#tw scaphism
delicatewhumps · 7 months
cottagecore x whump
whumpee is all alone in their cottage, in the middle of nowhere, and something bad happens. maybe they get hurt, or someone dangerous shows up (a la hush). what do they do?
a record-breaking cold winter leaves them nearly hypothermic and shivering inside. maybe their heat source has failed
on the other end of the spectrum… a heat wave? heatstroke is no fun when you’re surrounded by people that can help, imagine facing it all alone
whumpee goes on a hike and falls down an embankment. now they’re trapped and injured at the bottom, and the forest is full of hungry things…
maybe they find the wrong mushrooms while foraging and accidentally poison themselves— and caregiver has to help them through it
this is very extreme, but scaphism. depending on how dark you want to go, you could increase or decrease the severity. maybe it’s just attempted, and someone saves them.
a cryptid or forest god starts stalking whumpee. they only have so many chickens left to sacrifice before that creature gets hungry, and who knows what will satiate it…
speaking of chickens, caretaker nurses a sick whumpee back to health with bowls of chicken noodle soup. this could be pure fluff if you want it to be
think…..ophelia. drowning in a river, surrounded by flowers.
bees? bees.
….snakes? are snakes cottagecore? i guess that depends on where you live.
caretaker lives in a cottage, and one day someone collapses on their doorstep. a stranger— injured, bloody, covered in dirt, branches tangled in their hair, clothes torn. they beg caretaker to help them
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averysaurus · 5 days
Harlan in the interview episode, with genuine joy in his voice: For instance, have you ever heard of scaphism??
Me: oof I'll have to remember to keep an ear out for that episode so I can mute it when it comes up
Me listening to 41: Damn, diving right into it, I see
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
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I Freakshow’ified my tadc sona yesterday! :]
Because the freakshow au is devastatingly dark and delightful <3 You should all check it out if you haven’t yet, and love horror aus!
Plaidy has joined the freaks! @hootbon @ask-the-ultimate-baseball-star
Some Freakshow Plaidy lore stuff? <><><><>
Ex clown/performer
Lives in a shack next to the ✨digital lake✨
Likes to fish
Her eye is literally just a lightbulb she shoved in her face.
Very fond of insects. Keeps bugs as pets, and has bugs literally just- crawling around inside their rotting fabric. Most partial to moths and spiders.
Constantly sewing herself up or replacing some metal part
Very dead pan and stoic.
Despite that she’s very patient and can be kind, if you get to know them. They’re not the most..approachable looking
If you do get them angry, you won’t actually know. They’re eerily unfazed by everything. You realize way too late, that you might have gotten on her bad side, when you wake up tied to a tree covered in honey and other insect attractants.
They regularly practice scaphism. She’s very fascinated by that whole process, and is always interested to see how many days the new victim can live.
(Big ol tw if you look up scaphism, it’s an environmental exposure torture method, and it’s real gross)
Just don’t make her hate you and you’ll be fine. :] they’re very patient.
As a performer: Ragatha and her got along quite well, and found them to be a comforting presence. They never quite saw eye to eye, when discussing bugs, though. - Present day:
As a performer: Was friends with Kinger, they both shared a fascination with insects. - Present day:
As a performer: Felt terrible for Pomni, and tried to comfort her best she could, despite not being very good at it. - Present day:
As a performer: Hated Caine. Present day: Yeah, still hates him. Even more now.
As a performer: Had an odd relationship towards Jax. She was very hard to crack. He saw that as a challenge, so he picked on her quite often, to try and get some sort of reaction. However she could also make him laugh, with her dry, usually dark, humour. They got along in a weird way. Present day:
As a performer: Kaufmo didn’t like her very much. Plaidy did make somewhat of an attempt to get closer to him. Present day:
As a performer: Zooble made them uncomfortable, but they respected them. Present day:
As a performer: Feared Gangle. Present day: Even more afraid of Gangle.
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killinggamebusters · 3 months
Alright the humors worn out and now I'm gonna roast this anon entire manifesto before blocking them, TW under cut for lots of nastiness and mentions of torture and death threats and abuse, I shouldn't even give them this honor but honestly I want to be able to roast them forever and have something to point back too and also with my memory I'd start to question if this even happened and that's no fun!
"If you fully admitted that you ship abuse as a coping mechanism and DIDN'T glorify Ouma, didn't reblog shit about how "actually he and Gonta were totally good friends, even though Kokichi constantly abused him, drove him to despair and savored every moment of his execution". Kokichi is a subhuman monster and the only person in all fiction that ACTUALLY DESERVES to suffer through Gold Experience Requiem's infinite death loop. You are a disgusting piece of human garbage that fully deserves to die"
Incredibly funny of you to fucking put a jojo reference in you saying about how awful kokichi is, Dio is worse, I am shipping you with the anon who won't stop calling Kaito a rapist on one of my other blogs. Anyways he's a kiddo in a killing game with a murder total of like 2, he did bad things but, like, saying he's the worst character in all of fiction when making a jojo reference is fucking wild, Dio is right there!! Literally kicking dogs!!!!! Kokichi doesn't kick dogs and is thus an inherently better person
"Have you ever heard of a torture called scaphism? Here's the lovely description: "The king decreed that Mithridates should be put to death in boats; which execution is after the following manner: Taking two boats framed exactly to fit and answer each other, they lie down in one of them the malefactor that suffers, upon his back; then, covering it with the other, and so setting them together that the head, hands, and feet of him are left outside, and the rest of his body lies shut up within, they"
Wow you are so bad at actually explaining things within an ask, you could have summed this up in like 15 words, "its where they shut everything but your hands head and feet in a boat" get to the fucking POINT
"hey find his flesh devoured, and swarms of such noisome creatures preying upon and, as it were, growing to his inwards. In this way Mithridates, after suffering for seventeen days, at last expired." This is what you deserve. "Shou Tucker is totes a good father to Nina that loves her so so much and he TOTALLY HAD to turn her into a chimera because he had no other option" that's what you sound like. Kokichi is a worse person than fucking Junko, because at least Junko forced her classmates and"
God you took so many words to say "you should be eaten and suffer for 17 days" who caressss about the history oh my god im bored to TEARS. Also at least Kokichi's plan worked, Shou Tucker is the shittiest alchemist in the series. I'm also not even sure if this method would work, i would simple manage to get loose, i am built different mithridates.
What did this dude even do im curious now, PFF LOOKING IT UP YOU DIDN'T EVEN GET THE DETAILS RIGHT BITCH WHERE'S MY HONEY AND MILK, ITS NOT EVEN A REAL BOAT IT'S HOLLOW LOGS, there's no even real proof this torture even existed god you're bad at this you might as well shut me in an iron maiden , also the guy killed a guy i guess, I don't actually care, but anyway you wouldn't even do it right I'd be fine
"sister into a killing game BECAUSE SHE GENUINELY LOVED THEM and killing them and making them suffer was a way to bring herself as much despair as possible. Kokichi, however, is just a sadist that enjoys everyone's suffering and doesn't even feel despair when others die. Everything he does is for his own amusement, not for ANY altruistic motive. He PURPOSELY drove Gonta to despair just to see him suffer. He made him kill Miu just so he would see Gonta's despair when he's exposed and executed for"
Did she end the world because she loved them? did she have her sister murder an entire middle school out of love? Did she pluck a guys eye out of love and make him eat it out of love? Did she have the entire student council massacred out of love? Junko deserves better don't drag her into this, she wants to be seen as evil and despairing stop woobifying her it's hurting her. Kokichi's motive was survival, and even if you disagree with that, he says multiple times and in his final words how he was lying to himself to survive. However, even if that WASNT TRUE or it was ALL A LIE his death count is once again two whole people, Maki got two people killed out of sadism as well but I don't see you yelling about her. Even if he was the most evil person ever, he again, only got TWO PEOPLE KILLED, that's NOTHING. Even if he was a sadist who only wanted to torment and hurt people, he ain't the mastermind, and he didn't get to actually do a lot of tormenting. Everything you are saying about Kokichi, is just Junko, and you seem to love her. Hypocrite.
"for killing her. He ENJOYED EVERY SINGLE MOMENT of Gonta's suffering and anguish. Kokichi's crying for Gonta was so obviously fake it is sickening. And don't mention the DRS. They flattened Genocide Jack and Tenko's characters into "bYaKuYa!!!111" and "fUk MaLeS!!!!111" and portrayed Junko, Monaca and Kokichi as almost normal people and not the monsters they actually are in canon. So don't even talk to me like this somehow proves that Kokichi would be friends with Gonta outside the killing game."
Buddy who even brought up Danganronpa S? Wasn't me, they don't even have many interactions in DRS, everything I'm talking about here is straight from the base game don't worry. Also Monaca is like 10. You have got to get better at formatting this it's so hard to follow. Even if Kokichi enjoyed all that suffering, Mikan is right there, having her kills actually be about despair, and yet you only focus on Kokichi like this is a unique sin, curious.
"You deserve to rot in the garbage, eaten by maggots. You don't deserve to be treated as a human being, to have human rights. You are a piece of garbage. You deserve to have your bones shattered and left to rot in a garbage container.You are an abuse apologist and a victim blamer.Kokichi just used Gonta as a tool because Gonta's nonexistent social skills, his low self esteem and desire to do ANYTHING to be useful, to finally be able to help his friends made him a perfect target for Kokichi."
I am at MOST an abuse apologist by your logic as I have never once said Gonta deserved to die, just that Gonta made his choice and even afterwards of getting caught he didn't regret it. It's not abuse though, it never was abuse, abuse is a PATTERN of behavior, one incident, two if you count the meet and greet, is not enough to set that pattern in stone. Especially when Gonta already got his revenge for the meet and greet.
While Gonta was the perfect target, it's not abuse, that's not what abuse is. Kokichi flashed Gonta with the light and told him his plan, while he definitely was manipulative, that's not abuse. You're just spouting buzzwords at this point. Also incredibly funny to call ME the abuse apologists when YOU'RE sending me graphic death threats, like buddy, I don't know how to tell you that you're the aggressor here
Kokichi never cared about Gonta.You deserve to die a slow, agonizing death by getting your guts pulled out. Everyone would be happy if you died. Everyone. Your father, your mother, your siblings, you are just a burden for them. They would be really happy if you died.
HA that's so fucking weak, you don't know me or my situation, you don't know my friends. Sorry you have friends who would disown you for shipping something they don't like, my friends enable and care about me. While my parents are incredibly patient and kind with me. Getting my guts pulled out is kinda erotic though can you do it tenderly for me? I mean not like I'd ask you, I know exactly which friend I'd go to if I wanted someone to hold my guts tenderly.
Gonta himself said that he doesn't trust Kokichi anymore after Chapter 2's events. Most likely, he doesn't even consider Kokichi his friend. I don't know where you the idea that they were "FRIENDS UWU" in any way. They weren't. Kokichi's tears for Gonta were clearly COMPLETELY FAKE, only meant to give his evil rant more impact to maake others believe that maybe he did care about Gonta after all only to make his reveal more painful. It very clearly ISN'T genuine in any way.
Boy howdy I love how things are up to interpretation in this series and how people can have rational discussions about how they perceive the same event. Just kidding, you're unhinged! Anyways you can not trust someone but also still care about them Gonta did not want Kokichi to die, Gonta cares about all of his classmates, Gonta cares. To assume otherwise goes against everything Gonta stands for. He's not a toddler, he can have nuance about people. He's a smarter lad then you give him credit for.
Gonta was groomed and manipulated into becoming a murder weapon. He's not to blame for Miu's death AT ALL. Gonta was manipulated. Manipulation isn't just forcing someone to do it with a threat. Kokichi wrongfully convinced him that it was for the better, taking advantage of Gonta's low self-esteem and desperation to help others. You've never been manipulated or abused in your life if you're saying Gonta could've just declined. It's not easy to just decline your abuser. Abusers can pressure you
Not what grooming means in the slightest but thanks for trying. You're just repeating yourself at this point, pathetic. Everyone was desperate that trial, what happened is a tragedy, but to deny Gonta any blame is to deny Gonta any agency he is not a helpless toddler. He is AWARE Kokichi is a liar, he is AWARE of what Kokichi does, and even if he is manipulated, he categorically does not regret as alter ego gonta, he's so sad it happened, but he still thinks its for the best they don't know the truth. Gonta agreed with Kokichi that there is no happy ending with the knowledge of the outside world.
And as for when Gonta says "Don't blame Kokichi anymore", you'd be a complete moron to trust GONTA in this situation. Gonta is THE LEAST VALID PERSON to trust in this case. Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome? Many real-life cases of abuse have similar patterns of victims. While Stockholm syndrome is commonly associated with a hostage or kidnapping situation, it can apply to abusive relationships, when the abuse victim begins to express love for their abuser.
Stockholm Syndrome isn't fucking real, it's a fun trope, but it was not, and never was real. Please do research. It's basically the modern day hysterical woman, oh my god. Even if it was true, that's not how it is even theorized to work, the plan took place over like, less then an hour, that's not enough time for ANYTHING to set in. For what you're theorizing to even have a chance to be true they would have to be locked together in this scheme for DAYS. Please google fawn response as well, you'd have better luck making a point with that.
Gonta says to not blame Kokichi because Gonta knows he made his own choice, and would make it again, and most importantly, he wants everyone to GET ALONG. He doesn't want Kokichi to be hated, he wants everyone happy. This isn't him being "omg kokichi is so special rawrxD" its "im going to die, and all i ever wanted was everyone here happy, so please, don't hate each other"
And then I guess the spam filter or whatever stopped them from sending anymore because that's a weird place to end it. Anyways this was very cathartic for me and I may do a research paper on this in the future.
TLDR; we should like, have kids and see what they think of gonta and ouma that'd be fascinating
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biological-catastrophe · 11 months
Tw: Gore references (the names of things n stuff) below cut
How on earth did humans create execution methods such as Scaphism, the Gibbet, and the Blood Eagle. Like, I guess I can understand how people made the gibbet. And maybe Scaphism… but the blood eagle??? How did they think of that. It’s… just a lot. Holy crap
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