (No, that’s even worse)
Those are my thoughts on it. Feel free to add, dispute, etc. Also stay safe and wash your hands. (Hm. I give up. This is it. This is the closing)
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ruthlesslistener · 7 years
May I ask a more personal question? Why can't you stand yuu//noa? I know you mentioned that there are other reasons for it other than the queerbaiting, but I don't know what they are, and I'd rather stay away from blogs that post ship hate
Yeah sure whatever
The reason why I can’t stand Yuu and Shinoa as a romantic pair is mostly due to the fact that the circumstances of the sort of Mika x Yuu x Shinoa love triangle going on mirrors the circumstances of a relationship that I was in that almost ended with someone I care about very, very deeply killing themselves. 
I don’t know if it was abusive. The person involved with me was very kind to me. But she would do these things where she would fake depression and cutting and abuse to try to win my sympathy, because I could never get her enough attention, and she would cry and tell me that I needed to choose between either her or my (now) qpp, which…fucked me up. A lot. (This was before I knew I was aromantic). And she was absolutely awful to my other friends, though I don’t know how awful, other than the fact that she did it to ensure that she had my undivided attention, and that she threatened to either kill or ruin my qpps life multiple times. She didn’t tell me why. She didn’t give any indication why none of my friends would talk to me. She would just say things like about how if I really cared about her, I would chose her, and not my qpp. I thought everything that was going wrong was because of me, that I was the one who hurt people I cared about, and it was…bad. That was also the time where I lost four pets. Which didn’t help.
That in itself doesn’t sound much like Yuu and Shinoa, but certain things about that ship stand out to me, like Yuu and Mika’s relationship, which parallels a lot of aspects of my relationship with my qpp, who is one of the two people on this earth that I would actually fucking die for. they knew each other since childhood. I knew them since childhood- they were one of my first friends. The way they act around each other remind me of how we act together. The amount of time Yuu knew Shinoa was also about the same amount of time I knew my ex before we started dating, and they way that Shinoa is unsure of her crush, and how Guren and Mahiru pressure her about it, remind me about how her friends used to do it to me to ensure we got together. That isn’t to say that I associate Shinoa with her! I actually relate a lot to Shinoa, specifically her confusion about her feelings, and how she acts confident all the time to cover up what she really feels. But the circumstances of the love triangle perfectly match many aspects of what happened to me. And it scares me. It makes me feel gross, and sick, just like I used to when shit was going down. And there’s just so much that can go wrong if Yuu gets with her, like turning into a demon, etc, etc. I don’t want that to happen. Not to mention the fact that there’s the problem of queerbaiting, and how some straight male shippers gave it a bad name because they only ship it so Yuu ‘gets the girl’. Now, if Mika wasn’t written like a love interest, Yuu wasn’t written as gay (because uh. he is. he has shown no interest in women so far whatsoever.), Shinoa was respected, and if Guren and Mahiru didn’t bother her about her crush, it wouldn’t bother me! I would probably even ship it. But that’s not how Owari is, unfortunatly
Tdlr, basically Yuu/////noa is something that I can’t stand because the circumstances of their ship reminds me of past trauma, not because the ship itself is bad.
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