pennyblossom-meta · 5 months
A short study on the origins of Gale Dekarios
Going through some game information and Forgotten Realms lore, I found some interesting tidbits about the possible origins of Gale and the Dekarios clan. So, what do we know?
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After finding Tara in Act 3, there's a dialogue tree (as of yet still bugged 08/12/2023) where Gale tells us that his surname comes from his mother, Morena Dekarios.
Gale: (...) Courtesy of my mother, the inimitable, dare I say it, sometimes unavoidable, Morena Dekarios.
There isn't much to go on from this. Other than a brief mention that Gale's parents denied him a kitten, we don't know where his father is or what happened to him. Indeed, the surname Dekarios could be inherited from Gale's mother or even his father's side — and for the latter we can assume Morena took on the surname sometime after marrying Gale's father, thus becoming her son's main reference for the rest of the clan upon her husband's absence/death.
That being said, I can't find anything about the Dekarios surname within DnD lore. What we do know, is that Gale's clan is scattered far and wide, perhaps even beyond the Sword Coast.
We also know that Gale is of full human heritage, at least from his closest ancestry.
Now, let's dig in a little deeper.
There are several human ethnicities throughout Faerûn.
As of DnD 3.5, there are seven major ethnic groups widely recognised: the Calishites, Chondathans, Damarans, Iluskans, Mulan, Rashemis, and Tethyrians.
However, as of DnD 5E, the Player's Handbook adds that there are actually nine major ethnic groups in Faerûn, including the Shou from Kara-Tur and the Turami who are native to the southern shore of the Inner Sea. In 3.5E, these groups just receive a brief mention, while in 5E there's more of an attempt on expanding their lore.
Note: If you're interested in knowing more about the different ethnic groups in Faerûn, I would suggest reading the Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerûn (2003), the 3.5 Player's Guide to Faerûn, the 5E Player's Handbook and the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
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Here's a useful map of Faerûn from 3.5E.
It's actually the 3.5 Player's Guide to Faerûn and Forgotten Realms: Races of Faerûn that gives us more in depth information about which communities have a major presence in different areas of the Sword Coast.
For example, while Gale and his mother live in Waterdeep, we don't know whether they moved to the city when Gale was a child or, perhaps, his parents always lived there. Perhaps generations of Dekarios lived in Waterdeep — including Gale's aunt Agnes.
Without further information, it's possible that the Dekarios clan even has their ancestral roots beyond the Sword Coast. Who knows?
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According to 3.5E, the recommended human subraces in The Sword Coast are the Illuskan and Tethyrian.
In Waterdeep, it's the Chondathan, the Illuskan and Tethyrian.
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Given what we know of Gale, lorewise, what would be the most accurate ethnicity for the Dekarios clan? Let's see what the handbooks say about the three major groups in Waterdeep.
The Chondathan
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) Although Chondathans make skilled mercenaries and cunning rogues, Chondathan culture, has not encouraged study of the Art or great religious fervor. Notable exceptions exist, particularly in the study of the Art among the Netherese influenced Chondathan cultures that lie north and west of the Inner Sea.
(...) Those Chondathans who dwell north and west of the Sea of Fallen Stars (except in Sembia) are more likely to have blue eyes and have fairer complexions and darker hair than those born in the South, evidence of a Netherese heritage. In Chondath itself, particularly in the lands bordering Sespech, a significant Shaaran influx in recent centuries has given many natives of Chondath more of an olive skinned hue.
(...) Chondathan Society (...) As Chondathans place a high value on book learning, many receive some amount of schooling while growing up.
(...) Animals and Pets (...) Chondathans favor small felines as pets and hunting companions (...). Tressyms are highly favored by those who can afford them, as are lynxes.
3.5E: Descended from the natives of the Vilhon Reach, these hardy folk have spread to settle most of the western and central Inner Sea region and much of the Western Heartlands. Chondathans form the primary racial stock of Altumbel, Córmyr, the southern Dalelands, the Dragon Coast, the Great Dale, Hlondeth and both shores of the Vilhon Reach, the Pirate Isles of the Inner Sea, Sembia, and Sespech. They are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal.
The Chondathan domination of central Faerún came about largely by virtue of extensive trade and settlement rather than by force of arms. Many Chondathans are merchants of one sort or another, and they are not afraid to take risks, travel, or settle new lands.
5E: Chondathans are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes, but these traits are hardly universal. Humans of Chondathan descent dominate the central lands of Faerun. around the Inner Sea.
Chondathan Names: (Male) Darvin, Dorn, Evendur, Gorstag, Grim, Helm, Malark, Morn, Randal, Stedd; (female) Arveene, Esvele, Jhessail, Kerri, Lureene, Miri, Rowan, Shandri, Tessele; (surnames) Amblecrown, Buckman, Dundragon, Evenwood, Greycastle, Tallstag
The Illuskans
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) Wizards are rare in Illuskan society. They are widely feared and assumed to be in some way affiliated with the Arcane Brotherhood. Of those who do study wizardry, perhaps the most common specialization is the school of Evocation. Sorcerers and bards are more common among Illuskans, as many Illuskans have a trace of draconic ancestry in their heritage.
(...) Illuskans are not inclined to keep animals as pets, companions, or familiars, as relatively few species are native to Ruathym or nearby islands. Goats, sheep, and geese do better in the cold Illuskan lands than do cattle, swine, or chickens.
3.5E: : The seagoing, warlike people of the Sword Coast, North, the Trackless Sea, and the Desarin river valley, Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Among the islands of the Trackless Sea and Icewind Dale, their hair color tends toward blond, red, or light brown. On the mainland south of the Spine of the World, however, raven-black hair is most common. Iluskans are proud, particularly of their ability to survive in the harsh environment of their northern homelands, and they regard most southerners as weak and decadent. Illuskans make their livings as farmers, fishers, miners, sailors, raiders, skalds, and runecasters.
5E: Illuskans are tall, fair-skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Most have raven-black hair, but those who inhabit the extreme northwest have blond, red, or light brown hair.
Illuskan Names: (Male) Ander, Blath, Bran, Frath, Geth, Lander, Luth, Malcer, Stor, Taman, Urth; (female) Amafrey, Betha, Cefrey, Kethra, Mara, Olga, Silifrey, Westra; (surnames) Brightwood, Helder, Hornraven, Lackman, Stormwind, Windrivver
The Tethyrian
Races of Faerûn (2003): (...) In recent centuries, these disparate groups have gradually coalesced into a relatively new ethnic group known as Tethyrians, occupying a vast territory stretching from Calimshan to Silverymoon and from the Sea of Swords to the Sea of Fallen Stars. After centuries of enslavement and oppression by one group or another, Tethyrians are fiercely independent, protective of their freedoms and suspicious of threats posed by powerful kingdoms and empires. Given their disparate ancestry, Tethyrians have never developed a unique language of their own, instead adopting the language of the latest wave of conquerors or refugees. Today most Tethyrians speak Chondathan.
(...) Outside Calimshan, many Tethyrians are craftsmen or caravanners, while others find employment as mercenaries in the employ of other realms. Tethyrians make skilled fighters and rogues, reflecting the struggle to survive successive waves of conquest and generations of warfare. Tethyrian culture has a long tradition of bardcraft, reflecting the absence of a Tethyrian empire at any point ni history and the corresponding reliance on itinerant bards to preserve and spread Tethyrian oral history.
(...) Tethyrians view life as a struggle to be survived through ties to Family, clan, and tribe. To a Tethyrian, freedom is the most precious gift, and the enslavement of another is the greatest sin.
(...) The paths of the loremaster and archmage are both attractive to Tethyrian wizards.
(...) Aside from bards, Tethyrians have not traditionally had access to book learning, although those who do are much esteemed by their peers.
(...) Familial, clan and tribal bonds require that adults look out for one another, so the elderly and those who cannot earn their keep turn to relatives and friends for support.
(...) Tethyrians have strong arcane and divine spellcasting traditions: Bardcraft is revered, and many master bards are of Tethyrian stock. The varied mature of Tethyrian heritage has produced many sorcerers as well. Likewise, the strong influence of Calishite and Netherese cultural traditions has echoes in the large numbers of Tethyrian wizards, although most learn their craft through a traditional master-apprentice relationship, not by attending a formal school.
(...) Animals and Pets (...) Tethyrians are partial to canines, particularly those bred for herding, hunting, or working. Falcons (treat as hawks) and swamp ferrets (treat as weasels) are commonly employed in hunting and often serve as familiars. Ravens are also favored as pets or familiars, particularly in the vicinity of the High Moor.
3.5E: The Tethyrian culture is a melting pot of Calishite, Chondathan, Illuskan, and Low Netherese elements. This unique background makes Tethyrians among the most tolerant, though fiercely independent, ethnic groups in Faerûn. They inhabit a vast territory stretching from Calimshan to Silverymoon, and from the Sea of Swords to the Sea of Fallen Stars. Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that grows fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eves are the most common. Tethyrians are proud of their diverse heritage and protective of their freedom, so they tend to distrust powerful kingdoms and empires.
5E: Widespread along the entire Sword Coast at the western edge of Faerun, Tethyrians are of medium build and height, with dusky skin that tends to grow fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies widely, but brown hair and blue eyes are the most common. Tethyrians primarily use Chondathan names.
After analysing these descriptions, I would say that it makes sense that Gale Dekarios can be of either a Chondathan or Tethyrian heritage — though I'd venture a guess that there's a fair mix of both.
Given that the Dekarios clan is "scattered far and wide", it could imply that they're of a mercantile affinity (Chondathan) and thus have settled in various cities along the the Sword Coast and beyond for trade purposes. Further migration patterns veering west, towards the Sword Coast, and an affinity for magic that can be related to Netherese ancestry (Chondathan and Tethyrian) are valid backgrounds for what we know of Gale.
Some things to consider:
The Tethyrians have more of a natural arcane leaning than the Chondathans (Gale was casting accidental fireballs at the age of 8, among other funny accidents).
The Tethyrians form strong familial and clan bonds (Gale has strong ties to his mother, is very family oriented).
Gale has more of an olive skinned hue, brown eyes and hair, as the combo is more common with the Chondathans ethnicity in contemporary Faerûn. It speaks of a Mediterranean background, if we were to compare it with Earth.
The Chondathans also have an affinity with felines, while the Tethyrian veer towards employing animals for hunting and favor birds of prey as familiars.
The Chondathans place a high value on book learning.
Both ethnicities have ties to the Netherese, which creates a compelling narrative device — especially after Gale's fallout with Mystra due to the Netherese orb incident. However, opportune irony aside, I think that what we see of Gale points to a mix of both heritages and that they reflect different sides of him that go beyond ethnicity, as they also affect his background from a socio-economical standpoint.
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mudaship39 · 10 months
Afro Asian native with goblinoid giant kin fae elvish ancestry spellcaster fighter and gunslinger adventurer
Lysander Alphonse Norwood/Luciana Jaqueline Norwood or Kittsak/Kaeo Alin Pramoj: Profile, Record, & Archive:
Human Name:
High King/High Queen Lysander Alphonse Norwood/Luciana Jaqueline Norwood
Chieftain and Warchief Kittsak/Kaeo Alin Pramoj
Fae Elvish Name: 
Eroan/Darshee Loraphine (Light Fae name)
Kherveh/Kaithri Varvic (Dark Fae name)
Goblinoid or Giant Kin Name:
Ozhe Ugor/Noski Ugor the Wrath
Variant Human: Faerun, Kara-tur, & Maztica (Chondathan, Gurs, Azuposi, Illuskan, Metahel, Netherese, Purang, Nars, Imaskari, Nubari, Calishites, Shaarans, Northlanders, Chultans Nahopaca, Kuong, Nexalan, Wanese, Payit, Tuigan, Raumviran, Vaasan, Rashemi, Shou, Tethyrian, Issacortae, Bedine, Koryoan, Turami, Bawani, & Turami). 
Variant human: Arctic, Islander, Subterranean (Deep human), Coastal, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Grassland, Marshland, Jungle, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Urban, & Sky Kingdoms (ariel nation in the sky held up by anti gravity tech and magic). 
Half elf
Elvish Ancestry
Half goblinoid
Goblinoid ancestry
Half giantkin
Giant Kin ancestry
High Orc (Evolved Water Orc), Half Orc (half Gray Orc), White Snow Kijin (Evolved White Ice Oni), Storm Giant, Ancient Ogre (Evolved Elder Ogre), High Troll (Evolved Fire Troll), Half Troll (half Ice Troll), Half Giant (half Cloud Giant), Frost Goliath, & Half Oni (half Red Fire Oni) giant kin ancestry. Blue (Psionic Goblin), Batiri, Hobgoblin, Half Goblin (half Fire Goblin), Kijimuna, Nilbog, Tinker, Urban Goblin, & Space Goblin goblinoid ancestry by their father High King Elric Norwood or Chieftain and Warchief Kehar Sujin Pramoj.
Night Elf, Moon Elf, Half Elf (half Drow), Celestial Elf, Earth Elf, Desert Elf, Crystal Elf, Star Elf, Gray Elf, Void Elf, Ice Elf, Dark Elf, & Space Light Elf Fae ancestry by their father High King Elric Norwood or Chieftain and Warchief Kehar Sujin Pramoj.
High Elven, Cosmic Elf, Wood Elf, Half Elf (half Proto Elf), Urban Elf, Fire Elf, Sea Elf, Wild Elf, Water Elf, Sun Elf, Blood Elf, & Space Dark Elf Fae ancestry by their mother Empress Victoria Delacroix or Sultan Farah Talia Kahn.
Bakemono, Koalinth (Sea Hobgoblin), Norker, Snow Goblin, Swamp Goblin, Tinker Goblin, & Verdan (shifter goblin) goblinoid ancestry, Arctic Orcs, Ash Giant, Aquatic Orcs, Black Orcs, Cave Troll, Cloud Giant, Eldritch Giant, Death Giant, Desert Giant, Firbolg, Fire Giant, Fire Oni, Fire Troll, Fog Giant, Forest Troll, Frost Giant,  Gray Orc, Hill Giant, Ice Oni, Ice Troll, Island Giant, Jungle Giant, Jungle Orcs, Lowland Troll, Ogre, Mountain Giant, Mountain Orc, Mountain Troll, Sand Giant, Snow Troll, Stone Giant, Storm Giant, Storm Oni, Swamp Orc, Titan, Tree Troll, Tundra Orc, Verbeeg, Voadkyn (Wood Giant), Water Orc, Water Troll, & Space Giantkin (descended from giantkin who terraformed and colonized the stars) ancestry by their mother Empress Victoria Delacroix or Farah Taliah Kahn.
Fae Arch Fey, Celestial Eladrin, Dryad, Fey Eladrin, Noble Eladrin, Nymph, Fey Touched, Hamadryad, Naiads, Nereids, Nixie, Rusalka, & Yuki-on-na ancestry by their mother Empress Victoria Delacroix or Sultan Farah Talia Kahn.
Magical Human, Indigenous Magical Human, & Homo Magi Hybrid Variant Human. Elvish ancestry. Giantish ancestry. Goblinoid ancestry. 
Racial Identity: 
Magical Human (poc coded). Homo Magi (white coded). He/she/they are Southeast Asian, East Asian, West Asian, & South Asian coded. 
Born to Paramount Chieftain and Warchief Kehar Sujin Pramoj-Kahn or High King Elric Luka Norwood a mixed Asian Native coded father and a Kahn Farah Talia Kahn or Empress Victoria Josephine Delacroix mixed Afro Asian Native coded mother. 
If their father was in our world he would identify as an Asian Native who is Southeast Asian Thai, South Asian Nepalese, East Asian Chinese, European Russian, & Yurok Indigenous . 
If their mom was in our world she would identify as an Afro Asian Native who’s Black African Libyan, West Asian Iranian, East Asian Mongolian, Berber Indigenous of North Africa, & European French.
Cultural Identity: 
Indigenous Magical Human (native coded). In real life he/she/they would be considered an Afro Asian Native.  
Soft meat, round ears, spoon ears, normie, pink-skin, smoothskin, suckling, monkey, world blight, tree killer, graceless elf, rabbit spawn, milkskin, whore-race, ape spawn, cattle, & round teeth (as a human variant)
Swampskin, tusk face, greenskin, low born, fangless, slime skin, necro breath, pig face, tusker, scrawn born, weak jaw, bastard, runt, warthog, brute, pup, fake giant kin, grunt, weak blood, halfbreed, green blood, cast off, oath broken, forsaken, half a savage, giant kin spawn, impure, sheath-meat, half man, little tooth, half good, polluted blood, short pork, savage, half caste, green ape, & short tusk (as someone with giant-kin ancestry)
Green skin, slime skin, baby orc, gobbo, & trash gnome (as someone with goblinoid ancestry)
Mongrel, half wit, half a brain, half breed, dirty blood, diet fae, civilized elf, half bad, fling kid, muddied, outcast, half caste, elf lite, half ear, traitor baby, half blood, half good, mutt, bastard, not enough. and halfway (as a half fae elf) 
Leaf lover, wingless fairy, santa’s helper, flower eater, mushroom dancer, pointy ears, knife ear, faithless, sapling, rot wood, sun lover, branch muncher, berry breeder, tree shaggin pixie, woodland sprite, tree fucker, dew drinker, bark sniffer, ash face, tree thumper, fey mongrel, surface dweller, discount dryad, knife ear, daisy sniffer, sap blood, domesticated fae, fairy wannabe, hippie, dagger head, and leaf licker (as someone with fae dark and  light elven ancestry)
November 3rd 
Scorpio Tiger
5’8” Male Goblinoid Form
5’9” Female Goblinoid Form
5′10” Male form in human variant form. 
5’11” Female form in human variant form.
6’1” Male Fae Elvish Form 
6’2” Female Fae Elvish form
7’2 to 9’3 ft” Male Giantkin Form
7’3” to 9’5ft Female Giantkin Form
180 (For Human Variant Form only)
200 (For Elvish Fae Form)
280 (Hobgoblin Goblinoid Form
380-480 (Giant Kin Orc/Troll/Oni/Goliath form)
Shoe Size:
Goblinoid (Hobgoblin) form: Mens 10
Human form: Mens 11
Fae (Dark or Light Elf) form: Mens 12 
Giantkin (High Orc, High Troll, Goliath, Oni, or Ogre) form: Mens 13 to 20  
Body Type: 
Tone and athletic and somewhat chubby body type (Human variant form)
Lean and slender body type (Elvish Fae Form)
Mixture of body builder body type and strongman physique (giant kin form)
They are highly attractive to other humans, fae, & goblinoid giant kin when in their human form, fae elvish form, & giant kin goblinoid form 
Bust, Hip, & Waist Measurements (When in female form):
The long, uncut, & bound hair tied in a bun seen in pre colonial East Asian and Southeast Asian society since he/she/they are Afro Asian Native. with silver hair braid beads, gold hair braid beads, & bronze hair braid beads. These braided hair beads come with magical human, homo magi, and indigenous magical human magical runes and symbols. The beads are braided into their hair with the small magical bamboo wood beads. It is also braided with magical bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. The bamboo beads symbolize luck, protection, prosperity, stability and strength. Their hairstyle is tied in a bun with some flyaways.
As an Afro Asian Native they keep their hair tied in dreadlocks, twists, & braids hairstyle. Braided by their parents.
He/she/they later shaved their head to a short haircut after an emotional moment of losing their wands. Wands passed down to them by their parents have been in their family since the first magical users of their ancestors. When it was destroyed in an act  of betrayal by a half elf homo magi death knight and fallen paladin. Several cultures connect hair to a higher power, the universe, ancestors. The homo magi half elf white nn coded character Harrison Williams destroying the wands of a bipoc character is a micro and macro aggression act of anti native racism. Siblings and cousins didn’t understand the significance so their elders had to tell them and help them understand the grievance of this act of betrayal by their former friend and rival. 
He/she/they now have a clipper cut, crew cut, high and tight, Ivy League, pompadour, or clean shaven hairstyle in masculine male form. It’s tightly coiled. It is a tall or high Afro tapered on the sides. With a low skin fade with a design and locs on top. The design shaved into their low skin fade is an arcane symbol. The locs braided with metal braids and beaded with wooden beads. Some parts of the locs are dyed silver and gold. 
Long ponytail that is partly shaved in a punk look. Single or double three strand flat braid. When in female form when transfiguring with magic. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with magical bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. Beaded and braided by siblings.
They also wear their hair in a bouffant hairstyle. He/she/they structured part of his/her/their loosely knotted or twisted pinned up buns with silver, brass, & gold wire. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with magical bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. Beaded and braided by cousins.
Queue or double braids as someone Indigenous magical human third gender. Beaded and braided by aunts and uncles.
All of these hairstyles are magically dyed. Parts of their hair glow gold or silver using a glowing magical elixir or potion crafted by an alchemist that bonds to the dna in their hair. 
Dad’s hairstyle is a tonsured head and queue of pre colonial East Asian China. 
Mom’s hairstyle as an Afro Asian woman of color is twists
Hair color: Jet Black. 
Hair texture: Lush and slick
Hair look/state: Shiny and brushed
Eye Color: 
Left biological eye. Dark brown almond. With flecks of gold the color of the desert sand and black the color of obsidian in the iris. 
Right prosthetic clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye. Eye color that can be red, blue, green, purple, white, yellow, orange, or black because of interchangeable ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, diamond, citrine, or obsidian gemstone crystals that act as eye irises. When using magic the clockwork mechanical magical glass eye glows scarlet, azure, emerald, amethyst, silver, gold, & charcoal.
Eye Sight: 
Near-sighted. Myopic. Can’t see far. Wears black magical prescription glasses. Magical modern reading glasses with rectangular shaped lens. These frames had full rims. These glasses were made out of both plastic and metal.  
Skin color: 
Brown. Terra Cotta. Russet. Sepia. Umber
Depending on human form, fae elvish form, or goblinoid/giant kin form
Father’s skin tone is sepia and terra cotta
Mother’s skin tone is ochre and umber 
Younger siblings have ochre, terra cotta, sepia, umber, tawny, & gold skin tones. 
Their eyes and hair change color when using magical human magic, indigenous magical human magic, and homo magi magic. Their eyes and hair blaze silver, charcoal, amber, emerald, cardinal, or sapphire. The palms of their hands and mouth burn pearl, onyx, gold, jade, ruby, or cobalt. The color they glow depends on what type of magic they are using as a magic user and fighter.
In their human form they have more human features. In their elvish fae form they have more dark and light elvish features. In their goblinoid and giant kin form they have more hobgoblin, orc, goliath, troll, oni, & giant features.
Age: 35 by humanoid standards. 
Non-magical humans can live to 200 to 300 years thanks to technology. Magical humans like Homo magi, Indigenous magical humans, & magical humans can live up to 500 to even thousands of years thanks to technology and magic. 
His/her/their body is covered in traditional tattoos as a native person of color. His/her/their body from their upper body (of their face, neck, chest, back, & legs) are covered in traditional Indigenous magical human tattoos. His/her/their arms and legs are covered in traditional magical human tattoos. The traditional magical human and traditional Indigenous magical human tattoos blaze ruby, emerald, and cerulean when using magic. 
Their chest is covered in East, Southeast, South Asian, & West Asian inspired samurai, dragon, tiger, white lotus flower, oni, & mythical bird tattoos. 
Their back is covered in modern magical steampunk tattoos. These are tattoos of a Victorian noble lady woman of color wearing a suit, goggles, and a top hat. She is wielding a rapier and a quadruple barrel flintlock pistol. This tattoo is of their Afro Asian native ancestor on their mothers side. She is in front of a background of roses, cogs, gears, springs, pocket watches, screws, clocks, etc. She wears a top hat so her hairstyle under the top hat is an afro puff ponytail coming out from the side.
They are both rebelling and conforming to magical human and indigenous magical human tradition. They are rebelling and evolving. They are learning about themselves in their new environments and adjusting to changes and challenges in non native society of the Homo magi. 
Hands are covered in Homo magi magical tattoos. These tattoos glow amethyst when using magic. 
Arms and legs are covered in West Asian and South Asian Henna magical body markings. The edges around the markings radiate silver, obsidian, and gold when using magic. These markings only exist when they are transfigured into their female form using magic though. They don't exist when he/she/they are in their male form.
They have a blue magical scar that goes from the top of their face on their left forehead all the way to the bottom of their left cheek. The scar goes through their left eyebrow. They were blinded in one eye by disfigurement early on in their life as a magical military officer. They later had this eye replaced with a prosthetic mechanical clockwork and magical glass eye. They cover this prosthetic eye with a black eyepatch.
Motor skill: 
Cross dominance. They shoot rifles with their right hand. They eat with their right hand. They draw, paint, & write with their left hand. They pitch with their left hand. They use a baseball bat and hit a baseball with their right hand.  
Magical jewelry set. 
Pocketwatch. Lets the user control and manipulate time. Lets the user go back in time or forwards in time but only for a few minutes. 
Steampunk watch. Silver watch with gold inlays. Gears, screws, knobs, & dials made out of brass, copper, silver, & gold. 
Witch Necklace with magical pendant. Amplifier artifact. Gives owner or wearer a titanic boost to whatever powers they already possess or unlocking latent powers. Gold necklace with sapphire gemstone. It is a magical talisman or amulet. A talisman is any object ascribed with religious or spiritual magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm individuals for whom they are made for. A talisman is an object, typically an inscribed ring or necklace with a crystal gemstone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck. Talismans are often portable objects carried on someone in a variety of ways. An amulet, also known as a good luck charm, is an object believed to confer protection upon its possessor. Attached to the amulet are wooden talismans carved into the shapes of animals sacred to the magical humans and Indigenous magical humans. Animal figurines are carved out of ash wood, birch wood, cherry wood, elm wood, hazel wood, maple wood, oak wood, pine wood, rose wood, & willow wood. Such as wooden talismans of a magical cave bear, ferret, badger, dire wolf, fox, coyote, eagle, raven, owl, moose, buffalo, deer, fish, lizard, snake, crocodile, elephant, hyena, leopard, lion, ibex, water buffalo, crane, tiger, turtle, stingray, dolphin, shark, whale, & orca. As these are animals sacred to them as an Afro Asian Native. These wooden talisman totems are interchangeable and each totem gives them a specific power and strength. Some give extra strength, flexibility, perception, speed, endurance, constitution, charisma, intelligence, agility, or luck boosts. Also attached to the necklace are trophies from their hunts of and fights with magical beasts, animals, & creatures such as a fire basilisk fang, a chimera claw, a manticore tooth, a juvenile minotaur steer horns, a shard of a black alicorn (evil winged unicorn) horn, an Orochimaru snake fang, a shard of a evil Kirin or Qilin horn, an Egyptian sphinx claw, & a cryogenic ice hydra fang. 
Alchemist Necklace with magical amulet. A gold necklace that comes with a red ruby colored philosopher’s stone. Made by legendary alchemist Nicholas Flamel. Stolen from him by a female half elf arcana spy and arcane trickster rogue. She is the reason magic users distrust other magic users. A previous occupation of hers involved copying spells from the spell books of the best magic users and selling them to the highest bidder. Whether it be another wizard or the wizard who owned the spell originally. She was hired to steal a completed philosopher’s stone from the alchemist Nicholas Flamel. She stole it from him while he was working in the capital as a royal alchemist even though he was protected by a squad of gunslingers, fighters, magic users, & paladins. A sorcerer’s stone is a rare magical artifact and substance. Reputed to be able to transmute base metals into precious metals, cure diseases and illnesses, revive dead plants and animals, create flexible or malleable glass, cure toxins and poisons, extend a humanoid’s lifespan on a supernatural level, bring the dead back to life, transmute common crystals into precious gemstones, heal wounds and injuries, create of a homunculus, & even grant immortality. To create one, one needs to know the right alchemical formula, have the required ingredients, & the right preparation.   
Mage Bracelet. Power limiter. Item is a power regulator used to restrict his/her/their power level. This item lets him/her/them control his/her/their magic power. When he/she/they were an apprentice of a grand magician and grand sorceress they gave him/her/them this bracelet to help them learn to control his/her/their uncontrolled and dangerous raw magic. In time he/she/they were able to use magic without the power limiter safely. This power limiter was also used in magical training as training with their full power suppressed helped increase their magical power. Gold and palladium metal bracelet with four black tourmaline, shungite, tiger’s eye, apache tears, & hematite gemstone crystals. Gemstones are carved into the shapes of the sun, moon, planets, stars, comets, & other celestial objects. 
Sorcerer/Sorceress Rings of power. Silver, gold, steel, & platinum rings with ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, & diamond gemstones on their left hand. Tungsten, palladium, cobalt, & titanium rings with agate, garnet, jade, onyx, & sardonyx gemstones on their right hand. Amplifier artifact that boosts spellcasting abilities. Gives owner or wearer a titanic boost to whatever powers they already possess or unlocking latent powers. Gemstones are carved into the shape of the elements of earth, fire, water, air, storm, wood, nature, stone, & ice. Gives the user super strength. Gives the user heightened defense and durability. 
Clan sigit ring. Gold ring with sapphire gemstone. Attached to the ring is a wolf. The wolf is made out of black titanium and silver. The wolf looks like it’s eating the sapphire gemstone. The eyes of the wolf have extra small ruby gemstones. Has inscriptions of the noble and old house of Norwood’s clan motto and the ancient and powerful house of Delacroix’s clan motto. 
Warlock Earrings with lapis and peridot gemstones. Amplifier artifact. Gives the owner a small boost to whatever powers they already possess. Helps wearer in unlocking hidden latent powers. Gives the wearer the power of super hearing. Gives the user glamor and illusion based abilities. Comes with fire basilisk fangs. It is beaded. It comes with purple, gold, & black colored beads with a red border. The purple symbolizes royalty. Gold symbolizes riches. Black symbolizes the dark place we must go to to achieve liberation. Red symbolizes the spilling of their blood by non native settler Homo magi. It is a magical human and Indigenous magical human regalia. 
Warlock Earrings with obsidian and sardonyx gemstones. Amplifier artifact. Gives the owner a small boost to whatever powers they already possess. Helps wearer in unlocking hidden latent powers. Gives the wearer the power of super hearing. Gives the user glamor and illusion based abilities. Comes with feathers from the West Asian Roc Arabic magical bird and West Asian mythological Persian Iranian Simurgh bird. Feathers are black, brown, gold, & white. It is beaded. It is a magical human and Indigenous magical human regalia.  
Six ear piercings on their light Fae Elvish ears that are made out of silver, gold, palladium, & titanium. Three on each side of their ear. On the left ear one tragus ear piercing with ruby gemstone, one helix ear piercing with sapphire gemstone, and one lobe ear piercing with aquamarine gemstone. On the right ear one anti tragus ear piercing with a tiger's eye gemstone, one anti helix ear piercing with moonstone gemstone, and one lobe transversal ear piercing with sugilite gemstone. These earrings act as a magical shield for basic magical attacks. 
Ear cuff piercing on their left and right ear. Pierced in the elongated part of their light fae Elvish ears. Piercings made out of bone. Both are black as they are the bones from a magical beast, creature, or monster. Both earrings gave them the ability to see a few minutes into the past and future. Left ear cuff piercing was made out of bone from a cryogenic ice hydra. It was a monster that shot ice breath blasts from its fifty heads. The earring gives the user ice resistance. Right ear cuff bone piercing was made from bone of a fire basilisk. The earring gives the user fire resistance.  
Twelve ear piercings when in goblinoid/giant kin form. Twelve ear piercings on their giant kin/goblinoid ears that are made out of gold, silver, palladium, & titanium. Six on each side of their ear. On the left ear one tragus ear piercing with ruby gemstone, one conch ear piercing with agate gemstone, one helix ear piercing with sapphire gemstone, one daith ear piercing with alexandrite gemstone, one snug ear piercing with almandine gemstone, and one lobe ear piercing with aquamarine gemstone. On the right ear one anti tragus ear piercing with a tiger's eye gemstone, one rook ear piercing with amazonite gemstone, one anti helix ear piercing with moonstone gemstone, one rook ear piercing with ametrine gemstone, one forward helix piercing with amber gemstone, and one lobe transversal ear piercing with sugilite gemstone. These earrings act as a magical shield for basic magical attacks. 
Human form piercings:
Silver high lobe rings with andalusite and bloodstone gemstone on their left and right ear 
Gold barbell piercing with andradite and citrine gemstone on their left and right ear
Diamond helix stud lobe piercings with aquamarine and danburite gemstone on their left and right ear
Titanium helix upper lobe rings with aventurine and diamond gemstone on their left and right ear
Palladium vertical eyebrow piercing spiked barbell with benitoite gemstone on their left eyebrow
Palladium horizontal eyebrow piercing spiked barbell with beryl gemstone on their right eyebrow
Medusa diamond stud piercing with diopside gemstone above their lip
Gold dimple studs with emerald gemstone in their cheeks
Silver spiked labret with hiddenite gemstone on their chin 
One palladium septum ring piercing with gemstone that goes through their nose that comes with diamond gemstone. They are allergic to fake gold and fake silver. 
Silver barbell bridge piercing with lolite gemstone between their eyes on top of their nose. 
A rhino barbell nose ring piercing with opal gemstone on the top of their nose.
Two nose ring piercings with amethyst and pearl gemstones on the left and right side of their nose. 
Black Nasallang piercing with jade and jasper gemstone on the left and right side of their nose
Third eye diamond stud piercing with kunzite gemstone on their forehead 
Silver barbell piercing with kyanite gemstone in their navel 
Gold barbell piercing with labradorite gemstone on their chest 
Palladium barbell nipple piercings with lapis lazuli and malachite gemstone
Giant kin piercings: 
Two Orcish High Orc tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These orc tusks are adorned with two silver rings with garnet and onyx gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two High Troll tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These troll tusks are adorned with two bronze rings with jade and amber gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Hobgoblin goblinoid tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These hobgoblin tusks are adorned with two gold rings with quartz and jasper gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Ancient Ogre tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These ogre tusks are adorned with two copper rings with agate and emerald gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Giant kin Red Fire Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with titanium ring piercings with rhodonite and zircon gemstones. The top of the horns has a floating orb of fire. 
One Giant kin White Ice Oni Kijin horns on forehead. The top of the horn has a floating orb of frost, snow, & ice. It was broken in half in combat with a adamantine spear by a high elf during the Alliance Civil War and was filed down to a horn stub. They had an elder carved arcane symbols and esoteric images into the horn stub. 
Two Giant kin Blue Storm Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with brass rings that are piercings with malachite and alexandrite gemstones. The top of the horns has a floating orb of lightning.
A motorized spinning ball or disc shaves these horns and tusks down so they don’t grow too long and stays manageable and so shapes them in a stylish fashion. 
Some elders of their clan, tribe, & nation feel these piercings are off putting, ostentatious, and vulgar. Others were swayed to change their minds on how they felt about it. 
Some peers of their clan, tribe, & nation feel that these piercings are unpleasant, pretentious, & tasteless. Some find them fascinating and intimidating. Most try to mask their curiosity. 
When in Goblinoid or Giant Kin Form:
Magically reinforced spine for extra support that can lift objects much stronger than them 
Shell like scales on areas where they need more protection like forehead, knuckles, knees, & elbows 
Knobby skull structures
Opposable wolflike ears that can focus better on sounds and voices around them.
Sharp and asymmetrical body features.
Stocky, athletic, & heavy set body
Narrow, broad, strong, refined, sharp, smooth, bony, soft, full, piercing, square, jutting, slipped, angular, sloped, prominent, subtle, protruding, & structured facial features  
Bodybuilder body type and strongman physique
Deep or bright red, purple, & yellow eyes with metallic flecks in the iris. 
Flowing, thick, swept,  fluffy, loc’d, & tightly coiled hair. 
Grooved, funnel shaped, coiled, & pointed tusks.
Ridged, curved, sharp, & spiraling horns.
Their mouth has four sets of tusks as someone with goblinoid, troll, orc, & ogre ancestry.
Two Orcish High Orc tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These orc tusks are adorned with silver rings with garnet and onyx gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two High Troll tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These troll tusks are adorned with bronze rings with jade and amber gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Hobgoblin goblinoid tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These hobgoblin tusks are adorned with gold rings with quartz and jasper gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Ancient Ogre tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These ogre tusks are adorned with copper rings with agate and emerald gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
One Giant kin White Snow Oni Kijin horn on forehead. 
Two Giant kin Blue Lightning Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with brass ring piercings with malachite and alexandrite gemstones. 
Two Giant kin Red Fire Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with brass ring piercings with rhodonite and zircon gemstones. 
The bottom of the horns are covered by an elaborate red headband adorned with gemstones. The headband keeps the Afro Asian Native hair out of their face. 
Their neck is covered with a blue bandana with a gold metal plate engraved with an arcane symbol engraved on it.
They do not mask these features. This lets them know who fears them and lets them know who their real friends are. 
These features are considered intense, cryptic, domineering, enigmatic, striking, fierce, imposing, alluring, regal, vivid, mystical, intricate, & magnificent by their goblinoid and giant kin allies. 
When in Fae Elvish Form: 
Long purple, silver, or green Dark Fae hair tied in a dutch or french braid. 
Braided with metal braids and beaded with wooden beads. 
Red, green, blue, or purple Dark Fae Elvish eyes. 
Narrow, sharp, full, keen, refined, soft, smooth, bony, craggy, sloped, angular, protruding, subtle, & pronounced facial features 
Light Fae Elvish ears. 
Upturned Nose. 
Androgynous Face. 
High Cheekbones.  
Enlarged eyes. 
Two antennae on forehead. Helps with psionic powers, telepathy, empathy, & resistance against mind control.
Feathery growths around the sides of the face. 
Petal flower plant-like growths on arms and shoulders that grow stronger under sunlight, starlight, & moonlight. 
Silken and velvety pearlescent skin 
Delicate and symmetrical facial features.
Lean and toned body type. 
Dark fae elvish form has gunmetal color hair. 
Matte black color skin with a sheen to it that looks like car paint. 
Deep burnt orange red undertone. 
Red hair with brass highlights.
These features are considered meek, delicate, slight, dreamlike, petite, timid, graceful, effervescent, spunky, airy, sparkling, lissom, willowy, vivacious, dainty, elegant, & fine by their light and dark fae elvish allies. 
They do not mask these features. This lets them know who fears them and lets them know who their real friends are. 
Sex: Male. Assigned male at birth or AMAB
Gender: Nonbinary or Two Spirit
Gender Identity: Bigender or Pangender
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual, or Polysexual
Pronouns: He him, she her, they them 
Religion: Magical human pagan. Polytheistic 
Believer in Indigenous magical human spirituality. 
Believer in animism. Belief that nature, animals, plants, & objects have souls. 
Fluent in reading, writing, & speaking the Indigenous magical human language, magical human language, & Homo Magi language. Fluent in writing, reading, and speaking Common, Undercommon, Goblin, Underdark, Fey, Elvish, Droll, Draenei, Gnomish, Dwarvish, Troll, Sylvan, Orcish, Halfling, & Giantish. They are fluent in these languages because of their Human, Elvish, Giant Kin, & Goblinoid ancestry. They are inarticulate in Deep Speech, Fiendish, Serpent Tongue, Celestial Primordial, & Draconic.  
Autistic as someone with autism
Neurodivergent: ADD or attention deficit disorder, ADHD or attention hyperactive disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder 
Prosthetic Arm: 
Automotive Armored Prosthetic Bionic Arm. They have an automotive armored prosthetic bionic right arm. He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. He/she/they were disfigured by a magical arcane mithril longsword wielded by an officer of the Homo Magi Empire. At some point in the past he/she/they have lost use and function to a part of himself/herself/themselves. But through study of the arcane and the help of those who have already done so he/she/they have replaced it with an advanced high-end prosthetic bionic replacement. It is a prosthesis that replaces a missing extremity such as an arm or leg. The type of limb used is determined by the extent of amputation or loss of the missing extremity and the location of the missing extremity. Artificial limbs are needed for a variety of reasons where a body part is either missing from the body or a body part is too damaged to be repaired. It was built for them by an engineer, an inventor, a mechanic, several artificers of differing subclasses and backgrounds, & several highly skilled magic users (such as a mage, alchemist, sorcerer, witch, & warlock). It was installed on their body through a team of highly trained surgeons and doctors. Having artificial prosthetic limbs comes with a number of complications. Some of which are minor inconveniences while others can be dangerous if ignored. Due to the constant risk of damage and mechanical failures the mechanical prosthetics require daily maintenance and repair. It is maintained and repaired regularly by a team of mechanics and artificers. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm is highly upgradable and highly customizable. The prosthetic is linked directly to the nervous system taking electrical pulses from nerves to regulate the many electrical motors and actuators inside the prosthetic bionic arm. It can be moved at will like a natural appendage. This augment functions as if it were the normal body part. These constructs are designed to replace lost limbs if magical healing is not available or if the user desires to have an improved replacement. The automotive mechanized bionic prosthetic arm has electrical motors, gears, & springs. The bionic arm is made with a full skeletal titanium frame with steel armor plating to protect the wires and intricate machinery inside. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm moves using synthetic muscles and fibers. It is a fully articulated prosthetic arm with multiple moving parts capable of manipulating even weapons.  Once the prosthetic is attuned to its user it will behave and act as the limb it replaces. It moves according to conscious and unconscious thoughts and commands from its user. This was a prosthetic intended to replace lost limbs and damaged organs. This advanced prosthetic replaced and enhanced the lost limb. The prosthetic bionic arm was painted to look like their real biological arm. First perfected by draenei, gnomes, dwarves, & goblins, the armored automotive prosthetic bionic arms arms are now built by several master artificers, inventors, & engineers. The bionic arm provides an almost perfect semblance of full functionality but is quite expensive. The recovery time it took for the user to recover from the automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm after doctors and surgeons installed on their body took three months. It does not require an external energy source. It has a built-in battery. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm is electrical, steam, & gas powered. This prosthetic arm is also powered by small finely cut shining magical ruby, diamond, amethyst, onyx, pearl, malachite, sapphire, jasper, topaz, quartz, & emerald gemstones inserted throughout the bionic arm. The automotive armored prosthetic arm is also a magically enhanced bionic arm. This prosthetic bionic arm is made of steel, gold, silver, electrum, nickel, brass, titanium, platinum, & copper for durability. However, contemporary technological advancements have allowed certain automotive armored prosthetic bionic limbs to be composed of other materials  as to be less cumbersome and more durable than steel in abnormal conditions. This prosthetic bionic arm is also made with a weave of chrome, fiberglass, aluminum, & carbon fiber for flexibility. Like wearers of normal prosthetics these users are subject to various aches and pains resulting from drastic changes in barometric pressure. However another drawback to full steel limbs are the adverse effects which occur in extreme conditions such as heat and cold. In extremely high temperatures the metals which conduct and retain heat induce great deals of discomfort to the user. Who must remain with a heated metal object grafted to the skin. In extremely cold temperatures the cold conducting metals cause standard oils to cease functioning as well as expedite frostbite damage to the connecting tissue. This means that the bionic arm is also made of lighter more expensive alloys that is resistant to extreme temperature changes so the armored automotive prosthetic bionic arm no longer suffers the ill effects of certain extreme heat and extreme cold environments. This is a high quality prosthetic bionic replacement that is made to look life-like (at least at first glance). This artificial prosthetic limb is much less bulky than its counterparts. Since its frame more closely follows the contours of an organic biological limb. The exterior and interior of its chassis is lined with precious gemstones, crystals, metals, and complex arcane engravings. Engraved with intricate decorations and animated with magic. A powerful enchantment provides full sensory feedback to its user allowing all sorts of tasks to be accomplished with the limb. It was upgraded with large glowing red, blue, green, gold, silver, & violet bold magical crystals. The bionic arm comes with a built-in sonar to detect nearby enemies and allies. Some of the more creative and talented prosthetics inventors, artificers, & engineers have been known to include all sorts of devices in prosthetic limbs. Some ranging from helpful tools to dangerous weapons. Including some with questionable legality. Some intrepid amputees have even been known to tinker with their limbs on their own time. However you go about it, modifying an artificial limb requires great expertise and tends to be costly. The prosthetic bionic arm was later weaponized and upgraded with mithril, adamantine, etherium, & orichalcum metal for combat situations as a military grade augmentation. This makes the prosthetic arm built with a lot of durability and so would not break easily even with high output performances in combat.
Clockwork and Magical Prosthetic eye: 
They have a prosthetic clockwork and magical right eye. The prosthetic magical clockwork metal eye is made out of platinum, brass, silver, gold, & copper. They have a blue magical scar that goes from the top of their face on their left forehead all the way to the bottom of their cheek. The scar goes through their left eyebrow. They were blinded in one eye by accident early on in their life as a magical military officer. However their caretakers managed to craft, buy, or otherwise procure some kind of device that allowed them to see more or less like normal people. He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. He/she/they were disfigured by a magical arcane adamantite crossbow bolt wielded by a high elf officer who was a ranger of the High Elf military of the Elven Federation. At some point in the past he/she/they have lost use and function to a part of himself/herself/themselves. But through study of the arcane and the help of those who have already done so he/she/they have replaced it with an advanced prosthetic replacement.  Without the eye they had decreased depth perception. It was built for them by a gnome, dwarf, & goblin who were tinkerers, inventors, blacksmiths, engineers, & artificers. This mechanical and magical item looks as if a gnome, dwarf, goblin, & draenei attempted to install a watch, a sky pirate spyglass, a pocket watch, & small precious gemstone crystal into the person's eye socket. Since its clockwork technology you can hear the silent whirring of gears when very close to the eye. Losing your eye is fairly easy in a world filled with magic. Gaining back your sight is still possible if you have the brass, copper, silver, platinum, & or gold coin for it. In the biggest cities of the magical kingdoms, homo magi kingdoms, or Indigenous magical human nations you can find merchants of all kinds. However to gain your sight back you must approach only the best gnome, draenei, goblin, or dwarven tinkerers, mechanics, inventors, & artificers in the city. They can install the device in two days. The first day is spent on measurements and creating the components while the second day is spent installing the apparatus. Purchasing a mechanical clockwork and magical eye gains your sight back and much more. These devices not only return your vision but also prevent further eye loss with the diamond hard lenses and metal clockwork. The prosthetic eye lets them be a sniper as a sharpshooter when using a magical carbine or magical rifle. Bizarre irises or unusual pupils mark the individual. It is a magical clockwork prosthetic eye. The metal eye is inlaid with a crystal. The magical crystal iris is hidden behind a glass eye iris made out of four diamond lenses. This artificial eye replaces a real one that was lost or removed. They can see through it as though it were a normal eye. It is adorned by interchangeable gemstone jewel crystals. The crystal can be a blue sapphire, red ruby, green emerald, white pearl, purple amethyst, black obsidian, or gold citrine gemstone crystal that acts as the prosthetic eye’s iris. This lets their left eye color be a variety of colors. This is truly a luxury item for the blind. The clockwork eye has a glowing magical gemstone crystal iris with a rune where the iris is supposed to be. The iris is shaped like the slitted eye of a kitsune nine tailed fox demon or the eye of a hellhound. While the eye is embedded in their eye socket. It can’t be removed by anyone other than them. The clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye upgraded with them as they ranked up as an adventurer. The eye has been customized and upgraded many times now that they are a S rank adventurer. 
Their clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye. It is hidden under an esoteric black eyepatch made out of dragonhide leather from an ancient chromatic black dragon with a gold plate engraved with an arcane rune. The eye patch is encrusted with small magical sapphire, ruby, emerald, amethyst, & diamond gemstones. The eye patch blocks unwanted telepathy from telepaths and empaths. The eye patch makes the user invisible for several minutes.The magical eye was upgraded by tieflings, fiend, celestial, aasimar warlocks with arch fae pacts, undying pacts, dark pacts, undead pacts, genie or djinn pacts, celestial pacts, & fiend pacts. The clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye gives them superhuman perception, knowledge, charisma, wisdom, intelligence, & luck. This gives this magical eye and clockwork prosthetic eye many magical and supernatural powers. The crystal is engraved with an arcane symbol. It allows the user to shoot magical optic blasts in the forms of magical beams or lasers from their eyes. It is detachable and can send images and video to its owner while detached functioning as a spy camera. They have the ability to remove one's false, magical, & mechanical eye and use it to view hard-to-see areas during certain situations after placing it somewhere. The eye is not in any way connected to the owner yet it operates just as well as it was. It functions as a magical surveillance drone or spy camera. He/she/they have an arcane magical eye. It gives the user the ability of eidetic memory and memory retention. It can copy anything it perceives. Gives the user near 360 telescopic and binocular vision. It has three blindspots. These blindspots are hard to exploit though. The magical eye lets them mind control other people, but only who look directly into their prosthetic eye, for a few minutes. The arcane eye lets them see through illusions. It lets them hypnotize enemies with illusions but only with direct line of sight. Lets them summon and command low level celestials and infernals such as demons and angels. It lets them summon imps and mustevals as familiars. Allows users to use all elements such as fire, water, storm, rock, & nature as an elementalist. It lets them see in the dark with night vision or heat signatures with heat vision. It lets them see magical signatures. It lets them see invisible creatures. It lets them speed up or slow down their perception of time for a few minutes using the clockwork mechanisms in the prosthetic eye. They can’t time travel using the eye though. It lets them see a few minutes into the future with the power of precognition, clairvoyance, & divination. It protects them from telepathy and telepaths such as mind flayers. It lets them use a penance stare or petrifying gaze on enemies who look directly into the eye for a few minutes. It gives them the superpower of ultimate vision with magic. They can see throughout the electromagnetic spectrum on a supernatural level. Allows users to see through supernatural disguises. Allows users the ability to see through dimensional rifts or interplane disturbances only for a few seconds. Gives the user the ability to use true sight for a few minutes. These powers are because of a magical clockwork entity that used mechanical symbiosis to fuse with the clockwork and magical prosthetic eye. Using these magical powers through the clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye is taxing on their energy, stamina, & endurance so they don’t use it often. This is a masterwork crafted item of hobgoblin, dwarvish, gnomish, & draenei make is of near mythical platinum rarity.  
Mental Illnesses: Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Father: Magical human High King and Indigenous Magical human Chieftain Elric Norwood or Kehar Sujin Pramoj-Kahn 
Mother: Magical human and homo magi Empress Victoria Delacroix or Farah Talia Kahn
Younger Sisters: 
Paramount Chieftain and Warchief Charlotte Norwood who is a Barbarian and Fighter  
Princess Olivia Norwood the Grand Inquisitor of Inquisition and High Elder of the Templar Mage Hunters
Princess Sophia Norwood a Magic User who is Grand Magister of an Arcane Magic Circle and the Parliamentary Leader of the Magical Government
Younger Brothers: 
Chieftain and Warchief Mason Norwood who is a Druid and Ranger of a druidic circle  
King Levi Norwood a paladin who is High Elder of a Knight and Paladin Order 
Six aunts and uncles.
Three aunts. Three uncles. 
16 cousins.
Adoptive children: 
Huan Niao
Liang Niao
Biological Children:
Liao Lua-Pramoj
Mai Lua-Pramoj
Brai Clearhunter
Mire Clearhunter
Hae Kim-Pramoj Daughter of Afro Asian Chun Hei Kim 
Marital Status: Married.
Relationship Model: Polyamorous
Love Interests:
Spouses and Partners:
Magical human and Indigenous magical human Queen Jocelyn Newberry or Jocelyn Vanessa Jimenez Rodriguez who is a fighter and magic user. She is Afro Latine and Afro Caribbean Native coded. In our world she would identify as Afro Latine Honduran, Afro Caribbean Costa Rican, and Boruca Indigenous of Costa Rica. She is a half Draenei.  
Chun Hei Kim. An Afro Asian coded character. She is half dragon (Southeast Asian, East Asian and European) and half magical human (Black coded). She is a Half Dragon Fighter 
Afro Asian monk Jia Lua. 
Female Human Cornelia Upri Nerrelot or Jasmine Chen who is a Rogue, Storm Mage (air, water, & lightning magic), & Gunslinger as an airship pirate captain, smuggler, sea pirate admiral
Homo Magi Empress Gwendolyn Olma
High Elf Empress Cellica Urigwyn is an S rank paladin and cleric
Ashryn Genmaris is a Wood Elf Queen S rank druid and ranger
Liadrel Grandstrider is a Blood Elf Queen S rank multi class magic user
Nysa Swiftmight is a Night Elf Queen S rank Bard
Falesh Doomcaller is a Dark Elf Empress S rank Rouge
Lynrea Richshade is a female Void Elf Queen who is a necromancer
Lethhonel Yeldi is a female Cave Elf
Jhilsara Liaris is a female Mountain Elf
Fayeth Balrora is a female Star Elf
Sorisana Holomyar is a female Moon Elf
Kylantha Raloquinal is a female Sun Elf Witch Eilora.
Reyphyra Finnea is a female Light Elf witch  
Lythienne Ravalynn is a female Avariel Winged Elf Witch Female Fire Elf Mage Aila Yllasor
Zniyra Qilee is a female Sea Elf Rogue Sea Pirate 
Illsevel Wynydark is a female Water Elf 
Aleesia Yllanelis is a female Earth Elf
Maescia Magbanise is a female Air Elf 
Darshee Carstina is a female Snow Elf
Eshenesra Leocan is a female Ash Elf
Alais Yinsys is a female Desert Elf 
Tialha Sharis is a female Wild Elf
Kilyn Naeharice is a female Proto Elf
Saida Zindi is a female City Elf
Coxaris Alvarara is a female Half Elf S rank summoner and beast master.
Zestari Gregwyn is a female Half Drow
Kaeria Sarmaris is a female space elf. She was displaced to the year 240 of this world (imagine our 1940s) from the year 2450
Sitia a Lightforged Draenei Queen S rank tinkerer and artificer
Alzi is a female Lightforged Draenei Paladin and Cleric
Xarett is a female Man’ari Unshackled Draenei Shaman and Druid
Keilun is a female Man’ari Shackled Draenei Mage and Warlock
Kodreg is a female Hobgoblin (evolved jungle and forest goblin)
Vrec is a female Hobgoblin (evolved gold goblin)
Zel is a female Hobgoblin (evolved fire goblin)
Rhud is a female Hobgoblin (evolved swamp goblin)
Norz is a female Hobgoblin (evolved tinker goblin) 
Fiyda a female Hobgoblin (evolved urban goblin) fighter and mage
Shan is a female Orog Underdark Orc
Roz is a female Gray Orc
Aodam is a female Mountain Orc
Daalu Stormfriend female Red Orc
Dura Froststeel a female High Orc Chieftain and Warchief S rank fighter, healer, & barbarian
Shaktila is a female Fire and Magma Troll
Zulkraa is a female Ice and Frost Troll
Tirezi is a female Forest and Tree Troll
Javilla is a female Stone and Mountain Troll
Jaroh Edie a female High Troll Chieftain and Warchief druid and healer.
Elyse Wanderchaser is a female Red Ogress.
Bruzrag Rivereye is a female Blue Storm and Lightning Kijin (Evolved Oni). 
Paakko Masterhauler is a female White Frost and Ice Kijin (Evolved Oni)
Mennio Flintmaker female Red Fire and Magma Kijin (Evolved Oni)
Vone Highhand is a female Storm and Lightning Goliath
Levi Bearjumper is a female Air and Cloud Goliath
Thagia Stonekiller is a female Fire and Magma Goliath
Inarra Tribewanderer is a female Ice and Frost Goliath 
Pauneo Deerleader is a female Hill and Earth Goliath
Maupeo Swiftstalker a female Behemoth (Evolved Goliath) Chieftain and Warchief S rank monk
Thana is a female Storm and Lightning Giant
Vomnild is a female Fire and Magma Giant
Dalra is a female Ice and Frost Giant
Zistra is a female Earth and Rock Giant
Salaia a female Winged and Feral Tiefling (Bloodline of Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Dispater, Fierna, & Zariel) Rogue and Fighter 
Phetari Vosara a female Hellfire and Abyssal Tiefling (Bloodline of Mephistopheles, Glasya, Levistus, Mammon) and Succubi hybrid Warlock and Sorceress
Vinra a female Fallen Aasimar Warlock and Rogue
Illi a female Scourge and Protector Aasimar S rank Cleric and Paladin
Delena is a female Goddess of Logic, Charity, Honor, Mercy, Justice, & Truth 
Phutheia is a female Goddess of War, Vengeance, & Glory
Ver'gan is a female Demon Queen, Devil General, & Demon Lord
Yoalyn Bronzebrook a female lightfoot halfling 
Anjen Autumnsun a female ghostwise halfling 
Heidol Zenna a female Dullahan Fallen Paladin 
Quart a female Humanoid Slimefolk Poring
Najiyya Azzam is a female Fire and Magma Djinn
Anbara Kalil is a female Water and Ice Djinn
Ruqayya Shaban is a female Earth and Mineral Djinn
Naafoora Yusuf is a female Air and Lightning Djinn
Terra a female Earth and Mineral Genasi S rank Barbarian and Fighter
Incinerate a female Fire and Magma Genasi S rank Artificer and Fighter
Tsunami a female Water and Ice Genasi S rank Cleric and Druid
Atmosphere a female Air and Lightning Genasi S rank Fighter and Ranger
Gidna Fierceclaw a female Royal Leonin Beastkin S rank Fighter and Paladin 
Tralzurh Siltnose a female Riverpaw Gnoll S rank Barbarian and Warlock 
Odd luck a female watcher tabaxi S rank Rogue and Monk
Ylva Peterson a female pureblood alpha werewolf 
Helga Olafsdottir a female werecat saber toothed Smilodon S rank fighter and barbarian 
Nebula Green a female pureblood alpha vampire sunwalker 
Sezlyneh Stonehoof a female Alicorn (Winged Unicorn and Pegasi) Centaur S rank Paladin and Cleric
Vofrar Brightleaves a female Reindeer Centaur S rank Ranger and Druid 
Zotse Winterseeker a female Mountain Tauren S rank monk and fighter 
Naba a female faun Ram Satyr an S rank Druid and Ranger 
Yorane a female Firebird Phoenix Harpy Fighter and Rogue
Sheng Coldbranch a female Eagle Aarakocra Artificer and Gunslinger
Akli a female serpentfolk Yuan-ti pureblood Monk and Fighter
Notleshi a female humanoid serpentfolk naga and lamia Bard and Monk
Lyn a female saltwater merfolk mermaid, siren, deep ocean triton, & fresh water nymph hybrid rogue and storm mage
Noelani Kekoa a female wereshark
Degno Emberdust a female Winged Dragonkin Kobold Artificer and Fighter
Rhah a female gator folk lizard folk 
Myulthajes Oyassa is a female Black Acid and Poison Chromatic Dragonborn 
Clerud Irlynys is a female Blue Storm and Lightning Chromatic Dragonborn 
Prilreth Hinmyse is a female Green Plant and Nature Chromatic Dragonborn 
Napaashtarran Faenys is a female Red Magma and Fire Chromatic Dragonborn 
Nyanxaalik Ophinys is a female White Ice and Frost Chromatic Dragonborn 
Cluldan Binys is a female Purple Amethyst Gem Dragonborn
Unxuulaller Daliann is a female White Diamond Gem Dragonborn 
Alxecun Sorinn is a female Green Emerald Gem Dragonborn
Aarnid Vyragil is a female Blue Sapphire Gem Dragonborn 
Valthel Belgwen is a female Red Ruby Gem Dragonborn 
Krinkesh Origwen is a female Brass Metallic Dragonborn 
Clulthac Iriecoria is a female Titanium Metallic Dragonborn 
Klildrek Welsipatys is a female Bronze Metallic Dragonborn 
Kampel Sodrish is a female Copper Metallic Dragonborn 
Klimtas Ophicoria is a female Silver Metallic Dragonborn 
Praaldraduul Bimeila is a female Gold Metallic Dragonborn 
Yastuac Eshhymm is a female Platinum Metallic Dragonborn 
Yaxareal Loramyse is a female Iron Metallic Dragonborn 
Nyachiashtaad Thasira is a female Tungsten Metallic Dragonborn 
Kuaphuduajer Zofsira is a female Zinc Metallic Dragonborn 
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dungeonmastertyrant · 4 months
Different types of humans in Dnd
Calishite: Shorter and slighter in build than most other humans Calishites have dusky brown skin hair and eyes
Chondathan: Chondathans are slender tawny-skinned folk with brown hair that ranges from almost blond to almost black. Most are tall and have green or brown eyes but these traits are hardly universal.
Damaran: Damarans are of moderate height and build with skin hues ranging from tawny to fair. Their hair is usually brown or black and their eye color varies widely though brown is the most common.
Illuskan: Illuskans are tall fair skinned folk with blue or steely gray eyes. Most have raven balck hair but those who inhabit the extreme northwest have blond red or light brown hair.
Mulan: Mulan are generally tall slim and amber skinned with eyes of hazel or brown. Their hair ranges from black to dark brown but in the lands where Mulan are most prominent nobles and many older Mulan shave off all their hair.
Rashemi: Often intermingled with the Mulan Rashemis tend to be short stout and muscular. They usually have dusky skin dark eyes and thick black hair.
Shou: They are yellowish brown in hue with black hair and dark eyes
Tethyrian: Tethyrians are of medium build and height with dusky skin that tends to grow fairer the farther north they dwell. Their hair and eye color varies wildly but brown hair and blue eyes are the most common.
Turami: Turami are generally tall and muscular with dark mahagony skin Curly black hair and dark eyes.
Source: Players handbook
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rvnwtch · 1 year
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xsage-writingx · 2 years
Breaking the Rules Chapter 6
Author’s Note: Chapter 6 is finally up! I'm so sorry. Life has been a little wild and I wasn't able to write as much as I wanted to. I know I say this on all of my posts but people don't seem to listen and I've ended up blocking people already. So, I guess I'll say it again, I will am checking bio's, for everyone's safety. If I don't see anything that is noting that you are over 18 years old, I will have to block you. I know some chapters are tame but just to be safe I need to do this.
Warnings: Fantasy DnD character death, DnD violence , Adult Language (if I missed anything, please let me know)
** I do not condone the copying and reposting of my work. If I find that it is being done I will delete everything and cease writing.**
Also: Here are the DnD characters connected to their in story character. Beck - Gwendriel (High Elf-Druid), Dustin - Donaar (Dragonborn-Paladin), Mike - Paelias (Half Elf-Paladin), Lucas - Oskar (Dwarf-Barbarian), Jeff - Anton (Turami Man-Fighter), Gareth - Amnon (Tiefling-Rogue), Matty - Urhur (Mulan Man-Barbarian).
The days ticked by uneventfully. The days turned from golden early September days to the crisp late September that whispered of October crunchy leaves. Eddie helped me build my D&D character. I chose to be a Light-Elf Druid, named Gwendriel. Eddie helped as much as he could; maybe even too much, as he was the one creating the campaigns. I wasn’t complaining. Eddie even went with me to purchase my dice set and a little velvet bag to carry them in. We had all agreed that I would participate in my first campaign that coming Friday, September 27th.
Thursday came and went and the entire day of Friday seemed to drag. I couldn’t focus in any of my classes. Even lunch didn’t help to ease my tension. By ninth period I was a wreck. My leg bounced under the table and on more than one occasion, Eddie had to reach over and place a hand on my knee to remind me to relax.
At the sound of the bell, I jumped from my seat and began collecting my things to leave. From beside me Eddie said, “What has gotten you all jumpy?”
I sighed and turned fully to him; my copy of The Great Gatsby hugged to my chest. “I’m just nervous for tonight. I don’t want to fuck up and make a fool of myself.” Eddie chuckled and we made our way towards the door. “You laughed, but what if you’re describing the scene and you say, ‘There is a clearing, in the middle of the clearing there is a circle of mushroom. In certain angles of the sun there seems to be a shimmer in the air.’ And what if I think it’s a good shimmer and I go into the fairy circle and it’s not a good thing and I die?”
Eddie threw his head back and laughed. “I don’t even think I’m that clever. That would be a dick move, because I would know you would fall for it.”
I groaned and threw my head back. Eddie threw his arm around my shoulders and guided me through the hall. “I’m going to die in my first campaign,” I groaned.
There was an hour and a half between the end of the school day and when we would all meet back in the drama room. As my house was closest to the school, Eddie and I decided that we would hang out there. As soon as we got there, Eddie meandered down to my room and I grabbed the snacks from the fridge that I had prepared the night before.
With my hands occupied with the tray, I pushed open the door with my hip and found Eddie lounging across my bed. His black jeans and dark curls were so at odds with the otherwise light room. I set the tray of snacks on the top of my dresser and went over to the bed. Eddie watched me with heavy eyes.
Without a word, I crawled onto the mattress beside him. One arm wrapped around his torso and my head rested on his shoulder. His heart pounded in my ear as he slowly adjusted his one arm under me to wrap around my back and the other to play with my fingers. I looked up to find that he was already looking down at me.
My stomach flipped. His dark eyes held me captive and pulled me in like the tide. I felt myself get lost in him. I had leaned up and was moving toward him slowly. His hand that was playing with my fingers ran up my arm and rested on the side of my neck. My eyes fluttered closed and I hummed at the warm touch.
Slowly, gently, he pulled me to him and touched my lips to his. It was slow and tender. I leaned my body into him and ghosted my fingertips up his side, only to rest my hand over the center of his chest. Below my palm his heartbeat thumped strong and hard.
Eddie’s one hand remained at my back, he kept me pressed to him, as though any room between us would have felt like an ocean. His other hand moved from my neck to cup my cheek.
Eventually, we pulled away and rested our foreheads together. He looked between my eyes and stroked my hair away from my face. I could have stayed like that forever. Lost in his dark eyes, the smell of mint and tobacco cradled my senses, and his constant touch. “A penny for your thoughts,” he asked in a whisper.
“Just thinking about you.” I twirled one of his curls, at the base of his head, around my finger. “Never in my life have I gotten so close to someone in such a short time.” My eyes moved from his to travel across his brow bone, down his nose, his cheeks, down his jaw line, then to his mouth. “You just came in and broke down all my walls, all my rules. I was planning on having a quiet senior year.” When I looked back into his eyes there was a buzzing anxiety. I smiled softly and began tracing his features with the tip of a finger. “And I don’t think I’ll be able to thank who-ever is up there enough for giving me you, and ruining all my plans.”
I stopped my tracing when my finger returned to under his eyes. He took my fingers in his hand and then proceeded to kiss each fingertip. “You realize you’re stuck with me now, right,” he said in a gravely tone.
“What,” I asked breathlessly.
“You showed me human affection. Now, you’re stuck with me.” He wrapped both arms around me, caged in against his chest. He hummed as my body pressed to his. “Yeah, you’re never getting rid of me. You just fit so perfectly!”
I laughed and squirmed to look up into his face. “Eddie Munson, you are absolutely impossible.”
He grinned down to me, “Impossibly what? Impossibly handsome? Impossibly charming? Impossibly irresistible?” With each option he provided he tickled my sides more and more until I was squirming out of his hold and fell to the ground.
I popped my head back up over the mattress and said, “No, just impossible to deal with.”
His mouth popped open and I mockingly copied him. “Oh,” he said as a smirk took over, “she wants to act like a little brat.” He was scrambling up on the mattress. I squealed and ran from my room. I could hear Eddie behind me. “You can run, princess,” he taunted as he gained on me.
I barely made it into the living room when his arms wrapped around my waist and picked me up into the air. With hot breath against my ear, he whispered, “Gotcha.” He still held me in the air against his chest as he groaned and said, “You got lucky,” he buried his nose in my hair, “We have to get going, which means, I can’t punish you for that stunt you pulled back there.”
My stomach tightened and I held down the whimper that threatened to escape. I should have left it there, but some kind of emboldened confidence surged through me and I said, “That’s too bad.”
Eddie’s arms tightened around my waist. What in the world possessed me to say that, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you. Maybe I wanted to see what he was capable of. Maybe I wanted to see if he was just all bark and no bite. “Tease,” he groaned into my neck and put me back on the ground. I turned to face him and Eddie said, “Come on, let’s get going before we miss your first Hellfire night.”
I nodded and went to walk past him to go down to the door. As I passed, a sharp smack landed on my butt. I froze with a gasp. A fire exploded in my core. My hands began to open and close and a coil tightened in my stomach. I slowly turned to Eddie to see him smirking down to me. The way he looked through the fringes of his bangs, his eyes blown dark, and the way he held his hands in front of him, made me tighten my legs together.
“Everything alright, princess,” he taunted.
I couldn’t speak. If I opened my mouth, words wouldn’t come out, only some leud noise. Instead, I gulped and nodded my head. I turned back around and made my way to the door.
By 4:30pm the entire group was gathered around the map that Eddie had created. He sat up on his throne and I sat to his right. He had already taken up the persona of Dungeon Master, he looked at each of us over his steepled fingers, his eyes pausing on me and racked over my form.
 “Welcome members. Just to remind everyone let us recap where the company ended last week. Our heroes are resting in a small inn of a town that has been terrorized by foul beasts. They believe that they are nearing their target, the vicious Vecna and his hoard.” He waved his hands toward the little players that are huddled together in the far corner of the board.
My eyes looked at the little black chess piece that stood just out of their circle. “Someone sat in the dark corner of the pub. Something in their minds begged them to approach the figure, but they were tired and needed to rest.” Eddie sat back in his throne and opened the floor for us to engage. “How do you proceed?”
Gwendriel sits in the far corner of the pub and watches the band of warriors take up the bar. Each eating their fill to prepare for the journey ahead. Their heads turn, in turns, to glance at her and whisper things amongst themselves. The night ticks by, the members leaving to retire for the evening.
It isn’t until the Half-Elf Paladin vacates the bar that Gwendriel stands and follows him to the stables of the inn. It is a quiet night, just a soft pitter-patter of rain on the roofs and dirt road. The Half-Elf pauses before a grey horse, petting the muzzle.
Gwendriel takes up a space down the stalls and begins to pet her own gelding. His velvety nose nuzzling her palm.
“They can truly teach you humility, can’t they,” the male says, he never looks over to her but something connects between the two. “I grew up with my human kin. When Vecna destroyed my village, I swore that I would ensure that no other child felt the way I did.”
“Vecna has affected so many lives. 50 years is a blink of an eye for an elf, and yet in that time Vecna and his shadow have spread across the land like a disease. My people only had one name for death before him. Now, we have many,” Gwendriel says, then turns to her half-kin.
“Why did you follow me?” The Paladin walks over to her. He shifts just barely on his feet; his human heritage unable to keep as still as Gwendriel stands.
“Please let me help you,” she says, “The balance of nature is at a tipping point and your company needs all the help it can get.” She bows her head just slightly, the action alone a massive showing of respect between high elf and half-elf.
The Paladin sucks in a breath as he sees a glimpse of her features in the candle light. He tilts his head lower and places a hand over his heart in pure respect. “It would be our honor.” He lifts his gaze back to Gwendriel and says, “We leave at first light. I will introduce you to the company then. What is your name?”
“Paelias, at your service.”
“The night passes and our heroes take their rest,” Eddie narrated and I grinned over to Mike. “The sky turns red just before sunrise and our company takes note of the bleeding sky. Is this an omen in their favor, or not, they did not know. They all dressed and gathered their weapons, then met under the ominous sky - .”
“And who is this,” a human fighter calls as Paelias and Gwendriel stand before the prepared horses.
“This is Gwendriel, Anton,” Paelias introduces and the other members fall together before the half-elf and high elf.
Gwendriel removes the hood of her cloak, her features seem to glow in the breaking dawn. “I am Gwendriel. I have offered my blade and skills for your endeavors.”
The Barbarian dwarf scoffs and says, “And what skills are those? Dazzling Vecna to death?”
Gwendriel slowly stalks to the group and lifts the sleeve of her left arm to show her forearm. The males and men before her gaze at the skin. Intricate webbing of scars twist around the skin and in the center of her wrist shows a snow-white scar in the sigil of a Druid. All mouths hang open as Gwendriel covers her arm again. “Allow me to worry about my skills.”
“The group introduces themselves and mounts their horses.” Eddie looked over to me with a grin then continued. The quest moved quickly once we got to the ruins where Vecna was located. We moved through the hoard, until we all prepared to make the final stand.
“The ground shakes beneath the battle rams and the dark forces clash their blades against their shields. CLANG! CLANG! CLANG!” Eddie beat out the rhythm against the table, causing all our figurines to tremble. “They chant out before our heroes, Hail Vecna! Hail Vecna!”
The company stands before the hoard. Their breaths raged and gore coated their weapons. Paelias raises his sword toward the waiting army. “By my oath, we will end this! Who will follow me into battle?”
The company breaks out into a roar of support. Each warrior raised their weapon with Paelias. Donaar’s flaming dragonborn blade, Oskar’s dwarvish battle axe, Anton’s shotel-curved sword, Amnon’s rogue dual swords, Urhur’s barbarian battle hammer, and Gwendriel’s elvish long saber all meet above their heads.
They turn towards the dark army and cry out. The dark forces surge like a rising tide, but our company is the stone. Strong and proud, they could not break.
Weapons clash and enemy after enemy fell before their weapons. The enemy is relinquishing the line. That is until a battle arrow shot through the air. Gwendriel watches it arch through the air and with a sickening thunk it hits its mark.
We were all standing around the table as we looked between the surrounded figures on the table and Eddie. “The air hangs still as the battle arrow brings Urhur to his knees. The battle hammer falls from his unfeeling hands.”
Matt yells and flopped into his seat.
Eddie flicked the figure down. I stared with wide eyes and my throat closed as our first player fell. “The army around the company has fallen and all that remains is Vecna.”
The company surged towards Vecna. The wild Barbarians and Fighters paying no heed as they try and fail to bring down the Maimed Lord. But Vecna did not falter and did not cease, it wasn’t until Paelias, Gwendriel, and Donaar stood alone before his dark shadow, that Vecna spoke.
“You have fought bravely,” dark shadows seem to seep from his tattered cloak. He looks between the remaining members and coos, “I feel the pain you have suffered. Let me take it and let me free you.”
He turns to Gwendriel, red eyes glow under the dark sky. He holds out his left hand, “I see your secrets, Gwendriel, child of light. It must burden you so.”
Gwendriel’s chest clenches as the breath is drawn from her lungs. Child of light, how did he know? There is a wild yell Donaar bursts forward and cuts clean through Vecna’s outstretched arm. Vecna’s arm falls to the ground and the hold on Gwendriel breaks.
The three warriors fight until Donaar falls and Gwendriel holds a fading Paelias in her arms. “Please, end this, Gwendriel,” Paelias pleads. “Do this for my people. As my kin, please finish what I cannot.”
“In Gwendriel’s arms Paelias parishes…” Eddie slowly leaned over the table, took the little figure of Paelias and placed him on his back. I looked over the stats that I had accumulated in this campaign and what Eddie and I worked towards in the weeks leading up to this.
Gwendriel looks up to Vecna with tears running down her face. “You poor dear. Come with me, and I will give you the peace you so desperately wish for.” He walks on feather-light steps, as though he glides with the mist.
Grief rips from Gwendriel’s throat as she slices her blade up. Vecna blocks the blow and the blade skates across the stones. Gwendriel is thrown back and Vecna comes to hover over her weak form.
His decrepit right hand takes hold of her throat and her body becomes paralyzed under his magic. She tries to find the light within her. Tries to find the will to break the paralysis. Something sparks within her and her arm reaches towards Paelias’ fallen body.
“I would have given you power. I would have let you live, she-elf.” Gwendriel sobs at Vecna’s words. Her arm stretches as far as she can get it, the tips of her fingers curling around a hilt of a dagger. “I suppose it is only fitting that you fall along with your friends.”
With a flash of light, the hold on Gwendriel is momentarily broken and swinging her arm up she slices across Vecna’s left eye.
“Vecna bellows as he clutches where his left eye should be,” Eddie narrated and loomed over the table from his throne.
Everyone had gathered around me as I shook the die in my hand. This would be my final move. I released the die and it twirled on the tabletop. The room hung still.
Gwendriel drills into her magic. Pulling, pulling until there is nothing left. With a final cry a wave of light bursts from her and slams into Vecna.
The die read 18.
Eddie leapt onto the table and yelled, “And when the light faded, Gwendriel on her knees, all that could be seen is a smoking form of Vecna. A form that did not move and did not get up.”
The group around me began to scream and hug me from all angles. They bounced around and cheered. I looked to Eddie and met his warm and dazzling gaze. Eddie stood from his place and came over to join us. I turned to him and squealed, “I did it!” I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck.
He spun me around and laughed. “I knew you would be amazing.” He pulled away from me just enough to look into my eyes. Then he cupped the side of my face with one hand and pulled me in for a kiss.
Behind us there was a chorus of groans. We pulled away and looked to the group. I laughed as I rested my head on Eddie’s chest as all the boys started to yell about no PDA in Hellfire. Eddie gave them all the middle finger as he turned back to me and tried to kiss me again.
**Thank you so much for reading!**
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insolitosims · 4 months
Lazurowe Bitowo - początki
Wznawiam publikowanie historii z mojego Lazurowego Bitowa czyli losów rodzin z Bitowa i Lazurowej Promenady. Mam tak dużo materiału, że powoli sama się we wszystkim gubię, więc będę starała się dodawać wpisy turami, a nie rodzinami, tak jak było wcześniej. Mam nadzieję, że będzie to dużo bardziej przejrzyste ;)
Rozpoczynamy od samego początku...
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Rodzina Żakiet, czyli dobrze nam znany Gerwazy oraz jego matka, Dagmara.
Opis Gerwazego oraz jego osobowość zupełnie nie pasują mi do jego aspiracji romansowania: ,,Uroczy gość. Umie cieszyć się życiem i czerpie z niego garściami."
Dla mnie Gerwazy jest zagubionym simem, żyjącym według oczekiwań rodziców. Szuka tej jedynej. Miał romans z wieloma simkami, w tym z Aleksandrą Gwiazdką oraz Florencją Della Rosą. Owocem jednorazowej przygody z Florencją został Syrakuzy. Po długich rozmowach, zarówno Gerwazy, jak i Florencja zgodnie stwierdzili, że zostaną przyjaciółmi, a Syrakuzy będzie miał kontakt z ojcem.
Gerwazemu od samego początku podobała się nowa pracownica jego rodzinnej piekarni, pochodząca z Wyspy Wanmami, Trina Dalton. Ta jednak zupełnie nie była nim zainteresowana, nie zwracała uwagi na zaloty Gerwazego. Irytował ją swoim zachowaniem. Ten był jednak nieustępliwy i po czasie, Trina zgodziła się na randkę, a później kolejną i kolejną...i tak już zostało. Zostali parą!
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Kiedy okazało się, że Trina jest w ciąży, Gerwazy poczuł się przytłoczony i spotkał się z jedną ze swoich byłych kochanek...szybko jednak zdał sobie sprawę ze swoich czynów i zerwał kontakty.
Trina Dalton to bardzo ambitna simka, która wyrwała się z małej wyspy, w poszukiwaniu lepszego życia. Chciała zostać prawniczką, pomagać innym simom. Udzielała się również w polityce. Jednak jej największą pasją oraz rzeczą, dzięki której stała się znana była seria książek o tematyce prawniczej, których akcja działa się na wyspie, z której pochodziła!
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Niedługo później na świecie pojawił się syn Gerwazego i Triny - Ksawery, który dostał imię po ojcu Gerwazego. Miłośnik zwierząt, mały smakosz i dziedzic piekarniczego imperium!
Dagmara również dość szybko odeszła.
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Jeśli chodzi o Florencję i Syrakuzego, to chłopiec miał bardzo dobry kontakt ze swoim ojcem oraz całą jego rodziną.
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Florencja rozwijała swoją kwiaciarnię, wychowywała syna oraz...związała się ze starym Maksymilianem Korzeniem. Oboje byli samotni i pragnęli bliskości.
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Będąc z Triną, Gerwazy przestał farbować włosy i pogodził się z szybkim siwieniem (tak!). Przy swojej ukochanej mógł być sobą. Cieszył się z tego, co ma. Problemy zaczęły się jednak wraz z dorastaniem Ksawerego, który dowiedział się o przeszłości ojca i jego romansach...
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bb-latvija · 6 months
Aizvadītajā nedēļā tiesībsargājošās iestādes no vienpadsmit valstīm sadarbojās vērienīgā starptautiskā operācijā, lai apturētu kibernoziedznieku grupu, kas pazīstama kā “Ragnar Locker". Šo operāciju koordinēja “Europol” un “Eurojust”, teikts “Europol” oficiālajā paziņojumā. https://twitter.com/Valsts_policija/status/1717164519452004707?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1717164519452004707%7Ctwgr%5Ee104fbc1b39eb91119a3707991b43a0b7d54ab49%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tvnet.lv%2F7883961%2Fvalsts-policija-piedalijusies-verieniga-starptautiska-operacija-bistamu-kibernoziedznieku-apturesanai Operācija norisinājās no 16. līdz 20. oktobrim, veicot izmeklēšanu Čehijā, Spānijā un Latvijā. Kibernoziedznieku grupējuma vadošais pārstāvis tika arestēts Parīzē, Francijā, 16. oktobrī, savukārt viņa mājās Čehijā tika veikta kratīšana. Spānijā un Latvijā tika pratināti pieci aizdomās turamie. Operācijas noslēgumā persona, kuru tur aizdomās par kibernoziedznieku grupas dibināšanu, stājās tiesas priekšā Parīzē. Ar grupējumu saistīta aparatūra tika konfiscēta arī Nīderlandē, Vācijā un Zviedrijā. Šī starptautiskā operācija ir rezultāts komplicētai izmeklēšanai, ko vadīja Francijas Nacionālā Žandarmērija, sadarbojoties ar likumsargu iestādēm no Čehijas, Vācijas, Itālijas, Japānas, Latvijas, Nīderlandes, Spānijas, Zviedrijas, Ukrainas un Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm. “Ragnar Locker” grupējums ir bijis aktīvs kopš 2019. gada decembra. Grupējums, izmantojot ļaunatūru, uzbruka kritiski svarīgām infrastruktūrām visā pasaulē. “Ragnar Locker” grupējums ir pazīstams ar “dubultās izspiešanas” taktiku, pieprasot lielu izpirkuma maksu gan par dekodēšanas rīkiem, gan arī par sensitīvu datu nepublicēšanu. Šis grupējums tika uzskatīta par augsta līmeņa apdraudējumu, ņemot vērā tā noslieci uzbrukt kritiski svarīgai infrastruktūrai.
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bali2023 · 1 year
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Mēs paņemam rolleri un pabraukājamies pa apkártni. Daļa braukŝanas gan ir kur sanāk, nevis kur vajag, jo uztaisīt labos pagriezienus ļoti intensīvajā satiksmē bieži vien ir praktiski neiespējami.
Aizbraucam līdz Sangeh Monkey Forest. No rìta te ir tikai daži vietējie tūristi ar bērniem. Pa parku staigá darbinieki ar "kaķenēm", kad mērkaķi kļŭst pārāk uzbāzìgi, tad pietiek viņu virziená noplikŝķināt kaķenes gumiju, viņi jau laižas. Citādi ir drusku bažīgi. Pie ieejas mŭs arī brīdināja, ka nevajag viņiem pieskarties, jo tad var iekost. Arī tad, ja uzlec virsū, neko nedarīt. Mēs piesargamies, vērojam, bet turamies pa gabalu. Bildes ar mērkaķi uz pleca ir kontrolēts pasākums kopá ar parka darbinieku.
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kritere · 1 year
Inter-Porto, chi è Taremi: il bomber iraniano che chiamano “Piscinas” per le sue furbate
DIRETTA TV 22 Febbraio 2023 L’Inter questa sera affronterà il Porto per gli ottavi di finale della Champions League. Tra gli uomini di Conceicao, Turami è sicuramente il giocatore più insidioso. 0 CONDIVISIONI L‘Inter affronterà il Porto in Champions League per gli ottavi di finale. Una sfida sulla carta abbordabile per i nerazzurri ma che comunque non va assolutamente sottovalutata dato che…
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madaboutyoumatt · 1 year
– I kogo ta natura zmiękcza – Josh zaśmiał się, patrząc na Matta krótko, zanim nie pociągnął go jeszcze kilka metrów na górkę. Dopiero tam i on wyznał swoje gorące uczucia, zarówno werbalnie jak i fizycznie. To jego lepienie się było miłym przypomnieniem, że pomimo Eve wciąż byli parą. Czasem w codziennym życiu i domowych obowiązkach zbyt łatwo było o tym zapomnieć.
Przez cały wieczór nic nie zdawało się być problemem. Josh przeciągnął trochę Matta, po obiedzie oboje zadzwonili do Eve, widząc jak ta siedzi na kolanach Ellie. Rozmowę skończyli jednak prędzej czy później, bo samo przypomnienie o braku rodziców blisko, wydawało się powodować co najmniej mały atak paniki. Josh wyrwałby sobie serce musząc oglądać ją w tym stanie zbyt długo, jednocześnie nie potrafiąc jej zostawić w spokoju, aż jego siostra podjęła męską decyzję. Pożegnała się, życzyła im dobrego czasu i rozłączyła się, udając słaby zasięg.
– Za kogo ona się uważa – Josh skomentował, chyba po to aby nie patrzeć się jak idiota na telefon Matta. Opadł też do tyłu dramatycznie rozwalając się na kanapie. Przedramię zarzucił na swoje oczy. – Powiedz mi, że przeżyją we dwie, a po powrocie obaj przeżyjemy w ogóle. Bez apokalipsy.
Oczywiste było po kim Eve miała ten cały dramatyzm.
W związku z brakiem internetu i lekkim zakazem podróżowania po zmroku, zostawały im dwie opcje: oglądanie filmów na serwisach lub wykorzystanie tego czasu inaczej. To był idealny czas na dobranie się, a zamiast tego oboje rozłożyli się na podłodze. Matt po turecku, Josh na brzuchu, marszcząc delikatnie nos na dywan, jakby coś mogło go z niego zaatakować. Sam wybrał jednak taką pozycję i konsekwentnie się jej trzymał przez dwie tury szachów. Dokładnie tyle wytrzymał, zanim nie zaczął się nudzić.
– Mówili, że mają jakieś kulki do kąpieli – przypomniał podczas składania gry. – Jest szansa, że umyjemy się razem w zgodnej temperaturze czy idziemy turami?
To w gruncie rzeczy było ciężkie pytanie. Odpowiedzialne. Matt mógł zdecydować się wziąć rozluźniającą dla niego kąpiel w gorącej wodzie, samotnie i cóż, dokładnie w taki sposób w jaki chciał. Wizja była kusząca, trochę bardziej niż po prostu ciepła woda (dla Josha wciąż gorąca), ale znając grafika ten weźmie szybki prysznic i to będzie na tyle z jego relaksu.
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solarrayoptics · 1 year
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Jaungada kūka
Uz silikona gumijas ar skrūvēm un magnētiem nostiprināti spoguļi. Apmēram tā pat, ka teleskopa konstrukcijā. Tie ir rokās turami diski, ar kuriem projicēt 54 sauleszaķus. ap 500 detaļu katrā diskā. Silikona gumiju pārdod pa 400 eur kvadrātmetrā, poliuretāna švamme ir lētāka, un dabūta ‘’pa kanāliem’’ no Dinair filtru rūpnīcas Olainē. Kopumā tāds disks sanāk visai padārgs, Izgatavot vienu disku varu apmēram divās dienās, ja visi materiāli ir jau sagādāti.  Apakšā arī uz magnētiem piestiprināts ādas pārklājums, zem kura ir skrūves, uz kurām stiprinās spoguļi. Spaidot ādas apakšu, spoguļi kustās, locot silikona disku arī - tā veidojas gaismas efekts. Faktiski šo lietu vajadzētu palielināt apmēram 20x  lielāku, lai efekts pilnībā atklātos darbībā.
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Idea 1 - DnD Races Research - Humans
Humans are the youngest amongst the common races and due to their short lifespans compared to others. They strive to achieve as much as they can, wanting to leave a lasting legacy, preserve traditions that are remembered far beyond the reach of a single human memory, making them live in the present but plan for the future.
They are more physically divers ranging between 5 and over 6 feet, 125 to 250 pounds and having a wide range of skin tones, hair colours and eye colours. Most humans have a dash of non-human blood, like hints of elf, orc, etc. Their tastes, morals and customs depend on the different lands where they've settled.
Not only are they the most physically divers race, but also the most adaptable and ambitious, making them adaptable opportunists, innovators, achievers and pioneers. Their societies are very inclusive and humans speak common and one language of their choosing.
There are 9 different types of humans, a few being:
Calishite: They are shorter, have a slighter build and dusky brown skin, hair and eyes.
Chondathan: They are slender, tall and tawny-skinned. They have brown hair, that ranges from almost blonde to almost black, and green or brown eyes.
Illuskan: They are tall and fair skinned, have a range of hair colour, mostly raven-black or blonde, red or light brown, and have blue or steely grey eyes.
Turami: They are tall and muscular, have dark mahogany skin, curly black hair and dark eyes.
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mudaship39 · 5 months
Character Bio of the Afro Asian Native Fae Elvish, Giant Kin, and Goblinoid Spellcaster, Gunslinger, & Swordfighter Part 1
Lysander Alphonse Norwood/Luciana Jaqueline Norwood or Kittsak/Kaeo Alin Pramoj: Profile, Record, & Archive:
Human Name:
High King/High Queen Lysander Alphonse Norwood/Luciana Jaqueline Norwood
Chieftain and Warchief Kittsak/Kaeo Alin Pramoj
Fae Elvish Name: 
Eroan/Darshee Loraphine (Light Fae name)
Kherveh/Kaithri Varvic (Dark Fae name)
Goblinoid or Giant Kin Name:
Ozhe Ugor/Noski Ugor the Wrath
Variant Human: (Similar to Forgotten Realms: Abbalayar, Arkauin, Azuposi, Bawani, Bedine, Calishites, Chondathan, Chultans, Damarans, Durpari, Ffolk, Green Folk, Gurs, Halruaans, Illuskan, Imaskari, Issacortae, Itzazs, Kara-tur, Koryoan, Kozakuran, Kuong, Lantanna, Maztica, Metahel, Mulans, Nahopaca, Nars, Netherese, Nexalan, Northlanders, Nubari, Payit, Pazruki, Purang, Rashemi, Raumviran, Shaarans, Shou, Sossrim, Talfir, Tashalans, Tayanulchi, Tethyrian, Tuigan,  Turami, Ulutiuns, Vaasan, Wanese, Wu-haltai, Zakharans).
(Humans on Planets of Aballon, Androffa, Akiton, & Eox. Aishmayar, Althameri, Amai Birtim, Beshzem, Caldaru, Casmar, Chelaxian, Garundi, Iobarian, Jadwiga, Jalunah, Kara, Kellids, Khattibi, Keleshite, Lergeni, Midean, Mishyrian, Mwangi, Ninshaburian, Qalah, Shoanti, Susianam, Taldans, Tian Dan, Tian Dtang, Tian Hwan, Tian La, Tian Min, Tian Shu, Tian Sing, Tzorehiyi,  Ulfen, Varisians, Varki, Vudrani, & Yenchaburian Humans of Arcadia, Avistan, Azlant Casmaron, Erutaki Garund Sarusan and Tian Xia of Pathfinder)   
Variant human: Arctic, Islander, Subterranean (Deep human), Coastal, Desert, Forest, Jungle, Grassland, Marshland, Jungle, Hill, Mountain, Swamp, Urban, & Sky Kingdoms (ariel nation in the sky held up by anti gravity tech and magic). 
Half elf
Elvish Ancestry
Half goblinoid
Goblinoid ancestry
Half giantkin
Giant Kin ancestry
God/Goddess. When he/she/they died they were chosen to become a god/goddess/deity as a human with fae elvish, giant kin, and goblinoid ancestry. He/she/they were chosen to become the fae elvish god goddess of magic, the giant kin god goddess of technology, and goblinoid god goddess of smithing including (god smithing weapons meant to kill gods and devils).
High Orc (Evolved Water Orc), Half Orc (half Gray Orc), White Snow Kijin (Evolved White Ice Oni), Storm Giant, Ancient Ogre (Evolved Elder Ogre), High Troll (Evolved Fire Troll), Half Troll (half Ice Troll), Half Giant (half Cloud Giant), Frost Goliath, & Half Oni (half Red Fire Oni) giant kin ancestry. Blue (Psionic Goblin), Batiri, Hobgoblin, Half Goblin (half Fire Goblin), Kijimuna, Nilbog, Tinker, Urban Goblin, & Space Goblin goblinoid ancestry by their father High King Elric Norwood or Chieftain and Warchief Kehar Sujin Pramoj.
Night Elf, Moon Elf, Half Elf (half Drow), Celestial Elf, Earth Elf, Desert Elf, Crystal Elf, Star Elf, Gray Elf, Void Elf, Ice Elf, Dark Elf, & Space Light Elf Fae ancestry by their father High King Elric Norwood or Chieftain and Warchief Kehar Sujin Pramoj.
High Elven, Cosmic Elf, Wood Elf, Half Elf (half Proto Elf), Urban Elf, Fire Elf, Sea Elf, Wild Elf, Water Elf, Sun Elf, Blood Elf, & Space Dark Elf Fae ancestry by their mother Empress Victoria Delacroix or Sultan Farah Talia Kahn.
Bakemono, Koalinth (Sea Hobgoblin), Norker, Snow Goblin, Swamp Goblin, Tinker Goblin, & Verdan (shifter goblin) goblinoid ancestry, Arctic Orcs, Ash Giant, Aquatic Orcs, Black Orcs, Cave Troll, Cloud Giant, Eldritch Giant, Death Giant, Desert Giant, Firbolg, Fire Giant, Fire Oni, Fire Troll, Fog Giant, Forest Troll, Frost Giant,  Gray Orc, Hill Giant, Ice Oni, Ice Troll, Island Giant, Jungle Giant, Jungle Orcs, Lowland Troll, Ogre, Mountain Giant, Mountain Orc, Mountain Troll, Sand Giant, Snow Troll, Stone Giant, Storm Giant, Storm Oni, Swamp Orc, Titan, Tree Troll, Tundra Orc, Verbeeg, Voadkyn (Wood Giant), Water Orc, Water Troll, & Space Giantkin (descended from giantkin who terraformed and colonized the stars) ancestry by their mother Empress Victoria Delacroix or Farah Taliah Kahn.
Fae Arch Fey, Celestial Eladrin, Dryad, Fey Eladrin, Noble Eladrin, Nymph, Fey Touched, Hamadryad, Naiads, Nereids, Nixie, Rusalka, & Yuki-on-na ancestry by their mother Empress Victoria Delacroix or Sultan Farah Talia Kahn.
Magical Human, Indigenous Magical Human, & Homo Magi Hybrid Variant Human. Elvish ancestry. Giantish ancestry. Goblinoid ancestry. 
Racial Identity: 
Magical Human (poc coded). Homo Magi (white coded). He/she/they are Southeast Asian, East Asian, West Asian, & South Asian coded. 
Born to Paramount Chieftain and Warchief Kehar Sujin Pramoj-Kahn or High King Elric Luka Norwood a mixed Asian Native coded father and a Kahn Farah Talia Kahn or Empress Victoria Josephine Delacroix mixed Afro Asian Native coded mother. 
If their father was in our world he would identify as an Asian Native. 
If their mom was in our world she would identify as an Afro Asian Native.
Cultural Identity: 
Indigenous Magical Human (native coded). In real life he/she/they would be considered an Afro Asian Native.  
Soft meat, round ears, spoon ears, normie, pink-skin, smoothskin, suckling, monkey, world blight, tree killer, graceless elf, rabbit spawn, milkskin, whore-race, ape spawn, cattle, & round teeth (as a human variant)
Swampskin, tusk face, greenskin, low born, fangless, slime skin, necro breath, pig face, tusker, scrawn born, weak jaw, bastard, runt, warthog, brute, pup, fake giant kin, grunt, weak blood, halfbreed, green blood, cast off, oath broken, forsaken, half a savage, giant kin spawn, impure, sheath-meat, half man, little tooth, half good, polluted blood, short pork, savage, half caste, green ape, & short tusk (as someone with giant-kin ancestry)
Green skin, slime skin, baby orc, gobbo, & trash gnome (as someone with goblinoid ancestry)
Mongrel, half wit, half a brain, half breed, dirty blood, diet fae, civilized elf, half bad, fling kid, muddied, outcast, half caste, elf lite, half ear, traitor baby, half blood, half good, mutt, bastard, not enough. and halfway (as a half fae elf) 
Leaf lover, wingless fairy, santa’s helper, flower eater, mushroom dancer, pointy ears, knife ear, faithless, sapling, rot wood, sun lover, branch muncher, berry breeder, tree shaggin pixie, woodland sprite, tree fucker, dew drinker, bark sniffer, ash face, tree thumper, fey mongrel, surface dweller, discount dryad, knife ear, daisy sniffer, sap blood, domesticated fae, fairy wannabe, hippie, dagger head, and leaf licker (as someone with fae dark and  light elven ancestry)
November 3rd 
Scorpio Tiger
5’8” Male Goblinoid Form
5’9” Female Goblinoid Form
5′10” Male form in human variant form. 
5’11” Female form in human variant form.
6’1” Male Fae Elvish Form 
6’2” Female Fae Elvish form
7’2 to 9’3 ft” Male Giantkin Form
7’3” to 9’5ft Female Giantkin Form
180 (For Human Variant Form only)
200 (For Elvish Fae Form)
280 (Hobgoblin Goblinoid Form
380-480 (Giant Kin Orc/Troll/Oni/Goliath form)
Shoe Size:
Goblinoid (Hobgoblin) form: Mens 10
Human form: Mens 11
Fae (Dark or Light Elf) form: Mens 12 
Giantkin (High Orc, High Troll, Goliath, Oni, or Ogre) form: Mens 13 to 20  
Body Type: 
Tone and athletic and somewhat chubby body type (Human variant form)
Lean and slender body type (Elvish Fae Form)
Mixture of body builder body type and strongman physique (giant kin form)
They are highly attractive to other humans, fae, & goblinoid giant kin when in their human form, fae elvish form, & giant kin goblinoid form 
Bust, Hip, & Waist Measurements (When in female form):
The long, uncut, & bound hair tied in a bun seen in pre colonial East Asian and Southeast Asian society since he/she/they are Afro Asian Native with silver hair braid beads, gold hair braid beads, & bronze hair braid beads. These braided hair beads come with magical human, homo magi, and indigenous magical human magical runes and symbols. The beads are braided into their hair with the small magical bamboo wood beads. It is also braided with magical bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. The bamboo beads symbolize luck, protection, prosperity, stability and strength. Their hairstyle is tied in a bun with some flyaways.
As an Afro Asian Native they keep their hair tied in dreadlocks, twists, & braids hairstyle. Braided by their parents.
He/she/they later shaved their head to a short haircut after an emotional moment of losing their wands. Wands passed down to them by their parents have been in their family since the first magical users of their ancestors. When it was destroyed in an act  of betrayal by a half elf homo magi death knight and fallen paladin. Several cultures connect hair to a higher power, the universe, ancestors. The homo magi half elf white nn coded character Harrison Williams destroying the wands of a bipoc character is a micro and macro aggression act of anti native racism. Siblings and cousins didn’t understand the significance so their elders had to tell them and help them understand the grievance of this act of betrayal by their former friend and rival. 
He/she/they now have a clipper cut, crew cut, high and tight, Ivy League, pompadour, or clean shaven hairstyle in masculine male form. It’s tightly coiled. It is a tall or high Afro tapered on the sides. With a low skin fade with a design and locs on top. The design shaved into their low skin fade is an arcane symbol. The locs braided with metal braids and beaded with wooden beads. Some parts of the locs are dyed silver and gold. 
Long ponytail that is partly shaved in a punk look. Single or double three strand flat braid. When in female form when transfiguring with magic. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with magical bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. Beaded and braided by siblings.
They also wear their hair in a bouffant hairstyle. He/she/they structured part of his/her/their loosely knotted or twisted pinned up buns with silver, brass, & gold wire. Sections of his/her/their hair are adorned and braided with magical bamboo wood beads, ash wood beads, elm wood beads, holly wood, & pine wood beads. Sections of his/her/their hair are braided with bronze, silver, & gold metal braid beads. Beaded and braided by cousins.
Queue or double braids as someone Indigenous magical human third gender. Beaded and braided by aunts and uncles.
All of these hairstyles are magically dyed. Parts of their hair glow gold or silver using a glowing magical elixir or potion crafted by an alchemist that bonds to the dna in their hair. 
Dad’s hairstyle is a tonsured head and queue of pre colonial East Asian China. 
Mom’s hairstyle as an Afro Asian woman of color is twists
Hair color: Jet Black. 
Hair texture: Lush and slick
Hair look/state: Shiny and brushed
Eye Color: 
Left biological eye. Dark brown almond. With flecks of gold the color of the desert sand and black the color of obsidian in the iris. 
Right prosthetic clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye. Eye color that can be red, blue, green, purple, white, yellow, orange, or black because of interchangeable ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, diamond, citrine, or obsidian gemstone crystals that act as eye irises. When using magic the clockwork mechanical magical glass eye glows scarlet, azure, emerald, amethyst, silver, gold, & charcoal.
Eye Sight: 
Near-sighted. Myopic. Can’t see far. Wears black magical prescription glasses. Magical modern reading glasses with rectangular shaped lens. These frames had full rims. These glasses were made out of both plastic and metal.  
Skin color: 
Brown. Terra Cotta. Russet. Sepia. Umber
Depending on human form, fae elvish form, or goblinoid/giant kin form
Father’s skin tone is sepia and terra cotta
Mother’s skin tone is ochre and umber 
Younger siblings have ochre, terra cotta, sepia, umber, tawny, & gold skin tones. 
Their eyes and hair change color when using magical human magic, indigenous magical human magic, and homo magi magic. Their eyes and hair blaze silver, charcoal, amber, emerald, cardinal, or sapphire. The palms of their hands and mouth burn pearl, onyx, gold, jade, ruby, or cobalt. The color they glow depends on what type of magic they are using as a magic user and fighter.
In their human form they have more human features. In their elvish fae form they have more dark and light elvish features. In their goblinoid and giant kin form they have more hobgoblin, orc, goliath, troll, oni, & giant features.
Age: 35 by humanoid standards. 
Non-magical humans can live to 200 to 300 years thanks to technology. Magical humans like Homo magi, Indigenous magical humans, & magical humans can live up to 500 to even thousands of years thanks to technology and magic. 
His/her/their body is covered in traditional tattoos as a native person of color. His/her/their body from their upper body (of their face, neck, chest, back, & legs) are covered in traditional Indigenous magical human tattoos. His/her/their arms and legs are covered in traditional magical human tattoos. The traditional magical human and traditional Indigenous magical human tattoos blaze ruby, emerald, and cerulean when using magic. 
Their chest is covered in East, Southeast, South Asian, & West Asian inspired samurai, dragon, tiger, white lotus flower, oni, & mythical bird tattoos. 
Their back is covered in modern magical steampunk tattoos. These are tattoos of a Victorian noble lady woman of color wearing a suit, goggles, and a top hat. She is wielding a rapier and a quadruple barrel flintlock pistol. This tattoo is of their Afro Asian native ancestor on their mothers side. She is in front of a background of roses, cogs, gears, springs, pocket watches, screws, clocks, etc. She wears a top hat so her hairstyle under the top hat is an afro puff ponytail coming out from the side.
They are both rebelling and conforming to magical human and indigenous magical human tradition. They are rebelling and evolving. They are learning about themselves in their new environments and adjusting to changes and challenges in non native society of the Homo magi. 
Hands are covered in Homo magi magical tattoos. These tattoos glow jade, cardinal, sapphire, amethyst when using magic. 
Arms and legs are covered in West Asian and South Asian Henna magical body markings. The edges around the markings radiate silver, obsidian, and gold when using magic. These markings only exist when they are transfigured into their female form using magic though. They don't exist when he/she/they are in their male form.
They have a blue magical scar that goes from the top of their face on their left forehead all the way to the bottom of their left cheek. The scar goes through their left eyebrow. They were blinded in one eye by disfigurement early on in their life as a magical military officer. They later had this eye replaced with a prosthetic mechanical clockwork and magical glass eye. They cover this prosthetic eye with a black eyepatch.
Motor skill: 
Cross dominance. They shoot rifles with their right hand. They eat with their right hand. They draw, paint, & write with their left hand. They pitch with their left hand. They use a baseball bat and hit a baseball with their right hand.  
Magical jewelry set. 
Pocketwatch. Lets the user control and manipulate time. Lets the user go back in time or forwards in time but only for a few minutes. 
Steampunk watch. Silver watch with gold inlays. Gears, screws, knobs, & dials made out of brass, copper, silver, & gold. 
Witch Necklace with magical pendant. Amplifier artifact. Gives owner or wearer a titanic boost to whatever powers they already possess or unlocking latent powers. Gold necklace with sapphire gemstone. It is a magical talisman or amulet. A talisman is any object ascribed with religious or spiritual magical powers intended to protect, heal, or harm individuals for whom they are made for. 
A talisman is an object, typically an inscribed ring or necklace with a crystal gemstone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck. Talismans are often portable objects carried on someone in a variety of ways. An amulet, also known as a good luck charm, is an object believed to confer protection upon its possessor. Attached to the amulet are wooden talismans carved into the shapes of animals sacred to the magical humans and Indigenous magical humans. Animal figurines are carved out of ash wood, birch wood, cherry wood, elm wood, hazel wood, maple wood, oak wood, pine wood, rose wood, & willow wood. Such as wooden talismans of a magical: cave bear, ferret, badger, dire wolf, fox, coyote, eagle, raven, owl, moose, buffalo, deer, fish, lizard, snake, crocodile, elephant, hyena, leopard, lion, ibex, water buffalo, crane, tiger, turtle, stingray, dolphin, shark, whale, & orca. As these are animals sacred to them as an Afro Asian Native. 
These wooden talisman totems are interchangeable and each totem gives them a specific power and strength. Some give extra strength, flexibility, perception, speed, endurance, constitution, charisma, intelligence, agility, or luck boosts. Also attached to the necklace are trophies from their hunts of and fights with magical beasts, animals, & creatures such as a fire basilisk fang, a chimera claw, a manticore tooth, a juvenile minotaur steer horns, a shard of a black alicorn (evil winged unicorn) horn, an Orochimaru snake fang, a shard of a evil Kirin or Qilin horn, an Egyptian sphinx claw, & a cryogenic ice hydra fang. 
Alchemist Necklace with magical amulet. A gold necklace that comes with a red ruby colored philosopher’s stone. Made by legendary alchemist Nicholas Flamel. Stolen from him by a female half elf arcana spy and arcane trickster rogue. She is the reason magic users distrust other magic users. A previous occupation of hers involved copying spells from the spell books of the best magic users and selling them to the highest bidder. Whether it be another wizard or the wizard who owned the spell originally. 
She was hired to steal a completed philosopher’s stone from the alchemist Nicholas Flamel. She stole it from him while he was working in the capital as a royal alchemist even though he was protected by a squad of gunslingers, fighters, magic users, & paladins. A sorcerer’s stone is a rare magical artifact and substance. Reputed to be able to transmute base metals into precious metals, cure diseases and illnesses, revive dead plants and animals, create flexible or malleable glass, cure toxins and poisons, extend a humanoid’s lifespan on a supernatural level, bring the dead back to life, transmute common crystals into precious gemstones, heal wounds and injuries, create of a homunculus, & even grant immortality. To create one, one needs to know the right alchemical formula, have the required ingredients, & the right preparation.   
Mage Bracelet. Power limiter. Item is a power regulator used to restrict his/her/their power level. This item lets him/her/them control his/her/their magic power. When he/she/they were an apprentice of a grand magician and grand sorceress they gave him/her/them this bracelet to help them learn to control his/her/their uncontrolled and dangerous raw magic. In time he/she/they were able to use magic without the power limiter safely. This power limiter was also used in magical training as training with their full power suppressed helped increase their magical power. Gold and palladium metal bracelet with four black tourmaline, shungite, tiger’s eye, apache tears, & hematite gemstone crystals. Gemstones are carved into the shapes of the sun, moon, planets, stars, comets, & other celestial objects. 
Sorcerer/Sorceress Rings of power. Silver, gold, steel, & platinum rings with ruby, sapphire, emerald, amethyst, & diamond gemstones on their left hand. Tungsten, palladium, cobalt, & titanium rings with agate, garnet, jade, onyx, & sardonyx gemstones on their right hand. Amplifier artifact that boosts spellcasting abilities. Gives owner or wearer a titanic boost to whatever powers they already possess or unlocking latent powers. Gemstones are carved into the shape of the elements of earth, fire, water, air, storm, wood, nature, stone, & ice. Gives the user super strength. Gives the user heightened defense and durability. 
Clan sigit ring. Gold ring with sapphire gemstone. Attached to the ring is a wolf. The wolf is made out of black titanium and silver. The wolf looks like it’s eating the sapphire gemstone. The eyes of the wolf have extra small ruby gemstones. Has inscriptions of the noble and old house of Norwood’s clan motto and the ancient and powerful house of Delacroix’s clan motto. 
Warlock Earrings with lapis and peridot gemstones. Amplifier artifact. Gives the owner a small boost to whatever powers they already possess. Helps wearer in unlocking hidden latent powers. Gives the wearer the power of super hearing. Gives the user glamor and illusion based abilities. Comes with fire basilisk fangs. 
It is beaded. It comes with purple, gold, & black colored beads with a red border. The purple symbolizes royalty. Gold symbolizes riches. Black symbolizes the dark place we must go to to achieve liberation. Red symbolizes the spilling of their blood by non native settler Homo magi. It is a magical human and Indigenous magical human regalia. 
Warlock Earrings with obsidian and sardonyx gemstones. Amplifier artifact. Gives the owner a small boost to whatever powers they already possess. Helps wearer in unlocking hidden latent powers. Gives the wearer the power of super hearing. Gives the user glamor and illusion based abilities. Comes with feathers from the West Asian Roc Arabic magical bird and West Asian mythological Persian Iranian Simurgh bird. Feathers are black, brown, gold, & white. It is beaded. It is a magical human and Indigenous magical human regalia.  
Six ear piercings on their light Fae Elvish ears that are made out of silver, gold, palladium, & titanium. Three on each side of their ear. On the left ear one tragus ear piercing with ruby gemstone, one helix ear piercing with sapphire gemstone, and one lobe ear piercing with aquamarine gemstone. On the right ear one anti tragus ear piercing with a tiger's eye gemstone, one anti helix ear piercing with moonstone gemstone, and one lobe transversal ear piercing with sugilite gemstone. These earrings act as a magical shield for basic magical attacks. 
Ear cuff piercing on their left and right ear. Pierced in the elongated part of their light fae Elvish ears. Piercings made out of bone. Both are black as they are the bones from a magical beast, creature, or monster. Both earrings gave them the ability to see a few minutes into the past and future. Left ear cuff piercing was made out of bone from a cryogenic ice hydra. It was a monster that shot ice breath blasts from its fifty heads. The earring gives the user ice resistance. Right ear cuff bone piercing was made from bone of a fire basilisk. The earring gives the user fire resistance.  
Twelve ear piercings when in goblinoid/giant kin form. Twelve ear piercings on their giant kin/goblinoid ears that are made out of gold, silver, palladium, & titanium. Six on each side of their ear. On the left ear one tragus ear piercing with ruby gemstone, one conch ear piercing with agate gemstone, one helix ear piercing with sapphire gemstone, one daith ear piercing with alexandrite gemstone, one snug ear piercing with almandine gemstone, and one lobe ear piercing with aquamarine gemstone. On the right ear one anti tragus ear piercing with a tiger's eye gemstone, one rook ear piercing with amazonite gemstone, one anti helix ear piercing with moonstone gemstone, one rook ear piercing with ametrine gemstone, one forward helix piercing with amber gemstone, and one lobe transversal ear piercing with sugilite gemstone. These earrings act as a magical shield for basic magical attacks. 
Human form piercings:
Silver high lobe rings with andalusite and bloodstone gemstone on their left and right ear 
Gold barbell piercing with andradite and citrine gemstone on their left and right ear
Diamond helix stud lobe piercings with aquamarine and danburite gemstone on their left and right ear
Titanium helix upper lobe rings with aventurine and diamond gemstone on their left and right ear
Palladium vertical eyebrow piercing spiked barbell with benitoite gemstone on their left eyebrow
Palladium horizontal eyebrow piercing spiked barbell with beryl gemstone on their right eyebrow
Medusa diamond stud piercing with diopside gemstone above their lip
Gold dimple studs with emerald gemstone in their cheeks
Silver spiked labret with hiddenite gemstone on their chin 
One palladium septum ring piercing with gemstone that goes through their nose comes with a  diamond gemstone. They are allergic to fake gold and fake silver. 
Silver barbell bridge piercing with lolite gemstone between their eyes on top of their nose. 
A rhino barbell nose ring piercing with opal gemstone on the top of their nose.
Two nose ring piercings with amethyst and pearl gemstones on the left and right side of their nose. 
Black Nasallang piercing with jade and jasper gemstone on the left and right side of their nose
Third eye diamond stud piercing with kunzite gemstone on their forehead 
Silver barbell piercing with kyanite gemstone in their navel 
Gold barbell piercing with labradorite gemstone on their chest 
Palladium barbell nipple piercings with lapis lazuli and malachite gemstone
Two Orcish High Orc tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These orc tusks are adorned with two silver rings with garnet and onyx gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two High Troll tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These troll tusks are adorned with two bronze rings with jade and amber gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Hobgoblin goblinoid tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These hobgoblin tusks are adorned with two gold rings with quartz and jasper gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Ancient Ogre tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These ogre tusks are adorned with two copper rings with agate and emerald gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Giant kin Red Fire Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with titanium ring piercings with rhodonite and zircon gemstones. The top of the horns has a floating orb of fire. 
One Giant kin White Ice Oni Kijin horns on forehead. The top of the horn has a floating orb of frost, snow, & ice. It was broken in half in combat with a adamantine spear by a high elf during the Alliance Civil War and was filed down to a horn stub. They had an elder carved arcane symbols and esoteric images into the horn stub. 
Two Giant kin Blue Storm Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with brass rings that are piercings with malachite and alexandrite gemstones. The top of the horns has a floating orb of lightning.
A motorized spinning ball or disc shaves these horns and tusks down so they don’t grow too long and stays manageable and so shapes them in a stylish fashion. 
Some elders of their clan, tribe, & nation feel these piercings are off putting, ostentatious, and vulgar. Others were swayed to change their minds on how they felt about it. 
Some peers of their clan, tribe, & nation feel that these piercings are unpleasant, pretentious, & tasteless. Some find them fascinating and intimidating. Most try to mask their curiosity. 
When in Goblinoid or Giant Kin Form:
Magically reinforced spine for extra support that can lift objects much stronger than them 
Shell like scales on areas where they need more protection like forehead, knuckles, knees, & elbows 
Knobby skull structures
Opposable wolflike ears that can focus better on sounds and voices around them.
Sharp and asymmetrical body features.
Stocky, athletic, & heavy set body
Narrow, broad, strong, refined, sharp, smooth, bony, soft, full, piercing, square, jutting, slipped, angular, sloped, prominent, subtle, protruding, & structured facial features  
Bodybuilder body type and strongman physique
Deep or bright red, purple, & yellow eyes with metallic flecks in the iris. 
Flowing, thick, swept,  fluffy, loc’d, & tightly coiled hair. 
Grooved, funnel shaped, coiled, & pointed tusks.
Ridged, curved, sharp, & spiraling horns.
Their mouth has four sets of tusks as someone with goblinoid, troll, orc, & ogre ancestry.
Two Orcish High Orc tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These orc tusks are adorned with silver rings with garnet and onyx gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two High Troll tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These troll tusks are adorned with bronze rings with jade and amber gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Hobgoblin goblinoid tusks that poke out of the top of their mouth. These hobgoblin tusks are adorned with gold rings with quartz and jasper gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
Two Ancient Ogre tusks that poke out of the bottom of their mouth. These ogre tusks are adorned with copper rings with agate and emerald gemstones that wrap around their tusks. 
One Giant kin White Snow Oni Kijin horn on forehead. 
Two Giant kin Blue Lightning Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with brass ring piercings with malachite and alexandrite gemstones. 
Two Giant kin Red Fire Oni Kijin horns on forehead. These oni tusks are adorned with brass ring piercings with rhodonite and zircon gemstones. 
The bottom of the horns are covered by an elaborate red headband adorned with gemstones. The headband keeps the Afro Asian Native hair out of their face. 
Their neck is covered with a blue bandana with a gold metal plate engraved with an arcane symbol engraved on it.
They do not mask these features. This lets them know who fears them and lets them know who their real friends are. 
These features are considered intense, cryptic, domineering, enigmatic, striking, fierce, imposing, alluring, regal, vivid, mystical, intricate, & magnificent by their goblinoid and giant kin allies. 
When in Fae Elvish Form: 
Long purple, silver, or green Dark Fae hair tied in a dutch or french braid. 
Braided with metal braids and beaded with wooden beads. 
Red, green, blue, or purple Dark Fae Elvish eyes. 
Narrow, sharp, full, keen, refined, soft, smooth, bony, craggy, sloped, angular, protruding, subtle, & pronounced facial features 
Light Fae Elvish ears. 
Upturned Nose. 
Androgynous Face. 
High Cheekbones.  
Enlarged eyes. 
Two antennae on forehead. Helps with psionic powers, telepathy, empathy, & resistance against mind control.
Feathery growths around the sides of the face. 
Petal flower plant-like growths on arms and shoulders that grow stronger under sunlight, starlight, & moonlight. 
Silken and velvety pearlescent skin 
Delicate and symmetrical facial features.
Lean and toned body type. 
Dark fae elvish form has gunmetal color hair. 
Matte black color skin with a sheen to it that looks like car paint. 
Deep burnt orange red undertone. 
Red hair with brass highlights.
These features are considered meek, delicate, slight, dreamlike, petite, timid, graceful, effervescent, spunky, airy, sparkling, lissom, willowy, vivacious, dainty, elegant, & fine by their light and dark fae elvish allies. 
They do not mask these features. This lets them know who fears them and lets them know who their real friends are. 
Sex: Male. Assigned male at birth or AMAB
Gender: Nonbinary or Two Spirit
Gender Identity: Bigender or Pangender
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual, or Polysexual
Pronouns: He him, she her, they them 
Religion: Magical human pagan. Polytheistic 
Believer in Indigenous magical human spirituality. 
Believer in animism. Belief that nature, animals, plants, & objects have souls. 
Fluent in reading, writing, & speaking the Indigenous magical human language, magical human language, & Homo Magi language. Fluent in writing, reading, and speaking Common, Undercommon, Goblin, Underdark, Fey, Elvish, Droll, Draenei, Gnomish, Dwarvish, Troll, Sylvan, Orcish, Halfling, & Drow, Giantish. They are fluent in these languages because of their Human, Elvish, Giant Kin, & Goblinoid ancestry. 
They are inarticulate in Deep Speech, Fiendish, Lexodon, Serpent Tongue, minotaur, Leonin, Terran, Siren, Auran, Quori, Gnoll, Abysmal, Vedalken, Beholder, Tabaxi, merfolk, Aquan, Celestial, naga, Primordial, Iqnan, & Draconic.  
Autistic as someone with autism
Neurodivergent: ADD or attention deficit disorder, ADHD or attention hyperactive disorder, OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder 
Chronic Illness: magical chronic illness
Prosthetic Arm: 
Automotive Armored Prosthetic Bionic Arm. They have an automotive armored prosthetic bionic right arm. He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. He/she/they were disfigured by a magical arcane mithril longsword wielded by an officer of the Homo Magi Empire. At some point in the past he/she/they have lost use and function to a part of himself/herself/themselves. 
But through study of the arcane and the help of those who have already done so he/she/they have replaced it with an advanced high-end prosthetic bionic replacement. It is a prosthesis that replaces a missing extremity such as an arm or leg. The type of limb used is determined by the extent of amputation or loss of the missing extremity and the location of the missing extremity. Artificial limbs are needed for a variety of reasons where a body part is either missing from the body or a body part is too damaged to be repaired. It was built for them by an engineer, an inventor, a mechanic, several artificers of differing subclasses and backgrounds, & several highly skilled magic users (such as a mage, alchemist, sorcerer, witch, & warlock).
It was installed on their body through a team of highly trained surgeons and doctors. Having artificial prosthetic limbs comes with a number of complications. Some of which are minor inconveniences while others can be dangerous if ignored. Due to the constant risk of damage and mechanical failures the mechanical prosthetics require daily maintenance and repair. It is maintained and repaired regularly by a team of mechanics and artificers. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm is highly upgradable and highly customizable. The prosthetic is linked directly to the nervous system taking electrical pulses from nerves to regulate the many electrical motors and actuators inside the prosthetic bionic arm. It can be moved at will like a natural appendage. This augment functions as if it were the normal body part. 
These constructs are designed to replace lost limbs if magical healing is not available or if the user desires to have an improved replacement. The automotive mechanized bionic prosthetic arm has electrical motors, gears, & springs. The bionic arm is made with a full skeletal titanium frame with steel armor plating to protect the wires and intricate machinery inside. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm moves using synthetic muscles and fibers. It is a fully articulated prosthetic arm with multiple moving parts capable of manipulating even weapons.  Once the prosthetic is attuned to its user it will behave and act as the limb it replaces. It moves according to conscious and unconscious thoughts and commands from its user. This was a prosthetic intended to replace lost limbs and damaged organs. This advanced prosthetic replaced and enhanced the lost limb. The prosthetic bionic arm was painted to look like their real biological arm. 
First perfected by draenei, gnomes, dwarves, & goblins, the armored automotive prosthetic bionic arms arms are now built by several master artificers, inventors, & engineers. The bionic arm provides an almost perfect semblance of full functionality but is quite expensive. The recovery time it took for the user to recover from the automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm after doctors and surgeons installed on their body took three months. It does not require an external energy source. It has a built-in battery. The automotive armored prosthetic bionic arm is electrical, steam, & gas powered. 
This prosthetic arm is also powered by small finely cut shining magical ruby, diamond, amethyst, onyx, pearl, malachite, sapphire, jasper, topaz, quartz, & emerald gemstones inserted throughout the bionic arm. The automotive armored prosthetic arm is also a magically enhanced bionic arm. This prosthetic bionic arm is made of steel, gold, silver, electrum, nickel, brass, titanium, platinum, & copper for durability. However, contemporary technological advancements have allowed certain automotive armored prosthetic bionic limbs to be composed of other materials  as to be less cumbersome and more durable than steel in abnormal conditions. This prosthetic bionic arm is also made with a weave of chrome, fiberglass, aluminum, & carbon fiber for flexibility. Like wearers of normal prosthetics these users are subject to various aches and pains resulting from drastic changes in barometric pressure. 
However another drawback to full steel limbs are the adverse effects which occur in extreme conditions such as heat and cold. In extremely high temperatures the metals which conduct and retain heat induce great deals of discomfort to the user. Who must remain with a heated metal object grafted to the skin. In extremely cold temperatures the cold conducting metals cause standard oils to cease functioning as well as expedite frostbite damage to the connecting tissue. This means that the bionic arm is also made of lighter more expensive alloys that is resistant to extreme temperature changes so the armored automotive prosthetic bionic arm no longer suffers the ill effects of certain extreme heat and extreme cold environments. 
This is a high quality prosthetic bionic replacement that is made to look life-like (at least at first glance). This artificial prosthetic limb is much less bulky than its counterparts. Since its frame more closely follows the contours of an organic biological limb. The exterior and interior of its chassis is lined with precious gemstones, crystals, metals, and complex arcane engravings. Engraved with intricate decorations and animated with magic. A powerful enchantment provides full sensory feedback to its user allowing all sorts of tasks to be accomplished with the limb. It was upgraded with large glowing red, blue, green, gold, silver, & violet bold magical crystals. The bionic arm comes with a built-in sonar to detect nearby enemies and allies. 
Some of the more creative and talented prosthetics inventors, artificers, & engineers have been known to include all sorts of devices in prosthetic limbs. Some ranging from helpful tools to dangerous weapons. Including some with questionable legality. Some intrepid amputees have even been known to tinker with their limbs on their own time. However you go about it, modifying an artificial limb requires great expertise and tends to be costly. The prosthetic bionic arm was later weaponized and upgraded with mithril, adamantine, etherium, & orichalcum metal for combat situations as a military grade augmentation. This makes the prosthetic arm built with a lot of durability and so would not break easily even with high output performances in combat.
Prosthetic Leg:
Lost left leg when he/she/they was young thanks to a magical accident as a spellcaster in their magical academy for an ap class experiment. Leg was replaced with an armored automail metal left prosthetic leg. More hidden storage for weapons. Quick draw weapon holsters. Jump jets for extremely limited flight or gliding. Sprint module for increased speed with legs that come apart and lengthen for mechanical advantage. Deployable foot blades for kicking. After the accident he/she/they used crutches, a cane, & a electric powered wheelchair for months for mobility while getting used to the prosthetic leg. 
Arcane Student Who Saw Too Much (During an accident when experimenting with high level magic they looked into the other planes and saw an entity beyond what mortals should see). Energy Scarred (Exposure to a magical event overloaded them with magical energy. They were exposed  to dangerous levels of magical energy that built up over long time exposure to a powerful source of arcane magic). This is why they have a prosthetic bionic and armored automail leg.
Marked by the Planes (Beings from other planes, realities, & worlds seeing the mark on them knows what they saw and who they communicated with). Encounter With Planar Entities (Many are stellar giants, dragon gods, great old gods, or some massive otherworldly beings biding their time to return to the Material Plane. Their goal may be to seek vengeance, inflict chaos, wreak destruction, or establish their view of order).
Clockwork and Magical Prosthetic eye: 
They have a prosthetic clockwork and magical right eye. The prosthetic magical clockwork metal eye is made out of platinum, brass, silver, gold, & copper. They have a blue magical scar that goes from the top of their face on their left forehead all the way to the bottom of their cheek. The scar goes through their left eyebrow. They were blinded in one eye by accident early on in their life as a magical military officer. However their caretakers managed to craft, buy, or otherwise procure some kind of device that allowed them to see more or less like normal people. 
He/she/they are physically disabled as someone because he/she/they were disfigured in combat during war. He/she/they were disfigured by a magical arcane adamantite crossbow bolt wielded by a high elf officer who was a ranger of the High Elf military of the Elven Federation. At some point in the past he/she/they have lost use and function to a part of himself/herself/themselves. But through study of the arcane and the help of those who have already done so he/she/they have replaced it with an advanced prosthetic replacement.  Without the eye they had decreased depth perception. 
It was built for them by a gnome, dwarf, & goblin who were tinkerers, inventors, blacksmiths, engineers, & artificers. This mechanical and magical item looks as if a gnome, dwarf, goblin, & draenei attempted to install a watch, a sky pirate spyglass, a pocket watch, & small precious gemstone crystal into the person's eye socket. Since its clockwork technology you can hear the silent whirring of gears when very close to the eye. Losing your eye is fairly easy in a world filled with magic. 
Gaining back your sight is still possible if you have the brass, copper, silver, platinum, & or gold coin for it. In the biggest cities of the magical kingdoms, homo magi kingdoms, or Indigenous magical human nations you can find merchants of all kinds. However to gain your sight back you must approach only the best gnome, draenei, goblin, or dwarven tinkerers, mechanics, inventors, & artificers in the city. They can install the device in two days. The first day is spent on measurements and creating the components while the second day is spent installing the apparatus. 
Purchasing a mechanical clockwork and magical eye gains your sight back and much more. These devices not only return your vision but also prevent further eye loss with the diamond hard lenses and metal clockwork. The prosthetic eye lets them be a sniper as a sharpshooter when using a magical carbine or magical rifle. Bizarre irises or unusual pupils mark the individual. It is a magical clockwork prosthetic eye. The metal eye is inlaid with a crystal. The magical crystal iris is hidden behind a glass eye iris made out of four diamond lenses. This artificial eye replaces a real one that was lost or removed. They can see through it as though it were a normal eye. 
It is adorned by interchangeable gemstone jewel crystals. The crystal can be a blue sapphire, red ruby, green emerald, white pearl, purple amethyst, black obsidian, or gold citrine gemstone crystal that acts as the prosthetic eye’s iris. This lets their left eye color be a variety of colors. This is truly a luxury item for the blind. The clockwork eye has a glowing magical gemstone crystal iris with a rune where the iris is supposed to be. The iris is shaped like the slitted eye of a kitsune nine tailed fox demon or the eye of a hellhound. While the eye is embedded in their eye socket. It can’t be removed by anyone other than them. The clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye upgraded with them as they ranked up as an adventurer. The eye has been customized and upgraded many times now that they are a S rank adventurer. 
Their clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye. It is hidden under an esoteric black eyepatch made out of dragonhide leather from an ancient chromatic black dragon with a gold plate engraved with an arcane rune. The eye patch is encrusted with small magical sapphire, ruby, emerald, amethyst, & diamond gemstones. The eye patch blocks unwanted telepathy from telepaths and empaths. The eye patch makes the user invisible for several minutes.The magical eye was upgraded by tieflings, fiend, celestial, aasimar warlocks with arch fae pacts, undying pacts, dark pacts, undead pacts, genie or djinn pacts, celestial pacts, & fiend pacts. 
The clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye gives them superhuman perception, knowledge, charisma, wisdom, intelligence, & luck. This gives this magical eye and clockwork prosthetic eye many magical and supernatural powers. The crystal is engraved with an arcane symbol. It allows the user to shoot magical optic blasts in the forms of magical beams or lasers from their eyes. It is detachable and can send images and video to its owner while detached functioning as a spy camera. They have the ability to remove one's false, magical, & mechanical eye and use it to view hard-to-see areas during certain situations after placing it somewhere. The eye is not in any way connected to the owner yet it operates just as well as it was. It functions as a magical surveillance drone or spy camera. 
He/she/they have an arcane magical eye. It gives the user the ability of eidetic memory and memory retention. It can copy anything it perceives. Gives the user near 360 telescopic and binocular vision. It has three blindspots. These blindspots are hard to exploit though. The magical eye lets them mind control other people, but only who look directly into their prosthetic eye, for a few minutes. The arcane eye lets them see through illusions. It lets them hypnotize enemies with illusions but only with direct line of sight. Lets them summon and command low level celestials and infernals such as demons and angels. It lets them summon imps and mustevals as familiars. Allows users to use all elements such as fire, water, storm, rock, & nature as an elementalist. 
It lets them see in the dark with night vision or heat signatures with heat vision. It lets them see magical signatures. It lets them see invisible creatures. It lets them speed up or slow down their perception of time for a few minutes using the clockwork mechanisms in the prosthetic eye. They can’t time travel using the eye though. It lets them see a few minutes into the future with the power of precognition, clairvoyance, & divination. It protects them from telepathy and telepaths such as mind flayers. It lets them use a penance stare or petrifying gaze on enemies who look directly into the eye for a few minutes. It gives them the superpower of ultimate vision with magic. They can see throughout the electromagnetic spectrum on a supernatural level. Allows users to see through supernatural disguises. Allows users the ability to see through dimensional rifts or interplane disturbances only for a few seconds. Gives the user the ability to use true sight for a few minutes. 
These powers are because of a magical clockwork entity that used mechanical symbiosis to fuse with the clockwork and magical prosthetic eye. Using these magical powers through the clockwork mechanical and magical glass eye is taxing on their energy, stamina, & endurance so they don’t use it often. This is a masterwork crafted item of hobgoblin, dwarvish, gnomish, & draenei make is of near mythical platinum rarity.  
Mental Illnesses: Depression, anxiety, panic attacks, & PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder.
Father: Magical human High King and Indigenous Magical human Chieftain Elric Norwood or Kehar Sujin Pramoj-Kahn 
Mother: Magical human and homo magi Empress Victoria Delacroix or Farah Talia Kahn
Younger Sisters: 
Paramount Chieftain and Warchief Charlotte Norwood who is a Barbarian and Fighter  
Princess Olivia Norwood the Adventuring Guild and Merchant Guild Grandmaster 
Princess Sophia Norwood a Magic User who is Grand Magister of an Arcane Magic Circle and the Parliamentary Leader of the Magical Government
Younger Brothers: 
Chieftain and Warchief Mason Norwood who is a Druid and Ranger of a druidic circle  
King Levi Norwood a paladin who is High Elder of a Knight and Paladin Order 
Six aunts and uncles.
Three aunts. Three uncles. 
16 cousins.
Adoptive children: 
Biological Children:
Hae Kim-Pramoj Daughter of Afro Asian Chun Hei Kim 
Marital Status: Married.
Relationship Model: Polyamorous
Love Interests:
Spouses and Partners:
Merchant Guild Master Zuri Harris 
Knight Commander Mariana Hernández 
Paladin commander Huyen Ngo
Knight Order Elder Saraswati Parikh
Headmistress Choima Maaz
High Priestess Coven Head of the Witch Coven Najja Kasakya
Elder of a Circle of Magi of Spellcasters Farah Ahmad 
Military Officer General Shria Kahn 
Sky Pirate Captain Farah Malik 
Sea Pirate Admiral Nyree Koorang 
Merchant Navy Admiral Tana Akkin
Kunoichi Ninja Assassin Jonin Hanako Suzuki 
Commander of the City Guard Isabella Martinez 
Commander of the City Watch Lani Kepa 
Adventuring Guild Master Aanakwadikwe Chippewa 
Thief’s Guild Master Eun-ji Park
Assassin’s Guild Master Alejandra Reyes
Magical human and Indigenous magical human Queen Jocelyn Newberry or Jocelyn Vanessa Jimenez Rodriguez who is a fighter and magic user. She is Afro Latine and Afro Caribbean Native coded. In our world she would identify as Afro Latine Honduran, Afro Caribbean Costa Rican, and Boruca Indigenous of Costa Rica. She is half Draenei.  
Chun Hei Kim. An Afro Asian coded character. She is half dragon (Southeast Asian, East Asian and European) and half magical human (Black coded). She is a Half Dragon Fighter. She is a Celestial (East and Southeast Asian) dragon, metallic dragon, gemstone dragon, & chromatic (European) dragon. Her father was a dragon emperor. Her mother was a spellcaster and swordfighter taught by metallic and celestial dragons. 
Afro Asian monk Jia Lua. 
Female Human Cornelia Upri Nerrelot or Jasmine Chen who is a Rogue, Storm Mage (air, water, & lightning magic), & Gunslinger as an airship pirate captain, smuggler, sea pirate admiral 
Homo Magi Empress Gwendolyn Olma
High Elf Empress Cellica Urigwyn is an S rank paladin and cleric
Ashryn Genmaris is a Wood Elf Queen S rank druid and ranger
Liadrel Grandstrider is a Blood Elf Queen S rank multi class magic user
Nysa Swiftmight is a Night Elf Queen S rank Bard
Falesh Doomcaller is a Dark Elf Empress S rank Rouge
Lynrea Richshade is a female Void Elf Queen who is a necromancer
Lethhonel Yeldi is a female Cave Elf
Jhilsara Liaris is a female Mountain Elf
Fayeth Balrora is a female Star Elf
Sorisana Holomyar is a female Moon Elf
Kylantha Raloquinal is a female Sun Elf Witch Eilora.
Finnea Reyphyra is a female Light Elf witch  
Lythienne Ravalynn is a female Avariel Winged Elf Witch Female Fire Elf Mage Aila Yllasor
Zniyra Qilee is a female Sea Elf Rogue Sea Pirate 
Illsevel Wynydark is a female Water Elf 
Aleesia Yllanelis is a female Earth Elf
Maescia Magbanise is a female Air Elf 
Darshee Carstina is a female Snow Elf
Eshenesra Leocan is a female Ash Elf
Alais Yinsys is a female Desert Elf 
Tialha Sharis is a female Wild Elf
Kilyn Naeharice is a female Proto Elf
Saida Zindi is a female City Elf
Coxaris Alvarara is a female Half Elf S rank summoner and beast master.
Zestari Gregwyn is a female Half Drow
Eilrora is a female Sun Elf. She is an A class Witch. She belongs to the long lost Elven Kingdoms. 
Olofir is a male Star Elf. He is a B class Warlock. He belongs to the long lost Elven Kingdoms. 
Ravalynn is a female Avariel Winged Elf. She is a S rank Witch. She belongs to the long lost Elven Kingdoms. 
Aila Yllasalor is a female Fire Elf. She is a S rank Mage. She belongs to the long lost Elven Kingdoms.
Zniyra is a female Sea or Water Elf. She is a A class Rogue who is a sea pirate and smuggler. She belongs to the long lost Elven Kingdoms. 
Kaeria Sarmaris is a female space light elf. She was displaced to the year 1240 of this world (imagine our 1940s) from the year 2450
Space Dark Elf
Sitia a Lightforged Draenei Queen S rank tinkerer and artificer
Alzi is a female Lightforged Draenei Paladin and Cleric
Xarett is a female Man’ari Unshackled Draenei Shaman and Druid
Keilun is a female Man’ari Shackled Draenei Mage and Warlock
Kodreg The Dark is a female Hobgoblin (evolved jungle and forest goblin)
Vrec The Grand is a female Hobgoblin (evolved gold goblin)
Zel The Berserk is a female Hobgoblin (evolved fire goblin)
Rhud The Fearless is a female Hobgoblin (evolved swamp goblin)
Norz The Enrager is a female Hobgoblin (evolved tinker goblin) 
Fiyda The Grim is a female Hobgoblin (evolved urban goblin) fighter and mage
Space goblinoid hobgoblin Korderul Snarl
Space giantkin high orc Mazoga
Space giantkin high troll Renji
Shan Breathflayer is a female High Orc (evolved Orog Underdark Orc)
Roz Brassbruiser is a female High Orc (evolved Gray Orc)
Aodam Gnollqueller is a female High Orc (evolved Mountain Orc)
Daalu Stormfriend female High Orc (evolved Red Orc)
Dura Froststeel a female High Orc Chieftain and Warchief S rank fighter, healer, & barbarian
Shaktila Scalesmasher is a female High Troll (evolved Fire and Magma Troll)
Zulkraa Headcrusher is a female High Troll (evolved Ice and Frost Troll)
Tirezi Flameburster is a female High Troll  (Forest and Tree Troll)
Javilla Hatehacker is a female High Troll (Stone and Mountain Troll)
Jaroh Edie a female High Troll Chieftain and Warchief druid and healer.
Elyse Wanderchaser is a female Red Ogress.
Bruzrag Rivereye is a female Blue Storm and Lightning Kijin (Evolved Oni). 
Paakko Masterhauler is a female White Frost and Ice Kijin (Evolved Oni)
Mennio Flintmaker female Red Fire and Magma Kijin (Evolved Oni)
Vone Highhand is a female Storm and Lightning Goliath
Levi Bearjumper is a female Air and Cloud Goliath
Thagia Stonekiller is a female Fire and Magma Goliath
Inarra Tribewanderer is a female Ice and Frost Goliath 
Pauneo Deerleader is a female Hill and Earth Goliath
Maupeo Swiftstalker a female Behemoth (Evolved Goliath) Chieftain and Warchief S rank monk
Thana is a female Storm and Lightning Giant
Vomnild is a female Fire and Magma Giant
Dalra is a female Ice and Frost Giant
Zistra is a female Earth and Rock Giant
Salaia Crerissa is a female Winged and Feral Tiefling (Bloodline of Asmodeus, Baalzebul, Dispater, Fierna, & Zariel) Rogue and Fighter 
Phetari Vosara is a female Hellfire and Abyssal Tiefling (Bloodline of Mephistopheles, Glasya, Levistus, Mammon) and Succubi hybrid Warlock and Sorceress
Vinra is a female Fallen Aasimar Warlock and Rogue
Illi is a female Scourge and Protector Aasimar S rank Cleric and Paladin
Jasmine Davis a Black female pureblood alpha werewolf 
Alejandra Lopez a turned werewolf
Kimiko Kobayashi a female werecat saber toothed Smilodon S rank fighter and barbarian 
Pureblood Vampire Countess “Carmilla” Mircalla Karnstein
Xue Zhang a female pureblood alpha vampire 
Saanvi Patel a female Dhampir (half human half vampire) 
Hauzini Ethelbah a turned vampire
Noelani Kekoa a female wereshark
Delena is a female Goddess of Logic, Charity, Honor, Mercy, Justice, & Truth 
Phutheia is a female Goddess of War, Vengeance, & Glory
Ver'gan is a female Demon Queen, Devil General, & Demon Lord
Yoalyn Bronzebrook a female lightfoot halfling 
Anjen Autumnsun a female ghostwise halfling 
Risana is a Succubus. 
Heidol Zenna a female Dullahan Fallen Paladin 
Quart a female Humanoid Slimefolk Poring
Najiyya Azzam is a female Fire and Magma Djinn
Anbara Kalil is a female Water and Ice Djinn
Ruqayya Shaban is a female Earth and Mineral Djinn
Naafoora Yusuf is a female Air and Lightning Djinn
Terra a female Earth and Mineral Genasi S rank Barbarian and Fighter
Incinerate a female Fire and Magma Genasi S rank Artificer and Fighter
Tsunami a female Water and Ice Genasi S rank Cleric and Druid
Atmosphere a female Air and Lightning Genasi S rank Fighter and Ranger
Gidna Fierceclaw a female Royal Leonin Beastkin S rank Fighter and Paladin 
Tralzurh Siltnose a female Riverpaw Gnoll S rank Barbarian and Warlock 
Odd Luck a female watcher tabaxi S rank Rogue and Monk
Sezlyneh Stonehoof a female Alicorn (Winged Unicorn and Pegasi) Centaur S rank Paladin and Cleric
Vofrar Brightleaves a female Reindeer Centaur S rank Ranger and Druid 
Zotse Winterseeker a female Mountain Tauren S rank monk and fighter 
Naba a female faun Ram Satyr an S rank Druid and Ranger 
Yorane a female Firebird Phoenix Harpy Fighter and Rogue
Sheng Coldbranch a female Eagle Aarakocra Artificer and Gunslinger
Akli a female serpentfolk Yuan-ti pureblood Monk and Fighter
Notleshi a female humanoid serpentfolk naga and lamia Bard and Monk
Lyn a female saltwater merfolk mermaid, siren, deep ocean triton, & fresh water nymph hybrid rogue and storm mage
Degno Emberdust a female Winged Dragonkin Kobold Artificer and Fighter
Rhah a female gator folk lizard folk 
Myulthajes Oyassa is a female Black Acid and Poison Chromatic Dragonborn 
Clerud Irlynys is a female Blue Storm and Lightning Chromatic Dragonborn 
Prilreth Hinmyse is a female Green Plant and Nature Chromatic Dragonborn 
Napaashtarran Faenys is a female Red Magma and Fire Chromatic Dragonborn 
Nyanxaalik Ophinys is a female White Ice and Frost Chromatic Dragonborn 
Cluldan Binys is a female Purple Amethyst Gem Dragonborn
Unxuulaller Daliann is a female White Diamond Gem Dragonborn 
Alxecun Sorinn is a female Green Emerald Gem Dragonborn
Aarnid Vyragil is a female Blue Sapphire Gem Dragonborn 
Valthel Belgwen is a female Red Ruby Gem Dragonborn 
Krinkesh Origwen is a female Brass Metallic Dragonborn 
Clulthac Iriecoria is a female Titanium Metallic Dragonborn 
Klildrek Welsipatys is a female Bronze Metallic Dragonborn 
Kampel Sodrish is a female Copper Metallic Dragonborn 
Klimtas Ophicoria is a female Silver Metallic Dragonborn 
Praaldraduul Bimeila is a female Gold Metallic Dragonborn 
Yastuac Eshhymm is a female Platinum Metallic Dragonborn 
Yaxareal Loramyse is a female Iron Metallic Dragonborn 
Nyachiashtaad Thasira is a female Tungsten Metallic Dragonborn 
Kuaphuduajer Zofsira is a female Zinc Metallic Dragonborn 
Starfinder Amrantah 
Starfinder Anassanoi
Starfinder Asimmar 
Starfinder Damai 
Starfinder dragonkin 
Starfinder Elebrian 
Starfinder Endiffian
Starfinder Espraksa
Starfinder space giant 
Starfinder Space Gnoll 
Starfinder Hadrogaan
Starfinder Ifrit 
Starfinder Ikeshti 
Starfinder Izalguun
Starfinder Ixtangi
Starfinder Kalo 
Starfinder Kanabo
Starfinder Kasatha
Starfinder Kayal
Starfinder Kish
Starfinder 9 tailed Kitsune 
Starfinder Kobold
Starfinder Lashunta
Starfinder Maraquoi
Starfinder Nuar 
Starfinder Oread
Starfinder Pahtra
Starfinder Phentomite
Starfinder Ramiyel
Starfinder Ryphorian
Starfinder Samsaran
Starfinder Sazaron
Starfinder Shirren
Starfinder Shimreen
Starfinder Shobhad
Starfinder Strix
Starfinder Suli 
Starfinder Tiefling 
Starfinder Tryziarka
Starfinder Undine
Starfinder Vesk 
Starfinder Vlaka
Starfinder Worlanisi
Emma Duncan (High Elder of Inquisition), Sara Oakley (Lord Commander of the Templar Mage Hunters. Knight Templar. High Templar. Grand Templar. Templar Commander. Templar Lord Commander.), Orathara Ynakia (a space dark elf displaced from the future), Keylessa Wynren (is a female High Elf. She is an S rank Fighter and Rogue. She is a Grand Inquisitor. She is an Inquisitor for the Inquisition. She is a spy, double agent, & informant for Kittsak/Kaeo. Inquisitor. High Inquisitor, Grand Inquisitor.), Maria Navarro (High Templar of the Templar Order of Mage Hunters.), Eoris (is a female High Elf. She is a S rank Paladin), Paidon Zynphyrah (is a male High Elf. He is a S rank Wizard. He is a High Elf King), Athys (is a female Wood Elf. She is a S rank Druid), Triko (is a male Wood Elf. He is an S rank Ranger), Eresilla Sunbirth (is a female Blood Elf. She is a B rank Druid), Camtheas Palestar (is a female Blood Elf. She is a B class Rogue. She is a criminal as a thief, pickpocket, & bandit), Beazhen Freeforce (is a male Blood Elf. He is a S rank Demon Hunter), 
Waliene Stagmight (is a female Night Elf. She is a S rank Druid), Nythae Swiftflower (is a male Night Elf. He is an A class Monk), Laliene Ambercaller (is a female Night Elf. She is a S rank Mage), Zekzes Emeid is a female Dark Elf. She is a B class Fighter), Damla Nagre (is a male Dark Elf. He is an A class Bard), Revron Diuvriad (is a female Dark Elf. She is a S rank Sorceress), Jenzen Emberbringer (is a male Void Elf. He is a S rank Mage), Sorun Runebell is a female Void Elf. She is a S rank Warlock), Sylrora (is a female Half Elf. She is an A rank Sorceress), Uanril (is a male Half Elf. He is a S rank Bard), Meshi (a female Draenei. She is a S rank Paladin), Ornin is a male Draenei. He is a S rank Monk), 
Zazus is a male Half Orc. He is an A class Barbarian), Rakhu (is a female Half Orc. She is a B class Fighter), Lud (is a female Hobgoblin. She is an S rank Paladin), Lurg (is a male Hobgoblin. He is a S class Ranger), Grarxi (is a female Fire Goblin. She is an A class mage. She is an Indigenous Goblin Chieftain and Warchief), Uigz (is a male Fire Goblin. He is an A class warlock. He is an Indigenous Goblin Chieftain and Warchief), Visis (is a female Jungle Goblin. She is a B class fighter), Brie (is a male Urban Goblin. He is a B class rogue), Riltea (is a female Forest Goblin. She is a B class healer. Goblins evolve into Hobgoblins when they reach S rank), 
Vosha (is a female Cave Troll. She is a B rank Cleric. She is a Chieftain and Warchief), Xe’zi (is a female Fire Troll. She is a A rank Mage), Lugrok (is a male Sand Troll. He is a B class Rogue), Uzhir (is a female Dark Troll. She is a B class Monk), Kihma (is a female Ice Troll. She is a C rank healer), Kah’nu (is a male Tree Troll. He is a B class Druid),  Hetha (is a female River Troll. She is an A class Fighter), Has’tak (is a male Stone Troll. He is a B rank Warlock. Trolls evolve into high trolls when they reach S rank), Brog (is a male Water Orc. He is a B class Fighter), Shog (is a male Green Orc. He is a C class Ranger), Durgat (is a female Mountain Orc. She is a Barbarian), Durgat (is a female Mountain Orc. She is a Barbarian), Ullau (is a female Valley Orc. She is an A rank Rogue. Orcs evolve into high orcs when they reach A class or S rank), 
Oxak (is a male Ogre. He is a C class Ranger), Wezig (is a female Ogress. She is a C class Rogue. Ogres evolve into oni when they reach A or B class),  Yitukog (is a male Red Oni. He is a S rank Mage. He is a Indigenous Oni Paramount Chieftain and Paramount Warchief), Vuruk (is a female Oni. She is a B class healer. She is a Indigenous Oni Chieftain and Warchief consort), Grarig (is a male Green Oni. He is a S rank Warlock. Blue, Red, or Green Oni evolve from oni when they reach S rank), Vaarea Lumberbearer (is a female Mountain Goliath. She is a Barbarian), Kaunea Wildcarver (is a female Metal Goliath. She is a Fighter), Inalea Bravecaller (is a female Water Goliath. She is a Ranger), Lania Rockworker (is a female Stone Goliath. She is a Ranger), Kithio Truewatcher (is a female Sand Goliath. She is a Paladin), Nogiah Deerwarrior (is a female Earth Goliath. She is a S rank Ranger), Gekha Flintvigor (is a Lava Goliath. He is a Barbarian), Zaania Dawnhand (is a Storm Goliath. She is a Paladin), Lania Rockworker (is a female Stone Goliath. She is a Ranger), Koranoth Silentherder (is an Air Goliath. He is a Ranger), 
Lock on an Open Door (is a female Tabaxi of the Shimmering Glades Clan. She is an A class Rogue), Kep (is a Satyr. He is a S rank Bard), Dhorea (is a Satyress. She is a S rank Sorceress), Cusreth is a Dark Satyr, Rolese (is a Dark Satyress), Izhnuch Runeseeker (is a female Tauren. She is a S rank Necromancer), Nemope (is a female Horse Centaur. She is a S rank Ranger), Asoilla (is a female Deer Centaur. She is a S rank Druid), Amarhon (is a female Reindeer Centaur. She is a Paladin), Eudolea (is a female Sheep Centaur. She is a Druid), Naren Bhumorsath (is a female Triton), Fidyn Dhubolmath (is a female Sea Nymph), 
Peter Hall (A Turned Vampire), Jane Taylor (A Turned Vampire), Lucas Collins (A Daywalker Vampire), Scarlett Chase (A Daywalker Vampire), Ulysses Hawthorne (A Pureblood Alpha Vampire), Cornelia Blackwood (A Pureblood Alpha Vampire), Nicholas Taylor (A male Pureblood alpha werewolf), Hilda Johnson (A female Pureblood alpha werewolf), Alfonse Allen (A male Worgen. He is a Mage), Vivian Bryce (A female Worgen. She is a Cleric), Valentine Smith (A male Werewolf. He is a Necromancer), Faith Wright (A female turned Werewolf. She is a Druid), 
Omi (A female Yuan-ti Pureblood. She is a B class Sorcerer), Hektla (A female Yuan-ti Pureblood. She is an A class Artificer. She is an Armorer), Faarjath Omyse (A female chromatic Dragonborn. She is a Bard), Thambaas Raimeila (A female metallic Dragonborn. She is a Warlock), Myalrith Fenvayla (A female gemstone Dragonborn. She is a Paladin), Owl Hoot (A female Penguin Kenku. She is a Rogue), Aellaphine (is a female Hawk Harpy) Croaker (A female Penguin Kenku. She is a Cleric), Orehk (A female Falcon Aarakocra), Hephara (is a female Owl Harpy), Uck (A female Emperor Penguin Aarakocra), Vihos (A female Djinn), Inka Naze (A Female Tengu), Hasil Dera (A female Tiefling. She is a B rank Wizard), Afphi (A female Tiefling. She is a B class Ranger), Mahiri (A female Tiefling. She is an A class Artificer. She is a Toy Maker), Sitara (A female Kalashtar. She is a A class Cleric.), 
Alto (A female Protector Aasimar. She is a S rank Cleric), Osial (A female Scourge Aasimar who is a S rank Paladin. She is a Templar Mage Hunter and Knight Templar), Lerda (A Female Fallen Aasimar. She is a Necromancer), Nukral (A female Fallen Aasimar. She is a Death Knight and Fallen Paladin), Furnace (A female Fire Genasi. She is a S rank Artificer. She is an Arcanist.), Vapor (A female Air Genasi. She is a B class Ranger.), Puddle (A female Water Genasi. She is a A class Druid), Ruby (A female Earth Genasi. She is a S rank fighter that is a gunslinger), Stone (A female Earth Genasi. She is a S rank Paladin)
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so today i was dnding and we went to a humid area and my sorcerer had an interesting time adjusting to the climate :P
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demonialex · 4 years
• Half Human - Half Elf Rouge Adult Female (25) Species Human side Turami Elf sid Sea Elf Name Jalana Anterome (Brightwave) Height & Weight 5'7 - 125lbs Distinctions One thin scar from the eyebrow to the forehead Small blue flower tattoo on her neck Industrial, Helix, and Lobe piercings on both ears Gills Webbed hands and feet One dark brown eye & one hazel eye Black curly hair with silver-white streaks mid-dark skin tone with white stripes and patches Build: Muscular
wait I have a question: when you say half-elf and then say human side and elf side, do you mean smack down the middle one side is an elf and the other is human? or is it more like a mixture of features (but both sides are the same so to speak)? 
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bb-latvija · 7 months
Turcija plāno nodot Ukrainas armijai bezpilota lidaparāta “Bayraktar TB2” uzlabotu versiju “Bayraktar Akinci”, kas spējīgs nest spārnotās raķetes, pavēstījis dronu ražošanas uzņēmuma “Baykar” vadītājs Haluks Bairaktars. “Kas attiecas uz “Bayraktar Akinci”, šis jautājums jau ir izskatīšanas procesā,” Bairaktars pavēstīja medijam “Radio Brīvība”. “Bayraktar Akinci” Ir smagais trieciendrons, kas Turcijas armijas bruņojumā ir no 2021.gada. Tas spējīgs nest spārnotās raķetes un vadāmās aviācijas bumbas, kā arī izdarīt triecienus pa mērķiem gan uz zemes, gan gaisā. Bairaktars uzsvēra, ka šobrīd visas 50 uzņēmuma rūpnīcas ražo dronus “TB2” Ukrainas armijas vajadzībām. “Mūsu droni tiek aktīvi izmantoti kaujas laukā, mēs arī labi turamies, cenšoties uzturēt mūsu sistēmu darbību,” piebilda uzņēmuma vadītājs. Tuvākā pusotra gada laikā “Baykar” cer pabeigt jaunas rūpnīcas būvniecību Ukrainā.
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