#va seong
anjo404 · 2 months
Hey I'm working on my Welcome Home au, which is like a next generation sort of thing. Anyways, I have a few questions to ask you. I already have a few characters (4 in total), which includes; Angel Dear (Eddie's daughter), Sunny Brightly (NOT the Bluebird), Mira Pillar (Howdy's niece), and a Halloween exclusive character, Raine Drop. I was thinking about some new ones, but I can't decide. If you have any character ideas, I'll happily listen if you put them in the comments! I also have characters which are like their voice actors, Sammy for Angel, Seong for Sunny, Brianna for Raine, and Phoebe for Mira.
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The designs for everyone else in the Tanaka-Chung Household are here!
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Rina is currently in the final year of high school and looking to study music at SFAI. She's also a wannabe idol, but that's something that her sister and parents are worried about because of how dark the show business is, especially when you're a musical idol.
Emiko is the owner of Tanaka DIY, the family's hardware store. Emiko also used to be a bike racer, and she has a reputation for being the "Hot Pot Shogun" in SoMa.
And Dae Seong is a doctor at the emergency department at SF's City General Hospital. Despite being a caring and well-meaning father, he has a pretty strained relationship with his daughters, especially Gogo, because of the pressure he puts on her to fit in...
And after knowing about his eldest's hero work, he looks like this for the rest of the season.
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VA meme time:
Rina: Michaela Dietz (voice of Dolly Dalmatian, Amethyst, Vee)
Emiko: Jessica Gee (voice of Gian/Big G's Mum from the Doraemon English dub)
Dae Seong: Jim Pirri (voice of Alador Blight)
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ramenstation · 8 months
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                 ◜  jasper seong  ◞ 
› personaje no exclusivo. › mes, 00 ( 20 - 25 años ). › estudiante. › datos bajo read more.
◖ᴛᴀɢ ᴅᴜᴍᴘ◗
◜jasper seong◞ , ◜jasper seong › int◞ , ◜jasper seong › album◞ , ◜jasper seong › likes◞ , ◜jasper seong › aesthetic◞ , ◜jasper seong › musings◞ , ◜jasper seong › potential plot◞ , ◜jasper ↺ name◞​ , ◜◞
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◖ᴅᴀᴛᴏꜱ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟᴇꜱ◗
◦ golden retriever incarnation. ◦ sugar addict. ◦ annoying little brother.
( + ) sociable, energético, astuto. ( – ) desastroso, inmaduro, impulsivo.
› Sociable, energético y astuto serían los adjetivos utilizados para describir al más joven de los Seong de manera positiva. Siempre tratando de entablar una conversación con todo el mundo, pero sin embargo, a pasar de tener una lista de contactos bastante amplia, el joven considera amigos a sólo unos cuantos.
A su abuela, quien se encargó de su crianza durante el instituto, le gusta culpar su exuberante energía en la cafeína y golosinas que consume constantemente, pero la verdad es que desde pequeño ha sido bastante activo, pasando su tiempo libre corriendo de un lado a otro y subiéndose a los árboles. Y quizá si enfocara la misma astucia puesta en sus travesuras y en no ser atrapado en el área académica podría conseguir logros como los de sus hermanos mayores. Porque aunque odie que se lo digan, Jasper es bastante desastroso, inmaduro e impulsivo. Saliendo de fiesta cada que puede, conociendo gente que quizá no debería, involucrándose en líos que probablemente pudiera prevenir si se detuviera a pensar dos veces. El hecho de vivir en otro continente lejos de su progenitor influyendo solamente para que su etapa de adolescente rebelde dure más tiempo que el promedio, pero ¿acaso se le puede culpar por aprovechar la situación?
› Jasper es como un cachorro en medio de un gran campo, algo perdido pero sin grandes preocupaciones. La idea de vivir la vida tal y como va, de manera fluida y sin pensar en las consecuencias, prácticamente su mantra.
Aunque no lo admita, pensar en el pasado le provoca un sabor amargo, pues durante un largo tiempo busco la aprobación de su madre sin resultado alguno. Las cosas no eran tan malas, sin embargo, ya que su padre siempre se encargó de recompensar la falta de afecto por parte de su esposa y en que los tres hermanos se encontrarán bien, pero aún así tuvo un afecto negativo en él.
Le gusta vivir en el ahora, lo que significa tener calificaciones decentes y no meterse en problemas demasiado graves, mientras que sus planes futuros consisten simplemente en realizar su próxima fechoría y no ser atrapado.
En cuanto a gustos, acepta todo aquello que parezca divertido. Ha probado toda clase de club escolar y pasatiempo que ha podido, debido a que su interés por la mayoría dura solo un par de semanas. El arte y la fotografía siendo la excepción.
› Era bastante joven cuando comenzó a notar los problemas con el matrimonio de sus padres y la familia en general, más específicamente, las consecuencias de las actitudes de su madre. Estas mismas la razón por la que nunca logró tener una buena relación con ella por más que lo intentará, siendo su partida el momento donde decidió darse por vencido en tener una conexión con la mujer, al tiempo que un rencor ocupaba su lugar.
En contraste, la relación con su padre es mucho mejor. El mayor siempre ha estado en los momentos importantes de la vida de Jasper, y en los que no lo son tanto, también. Siempre preocupando, cuidando y amando, convirtiéndolo en su favorito. A pesar de tomar una actitud lo más neutra posible durante el divorcio, es claro que el joven respalda a su progenitor y la felicidad de este. Es por ello que el hecho que su padre haya decidido iniciar una relación con su colega y que se trate de otro hombre, no es problema para él.
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› _____ Seong: - hermana mayor. [ open for role ]
› _____ Seong: - hermano mayor. [ open for role ]
› _____ Seong: - padre. - divorciado. en una nueva relación. [ open for role ]
› _____: - novio de su padre. - compañero de trabajo del señor seong. [ open for role ]
› Amistades
› Enemistades
› Etcétera
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seongwi · 1 year
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seong winfrey, veinticuatro, esqueleto n4 ( PERMANENT VISITORS. )
¡hola! por acá valen, vengo a dejar algunos datos de seong y algunas conexiones que busco, también acepto conexiones, siempre estoy abierta a cualquier idea ♡ 
Es bailarín de ballet, lo practica de hace años y ha participado en algunas obras importantes. 
Es un animal lover, en especial cat lover. le encanta interactuar con los animales más que con las personas. 
tiene un carácter bastante especial porque no le gustan las muestra de afectos, se correrá cuando se de cuenta que le vas a dar un abrazo o simplemente te mirará feo para que no lo hagas. da abrazos cuando realmente se siente en confianza. 
dentro de todo es buen amigo, es de las personas que escuchan tus problemas y siempre tratará de darte un buen consejo. 
también tiene su lado goofy, le gusta bromear aunque a veces su humor es bastante negro y sarcástico. no a todos les caen bien sus bromas. 
le gusta salir de fiestas, bailar y beber en especial soju. 
conexiones que podrían ser: 
mejores amigues. 
amigues con derechos. 
amigues de salir a beber y bailar.
ex amigues. 
ex ligue. 
one night stand. 
y muchas mas cositas que les ocurra. 
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cybertonia · 1 year
Reseña: Hotel del Luna
Este drama trata la historia de Jang Man Wol (interpretada por Lee Ji-eun o IU pa los amigos). Fue “castigada” durante 1300 años a regentar dicho hotel donde los muertos van para pasar al más allá, Por circunstancias de la vida (valga la rebundancia) el padre del protagonista que casi se muere va al hotel y para volver vivo vende por decirlo de una forma a su hijo a trabajar allí cuando cumpla creo que era unos 20 años. Entonces Man Wol le da el “don” de ver a los muertos a Gu Chang Seong donde tendrán un tira y afloja para trabajar ahí y donde conocerá la historia de Man Wol. 
Opinión personal: No es el tipo de drama que me suela gustar o mejor dicho no es mi tipo de drama favoritos, en general las cosas que son tristes no me atraen tanto pero he de reconocer que la evolución de los personajes es bastante buena y acabas empatizando, la banda sonora es top, dejaré al final del post mi canción favorita de la misma. Os lo recomiendo, iba a darle 3,5 estrellas y me parece injusto porque al mismo tiempo creo que se merece más también.
⭐ 4/5 Tranquilamente pueden ser 5 si es más tu rollo o no y creo que hay segunda temporada o la habrá.
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proyecto-anunciador · 10 months
Ensayo para meditar
Fortalecidos mediante la oración
Un niño de primaria tuvo que renunciar a su sueño de jugar al futbol por la difícil situación familiar. Pero un día, su maestro de educación física supo sobre esto y organizó un encuentro con un reconocido futbolista. Luego, le insistió a su alumno que fuera a practicar solo durante una hora. Al llegar, el niño no podía creer lo que estaba viendo. Resulta que estaba su jugador favorito. Así, después de entrenar con el futbolista que más respetaba, decidió seguir jugando. La psicología llama a este tipo de cambios drásticos "empoderamiento" y es cuando un individuo débil se va fortaleciendo cada vez más por una relación. Si bien la situación económica del niño no había mejorado, él mismo había cambiado y era capaz de hallar el valor para seguir adelante. Es decir, que se había "fortalecido". De este modo, un cristiano es aquel que experimenta una trascendencia en su vida a través del "poder del Espíritu Santo incomparable a lo que puede transmitir un famoso futbolista. El poder del Espíritu Santo abunda aún más en quienes oran. Dios es tan omnipotente que el hombre, un ser con talentos y habilidades limitadas, no puede imaginar. Así, nos transformamos en una nueva persona totalmente diferente a la de antes, cuando oramos invitando al Dios de poder a nuestra vida.
Una victoria abundante, Lee Seong-jo.
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diarioelpepazo · 11 months
El criollo se fue de 4-2 y fue clave en la victoria de su equipo Padres de San diego. Ronald Acuña extendió a 11 su seguidilla de hit con los Bravos. Pablo López y Jesús Luzardo cargaron con sus terceras derrotas.    El Petco Park de California presenció la blanqueada de los Padres de San Diego, su equipo local, ante los Medias Rojas de Boston por un marcador de siete carreras por cero. El venezolano Rougned Odor figuró con los locales como camarero y séptimo bate. En su primer turno a la ofensiva en la primera entrada, el maracucho tendría bases llenas y cuenta completa con dos outs. Al siguiente lanzamiento, conectaría una potente línea hacia la raya del jardín derecho que barrería las almohadillas para sellar el rally de los Pads. Odor tendría que esperar otros cinco episodios para volver a conectar un tablazo de tal contundencia. Llegaba al plato con corredor a la inicial y, al primer lanzamiento, su imparable sería conectado hacia la otra línea del campo para impulsar a Ha-Seong Kim a la goma. El criollo sería una de las figuras del encuentro al irse de 4-2, motivo por el cual su promedio de bateo queda en .175 y su porcentaje de embasamiento se fija en .266 puntos con posibilidad de subir conforme avance la temporada. Desde que llegó a los Padres de San Diego como agente libre tras romper con Baltimore, Odor registra un OPS de .564 con un cuadrangular y cinco extrabases, siendo cuatro de ellos doble, en cincuenta y siete turnos a la ofensiva. Ronald Acuña Jr extiende su racha de imparables  [caption id="attachment_74518" align="aligncenter" width="675"] Ronald Acuña sigue bateando primores. Foto Cortesía[/caption] El jardinero venezolano Ronald Acuña Jr. extendió su racha a 11 juegos consecutivos conectando al menos un imparable, esto en el triunfo de su equipo, los Bravos de Atlanta 3 carreras por 2 ante los Marineros de Seattle. El batazo llegó en el mismísimo primer episodio ante los envíos de George Kirby, en cuenta de 2-2, con rodado que llegó al jardín izquierdo y salió del bate de Acuña a 105 millas por hora, con el que aumentó la racha de juegos consecutivos disparando por lo menos un hit. Finalmente se fue de 4-1 con una carrera anotada y en el lapso de la racha ha conectado 16 imparables, cinco jonrones, seis impulsadas y 14 anotadas, mostrando que es uno de los bates más encendidos en lo que va de temporada 2023. Acuña lidera la Liga Nacional en OPS (1.031), carreras anotadas (44), imparables (62) y en bases estafadas (18), además en segundo en promedio de bateo con .344, solo por detrás del también criollo Luis Arráez con .382. Es un avión?… No, es RONALD ACUÑA JR.💨🔥 Anotar desde primera y celebrar con un “Griddy” llegando al home = ✅ pic.twitter.com/InSGXzxFpZ — Meridiano (@MeridianoTV) May 21, 2023 Jesús Luzardo no pudo ante los Gigantes [caption id="attachment_74519" align="aligncenter" width="675"] Jesús Luzardo cargó con su tercera derrota. Foto: AP[/caption] El lanzador criollo Jesús Luzardo no tuvo su mejor presentación este domingo en la derrota de sus Marlins de Miami 7 carreras por 5 ante los Gigantes de San Francisco en el Oracle Park, escenario del conjunto de la Bahía. El zurdo cargó con su tercera derrota de la temporada y coloca su récord 3-3, al permitir seis carreras, todas limpias en 5.0 entradas, en las que recibió seis imparables y cedió un boleto, ponchando a ocho rivales. Luzardo venía de lograr su quinta salida de calidad de la temporada al trabajar el pasado martes por espacio de 6.0 entradas permitiendo cinco imparables y recibiendo una sola carrera limpia, mostrándose muy dominante con siete abanicados y regalando solo una base por bolas ante los Nacionales de Washington. Con la salida de este domingo el criollo dejó su efectividad en la temporada 2023 en 3.83, al permitir apenas 25 carreras limpias en 56.1 entradas, con 63 ponches y solo 18 boletos, dejando un WHIP de 1.37. Pablo López perdió la batalla frente a Ohtani [caption id="attachment_74520" align="aligncenter" width="696"] Pablo L
ópez. (Foto: AP)[/caption] Un boleto acabó con duelo de pitcheo que protagonizaron este domingo Pablo López y el estelar Shohei Ohtani. Los Angelinos vencieron 4-2 a los Mellizos. Ambos completaron una labor de 6.0 innings y en ese lapso recibieron una carrera, entregaron tres pasaportes y poncharon a nueve contrarios. Ohtani fue el primero en permitir concesiones tras un doblete de Carlos Correa en la tercera entrada y Pablo López concedió el empate al inning siguiente por un elevado de sacrificio de Gio Urshela. La diferencia radicó en que el último boleto del venezolano se produjo en el inicio de la séptima entrada, en la que finalmente los Angelinos se fueron arriba 3-1 con un doblete de Mickey Moniak. El zuliano solo enfrentó al primer bateador de aquel inning, pero fue responsable de la carrera que en el momento marcó la diferencia. Alex Kirilloff la botó por los Mellizos en el octavo, pero tan solo pudo descontar con una anotación. E inmediatamente Matt Thaiss volvió a poner distancia con un doblete al jardín izquierdo. Pablo López al final cargó con su tercera derrota de la campaña, aunque mejoró su efectividad a 3.90. Chris Devenski, entre tanto, se quedó con la victoria luego de colgar el último out del séptimo y Carlos Estévez se apuntó su rescate número 12. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano/Líder
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millennialshqs · 1 year
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¿alguien conoce a seong yong winfrey? los rumores llenan todos los rincones y los hechos seguramente darán de qué hablar.
valen, ¡bienvenida a millennialshqs! estamos felices de recibirte en el grupo y no podemos esperar a ver cómo tu personaje se desarrolla en esta historia. recordá enviar la cuenta de tu personaje pronto y, en caso de necesitar cualquier cosa, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotras.
NOMBRE: valen. 
PRONOMBRES: femeninos. 
EDAD: +25
TRIGGERS: maltrato animal, incesto, violencia gráfica, homofobia. 
NOMBRE: seong yong winfrey
PRONOMBRES: masculinos. 
FACECLAIM: lee know. 
EDAD: 24 años. 
DESCRIPCIÓN PSICOLÓGICA: dramático, sociable, astuto, despistado, excéntrico, envidioso. 
DESCRIPCIÓN FÍSICA: mide 1.72, su cabello es castaño oscuro, a veces se lo tiñe de color morado o castaño claro. su nariz es una de sus facciones favoritas de su rostro, va al gimnasio diariamente por lo que su cuerpo es delgado pero tonificado. tiene ambas orejas perforadas y en su antebrazo derecho tiene un tatuaje. 
en caso de unfollow, ¿dejarías que se continúe utilizando tu personaje como no jugable? SÍ / no.
¿dejarías que todo lo que rolees pueda tener impacto directo sobre la trama del grupal? es decir, que a partir de tus convos la administración pueda usar cierta información para futuras actividades. sí / SÍ, PERO HABLÁNDOLO PRIMERO / no.
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mondaytennis53 · 2 years
Detailed Notes on shirt room
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Etsy Purchase Protection: Store confidently on Etsy recognizing if some thing goes Incorrect by having an buy, We have your back again for all suitable buys — see application terms Get shipping Value There was a problem calculating your shipping and delivery. Make sure you test yet again. "To solve that trouble, it's a type of way for our society as a whole to concentrate to the individuals and fix the negative areas via communication." "You will find there's Risk that Females's misogyny may be set towards the fore," she claimed. "The idea of a confrontation concerning sexes is below sizeable stress now that some people connect with it a misogyny crime," introducing, "It isn't appealing for Modern society for being swayed by one legal statement." "The first motive is that there are quite a few young women in and out of the region (Gangnam Station)," said a memorial occasion related to Gangnam Station. "I believe that I might be that man or woman, and that kind of psychological panic is spreading.”[23] Review how we outline handmade, classic and materials See a summary of prohibited objects and components Browse our mature material policy The merchandise for sale is… Rush deliveries are our speciality, and we never ever consider an get unless we've been 100% sure that we are able to ensure your deadline. You are using a browser that isn't supported by Fb, so we've redirected you to an easier version to give you the greatest encounter. Your browser isn’t supported any more. Update it to have the ideal YouTube expertise and our most current options. 강남 셔츠룸 Learn more Etsy offsets carbon emissions from delivery and packaging on this invest in. Etsy offsets carbon emissions from delivery and packaging on this acquire. Returns & exchanges Acknowledged Possessing a ton of electronic components implies acquiring a substantial quantity wires staying nearby so it is critical that those remain flawlessly hid away for protection equally as for attractive applications. Regardless of The very fact that there are a lot of pre-assembled enjoyment models obtainable within the off likelihood that you're incredibly real regarding your entertainment room rebuild a hand crafted amusement bureau is easily the most perfect technique. get additional information 강남 가 라오케 A specialist bureau producer will make a unit for yourself that obliges consummately all the devices you purchase presently together with any future potential buys and keeps Just about every a kind of wires perfectly concealed significantly out. And if you need any information or have to have to regulate an order, Now we have a wonderful crew of customer support representatives standing by within our enable Centre. The shirts are perfect, we obtained a tri Mix which happen to be Tremendous tender and comfortable, we have experienced people today check with where by they will get them. Purchasing was easy and intuitive, shirts arrived promptly, logos and writing were being what precisely we wanted. Unquestionably will use Rush order tees once more! Professor Oh Yoon-seong spelled out, "From the point of view on the victims, we chose a weak partner, which is known as a girl," and "practically nothing more than that." "I feel there's a community symbolism," he said. "There are plenty of young couples coming and heading (the chair) and I feel they have been pressured out, and I believe they may have any Unique inner thoughts for your Gangnam area," he said. "Even though this man or woman is claimed to possess a background of mental health issues, if he considered not becoming arrested from the police, he could continue to be happy." "To resolve this issue, It can be an unspecified amount of crimes that pick as a method To alleviate their strain when they do not discover one thing to resolve," he explained. Etsy is not supporting more mature variations of your Website browser to be able to make certain consumer information remains safe. You should update to the most up-to-date Edition. A lot of the technologies we use are essential for critical capabilities like safety and web-site integrity, account authentication, protection and privateness preferences, internal web-site use and routine maintenance details, and to create the site get the job done appropriately for browsing and transactions.
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Robinson Canó se va de 5-0 en primer choque con el uniforme de los Padres
Robinson Canó se va de 5-0 en primer choque con el uniforme de los Padres
El doblete productor de Ha-Seong Kim le dio a San Diego la ventaja dentro de un racimo de cuatro carreras en el 11mo inning y los Padres derrotaron el domingo 7-3 a los Bravos de Atlanta. Kim conectó el doblete por el jardín izquierdo ante Jackson Stephens (0-1) para impulsar a Jake Cronenworth, quien abrió el inning como el corredor automático en segunda. Después de un mal tiro del torpedero…
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anticapitalistclown · 3 years
Clown, which japanese voice actors do you think Gun, Goo, Jake, Samuel, Eli and Johan would have?
Sounds interesting!
Lookism characters voice actors
Gun : Junichi Suwabe
Goo : Nakamura Yuuichi
Jake : Yoshimasa Hosoya
Samuel : Tomoaki Maeno
Eli : Takahiro Sakurai
Johan : Uchiyama Kouki
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pipdrems-blog · 6 years
                     🎄  ;;   @memxriis​  
                    –Ya que no me ayudaste a buscar un regalo para tu madre y para tu abuela – se plantó (de nuevo) en casa de Jae-won, con el traje de Santa Claus que le obligaban a usar en el trabajo, por las fechas, y porque aparentemente hacía mucha ilusión que Santa te cobrase los dulces, metido en una bolsa –, vamos a verlas hoy. Mis padres quieren que vaya a las comidas familiares, así que seguramente sea de los pocos días libres que tenga.
Su familia era grande. Al menos, muchísimo más grande que la de su amigo, y eso le agobiaba. No había que conocerle tan bien como el contrario para saber que no le gustaba pasar su tiempo libre en sitios muy concurridos, pero de esta no podría salvarse. Por esa misma razón, a Seong-il no le sorprendía encontrarse más cómodo cuando iba a visitar a Su-bin que en casa de sus padres. Incluso le había comprado el regalo a ella antes.
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–Te he comprado algo pequeñito a ti también para que no llores – sonrió –, pero solo te lo daré si te pones el traje de Santa conmigo. Tengo dos – quería hacer reír a la madre de su amigo, así que se le ocurrió esa idea; pero muy, muy en el fondo de su corazón (y no tan en el fondo) esperaba que Jae-won se negase. Llamar tanto la atención no era uno de sus principales pasatiempos.
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o speaking a bunch of languages
❦ Genre: Fluff/crackhead.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 13k.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋 
❦ Masterlist.
❦ Warning: ⚠️I used Google Translation for most of the languages used here! So I apologize in advance if I made mistakes. Feel free to correct me (as someone did already 🥺)! Thank you!
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You were walking hand in hand with Hongjoong. It was a bit cold, so you took the opportunity to stick yourself to your boyfriend, a bit closer than usual. “Are you cold Y/N?” he asked, noticing that you were glued to him. “No… I’m just enjoying your presence.” You smiled at him. “Oh, then I won’t complain.” He tickled your chin before wrapping his arm around your waist. You continued to walk peacefully, enjoying the Christmas lights. Hongjoong was always so happy during this period. He wanted to go out and admire the decoration with you. You were dating for 2 weeks now. It was a fresh and new relationship. Both of you were still a bit shy and awkward sometimes but it was getting better these days.
“Tell me something I don’t know about you.” He suddenly asked you. “Hum… there’s so much thing that you know already.” “In 2 weeks? Come on, tell me your little secrets.” He insisted. “Okay okay…” you chuckled. “My favorite meal is… pizza!” “I knew that already babe.” “Okay what about-” “저기요?” (excuse me) Both of you stopped to look at the schoolgirl standing next to you. “전화 좀 빌릴 수 있을까요? 저는 제 것을 잃어버렸고, 어머니께 전화를 해야 해요.” (Can I borrow your phone, please? I lost mine and I need to call my mom) You grabbed your phone in your bag. “네, 천천히 하다 !” (take your time) You smiled at her. When the young girl went a little bit far away from you to get her privacy, Hongjoong stared at you. “Why you never told me you could talk in Korean?” You tilted your head, “I guess that it’s something you ignored about me.” “왜 우리는 항상 영어로 말해요?” (Why do we always speak in English?) “Because I love hearing your English accent.” You winked. “And can you only speak in Korean or English?” “I can speak more than 10 languages.” You declared. “10?” he shouted, making people staring at you. “Are you serious?!” “Yes, but it’s not a big deal.” The schoolgirl came back and handed your phone before bowing politely at you. “감사합니다!” (Thank you) “천만에요! 지금 집에 가요!” (You’re welcome. Now go home!) “I can’t believe it…” claimed Hongjoong when the girl left. “There’s so many things you ignore about me finally.” You smiled, grabbing his scarf to kiss his cheek.
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“Wow… a French restaurant.” You said, looking at the brand name. “Yes, it’s a new one. I thought it would be cool to eat here.” Added Seonghwa, arm wrapped around your shoulders. “That’s a really good idea sweetheart.” “Let’s go then,” he pulled you inside. It was a fancy restaurant. A waiter came instantly to guide you to a table. “We are going to spend all of our salary here.” You giggled. “But you worth it.” Seonghwa glanced at you, to see your disgusted face, as always when he says something kitschy. “Then I’m going to order the most expensive things,” you claimed. You couldn’t see it but Seonghwa was probably scared for his wallet. “Sure… sure, go ahead.” He gulped. You held his hand on the table, “I’m kidding Hwa. Relax.” “Why are you calling me Hwa and not Seong?” He suddenly asked. “Because… you are “Hwa-ouh”!” Your boyfriend looked at you without saying anything. A big silence settled between both of you after this bad joke. Seonghwa puffed at you. He couldn’t resist any longer. “That was SO bad! You are such a clown,” he laughed at you. Before you could answer, a man who looked like the boss or the owner of this restaurant came to your table. “Bonjour!” He greeted both of you. Seonghwa bowed a bit, understanding what he just said thanks to his previous concert in France. “Bonjour,” you replied. “Oh! You can speak French?” asked the man. “Un petit peu, (a little bit)” you said in a perfect accent. “Vous avez l’air d’être une experte en français !” (You seem to be an expert in French) “Je fais de mon mieux!” (I do my best) “Très bien.” (good) “Je venais voir si tout allait bien.” (I came to check if everything was okay). “Tout va bien, merci beaucoup !” (Everything’s fine, thank you so much) When the boss went to see another table, Seonghwa coughed to get your attention. “Yes?” “You can’t talk in French?!” “Oui monsieur.” (Yes mister) “I just understood ‘yes’ but this sounds so sexy!” “I can talk more languages, but French is one of my favorites.” “Interesting… but continue to talk in French tonight.” He bit his lip. “Hum… Je m’appelle Y/N, enchantée.” (My name his Y/N, nice to meet you) “I love it…” he whispered. “Okay I’ll stop there before it’s going too far.” You laughed. “Again! Please! Just a last one!” He begged.
YUNHO (Spanish)
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“What’s the name of Canada’s capital? Ottawa or Toronto?” Yunho plopped down next to you, on the couch. “Are you watching this TV show again?” “It’s fun.”  You replied. “I should participate. I think I could win.” “You?” Laughed Yunho. “You and ‘win’? In the same sentence?” You threw a pillow at him, “you are so mean!” Yunho grabbed your legs to put it on his laps. “I don’t think I would win though,” he added. “Few questions are really hard but not impossible.” “How the main character in Big Bang Theory is called? Sheldon or Stuart?” Asked the MC. “Sheldon!” you shouted at the TV. “Are you sure?” questioned your boyfriend. “Oh, you replied Stuart, but the right answer was Sheldon,” announced the MC. You looked proudly at your boyfriend. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Look at her being so modest.” He tickled your toes. “How to say, ‘come to eat’ in Spanish?” asked the MC. “This one is hard.” Said Yunho. “Vamos a comer.” You replied easily. “Good answer!” “How do you know that?” Asked Yunho, completely shook. You smirked at your boyfriend. “You ignore that I can talk few languages. Spanish included.” “Really? Why you never told me!” “It’s funnier to see your face.” You stuck your tongue out at him. “You are so evil,” he smirked. “Pero… te gusta.” (but you love it) The look on his face made you bust in laughter. “Si pudiedas ver a tu cara, es muy divertido.” (If you could see your face! It’s so funny) “I don’t understand anything!” He whined. “Lo sé. Es muy gracioso.” (I know, and it’s so funny) “At least, I know where we are going for our summer holiday.” “In Spain?” You asked. “Es une buena idea.” (It’s a good idea) Yunho pocked your tights and belly. “What are you doing?” you giggled. “I’m trying to turn off the Spanish mode.” “Okay okay I stop.” “Thank you! Finally, I’ll understand you.” He smiled. “Should I talk in Chinese then? “Wait what-”
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“Is there a movie you want to watch?” You asked slipping under the sheets. “Black Panther!” Shouted Yeosang. “Again? We watched it 2 days ago?” “But you are always on your phone,” he raised a brow. “You probably watched 20 minutes of the entire movie.” “Okay touché.” You rolled your eyes. “We can watch something else if you put your phone away.” “Okay then let’s go watch Pocahontas.” You smiled widely. “I’m already regretting my words…” he sighed. As promised, you let your phone on the nightstand and cuddled with Yeosang. Just when Pocahontas was about to meet John Smith, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. At first, you just said that you were to call this person back tomorrow. It was pretty late anyway. “You should pick up. Maybe it’s important.” “But you said, ‘no phone’.” “Yes, but it’s a call, so you can have it.” He kissed your cheek. “Okay, I’ll make it quick.” You grabbed your phone and called the unknown number back. “Hello?” you said. “Oh! Nia, het is lang geleden!” (It’s been a long time) Yeosang looked at you. He wasn’t expecting you to speak another language. “Het is zo leuk on nieuws van je te hebben !” (It’s so good to have news from you) “Which language are you speaking?” Whispered your boyfriend. You made a sign to shush him down because you couldn’t hear your friend anymore. “Wanner kom je naar Zuid-Korea?” (When are you coming to South-Korea?) “Korea?” he repeated. “What are you talking about?” “1 minut Nia!” (1 minute Nia), you said before ending the call. “What do you want Yeosang?” “Which language are you speaking and with who?” “It’s dutch and I’m talking, or at least trying to,” you mentioned that he was distracting you from your call. “With Nia, my Dutch friend!” “Why you never told me you could speak Dutch?” “You never asked me! Now shh!” You put your phone against your ear again. “Waar hadden we het ook al weer over?” (What were we talking about?) “I can’t believe it…” he said, sliding on the mattress.
SAN (Japanese)
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“Argh Japanese is so hard!” Growled San, bumping his head on the desk. You entered his studio, “are you okay babe? I heard a loud noise.” San turned around on his chair, a pout on his face. He opened his arms widely, making you understand to give him a hug. “What’s happening babe?” You put down your cup of hot chocolate on his desk. “I can’t write lyrics…” he pouted. You sat on his laps, wrapping your arm around his neck. “You are always doing pretty good with lyrics, San. You shouldn’t even doubt about it. Okay?” “I’m doing pretty good with Korean lyrics.” He rested his head on your shoulder. “I don’t get it,” you raised an eyebrow. “It’s not a Korean song?” San shook his head, “it’s for a Japanese comeback.” He pointed at the sheet of paper behind him. “I’m pretty sure you are dramatizing.” “This is terrible, I can’t send this to Hongjoong Hyung.” “Let me see…” you whispered, grabbing the paper. “The lyrics are in Japanese, you won’t-“ “Konna hazu ja nai yo, yoku yatteru tte itte yo, I wanna grow up, susumitai motto*..” you read easily. “Understand…” he finished, surprised. “Yumemita basho oh oh tōku, yukkuri de mo ī, samayowanai yō tonight*...” “How can you read it so easily?” You smiled at him, “probably because I can speak Japanese.” “Really?!” His eyes opened widely. Ready to go out of his eyeballs. “Yes silly,” you flicked his forehead.” And I can say that your verse is pretty good. As always.” He ripped the paper of you hand, throwing it on the floor. “Screw the lyrics! Tell me more about how you learned Japanese!” “Hum… I learned by my own in high school then I went for 6 months in Japan.” “Why you never told me about that?” he asked, almost upset. “You are a whole ass idol, it’s nothing compared to 6 months in Japan or to speak a bunch of languages.” “Wait,” he stopped you. “Firstly, this is not true and secondly… a bunch of languages?!” “Yes? I can speak more languages than you think,” you smirked proudly. San blinked dumbly, not believing the current situation. “Anyway… just focus on your work. Baka.” (Idiot) You stuck your tongue out at him and almost ran away, hoping that he didn’t understand what you said. “Hey! I know it’s an insult! I watch Naruto with Yeosang-Hyung!” He shouted, following you.
*Lyrics from their Japanese song: Better.
MINGI (Portuguese)
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“How cute you are!” Giggled Mingi, pinching your cheeks playfully. You wanted to try your new peach make up palette. At first, you thought it was not really well applied and that you skin color wasn’t matching well but Mingi’s giggles and cute compliment helped you to change your mind. “What did I do to be so lucky? My girlfriend is the prettiest and the cutest of all!” He continued acting like if you were a baby. “Mingi, you’ll ruin the makeup with your big fingers!” You slapped his hand. “But I can’t help it, you’re too cute!” He kissed your entire face. You tried to push him on the couch, but he was definitively glued to you. “Mingi! I need to go. I’m already late!” “Can I come with you?” he asked. “It’s a girl’s night.” You simply replied, making him understand that he was a boy. And that boy wasn’t allowed. “I can tie my hair in a ponytail and wear a skirt.” You couldn’t help but to imagine him like that. “Tempting but no. You are going to stay here.” You grabbed your bag and left your boyfriend in the dorm. But before going out, you stared at him. “O bobo.” (idiot) Mingi thought he was dreaming, or he didn’t hear well what you just said. The next morning, when you came back to the dorm, Mingi was sitting right in front of the door. “Stupid?!” he asked you straight, making you shiver a bit. “Good morning to you too babe,” you raised a brow. Your boyfriend was holding an English/Portuguese dictionary. “You told me “o bobo” before leaving.” “Did you really search the word in a dictionary?” “Yes! Now you are the “o bobo”!” You yawned at your boyfriend, ignoring him “okay… I’m going to sleep. Boa noite or whatever.” (Good night) Mingi rolled his eyes, frustrated again and opened the dictionary. “Since when do you speak Portuguese!” “Not only Portuguese… and since a long time now,” you yawned again. “Not only?” he repeated. “Mingi, I’m tired…” “Wait!” He cut you straight, not letting a chance to hop in your comfy bed. “Which languages are you speaking?” “Too much,” you simply replied, kissing his cheek before heading to his bedroom. “Which dictionary I need to buy then…?” he whispered, completely lost.
WOOYOUNG (Italian)
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You threw your coat on the coach next to you. “Finally, home…” you sighed, rubbing your shoulder. “Oh Y/N! You are already home.” Smiled Wooyoung exiting the kitchen. “Yes… but today was so exhausting,” you complained. “Really? Maybe you should take a nap. I just started to cook.” He came behind you to gently massage your shoulders. “I would like to rest a bit, but I prefer to watch you doing all of your cooking and stuff.” You replied, enjoying the little message session. “Okay then! So today I will cook Strolombolani-” he started. “Stromboli*.” You rectified. “Huh?” “You said ‘Strombolani”, the real name is Stromboli.” “How do you even know that?” he asked, tightening his apron. “Because I know it.” You sat on the counter, apple juice in the hand. “Do I need to remind you that I spent almost a year in Italy so I enjoyed these incredible recipes.” Wooyoung dropped the spatula he was holding when he heard your comment. “You what?” “What? I already told you that I went to Italy before going to Korea.” “Yes, but you never mentioned that you went there for almost a year,” he almost shouted. “Calmati,” (calm down) you giggled. Wooyoung blinked, his brain trying to process what you just said. “What did you say?” “Just focus on our meal! I’m hungry!” You whined, rubbing your belly. “Come on! Just talk to me in Italian! I love it!” He walked in front of you. “Cucina così non avrò bisogno di ucciderti e mangiarti.” (Just cook so I won’t need to kill and eat you) “You said a lovely thing huh?” he winked. “Yes sure,” you nodded, as if you didn’t threat his life. “Another one!” he asked you. “Just cook Wooyoung!” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “Just something! Please!” He whined, pouting at you. “Se non mangio il mio pasto entro 30 minuti, sarai la prima cosa che mangerò.” (If I don’t have my meal in 30 minutes, you’ll be the first thing I will eat) “Grrr,” he smirked. “This is something hot right?” “Totally.” You lied again. “Again!” “I just want to eat…” you whispered, annoyed.
*Stromboli: an Italian is a type of turnover filled with various Italian cheeses (typically mozzarella) and cold cuts (salami, capocollo and bresaola) or vegetables. The dough used is either Italian bread dough or pizza dough. Stromboli was invented by Italian-Americans in the United States.
JONGHO (German)
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“Ich bin Jongho, schön dich zu treffen!” (I’m Jongho, nice to meet you) You stopped right in front of Jongho’s bedroom door. “Danke, dass Sie gekommen sind-” he paused. (Thanks for coming) You stuck your ear on the door. “Kommen zu-’ he stuttered. (Coming to-) You cracked the door quietly and glanced at your boyfriend who was laying on his bed. His head was almost buried in the book he was reading. “Are you okay Jongho?” you asked. “Yes, why?” he sat correctly on the bed, smiling at you. “Do you need something?” “No. I just heard you talking alone. I was curious to know what’s going on.” He patted the spot next to him, making you understand that you needed to sit here. “I need to practice few sentences in German for the world tour.” He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and delicately kissed your forehead. “I’m sure you are doing good.” You grabbed the book off his hands. “My accent is terrible,” he chuckled. “Okay practice with me,” you closed the book and stared at Jongho. “You can’t even talk in German,” he giggled. “Oh really?” You grunted. “Hallo, mein name ist Y/N.” “Did you just say, ‘hello my name is Y/N’?” “Exact,” you smiled proudly. “You never told me you could speak German,” he smiled. “I can speak more languages than that, but German is one of my favorites.” “Really?” You nodded, “Deutsch ist wirklich hübsch, ich mag es.” (German is really pretty, I like it) “I like to hear you talking German. Even if I don’t understand anything.” He said shyly. “Übe, damit wir gemeinsam auf Deutsch sprechen können.” (Practice so we can talk in German together) Jongho smiled at you, “I don’t understand, but yes please.” “Yes please?” You laughed. “Yeah! I don’t know a word you said but I’ll do everything you want if you continue to talk German!” “Silly,” you giggled, punching his arm. “Only with my German teacher,” he smirked. “Du bist so anhänglich!” (You are so clingy) “Teach me more please,” he grabbed your chin to kiss you.
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