#ultimate verse tag tbd.
thcdarlingboy · 2 years
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levi ‘huddy’ hudson.
oc ⟩ fandomless
age ⟩ 30+
fc ⟩ christian kane
hometown ⟩ varies by verse
career ⟩ bodyguard
general tag ⟩ tbd
Born and raised in Tennessee, he was named after his dad’s favorite brand of jeans. No joke.
Levi’s family grew up in the country, listening to country music. They didn’t have a farm — they weren’t that well off, but he learned to be a southern gentleman at a young age.
As soon as he turned fourteen, Levi got a job at the local horse stables, where he fell in love with riding. He didn’t get paid much, but he was allowed to take out the horses at his leisure when his duties were done.
Being in a small town meant everyone knew everybody. For better or worse. Levi had always been tough; he played football for the school and rec teams, and his charm won most people over. Popular and well-liked, Levi always felt protective of the kids at school that got bullied. He used his strength and size for good, defending them. 
College wasn’t something attainable without a scholarship, and despite doing well enough in school, Levi’s grades were average at best. Then, his father was diagnosed with cancer, and everything went downhill from there. The various treatments didn’t work, and eventually it was just Levi and his mom left to fend for themselves.
They had to downsize, and moved to the city to a smaller place with less land, and more danger. All Levi knew was that he needed a decent enough job to help out. His mother could only work so much.
What began as a bouncer position at a nightclub around the corner from home blossomed to better opportunities. Soon he found himself as a private bodyguard to several celebrities and government figures. It does require more traveling than he would like, but Levi sends his mother a cut of every job, whether she fights him on it or not.
He remains down to earth, despite being surrounded by paparazzi and scandals.
Ultimately, Levi would like to get more into government work, but he still has some work to do in order to get there. 
❤️ relationships:
🌙 verses:
Main ⟩ ⟩ open to all fandoms
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galaxietm · 6 years
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sometimes i think about writing ben tbh
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✩ (Liz)
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The Ultimate Relationship Tag
See under the cut for the Lizverse;;
Who is more likely to raise their voice? Liz
Who threatens to leave but never actually does? Neither maybe Liz
Who actually keeps their word and leaves? Neither
Who trashes the house? Neither
Do either of them get physical? Nope
How often do they argue/disagree? Their disagreements tend to stem from either Data's blind faith in the Federation or due to his inherent need for everything to be black and white and immediately resolved.
Who is the first to apologise? Data - he usually apologizes the entire time
Who is on top? Data, most often
Who has the strangest desires? Liz - she has a very colourful imagination and is good at thinking of ways to take advantage of Data's skillset
Any kinks? He is fairly submissive
Who’s dominant in bed? It depends on what mood Liz is in
Is head ever in the equation? Yes
If so, who is better at performing it? Liz can probably shut Data down with her mouth
Ever had sex in public? Nope
Who moans the most? Liz - Data is pretty quiet...but he is a talker
Who leaves the most marks? If Data could be damaged...
Who screams the loudest? Liz
Who is the more experienced of the two? Liz
Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? Make love
Rough or soft? Both
How long do they usually last? Data can last forever, actually
Is protection used? Nope - no need
Does it ever get boring? Nope, it’s very sweet
Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? The bedroom lol. Or the holodeck
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? Not sure! Data loves babies...
If so, how many children do your muses want/have? Dunno!
Who is the favorite parent? Both?! Probably Liz
Who is the authoritative parent? Data
Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Liz
Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Liz
Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Both!
Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Both!
Who changes the diapers? Both
Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Data because he does not need sleep.
Who spends the most time with the children? Depends on who is working when
Who packs their lunch boxes? Data
Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Both
Who cleans up after the kids? Data
Who worries the most? Liz
Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from? Liz
Who likes to cuddle? Liz is better at it
Who is the little spoon? Liz
Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? Liz
Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? L i z
How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? Data is in it for the duration
Who gives the most kisses? Liz
What is their favourite non-sexual activity? Talking - which sounds boring, but Data is fascinated with Liz's worldly experience and the way she seems to know how to break things down for him.
Where is their favourite place to cuddle? The bed
Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? Liz
How often do they get time to themselves? Only when Liz is on the Enterprise
Who snores? If both do, who snores the loudest? Liz, but only quietly
Do they share a bed or sleep separately? Share
If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? Very cozy
Who talks in their sleep? Liz
What do they wear to bed? Data does not wear pajamas, so if he isn’t in his uniform, he’s probably just naked.
Are either of your muses insomniacs? Nope, Liz can sleep anywhere
Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? Nope
Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? Cuddles
Who wakes up with bed hair? Liz - it is large
Who wakes up first? Data
Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? Data brings her breakfast whenever he can
What is their favourite sleeping position? Liz likes to cuddle up to him, but Data prefers being the big spoon
Who hogs the sheets? Liz
Do they set an alarm each night? Data's internal chronometer does that
Can a television be found in their bedroom? There is a viewscreen
Who has nightmares? They both do, but Liz’s are worse.
Who has ridiculous dreams? Data
Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? Liz - Data pretty much doesn't move
Who makes the bed? Data does all the tidying.
What time is bedtime? Whenever Liz is ready
Any routines/rituals before bed? Reading
Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? Liz
Who is the busiest? Data’s job on the Enterprise is steady, but Liz runs all over the place and has to deal with lots of assholes so...
Who rakes in the highest income? Data doesn't make money so...Liz. Definitely.
Are any of your muses unemployed? Nope
Who takes the most sick days? Ha neither.
Who is more likely to turn up late to work? Liz, but it's not often.
Who sucks up to their boss? Data
What are their jobs? Data works on the Enterprise and Liz does lots of business making deliveries on the Nomad
Who stresses the most? Liz, but she's good at hiding it
Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? Data loves his work on the Enterprise. Liz loves her freedom on the Nomad. The only time either of them is frustrated with their respective jobs is when they are prevented from seeing one another for a long time.
Are your muses financially stable? Yep
Who does the washing? Data
Who takes out the trash? Data
Who does the ironing? Data (Liz would happily do this stuff, I'm sure, but Data loves cleaning and he's very fast and does it constantly.)
Who does the cooking? The replicator
Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? Data
Who is messier? Liz
Who leaves the toilet roll empty? Liz
Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? Liz
Who forgets to flush the toilet? Liz
Who is the prankster around the house? Liz
Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? They don’t have cars!
Who mows the lawn? If they had a lawn, probably Data
Who answers the telephone? Either
Who does the vacuuming? Data
Who does the groceries? Neither
Who takes the longest to shower? Liz - Data mostly takes sonic showers
Who spends the most time in the bathroom? Liz
Is money a problem? Nope
How many cars do they own? None
Do they own their home or do they rent? Starships?!
Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? Space
Do they live in the city or in the country? Spaaaaaace
Do they enjoy their surroundings? Generally, yes?
What’s their song? TBD!
What do they do when they’re away from each other? They message each other often in every verse. When they are together, Data sends her stuff nonstop - anything new that he learns, anything that reminds him of her (which is a lot), poems, gifts, photos, etc.
Where did they first meet? DS9
How did they first meet? She literally ran into him full-speed on DS9 when chasing someone and almost knocked herself out. Data insisted he bring her to the infirmary.
Who spends the most money when out shopping? Liz - she has a thing for non-replicated things, especially chocolate
Who’s more likely to flash their assets? Neither
Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? Liz
Any mental issues? Liz has ADHD and PTSD and ODD. Data has undiagnosed GAD.
Who’s terrified of bugs? Neither
Who kills the spiders around the house? Data takes them outside.
Their favourite place? Wherever they can see the stars together.
Who pays the bills? Liz
Do they have any fears for their future? Data is always uncertain about what will happen in their relationship as Liz is not a fan of Starfleet and Data cannot imagine leaving it.
Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? Data
Who uses up all of the hot water? Neither
Who’s the tallest? Data
Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? Liz
Who wanders around in their underwear? Both
Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? Data - Liz is a little embarrassed about her singing voice
What do they tease each other about? Data does not yet understand teasing as a form of affection so…not much. Liz will tease him about soft things because she knows he doesn't really get it and might take it to heart.
Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? Liz will probably cringe at Data's...he only owns a Starfleet uniform.
Do they have mutual friends? Not really
Who crushed first? Liz - before Data could reciprocate
Any alcohol or substance related problems? Liz has a few, but she's very careful
Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? Liz
Who swears the most? Liz
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colony22graphics · 4 years
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Hello and welcome to Colony 22 AU Bingo Challenge!
To celebrate our survival of the particularly weary-dreary month of January, we are introducing this entirely optional, entirely non-canon little activity to help spark muse in a new and playful way! We hope this bit of stress-free fun with your characters helps to put the spring back in your rp-step! We for one, had a ton of fun coming up with these squares (honourable mention goes to the very seriously considered but ultimately rejected prompt of “jeggings”.)
How it Works
Each square on the board has a theme that you can incorporate into any kind of creative work you wish! Anything written or created for any of the squares isn’t considered canon, and of course mentions/inclusions of characters other than your own require the consent of other muns (the no-godmodding rule still applies!)
As all media rules also still apply, the following submissions should be submitted to the Graphics Blog:
gif sets
visual artwork (i.e. sketches, drawings, paintings etc etc) 
video edits
playlists (with cover art)
[ As always, you will be properly credited for all your work, and you are always welcome to add your own credit text in the description of your submission and format it any way you like! ]
[ submit here ]
Written work (self-paras, chat threads, poetry, miscellaneous ~experimental~ wordy things that strike your fancy) can be posted on your own character account as long as it is clearly marked in the title to indicate that it’s an AU activity and everything should be tagged  with #col22bingo, so that the mods can easily locate it and there is no confusion. Feel free also to track the tag! 
Please also note in the TITLE (and separately in tags if you wish) which square the submission/creation is for. Some of them are going to be super obvious, but some may not be, and it’ll just make things a lot easier to track, (and probably more fun, too) if you title and tag them appropriately!
This is purely for fun, and there’s zero pressure to participate if it doesn’t tickle your fancy, but if you do you can track your progress on the board located on the graphics blog here. (We will update as frequently as can, but it may take up to a day or two for your results to appear!) 
Some Theme Examples
As you can see, most of the categories are pretty self explanatory, but we thought a couple of them would benefit from a bit of clarification, so:
2020 / Non-Apoc AU: So because Colony 22 takes place in the future and is already sci-fi, this is a slightly backwards, modern day AU. In Lottie’s words:  “just assholes on tiktok drinking starbucks and fretting about global warming.”
Musical AU: You’re obviously free to get creative with this one, and put your own spin on it, but for a jumping point, our train of thought was along the lines of: ‘you know when a tv show has a musical episode every season? Imagine Colony 22′s.’ So think Grease, Rent, Avenue Q, Sound of Music—whatever floats your boat, really—and now Col22-ify it.
Crossover AU: For those of you poor souls who are unfamiliar with the great wide world of fanfiction, a crossover in this context would suggest creating an AU universe with your character where it combines the Colony 22 verse with some other fandom (or fandoms!)—like Harry Potter, Sherlock, Teen Wolf, Star Wars, etc etc etc. The possibilities are endless. 
Actor AU: This one is the intentionally meta one, (because who didn’t love the episode of Supernatural where they were all cast of a sitcom, or the one where they found out a fandom of followers were writing fanfiction about their lives fighting demons?) Again, feel free to interpret as you wish and play around, but the idea is that the characters of this verse are actors in a show with the plot of this RP and verse—whether that be a Netflix series or a reality TV show or some kind of elaborate stage play, that’s all up to you. You can choose to say that, for example, Mouse Quinley is perhaps an actor playing himself in some sort of reality interpretation, or that Mouse is simply a character, played by an actor with another name and life entirely—however, the only rule here is you have to make up the actors, in that case. No using the actual FCs, because that’s cheating, and way less fun. 
During the course of this challenge, we will post updates whenever someone achieves a line, (or if by some miracle, someone goes for a blackout!) There are no prizes, but there are definitely bragging rights. For the time being, the end date of this challenge is TBD. We will likely keep it going until we are closer to the launch of the games, but we’ll keep you posted! 
Finally, as always, if you have any questions at all about the game, submission types or any of the au themes or prompts, please hit us up on the main blog ask and we’ll be glad to help! We will tag all posts and answers regarding this challenge with col22bingo so you can easily find it in the tags or on the main blog! 
Thanks so much, our little star RP-Fam, and have fun !!
Lots of love, 
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ariaparish · 5 years
repost, don’t reblog !
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FULL NAME.  Aria Māhealani Parish PRONUNCIATION.  ahr-ee-uh mah-hey-ah-lah-nee pair-ish                                       ( ˈɑriə maːhejəˈlɐni ˈpærɪʃ ) NICKNAME.  just "Aria" or "Parish" GENDER.  cis woman HEIGHT.  5′3″ AGE.  20-25ish (verse-dependent & flexible) ZODIAC.  Aries SPOKEN LANGUAGES.  English (SAE), English (HPE)
HAIR COLOR.  dark brown EYE COLOR.  dark brown SKIN TONE.  warm, rosy gold undertones; Pantone 51-5 C (Humanae) BODY TYPE.  angular, petite ACCENT.  code-switches between HPE, SAE, and an affected "Valley Girl" accent depending on mood VOICE.  no current voice claim DOMINANT HAND.  right POSTURE.  impeccable posture when walking, standing, or driving, from lifelong attempts to look taller and to try to be able to see past people around her; slouches badly while reclining or working, which has caused back problems in the past SCARS.  incisions at the base of her neck from implantation of her cybernetic components; light, barely-visible scars on her hands up to her wrists from cuts & burns during hardware repairs and / or cooking attempts; a few scars on shoulders, legs from outdoor falls as a child TATTOOS.  none BIRTHMARKS.  none MOST NOTICEABLE FEATURE(S).  long hair, striking bone structure
PLACE OF BIRTH.  Hālawa, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi HOMETOWN.  Kaʻaʻawa Valley, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi  |  Castle Ward, Swansea, Wales BIRTH WEIGHT.  7.2lbs BIRTH HEIGHT.  49cm MANNER OF BIRTH.  natural delivery FIRST WORDS.  bye-bye RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND.  secular, superstitious SIBLINGS.  Maya & Eva Parish (elder twin sisters, biological; estranged)                         Jackson Savage (elder brother, foster / adopted) PARENTS.  Lauren & Jackson Parish (biological parents, estranged)              Peter J. Savage II & Louise Savage née Abernathy (foster parents, estranged)
PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT.  The Parishes are strict but emotionally distant & neglectful parents, preferring to focus on their own research rather than their children or each other, believing that children should be seen and not heard, and not speak until and unless spoken to. They quickly fell into a pattern of favoring their elder daughters' obedience, accomplishments, and respectability in comparison to Aria's defiance and rejection of their laid-out plans for her life, ultimately disowning her in all but name by her teens. Her sisters never quite bridged the gap to connect with her while their parents' ambition kept them occupied. After briefly moving from her parents' estate in Hālawa to her grandmother's home in Kaʻaʻawa, Aria was sent away to the British Isles as a child-- out of sight, out of mind-- to live with the adult Parishes' family friends, the Savages, and their son Jackson, who were emotionally desperate to fill a child-shaped void of their own. Where the Savage adults were more of the same that Aria had come to expect from her own parents, down to being the "spare tire" third child, the family's traumas & the new setting left her feeling alone in a haunted house until Jax eventually, begrudgingly warmed up to her.
OCCUPATION.  Computer Systems Engineer ; Hacker & Snoop ; Petty Criminal (some gang involvement) CURRENT RESIDENCE.  varies (verse-dependent & flexible) CLOSE FRIENDS.  TBD (verse-dependent & flexible) RELATIONSHIP STATUS.  single (verse-dependent & flexible) FINANCIAL STATUS.  "poor little rich girl gone to seed" DRIVER’S LICENSE.  yes ; excellent driver (ground vehicles) CRIMINAL RECORD.  【RECORD SEALED & EXPUNGED】 VICES.  curses too much & explosively; drinks when angry; indulges in urges towards one-upsmanship & petty bickering
SEXUAL ORIENTATION.  bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION.  bisexual PREFERRED EMOTIONAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch PREFERRED SEXUAL ROLE.  submissive | dominant | switch | sex repulsed LIBIDO.  below average-- happy with or without sex, for the most part TURN ONS.  determination, pragmatism, ingenuity, stubbornness, cleverness, loyalty TURN OFFS.  disloyalty / betrayal of trust, conformity, condescension, malice, pretension, bullying, being told what to do LOVE LANGUAGE.  Quality Time / Acts of Service
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES.  Aria's only had a few serious relationships in her life, mainly because of preoccupations with either family, research, or work contracts, which have largely taken precedent over what she grew up seeing could be fickle emotional bonds. She craves emotional intimacy and trust, but is overwhelmed and terrified by the prospect of emotional dependence-- as a way to protect herself from ever being in a position to feel desperate and discarded again after getting some distance from (and making emotional progress without) her parents and foster parents in her life. She can be flirtatious and forward, particularly in pursuing casual flings if the urge arises, but is cautious and private if pursued for anything beyond that herself.
CHARACTER’S THEME SONG.  JOYRYDE - IM GONE [ xxx ] HOBBIES TO PASS TIME.  sewing, coffee, thrifting, dancing / clubbing MENTAL ILLNESSES.  semi-resolved trauma from family history; on-and-off diagnoses of ADHD & anxiety (generally unmedicated & frequently ignored until Aria hits a breaking point); prone to PTSD-related night terrors and hypervigilance, depending on verse-specific exposures & experiences PHYSICAL ILLNESSES.  in dystopian verses, Aria's cybernetic prostheses run the risk of becoming liabilities as they wear out or take on damage LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED.  right-brained, per this quiz MBTI.  ENFP-T FEARS.  sharks, immobilization / confinement, helplessness, loss of independence SELF CONFIDENCE LEVEL.  RSE Scale 16/30  ||  confident in her own competence and most of her physical appearance; still has issues with self-worth / how she believes her emotional worth is perceived to be by others, but accepts it to the point of cracking jokes, assuming as a baseline that she's either not worth other people investing in & is beneath their notice (which she thinks of as a positive when spying on others), or assumes anyone showing more than a cursory interest is either foolish or has ulterior motives VULNERABILITIES.  stubborn, lonely, mistrustful, more emotionally fragile than she's willing to admit to herself, self-doubts & second-guesses herself, low physical endurance, self-destructive tendencies with overwork when stressed
TAGGED BY: @nihtwulf TAGGING: anyone who wants to do this!
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lydivamartin · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
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indieareyoutheone · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltm and@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
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lodgeicaltm-blog · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
ladyxflame-blog · 7 years
All Verses & AUs;*
I have these very organized. The first portion are all FMA based. Any verse that has to do with specific muses will have them tagged, however just because a character is tagged doesn’t mean you can’t rp that verse. The only ones that won’t be rped with other people are the ship based ones. So never hesitate to ask more about each verse or send starters for them. Also all headcanons for the verses will be tagged as “(verse name) hc”
Sweet Love; This is Rory and Leanna’s ( @littlemisssweetcakes ) primary verse. Rory and Lea are in a lovingly complicated relationship.
Another You; This verse is what started it all for Rory’s existence and probably will be my main verse. Jean Havoc disappears and becomes the homunculus Greed. Rory blames herself that he resorted to feeling like he needed to sacrifice himself to help her achieve her goals to be Fuhrer. She’s a lot more emotional in this verse with the constant struggles of not wanting to admit her feelings for Havoc despite him being a homunculus.
Three’s Company; Rory, Lea ( @littlemisssweetcakes ), and Jean (N/A) end up in a polyamorous relationship. This is basically a combination of Another You and Sweet Love. There are a few time frames that can be played out:
One (Name TBD): This verse takes place after Havoc’s disappearance. Rory is still struggling over the disappearance of Havoc, but has made the decision to be in a committed relationship with Leanna.
Two (Broken Fragments): Rory and Lea are broken up. To Be Updated!
Two point five (Name TBD): Havoc returns as a homunculus. At first; it’s complicated and definitely not the most stable thing to exist. Rory tries to do everything in her power to make Havoc (Greed) return back to human.
Three (Name TBD): With the help of Lea; Rory makes Havoc becomes human again. While still on the complicated side, they’ve all managed to make the relationship a lot more stable with minimal jealousy issues occurring.
Mommie Dearest; This mainly is for the use of an AU crimsonandcarbon had came up with but shared with me. It’s primarily for Maes Hughes where his role and Gracia’s are reversed. It can work with canon as well. Basically any case that someone is dead leaving Elicia without a parent and Rory takes the second parent role is how this is to be used.
College; Exactly as it sounds. Rory is in her first year of studying chemistry, fourth year being in college as a total. She has a fascination with fire, and enjoys writing poetry.
Reality Escape; This is an asylum au. Can be taken in a modern verse or in a 1940s-1950s settings. Depending on the time frame, things may be a little different for Rory. Either way Rory suffers from Pyromania and Borderline Personality Disorder. In a modern verse; Rory committed herself to seek the help she needs. In the 1940s-50s verse; Rory was tossed in by her aunt as a way to “get rid of her” for being such a “pest.”
Other Mother; This verse is a little more open than the sub-verses below it. After so many near death incidents on Ed’s part (following a canon timeline), Rory decides to take on an unofficial mother role to Ed and Al in hopes of him to be less likely to get killed.
Fullmetal Brat; Because there are so many different Edwards in this fandom, this is my specific verse for @fullmetalflea . Rory becomes an unofficial mother figure for Edward. His verse title for this is Mother Flame.
Sweet Alphonse; This is currently open to any Alphonse that is interested in interacting in this verse.
Little Liam; This verse is specific for @a-cluster-of-cute-ocs. Liam is the youngest Elric brother.
Modern; At the moment this is just Rory and Edward ( @chiisaikintsukuroi ), but is open to anyone who wants a modern verse. Rory is in the Air Force Reserves, working full time on base, and part time as a warehouse manager off base. I will say that the knowledge Rory has of Edward’s life does not leave that RP.
Fractured Figments; Mirror AU. I am putting this with the FMA verses, because that’s what this is. Rory is an “imaginary friend” of Roy’s. She’s often his voice of reason, as well as the cause of most of his turmoils.
Bittersweet; This verse is based on Rory’s feelings for Ed ( @thetinyalchemist ). Maybe one day she’ll admit her feelings. However, for the foreseeable future, that will not be happening.
The following verses are all based on other fandoms. These allow me to have Rory interact with other characters in other fandoms as well as come up with interesting verses that I never would have really considered before.
Wonderblood; Deadman Wonderland AU. Rory is known as the albatross (They briefly mention an albatross, but don’t elaborate further.) Her fighting style is capoeira, combining her deadman abilities into this. She can create needle-like points from any open wound on her body. She also can shoot them out at her opponents. She is missing an eye from losing a fight, as well as most of her hair.
Fire Song; s-CRY-ed AU. Rory is an alter user that works for HOLY. Her ability is similar to Ayase Terada’s where if she does a quick flicking motion with her hair, she can cause explosions either in the air or on a specific object that she is touching. Or she can let her hair sit there and cause a fire on objects around her. This ability is called Fire Song.
Gym Leader; Pokemon AU. Rory is an aspiring gym leader. Her pokemon are Ninetales, Delphox, Mightyena, Arcenine, Flareon and Umbreon. In case you missed the trend, they are all fire or dark and some form of canine. Rory has taken over an abandoned pokemon gym and is in the works of restoring it as well as getting the proper approval to become a gym leader.
Puppy Gone; Fruits Basket AU. This verse is based in high school with Shigure, Ayame and Hatori. This can be before or after Rory knows about the curse. I have it based that Rory dates Shigure during high school and is forced to live with the Sohma’s due to knowing of the curse. After college Rory is told to move far away to never return.
Dragon&Phoenix; This is a sub-verse for Puppy Gone. Rory returns back despite being told to never come back. She ends up getting close to Hatori ( @hatori-sohma ) and eventually dates him.
Shake It Off; Celebrity AU. I’m not creative. Rory is a singer (Using Taylor Swift songs because it suits her best). She has been dating Edward ( @thetinyalchemist ) on and off since high school (Rory is now 24, Ed is only a few years younger). Edward is in the military with no “famous” traits other than being known as Rory’s on/off boyfriend. Always assume Rory is on her “off” time with Ed unless previously discussed for them to be dating for the threads. Also Rory may cheat on Ed but that is also something discussed by everyone involved in the storyline/threads.
Forgotten Name; Sucker Punch AU. Just like in the Sucker Punch movie, Rory goes by a false name, Phoenix. She is a patient/worker in the asylum/business (depending which way it’s to be taken). Phoenix was given that name because of her fiery attitude and ability to continually be “reborn” from the negative things she witnesses on a daily basis.
Talentless Host; Ouran High School Host Club AU. Rory and Tamaki were childhood friends. When he moved away, Rory didn’t think too much of it. Until she moved to Japan to attend Ouran Academy. Learning that Tamaki had started a “Host Club,” Rory decided to take advantage of her unisex name to pass as a male to reconnect with her old friend.
Momma Litchfield; Orange is the New Black AU. Rory was 22 years old when she had gotten arrested for arson. Not long after being sentenced to Litchfield prison, Rory was given the title as “prison mom.” She tries to keep out of everyone’s affairs, unless someone is picking a fight with one of her children.
Ultimate Survival; Walking Dead AU. There are two versions of this; they both will be under the same tag however:
Version One: Alchemy is still usable in this verse. Homunculi and Chimeras are unaffected by this virus. Rory is most often traveling with Havoc, Hughes, Gracia, Elicia and Hawkeye. This can change depending on who the thread is being written with.
Version Two: Rory was in the military before the apocalypse. She has lived this long by relying on flares and her knowledge of various chemical reactions that have worked to her benefit. Rory has lived this long on her own, but isn’t against making temporary allies when the time calls for it.
Meme Au; Meme based AU. This is exactly as it sounds. An AU based from a meme. It has little to nothing to do with any of the other verses or AU’s listed above.
3 notes · View notes
alphabadass · 6 years
Tumblr media
the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
indieareyoutheone · 6 years
Tumblr media
the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltm and@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
5 notes · View notes
indieareyoutheone · 6 years
Tumblr media
the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand @alphabadass ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
Elena Gilbert (21) - @graveyardiary
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
indieareyoutheone · 6 years
Tumblr media
the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand @alphabadass ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
Elena Gilbert (21) - @graveyardiary
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
indieareyoutheone · 6 years
Tumblr media
the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts (@lodgeicaltmand @alphabadass ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
Elena Gilbert (21) - @graveyardiary
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
indieareyoutheone · 6 years
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the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
Elena Gilbert (21) - @graveyardiary
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes
indieareyoutheone · 6 years
Tumblr media
the ultimate love experiment is back!
ten men, ten women, ten perfect matches, ONE million dollars.
the game ;;
Every girl and guy are matched together through a process based on compatibility. Though no one knows who these matches are, other than our lovely hosts ( @lodgeicaltmand@alphabadass​ ). Each week there will be a ceremony held, where everyone ‘locks’ in with the partner of their choosing and we find out how many perfect matches we have—but we will not know which pairs those perfect matches are. The only real way to figure that out, is based on the Truth Booths, which are held the day before the ceremonies. One pair gets voted in, and will be told if they are in fact a perfect match or not. If you are? You get the royal treatment, get sent off to the honeymoon suite, and away from the house while the others figure out the other matches—but if you aren’t, it’s back to the drawing board.
Men and Women share a large house on the beautiful island of Anguilla. Men share one side of the house while women are in another. Double rooms mean you have a roommate through the season and a living area for everyone to interact and mingle. There will be more dates and more connections to be discovered. The challenges will be harder and more emotionally taxing. You will be pushed to new limits that we haven’t seen on this show before.  One million dollars doesn't’ come without a price.
You only get ten ceremonies and ten shots to win both love and the ONE million.
the info ;;
This is going to be very much like the actual show ( with a few of our own tweaks), which means that we will pair you all up ahead of time based on the application you send in and you will not know who your matches are.
This verse will have a presence on discord as it’s the best way to communicate with everyone at once.
WE WILL NOT PLAY FAVORITES. We won’t participate in any prize challenges so that it’s fair to everyone else and again we will be matching according to the applications.
Every week on ‘ceremony day’ we will make a post in the tag asking who you choose to lock in with, or send you an ask about it, and after everyone has replied there will be another post saying how many perfect matches you have found. Also, on ‘truth booth nights’, we will make a post asking who you all would like to send to the truth booth. Majority rules. Another post will be posted saying if they are a match or not.
There will be little tasks assigned here and there to delve deeper into your character. They won’t be hard or mandatory. It may sometimes be a partnered thing though so the characters can develop connections.
the rules ;;
Be open to anyone. All fandoms are welcome
We don’t start until we get all 20 applicants. ( we may increase this number depending on the number of apps we get)
Characters must be between the ages of 21 and 30.
BE ACTIVE!!!! This is a must, especially with this verse. You don’t need to be on 24/7 but ceremony days and truth booth days are needed because you have to vote. If you aren’t active it isn’t fair to your potential match or others who are. You need to be active to make connections.You may vote via discord to the mods. If you CAN’T BE ACTIVE, DON’T JOIN because it’ll compromise whoever your match would be.
No matter what fandom you’re in, all characters must be human in this verse.
NSFW will probably be present so the mun must be 18+. If we find out you’re lying you will be booted and blacklisted.
No ooc drama, but ic? BRING ALL THE IC DRAMA YO.
Don’t get angry about your match ooc. If you’ve seen the show, you’ll know that sometimes matches don’t even end up liking each other and form other relationships. You don’t automatically need to ship with your match.
You don’t have to stick with one person the entire ride. You can fight/choose other people, etc.
Track the tag: gv. ayto
Submit this app here.
the ladies ;;
Veronica Lodge (21) - @lodgeicaltm​
Hayley Marshall (24) - @pastshed
the gents ;;
Derek Hale (26) - @alphabadass​
Archie Andrews (21) - @archieekins
0 notes