Hey jsyk nuzzle is anti agere and ableist you really shouldn't follow them :(
I'm not age regression, read the pinned post. And no they aren't. Don't tell me who I can and can't follow, or drag me into tumblr drama. =/ I'm not interested, and this is incredible immature, so please grow up. Literally all they want is for there fashion they par-take in, Lolita, not to be called age regression, tag or associated with that stuff. Cause it's not related to age regression. And actually if you knew anything, you'd be aware a lot of different communities have tried to co-op lolita, including abdl and ddlg, and even nymphet communities. (as people can't separate a fashion born from Japan from a title of a book/movie.) So it makes sense imo people who part take in lolita don't want there fashion to be associated with age regression, or assume 'omg u like age regression too1 me too' (also I find it frustrating as age regression is literally apart of mental health. It's not a thing you should associate with being 'into'. its like seeing someone struggle with mental health breakdowns or psychosis and being like 'omg u do psychosis too? no way me as well", it sounds tactless and I've I stated prior I have issues with age regression and infantilization but also the fact people do view people with trauma as 'impure' vs 'pure uwu i'm cute i regress for fun hehehe'. This disgusts me.) I'm also not aware how Nuzzles is "ableist". Maybe don't yeet words around to try to "scare" people away. Anyway, Don't send me asks, or put me in the middle of your drama. Unfollow and move on.
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prxnce-of-chxos · 2 years
I'm just done with anons, man.... Trying to bring up the past instead of moving on. "You make OP OCs in the past, also you were toxic" like... Depends on when you really met me. Like, genuinely, don't come at me like that. It's rude.
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jeffywittek2020 · 3 years
Also; just so I am clear. Jeff didn’t need Ethan’s or anybody else’s “approval”. That apology was for the people he hurt. However, I tuned in because it was nice to see/hear other people recognize the sincerity and genuineness of his apology.
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some knetz already complaing about the song being in English... like they didn’t have 10+ BTS albums in korean to listen to
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jstlikemagic · 4 years
If we are gonna hold David accountable for the under age thing with Brandon then we should be holding half the vs for it too. Cause they knew and didn’t say shit.
100%! honestly i’ve only been here for two months so i’m just finding this shit out now but i agree!
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timemilitant · 4 years
If it makes people feel better, The person in question unfollowed me solely for the fact that THEY assumed I hated the master which wasn't true at all. At the time I was criticizing the lackluster writing and not the master themselves.
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mvltxmvsc-blog · 5 years
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Real Quick...
BTS are grown ass men.
I’m talking, like mid twenties and can: 
-rent a car
-fight for their country
-legally drink internationally 
kinda grown...
These guys have given up a good amount, if not all, of their teenage/young adult lives for their careers and for their fans. I’m sure they’ve given up relationships, not only romantic, but with family and friends to be able to do what they do. 
This is the first break they have had in YEARS... not weeks, not months, YEARS. 
Can we let them travel, hang out with people, maybe, I dunno, let loose in whatever ways they see fit and not have half the fandom go ballistic? 
I’m just saying, for as much as they give us, don’t we owe them a little privacy during this time?
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prettyamanita · 5 years
Miss Alimjan has entered the building !!! Don’t be fooled by this amnesiac, fungus manipulator’s obsession adoration of Sailor Moon into thinking she’s harmless! Dottie knows that to build a new world, you have to destroy the old one -- so, catch her scheming for the Syndicate! 
Below the cut are some fun Dorothy (but, she gives you all permission to call her Dottie!) FAX™️ & hopefully they’ll lead to some wild plots! <3 
tw: drama, infertility mention, pregnancy mention
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🍄 Dottie believes that the League of Hero’s work is never-ending -- there will always be more purse snatchers to put behind bars, more corrupt politicians to expose, and new villains to throw behind bars. She feels that heroes don’t approve of the dirty, illegal things & the sacrificing of people it takes to accomplish a revolution. The Syndicate promises to create a new world, even if they must burn down the current world & rise from its ashes. She believes it’s the only way to stop this world’s cycle of suffering & if that makes her a villain, so be it.  
🍄 Dottie is capable of fungal manipulation, also known as mycokinesis !!! How does her power work? An average, healthy human being’s skin and digestive system carries anywhere between nine to twenty-three microscopic strains of fungus. Dottie’s body carries them well into the thousands, including those which are poisonous or have hallucinogenic properties. With training, she can generate, manipulate, and mutate any strain that lives on her. Fortunately, these microscopic fungus particles are unseen to the naked human eye! Should she come into contact with a species not already found on/in her body, she may still manipulate it or permanently add it to her repertoire through skin contact or ingestion.
🍄 Her “signature move” is mutating a fungal strain to exaggerate its natural properties. For example: she can boost the power & concentration of a chemical in certain mushrooms that effect serotonin levels, release its spores into the air, and cause a room full of guards to knockout like sleeping beauties.
🍄 She can also manipulate the size & consistency of fungus to accomplish physical tasks. Expect her to make an escape across some giant mushrooms -- Alice in Wonderland style! -- from time to time!  
🍄 Passive infection and tracking is the most difficult application of her powers. She may contaminate one person with a microscopic, semi-dormant fungus and allow that person to spread the spores without her direct involvement. By allowing her first victim to do the spreading, she is free to concentrate on other tasks until she triggers the strain’s growth or boosts its properties. She can also track someone’s movement by triggering the strain and following a trail of mushrooms growing from whatever her target has made physical contact with, so long as the environment and humidity is enough for the fungus to survive. 
🍄 Speaking of humidity, cold temperatures & lack of moisture make it very difficult for her to use her powers! Dottie even gets drowsy & irritable in the winter because the weather bothers her, too!hat’s
🍄 Dottie also needs to have knowledge about the fungus she generates for the best results, hence why you’ll always find a mycology book wedged inside her purse. One minute, she might claim the mushrooms spontaneously growing on your pillowcase are harmless puffballs. Before you know it, she’s shoving you into the emergency safety shower station and frantically pointing to a similar looking -- but very, very deadly! -- fungus illustrated in her field guide.
🍄 Dottie must also introduce new types of fungs to her body’s mycobiome through physical contact or ingestion. And being introduced to a new kind of poisonous mushroom can leave her feeling ill from anywhere between several days to a week!. 
*It should be noted that because Dottie’s body exists harmoniously with the fungal strains inhabiting it, she isn’t affected by the poison or hallucinogens of fungus she generates. If it’s her first time coming into contact with a strain or she’s in a weakened state, she will only have a minor reaction. This gives some mutants the very incorrect impression that she’s impervious to poison. While a death cap’s poison won’t hurt her, a flower derived poison or snake’s venom will!
tldr; Possibly gets mutant abilities through some sketchy tea her mom drank while pregnant with her. Sixteen years later, this naive girl gets conned out of her soul by a mutant with soul manipulation. Gets saved by Gilbert, but loses her memories & has to search for the pieces of her soul to get them back. Shenanigans ensue. Eight years pass. They become villains. More shenanigans. Endless Shenanigans!
| Before Losing Her Memories & Becoming “Dottie”: Life as Aylin Alimjan |
🍄 ORIGIN STORY: Before she was born, her mother struggled with infertility & the possibility that she could never conceive children. One day, a mysterious mutant offers a solution: tea soaked in the bark of a maidenhair tree and camellia petals. The mutant claimed that a pair of star-crossed lovers were buried under the tree she’d extracted the bark from. As for the flower petals, she claimed they were always found scattered at the site during the full moon no matter the season. (AKA: You can’t brew this DANK TEA at home!) Aylin’s mom wanted to know if there was a catch, but the mutant only asked to raise the child well.
🍄 ORIGIN STORY CONT: So her mom drank it ‘cause it seemed legit.
🍄 ORIGIN STORY END: There’s no concrete proof that the mutant really did anything !!! But, it was a very romantic story to tell Aylin as a toddler & being conceived through a shady mutant’s questionable reincarnation tea is DOPE.
🍄 BABY AYLIN DAYS: Aylin’s born after her mother experiences hallucinations, strange desires to eat mushrooms and rotting fruit, and a very stubborn case of athlete’s foot. Her father was a mutant himself & reassured his wife that maybe the baby would be a mutant as well. Either way, carrying Aylin for nine months was stressful as heck.  BUT WHEN SHE’S BORN SHE’S SUPER CUTE & GIGGLY & SOMETIMES SNEEZES MUSHROOM SPORES!!!
🍄 TODDLER / KID AYLIN DAYS: Her family moves from their neighborhood in Ürümqi, China to Crystalline when she’s still in diapers. She’d oftentimes eats weird mushrooms & people want to call poison control, but her parents just nervously insist that she’ll be fine after a glass of water. Since she’s a 90s baby, she grows up with all the magical girl shows airing on like….4Kids LMAO. Her youth is pretty wholesome! She’s the kid not being able to decide on a best friend & just making matching friendship bracelets for her whole class!!! HMU WITH SOME EMERALD LEARNING CENTER FRIENDS!
🍄 TEEN AYLIN DAYS: She’s ALWAYS “falling in love” with someone, okay. But her powers have a knack for spoiling ALL of her lip glosses and embarrassing her in front of her crushes. Her MOST EMBARRASSING power related mishap was on a field trip to a local natural history museum where she compulsively ate some bioluminescent mushrooms RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER CRUSH. She didn’t want to go back to school for the longest time & tried to pretend that poison control actually helped her. 😂😂😂
| Losing Her Memories: Life as Dorothy “Dottie” Alimjan | 
Around the age of sixteen, her powers REALLY begin to flare up & cause her some real heartache. There’s rumors floating that a mutant with the ability of wish manifestation had arrive in Crystalline & could give you whatever your heart desired for a fair price. Some students claim it’s all rumors, while others claim that wish manifestation isn’t real & people were getting scammed. Others who sought that mutant weren’t heard from again. SO WHAT DOES DOTTIE DO? SHE GOES LOOKING FOR HIM LMAO
🍄 The “wish manifestation mutant” turns out to be the revenge-seeking, estranged partner in crime of Gilbert Gladstone. The mutant’s real ability is soul manipulation & he’d been promising “wishes” in order to test his abilities without worrying about people fighting back.
🍄 ANYWAY DOTTIE finds this guy, who knows she’s incredibly gullible & believes his promise to grant her wishes. She asks that if it’s possible for two wishes, she wanted a prettier mutant ability AND that if her mom’s story about drinking shady reincarnation tea to conceive her is true, that the star-crossed lovers in the story behind where the tea came from will have their happy ending. LIKE, GIRL PROBABLY BABBLED FOR TWENTY MINUTES BEFORE THE GUY COULDN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE.
🍄 Like all the other gullible mutants wanting wishes, she gets her soul extracted & watches it turn into an oddly colored diamond. And like all the other gullible mutants, becomes this emotionless, blank slate of a person.
🍄 Gilbert arrives & “defeats” the soul manipulator mutant, which causes all those cool soul diamonds to EXPLODE! Their shards end up EVERYWHERE in Crystalline & probably beyond. Now there’s like, a warehouse full of young mutants ft. gilbert’s mom who are still mindless robots? But, a shard had gotten caught in Dottie’s hand which was enough for her to communicate & have a faint recollection of being called Miss Alimjan. Gilbert nicknames her Dorothy because she’s been wearing red shoes when they met & the nickname stuck!
🍄 Since Gilbert is looking for his mom’s little soul diamond shards & Dottie is looking for her own, they decide to stick together! Dottie’s collected enough to have been given back her full range of emotions & a few scattered memories, but there’s still plenty more for her to discover!
🍄 Dottie’s like a little sister figure to Gilbert, so she trusts his decisions (for the most part). She’s helped him with his grifting, thievery, and elaborate heists for the past eight years! It’s really because of him that she’s learned how to be a ~ villain! ~ LOOK SHE’S JUST A BABY CRIMINAL, BUT SHE’S PROUD TO BE HIS PARTNER IN CRIME!!!
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secasder · 5 years
I reached a point where I don't know who are the most annoying/gross ones:
-The overly attached shippers that call out others and give death treats to/doxxe anyone that has another headcanon or ship.
-The obsessed antis of that ship that spread hate on main tags, follow known bloggers (known for loving THAT ship and posting THAT contend) and constantly post about how much they hate the ship.
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So one of the babytalkers has blocked me. But just before they did, they told me there "Cg" is going to "talk to me" and "put me in my place" excuse me? My place? Actually EXCUSE you. bruh I'm a kawaii/anime blog. I reblog lolita fashion and larme kei. I'm unsure what place you think your "person" can put me in. :/ My blog is mine. Friendships or attempts come with boundaries. Communicate is like that. I'm not going to apologise for them, because I stated my discomfort and pointed out baby talk is ableism. (they got upset by the post) Baby talk is a big fucking no. It's a boundary. And while I don't cuss via dms, I'll do it on my page because I can. (and yes the person took issue with cussing saying it's taking them out of there 'babyspace', and seeing it on there dash is triggering them. Funny triggering you. I thought you didn't care about OTHER peoples comforts.) Your stepping into MY place. Pushing MY boundaries when it comes to communication. If your looking to baby talk with folks, find folks who are comfortable. There's so many on tumblr, and even more on discord. And I'd hate to say it, but inuyasha isn't for 'babies' so even the idea of 'but your blog is baby safe place' nawh not really. Inuyasha has violence. Witch hunter robin which I reblogged a while ago has violence, I reblog DB and DBZ which also has violence. (I mostly reblog bulma but still, the anime's she's from has violence.) I'm not a 'baby safe' blog. I wouldn't sit a baby down and be like 'here ya go, lets watch frieza fight goku." So please grow up, I'll be keen to tell this to your "CG" too. - ya'll wanna do lifestyle stuff? cool, don't do it in my dms, cause I'm not apart of it. I'm uncomfortable and I'm allowed to be. I'm also allowed to speak about my comforts. Your "cg" isn't meant to fix your messes. So fuck off the both of you.
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bunbuns-many-muses · 5 years
This Just In! Breaking News!
It’s one thing to fucking ship incest, especially parent/child incest, brother/brother incest, with yourself and maybe a group of people privately. I personally don’t understand the appeal, NOR DO I MOTHERFUCKING WANT TO, but here’s the thing! If there’s one simple fucking thing you don’t do, you don’t force someone who doesn’t like incest rp to partake in it with you. 
You certainly don’t go around and cause drama and shit because people ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO AVOID YOUR NASTY ASS.
You cannot cry and whine about your pwecious fweels, when you subject people to content such as father/daughter incest and pedophilia. Because surprise surprise! That tends to make most people in society gag. And these certain people, don’t want to RP with you or your gross ass friends. It’s not a matter of big bad ol’ antis being mean to you for no reason. You actively have your friends go after them when you cannot do it yourself. That’s got nothing to do with being anti except that you’re apparently anti-sanity and anti-common sense.
Just an extra thought for you thot, if you were actually having a legitimate mental breakdown, you wouldn’t be trying to actively harass someone over your repugnant behavior. You’re simply trying to look like an ‘innocent widdle babby gorl’ in face of your bullshit.
Oh and by the way
this bullshit right here?
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You HAVE SOME FUCKING NERVE to fucking bring gay people into your gross ass shipping world. Homophobia is fucking homophobia and it has some fucking dead bodies behind it’s awfulness. Homophobia hurts REAL people. This is like, ya know, actual serious and life threatening shit that gay people deal with. It is, in no way or form, comparable to people ragging on you because of your incest fetish. Gay people who want to simply love their partners without being harassed or murdered for it, aren’t here for you to use as a comparison to INCEST. That’s a little, I don’t know, HOMOPHOBIC?
For those of you who wanna avoid running into a college freshman ‘all-knowing’ incest shipping cunt, avoid @uchihasavior. That is all.
Oh and if you fuck with this wad of smegma? Go fuck yourself.
To all gay people out there, I’m soooo sorry this uncultured swine decided to compare being gay with incest. 
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jeffywittek2020 · 3 years
You know what actual boils my blood? I looked at the comments on Doms latest vid and literally no one called him a rapist. The worst comment said he should go to jail. Yet... on all of Jeffs socials people are calling him that . Actually pissed me off
Yeah I have a big problem with people calling Jeff such names.... it’s not a word to just toss around
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gyxnyx-blog · 6 years
Hey guys. Guess what? Demi here. She's tired of the shit so, she's gonna say it.
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Y'all grow up. Just grow up. Honestly it's so sad seeing this crap on feed and you know what? No one wants to see drama on dash. No one. You know everyone gets hate of others and it's too the point it shouldn't matter? This is TUMBLR. This place is so damn toxic it literally brands itself in your minds. I want you both to stop this issue at hand. Both of you clamp your mouths tight. My God it's too early to be seeing this crap and secondly. Who cares. Who the hell cares. And you know what else? I don't care if anyone hates me for sticking up and saying it. Someone has to at this point, and say enough is a ENOUGH. Keep running your mouth, but that makes you just as bad as the other.
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jstlikemagic · 5 years
...... i don’t...... i’m out here living my best life and not worrying about anyone
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thorinsbeard · 5 years
Bearded Ramblings
As always, bad stuff under the cut. I’ll make a separate post for Bohemian Rhapsody. 
Well I have NOT been winning with my depression since I got to Wellington. I feel so out of my depth for the most part, anxiety-filled as I run into crazy people like the woman who started barking and growling at me and yelling her dog wasn’t going to eat me, when all I was doing was moving so they could go past. It makes my agoraphobia worse because why go out at all or without a support person if that sort of thing happens. And then the bullshit on Neopets happened. 
To be honest, I admit here, I AM THE ONE WHO CAUSED THE BULLSHIT. Alright, I did not mean to. It was a moment of panic. What happened was some people all inquired at once about a foreground I had and offered on it and I just felt so overwhelmed because I suffer from panic attacks, avoidant personality disorder and instead of telling the people can you wait, can I get back to you, I blocked one of them. It wasn’t just due to that though. I feel like that trader constantly over valued her stuff and under valued mine, because. Here’s the thing. She offered a dress to me for 3 caps, when I wanted it on its own. But somehow when she is offering it on mine, it goes down to 2 caps? Idk it just left a bad taste in my mouth. But then she made a board about me and idk what she wrote except that tons of people made horrible comments so now I’ve been afraid to even go there or post. Because that is what avpd does to you. You avoid everything!! Whether you want to or not. And I cannot explain that on neopets. Go call me a loser, or whatever else you want to, but my actions were mine, and they were influenced by a mental illness. 
I just feel like I’m losing. I’m losing my fight with depression and anxiety. Losing my fight with dysphoria. I’m just losing it. And somewhere in my head I just keep feeling like it doesn’t matter. But now that this is gone I’m going to go and praise the hell out of a movie. 
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