#tommy the staffie cross
soniabigcheese · 15 days
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My silly, grumpy old bugger ... and the sofa that is his official bed. Anyone wishing to sit there ... you are highly honoured
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Second chances and unspoken promises (TH) 🔥
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Word count: 7.2k
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Summary: three years since the fall of your secret relationship, and a journey back to the place it all started. You could be leaving even more heartbroken, or maybe the stars will align and it'll be your time.
Warnings: some angst, fluff, smut. Secret relationship. Talk of a long secret relationship during early years. Break up, slight insecurities, overall I think that's it (let me know if you see anything I didn't mention)
Additional warnings: oral (f receiving) fingering, showering together, unprotected sex (don't be silly)
A/n this took me so long to finish 🙄 but here it finally is 😁
Your tires skidded to a stop on the blanket of white snow that led up the driveway of the large secluded cabin. The weather had progressively gotten worse from when you had first begun your drive until now, visibility dwindling quickly due to the large snowflakes fluttering down. You were sure with how heavily the snow was falling, by morning all the cars that lined the large drive would be covered. 
It had been a few years since all of you had made the journey up, everyone's life becoming jam packed, and busy. This trip itself was a last minute plan. Sam had called just a few days prior, insisting you join. Something about a dire need for nostalgia or something to the effect. 
The December's up here we're rough. Quite often having blizzards that would bury the cabin owners in for days, but even that didn't stop the Hollands. This year only the three eldest boys, and close friends Harrison Osterfeild and Tuwaine Barrett, had made the trek up, knowing the weather forecast was warning of a hefty snow storm. 
You had been coming up to the Hollands family cabin since you were a tot, when your parents would accompany you, you were on every trip, so much so you had your own room, separated from the boys as you were always the only girl. This cabin was the place you had your first kiss, the place you lost your virginity, and it was also the place your heart had been broken into a million pieces. 
You weren't sure exactly what had made you say yes, knowing the last time you stood inside the four walls, your world had crumbled down around you. Maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was just because you were reluctant to believe that that had really been the end.. three long years, and you were still just as in love with him as you were the first time you kissed him at only eleven, under the stairs in the potter closet. 
You took a deep breath before shutting off your engine, not actually prepared to deal with the chill that was going to take over as soon as you opened the door to walk to the boot and collect your bag. You pushed the door open, swinging your feet out to the plush snow that was still coming down, you could get your bag and run, but that ran the risk of falling on your ass and making yourself freeze, or you could just endure the two minutes max it would take you. 
You relentlessly walked to the back of the car, grabbing your heavy bag and lighter one as well before walking up the not so recently shoveled path. 
You could hear the words echoing in your head as you neared the front door. "Your not enough y/n, your not worth it," the words had shattered you, making you feel less than a dirty tissue. You stood in the door that day, as you watched the love of your life leave, destined to do spectacular things, leaving you behind and broken. The worst part? No one had ever known what had gone on between the two of you. Years, of secret meet ups, stolen kisses, and dumb excuses. 
The closest anyone had ever come to finding the truth was the winter of 2018, when Sam had seen Tom leaving your room in the middle of the night, hair a mess and sweaty as he sneaked back to his room. Somehow you had managed to convince him he had imagined the whole thing.. you still weren't sure how that had worked in your favor. 
You took the final steps to the large oak door, glancing at the slab of concrete that held each of your hand prints embedded next to your names, ordered from oldest to youngest. Toms, yours, Sam's, Harry's and then Paddy's little baby hand, him barely being a year when you had made the sweet memory.
"Alright," you whispered as you turned the handle stepping into the toasty cabin. The smell of pasta hit you instantly, something you were sure Sam was whipping up. You heard loud conversations coming from in the main family room, with light music playing in the background. You dropped your bags down next to the staircase, slipping your boots off and onto the mat, and then stripping your heavy coat off, leaving you in just leggings, a light hoodie, and your maroon beanie. Nerves picking up at this point, unaware of who was here yet, and how you would be greeted, having not seen everyone in so long. There was a pattering coming towards you as you looked over to see the grown staffy running at you. "Hi Tess," you sang as you got to her level, letting her greet you with slobbery kisses. "Missed you too darling," you told her as you scratched her head. 
"Tessa?" Tom called, rounding the corner and stopping at the sight of you with the pup, a sight he had seen before, when she was smaller, and you were his. "Hi," he whispered. 
You glanced up, smiling before getting to your feet, Tess not leaving your side. "Hi Tommy," you said, barely above a whisper. Neither of you moved, standing there just looking at each other as if you were in a standoff, waiting to see who would do or say something first. 
"Hey Tom do you- oh my god Y/n's here," Harry yelled pushing past his stunned older brother to wrap you in a long overdue hug. "Missed you kid," he told you, squeezing you too tight. 
"Harry," you giggled, swatting at his curly red hair. 
"Sorry, sorry. It's just been so long," he pointed out.
"Y/n?" Sam's voice was eager as he rounded the corner, nearly in a Sprint as he made his way to you. "God I'm so glad you came!" He screeched as he lifted you into his arms.  
"Me too," you hummed, returning the hug. 
"C'mon, let's go introduce you to everyone," Harry urged, grabbing your hand. 
"Everyone?" You asked in confusion. 
"Harrison, Tuwaine, and Sam's girlfriends," Harry told you. You nodded, not being aware there would be other girls on the trip. The news actually excited you, maybe the estrogen would calm the boys down from being so rowdy and rambunctious. 
"Grace, Molly, Clark-" Harry announced, making the three girls turn towards you. "This is Y/n y/l/n, our oldest friend,"
The three girls got up making their way to you, as the four of you exchanged pleasantries. 
"We have heard so much about you!" Gracie exclaimed. 
"I'm really glad to finally not be the only girl up here," you admitted as you were ushered over to sit with the three of them. 
Meanwhile, Tom was still standing in the front hall, not sure what to do with himself. He had thought that seeing you would be easy. You were just y/n, after all. But when his eyes met yours, the pink hue of your cheeks and nose, sent his mind rushing back to years prior, when he would pull you into the potter closet, freshly in from the snow, kissing the tip of your nose and cradling your hands as he attempted to warm you up. You would never know how much he had loved you, how much he had appreciated and cherished every stolen moment the two of you had shared together, up until the last one. The words still burned his throat, remembering the look on your face as he said them, desperate to not hurt you, but he somehow had managed to screw that up. He had just wanted to let you live your life, not following him around as his life had gotten too overwhelming, he hadn't wanted to put that stress on you, knowing you would have endured it for him, even if it killed you. 
But to see you, just a few steps from him, letting Tess slobber on you with her kisses, nose red, cheeks rosy, in your signature cold outfit, wearing his old hoodie. He wanted to take it all back, he wanted to have crossed the distance pulling you into his arms, burying his face in your neck as he whispered how badly he missed you, and then to pull away, to meet your lips with his, in a warm kiss, a kiss that would bring it all back, every broken promise, every missed opportunity, every longing feeling..
"You alright mate?" Haz asked, bringing Tom out of his head.
"M'allright," Tom lied, knowing Harrison could see right through him, he was the only one who knew, knew how desperately Tom had loved you, how crushed he had been when he called things off, how hard it had been as he walked away from who he was sure was the one. You had been his first, first kiss, first shag, first love, first heartbreak… and he desperately wanted you to be his last. Last love, last kiss, last goodnight, last person he held in his arms on his deathbed. He was sure there was no way, not with the look you had given him three years prior, tears threatening to spill over the brim of your eyes, bottom lip quivering, as you just watched him leave, watched him walk out of your life with no promise to ever return..
This was sure to be a long trip.. 
You nestled your way between Harry and Tess laying your head on Harry's shoulder with your hot chocolate in your hands listening to the conversation they were all having. The fire in the wood burning stove was blazing, radiating a heat that was warming you all to the core. Dinner had come and gone with some slight small talk, leading to everyone shifting to the family room. Sam was in the middle of telling Tuwaine something, to which you weren't paying attention when Molly asked you a question. 
"So y/n, do you have a boyfriend?" She asked, politely.  Your cheeks flushed red as you lifted your head from where it was resting on Harry's shoulder before. 
"No, no boyfriend," you told her with a chuckle.
"Really?" Grace interjected, now solely intrigued with the gossip. "How long since you had one?" She wondered. 
"Three years, actually, pretty close to the day," you took a deep breath all to aware of Tom's, eyes directly on you from across the couch. 
"Three years? Must have been some heartbreak," Clark said, a pitying look on her face. Truth be told, Tom was never your boyfriend, never having put a label on whatever it was the two of you had been doing, but she was right, it was definitely 'some heartbreak'.
"Yeah, I just wasn't enough," you said quietly, an ache in your chest knowing the man who had said those words sitting just a short distance from you. 
"No way," Clark shook her head. "He wasn't good enough for you," she shot you a sweet smile. 
"That's true," Tom muttered from where he had been sitting quietly on the couch, making all the girls turn towards him. 
"Did you know him?" Grace asked. Tom's eyes widened, realizing he had spoken too loud. 
"I- yeah," he sighed, knowing they were going to quiz him on the subject now. 
"Was he awful?" Molly wondered. 
"No, he was great," 
"He was an ass," 
You and Tom had spoken at the same time, you looked up, eyes meeting him in a lingering stare. "He was great," you repeated, not looking away from him. 
"How could you still think that after what i- he said to you?" Tom asked. With your attention fully on him, you could almost forget the others in the room with you.
"He was young, I was younger. Life caught up with us and made the fantasy we were living too real too fast, doesn't mean I have to hate him. I still love him, never stopped…" you reached next to you scratching in between Tessa's ears. "Sometimes you have to push past the hurt to try and understand other people," you whispered, not daring to look up. 
"Is he your soulmate?" Harry asked. You looked besides you, not even aware that he had tuned into the conversation. 
"I don't know," you chuckled. 
You looked across from you to see Tom's sight glued to his hands in his lap, completely unreadable.  
"Have you been with anyone since?" Grace asked, everyone turning to you. 
"Oh," you felt your cheeks heat up at the question. "No actually, he's the only man I have ever been with," you admitted, making Tom's head shoot up to look at you, shock plastered on his face. 
"Three years?" Harry gasped, Dramatically sliding down as though he was wounded. "That's too damn long to not be laid," he told you. 
"I agree," Grace giggled. 
You shook your head and let out a chuckle. You had never been able to bring yourself to move on, fear that it would be betraying your heart, which clearly belonged to someone else, after so many years, it still belonged to him.. 
It was nearly two am when the welcoming conversation died down, Clark and Sam excusing themselves first, followed closely by Harry, and Then you. 
You grabbed your bags, heading up the stairs to the room that had been yours for so many years. The door creaked open, as you pushed through, dropping your bags at the end of the old bed before switching on the lamp. A picture of you and Tom neatly placed in a frame next to it. 
You could still remember the day it was taken, Niki had been following behind all of you as you hiked up the big hill to sled down. You had lost your balance, falling over and pulling Tom down with you, into a soft pile of snow. The smiles on your faces as you had been giggling were so pure, filled with love and adoration. Even Niki could see that, snapping a picture of the moment to be frozen in time forever. 
You walked over to the bed, sitting down lightly as you watched the snow fall from out the window. The view was mesmerizing. The white blanket covering the ground making it impossible for it to be dark. 
You had forgotten how at home it felt here, being where you had grown into a woman, almost every important defining moment happening within these four walls. There was a soft knock on the door. 
"Yeah?" You called out. The door creaked open, and Harrison's head peaked in. 
"Can we talk for a sec?" He asked you. 
"Sure," you nodded to him, before he finished opening the door and walking over to sit beside you.
"I know it really isn't my place to tell you this, but he loves you. He's crazy about you, and that never stopped," he looked over to gauge your reaction. 
"Y/n, I know that what he did was awful, but you have to know his intentions were pure," you took a deep breath and nodded before sitting back to hear what he had to say. "You knew how busy he got during the civil war, and then with homecoming and infinity war it was even worse, he didn't want to put you through it anymore. With Endgame, and Far from home he had almost no time to do anything else. And he knew it was going to be that way, he knew he wasn't going to be able to be there for you," he explained. 
"He told me-" 
"I know. I know what he said, and I'm not saying you have to forgive him, but just know, he didn't mean it, okay?" He looked at you with his soft blue eyes, trying to fix his best friend's mess. Honestly, what Tom had done hurt you, but you knew he hadn't meant it, there was no way he had meant it. 
"Okay," you nodded. 
"Okay, got to get back to Gracie now," he told you as he jumped up and rushed out. You turned your attention back to the window, hopeful that this trip would get you answers, or at least some closure.
You opened your eyes to the splattering noise at your window. You could see the remnants of an exploded snowball splattered about. You rolled out of bed, pulling the fuzzy blanket that had been on top of you around your body as you made your way to the window. Sam was bundled up, running as Harry charged at him, a freshly made snowball in hand as Tom stood holding Tessa's leash as he watched his younger brothers goofing off. 
He glanced up to the window seeing you looking down at him and lifted his hand in an awkward wave. You giggled and waved back, walking away from the window, and making your way downstairs. The quietness of the house led you to believe everyone else was still asleep. You walked over to the still lit wood stove and tossed in a few more logs to ensure the heat would continue. 
You had never been a great cook, you were actually certifiably bad, but you still decided to go to the kitchen and begin to pull out the ingredients for breakfast. 
You were on your tiptoes about to reach the flour when you heard the front door open and felt the gust of wind. 
"What are you doing?" Sam asked casually as he walked up to the fire sticking his red hands out to get warm.
"Breakfast," you proudly stated. 
"God, no, please y/n, anything but that," Harry groaned as he made his way in. 
"Hey!" You pouted. You couldn't actually be offended, you would have probably ended up giving everyone food poisoning had you gone through with the cooking.
"Don't bully her, she's not that bad of a cook," Tom said as he rounded the corner pulling the beanie from his head to expose his crazy hair. "She makes some mean cookies," Tom reminded them. 
"Oh no," Harry groaned, falling back onto the couch. 
"Baking and cooking are two completely separate things Tom," Sam started. 
"You had to open that can of worms?" Harry asked, looking at Tom. 
"See the science behind-" 
"God! No Sam!" Harry groaned again, making a giggle erupt from your chest. 
"I want to hear Sammy, tell me," you instructed leaning against the counter. Sam shot a cocky look over to Harry before turning and lecturing you for the next thirty minutes on the differences in cooking and baking, and why chefs were not considered bakers and vice versa. By the end you were sitting at the kitchen island as Sam finished the pancakes and bacon. 
"Interesting," you mumbled as he slid a plate of food your way. 
"It truly is," he agreed. You grabbed your fork beginning to eat the food on your plate when you felt a hand on the low of your back. You glanced up with your mouth full to see Tom standing beside you, not even aware of where his hand was placed, or if he was, he wasn't showing it. "Here," Sam said as he slid the plate to him. 
"Thanks Lad," he said as he sat down onto the stool next to you, hand leaving your back as he moved it to grab his fork. He noticed the look on your face of shock. "You alright?" He wondered. 
"Uh- yeah, I'm okay," you nodded, turning your attention back to the food In front of you. 
One single touch and you were completely undone, couldn't even muster the ability to speak. What were you supposed to do for the next week and a half? You weren't sure you could manage… 
"Morning y/n," Clarke said as she walked up behind you. "Morning handsome," she said to Sam.
"Morning beautiful," he said before rounding the counter to giver a quick peck and set a plate In Front of her. "Eat," he instructed. She sat down next to you and started to eat the food. Soon enough everyone had woken up and eaten breakfast. 
"We should go up to the hot springs," Harry said from in front of the fireplace. 
"Awful idea," Harrison laughed. 
"Why?" Gracie asked suddenly. 
"The water is nice and warm, but then when you get out you're still wet and have to hike back down to the cabin, it's miserable," he explained quickly. 
She nodded, "yeah we will pass," 
"Okay," Harry shook his head, "Sam? Clarke?" 
"Yeah we will go," Sam answered. 
"Cool, y/n? Tom?" 
You glanced up from where your nose had been buried In a book having heard your name called with Tom's. "What?" You asked. 
"Hot springs?" 
"Ohh, yeah, I'll go," you sent Harry a smile and glanced over to Tom who had raised brows. 
"Count me in too," he said, not looking away from you. 
"OK, I'll go see about the other two," he announced, jumping to his feet. 
"Don't barge in Baz, you'll see something you don't want to see,"  Harrison laughed, causing everyone else to give a disgusted groan. "What? You all believe they have been "resting" all morning?" He asked. 
"No but you didn't need to say it," Clarke laughed burying her head back into Sam's shoulder. 
Everyone walked ahead of you through the soft snow. The hike up the hill itself wasn't extremely hard, but with the added difficulty of the freshly fallen snow, it seemed to be a much more daunting task. The hot springs were just a little past the sledding hill, and should have only been about a ten minute walk, but you were sure it was easily minute twenty by now. 
Tom could see you struggling, just like old times, he fell back from the rest of the group until you caught up with him. "Here," he said, offering out his arm. 
You grabbed it eagerly, as you attempted to keep your dwindling balance. "thanks," you mumbled as the two of you began to walk. 
"How have you been?" Tom asked quietly. Looking over at your rosy tinted face. 
"Alright, working a lot.. you?" You asked.
"Working," he agreed with a chuckle. 
"The Netflix film was good," you told him.
"You watched that?" He wondered. You could sense the surprise in his voice. 
"Of course Tommy, I've watched everything you have been in," you chuckled. 
You could see from your peripheral vision that his cheeks seemed to get a darker shade of red. "Your favorite?" He asked. 
"Most definitely civil war," you said. "Recognize that butt anywhere," you giggled. 
"Oh shit up," he groaned, rolling his eyes. You couldn't help the nostalgic feel that washed over you
You and Tom trailing behind, lost in your own conversation, while everyone else was way ahead, not minding the two of you. You're not sure how no one ever caught on to the two of you, you were sure, had you been an outsider looking in, it would have been painfully obvious as to what was going on. 
"You remember winter of 17'?" You asked. 
"Hard to forget, we came out here almost every day," Tom chuckled. 
"That year was a good one," you sighed. 
"Winter of 18' was pretty good though," Tom said, glancing over to you. 
"The beginning," you nodded. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" 
"It's ok Tommy, I know you didn't," you told him, a sudden sadness in your eyes as you cut him off. 
"I wish I could take it back," he whispered. 
"Do things differently?" You asked. 
"Yeah, I wouldn't have hid what we had, you deserved to be shown off to the world, not pulled into the closet Every Time I wanted to kiss you," he explained. 
"Hey," you said, "I have some of my best memories in that potter closet," you teased. 
"Yeah," Tom sighed. "I do to," 
You both walked in a comfortable silence before finally catching up with the others at the natural hot springs, the water letting off a beautiful steam, surrounded by white fluffy snow. 
"It's gorgeous out here!" Clarke exclaimed as she shimmied out of her clothes to rush into the water. 
"Not as gorgeous as you, sweetheart," Sam teased. 
"Blegh," Harry faked a gag. "Stop being so gross," he told his twin. 
"Oh, piss off Baz," Sam quipped back. 
She was right though, it was a gorgeous sight, and it brought back many fond memories to be back. 
"Ok, y/n, craziest sexual experience?" Clark asked as you all settled in the hot water. 
"What?" You asked shocked. 
"She does this, you'll get used to it," Harry told you. 
"Oh, well.. what classifies as crazy?" You asked.
"Public, secret, kinky.. whatever you can think." She explained. 
"Ok, well I guess there was this one time, up at a ski lodge. We were stopped on a trail because someone had eaten it pretty badly, and so we just went behind the trees and-" 
"Y/n!" Tom interrupted. 
You glanced over to him to see his face red in shock, and noticed the other three also had a shocked look on their faces.
"What?" You asked quickly. 
"How do you and Tom have almost an identical story?" Sam asked. 
You felt your stomach tighten up. Of course this hadn't been a new question. You should have just lied and kept the story to yourself. "I.. I don't know," you said pathetically. 
"Y/n.." Harry deadpanned. "Who was it with you at the ski lodge?" 
You felt your face flush even redder, as you didn't know what to say or how to get yourself out of this mess. 
"Oh My God!" Sam exclaimed. "I knew I wasn't fucking crazy," he announced turning to Harry. "I caught Tom sneaking out of Y/n's room one night!" 
"Wait a minute-" Tom interrupted. 
"No. No, you two were shagging," Sam accused with a bony finger pointing at Tom. 
"Sam it's not-" 
"You're not denying it?!" Harry gasped looking back and forth between the two of you. 
You sighed loudly as you looked at Tom, who looked just about as embarrassed as you felt. 
"How long?!" Sam asked. "When did it start?" 
Tom sighed before shooting you an apologetic look. "First time was in 2013," Tom said. 
"2013!? Thomas! You lost your virginity to Y/n?!" Harry exclaimed, completely shocked.
"That was after two years of a lot of kissing and hand stuff," Tom admitted. 
"Tommy!" You exclaimed, throwing him a look. 
"Let me get this straight," Harry chuckled dryly. "The two of you started to mess around at 14 and 15?" 
"More or less," you told him. 
"And you just kept it hidden?" Sam asked. 
"I mean… yeah," Tom admitted. 
"So how long did it last?" Clarke asked. 
"Until the winter after Infinity war," Tom said. 
"Thomas, that's like seven years," Sam pointed out. 
"Well if you count from the first time we kissed then-" 
"Tom stop," you instructed. "Yeah me and Tom, did things, and we hid it because we knew it would cause problems," you explained.
"For who?" Sam asked, confused.
"For us," You told him, "Tom was twenty two and I was twenty one and I told him that I would come with him, but that meant Making things real between us, and leaving the little bubble we had created, so he called it off," you explained. 
"Is that what you think?" Tom asked. 
"No, that's what happened," you told him.
"No, you had just been accepted into uni, and I had to leave for filming, and I told you I didn't want to be without you, so you offered to give up on uni. I couldn't let you do that, I needed you to live out your dream, that's why I called it off," Tom admitted.  
"What?" You asked shocked. 
"You thought this whole time I was scared to commit to you?" Tom wondered.
"Umm, yeah," you admitted. 
"I feel like this is a very private conversation," Clarke whispered to Sam. 
"Shh, it's about to get better," he told her quietly. 
"Y/n, I only did what I did because I was so in love with you," Tom whispered, as he moved closer to you. 
"Tom, you told me and I quote 'you are not enough y/n. You're not worth it'" you reminded him. 
"Only because I couldn't see any other way to get you to let me go, it was wrong, and I shouldn't have said that, because I didn't mean it…" he explained. His eyes were warm and genuine as he brought his hand up to your cheek. "The only thing I ever wanted with you was the real deal. I wanted to bring you home to my parents, even though you grew up knowing them. I wanted to have you on my arm at the premieres and at random galas I have to attend, but I knew that uni was your dream, and you worked so hard for it, I couldn't be the reason you missed out on that," he explained. 
"I graduated early," you blurted without thinking. 
"What?" Tom asked, eyebrows furrowing together. 
"I graduated last month. A year early, I got my bachelor's degree in business," you told him.
"Y/n, that is amazing," he exclaimed, pulling you into his arms. 
"Yeah, I achieved my dream," you mumbled against his chest.  
"That's so great, I'm so proud of you," he told you before Pulling back and crashing his lips into yours, for a moment you nearly forgot about the company that was with you, being completely captivated by his lips on yours. 
"I want to say I didn't see that coming," Sam chuckled. 
"I didn't," Harry admitted. 
"Awweee," Clark exclaimed. 
Tom pulled away, whispering a quick sorry before moving back to sit down, but not letting his hand leave where it rested around your waist. 
You spent the next two hours at the hot springs explaining how you snuck around for so many years without anyone finding out. 
You walked up the steps to the back door of the cabin completely frozen from your wet undergarments underneath your clothes. "I call shower first!" You exclaimed running through the door and straight through the kitchen and the living room towards the stairs. 
"Have fun?" You heard Harrison call out. 
"Frozen solid, I'll answer when I've thawed," you called back. 
You slipped your clothes off before you started the water, letting it warm up. You slipped your chilled body into the warm stream, feeling the pins and needles from the sudden temperature change. 
There was a soft knock on the door before it opened. 
"I'll be fast," you called out not knowing who had come in. 
"You're going to use all the hot water," Tom's voice teased. 
You peaked your head out the curtain seeing him leaning against the counter with a smirk on his face. "I don't take that long," you told him. 
"You know, we could just shower together, save water." He told you. 
"What an environmentalist, you are," you teased. 
"Is that a no?" He Wondered. 
"Did I say no?" You asked, feeling your stomach fill with butterflies. 
You heard him chuckle before the sound of a zipper. "Y/n?" He asked. 
"Yeah, Tommy?" You bit down on your bottom lip waiting anxiously.
"You can tell me to leave, I'd understand it if you didn't want me around," he nearly whispered, fear lacing his tone. 
"Yeah y/n?" 
"Better get in here before I use all the hot water," you quipped. You didn't have to tell him again, with one swift motion, the curtain opened just enough for him to slip into the rather small shower. His hands found your waist almost instantly, pushing your body against the cold tile, crashing his lips into yours. It was nothing new, you had done this so many times before, but there was just something different about it. Maybe it was that you hadn't been with him in three years, or maybe it was because now you weren't hiding, or maybe, just maybe, it was because life had finally aligned just right, and it was your time. 
You reached your fingers up to the nape of his neck, fingers twiddling with the curls. His fingers dug into your hips as he pushed his bare body against yours. 
Your skin burned under his touch, a fire blazing inside of you. Tom's lips moved from your mouth down to your jaw and then to your neck. 
"Y/n?" Harrison's voice called out, you hadn't even heard the door open. Tom lifted his head from your neck and you clasped your hand over his mouth. 
"Yeah Haz?" You asked. 
"You and Tom talked?" He wondered. 
"Little bit," you admitted as Tom chuckled, shaking his head. 
"Good, good. Was worried he was going to be a puss and never admit his truths to you," he said, making Tom furrow his brows together. "He can be a real div, ya know. Never knows the right thing to say," at this point you rolled your eyes knowing very well that Harrison was more than aware that Tom was in the shower with you, and was just trying to push his buttons. Which seemed to be working. Tom gripped your wrist pulling your hand from his mouth. 
"Hey mate, while I do love hearing about my flaws," tom said, "I'd really like to make up for losing the last three years here, so unless you're trying to hear that-" 
"I'm going," Harrison chuckled, exiting the bathroom in a rather quick fashion. 
"We will never live this down," you pointed out. 
"Honestly y/n, who cares," he whispered, returning his lips to your neck, sucking slightly on your sweet spot. 
Your fingers laced into his curly hair tugging lightly. "Tommy," you whimpered. 
The thing that had always been so easy between the two of you was that Tom had helped you discover yourself. Everything you had ever wanted, Tom had given you,  he was one one of the most understanding and patient men you had ever met. So as you withered away under his lips on your neck whimpering his name, he knew just what you wanted. 
He slipped his hand from where it was placed on your hip, down to your aching core. 
"Right here, darling?" He asked as he pushed his knee between your legs, giving him enough room to slip his hand between your thighs. 
"Please," you begged. His fingers slid seamlessly through your already soaking folds. 
"Always so good for me," he whispered into your ear, making your knees feel weak. 
He trailed his fingers through your folds and right up to your clit, rubbing slight circles on the little bundle of nerves. You dropped your head to his shoulder, letting out a moan. 
"Tommy- s..So good," you told him before he gently pushed a finger in. 
"Still so tight I see," he whispered, slipping another finger in. 
You lifted your head Back up, crashing your lips into his. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip, and you eagerly gave him access. It was a heated mess of teeth clashing as neither of you seemed to be able to get enough of the other. Tom curled his fingers inside you, making you gasp as he found the right spot. You threw your head back, hitting the tile wall a little harder than you intended.
"Right there?" He asked. 
"Mhmm," you panted as you felt the band in your belly getting ready to snap. 
"Want you to let go, pretty girl, can you do that for me?" He asked.
His words pushed you over the edge, hips moving on their own accord as a pornographic moan left your mouth.  
"That's it my pretty girl," Tom cooed as he worked you through the high, eyes never leaving you. 
As soon as your legs quit shaking and the quiet whimpers stopped leaving your lips, Tom pulled his hand from where it had been between your legs, bringing the two fingers he had buried inside you up to his mouth and sucking them clean. 
"Christ Tom," you groaned. 
"Was that good princess?" He asked.
"So good," you nodded, pushing your lips back against his.
"Y/n! You're going to use all the hot water!" Sam called through the door. 
"Probably should get out," Tom chuckled. 
"Yeah," you agreed. 
You turned the water off, quickly hopping out and wrapping a towel around your wet body, Tom doing the same thing. 
You picked up your clothes before opening the bathroom door to Sam standing there, waiting. Your cheeks went rosy as you walked out of the bathroom first. 
"Sorry," you mumbled, making your way down the hall to your room. Tom stepped out with his clothes, turning down the opposite side of the hall to his room. 
"In the shower?!" Sam groaned. 
"Sorry mate," Tom chuckled. 
You got to your bedroom, dropping your soiled clothes into the hamper before rummaging around for some comfy warm clothes. You settled on an old hoodie that you had stashed in the wardrobe (you were pretty sure it was once toms) and a nice pair of fuzzy pajama pants. 
You collapsed onto your bed, hair still wet and mind going a million miles an hour. Your door creaked open, and you didn't even have to look up to know who it was. 
"You alright?" Tom asked. 
"More than alright," you answered, not even looking over to him. 
"So you graduated?" He asked. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows. "I did," you nodded. 
He nodded, a smile spreading over his face. "What are you doing now?" He wondered. 
"Haven't really decided yet," you admitted. It was the truth, you had barely moved your stuff out of your dorm and back to your parents house, you weren't sure exactly what you were planning to do. 
"Can I throw you an idea?" Tom asked. 
"Please," you giggled. 
He walked over, plopping down on your bed, pulling you into his lap so you were straddling him. 
"Come with me," he whispered. 
"Where?" You giggled, wrapping your fingers in his hair. 
"Anywhere, everywhere, just stay with me?" He begged. 
You leaned forward resting your forehead to his and sighing."Tommy, I never wanted to leave you in the first place," you admitted. 
"I love you," he told you, looking into your eyes, with his honey golden brown ones. 
"I love you," you whispered. Tom leaned more into you, lips searching for yours. His hands grasped your ass as he pressed your lips together eagerly. It was like he said, you had to make up for the lost three years. 
You let yourself get lost in Tom's lips, feeling like a lovesick teenager all over again. You rocked your hips against his as you kissed, feeling him growing beneath you. 
You continued your movements, pressing your core harder against his growing bulge, making him groan into the kiss. You knew what you were doing, bringing Tom to the point of no return.   
“Y/n” Tom groaned into your lips. 
“What is it, pretty boy?” you asked as you let your lips travel down to his neck, nibbling and sucking on all the exposed skin. 
“I want you,” he whispered, hands running up and down your covered back.  
“You have me,” you chuckled against his skin, “You have always had every bit of me,” Tom clutched your ass as he flipped you on your back, returning his lips to yours in a demanding, intention filled kiss. His hands traveled to the hem of the hoodie, before he pulled it up lightly. You sat up pulling it over your head and tossing it to the end of the bed. Tom doing the same with the shirt he had on, before finding his way back to your body. 
“God i have fucking missed you,” Tom groaned as he trailed his lips from yours to the valley of your breasts, pausing at each one to pay your nipples attention. You groaned as his lips enveloped the hardening bud, while he took the other in his fingers. He knew what you liked and how you liked it, and he knew how to get you right to the point he wanted… you begging for him. He moved his lips farther down your abdomen, sucking gently before making it to the bend of your pajama pants. He hooked his fingers into the waistband, shooting you a look, waiting for confirmation. You quickly nodded. He pulled the pants down your legs painfully slowly as he drank in the sight of your body. 
“So perfect,” he complimented as he took the pants from around your ankles, dropping them to the floor. He had your leg in his grasp and took the opportunity to place a kiss on your ankle, trailing them gently and slowly up your legs, making the ace you felt in your core intensify dramatically. “Oh Tommy,” you groaned as he placed a kiss on your bundle of nerves. 
“What is it, love?” He asked innocently from between your legs. 
“Tommy please,” you let out, fingers intertwined in his messy curls. “Please fuck me,” you begged. 
You saw the smirk flash across his face as he pushed himself up from in between your legs crashing his lips into yours. You reached down as you eagerly attempted to rid him of his sweats, failing miserably in the heat of the moment. “I've got it,” he chuckled as he peeled the fabric from his body, freeing his aching cock, from the hold of the fabric. Just the sight of him there, naked, between your legs, hand wrapped around his hard member was mouthwatering. 
“Ready,'' he asked as he ran his tip through your soaking folds. You nodded eagerly as he slowly sank into you, stretching you beautifully. 
Three years, but it was still like muscle memory. Your hands grasped at Tom's neck as your legs snaked around his waist. “Want me to be gentle?” He asked as he bottomed out. 
“We have the rest of our lives to be gentle,” you told him. “But right now,” you lifted your lips to his ear as you nibbled on his lobe gently. “I want you to wreck me,” You whispered, making a guttural groan leave his lips before he began thrusting into you. 
Your head fell back onto the bed as tom pounded into you, back arching from the mattress as each stroke of his cock brushed eagerly on your g spot. You could feel yourself already clenching around him. Barely any time and you were already about to give in. 
Tom's movements slowed suddenly as he brought his lips to yours and kissed you. “I'm sorry, y/n, you'll never know how sorry I am,” he whispered. 
You couldn't stop the tears from rushing to your eyes at the sentiment behind his words, knowing how sincere he actually was. 
“I forgive you Tommy,” you whispered, kissing him deeper. His movements quickened once again, as he pushed you closer and closer to the edge. “Tommy,” you whimpered as you felt your walls begin to clench around him. 
“Me too baby,” he groaned as you felt him twitch inside of you. You brought your lips back to him as you both fell over the edge, a beautiful symphony of pure ecstasy taking over both of your bodies. 
Tom fell beside you, arm draped over you as you both laid there, chests heaving and legs shaking. “Can't believe I lasted three years without you,” Tom mumbled. 
“I don't know how you did it,” you teased. 
“Y/N,” He said seriously. You looked at him with furrowed brows. “I was serious, come with me, be with me?” you felt the breath hitch in your throat as you watched the nervousness take over him, awaiting your answer. 
“Yes,” you whispered as your head nodded. Tom's face lit up as he pulled your body against his, lips clashing again, but in a different way, a way that felt like it would be forever. An unspoken promise being sealed between two people desperately in love after all this time. 
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rachelsteapot · 3 years
Rescued: Tommy Shelby x Fem!Reader
Hi Everyone! This is part one of Rescued. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions. Enjoy :)
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of abuse
Tommy knew of Battersea Cats and Dogs home. 
He also thought that the people who worked there were lunatics. 
All maybe, except one. 
Sometimes, Tommy passed by Battersea on his way to a business meeting and was astounded by the racket that the animals housed there made. Sometimes he would walk past and see a young woman walking, or rather being walked by, two or three dogs back towards the shelter. They were always different dogs. Sometimes, he would see her carrying a crate, or a few bags of meat, or maybe a bag of toys. What was clear to Tommy, was that she loved these animals.
 And Tommy, slowly, was falling for her.
 Y/N had always lived in London. She had started volunteering at Battersea Cats and Dogs home when things between her parents turned sour. Her father used to beat her mother, especially after a few drinks, and Battersea had become more than just an escape. (Y/N) saw herself in these dogs and cats: they had been hurt and abandoned, or simply left for dead. Like her, these animals were often wary of new people, so when a particularly rich looking young man walked up to the counter, one summer day, (Y/N) was surprised to find out that he wanted more than to make a ‘Charitable donation’. 
“I would like to adopt a dog,” Tommy declared, largely oblivious to the confusion on the young woman’s face.“Preferably a big one, that isn’t too afraid of loud noises, and likes children.” 
Y/N licked her lips and nodded, quietly noting the sparkle of the stranger’s pocket watch. This man had money, and lots of it. “We have a few dogs that you might like, please follow me.” She took a key from her pocket and walked towards a door, unlocking it and holding it open for Tommy to follow. 
“My name is Y/N and I'm one of the volunteers here at Battersea Cats and Dogs home. I’ve been working here since I was 15 and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you have. The first dog i’m going to show you is called Bruce, he’s a Labrador crossed with a Staffie and he is the biggest sweetie you’ve ever met.” Y/N rounded a corner in the maze-like network of halls and stopped in front of a large pen. As soon as she was in sight, a hoard of dogs rushed towards her, causing Tommy to step back in concern. Y/N stepped forwards, completely unfased by this barrage of dogs and unlocked another door that led into this pen. Sliding inside so as not to let any dogs escape, she began grappling with a rather large black dog. Much to Tommy’s surprise, however, rather than leading this chosen dog outside, she picked him up and carried the dog into the hallway before locking the door behind her. Finally, she placed the dog gently on the floor and scratched his head before signaling to this newcomer that he was allowed to approach. 
“Heya Bruce,” Tommy muttered, holding his hand out for Bruce to sniff. (Y/N) nodded in agreement as Bruce grumbled, largely in annoyance to being held, and promptly ran up to Tommy, body slamming into him. Tommy couldn’t help but chuckle, the energy of the dog reminding him of his younger brothers. “Yes Bruce, you’re a good boy aren’t you.” Tommy’s eyes glittered as he spoke, causing (Y/N) to gulp and fidget with the hem of her jacket. There was something about the way this man spoke, the way he moved, that attracted her.
“So Bruce is about three, although we can’t be sure, and he loves cuddles, food and lots and lots of exercise. He has been abused before, primarily neglect, but he’s one of the happiest and most forgiving souls I’ve ever met.” Y/N’s spiel was interrupted by Tommy standing and clearing his throat. 
“I’ll take him.” 
“It’s your lucky day, bubs, say bye bye to your friends!” 
Tommy could see the dog’s demeanour change, his waggles intensified and he began excitedly licking at Y/N’s hands. “So you can take him home today, or you can leave him here for a little bit while you get the money together to take him. It’s £10 for him and a week’s food. He’ll be reserved for you for two weeks, please feel free to come back anytime between now and then, our opening hours are-”
She was cut off again when Tommy produced a stack of notes from his wallet. “This is £10, I can take him tonight after my meeting,” Tommy’s piercing blue eyes held Y/N’s gaze and nodded firmly, pressing the cash into the stunned woman’s hands.
“Yes… okay, we’ll have Bruce ready for this evening,” she sighed. As the mysterious man turned away, she called out.
“What name shall we keep him under?”
“Thomas Shelby.”
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lauras-collection · 5 years
More Than I Know [Part 9]
Tom Holland x female reader
Summary: You discover that millions of people witnessed you being sick, Tom has to leave for a press tour, you meet up with a friend and things take an unexpected turn. (I suck at summaries i’m sorry) 
Words: 3.8k (oops)
Warnings:  fluff, swearing, mentions of throwing up, angst, drinking +  intoxicated reader, making out, a shirtless Tom, angst (sorry) nothing else I think (let me know if there is anything in there that I should add)
A/N: How is this already part 9? anyway. This is a long one. I got a little carried away 😅 I’d love to hear your feedback
I hope you enjoy!
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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The drive back to London was...weird. It’s not like it was uncomfortable. It wasn’t. You and Tom talked about all kinds of stuff. But the fact that this weekend - and your fake relationship - was coming to an end was looming over your head. Tom was leaving on a press tour tonight. That inevitably meant that he didn’t need you to go on fake dates with him anymore. You tried to find the perfect moment to mention it to Tom, to ask him what was going to happen now. But you couldn’t. You were too scared of the answer. 
When you arrived in London, Tom drove to his place first. Tessa came rushing towards the door as soon as Tom opened it. Tom put his suitcase down and greeted her, taking her head in both his hands. 
“Hi, Tessa. Did you miss me?” Tessa yipped before wriggling out of his grip, jogging over to you. “I guess that’s a no.” Tom laughed while you knelt down and started petting the excited staffy.
“Hey, pretty girl. You should be nicer to your owner, you know.” You smiled as she attempted to lick your face. 
“Tessa, get back here. Y/N has already washed her face today.” Tom lightly pulled her by the collar and you got up from your knees. You heard footsteps and Harrison appeared in the doorway to the living room. 
“Hey, Y/N.You feeling better?” He asked and you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion. How did he know? Did Tom tell him you threw up all night? 
“Yeah, a little, thanks...how do you know?” your eyes flickered between the two boys and you saw Tom’s face turn red.
“Uh, yeah...about that.” He rubbed his neck nervously. “Remember that live stream I did?” He looked at you and you nodded. “I uh, I kinda forgot to turn it off.” He what?
“What does that mean?” You asked even though you had a pretty good idea of what it meant. 
“That means, Tommy boy here live streamed you throwing up and him taking care of you. Granted it’s only the sounds but...” Harrison shrugged his shoulders and looked at you sympathetically. You felt your heart sink into your stomach.
“Millions of people saw that.” You muttered, your gaze fixed on the floor. While your mind was already coming up with possible tabloid articles and comments from fans. “Please tell me you can’t actually hear me throw up.” You looked pleadingly at Harrison who shrugged again. That was enough of an answer. “Oh no.” You covered your face with your hands. When you thought to throw up in front of Tom was bad, millions of people witnessing it was even worse. 
“I’m so sorry, love.” Tom expressed compunctiously as he walked over to you.
“But it’s gone now, right?” You removed your hands to look between Tom and Harrison again. Harrison took his phone out of his pocket and typed something.
“Well, if the video title ‘Tom Holland taking care of his girlfriend for 12 minutes straight’ is any indicator I would say it isn’t completely gone.” Harrison said after a moment making you groan. 
I guess it’s true what they say: the internet never forgets. 
“I’m sorry.” Tom said again, his hands now on your shoulders.
“For what it’s worth, the comments are mostly positive.” Harrison shrugged his shoulders. You ignored the fact that he said mostly but you had gotten so much hate already, you weren’t even bothered anymore. 
“Really? Let me see.” You moved away from Tom and towards Harrison, but Harrison took a step back, holding his phone towards his chest. 
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” 
“You can’t tell me the comments are positive and then refuse to show me.” You crossed your arms looking at Harrison accusingly. “You know what? I’m just gonna look at it myself.” You reached into the back pocket of your jeans, retrieving your phone. You typed the video title that Harrison had mentioned earlier into the search bar and moments later a few videos popped up. You clicked on the first one. It started with Tom talking to his fans on the live stream, a row of names moving from the bottom of the screen upwards. He was talking about how excited he was for his next project when his eyes suddenly lifted from his phone to look at something behind it. Most likely you on your way to the bathroom. You saw his eyes widen before he jumped out of bed and with a loud bang the phone was thrown onto the desk. All that was visible now was the ceiling of the hotel room and the comments that kept scrolling across the screen at a rapid speed.
-What happened?
-Who’s he with?
-Where did he go?
-Did he accidentally start a live stream? What’s happening?
-Is he throwing up or is that someone else?
Since there wasn’t anything to see you scrolled towards the comment section. You turned the sound down, not wanting to hear yourself heaving. Most of the comments were gushing about how Tom was taking care of you. And you were a hundred per cent agreeing with those people. A few comments, in particular, caught your attention.
-Well at least the girlfriend’s confirmed now lol
-You better treat him the way he deserves Y/N if you hurt him I’m coming for ya 
-Welp, that means he’s officially off the market I guess
-For anyone who can’t get enough of tom saying ‘my girlfriend’ you’re welcome 10:37
You turned the sound back on and clicked on the timestamp
“-but my girlfriend isn’t feeling well and I was wondering-” you turned the sound back down in shock. You hadn’t really realised that he’d called you his girlfriend on the phone. Hearing it now made your heart flutter. But that was part of the deal, right? Make everyone believe you’re a couple, that includes the hotel staff. While Tom and Harrison kept looking at you, sharing worried glances every once in a while you continued scrolling through the comments. There hadn’t really been anything too bad in the comments. You were wondering what Harrison didn’t want you to see. Was it the girlfriend stuff? You had no idea why he would have to hide that from you. 
But then you saw the comments that you’ve been dreading. 
-Oh fuck, what if she’s pregnant? 
-I mean Tom would be a great dad but he’s at the prime of his career now, a bit stupid to get a chick pregnant if you ask me.
-But y’all have to admit that baby would be super cute
Why did everyone’s mind immediately connect throwing up with pregnancy? You groaned and locked your phone again letting your hands fall to your sides. You looked at Tom who was eyeing you with an uncertain expression.
“I’m sorry everyone thinks you got me pregnant. Not only my aunt but your fans now, too.” you felt tears brim your eyes and you realised that even though you had rested a couple of hours today and didn’t have to throw up since last night, you still weren’t back at a hundred per cent.
“Hey, hey, it’s alright. It’ll blow over.” He came over and wrapped his arms around you. “We’ll just ignore it for now and if the comments don’t stop I’ll say something, okay?” He rubbed your back soothingly, just the way he had done it about a million times during the past 36 hours.
You spent the next couple hours with Tom and Harrison, Tessa curled up on the sofa next to you. The two boys tried their best to distract you from thinking about the live stream and the fans reactions. 
Around six in the afternoon, Tom excused himself to take a shower and pack his stuff for the upcoming press tour. Harrison was going to take him to the airport after taking you home. You were a little sad that you wouldn’t get alone time with Tom one last time but it was probably for the best. 
When Harrison pulled up in front of your building you thanked him for taking you while Tom got out of the car to get your suitcase.
“Thanks, Harrison. It was great meeting you.” You smiled at him through the rearview mirror.
“You, too, Y/N.” He returned the smile and you got out of the car. Tom was already waiting for you at the front door. You fumbled your keys out of your coat pocket and opened the door. You were about to say that Tom didn’t need to carry your stuff upstairs, but he had already ascended the staircase halfway. You followed him as quickly as you could opening the door for him. Once inside, Tom carried your suitcase into your bedroom. You stood by the door not sure what to say as he returned. 
“Thanks, Tom. For everything.” You couldn’t help the finality in your voice. Tom didn’t seem to notice though.
“You’re very welcome. It was a lot of fun.” He smiled and you tried to imprint the way his eyes crinkled into your memory. Where you ever going to see that smile in person again? "Well, except for last night. That wasn't so much fun." He chuckled and wrapped you in a hug “I’ll text you when I land, yeah?” His voice was right by your ear and shivers ran down your spine. You only managed to nod before Tom pulled away “See you soon.” and with that, he placed a kiss right on the corner of your mouth. You were too perplexed to say anything and by the time you found your voice he was already gone.
A couple days later you met your friend Marissa for coffee. You hadn't seen her in such a long time and you needed to get out of the house for something fun for a change.
“Hey. I missed you.” You exclaimed as you walked up to her in front of your favourite coffee shop. The coffee shop where you met Tom. You wrapped your arms around the petite girl and hugged her tightly.
“Missed you, too.” She hugged you back and squeezed you a little bit. “Thought you forgot about me ‘cause you were preoccupied with that boyfriend of yours.” She nudged your shoulder with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“No, of course not. He’s on press tour right now and I wanted to see you.” You cringed because it sounded like you were only seeing her because Tom wasn’t around. “I’m sorry that sounded… I wasn’t-“ you started to ramble but Marissa interrupted you.
“I get it, Y/N. You want to spend as much time with him as possible. He’s not around much is he?” She squeezed your hand, letting you know that she understands. 
You shake your head. “Not really. He’ll be gone for weeks at a time, either filming or doing press.” You shrugged your shoulders. This was the first time Tom was gone for such a long time since you met him. And since you realised that you’re in love with him. 
“That sucks.” She pauses for a moment. “I just wanted to tell you that I’m happy for you. I know that the others have been assholes about it but to be honest I think they’re just jealous.” She nudged your arm again. “C’mon let’s go inside. You need to tell me all about Kate’s wedding.”
You had a great time catching up with Marissa. It was nice to have some girl time again. You had both decided that a night out together was long overdue and planned to go to a club soon.
So a few weeks later, you found yourself standing at the bar of a club, Marissa next to you. You had already had a few drinks but the night was still young and you wanted to let loose for a while. After the bartender slid the two shots you had ordered across the counter, you and Marissa downed them quickly and moved back onto the dance floor. The music that was being played was surprisingly good and you had so much fun you didn’t even realise that it was past 2am already. 
You felt Marissa nudge you. “I need to go to the loo!” She exclaimed over the loud music and you nodded, following her out of the crowd of dancing people to get to the toilets. The room was busy when you entered and Marissa immediately queued up. You did as well thinking that it would be better if you took the opportunity to relieve yourself as well.
You were lightly swaying from side to side, a little too drunk to stand straight. But not too drunk to get your phone out of your bag and check instagram. You had unintentionally made it a habit to check Tom’s instagram story a couple of times a day. You told yourself it was because you were curious to see what he was up to. But in reality, it was more because you wanted to hear his voice. Even though you wouldn’t be able to hear anything among the chatter of the girls in the bathroom, you clicked on the little circle with Tom’s icon which was the first one that appeared at the top of your instagram feed. You were immediately greeted with Tom’s face as he said something that you couldn’t hear, a few seconds later Harrison appeared behind him doing a little wave. The next story started and showed Tessa curled up on the sofa in Tom and Harrisons living room and you felt your heart flutter. He was home. You checked the timestamp of the story.
19min ago 
You felt yourself getting antsy. Even though you had been texting with Tom a lot over the past few weeks you were wondering if he wanted to see you now that he was back in London. However, you were a little intoxicated and that made you think that it might be a good idea to just go and see him. Now.
Marissa noticed that you were somewhere else with your thoughts and poked you with a smirk.
“What’re you thinking about.” 
You let out a breathy laugh. “Tom’s home...” You trailed off, not sure if you should voice your idea. Marissa just raised her eyebrows knowingly. “I was wondering if I should go and see if he’s still up?” It sounded more like a question. “His place is nearby and he posted an instagram story about twenty minutes ago...” At this point, you didn’t know if you were trying to convince yourself or Marissa. She just laughed at you.
“Gosh, you’re so in love with him. It’s so cute.” You could only giggle at her words, temporarily forgetting about the whole fake dating debacle you had gotten yourself into. “Let’s get outta here.” She pulled you by the hand and manoeuvred both of you towards the exit. 
Not long after you were standing in front of Tom’s door. You weren’t so sure of your plan now. You decided to send Tom a text to check if he was awake. Your chances were good, he was probably used to a different time zone after such a long time in the states.
you up?
You cringed at your wording but couldn’t bring yourself to rephrase it so you hit send. A few moments later the message was marked as read and a new text bubble appeared. 
yeah, why?  
You locked your phone and knocked on Tom’s front door, not wanting to ring the doorbell in case you’d wake Harrison up. You heard Tom’s footsteps on the other side of the door before it opened. You were greeted with a surprised-looking Tom clad in grey sweatpants and a simple white t-shirt. How did he manage to look so soft all the time?
“Hi.” he breathed out, his brown eyes moving over your frame.
“Hey... I was in the neighbourhood so I thought I’d stop by... check if you’re home. Haven’t seen you in a while.” You purposefully let the fact slide that you had checked his instagram story. Tom eyed you with a look before opening the door wider so you could enter.
“Of course! Yeah, come in.” Tom smiled widely. “D’ you want something to drink?” He asked looking over his shoulder while you followed him into the kitchen. He looked so good.
“Yeah, do you have tequila?” You giggled giggled! and Tom raised an eyebrow at you. 
“Maybe you should stick with water.” He laughed a bit and walked over to one of the cabinets opening it to retrieve two glasses. You leaned back against the counter and looked around the room while Tom poured water into the glasses. “Where’s Tessa?”
“Asleep in the living room.” He handed you one glasses and you took a sip. “What’ve you been up to tonight?” He asked eyeing your outfit once more. “Seems like you had fun.” The corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk. 
You nodded “Went clubbing with my friend Marissa. It was a lot of fun. More fun than this.” you say and point at the glass of water in your hand, causing Tom to laugh. 
“Sorry, love but I think you’ve had enough for the night.” 
“Yeah? Why’s that?” You wonder with a cocked eyebrow. Tom takes a step closer to you, now standing right in front of you. His eyes roamed your face for a moment before he spoke. 
“Well, your eyes are glossy and your balance is a little bit off.”
“But only a little bit.” You protest with a pout and Tom chuckled. 
“Still, that means no more alcohol for you young lady.” There was a playfully scolding look on his face and you could only think how cute he looks. “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked a curious expression on his face.
“‘Cuz you’re cute.” 
“You think I’m cute?” He arched his eyebrow and you traced the rim of the glass with your finger, only humming affirmatively. “What else do you think of me?” He took another step closer, you could now feel the heat radiating from his body. You sat the glass down on the counter and shrugged your shoulders.
“Well, you’re ridiculously hot, too. So fucking attractive.” You blurted out before thinking. You blushed immediately when you realised what you’ve said, but there’s no way to take back the words.
“I think you’re really fucking attractive, too.” He placed both his hands beside you on the counter, caging you in.
“You do?” You looked at him with big eyes. He was looking down at you and the expression on his face took your breath away.
 The two of you kept looking at each other for what felt like an eternity until his lips were suddenly on yours. You let out a surprised gasp but your hands immediately went to the back of his neck pulling him closer. Tom’s hands moved from the countertop to the back of your thighs, hoisting you up on the counter effortlessly. You spread your thighs and he stepped in between them while his arms wrapped around your waist. You were consumed by the feeling of his lips and his tongue. You’d been so sure that you’d never get to kiss him again, and now, here you were. All alone with him. There was no one else around. This wasn’t a show.   
You moved your hands from his neck to his hips, slipping them under his shirt, letting out a moan when your fingertips touch the warm skin under the fabric of his shirt. You move your hands upwards to take off his shirt completely, his lips losing contact with yours to get the fabric over his head before he returned, now kissing down your chest. Your hands roamed his body while his grabbed your thighs before they moved to the hem of your shirt, slipping it off and throwing it on the floor where Tom’s was already lying. Tom explored the newly exposed skin with his lips, kissing down the valley of your breasts. Your hands tangle in his curls pulling him closer as you let out a soft moan. Tom moved back up, sucking on the skin of your neck and you slid your hands back down his body slipping your hands under the waistband of his sweatpants.
“Tom.” You moaned his name and let out a whimper. 
All of a sudden Tom stopped kissing your neck, grabbed your wrists and pulled your hands away from his body.
“What-... What’s wrong?” Your eyes immediately widen in surprise.
“I can’t...” Tom shook his head, not looking into your eyes, your wrists still in his hold.
“You can’t..?”
“I can’t do this.” He took a step away from you, your hands falling to your thighs and it suddenly dawned on you. Tom didn’t want you the way you wanted him. You couldn’t believe this was happening again. You didn’t think that Tom would be the type to give you a little taste of what it could be like just to push you away a moment later. You didn’t think that Tom would be like Joe. 
“I see...” You couldn’t look Tom in the eyes. You hopped down from the counter bending down to pick up your shirt. You gulped and pulled the shirt back over your head with shaking hands.
“I’ll just…” You pointed in the direction of the front door. “I’ll just go.” You felt so… embarrassed? humiliated? There were a lot of feelings swirling around you at that moment but one was prevalent. Rejected. 
“Don’t worry. I won’t make this awkward. Let’s just forget this happened at all.” your voice was shaky as you turned around to Tom who was looking at you with big eyes and raised eyebrows. You couldn’t really read his expression. Tessa came running from the living room, jumping around your legs, yipping excitedly. You couldn’t pay her any attention though.
“Y/N. No, it’s not...” Tom stammered running his hand through his hair.
“Don’t bother.” You interrupted him “I won’t let you do this to me, Tom… Not you, too.“ You opened the front door and turned to look at him one last time. “Coming here was a mistake.” you mumbled to yourself and you were out of the door before Tom could say anything else. The door slammed behind you but you could still hear Tessa barking. You speed walked to the next street corner as fast as you could and then stopped to support yourself on a house wall, the tears finally falling.
How could you be so stupid to think Tom actually wanted to be with you?
And while you were crying on the corner, Tom was sitting at home, his head in his hands.
“Mate, what the fuck happened?” Harrison, who had been woken up by Tessa’s barking, stood in the doorway to the living room, his eyebrows raised in question.
“I think I really fucked things up.”
“What did you do?”
Part 10
Thank you for reading 💕
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gyrlversion · 5 years
Rise of canine DNA testing kits used by doting owners exposes scam
Kelly Hardacre, 32, from Essex, owns a gang of eight boisterous dachshunds
They are undoubtedly top dog: pedigree hounds whose impeccable lineage is a source of great pride to their devoted owners.
But many of Britain’s ardent dog-lovers are increasingly finding they’ve been sold a pup.
The rise of canine DNA testing kits is exposing a dubious trade in which breeders pass off mongrels as pure-bred dogs in order to boost their prices.
Canine DNA testing kits are now available online and in most pet stores for about £50, and they are hugely popular.
Leading DNA brand Wisdom Panel says more than one million dogs have been tested with its kits since it launched in 2007. But while most owners test for fun, others are uncovering a worrying trend.
Some experts warn that as many as one in ten dogs sold as pedigree are, in fact, mongrels.
Kelly Hardacre, 32, from Essex, owns a gang of eight boisterous dachshunds. Now the ninth most popular breed in the UK, owners pride themselves on their ‘pure-bred’ small stature and silky coats.
Which is why Kelly was disappointed to discover that two of hers are actually cross-breeds. 
Four-year-old Chester was sold to Kelly and her husband Tommy, 33, as a pure-breed miniature shorthaired dachshund and came with papers from the Kennel Club, the UK’s governing body for dogs, confirming his lineage – but these later turned out to be fake.
Kelly already suspected that another of her pups, Albie, bought from a different breeder, was not a pure dachshund because of his unusual black and white coat.
Kelly already suspected that another of her pups, Albie (pictured), bought from a different breeder, was not a pure dachshund because of his unusual black and white coat
She used a home DNA swab kit to test both dogs out of curiosity. When the results came in two weeks later, she was ‘shocked’ to read the findings.
‘It said that Albie is a mix of mini-dachshund, long-haired mini and parson terrier, and that Chester is the same, but also part long-haired standard too,’ she said. ‘I couldn’t believe that Chester had terrier in him and was even more of a mongrel than Albie.’
Frustratingly, there was nothing she could do because Chester’s breeders had been shut down several years previously by the RSPCA for selling unhealthy puppies.
Sonal and Dhani Dave, from Harrow, experienced similar disappointment after testing their dog Neo, who had been sold as a pure-bred akita
Sonal and Dhani Dave, from Harrow, experienced similar disappointment after testing their dog Neo, who had been sold as a pure-bred akita.
Puppies can fetch more than £1,000 each, but Neo’s sellers were only charging £450. The couple were told the owners were Kennel Club-registered and were promised authentic paperwork by them, although this never materialised. 
But as Neo grew, they became suspicious of his heritage. He was underweight for an akita, and his tail was short and straight, lacking the characteristic curl.
A £75 Wisdom Panel test kit, bought from Pets At Home, confirmed that he was only 50 per cent pedigree.
But as Neo grew, they became suspicious of his heritage given that he was underweight for an Akita
The remainder of his DNA amounted to 12.5 per cent German shepherd and 12.5 per cent Staffie, while the remaining 25 per cent was such a mixture it was unidentifiable. 
Again, there was nothing the couple could do. ‘All the sellers’ online adverts were taken down, mobile numbers were no longer in use and there was no trail left at all,’ Sonal explained.
Solicitor Gary Rycroft, who provides legal advice to BBC consumer show Rip Off Britain, said there were no specific laws around buying pedigree dogs, but that consumer laws apply.
The remainder of his DNA amounted to 12.5 per cent German shepherd and 12.5 per cent Staffie, while the remaining 25 per cent was such a mixture it was unidentifiable
He explained: ‘Both business and private sellers must sell pets “as described”. As such, there is the chance that a refund could be issued, although I am not aware of any reported cases of this happening.’
Some owners are now challenging the Kennel Club to tighten up its rules, which allow breeders and individuals to register dogs as pedigree without DNA testing.
Jane Derbyshire-Heal, from Stretford, Greater Manchester, paid £700 for two Italian greyhounds in 2014, registered with the Kennel Club as pedigrees, which turned out to be 25 per cent Chinese crested dogs.
Kennel Club Secretary Caroline Kisko said any evidence that breeders were selling mongrels as pedigrees would be investigated ‘immediately’ and it would take ‘appropriate action’
She traced the rest of the litter and their descendants and forced the Kennel Club to have them all deregistered. ‘They were very reluctant to acknowledge the obvious truth,’ she said.
‘My experience with the Kennel Club is that it is very much an old boys’ club with their focus on finances rather than dog welfare.’
Jo Amsel, trustee of The Italian Greyhound Rescue Charity, said: ‘I estimate approaching one in ten dogs sold as pedigree is not a pure breed at all. It seems many breeders are being dishonest.’
She added she believed the club was ‘resistant’ to introduce testing because it made the majority of its income from puppy registrations. ‘Its revenue would fall significantly if the breeders knowingly selling mongrels as pedigrees could no longer register their puppies.’
Kennel Club Secretary Caroline Kisko said any evidence that breeders were selling mongrels as pedigrees would be investigated ‘immediately’ and it would take ‘appropriate action’.
She added: ‘The extra cost of compulsory DNA testing could drive a substantial number of responsible breeders away from registering their puppies and turn many puppy buyers towards disreputable sources and puppy farms.’
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soniabigcheese · 27 days
Tommy Update
He had his wound checked but it still isn't healing. I was told that he may have some sort of resistant infection and took a swab, ready to send off.
Or keep bandaging it up
The tests will cost a lot, but for now, I'll go for the bandages
Here's a couple pictures of him that convey EXACTLY what he thinks of the vets visits
These are in a side room because he WILL bark VERY LOUDLY and not stop
Before the bandage change and he is being ignored, he threw himself on the floor in a silent hissy fit
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2nd one, he hates his muzzle completely and tried to pull an 'I'm suffocating please take this off' trick
It didn't work
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Yet another dramatic flop on the floor and being ignored
Bag on his foot is an improvisation to ensure that his new bandage doesn't get wet
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And this one says ...
Mammy, take this off, I hate you, I hate this, I love you
*gives pitiful puppy dog eyes*
Please please please????
I wanna go home
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He kept moving around, hence the blurry face
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soniabigcheese · 4 months
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He loves his home comforts
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soniabigcheese · 19 days
Dogs are so funny.
Tommy, for example, has the whole sofa to himself, he is rather peeved that anybody dares to actually sit on it. I am very very lucky that I get to perch on a couple of inches of a cushion.
We also have 3 cushions that I use when my back is hurting really badly (and it's no wonder it hurts when I'm perched so precariously)
Those end up being kicked off at random times throughout the day.
But the best one is his blanket.
He wants his eyes covering ... which is fine. But then, for no reason but to get attention, he decides to play the 'I'm suffocating' game. Deliberately tightens the blanket over his head and starts snorting very loudly.
So I remove it, he isn't happy and wants his head covering
And so it starts all over again until I ignore him and he gives up.
Then the blanket ends up on the floor because he doesn't want it any more.
So it sits on the top.
Now ... he stares longingly at it, because now he wants it to cover his eyes.
I pull a little bit down
Not good enough, the whole thing has to cover him completely.
And now he is sleeping with one eye covered over, the other keeping tabs on everything going on around him
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
A Puppy Pile
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Don't worry, Tommy is way out of the chewing everything in sight stage. He targets toilet rolls and kitchen towels instead.
So he is safe around this lot, so Virgil and Alan have told everyone
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
Putting you all out of your misery.
Our home welcomes Mike ... the Mechanic
He is about the size of a Barbie doll ... maybe bigger and has already made friends/disabled the dog
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soniabigcheese · 3 years
Looks as though there may be a trip to the vets with Tommy. He isn't able to keep his food down at all, no matter what we give him.
Yes, he was begging for our food and hubby would cave in and feed him. But it is going past that now.
I just hope that it's just a behavioural thing rather than a stomach issue. He (the dog) needs to learn that our food may be tasty but it isn't good for him. And the other 'he' should realise that the dog is NOT a walking dustbin that any and all leftovers will be donated to at every meal time.
The only thing he has managed to keep down ... believe it or not ... is roast lamb. And that's expensive to buy, I don't wish to eat lamb for every single meal ... but if that works, then he will have lamb for every damned meal. Even if it's just to put something in his stomach.
I have tried scrambled eggs, boiled chicken, plain boiled rice. Nope, he would rather starve or see mould grow on any of that food than eat it.
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soniabigcheese · 6 years
Spot the Dog
Tommy is playing hide and seek under my wolf blanket
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And doing a really good job too
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soniabigcheese · 6 years
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soniabigcheese · 6 years
Early Hibernation
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Someone's settled in there and looking comfy.
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soniabigcheese · 7 years
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Just getting our house ready for the latest addition to the family. His name is Thomas - Tommy for short. He's a five year old Staffie cross and he is adorable. He's very bouncy so we need to dog proof the house ready for his arrival. We're getting a house visit to make sure our home is suitable for him and safe. We have a pre-adoption chat to go to on Tuesday . He is booked in to be neutered on Wednesday. And we'll collect him Thursday. So excited. Photos to follow. The only one I have is from the dog shelter website.
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