#toffy babbles
toffyandsalt · 4 years
it’s so incredibly frustrating that “cottagecore" term is now used as a blanket bad word when it’s a wonderful and a big part of a european lifestyle. i understand that it has issues in america, but for the love of god, please, stop applying “cottagecore is n*zi” to europe, it doesn’t work that way here! there are people who grow apple orchards, who make jam and bake pies, who tend to their, surprise, cottages, all done in the way their ancestors did, and don’t need their lifestyle called whatever you call it these days. and i’m saying this as a european who loves cottagecore, cottage life and wants to experience more often.
let’s learn to look at things for many perspectives? apply context? remember that there are more countries than the usa? please and thank you.
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okay, my feed really needs more posts aligned with my interests, so if you often or primarily post/reblog about the following, please like this post? ❤️
Dragon Age
Mass Effect
Mass Effect Andromeda
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toffyandsalt · 4 years
on the behalf of the merlin fandom, congrats to spn fandom 😁😁
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toffyandsalt · 4 years
I take back anything bad i ever said about Johnny Depp and sincerely apologize for accusing him
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toffyandsalt · 5 years
when Christmas time rolls in, I'm having doctor who feels. especially because i listen to the Song For Ten and have feels both about Nine and Ten 😭
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toffyandsalt · 5 years
let it be known that thorin oakenshield is the most beautiful man ever ever
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toffyandsalt · 5 years
things that make me happy: the fact that everyone bashed Aladdin trailer and when the movie came out and we all saw it, it turned out to be really damn good!
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
i have been meaning to put my thoughts about fantastic beasts and the crimes of grindelwald together for a while now, but i could never just sit and do it, so here it is.
tl;dr: in an unsurprising turn of events, jkr failed us all yet again, fandom is also not surprising at all and i don’t know if there is anything for us to look forward to
spoilers below!
so! i’m glad i got to see the movie, but it left me really... thoughtful. and disappointed. i had a lot of time to think over the scenes and characters, but in the end, i didn’t really come to any particular conclusion, so here are some chaotically put together thoughts:
1. after that scene with a muggle child, i think we are all safe to assume that percival graves is dead as dead can be. and you know what? i’m glad. for so many reasons.
2. they really did have to go out there and break jacob x queenie into pieces, didn’t they? to absolutely wreck the character of queenie, to diminish jacob so immensely, to break their relationship so pointlessly and use it as a manipulative point? i’m sorry, but i just. i can’t believe queenie actually going out there and following grindelwald. i just can’t, total no. BUT, if there was something in her potion like she did with jacob, then i can agree with that (pointer given to me by @wanderingnork <3)
3. what is jkr even doing? thinking? why did she do any of this? why is there mcgonagall? why did she support depp’s cast? why? why all this?
4. a question to come out of the previous point - why did she have to resort to a “reveal, and then a bigger reveal, aND THEN ONE MORE”. i know some people don’t mind this plot device, but i don’t like it and especially not when jkr uses it.
5. i loved nagini!!! i loved leta lestrange!!! and while i’m furious about what they out leta through and that they killed her off, they better fucking give nagini a good resolution. let newt seperate her from the snake, anything, please! also, GIVE HER MORE DIALOGUE, she had so little, i was so frustrated.
6. let’s talk about credence. what happened even :D mother? why? what??? his entire plot confused the heck out of me. his acceptance of grindelwald? WHAT? okay, i don’t want to speak too much about victims and their abusers because i know nothing of the subject, but if someone could kindly explain to me how credence so easily followed grindelwald and let him
8. the wand scene was cool tho.
9. i expected to hate jude law as dumbledore and theseus scamander as a character entirely - plot twist, the only one i appreciated - i actually loved them both. cool guys, great acting, fantastic characters. i can get behind this, i think!
10. more! newtina! that was so cute.
11. this movie had such a big issue with throwaway characters. two of them in particular, yusuf and that lady whose name i don’t even remember, the one that helped newt. they felt so entirely pointless, and not to me, but because the plot made them so. oh also that auror - where did he go? what happened? i don’t like it when characters are given seeming prominence and then it’s not even spoken about, like nothing happened. fantastically annoying.
12. i’m really mad at this movie because i think the visuals were stunning and everything was so beautiful and well done, but the plot, the many characters, everything else absolutely torn it apart with incompletion. 
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
hi folks, has anyone seen Outlaw King? without spoilers, is there a lot of gore in it? (any scenes of execution that is detailed, too much blood or insides or stuff)
i read somewhere that it has it and i really want to watch the movie but this might throw me off :(
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
an unbelievable fact: the new fbawtft trailer made me want to write gravebone and for the fandom in general again. genuinely amazed at myself and the trailer.
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
thanks fbcog for showing me people I need to unfollow asap holy shit
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
tfw you want to write something controversial (surprisingly, which shouldn’t be controversial), but you know ignorant people will come for your soul
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
bi and pan people are valid and awesome, and if I hear you say "pan is not discriminating against anyone", implying that bi do, I'll kick you ass for your biphobia
we are all awesome, pls stop this shit
sincerely, a bisexual
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
in the news of the happy gay month, i was s u b t l e with my parents yesterday
after chatting with my friend and her sis on videochat, i went to check what my parents are doing and mom asked if i talked already, i said yes, she asked who i talked with, i said, girls, and she said, “no boys?” and as i was leaving the living room, i loudly said, smiling “but mom, what’s wrong with girls?”
i think this was really subtle but made me laugh at least
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
well... happy birthday to me? :D
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toffyandsalt · 6 years
I've just finished the latest Humans episode and oh god, I'm crying, this is terrible, I mean amazing, but I have feels. I want to cry my eyes out, this show is too good for its own good
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