#valyria headcanons
asherbakugou · 1 month
Valyrian Demingods of Westeros - Son of Caraxes
High Tide was lit by the brilliant flashes of lightning dancing in the sky, as her white walls were pelted with heavy rainfall. Within her walls, one could hear the screams of Princess Rhaenyra as she gave birth to another child, just over a year after the birth of Princess Alyssa.
Prince Jacaerys would be turning three within a few scarce months with Princess Alyssa's birthday following only 3 months later. Both were being cared for by their grandparents, Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys, as their father, Ser Laenor, supported her in the birthing room.
Unfortunately King Viserys, Queen Alicent and their children had stayed behind in the Red Keep, believing that Princess Rhaenyra would be able to return to give birth. But a storm had halted their ship, and the little one was quite excited to emerge during the storm.
Bouncing Alyssa in her arms, Rhaenys stood by the window and was witness to the spectacle as the sea calmed and the storm abated within moments, bringing forth the slightest hint of the sun. "Corlys," Rhaenys whispered, awed by the spectacle.
Her husband joined her, curious smto see what had his wife so shocked, only to be shocked as well. "The storm . . . I have never seen one stop so suddenly," Corlys admitted. Alyssa giggled, curling close to her grandmother peer over her shoulder.
Sat on the floor, Jacaerys stared back, smiling happily. "He's here," Jace said, climbing to his feet as Alyssa nodded.
"'Uke!" She cried in delight as the door was opened by a guard. The maid bowed, hair in complete dissaray and panting heavily.
"The Princess . . . the babe . . . a boy . . . both healthy," The maid gasped.
Rhaenys and Corlys stared at their grandchildren who were looking back at them expectantly. Genuinly confused as to how the children had known, they picked then up and carried then to the birthing room where they were greeted by a slightly frazzled looking Laenor, an exhausted Rhaenyra, and a babe swaddled in Velaryon blue-green silk cradled within his fathers arms.
Dmiling, Laenor held out his arms so the four could look, "Father, Mother. Alyssa, Jacaerys. I would like to introduce you to the future Lord of the Tides, the Heir to Driftmark and High Tide, Lucerys Velaryon, blessed by the storms and the tides themselves."
"What?" Rhaenys asked, eyes going wide as Laenor gently manuevered a little arm out of the swaddle, revealing a birthmark in the shape of Caraxes, the God of the Seas, Water, and Storms, mark. 4 stars facing the cardinal directions with a singular star in the center and ancient rune across the pale center of the star.
Corlys glanced down to Jacaerys, who hair barely hid his own crown shaped sigil with the rune for Justice upon the center and the runes for king on the sides, just as Rhaenys glanced to Alyssa, whose mark was weirwood branches along her collarbone that formed a circle at the hollow of her throat with rune for peace inside said circle alongside a feather and torch.
"Laenor," Rhaenys began, gaze sharp but worried. "Why do all three of your children have birthmarks in the shape of the sigils of Arrax, Tyraxes, and Caraxes?"
Two sets of eyes stared widely at her, nervous. Rhaenyra shifted, wincing at the pain as Laenor looled around the room so he wouldn't meet the eyes of his parents.
Laenor's gaze snapped to Corlys at his tone, a fire gathering in their depths. "You forced us to seek out other methods for I to give Rhaenyra trueborn children. We found a method and now you have three heirs for grandchildren. That is all you need to know. I will be taking mt children now, they need to get to know their new brother, if you would excuse us."
His clear dismissal hurt but they put down his children and left, unsure of what to do, except send a letter to the King and his family to inform them of the new birth.
In King's Landing, within the Red Keep, Queen Alicent and her children were forced to listen to King Viserys read the letter aloud.
'Dear Cousin,
You will be most disappointed to hear that Rhaenyra was unable to give birth in the Red Keep, but she gave birth during one of the worst storms Driftmark has likely ever seen. When her son was born the sky calmed, the rain stopped, and the tides receded and everything was peaceful as if there had never been a storm in the first place.
We are delighted to send word of the birth of Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Heir to Driftmark, and future Lord of the Tides. Born with the Velaryon locks, eyes, and skin, we can only wait for his skills at sailing to emerge like his brother and sister's skills did.
Rhaenyra and the children are all doing well. She has spoke of the ease she has felt here on Driftmark and have told her that our home will always be open for her, no matter the circunstances. We are unsure of when she will return but it will likely be upon dragon back so I, Rhaenys, shall go as well so they don't have to carry two toddlers at once.
The Targaryen-Velaryon grows ever larger with the births of Prince Lucerys and the previous births of Lady Baela and Lady Rhaena.
Congratulations cousin on earning another grandchild.
Yours in blood, Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, Lord Velaryon'
The absolute joy the man expressed at the ketter had the Queen picking at her nails, even as her children just watched or ate, content to ignore their father as he did them. She hated Princess Rhaenyra for birthing yet another child with the Valyrian features, but she did not understand the tidings it brought.
Yet another blessed child to aid the Blacks and the future of House Targaryen.
Prince Lucerys Velaryon, Second of His Name, Heir to Driftmark, Future Lord of the Tides, Stormborn, Undrowned, the Sea Dragon, the Sailor, the Red Star, had been born.
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 4 months
What a Lady of Old Valyria would wear
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witchthewriter · 7 months
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𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐀𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐚 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
Chaotic Neutral
Aries Sun, Scorpio Moon, Sagittarius Rising
The eldest daughter of Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaena Targaryen, she had a younger twin sister, Rhaella. They were the spitting image of each other.
When she was a young child, Aerea's personality was shy, introverted, timid and very sensitive. She was constantly overcome with tears, bed-wetting and fear. Almost everything scared her; horses, dogs, boys with loud voices, men with beards, dancing and on the top of that list - dragons (according to Grand Maester Benifer.)
After the coronation of her uncle Jaehaerys, Aerea had turned into a rambunctious, quick-witted and adventurous girl. Spending half her days in the kennels, stables and dragonpit.
This led to rumours that Aerea had switched places with her twin-sister Rhaella. Who was a novice at the Starry Sept in Oldtown.
Afterwards, she was forever known as willful, stubborn, and bold. According to Lord Rogar Baratheon, she had a "fire" in her. Archmaester Gyldayn likewise described her as a "fiery young girl".
When she was eight, Aerea reportedly loved horses and would later say that the time she spent working in the stables of the Red Keep were the happiest years of her life.
It was the whole of the Red Keep that Aerea loved. She adored the excitement, the colour and attention she received as the King's heir. Before her ninth birthday, she became the leader of a pack of young girls who terrorized the Red Keep.
However, her mother Rhaena, sent for her to return to Dragonstone. During her time there, she became a 'terror'. Defying her septa, mother and maesters, abusing her servants, and insulting others.
Aerea was eager to return to the royal court, and it is said that she counted the days until she could mount a dragon and fly away.
Rhaena introduced her daughter to the many dragons on Dragonstone, wanting to make her feel comfortable. In 53 AC, Aerea was finally replaced as the heir of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen when Queen Alysanne gave birth to Princess Daenerys. Aerea was not happy with being replaced. This only brought more terror to the island.
Aerea's only friend on Dragonstone was her mother's companion, Elissa. When she left, after Elissa's brother (married to Rhaena) had murdered practically everyone on the island in revenge, Queen Alysanne (Rhaena's younger sister) visited to bring her condolences and comfort in person.
In the months afterwards, Queen Alysanne visited the island to give comfort to her sister and niece. Enraged, Aerea rejected the queen, stating that she did not care the women were all dead.
To her aunt, the Queen, she readily voiced her anger about being replaced as heir as well as deep hurt that her mother had placed a dragon egg in Alysanne's cradle, but had done nothing for Aerea but give her away as a young child.
And so, Aerea begged her aunt to take her back to King's Landing, but her mother denied the request. Even though the Queen of Westeros had asked, Rhaena still denied her. That night, Aerea and her mother fought with much anger. After that, Aerea refused to speak to Alysanne.
Within a year or so, Aerea disappeared from Dragonstone; she had claimed Balerion, flying away on him, the same dragon who had killed her father.
Her mother believed she had returned to King's Landing, but upon arrival found that she had not been seen. Ravens were sent to all the lords of the Seven Kingdoms. There was no sign of Aerea. Anywhere. Even though Rhaena travelled everywhere, trying to find her daughter.
King Jaehaerys began to fear she was dead; he told his small council that Balerion had likely thrown her off his back. Surprisingly, Septon Barth disagreed, citing that Balerion would likely have returned to his lair on Dragonstone if he had suddenly been without a rider.
Aerea and Balerion were missing for more than a year.
In 56AC, a severely ill Aerea clinging to the back of Balerion, landed in King's Landing. Reports say she was unrecognizable. Stick thin, barely wearing clothes, hair a tangled matted mess. Her eyes were bloody.
She choked out, "I never," and then collapsed.
Aerea was carried to Grand Maester Benifer by Ser Lucamore Strong of the Kingsguard.
Maester Benifer quickly worked on Aerea in his chambers with Septon Barth, who had been summoned to administer the rites for dying.
Only those two men saw her last hours; the maester forbade all others, including the king and queen, from entering. Benifer gave the sickly young woman milk of the poppy, and immersed her in an ice bath to reduce her fever.
As the sun set, Septon Barth announced Aerea dead. She was cremated the next day at sunrise.
To the world, it was said that Aerea died of a fever - only partially true. Ser Lucamore said that the princess's fever was so hot that he could feel it through his armor. She had blood in her eyes and her body had "something inside her, something moving", the knight said, until the king forbade him from speaking of the princess.
Benifer left no account of Aerea's death, but according to an account in Barth's private papers, Aerea's fever was one unlike anything he had seen before. The septon described her as burning, with a red skin and having barely an ounce of flesh upon her bones, appearing gaunt and starved.
The origins of the creatures that lived inside Aerea are unknown. Barth speculated that Balerion, not Aerea, had chosen their destination; as likely the only living creature in the world that had known Valyria before it was destroyed in the Doom, Balerion had returned home, where accursed creatures as those found inside Aerea now lived.
A raven was sent to Queen Rhaena on Estermont, but by the time it arrived Aerea had already been cremated. Rhaena traveled to the Red Keep, where she took possession of her daughter's ashes. Although King Jaehaerys offered to have the ashed interred on Dragonstone with other Targaryens, Rhaena stated that Aerea had hated Dragonstone, and had wanted to fly. She took Aerea's ashes into the sky upon Dreamfyre and scattered them "upon the winds".
Following Aerea's death Balerion became the first dragon to reside in the Dragonpit, guarded by the new Dragonkeepers. Barth began studies that caused him to write Dragons, Wyrms, and Wyverns.
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starryrosebud · 2 years
I am so tired of “Westerosi culture” “Northman culture” “dornish culture” when we can finally talk about the Valyrians??! Without demonising them or whitewashing the “poor Westerosi”?!?
Let’s talk about:
- how the Valyrian,ghiscari and summer islanders were already trading with the children of the forest before the first man invaded westeros?
- the beginning of Valyria, they went from being shepherds to a incredible empire!
- how apparently the High Valyrian have four grammatical genders!! How this work for spells?
- The massive sexual objectification they receive from both Westeros and Essos.
- blood magic and glass candle
-Sphinx and dragons in Valyrian architecture
- the thousands gods they worshipped
-their dances and music
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the-gilded-rose · 1 year
I really hate the take that Visenya Targaryen was jealous of the affection between Aegon and Rhaenys. Mainly I’m sick of women being pit against each other, but I also think it could be a really interesting exploration of how poorly Valyrian marriage practices translated to Westeros.
I like to think of Valyrian marriage practices akin to those in Hawaii. Incestuous marriages were practiced to preserve power and wealth, but they still needed a way to forge alliances with other families. Sending some of your children to be raised with another noble family would foster a deep closeness in the next generation. This is especially useful if you see yourself as having two heirs — a daughter and son who would one day marry. One child can be raised at home to ensure the family ethos continues, while the other is raised to cultivate a political alliance.
This practice would have another important benefit: your children would be more likely to view each other as sexual and romantic partners if they weren’t also socialized as siblings. But when the Targaryens moved to Dragonstone and Valyria was lost, they couldn’t continue this practice in earnest. If both your eldest son and daughter needed to be proficient dragon riders, they needed to stay at home to be taught those skills. The Velaryons and Celtigars may have been of Valyrian blood, but they had no dragons.
If the Targaryens lost such a fostering system, it could well be that many of them struggled to see their sibling-spouses as sexual partners. It would explain why so many firstborn sons died without legitimate issue, with the lordship of Dragonstone instead passing to a younger brother. In the first or second generation to be born on Dragonstone, Maegon died without children. He was succeeded by his younger brother Aerys, who in turn fathered at least three children. The first two, Aelyx and Baelon, both lived long enough to rule as Lords of Dragonstone, but neither had any children. Would it be any surprise that they found it difficult to father children with a possible sister-wife, who they had been raised along side since infancy?
Visenya and Aegon are described as flying with their father across Westeros with their father as children. It’s possible Aerion kept both of his children close, raising them as joint heirs, emphasizing their familial responsibilities to one another. Aerion married a cousin, not his own sister. It makes sense he might not have appreciated the psychological discomfort at sleeping with someone you were raised with. And so while he was successful in creating a strong bond of loyalty between Visenya and Aegon, he unwittingly made it difficult for the two to view each other as sexual partners in adulthood.
Rhaenys, on the other hand, was the youngest and not expected to inherit. She may have spent less time with her siblings during their childhood. And as a result, it was easier for her and Aegon to develop a sexual chemistry.
There are absolutely Targaryen siblings who were raised together and happy sexual partners: Jaehaerys I and Alysanne, Baelon and Alyssa, and Jaehaerys II and Shaena all prove that point well enough. But I don’t think we have to assume theirs was the typical reaction to marrying your sibling.
And so who is to say that Visenya wasn’t somewhat pleased to be relieved of her sexual responsibilities with a man she viewed more as a brother than a husband? There’s little indication she was unhappy at Aenys’s birth. The supposed rivalry between Rhaenys and Visenya isn’t centered around an actual event, it is historians guessing because Aegon spent more time with Rhaenys than Visenya and of course a queen will view her most important role as bearing the king’s heir. I just don’t think we HAVE to take these claims at face value.
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bijoupreciieux · 15 days
newest au verses for valyria gaunt, already added to my carrd for her.
marvel cinematic universe: valyria gaunt is a renowned stage actress turned pop star living in new york city. by her early to mid twenties she is a household name and has plenty of prestigious awards to her name. she is generally a fan of the avengers / other affiliated heroes. she is a victim of the blip, returning after being gone for five years.
game of thrones au: valyria is a noble lady in a small and beautiful seaside kingdom near westeros but far enough to not be considered a part of it. one fateful day she catches the eye of a prestigious man from one of those kingdoms / families who pursues a marriage with her infatuated with her beauty. wanting to catapult their family into even higher standing, her parents push her to accept the westeros man's hand in marriage and she moves to his kingdom, thrusting her into a world of war and violence she's never been used to. ( more to be added )
titanic au: valyria gaunt is a famed stage actress & singer, the highly protected and beloved daughter of the extremely prestigious and wealthy gaunt family as well a descendent of the equally famed beaumont family on her mother's side. she boarded the SMS titantic as a first class passenger and as a paid performer, when the tragedy strikes valyria attempts to aid others the best she can but ends up nearly dying herself after getting trapped. she suffers severe ptsd in the years after and survivor's guilt. it is also years before she returns to stage / sings again.
bridgerton au: valyria gaunt is the heiress of a very prominent family in the ton and is known for her beauty, family name, charming personality, and for being named the diamond of her season by queen charlotte. but despite societal pressure for her to find a husband and secure a good marriage; valyria's true wish is to be a performer.
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isefyres · 1 month
House Celtigar is 100% growing saltier and saltier with the years with the Velaryons and Targaryens for almost always excluding them from the whole "the blood of old valyria" speeches they do.
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primordial-shade · 11 months
Demi-Gods of Valyria
Ok, so this is the idea. Valyria was meant to be based around the old Roman/Greek empires and their mythos included. Now a fun fact about Some Greek Demi-gods is that sometimes women prayed to give them a child and the gods would do so, but in some instances they would possess the husband of the woman and create a child that way. 
This means the kid has a godly parent, Mortal Father and Mortal mother.
Now do you see where I’m going with this.
Rhaenyra Targaryean, future Queen of Westeros, has been married to a man who is mourning and, after some attempts, cannot give her the children they both want and need.
Laenor tries and tries and and Rhaenyra tries and tries. They both want a child, they both need a child.
Desperate and ardent worshippers of the 14 Gods of Valyria, they pray to their ancestral Gods for help, desperate and pleading. 
And the Gods answer.
They give the two a option, one as fantastical as it is a blessing. They tell them that each of them will come in turn, to give Rhaenyra and Laenor a child, that each one of them will ‘sire’.
They immediately bring in Rhaenys, Corlys and Laena, who brings along Daemon as well. After proving this exsists both agree full heartedly to the deal.
Needless to say Corly’s is stupendously excited and Daemon has to be stopped from exalting his gods in public by Laena. Rhaenys is just happy her son and Rhaenyra get what they want.
Arrax of course comes first. King of the Gods, creator of the first Valyrians, he possesses Laenor that night and sires upon Rhaenyra the future King that night.
Jacaerys Targaryean is born 9 months later. His skin the hue of his father’s, with golden-silver curls and Violet eyes brighter than any Valryian before him. Upon his shoulder is affixed the birthmark of a Crown.
When the topic of the heir of Driftmark is brought up there is much debate amongst the gods but eventually, Caraxes is chosen to sire Lucerys Velaryon. Born with skin almost as dark as his granfathers, silver and onyx curls like his grandmother. His hand marked with the sign that mimics a rolling wave.
Syrax fights her way next, having let her brothers sire the childs to be heirs she claims the right to sire her favourites, the child who named her dragon for her, third child. Joferys Velaryon is born with a mark of crawling vines on his neck.
Despite their arguments Vhagar and Meraxes agree to sire the next two children with Rhaenyra together. The Twin’s Rhaenys and Visenya are born from this union. Rhaenys, child of Meraxes, is born with a twisting wind mark on the back of her neck whilst her twin Visenya, child of Vhagar, is born with the mark of the sword in the same place.
Their Darling Aemma is conceived barely 2 months after by Meleys, a reminder of Rhaenyra’s dear mother who Meleys had adored. Aemma is born with the mark of a heart over her very own heart. 
The Triplets come next. Monterys, Sired by Vermax with high Valyrian marked on his right bicep, Daenaera, sired by Vermithor marked with a smiths hammer on her right bicep, and Valaena, sired by Tyraxes and marked with a bird in flight on her right bicep.
Another set of twins comes two years later. Daenys, child of Tessarion, marked with an eye upon her wrist and Naerys, child of Shrykos,marked with a rising sun in the same place.
Then finally their last triplets. Aenys, born of Aegarax with the mark of a dragon between his shoulder blades, Aemon, Child of Gaelithox and born with a burning star between his shoulder blades, and finally He who comes at the end, Balerion, sires thier final child Baelon, born with a skull between his shoulder blades.
Jacaerys born: 112 AC
Lucerys: Born: 114 AC
Joferys: Born 115 AC
Rhaenys and Visenya: Born 117 AC
Aemma: Born 118 AC
Monterys, Daenaera and Valaena: Born 120 AC
Daenys and Naerys: Born 121 AC
Aenys, Aemon and Baelon: Born 123 AC
Rhaenyra and Laenor are happy, they are beyond at peace with this offer. Laenor gets to go to sleep and wake from a peaceful sleep knowing his best firend and wife carries their new child (He consents to this by the way, just saying it now and long as he isn’t in the drivers seat he is fine.)
Rhaenyra is able to have the children she so desires without hurting her husband and best friend, or seeking elsewhere for seed for her sons. With Daemon and Laena in on it she eventually takes them on as lovers and Laenor does the same with Ser Qarl.
They are happy, especially when Alicent enters the room after Jacaerys is born and see’s the dark skinned curly haired little boy with a crown shape emblazzoned upon his shoulder and nerly faints on the spot. It is not long before Corlys and Viserys both scream of his right to be king to the realm, celebrating the birth of the heir’s heir, born marked by the crown he was destined to wear.
Otto nearly has a seizure back in Oldtown, it unfortunately does not kill him.
Rhaenys is hardly seen without her first born grandchild, often holding him whilst she trains Rhaenyra in the art of ruling and power or simply showing him around the castle that will ‘One day will be his.’
Alicent is screaming somewhere, I don’t care honestly fuck her. Viserys just continues to die somewhere building his model, again don’t really care.
It is the day of Jacaerys birth that the Dragonkeepers find Syrax and Seasmoke with 14 eggs. Every colour of the Rainbow, another sign of Jacaerys and Rhaenyra right to rule they claim. Rhaenyra herself picks a egg of pure red veined with gold for her son and heir, within a month it Hatches into a Dragon named Arrax, for his father. The other 13 are kept in warmers, guarded and precious.
Alicent tries once to claim one for Aegon, still without a dragon, and it burns him in his crib fiercely. She does not try again.
Here is my current list of dragons, and yes I know Jace had Vermax and Luke had Arrax but we are switching things up.
Jacaerys - Arrax. A pure Targareyan red dragon
Lucerys - Caraxes II. A sea green dragon.
Joferys - Syrax II. A deep royal purple dragon.
Rhaenys - Meraxes. A bright sky blue dragon.
Visenya - Vhagar II. A rust red dragon.
Aemma - Meleys II - A pale purple dragon.
Monterys - Vermax. A emerald green dragon.
Daenaera - Vermithor II. A steel grey dragon.
Valaena - Tyraxes. A pale grey dragon.
Daenys - Tessarion. A pale yellow dragon.
Naerys - Shrykos. A bright yellow dragon.
Aenys - Aegarax. A vivid orange dragon.
Aemon - Gaelithox. A bright silver dragon
Baelon - Balerion - A pure black dragon.
All these dragons share golden accents and pure purple eyes. They also grow at a far faster rate than many dragons, think Daenaerys Dragons growth rate. This is especally as Rhaenyra declares the Dragons should roam freely for the first time since Aegon the conquerer.
Jacaerys is pretty much universally loved and the green faction begins to wither especially with Alicent claiming that the children are ‘aberrations’ and that they cannot be trueborn.
Court: looks at Laenor holding baby Jacaerys who looks pretty damn like him.
Court: Looks at Lucerys who resembles his grandfather almost exactly with Rhaenys lovely hair.
Court: Bitch are you crazy??
Otto and Alicent are struggling and I am here for it. They also nag Viserys and give him headaches and I am also here for that. Justice for Aemma Arryn you nasty rotting bitch.
Rhaenyra is just giddy with it all. her kids are Laenors and hers, and if they needed help from their gods well it wasn;t like anyone was going to believe that.
So anyway the young 14 demi-gods grow up pretty much adored by their parents and family. Not to mention their godly parents, by right of helping to conceive them, are pretty much always near them in a spiritual way.
Does Otto and Crispy Cole find a lot of misfortune going their way? Yes. tessarion is a particularly savage goddess in this and makes sure they always manage to catch a wide variety of illnesses and ailments, especially when her own daughter is born.
Are they kind of odd? Do their purple eyes, so unique, pierce your very soul? Does the air simmer around them and luck bend to their whim? Of course, but be damned if you dare say that around any of their parents. Even the Gods have nothing on Laenor and Rhaenyra’s protectiveness over their children.
As they grow older the topic of marriage of course comes up. Whilst Rhaenyra does not get along with Aegon and Aemond, especially after Aemond tried to claim Vhagar despite Laena still being alive which led to him losing an eye to the dragon, she Adores Helaena and Daeron and eagerly plans their marriage to Jace and Baela who adores her cousin.
Of course Alicent then delcares Helaena will marry Aegon and it turns into an argument as Viserys debates because he’s a fucking wet wipe.
Jace does not accept this in any way.
Alicent is horrified when the Prince spirits away Helaena and marries her in the traditions of Valryia before anyone can stop them. She faints when the couple return and Helaena tells her it was her idea and they had already slept together (Jace is 17 at this point and she is 19.)
Rhaenyra is half delighted and hald ‘done with her children’ whilst Laenor immediately begins planning a wedding for the faith with Laena as they both giggle and Daemon howls in the background. Viserys. glad he didn;t have to make a choice, blesses the marriage and declares it done.
(When Alicent tries to wed Daeron to a lady of Oldtown when he is 19 Rhaenys easily spirits him away. They return 6 months later and she is already pregnant and wed. Rhaenyra has to have a strong drink whilst Laenor and Daemon howl with laughter.)
(Daemon finds it less funny when Alicent tries to marry Daeron to a lady of Oldtown and Baela kidnaps him and they come back married and her already 3 months pregnant. Laena and Laenor are delighted and Rhaenyra enjoys her taste of vengeance.)
(Rhaenys, who followed her own Husband for a year on dragonback before she was finally permitted to marry him simply smirks, knowing her genes are strong.)
the other kids also grown up and take either their siblings or other nobility as spouses, as when Rhaenyra becomes queen she declares that any who marry into their family will become Targaryean so replenish their bloodline. It suprisingly is very welcomed.
I have more but this is getting really long. Thank you to the Game of throne roleplaying wiki which gave me the list of gods below so that I could use and abuse it as a reference.
Arrax - Ruler of Gods, law, order, justice, governance, and strength.
Aegarax - God of all creatures that walk, run, swim, or fly. Creator of the first dragon.
Balerion - God of death and the Underworld.
Caraxes - God of the sea, twin of Meraxes.
Gaelithox - God of fire, stars, moon, sun, and the dawn, rival of Meraxes.
Meleys - Goddess of love and fertility.
Meraxes - Goddess of the sky, twin of Caraxes.
Shrykos - Goddess of beginnings, endings, transitions, and doorways.
Syrax - God of wine, fruitfulness, parties, festivals, madness, chaos, drunkenness, vegetation, and ecstasy.
Tessarion - Goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, and archery.
Tyraxes - Goddess of reason, wisdom, intelligence, skill, peace, warfare, and battle strategy.
Vermax - God of boundaries, travel, communication, trade, language, and writing.
Vermithor - God of smiths, crafts, and artisans.
Vhagar - Goddess of war.
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vaedar · 2 years
𝐎𝐎𝐂; HOTD Episode 10 HV Song: Hāros Bartossi ( With Three Heads )
I know it’s probably around somewhere but here is the song Daemon sings to Vermithor: 
Valyrian ||  English
Drakari pykiros  ||  Fire breather Tīkummo jemiros  ||  Winged leader Yn lantyz bartossa  ||  But two heads Saelot vāedis  ||  To a third sing
Hen ñuhā elēnī:  ||  From my voice: Perzyssy vestretis. ||  The fires have spoken Se gēlȳn irūdaks  ||  And the price has been paid Ānogrose  ||  With blood magic
Perzyro udrȳssi  ||  With words of flame Ezīmptos laehossi  ||  With clear eyes  Hārossa letagon  ||  To bind the three Aōt vāedan  ||  To you I sing
Hae mērot gierūli:  ||  As one we gather Se hāros bartossi  ||  And with three heads Prūmȳsa sōvīli  ||  We shall fly as we were destined Gevī dāerī  ||  Beautifully, freely
( Source from conlang creator David Peterson. )
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pathstread · 7 months
ailsa's magic, the ability to transform from seal to girl and back again, is - - in fact - - directly tied to the red comet and dany's dragons etc etc, thank you
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navree · 9 months
i watched a show about Roman Empire and got fixated with octavian and agrippa and found your post about the humble targaryen of peasant origins and i'm obsessed with the idea of this targaryen agrippa with the most untamable dragon make the noble dragon lords anxious
Please i want to know more, anything 🙏 any scratch about this targaryen agrippa
First of all, drop the name of that show because I'm dying for some good content about the late Republic/early Empire, and Octavian and Agrippa have the most fascinating dynamic of that period to me and I love reading about them and I love talking about them.
So for anyone not in the know, this is referring to a scenario I dreamed up of, if I ever got to make a pre-Doom TV show about Valyria, I'd base a lot of it on Ancient Rome and have the progenitor of the Targaryen family be someone of peasant origin, due to the fact that they weren't a prominent dragonlord family before the Doom, and follow a track similar to that of the historical Marcus Agrippa, Augustus's best friend and second in command (elaborated more on here). A lot of my thoughts on Targaryen Agrippa honestly are aped from historical Agrippa, which I'm cool with since a) half of this stuff isn't even things anyone not invested in the history knows because of all the bad information propagated over the years and b) George has been doing it with the entirety of ASOIAF and its history, I'm just following trends. For example, it's random but in my head Targaryen Agrippa has a limp or some kind of chronic leg pain (due to a theory some people have that Agrippa might have had some mild physical diability in his legs due to being born breech, it's vague but I'm rolling with it) in spite of his martial prowess, which I'm also keeping cuz it's vital to the arc I've got in my head.
When I say Targaryen Agrippa comes from humble peasant origins in my head, I mean really humble origins. Like, farmer levels of humble, honestly I'm half wondering if I have them be from somewhere on the Valyrian peninsula, but not actually the city and immediate surrounding areas itself, just to really drive that home. But because we don't actually know a lot about Valyrian society, I'm choosing to imagine it is like Republican Rome, where there was a lot more room for class mobility and also inter-class integration, and that an element of public schooling or something similar is what draws our Targaryen Agrippa and Valyrian Octavian together, not dissimilar to what happened historically.
I'd also have Targaryen Agrippa have a somewhat large family, in contrast to Valyrian Octavian who is gonna have one (1) sibling, again for arc purposes, and have something approaching the Lucius Vipsanius debacle (Agrippa's older brother Lucius was set to be executed by Caesar due to fighting against him and for Pompey, but Agrippa asked Octavian to speak to his uncle, Caesar, and beg mercy, which Octavian did, the first time he ever asked Caesar for anything and cementing a starting role in politics as the intermediary between the world at large and Caesar, as well as strengthening the ties Agrippa and Octavian had to each other and really being the thing that started that insane bond). Only instead of Agrippa asking, it's gonna be conveyed that he obviously doesn't want his brother to die and is casting about for a way to stop it, and it's Valyrian Octavian who takes matters into their (her? i'm thinking her i like female protags) own hands and decides to intercede out of love for a friend, without any outside prompting.
This is because I'd have Targaryen Agrippa have a much more strained relationship with his family, just not particularly close to them in any regard, and also make him a very proud person. He doesn't like having to ask people for help, he doesn't like that there are members of his family doing the wrong thing, he certainly doesn't like having to do anything like debasing himself in the game of politics (it's a parallel to draw between him and Valyrian Octavian, who is much more politically minded than the martial and battle ready Targaryen Agrippa). He also has a tendency to hold grudges moreso for other people than himself, and gets more angry when his loved ones are betrayed than when he himself is.
I'd also draw a distinction between the first time Targaryen Agrippa rides a dragon and the first time he tames one. In my head, like I said in that other response, Targaryen Agrippa really cements himself as someone worthy of rising into the ranks of the dragonlords and founding his own future dynasty by using dragonlord techniques into taming a wild dragon for himself. But the first time he rides a dragon will be one that "belongs" to another dragonlord family (most likely Valyrian Octavian) in a time of emergency. Just like how Daenerys, centuries later, first rides Drogon not out of pleasure or for battle, but in a time of necessity, so too would her ancestor, the start of her line, either because he needs to get somewhere fast or he needs to flee and there's a dragon in the vicinity. And then that whole "bonding with dragons" thing is something that takes hold afterwards, when he realizes that it's something he can learn to do, that he has power both as a military man and within himself. I do also think that he's gonna embody the view we saw from a lot of Targaryens once they were in Westeros, viewing dragons more as instruments of war and tools, due to his military service and his gift for it, in opposition to what I'm crafting as a much more spiritual and emotionally intense bond between dragons and their riders from the other dragonlord families.
Also he himself doesn't partake in the brother-sister marriage thing, due to the fact that George has, I believe, stated that this was explicitly done within dragonlord families to keep those bloodlines pure, and not something that was done throughout Valyria as a whole, similar to the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt vs everyone else in the country. Is part of this because I'm gonna do something long and torturous and possibly never even consummated or remarked on between Targaryen Agrippa and Valyrian Octavian? Absolutely yes, and Sky's Domina and HBO's Rome are both fucking cowards for trying to push Livia or Octavia when that's so much less rich and complex and narratively compelling for the characters than whatever the Hell Octavian and Agrippa had going on.
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asherbakugou · 29 days
Valyrian Demigods of Westeros - Son of Vhagar
Prince Daemon held Dark Sisters hilt tightly as he listened to his niece's screams on the other side of the door. His wife, Lady Laena, and his goodbrother, Ser Laenor, were within comforting the princess as she birrhed her fourth child. It did not matter to him that she had had three successful births as his own mother had had two successful births before his late brother Aegon, he still worried for her safety.
It was not until he heard the desperate and fearful scream of Laena, yelling for him, that he moved. In one blow he knocked the door open, running into the birthing chamber.
Ser Laenor was fighting against a maester with a blade in hand as Rhaenyra screamed. Laena stood at her side, looking fully ready to lunge at the man if he nor Laenor could get him out. A midwife kneeled between Rhaenyra's legs, coaching and encouraging her even with the tremble of fear in her voice. His observation took less than two seconds before he was unsheathing Dark Sister, blade singing as it was pulled from the sheath.
The Maester looked to him in fear as Laenor shouted, "He attempted to murder Rhaenyra!"
That was all it took for Daemon to swing his blade with precision, completely severing the mans head. Blood sprayed into the air like a geyser, spraying over Laenor, Daemon, the midwife, and the newly born babe.
Wailing, the babe was quickly passed up to Rhaenyra who sobbed in relief, thanking Daemon as she cradled the babe close, whispering into blood and fluid soaked hair.
It took well over an hour for Rhaenyra to calm enough for them to wash the babe and for her and Laenor to give him a name. As they waited guards were admitted to drag away the body and feed it to Syrax, and the news was taken to the King.
"So? What name shall you give to my newest nephew?" Daemon asked, sprawled in a chair as Laena and Laenor sat beside Rhaenyra.
"Before we tell you we have a proposition for the two of you," Laenor stated, staring Daemon down with surprising confidence.
"A proposition? Do tell."
"The Stepstones," Rhaenyra began, tearing her gaze away from her babe. "Will be officially taken under the crown within the next month. A keep, garrison, and port is already being built on the main island and shall be given to my son when he is of age in 10-and-6 years. But until then it must be watched over by a regent, and I was hoping to name you, Uncle, or you, Laena, as his regents. You would be welcome there even after he took control and I would off her his hand in marriage to Baela, Rhaena, or any future daughters you have if it would please you "
Daemon and Laena stared at her before Laena asked, "Why? You could hire a castellan if you so wished. Why give us this responsibility?"
"Because you deserve it. You have supported us, even from afar. Your loyalty means everything to us," Laenor admitted, smiling awkwardly. "And the kids adore you. They would be highly distraught if you returned to Essos."
Laena laughed, sharing a look with Daemon. A silent conversation passed between the two before they turned their attention back to the two.
"If we take it, I wish to be given control of its garrison even after your, still unnamed, son takes it back."
"Then we agree. We will care for our nephews castle and he will marry one of our daughters. Eventually, of course. Now, tell us his name," Laena commanded, holding her head up haughtily to make them laugh.
"We have chosen to name him Maegor ll Velaryon, to remind ourselves not to make the mistakes Aegon the Conquerer made," Laenor announced, smirking at the surprised looks on their faces.
"A powerful name," Daemon commented, grinning sharply. "One that will make the Highcunts shiver in remembrance. I applaud your choice niece, goodbrother."
"We're so happy to have your approval, Uncle," Rhaenyra deadpanned, making Laena snort loudly before to cover it up as Laenor began laughing at his sister.
Maegor was given back to his mother by an awed midwife, who spoke quietly to Rhaenyra as Laenor continued to poke fun at his sister.
"Is something the matter?" Daemon asked as the midwives filed from the room, leaving the four alone.
"She was informing me of the peculiar birth mark upon his left arm," Rhaenyra stated, gently unwrapping Maegor so she could them all the arm. Upon his chubby forearm was the sigil of Vhagar, something Laena and Daemon realized near simeoultaneously.
It was a long angular shield with a spear shape through one side and a sword theough the other. There were other details but they were hidden by the fact that it was underdeveloped.
"Rhaenyra, Laenor," Laena whispered, gently running her fingers over the markings. Both knew that they had recognized the mark, but seemed unaffected.
"You keep my secrets, I keep yours," Laenor murmured, dark eyes sharp. It did not matter that this was his goodbrother, a man that had seen war and held a valyrian blade. If Daemon threatened his wife or children, he would retaliate.
"I keep your secrets," Daemon agreed, understanding. "Now, when shall I have the pleasure of seeing Otto's face when he hears the name of the babe. And of course, the pleasure of seeing the Highcunt Queen throw a fit, how could I forget."
They chuckled, easing the atmosphere.
"In three days, Uncle. Be patient."
He scoffed, earning looks of genuine amusement between the three.
Queen Alicent perfectly arranged her children at her side, with Prince Aegon in the lead and Prince Daeron standing at the end. Her father, Ser Otto, stood beside Prince Daeron, pin of the Hand of the King shining brightly.
She glared at Princess Rhaenyra as she swept inside with her sword-swallowing husband, and heathen children following close behind. Held within her arms was the newest Prince of the Realm, whose name would be revealed to the court soon, while Ser Laenor held his heir, Prince Lucerys, in his arms. Prince Jacaerys and Princess Alyssa walked between their parents dressed in fine clothes.
"Princess Rhaenyra, my dearest daughter. Ser Laenor, my goodson. Prince Jacaerys, Princess Alyssa, Prince Lucerys, my grandchildren. I am glad you are all alright. Prince Daemon I thank you for your timely intervention. It saved my daughters life. It saved the Crown Princess's life," King Viserys stated, allowing silence to fall. "Lords and Ladies of the Realm, today my daughter stands here to introduce the newest Prince of the Realm, futhering her line of succession."
Viserys nodded to his daughter, sitting back dowm heavily. He ignored the look he recieved from his brother, Daemon, worried and surprised in equal measures.
"Lords and Ladies, I introduce to you Prince Maegor ll Velaryon, Heir to the Stepstones, chosen to remind us of the mistakes of Aegon the Conquerer. Until his 10-and-6 Nameday, his keep upon the islands shall be watched over by his chosen regents, Prince Daemon, and his lady wife, Lady Laena."
The news had everyone in a titter, surprised that the King had allowed a Keep to be built uppn the Stepstones at all but the man was deep to his eldest daughter and had caves after much insistance.
Ser Otto and Queen Alicent were angry and shocked respectively. None of her sons had been given Keeps, while all four of her children had inheritances to recieve.
The scales only tipped further in the Blacks favor.
Prince Maegor Velaryon, Second of His Name, Heir to the Stepstones, Born in Blood, the Warrior, the Fierce, the Wild, the Warhammer had been born.
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chic-beyond-the-wall · 4 months
What a Lady of Old Valyria would wear
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witchthewriter · 9 months
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I had a thought, inspired by the idea/headcanon that when the women of House Targaryen are abused and treated terribly, then the dragons seem to stop hatching, or die more often.
What if that's why they were one of the lower Houses in Valyria?
I mean, I know those in charge had slaves but, what if those in the higher Houses treated their women better and therefore their dragons were more plentiful and their lives were richer? But maybe how Valyria was living wasn't how the gods liked and they made the volcanos erupt and wipe out the city.
Maybe Dany's the Dreamer only had that dream of the Doom because the gods were giving House Targaryen a second chance?
On the flip side - the Houses in Old Valyria were treating their women as well as their slaves horribly so that's why the doom happened. And House Targaryen was looking after their mother's, wives, sisters etc.
And that's why Dany had the dream - because they were doing the right thing?
But when they went to Westeros, they saw how women were treated, and started treating women badly - like the others in Westeros?
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thaliajoy-blog · 9 months
Okay second try & it's a more thought out & advanced idea of "my" Daenys the Dreamer.
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The one fancast I cling to the most for Daenys is Brit Marling as The OA & the character partly first the "blind seer" trope as she is literally blind for a part of the show & connected to deeper powers and the nature of the universe (the OA is a complicated & sometimes confusion show). So my version of Daenys takes a big from that, she has lost one eye during a childhood accident. She sees less & yet she sees/feel more, like OA.
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tofeelthecold · 1 year
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