#vocab set
lamphous · 4 months
most of the time I feel like my batshit lexicon borne of spending most of my childhood reading is kept, like, fairly under wraps (this sentence excepted) but sometimes ppl comment on my word choice and I'm like oh ok right. normal people don't talk like that.
like yesterday I stuck my head in the back to ask if I could switch the hangers for smth and started the sentence "will I summarily executed if I—" before I realized I immediately lost EVERYONE and had to start the sentence over
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bulletproof-korean · 1 year
Jimin - Set Me Free pt.2 [lyrics+vocab]
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I got a good time Yeah, time to get mine 헤맸어, 미로 Hennessy and night "I never stop, I never stop" 다시 repeat "I never stop, fuck all your opps" Finally free
▹ 헤매다 - to wander ▹ 미로 - maze
Ah, yeah, ah, yeah 끝에 멈춰 선 나 Not yet, not yet 돌아보지 않아 Now yeah, now yeah 날아가 butterfly Finally free
▹ 멈춰 서다 - to stop and stand ▹ 돌아보다 - to look back ▹ 날아가다 - to fly
Look at me now 더 이상 아파도 숨지 않아 미치지 않기 위해 미치려는 것 지나간 나를 위해 손을 들어 Now set me free
▹ 더 이상 - anymore ▹ 아프다 - to hurt ▹ 숨다 - to hide ▹ 미치다 - to be crazy ▹ 지나가다 - to pass ▹ 손을 들다 - to raise one's hand(s)
I got feel low (But I'm in) still 난 미로 (Get to be) but I got no time to break soul, just let me flow (Enemy) hey fool, just get out of my way (Better be) shut up, fuck off, I'm on my way
Ah, yeah, ah, yeah 시작된 나의 prime time Forget, forget 기꺼이 올라타 Now yeah, now yeah 날아가 butterfly Finally free
▹ 시작되다 - for sth to start ▹ 기꺼이 - readily ▹ 올라타다 - to get aboard
Look at me now 날 비웃어도 멈추지 않아 미치지 않기 위해 미치려는 것 지나간 날을 위해 손을 들어 Now set me free
▹ 비웃다 - to laugh at ▹ 멈추다 - to stop
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khaotungsfirst · 8 months
decided that it's actually fucking stupid to get so much thai immersion almost daily and not study it so here i am now trying to learn the thai alphabet
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angelbvn · 6 months
how tf is battery a complex word
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adhd be like
me: i have lots of things to do today! lessons to prep, shops to go to, food to cook, cleaning to do... i'll start by taking a shower while i think about which one to do first-
brain: how did they figure out time difference across the world is a thing, that must've been mind-blowing
me: shit you're right, best research that immediately
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soreheadinamblemood · 19 days
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youssefguedira · 25 days
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i dont know if i have the strength to continue this
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heikeee · 2 months
I'm watching FMA brotherhood and everytime someone pops up (like nina or hughes) i get soooo sad bc I've read the manga so i know what awaits me...
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lovelyrotter · 2 months
to this day i cant believe how many people full heartedly dont want any kind of conflict or antags doing antagonistic things or even just well written, nuanced, realistic teenaged characters fucking up and making bad choices in HS. like are. are we reading the same thing. have we been reading the same thing. yall didnt pay attention in eng lit AT ALL i see
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piplupod · 8 months
whyyyy did they have to make the thing that shows up when u click on the clown/pirate skull be a bunch of papers that say paranoia-inducing bullshit ;-; that sucks so bad wtf man
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chouhatsumimi · 1 year
Vocab from Karneval, Vol. 3
縁起 えんぎ, いんえん omen, sign of luck, origin, history, causation, dependent arising, doctrine that everything has a cause and there is nothing that arises out of nothing / presagio
身内, 身うち みうち relatives, one's family, friends, members of the same organization, followers, henchmen, one's whole body / pariente, consanguíneo
無様, 不様 ぶざま unshapely, unsightly, clumsy, unpresentable, uncouth, awkward, ungainly
交戦 こうせん war, battle, hostilities / beligerancia, guerra
甚だしい, 甚しい はなはだしい extreme, excessive, terrible, intense, severe, serious, tremendous, heavy (damage) / sumo, extremoso
追跡者 ついせきしゃ pursuer
甚振る いたぶる to torment, to harass, to tease
繋縛 けいばく constraint, restraint
羅列 られつ enumeration, citation, listing / enumeración
引ったくる, 引っ手繰る ひったくる to snatch from, to steal from / arrebatar (robar) de
肴, 酒菜 さかな appetizer or snack served with drinks, performance to liven up a bar, conversation to liven up a party
前振り, 前ふり まえふり preface, introduction, lead in (to a joke, question, etc.), lead up, payment in advance (by bank transfer), swinging (one's body) forward
二股, 二俣, 二また, 二叉, 二又 ふたまた seeing two people (i.e. romantically) at the same time, two-timing, bifurcation, fork, branch, dichotomy, fence-sitting, playing it both ways, parting of the ways
ぐっしょり soaking (wet), wringing, dripping, drenched / empapado
息抜き いきぬき taking a breather, relaxation, vent hole
優越 ゆうえつ supremacy, predominance, being superior to / superioridad
浸る, 漬る ひたる to be soaked in, to be flooded, to be submerged, to be immersed in (joy, memories, alcohol, etc.), to give oneself over to, to bask in / bañarse, sumergirse, zambullirse
胸ぐらを掴む, 胸倉を掴む, 胸ぐらをつかむ, 胸倉をつかむ むなぐらをつかむ to grab (someone) by the collar, to size (someone) by the lapels
定石 じょうせき standard practice, playing by the book, established tactic, formula, joseki (in go), standard sequence (esp. in a corner), standard move
甚だ はなはだ very, greatly, exceedingly / en exceso, extremamente, muy
危惧, 危ぐ, 危虞 きぐ apprehensions, misgivings, uneasiness, anxiety, fear / miedo, duda, incertidumbre, preocupación, ansiedad, desconcierto, desconfianza
風通し, 風とおし かぜとおし, かざとおし ventilation, communication (within an organisation), openness / ventilación
強奪 ごうだつ pillage, seizure, hijacking, plunder, extortion
躍進 やくしん making rapid progress, making great advances, rush, dash, onslaught
謎めいた なぞめいた enigmatic, puzzling, mysterious, wrapped in mystery
謎めく なぞめく to be enigmatic, to be puzzling, to be wrapped in mystery / ser enigmático, estar rodeado de misterio
踊り子, 踊子 おどりこ dancer (usu. female) / bailarín
慇懃無礼 いんぎんぶれい hypocritical courtesy, superficially polite but rude in intent / exceso de cortesía fingida, cortesía meramente aparente, cortesía falta de sinceridad, cortesía hipócrita
きしきし squeak, creak
フワフワ, ふわふわ lightly (floating, drifting, etc.), buoyantly, soft, fluffy, spongy, unsteadily, flightily, fickly, frivolously / esponjoso, suave, volátil, inestable
ぼりぼり, ぽりぽり munching, crunching, scratching (an itch) / sonido al rascar algo: ras-ras, sonido al comer algo crujiente: crac-crac, ruido al rascar algo: ras-ras, sonido al comer algo crujiente: crac-crac
箱, 函, 匣, 筥, 筐, 凾 はこ, ハコ box, case, chest, package, pack, crate, car (of a train, etc.), shamisen case, shamisen, public building, community building, man who carries a geisha's shamisen, receptacle for human waste, feces (faeces), counter for boxes (or boxed objects) / caja, estuche, caja, caja con tapa, caja, caja rdonda de bambú, cesta cuadrada de bambú, caja
減点 げんてん subtracting points, points deducted / sustracción, deducción
笑う, 咲う, 嗤う わらう to laugh, to smile, to sneer, to ridicule, to be dumbfounded, to be flabbergasted / reír, sonreír, flojear, debilitarse, quedarse sin fuerzas en, fallar las fuerzas en, burlarse de, mofarse de, reírse malintencionadamente de, reír, sonreír
やり繰り, 遣り繰り やりくり making do, getting by (somehow), managing / ajuste, arreglo, acomodamiento
膨よか, 脹よか ふくよか plump, fleshy, well-rounded, full, pleasant (fragrance), rich
日向ぼっこ, 日なたぼっこ ひなたぼっこ basking in the sun
花形 はながた, かけい floral pattern, flourish, ornament, star (actor, player, etc.)
媚, 媚び こび flattery, cajolery, flirtation
苛める, 虐める いじめる to ill-treat, to bully, to torment, to pick on, to tease, to be cruel to, to persecute, to be tough on (e.g. one's body), to treat harshly / burlarse, atormentar, perseguir, castigar
派閥 はばつ clique, faction / facción
男勝り, 男まさり おとこまさり (of a woman) strong-minded, spirited, mannish / (de una mujer) mentalidad fuerte, animada, hombruna
妖艶, 妖婉 ようえん fascinating, voluptuous, bewitching, captivating / fascinante, voluptuoso
屈折 くっせつ bending, curving, twisting, turning, winding, warping (of feelings, logic, etc.), distortion, twisting, refraction, inflection / curvatura, refracción, distorsión
分け入る わけいる to force one's way, to push through
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waywardsalt · 5 months
you fuckers are lucky i cant draw as well as id like actually bc otherwise id be posting the weirdest fucking bellumbeck art known to man
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josouhenshin · 6 months
while I was doing the day 1 writeup I ended up deciding that as long as I'm looking all this shit up to make sure I'm understanding things correctly I might as well bite the bullet and start compiling an anki deck with all of it
so depending on whether I can keep at it I might have a crossdressing eroge themed flash card deck to post at some point
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Pov me having to find another online flashcards making site....
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im-sure-i-love-you · 1 year
ah I can feel the brain worms starting for a starstruck odyssey, wonderful
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nordic-language-love · 9 months
reviewed some vocab on renshuu that i hadn't looked at since before the jlpt and was pleasantly surprised by how much i remembered and how much better i felt about it now i'm not panicking about cramming as much of it into my head as quickly as possible
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