#vent xx
toshiyelling · 5 months
goddamn it.
now I'm livid.
don't really wanna be. but I am.
I'm furious about whatever the FUCK I'm supposed to be focusing on.
nobody gives a shit but me. I have ZERO motivation to be the initiator ever rn and it's not like I have anywhere to out my fucking energy
I'm really agitated. I don't want to sleep. I don't want to talk. I don't want anything to do. with YOU. and you likely remain 100% oblivious. fucking whatever. congrats
2024 begins with me angry as ever. ignored as ever. and at a loss. time is fake, so maybe I'll try to lump these vibes with 2023 and
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maple-leifarts · 3 months
oh yeah guess who just now realized that their mom is transphobic as fuck :D
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texas-bbq-pringles · 4 months
also i have updated abusive housemate lore
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opanchu · 11 months
love being a child of divorce cause i can ghost my dad
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littleexangel · 2 months
Hff, I'm still upset about what happened at my prom. Someone clipped my knee bad enough to dislocate it.. I wanna cry about it but.. it's been almost a week. I think it's because my friend did it as a prank? But it hurts :(
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electronix-arts · 2 months
why be the world's favorite girl who deserves all when you can be the world's favorite girl to slowly hurt until the moment he realizes everything on day that should be a normal, sort of good day.
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oh yayyy the emptiness has returned 😊 i can’t wait to be abandoned in the barren field of my desolation
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me when we get scammed when we're just trying to get a custom paci & start up an agere shop of our own 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 - idia
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toshiyelling · 1 year
on the one hand
I will do anything i can to prevent or help my brother from killing himself
but also I might just kill myself instead 🙃 🙃
never know these days
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anouri · 5 months
thinking about how i spent the first two years of adulthood constantly surrounded by my friends or working or studying or in class and i had no time to rest or do hobbies and was literally never alone with my thoughts meaning i had no time to face the mental illness demons and maybe i burnt out for 4+ years and counting afterward bc i’m not built for that much nonstop hustle and bustle and i can no longer do simple life tasks without feeling like sisyphus pushing his stone up a mountain but with the addition of chains around his ankles and the entire world weighing him down and yknow sometimes i wish i could go back to those two years bc it was like i was suffering but i didn’t know it yet or i wasn’t given the chance to know it because i hadn’t the time to really process it, now i know too much and sit alone with my thoughts and stew and it’s all the same and maybe better but definitely somehow worse
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nocylipcowa · 1 year
btw o ile the employees jako spektakl bardzo mi się podobało, o tyle już zaczyna mnie wkurwiać ile w obecnym scifi poświęca się miejsca na problem uczłowieczania sztucznej inteligencji. like bruh za trzydzieści lat ziemia nam się spali i wszystkim nam zawali się system chłodzenia z wyjątkiem tych którzy mieszkają pod ziemią i mają dostęp do klimy. czy to nie byłoby lepszym tematem na futurologiczne scifi, a nie odgórne założenie, że wszyscy umrzemy i zostaną roboty? ja chcę biopunk kurwa i taką wizję przyszłości, która jeszcze daje nam szansę
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
I wish Mirjana Prošić-Dvornić had a LinkedIn so I could follow her and 'jokingly' ask if I could translate her 500page book. I'm not a professional translator but I am VERY invested and will be half-doing this anyway.
That said, I'm also an American, not just a Serb, and would want American standard rates for any translation work, so that wouldn't really pan out lol
This book is very long and very hard to read because it's written in college-level Serbian and my language skills are 'raised by Serbs in the US since toddlerhood' which is fluent but not college fluent
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radicalhighway · 9 months
man. sux to see ive actually radically dropped interest in pokemon. been meaning to replay violet for yonks now and i still have yet to even buy the dlc. used to be day 1 super excited go crazy go stupid over that shit but now its just smth neat i can put on the back shelf and interact w later. wild
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daz4i · 9 months
oh my god my brain is being so unnecessarily LOUD rn 😒
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dreamxmaker · 1 year
Just a vent about internet platforms being internet platforms.
“For real, do you like all the trash talk about you and ** people? You fucking love it bc you know it's true hahaaa!”
Do I like being continuously made to feel completely foreign? Do I like having everything I say repeated back to me in a caricatured voice amid facepalms and snickering when I'm trying to be serious? Do I like being told in 100 round-about ways a month ‘we hate you people, but you’re okay, I guess’? Do I like seeing people laugh at political unrest and subsequent suffering bc you see it as some kind of indirect victory? Do I like the constant mass vibe of people feeling like they need to ‘put me in my place’?
Obviously not, and I thought that was the point???
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i think. we need one of those like. really heartfelt hugs that lasts so long you almost fall asleep like that - idia
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