honeydewtual · 9 months
ok i cannot find it after scrolling through so many comments… BUT apparently there was a comment on j/ungk/ooks mv that they are so glad that he made a clean version for his minor fans….. DO YOU KNOW HOW STUPID YOU SOUND ? HE WANTS RADIO PLAY AND MONEY !!!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT A RADIO VERSION IS ? YOU CANT PUT A SONG ABOUT FUCKING ON THE RADIO
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Survei Ramadan 2023: POCO Fans Paling Doyan Push Rank Buat Ngabuburit
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Nggak kerasa kita udah memasuki pertengahan bulan Ramadan yang penuh berkah. Ramadan kali ini emang istimewa, karena selain banyak berkah juga banyak serunya. POCO Fans, basis komunitas pengguna hape POCO selalu punya banyak kegiatan seru, khususnya di bulan suci Ramadan ini. Pengen tau kegiatan favorit POCO Fans bareng hape-nya saat ngabuburit? Mari kita cek hasil survei POCO berikut. Main game sekalian push rank, paling seru buat ngabuburit di depan hape Ini dia kegiatan yang menurut POCO Fans paling seru dilakukan saat ngabuburit menggunakan hape. Berdasarkan survei POCO, 45,4% POCO Fans paling sering ngabuburit di depan hape dengan bermain game berjam-jam, sekalian push rank. Tidak heran 39,8% POCO Fans bisa nge-game selama 1-2 jam sehari, bahkan 13,9% hingga 2-3 jam, dan 15,7% POCO Fans nge-game 3-4 jam setiap harinya. Dua kelompok yang disebut belakangan pasti tim yang mau udahan tapi bawaannya nanggung melulu, nih. Melihat durasi nge-game yang relatif panjang tersebut, faktor performa dan daya tahan hape jelas jadi prioritas. Bahkan 42,6% responden paling bete jika hape-nya lemot atau panas, dan 15,7% bete jika lowbat atau habis kuota waktu lagi seru-serunya push rank. Makanya jangan heran pilihan hape POCO selalu jadi andalan POCO Fans waktu ngabuburit. Biasanya pengguna yang cari smartphone 3 jutaan, POCO X5 5G menjadi rekomendasi karena performa ekstrem dan efisien berkat chipset favorit para gamers, Snapdragon 695 5G yang dipadukan dengan layar 120Hz AMOLED yang ciamik. Nah, bagi yang punya budget di 2 jutaan ada juga POCO M5 yang mengusung salah satu chipset terbaik di kelasnya, yaitu MediaTek Helio G99, dan disempurnakan lewat optimasi software, MediaTek Hyper Engine 2.0 Lite, juga Game Turbo 5.0, dan baterai besar 5000mAh. Hape POCO jelas bisa melibas berbagai macam game! Bagi yang ingin performa ekstrem tertinggi, POCO F Series tidak usah diragukan lagi. Tahu nggak kira-kira game apa yang jadi favorit POCO Fans? Dari sekian banyak game yang lagi hits, Mobile Legend merupakan primadona di bulan puasa kali ini. POCO Fans sebesar 45,4% menjadikannya sebagai yang paling favorit, jauh berada di atas PUBG yang menempati posisi runner-up (9,3%) dan diikuti Free Fire satu tingkat lagi di bawahnya (8,3%). Menanggapi hasil survei di Ramadan tahun 2023 ini, Head of Marketing POCO Indonesia, Andi Renreng menyampaikan, POCO sebagai trendsetting lifestyle technology brand anak muda Indonesia, punya apa pun yang dibutuhkan para POCO Fans. “Nggak cuma buat gaming, tapi bisa buat kegiatan lain, termasuk nonton, dengerin musik, foto-foto, atau bikin konten seru," ucap Andi, Kamis (13/4/2023) Selaras dengan kebutuhan buat gaming, hape POCO F series (67,6%) dan X series (25,9%) jadi terfavorit di kalangan POCO Fans. Tercatat saat ini 36,1% POCO Fans yang menggunakan hape POCO X series dan 26,9% lainnya menggunakan POCO F series. Streaming, gaul di media sosial, dan foto-foto seseruan Selain main game, POCO Fans juga menyatakan suka ngabuburit dengan streaming lewat hape untuk menikmati berbagai konten hiburan dan juga main sosmed biar nggak bosen nungguin bedug Maghrib (27,8%). Juga nggak ketinggalan, foto-foto seseruan bareng teman-teman atau memotret pemandangan sekitar (6,5%). “Buat POCO Fans yang hobi foto-foto maupun penggemar fotografi, ada POCO M5s dan POCO F4 yang kameranya mantap. Sensor beresolusi tinggi ditambah algoritma artificial intelligence (AI) nggak cuma menghasilkan foto dengan gambar yang jernih lewat analisa kondisi cahaya dan berbagai pemrosesan lainnya, tapi juga bikin kita lebih leluasa buat berkreasi,” lanjut Andi. Ia menambahkan, kalau POCO Fans doyan streaming atau nggak bisa lepas dari media sosial, tentunya sudah akrab, dong, sama POCO C40 yang punya layar paling besar di kelasnya dan baterai kapasitas badak yang juga didukung fast charging. “Dijamin puas mantengin sosmed dan beragam konten hiburan,” ungkap Andi. Lo cari, POCO beri Secara keseluruhan, hasil survei membuktikan kalau yang paling dicari POCO Fans dari sebuah smartphone ada pada POCO. “Sebanyak 82,4% POCO Fans dengan mantap menyatakan mencari performa yang ekstrem dari sebuah hape, dan 67,6% ingin harganya tetap ramah di kantong. Itu sesuai banget dengan apa yang POCO berikan selama ini, yaitu hape dengan performa paling ekstrem dan harga yang juga paling ekstrem,” tutup Andi Memeriahkan sekaligus menebar keberkahan di bulan Ramadan, POCO menggelar promo #POCOnya2xLebih yang ngasih diskon gede-gedean hingga Rp1,3 juta, bagi-bagi 30 hape gratis, hingga gratis 40 smart tv dan ratusan produk AIoT. Pantau terus Instagram @poco_id dan media sosial POCO lainnya, PO.CO.ID, serta berita-berita teknologi seputar POCO biar nggak kelewatan. Nah, itu dia keseruan POCO Fans selama bulan Ramadan! Kalau lo nggak mau ketinggalan keseruannya, yuk, gabung komunitas POCO Fans juga.(bpn) Read the full article
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Jangan dikira kicauan burung itu tidak mengandung makna. Kicauannya merupakan tasbih dan pujian kepada Sang Maha Pencipta. Kicauan mereka sebagai ungk
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freyanaja · 6 years
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Vi er parate til at tage imod! #AarhusPride #AarhusPride2018 @aarhuspride #PrideMonth #UngK #UngKinsta @ungkinsta #Folkekirken #FolkekirkeniAarhus @folkekirken #MitAarhus (her: Musikhusparken)
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chubbyprinccess · 5 years
people dome for chat I dr8jmking hehe 😁
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jks-nose · 5 years
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akuasucc · 3 years
whats that song that goes like this:
singgologlogloglgolg singologoglgolg
unkgo ungk?
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fakemichaelsheen · 5 years
-st james’ park, a few days after the world nearly ended-
aziraphale & crowley: *feeding the ducks*
crowley, glances at aziraphale: you okay, angel?
aziraphale, smiles: of course, dear. why wouldn’t I be?
crowley, awkward: well, it’s been- a lot has happened these last few days. \we don’t have anyone to answer to anymore-
aziraphale, excited: exactly. what an exhilarating thought
crowley: huh?
aziraphale: I’ve been doing some thinking and I’ve decided I jolly well don’t like heaven. I’d rather spend my time with you and I don’t care who knows it
crowley, blushing: ...
aziraphale, proud: I love you, crowley, with all my heart. it has taken me far too long and I don’t want to spend another moment without you. I adore you and I’ll worship you forever if you’ll have me
crowley: *crying*
aziraphale, blinks: oh, dear. I’m sorry, am I moving too fast for you?
crowley, sniffles: fast? angel, I-I’ve been in love with you for like six thousand years. I just never...expected this *wipes his eyes* I’m a bit overwhelmed, that’s all
aziraphale, shuffles closer: may I hold your hand?
crowley: *nods*
aziraphale: *holds crowley’s hand*
crowley, burning up: *staring at their hands* you, um, you can kiss me if you like
aziraphale, fondly: I was hoping you’d say that *leans over, kisses his cheek*
crowley, inhales sharply: ungk, marry me
aziraphale, leans against him: of course
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butchedyke · 3 years
i kind of hate harry styles because his fans are so fucking annoying. he was fine but now he’s ruined for me forever
ooh interesting! if you'd sent this a few years ago i would've gone rabid with disagreement but like... that's fair honestly! and i probably would've been one of the fans that made you hate him! like i personally don't agree bc like... almost 10 years of being a 1//d enjoyer will do that to a person but i can understand, i think there's the same potential for any celebrity with stans to be ruined for others, it just depends how much exposure u get to them and where u stand on them in the first place. ideally how other people feel about something shouldn't affect how u feel about them and if u like his music or whatever that should be chill even if u don't like his fans but this isn't an ideal world shcndb like i can't take ANY higher ground here bc of the one time i went on twitter and searched j///ungk////ook out of morbid curiosity. i had never listened to b///t//////s before that and i certainly never will now!
send me your most hated characters/celebrities and i'll tell you if i hate them too or not
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datewithanarsonist · 5 years
bubbly: iced or hot drinks? bungalow: would you rather live by the sea or in the mountains? wildflowers: do you open up to others easily? -💛💛💛
both! but probably a preference to iced. I do like hot coco a lot tho. 
hm sea I think? can i have both? both is good.  ungk i wouldny say easily but i share a lot of trivial information about myself. Hm like maybe ill tell you I hate dill but not my middle name. so kinda? not really?maybe?
thank you for the ask!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x 
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juwitalala · 4 years
Hari Ini Polisi Kembali Melakukan Pencarian Potongan Tubuh Korban Terkaman Harimau, Ungkap Fakta Ini
Juwita Lala Hari Ini Polisi Kembali Melakukan Pencarian Potongan Tubuh Korban Terkaman Harimau, Ungkap Fakta Ini Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Hari Ini Polisi Kembali Melakukan Pencarian Potongan Tubuh Korban Terkaman Harimau, Ungkap Fakta Ini Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Hari Ini Polisi Kembali Melakukan Pencarian Potongan Tubuh Korban Terkaman Harimau, Ungkap Fakta Ini Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Hari Ini Polisi Kembali Melakukan Pencarian Potongan Tubuh Korban Terkaman Harimau, Ungkap Fakta Ini Adalah Suhadi (50) seorang petani di warga Desa Pajar Bulan, Kecamatan Mulak Ulu, Kabupaten Lahat, di Sumatera Selatan (Sumsel) ditemukan tewas UNIKBACA.COM
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carinapayue-blog · 6 years
Baju Terbuka Aurel di Pantai Ramai Komentar, Ashanty Mengaku Sedih dan Sakit Hati, Ungkap Perasaannya
Carina Payue Baju Terbuka Aurel di Pantai Ramai Komentar, Ashanty Mengaku Sedih dan Sakit Hati, Ungkap Perasaannya Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Baju Terbuka Aurel di Pantai Ramai Komentar, Ashanty Mengaku Sedih dan Sakit Hati, Ungkap Perasaannya Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Baju Terbuka Aurel di Pantai Ramai Komentar, Ashanty Mengaku Sedih dan Sakit Hati, Ungkap Perasaannya Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Baju Terbuka Aurel di Pantai Ramai Komentar, Ashanty Mengaku Sedih dan Sakit Hati, Ungkap Perasaannya Aurel Hermansyah sempat dikomentari pedas karena foto yang ia unggah saat berada di pantai. Ashanty mencurahkan kesedihannya melihat hal itu. http://www.unikbaca.com
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weirdponytail · 5 years
Okay! Story time! (The Watersnake)
I promised a story on what Florida things happened yesterday and here you are. 
We have this spot in our backyard that has a couple of tires next to and against this big oak tree. There’s Creeper grasses growing over the tires, and next to them is this patch of Mondu(sp?) grass. Mondu grass is this thick grass that grows about 6-8 inches tall, droops a bit, it’s used a lot in decorative lawn stuff. Dogs love to gallomph through it. Tickles their belly I guess, but this patch in our backyard is kinda stunted due to the creeper vines that are around it.
Anyhoo, this spot is where I shot my first cottonmouth last year. Snakes like it because they can either hide in the grass, go under the tires, or slip into the spot between the tree and a leaning tire and piece of old fencing to get away from people or dogs. So if I hear Lexi, my big ol’ goof of a boxer/ridgeback doing an alert bark near here, I immediately grab whatever I can and get her to back up.
So of freaking course Lexi decides while I’m out wiht her yesterday to do two alert barks. I look over and see her doing the telltale ‘oh HI who are you?’ little head bob, leaning her head forward and pulling back a bit, rinse and repeat.
I grab a long piece of PVC pipe and speed walk over there not wanting to startle whatever she’s investigating and right as I come up and get to the point where I can see around the tire I see a big, thick body of a snake. 
It takes a split second for me to register that the body, while not thin like most non venomous snakes, had only dark bands on the top and fades to a reddish and tan color as it reaches its belly, a very good indication that this is NOT a cottonmouth as their color is fairly uniform in browns and blacks. However, and I had a good laugh about it later, I was wearing my heart rate watch and there’s a very sudden spike from 72 bpm to 139 bpm that was around the time I saw that snek body. 
I got that glimpse of the body and immediately looked for the head. And I saw it......
.....Right as Lexi leaned in again and, I shit you not, booped noses with the fucking snake. And it just...stayed there. If snakes could look confused this one would be wearing a ‘uh...the fuck?’ expression like it was a Prada handbag. 
I pushed Lexi back and she trotted off, apparently disinterested now, and I leaned in some more to get a look at the snake’s head to confirm it wasn’t venemous. It was nice enough to stay pretty still with its head raised, and it wasn’t even in striking position. I confirmed round pupils, correctly identified it as a harmless Banded Watersnake, and got a really cool view of it finally having enough of me staring and doing a defensive display of ‘flattening’ its head to make it appear broad like a cottonmouth’s. I backed up as it slithered into the Mondu grass, grabbed Lexi and brought her in.
Not long after that Dad and one of his biologist friends dropped by to pick some things up for a camping trip. The biologist was really excited about the snake and asked me to show him where it was, and I pointed it out to him. This guy swoops down and grabs the snake, getting pegged twice in the hand in the process, brings it close to his face to examine, confirms with me that it was a southern Banded, and then releases the now very pissed off snake back into the grass. While dad gathered stuff up the biologist and I had a lengthy and animated chat about the various snakes of the area, his stories of a childhood scooping up cottonmouths and indigos and ratsnakes alike, and just had a great time discussing some very Florida Wilds things.  
After they left I went back out myself in my welding gloves to see if I could either coax this poor snake out of our yard with a few gentle prods or if I could nab it behind the head and deposit it next to the creek behind the house. Lexi won’t ‘do her business’ when on a leash so she gets free reign in the backyard, and I didn’t want her killing the snake. It was deep in the mondu grass at this point and I couldn’t pull it out without a risk of it being injured, so I let it be and waited a few hours before going out again and watching it slither off under our fence into the woods at dusk. 
And there you have it! A bit of Florida weirdness! 
I’ll be really honest, I about pissed myself when I saw the snake’s body the first time. A bunch of stuff when through my head, including “and I was thinking in bed last night how I should take my rifle to get its broken sight fixed,” “oh fuck I’m wearing shorts and I’m barefoot,” and “Hhungk my chest ow heartrate what” but after a second it was pretty clear this guy wasn’t venomous and wasn’t even aggressive just...curious. He was very chill. 
And yes, Lexi is fine. Though I really really hope she doesn’t try to boop a snake ever again!
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freyanaja · 6 years
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Parat til Aarhus Pride med UngK. #AarhusPride #PrideMonth @UngKinsta @folkekirken #Folkekirken #FolkekirkeniAarhus #UngK #UngKinsta #MitAarhus (her: UngK)
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freesomebodybyluna · 2 years
Y*ungk went to w*npils concert!!!!
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asimmingpunsquared · 3 years
i am not a k/p/opper but b/u/tter is a good song and i would let j/in and j/ungk/ook run a tr--
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