#usually when i actually have this much free time my hobbies stagnate
kwallanghae · 1 year
why i disappeared
this probably won’t mean much to most of you, but i just feel bad about the fact that i took like a 5 month hiatus without any warning, so for anyone who noticed i was gone (or, more likely, is bored and has time to kill) lemme give a short explanation
so i have already stated on my introduction that i struggle with motivation and thats absolutely true, it can be really difficult for me to commit to something, whether thats a hobby or even a project. each of my fics i saw as a project, and when i started this blog in may, they were projects i was really motivated to complete. that being said, motivation is really fickle.
in july, i went on holiday to another state with my family. while i was there, i brought my laptop and fully intended to keep writing, however i didn’t realise just how often we would be moving hotels, and that i was sharing rooms with my brother, who has a very bad habit of always looking over my shoulder. i’m not ashamed of what i write, honestly i’m proud of myself for being able to not only finish these fics, but also to actually reach an audience. that being said, i don’t want my family to know about my posts. this really slowed down my momentum, as before this i was writing and creating ideas constantly. it also meant by the time i got back home, i had lost track of what i wanted with the fics i was working on, and struggled to continue them.
come august, and we were evicted :) it’s a strange situation, but the basics followed that we would be guaranteed a new place to rent from december (i’m currently staying with a friend in a stable environment), but until then we couldn’t go anywhere. at the moment it’s just me and my dad, but it was still tough to figure out what to do.
hotel rooms and airbnb is really expensive, especially for an extended period of time, so what we ended up doing was a combination of couch surfing and also there are these websites where you can house sit for someone and in turn get a free place to stay (you usually have to care for people’s pets and plants as well, but a small price to pay), and then we would airbnb when neither of those were an option.
in 5 months, i’ve relocated 9 times. out of all 9 places, only three had stable wifi, and none of them had a desk. this has basically destroyed my uni grades, as i was too far past the deadline to go part time or take a gap semester, but don’t worry about that. it just really stagnated my writing.
every time i wanted to explain myself i felt like i needed something to show for it? like i should send out one final fic before officially taking my break, and i was terrified because i didn’t have that, and i just felt really strange about announcing anything, especially since i had to take an unexpected hiatus so soon after even starting this blog, that i ended up just disappearing, rather than stressing out trying to type out an explanation.
so yeah! please don’t feel sorry for me, that’s not what the point of this is, i’m not trying to garner attention, i just wanted it on record as to why i disappeared. i’m back now, and in two weeks we’ll be able to move into our new permanent place. i’ve gotten a lot of new followers recently, and i love you all <3 but for my older followers i thought an explanation was deserved.
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alayne-stonecoldfox · 6 years
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OK so ya girl cant draw anymore like thats just new facts BUT I also cant write anymore either, so this half baked 1am attempt is as close as i can get to conveying my cute idea of Shuri, as part of James Buchanan Barnes’s official brain rehabilitation therapy, getting him in touch with his pre-brainwashing memories by dancing. Because I just re-watched captain america and the boy mentions dancing like at least 3 times. He was into it. He’s GON’ get into it again. Shuri’s going to source authetnic vintage dance film clips, its all so cute, they’re going to get to lindy-hopping do wop skabba doop dooin all around wakanda, but oh oh OH its all official ladies, it’s all part of his therapy of course.
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crownandwriter · 6 years
Aaaa, your matchups have been so cute so far, I’ve gotta give it a try! 💖
I’m a non-binary, pansexual who is 5'4 on a good day. I have short dyed-blonde hair that never stops sticking up (it was in a wig cap for 8 hours one day, took it off, ran a hand through my hair and floof! Just like that, back to looking like a cockatoo) and I’ve got big, dark eyes that hide behind big, round glasses.
Fashion is very important to me and I usually dress very street-punk (ripped tights, short skirts/plaid pants, BIG boots, and lots of leather) or my own brand of eccentric that mishmashes a lot! My biggest weakness is jackets. Just any jacket, I’ll want it. But in private I like to wear oversized tees and just be relaxed.
Personality-wise, I’m very outgoing and social. When you boil it down, I’m just a huge dork that just likes to laugh a lot. I’m open-minded and kindhearted; people often expect me to be harsher or difficult to approach because of my look, but that’s not true at all! I’ve got a lot of confidence outwardly, but inwardly it wanes. Probably the worst thing about me is that I sell myself short in regards to my abilities, and think I’m not capable of doing something because I’m not good enough at it. So I can kind of stagnate or be fickle and indecisive about sticking to things. It can put me in a bit of a rut. But, I am extremely loyal to friends and always wanting to help others and stick up for the underdog. Uniqueness is something I value in myself and others.
I am an artist (illustration and photography) and I like to write fiction in my free time. I’m also learning to speak two other languages and like to spend days studying in cafes. Coffee is vital to me! But it needs to sweet. Despite being social, don’t like to party- I’m awkward in that respect. I’d much prefer to grab lunch and walk around a park, or hang out at home sometimes and play video games/watch tv. I also enjoy cooking and cuddling with my tiny dog!
I ship you with Markus!
-You don’t say it directly here, but I think you sound like someone who has a lot of integrity, and that’s something Markus is drawn to in a significant other.
-I gotta say it, he thinks your hair is great. It fits the punk vibes you give off, and it's super unique. When the two of you get a moment alone to relax together he will definitely have his fingers in your hair.
-I don’t see him changing his clothing style to match yours, but he likes the physical differences between the two of you. And it’s not just because you’re human; there’s something about how it perpetuates the idea that love comes in all shapes and sizes and how people from all walks of life can get along. (The fact that it helps with publicity (The leader of the Android Revolution spotted walking hand-in-hand with an intimidating human who actually looks happy to be sharing his company) is just a bonus.
-Markus will be unfathomably thankful If you’re social enough to keep up with him and his busy schedule. Like, go WITH him to all the meetings and the press conferences. You don’t have to be in front of the cameras with him, but it’s nice to be able to turn a corner and walk into your arms rather than have to wait a week to see you at home.
-Stay kind and stay dorky. You’re his ray of sunshine in the darkest, most trying days. You can tell it in his eyes, in the way he looks at you and smiles.
-He WILL want to swap art interests with you. He’ll try photography around the park if you try painting with him. Don’t try to get out of it because you think you won’t be good, either, he can be very convincing. Connor taught him the puppy eyes.
-He won’t put pressure on you, but he does give you a lot of soft encouragement to finish with any projects or hobbies you pick up. He’s firm in his belief that you’ll only ever let yourself down if you giving up, but he won’t stop you. Especially if you think it’s truly best for your mental health.
-Instead, he kisses you on the head with a smile and a soft “Okay, honey.”
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10 Ways To Be Happy Even When You Have a Super Crappy Job
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Most people I know hate their job.
And even those who don’t exactly hate their job, admit to resenting it in some way. This is so messed up because we spend so much of our lives at work. Our jobs give us money and we need money to live. I recently read a statistic that said the average person will spend about a quarter of their lifetime on this earth at their jobs.  I know, bananas!
So why exactly do we hate and resent our jobs so much?
Truthfully, there are tons of reasons, more than I could ever begin to name.  But here are just a few possible reasons why you hate your job.
1.  You, an adult, literally have to ask for permission to take time away from the job to handle important life tasks and responsibilities.
2. You, a perfectly reasonable person, have to spend inordinate amounts of time with people who are sometimes not very reasonable, or friendly, or bright, or professional, or kind.
3. You, a person with much to offer the world, is often “supervised” by people who are not as talented or insightful as you.
4. You, a creative person, have to reign in your talents and prioritize the boring unexciting demands of your job routine instead of the all the ideas that race around your mind.
5. You, a person with relationships, hobbies, and interests, spend at least 40 non-negotiable hours of your peak productive time a week meeting the demands of your employer while your needs and desires sit on the back burner.
6. You, a person with material needs and obligations, never seem to make enough money at your job. If things arise  in your life that require more cash than you have on hand, you cannot negotiate with your employer to pay you more just because you need it.
Any of that sound familiar?
After many years of working for myself and pursuing independent research in a doctoral program,  I took a job with a large organization so that I could relocate back to my hometown of New York City, a move I’d been wanting to make happen for awhile. I couldn’t move my practice to NY straight away because of state licensing issues and I wanted so badly to be back in New York that I just couldn’t wait for things to sort themselves out.
So I took a job in the meantime while I figure out my next steps.
On very good days, I am thankful to have stable employment with great benefits which currently allows me to keep a roof over my head and food in my tummy while being in my most favorite city in the world. On these days, I am proud of the interesting work I get to do and for the opportunities and challenges that encourage my growth and development.  
But on bad days, I am resentful of both the large and small indignities of my job and plot how quickly I can leave it.  And I am not alone. To say that most people at my job don’t want to be there is an understatement. And while I am totally grateful and the job has its perks, it’s been a very long time since I’ve worked a full time job. There are supervisors, “chains of command,” office politics, and job hazards to deal with.  And I have to admit that it has been a bit difficult readjusting. Personally, what’s been most difficult is not really owning my own time and no longer being able to do with it as I please.
In the five months that I have been working there so far, I have found a handful of coping strategies to help me maintain my sanity and stop myself from completely succumbing to negative thoughts and bitterness. And I’m sharing them with you here, just in case you are allowing your job to rob you of your happiness:
1 Bolster yourself with your morning commute
I take two different trains during my morning commute. It takes about 45 minutes on the subway followed by a 15 minute walk. So all together I have an hour between  the time I leave my front door and the time I am walking through the front door of the office. In that hour I usually listen to audiobooks on self development, business, politics, and any other subject that I’m super interested in. I’m a very mental person and I love ideas. So beginning the day with a surge of ideas get my brain moving and I am reminded of how big the world is and that my job is a temporary place. Other times I listen to music to psych myself up, like my own soundtrack or theme song. I choose to listen to songs that build me up, and remind me that I am not my job.
2 Don’t seek validation
I have much to offer. And so do you. But my job description calls for me to contribute only a small bit of my knowledge and gifts at work and there is little to no room for me to veer from that.  Also, the higher ups do not see, nor are they interested in my full potential. Not only is this  incredibly frustrating, it can be downright demoralizing. But at the end of the day, the only thing my employer owes me is pay for the work that I do. That’s it. Full stop. Expecting more only leads to disappointment. Your job is your way to put food on the table and a chance for you to work out challenges and pushing yourself. It is not the source of your self-esteem or validation of your worth as a person.
3 Take ownership of your actions (wherever you go, there you are).
I know of many people who work in an office environment in which their coworkers are not very pleasant, or super competitive, or dismissive. My current work environment is one of these places. There is a deeply ingrained dysfunctional work culture that regularly takes down those at the very top and absolutely crushes those on the bottom.  It is not fun. It can feel dehumanizing. But worse, it can make perfectly lovely and reasonable people begin to act like the very sour coworkers that they despise. This is how culture works and recreates itself.
If you have a similar work work environment, I compel you to be conscious of this and fight against adopting the personal destructive habits of an unhealthy place. Because the only thing that you will have to show for it is getting further ingrained in an unhealthy work culture that drains your spirit and your humanity. This sucks, don’t do it.
Instead be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Call yourself on it when you find yourself behaving and thinking like others around you. Remember, your abundance comes from within.  And sometimes you have to guard it at all costs.
4 Manage your work space well
Maintain a neat and orderly physical work environment to the best of your ability. Walking into a chaotic office or trying to find things under a heaping, unruly mound on your desk makes an already undesirable situation almost insufferable. Don’t do this to yourself. I have found that disorganization and overwhelm can  be a very slippery slope.
Awhile ago, I read this book on work space organization and it completely changed the way I thought about how I arrange my desk and work space in general. Set up your space to accommodate your most redundant and essential tasks.  And if you’re a visual person, like I am be sure to have inspiring pictures, desirable colors, and quotes in your view so that you can see them when you need some momentary inspiration. I for one, have a bunch of yellow accents on my desk because that is my happy color.
Part of managing you work space is paying attention to your physical presentation. Be neat and take pride in your appearance. Look good for yourself because when you look your best, you are closer to feeling your best. Maintain your work clothes. Be sure to buy cuts, colors, and accessories that flatter you and accentuate your physical assets while detracting from your problem areas.
And if you have time and want a laugh, check out this video. Its an oldie but goodie, insanely hilarious and over the top but I think it has some takeaways that we all can use. The extremely snide narrator points out Barbara’s sloppiness, disorganization, and lack of preparedness throughout the course of a day from the moment she wakes up to the time she goes to bed. Poor Barbara.  Don’t develop a reputation for being like Barbara at work!
And aside from your personal and physical appearance, be mindful to manage your relationships with others. Be purposeful about setting healthy boundaries and expectations. Show others how to treat you by exhibiting the behaviors you expect from them.  Try not to let the poor behavior of others rattle you too much and make extra efforts to be professional and courteous with such people. This is not always easy and you won’t be able to do this 100% of the time, but be purposeful and make the effort. This is super important for both your immediate mental sanity but also in the long run. You know that you are not destined to say here, so rise above those that are.
5   Perform Your Job to the Best of Your Ability
Your job is crappy. You are capable of so much more. So show to yourself, your coworkers, your supervisors and the universe that you can not only meet the challenges in front of you with grace and style, you can exceed them.  Take pride in the work you have now even if it is not exactly what you want to be doing.
And once you have mastered your job, also be on the look out to develop new skills and be more efficient. At the very least, the more efficient you become the more room you free up in your mind for things you actually want to be thinking about.
But by all means, do not allow you crappy job to stagnate you. In nature, if you are not growing, you are dying. If water does not flow, it becomes stagnant. So move, grow, and thrive.
6  Develop a rich life outside of the office
Work. Home. Sleep. Repeat. Work. Home. Sleep. Repeat.
This is no way to live. You owe yourself more. And the less developed your life is outside of work, the more you look for your job to fulfill your inner needs. That will not end up well. You are a multifaceted beautiful piece of work and you deserve to shine and grow in multiple arenas.
Develop yourself.
Host dinner parties. Train for marathons. Volunteer at an animal shelter. Join a club. Play the saxophone. Sing in the choir. Learn a language. Write a novel. Start a YouTube channel. Go talk to that interesting looking person who you see every morning in the train station. Make connections.
Do interesting things that give you something to look forward to and provide you with the opportunity to channel your energy, develop new skills, and use different parts of your brain and body.
7  Make Allies (or at the very least try not to make enemies)
I don’t care if its the receptionist, the janitor, a person who works in another department. The guy who sits in the next cubicle.  The person who occupies the highest level job in the building. Whomever. Make friends and play nice with as many people as you can  at your job.
If this is exceedingly difficult to do, find someone with whom you can at least exchange smiles. Even if this is infrequent. A friendly face is worth its weight in gold.
Do your best to minimize hostility in your workplace. Go the extra mile to form and maintain relationships. You don’t have to be best friends with folks, but at least try to remember names and exchange greetings. Once in awhile, volunteer to do things so that others don’t have to do them. Bring in food to share with your coworkers. Give compliments. Thank them. Be helpful. Allow them to shine. Be empathetic. Treat them like human beings.
When conflict does arise, make sure to address it directly and professionally. Do not hold grudges and make sure you show that you have moved past it once the issue is resolved.
8  Take time off
Go on 2 week long Caribbean vacations if you can. If you can’t do that, go on week long vacations. If you can do that, go on a weekend road trip. And if you can’t do any of this stuff, take mental health days. If you can’t do that, go on walks during your lunch breaks.
9  Plot Your Escape
When I was a little kid, I used to be really interested in stories about slavery, particularly stories about how people would escape from slavery. I would read about how most people didn’t just wake up one day and runaway. They did not take their freedom lightly because they knew if they escaped haphazardly, they could be captured, brought back and beaten or killed. In other words they would make their situation worse than it was to begin with if they did not plan well. So they did things to help ensure their success and survival: they did their best to save food for the journey, they gathered information from informed people, they were selective about who they shared their plan with, they waited until the time was right, they learned how to read the stars for guidance, they made connections, and perhaps most important of all, they had specific destinations in mind.
Now I certainly do not mean to trivialize slavery or liken myself or you to a slave, but I do find this metaphor helpful. We can plot your escape too. Life is too short to work a miserable job for very long.
So figure out what your specific destination is and make a plan for yourself on how to get there. Learn new skills in your current job that will serve you well in your next destination. Learn how to read the signs around you so that you will know when it’s the right time to move on. Lay the groundwork so that you will be ready when the right time comes along. Make connections with people who are also moving in the same direction or may already be there.
10 Save money (invest in your future)
Your time is your life energy. It is very precious and irreplaceable. When you work a job, you exchange your life energy for money.  For a great perspective on this, read this book.
Do not waste the money that you earned because that is almost the equivalent of wasting your irreplaceable life energy. Respect your earned money.  Save it. Spend it on things that improve you and bring you joy. Invest in your future. Make sure you are taking advantage of any discounts that are afforded you because of your job. Some employers are able to provide discounts on gym memberships, commuter benefits, savings club cards, access to credit unions, pensions and 401Ks, etc.
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radicalrobo · 7 years
an announcement!
so, i just spent 2 hours on the first drawing i’ve made in weeks, and it took every ounce of willpower i had to get through to the detail stage. i need inspiration bad, and i need motivation worse.
i can solve the inspiration bit with some new music, so please feel free to send me music suggestions; be it a band or a specific song. i like rock, metal, techno, and basically anything that gets the blood flowing, but i’m very much not into rap.
as for motivation, the best for-sure way to motivate me to do something is to do it in front of an audience. so once i get my schedule figured out a bit i’m gonna look into doing a regularly scheduled drawing livestream. probably once a week on either friday or saturday evenings, or sunday mornings (US mountain time).
hopefully this will actually get me to make some progress on Priceless, as well as helping me not to stagnate as an artist. bear in mind, this is still just a hobby for me, but usually when you have a hobby you actually take time to participate in said hobby, and that’s something i haven’t been doing lately, which is just as much of a disservice to myself as it is to you guys.
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Who am I?
Most people perceive me as a “free-spirited” person but in reality, I’m nothing more like it. According to my personality test and self evaluation, I’m 69% introverted when it comes to interacting with the environment; 81% intuitive when it comes to directing my mental energy; 77% prospective when it comes to reflecting on planning and decision-making; and 99% turbulent when it comes to underpinning all others, showing how confident I am in my abilities and decisions.
“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning”, say Albert Einstein. I’m the type of person who pride myself on my inventiveness and creativity. I’m usually known as the artist or the radical. I love patterns and spotting discrepancies between statements that could almost be described as a hobby. I tend to share thoughts that are not fully developed, using others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against themselves rather than as actual conversation partners. It makes me appear unreliable, but in reality, I’m more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution —just don’t expect punctual progress reports. I’m basically not interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance, but when I find an environment where my creativity and potential can be expressed, there is no limit to the time and energy I will expend in developing an insightful and unbiased solution. I may appear to drift about in an unending daydream, but my mind is always buzzing with ideas from the moment I wake up. Constant thinking can have the effect of making me look pensive and detached, as I’m often conducting full-fledged debates in my own head, but I really am a quite relaxed and friendly when I’m with people I know. However, I can eventually be overwhelmed with shyness especially among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if I believe my logical conclusions or theories are being criticized. When I get excited , the conversation can border on coherence as I try to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that leads to the formation of my latest ideas. I will move on from a topic before it’s ever understood what I was trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms. I’m unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all and my friend’s won’t find a bedrock of emotional support in me. I would much rather make a series of suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is always not always welcomed by my more sensitive companions. I will likely extend to most social conventions and goals as well, like planning a party and getting master’s degree. I’m far more concerned with originality and efficient results. One thing that really holds me back is my restless and pervasive fears of failure. I’m prone to reassessing my own thoughts and theories, worrying that I’ve missed some critical piece of the puzzle that I can stagnate, lost in intangible world where my thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubts stands as the greatest challenge I likely to face.
When it comes to strengths, I can consider myself as a great analyst and an abstract thinker, because I view the world as a big, complex machine, and recognize that as with any machine, all parts are interrelated. I’m imaginative and original, my ideas may seem intuitive at a glare, and may never even see the light of the day, but they will always prove remarkable innovations. I’m open-minded because I’m highly receptive to alternate theories, so long as they’re supported by logic and facts. In more subjective matters like social norms and traditions. I’m enthusiastic when a new idea piques my interest. I can also be very enthusiastic in a reserved personality type, but if another person shares an interest, I can be downright excited about discussing it. More likely through, the only outward evidence of this enthusiasm will be my silent pacing or my staring into the distance.
My analysis, creativity and open mindedness aren’t the tools of some quest for ideology or emotional validation, hence I’m very objective. I’m honest and straightforward. To know one thing and say another would be terribly disingenuous —i don’t often go around intentionally hurting feelings, but I believe that the truth is the most important factor, and I expect to be appreciated and reciprocated.
Strengths come with weaknesses, and I believe that my weaknesses are that I’m private and withdrawn. While my intellectualism yields many insights into their surrounding, it’s ironically considered an intrusion on my thoughts. I’m very shy in social setting, more complicated situations such as parties exacerbate this, but even close friends struggle to get into my heart and mind. I can be insensitive, oftentimes, my personalities get so caught up in my logic that I forget any kind of emotional consideration—I dismiss subjectively as irrational and traditional as an emotional situations are often utterly puzzling to me, and my lack of timely sympathy can easily offend people. I’m absent minded, when my interest is captured, my absence goes beyond social matters to include the rest of the physical world. I become forgetful, missing even the obvious if it’s unrelated to my current infatuation, and I can even forget my own health, skipping meals and sleep as I muse. I’m condescending, attempts at connecting with others are often worse than withdrawal. I take pride in knowledge and rationale, and enjoy sharing my ideas, but in trying to explain how I got from A to B to Z, I can get frustrated, sometimes simplifying things to the point of insult as I struggle to gauge my conversation partners’ perspectives. I give up with a dismiss of “never mind”. I usually loathe rules and guidelines, probably because these social struggles are partly a product of my desire to bypass the rulers of social conduct and otherwise. While this attitude helps my strengths of unconventional creativity, it also causes me to reinvent the wheel constantly and to shun security in favor of autonomy in ways that can compromise both. I love second-guessing myself, I remain very much open to new information that I often commit to a decision at all. as I practice, I improve and any work I do is second best to what I could do. I sometimes delay my output indefinitely with constant revisions, sometimes even quitting before I even begin. 
When it comes to making friends, emotional support, social validation, shared routine —simply don’t apply to me. I don’t easily make good friends, but if there’s a common interest and a common train of thought, the connection is likely to spark instantly. That’s why my only best friends are Medylyn, Jessa, Daniella, Arcelle, Julie Ann, Alinea, Mike, Paul, and Clarisse.
My friendship are knowledge-based, defined by the exchange of ideas, theories, and concepts, and those who aren’t able to keep up with this, or who have sharply differing tastes will find story faces that border on rude. Communication is often more of a nuisance than a pleasure, and conversation is reserved for topics that I find meaningful, or for people I already like enough to stick it out. When it comes to emotional support or advice in dealing with matters of the heart, I’m always at loss. It’s not that my personalities don’t feel—quite the contrary, I actually have very strong sentiments but this is not my strongest suit, untrustworthy and naturally in need of being tempered by my logic and rationalism.
While I may not be able to help directly with these sorts of problems, I help indirectly with unambiguous and reliable friendships. I know it’s not easy to establish true friendships, once the link is made, I can provide years of understanding and thought-stimulating ideas, making myself worth the effort. In conclusion, I may be a force to be reckoned with , be it a minor debate or a life changing decision, but I will find it easy to entertain multiple ideas and keep a cool head. This allows me to overcome many challenging obstacles —yet I can be easily tripped up in areas where careful and rational thinking is more of a liability than an asset.
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beingmad2017-blog · 7 years
The value of the present of Life
New Post has been published on https://beingmad.org/the-value-of-the-present-of-life/
The value of the present of Life
We surely never apprehend while in which or expertise our soul will pick out to head away from the physical shape that homes it. In any given second you could truely stop respiratory. This isn’t always to create fear in you; it’s far to awaken cognizance in you.
it’s far essential to comprehend all the ones dreams or plans you continue to postpone for one motive or any other; are actually do away with due to the fact you have not information found out the complete Price of the Gift of your lifestyler.
You hesitate due to the fact you worry the unknown and/in any other case you do now not, in truth, trust you deserve any better.
Whilst you’re in fear of the unknown you spend ways too much time disturbing an assured outcome before you may make any commitment to go anywhere or do any element that exceeds the limits of your comfort place.
You’ll be hesitating, despite telling yourself understanding lots you want and adore you; because deep internal you actually do not trust you’re worth of experiencing something higher or extra than what you’ve got already.
The trouble is; Whilst you eliminate your goals or plans regardless of which underlying wrongdoer is ruling your Lifestyles, the priority of the unknown and/or the incorrect belief of unworthiness; you aren’t valuing the Gift of your Life. you will end up simplest experiencing silly lifestylerin vicinity of absolutely enjoying a colorful, jubilant lifestyler!
notwithstanding all your rational, you’re doing not anything more than risking in no manner understanding any of your desires or plans in any respect.
The Fee of the Present of Life is the liberty to be you at any given second. it’s far the liberation to completely explicit the adventurous child interior you, who’s completely and absolutely divinely supported with the aid of way of God breathing via you and the Goddess pulsing to your coronary coronary heart.
it’s miles the obligation of each people to be inclined to remember the fact that this divine triangle resides interior us and thusly figuring out, acknowledging and enacting the Fee of the Present of Existence thru allowing self the liberty of expression. allowing yourself the liberty to unique the truth of you helps the preciousness of who you absolutely are at the same time as honoring your Lifestyles with the Price it merits.
a ways too often we genuinely best live on, hiding our fears of self-loving expression in the back of clarification. Our good judgment is most usually full of the “later” in choice to the now. We persuade ourselves we have hundreds of time questioning we can get to it subsequently.
We persuade ourselves whilst we have more time, extra money, and/or greater companionship; is while we will do it, whatever it’s miles. There always appears to be a few aspect or a few one which needs to return first in advance than we allow ourselves to continue.
we’ve got all heard the recollections about the man or gal who waited all in their lives to take the holiday and happened a coronary heart attack days or even weeks following their retirement. Or people who could not spend an additional dime in the course of their lives and both do no longer live prolonged enough to experience it or has to spend it on some ailment of the vintage.
There also are many that wait on a few different before we’re brave enough to move ahead. How commonly have you ever heard a friend, a relative and or yourself complain that you can not, in truth, be themselves till the precise time arises?
You operate excuses like they may be no longer prepared to listen it, or I’d harm their emotions if I do such in such. it’s miles in no way approximately whether or no longer they’re prepared to listen it; it’s miles constantly approximately whether or not or not you are brave enough to mention it or do it.
Keeping decrease returned at the identical time as you assume better or more best situations is likened to putting the cart in advance than the horse. In doing so, you’ll never get everywhere, because the pony clearly cannot get the cart and the cart isn’t always budging with out the horse to guide it.
you are engaged in the apprehensive conduct of creating excuses for what you’re afraid to say or do. You have interaction in this terrible stagnating behavior due to the fact you truly worry some non-public loss will occur due to your choices.
You then honestly preserve to stay in worry and stagnate due to the truth you haven’t know knowledge realized the Price of the Gift of your Life. You can even entertain fears of loss of Life if you proceed to conform along with your desires or plans and use this as your rational to do or experience now not something greater than what you’re doing now.
What you need to ask your self is this. Might you alternatively live a long miserable Lifestyles, imprisoned by the usage of your worry or Might you instead stay even for just a few extra moments in overall love and peace of thoughts expressing what brings you joy?
Why now not live in an area of surely live to inform the story, no matter know-how lengthy or brief it can be. Why not have an outstanding Life in the choice to simply soak up vicinity?
Even though I have been on my so-known as non secular route for extra than decades, my private awakening to the Price of the present of Existence became not continually gentle. In July of 2004, my thirty-two-12 months vintage son passed over; due to successful and run coincidence. His physical presence turns into long beyond in an absolute immediate.
whether or not or not you are presently conscious or now not; you are intended to rouse to and the Charge of the present of your Life. It will a long manner better serve you to attention at the preciousness of your breath and the pulsing of your heart; which can be constant reminders of the Cost of your Life. This is when you’ll absolutely recognize you are a soul encased in a bodily shape and also you’ve got been also given the Present of loose will and unfastened choice to have multiple reviews on your very own unique manner.
To frequently we recklessly toss the preciousness of our lives apart, in pursuit of a few perceived obligation. whilst we “shelf the self” we dishonor the divinity we are. We add insult to harm and maintain to wound and harm our blessed divinity and oppress our magnificence. While we choose strife over Life, attractive within the what if and, butt or need to, we’re truly succumbing to fear alternatively of selecting to stay in love.
This compromise of self constantly carried out effects inside the loss of the feeling of our soul crammed spirits and we emerge as simply present, just like the walking lifeless.
As quickly because the soul stuffed spirit is silenced, we lose connection to our Deliver and we flow right into a self-imposed intellectual and emotional prison of betrayal and abandonment that first-class maintains to perpetuate worry.
we’re scared of moving into the next 2nd, for no special motives than fearing the unknown or believing we’re less than deserving. We pick out distress again and again certainly due to the fact it is seemed and even though painful; it is also perceived as relaxed.
Then we’re caught in a hell wherein we can exceptional recognition on survival rather where we mentally and emotionally torture ourselves thru reviewing our past in fearful trepidation of recreating it or projecting into the future, which does now not yet exist.
We always interact on this dangerous, unloving ego serving behavior, instead of appreciating and top ten personal values  the existing of lifestyler.
The Rate of the present of Lifestyles is; no longer truly believing, know-how understanding you are love, loving, adorable and loved. This knowingness frees you to stay your lifestylerto the fullest. knowing, accepting and imposing the Fee of the Present of lifestyler permits you to be brave enough to talk the fact out loud and then study that heartfelt truth with right motion, however and in mild of any perceived losses.
That is the most effective loving and honorable manner to top ten personal values the present of Life; That is methods more treasured than any house, automobile, hobby or dating outside of self. There may be no more profitable journey you may ever embark upon.
When you allow yourself to Charge the Gift of lifestyler, Then you definitely simply by means of example Deliver license to all others to do the equal; not that they require your permission, nor do you want theirs. Others will without a doubt find their courage in searching at your a hit change and be willing to do the identical.
To Value, your Life is to live in fact and to love self with out emotional and mental attachment to what changed into and with out worry of any horrific outcomes being created inside the destiny to return.
it’s miles to boldly bypass forward each day directed by means of manner of your coronary heart, perceiving with joy, every enjoy alongside the journey; due to the truth you understand it’s miles approximately the adventure, no longer the final results.
it’s far a way to an look inside the reflect every morning virtually understanding There’s no risk of the perceived unpleasantly of struggle of words and responsibility from every other in anger, unhappiness or sadness of you; due to the reality you’ve got selected to honor all through residing inside the fact of self-love.
To honor the Present of your Lifestyles is to stay every valuable 2nd within the united states of america of affection. To be in love is to stay in reality via using confronting our inner demons of worry and embracing them with love. When you embark on this journey there’ll now not be the necessity for the outdoor messenger to come back lower back alongside to uncomfortably replicate again your loss of integrity.
To live the top ten personal values of the prevailing of lifestyler through being in integrity with the reality of self is to stroll effects, respiratory freely through Existence because of the reality inside us is living a brave coronary heart That is pulsing with power in its pleasure as each second unfolds.
The coronary heart that sings a tune of with a piece of good fortune knowledge, that irrespective of what, you’re honorable and may be capable of accepting as actual with yourself to cope with something you encounter with love.
The brave coronary heart is where the kid people is dwelling. the kid who playfully bounces thru Life without insult, injury or harm to others as it will not inflict insult, harm or damage via ignoring or denying itself.
the kid who’s propelled ahead with the price of joy, no longer fearful of expectations from and/or obligations to everyone, the child who’s aware of the handiest actual obligation is the ‘capability to reply’ to “unto thy non-public self-be actual”.
The courageous infant who is unafraid to live, and unafraid to like and who’s specifically unafraid to be his or her actual love. This child respects his or her gift of Existence through being their actual self in any given second of the adventure.
This little one is aware of the manner to play joyfully; as this toddler laughs freely and this infant is not frightened of its vulnerability because this infant is innocent of any person’s projection of wrongdoing!
It knows in the present of Existence There may be additionally the Gift of unfastened will and free preference.
That is the kid who top ten personal values  his or her Existence, as it’s miles the sort of internal light. it’s far the kid of love; conceived and birthed via the knowledge of the God mixed with the beauty and attraction of the Goddess.
This little one is aware of he or she is this and more due to the truth this toddler moreover is aware of he or she is manufactured from natural love!
This toddler knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that she or he want now not protect itself from love. the kid is aware of that love itself is the guard. she or he is privy to love is the very nice vibration and no longer something can touch it apart from love.
This infant is aware of beyond a shadow of a doubt that he or she is the usually growing expressive class of all There is and the arena is its innovative playground.
This baby walks in marvel and awe, Despite the fact that the kid may be walking via the shadow of demise (the ego), he or she fears no evil; due to the reality she or he virtually knows a way to opposite the negative consequences of “evil” by the usage of deciding on to “stay”!
This is the child who is aware of the Price of the present of Lifestyles and lives via pleasure and “in the state of love”, in place of “in worry”!
you are this toddler and to allow this toddler its freedom of expression; is to Cost the existing of lifestyler.
Include the child and all different elements of self. Do not look forward to some thing to take place first in advance than You could be you. you may leap at the wings of freedom in which you’re unafraid to stay, unafraid to like and unafraid to express your plain lust for the preciousness of the Present of the lifestyler that has been bestowed upon you.
comprehend, understand and set off the Price of the Present of your lifestyler, regardless of what the final results!
It’s time to discard the antique conduct of ducking and dodging your goals or plans, because of denying some factor inner you that brings you pride. It is time to face within the slight of the God/Goddess I am and to be unafraid to know the truth, communicate the fact and be the fact if you want to assist you to emerge from simply surviving darkness into the mild of the dwelling.
The Gift of Existence resides in knowing, acknowledging and enacting the preciousness of your every breath; that allows your heart to conquer and sing its track.
What track will your heart carry?
One This is bothersome and demanding to self and all others; packed with notes of complaining and dissatisfaction or one This is and clean upon your ears, as well as nurturing for the hearts of all others?
You honor the existing of lifestyler, the Charge, and preciousness of your very breath through first knowing and being you in any given 2d. knowing and being a self is loving self and loving self-permits you to Price your Lifestyles.
You are not right here in the world clearly to take in the area and encounter detrimental human beings and/or conditions. Those destructive conditions you created to in reality recognize which you are mind-blowing divinity encased internal a beautiful form that lets you to enjoy the affection of you through the wondrous senses of the physical frame.
To Price the present of lifestyler is to have the opportunity to be whom you are, to apply your better attention to pick out love over fear; however the phantasm of density, as every and every second we live so dangerously near the edge of the lack of Lifestyles.
you are intended to awaken to and Charge the present of the preciousness of your breath That is the very reminder which you are an outstanding divine being having the possibility to specific the affection you are via the enlargement of the human experience in the world.
The Now…The present moment is constantly available so we can also surely understand that every and every 2nd is supposed to stay inside the loving of self with out expectation and/or attachment to the final outcomes.
Loving self is being brave enough to no longer only communicate your reality out loud knowknowledge then to BE the fact of you thru following that fact with proper movement, notwithstanding and in mild of any perceived losses. This is the most effective loving and honorable manner to be privy to and in gratitude for your very Existence.
Your Lifestyles is maximum precious and further treasured than you may don’t forget. the adventure of your Existence is to be embarked upon with the maximum reputation coupled with the eye that during any given 2nd you could quit present in the bodily.
This isn’t about worry, This is approximately conscious living so that you recognize and live your fullest ability of the loving mild you’re. To do that for self is to be a living instance for all others as you information a and reverence for the prevailing of the lifestyler that changed into given to you.
To virtually make use of your present is to be who you clearly are, through way of dwelling your reality and being a whole expression of affection without fear of any poor outcomes. it’s far to move beforehand every day, perceiving with pride, every experience along the journey. To understand that every revel in is a gift lovingly furnished so one can completely realise the soul of you.
To top ten personal values , the Gift of Existence is to stay in reality understanding you’ve got spent the preciousness of every and each moment in love and tasty in handiest the ones activities that supply you satisfaction. To realise the Present of Life in every and every moment is to be brave, to confront our internal demons and Include them with love in order that the ego, the apprehensive issue of self-does no longer impede or avert our glad expression.
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