#tom holland is te most precious thing of our time
mari-sr · 10 months
I'm a big fan of Tom Holland. Not the kind that follow his every step, cause I'm not that young anymore, but I like to see what he's doing (and if you didn't know yet, his new show is streaming on Apple and is really good, you should check it out). Back to the point, I really love to watch his interviews, cause I think he is super cute and funny.
And, watching those interviews, my heart filled with love every time I saw him talking about Robert in the last month.
They've known each other for 7 years and I love how the affection and admiration remain the same. In the first interview they ask about Robert, but in the other three Tom chooses to talk about him. It just proves how much they mean to each other. And fills my heart.
They are mentor and apprentice on and off screen and that makes me very happy!
This is my first time editing a video, so this is what it is.
I watched all of the interviews on the Instagram account: Tom Holland Updates. If you're also on Tumblr, I want you to know that I love your job keeping us always updated about Tom, always respecting his privacy.
To my irondad friends: enjoy ❤
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spidderboy · 6 years
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QUE LINDA ESTÁ LA MAÑANA EN QUE VENGO A SALUDARTE, VENIMOS TODOS CON GUSTO Y PLACER A FELICITARTE... So our precious bean Danika (@spidergirlwanab) is turning 18 today!!!! (aka ya eres legal amiga wuuu) and since she is one of the cutest, purest, nicest, sweetest and most amazing person ever she deserves a big ass celebration. so as part of it we asked some tumblr users to send it their bday wishes for you Dan!! 
"Dreams can come true... if we have the courage to pursue the." -Walt Disney. Its your birthday so don't let time pass you by, just be you and do whatever crazy, Funny, quirky thing you dream of. Everyone should have that choice! (from @da-spiderling) “sup dan ;) here’s your old pal sab babe, I wish you a happy happy happy birthday. you’re a true sweetheart so you deserve it. you’re so awesome and everything you do is awesome. thanks for always being so sweet to me and for supporting me and reading my work etc etc. I’m just very thankful being your friend and I wish I could be there to party with you. we’d party hard. again, have a lovely day. so much love, sab💗 “(from @peterparkyourassonme) “so danika is one of my first and best friends i made on this hellsite and fr she’s sooo wonderful there aren’t even words to describe?? what a powerful, capable, beautiful woman! i am so proud of her and everything she will become and i’m so fortunate to have met her 💖” (from @starboyholland) “first of all, I wish you a happy and lovely birthday. you are worthy of all happiness in this world. be gentle and kind to yourself. your body is an ocean full of love and, because of that, deserves to be treated right. live the life that you want and keep being this strong and wonderful woman! it’s a good time to be alive! happy birthday, Danika xx” (from @onewrogue) “Happy Birthday, Cous!!! I hope you have a fantastic day! I love you lots and I’ll get on that whole fading/dust situation asap ♥️ “(from @jinxstarfire) “happy birthday Danika !! I hope your day is as lovely as you are. you are an amazing, gorgeous person and you deserve the world 💜” (from @dearcindymoon) “Danika, Though I know we don’t know each other well, I always see you on my dash and on Snapchat. You seem like one of the kindest, most awesome people ever. I wish you a very happy birthday and a very happy future. I believe that you will go far in life and accomplish great things. Keep doing what you’re doing, being amazing that is, and have a fantastic birthday. Don’t forget that you can always come to me if you ever need to talk. Again, have an amazing birthday! - K” (from @solarbarnes) “Happy birthday adoptive mom!! I hope it's as amazing as you are, and if not then 100x more amazing. Enjoy this trip around the sun! Don't forget to treat yo self like the queen you are. Sending all my very best. Love you lots! 💘” (from @valkyriethor) “danika it’s your birthday!! i’m so happy and lucky to have met someone so nice and amazing like you here on tumblr! i know we don’t talk often but whenever i see you on my dash i get super happy and wonder about how you’re doing! i hope you’re having an amazing day filled with joy and all amazing things that life has to offer!!! happy birthday! best wishes from ellinor💘💓” (from @punparker) “Happy birthday Danika!!! You're the most amazing daughter I could ask for and I hope you have an awesome day filled with lots of happiness and love!!! 💛💛💛”(from @dazzlingdarcy) “Hey Danika, we haven’t known each other long, but you seem like a very sweet and kind person. You are easy to talk to, and are you are also extremely funny.” (from @catastrsophie)
“Daaan, feliz cumpleaños 🎈 llevamos poco de conocernos pero creo que eres una niña increíble y espero que tengas un día sensacional, lleno de amor y felicidad. Pásala bonito y disfruta cada minuto de tu día porque lo mereces.” (from @invisiblxbrad)
“Danika feliz cumpleañossss!!! Eres increíble y espero que la pases divino 😍❤🌟 Siempre me matas de risa y eres una persona demasiado divertida!! Disfruta mucho que te mereces el mundo, un Tom and lots of love😘😘😘😘” (from @underoossss)
“Es tu cumpleañooos gracias por tu entrega y por tu amoooor ahre soy muy mala para estas cosas, siempre termino diciendo lo mismo una y otra vez pero vamos a intentar. Voy a empezar diciendo que sos una persona increíble y que estoy muy contenta de haberte conocido, desde el primer día me hiciste sentir re en confianza y eso es algo que valoro muchísimo. Espero que tengas el mejor de los cumpleaños porque lo merecés y ojalá seas feliz siempre 💖💖 pORQUE ME QUIERES POR LO QUE SOY POR SIEMPRE TE AMARÉEEEEEEE bueno ya, te quiero muchoo ✨ mis mejores deseos para vos! P.D: tengo un regalo especial pero no te voy a decir qué es, sólo diré que es Tom H. No, muy obvio, mejor T. Holland” (from @afilmbypeterparkr)
"Feliz cumpleaños a la mejor memester que conocí hasta ahora!! Nos conocemos hace poco pero desde el primer momento me hiciste sentir bienvenida en este grupo loco que tenemos, me pareces una persona muy graciosa y espero que podamos conocernos mucho más, feliz cumpleaños 🎉" (from @cringyholland)
“¡¡FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS DANIKA!! He de agradecer a Tom Holland porque gracias a él te conozco jeje, quiero que sepas que tu blog es uno de mis favoritos desde hace ya un tiempo, siempre me pareciste una persona muy cool y al estar en el latinx tumblr squad contigo me di cuenta que eras m��s cool y linda de lo que parecías y que you are doing amazing in life sweetie. Espero que te la pases genial rodeada de todos los que te quieren y que recibas mucho amor y regalos, mis mejores deseos para ti hoy y siempre, que sigas cumpliendo muchísimos años más, linda.💗💕🎉🎈” (from @petersnmyhead)
“Happy Birthday Danika! I hope you get all the thins you wished for and hope that you’ll have an amazing birthday and an even greater year, ily 💗” (from @tomsfireheart)
“que la pases súper bien, eres una persona super increíble y que ojalá se cumpla tu sueño de actuar con Tommy algún día 😊😂” (from @misformarvel)
“happy birthday dan! i know we haven’t really spoken much but you’re a really sweet and funny person. i hope your day is as amazing as you are! lots of love 💗” (from @fandomxobsessions)
“TUUUU ETERNAMENTE TUUUUUU!”-Luis Miguel (1988) Dánika hermosa! Mi costarricense favorita! Te deseo de lo mejor de lo mejor! Te quiero muchísimo y neta Girl, you’re the best! Eres la memester más fregona del mundo, y una graaaan amiga. Te la rifas en todo y vienes con grandes sueños. Espero que Juan Pa y Tom estén en tu vida algún día jajaja. Eres una persona mega increíble y de las mejores niñas que conozco. Felices 18 primaveras y que tengas un fieston! Te mereces el mundo y las estrellas! Te quiero un chingooooo! Feliz cumpleaños!!!! No tengo nada más que decirte que: “De pronto flash, la chica del bikini azul.”-Luis Miguel (1984)-doña Nancy (from @peeterparkr)
Danika!!! Feliz cumpleaños!!! Happy Birthday!! pasatela super chingon en tu cumpleaños, haz una party y ponte hasta la madre por mi.  neta eres la persona más dulce y alegre que he conocido, y siempre me haces reir un buen. i appreciate you and love you <3 mereces que todos tus sueños y deseos se cumplan dan, te lo mereces mil. sabes que cuentas conmigo para las buenas y las malas, siempre estaré aqui para ti y para que me cuentes de J*s*s y tus crushes. te quiero!!!! -luisa (from @ghostofya)
“Felizzzz cumpleaños!!! Aunque no llevamos mucho tiempo conociéndonos me encanta tu sentido del humor y los memes frescos que nos proporcionas todos los días. Espero que cumplas muchos más.”(from @arya-di-angelo)
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