#watermour fanfic
floydmenace · 1 year
fic masterlist!
hey there! you must be new here! i’m izzy, and i write in my spare time when i have ideas that i havent found anywhere else. my brain runs 15 miles a minute which results in many, many things.
i also take fic requests, so dont be afraid to hit up my ask box! the only thing i wont do as a request is X Readers, but i might write some in my own time - but thats a big maybe.
watermour is my specialty and favourite, but i have a strange affinity for crack ships, rarepairs, and crossovers. so if theres a fic that you’re dying to read that no one has written yet, i might be your person!
anyways, without further ado, heres an easy-access list of all of my fics so far, in order from first to most recent :)
*green text is the ship, blue text is the summary
*all fics are on AO3, where i go by the same username
Take This Rock n’ Roll Refugee [E]
David Gilmour / Roger Waters, smut
“You think you’re so sleazy?” David growled, and Roger chuckled breathlessly.
“I don’t think, I know,” Roger replied, an annoying smirk tugging at his lips. “If I wasn’t, we wouldn’t be here right now, with you giving me exactly what I want.”
“You’re mine, Roger. I don’t care if I’m giving you what you fucking want right now – I’m fucking furious with you.”
Fall Apart (From The Inside Out) [M]
David Gilmour / Roger Waters, with mentioned Syd Barrett / Roger Waters, angst
trigger warning: this is a vent fic. mention of S/A and s*icide attempt in a flashback. please read at your own risk.
“Roger, what the fuck are you doing?” David asked with more clarity, worry immediately creasing lines into his forehead.
“I had trouble sleeping, so—”
“Please don’t be trying to kill yourself.”
Whole Lotta Love [E]
Robert Plant / Roger Waters, smut
“Hey, wait, aren’t you the bassist of Pink Floyd?”
Would It Break My Panic? [M]
David Gilmour / Roger Waters, with mentioned Syd Barrett / Roger Waters, angst
trigger warning: this is a vent fic. vague description of S/A in a flashback. please read at your own risk.
“You know that I was with Syd, right? Back in ‘67 and ‘68?” Roger asked to start off, and David nodded. “Towards the end, he progressively became more detached and nutty, which you obviously know, but that’s crucial to keep in mind while I try my best to talk about this.”
Roger watched David frown slightly, and he took a deep breath as he continued on. “Most of the time, whether he was on acid or not, he didn’t understand that what he wanted wasn’t always what everyone else wanted.”
To Love Him Is To Need Him Everywhere [G]
David Gilmour / Roger Waters, fluff
"You’re the sun, and the moon, and the stars. Happy birthday.”
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
Of course, I had to write this. Takes the pressure off. (Oh and happy belated birthday to David! ❤️
After a particularly stressful gig, David fears he may not be good enough to take Syd's place in Pink Floyd, and in Roger's life. Roger, however, shows him that he is by no means a mere replacement for their former bandmate.
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confesspinkfloyd · 1 year
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I see the wish for more PF fanfics and raise you: More Watermour fanfic pls
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
Oh yeah, part two, equally depressing. Remember to read the tags! This got a bit longer than expected so a third chapter will be needed. Hope you don't mind. Love. ♥
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
Because I read an interview and couldn't contain myself. I had to write this.
Roger Waters sits comfortably at the top of our list, undisputedly one of the greatest bass players of recent times. His work in Pink Floyd’s latest studio album, Animals, is nothing short of outstanding. In a way that seems almost second nature to him, Waters brings precise lines that serve to perfectly set the tone of the three longest compositions found in the record. He compliments David Gilmour’s guitar flawlessly in Pigs (Three Different Ones), one of our favourites from the album, where the listener can…
“Thanks for making me the bassist of the year yet again, Dave."
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floydmenace · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pink Floyd Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: David Gilmour/Roger Waters, Syd Barrett/Roger Waters (mentioned) Characters: David Gilmour, Roger Waters, Syd Barrett (Mentioned) Additional Tags: trigger warnings in notes, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Trauma, Flashback, Hurt/Comfort, Rough Sex, Traumatic Flashback During Sex, Roger is my punching bag when I'm sad and want to write
“You know that I was with Syd, right? Back in ‘67 and ‘68?” Roger asked to start off, and David nodded. “Towards the end, he progressively became more detached and nutty, which you obviously know, but that’s crucial to keep in mind while I try my best to talk about this.”
Roger watched David frown slightly, and he took a deep breath as he continued on. “Most of the time, whether he was on acid or not, he didn’t understand that what he wanted wasn’t always what everyone else wanted.”
TRIGGER WARNING: Sexual Assault Flashback.
Title is from Inside Out by Duster.
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
That line was just asking for a fic to be written about it, so yeah...
“Are you talking about the spaces between any friends in particular?” David asked, quietly.
His question came across as more or less rhetorical. His smile hinted at the fact that he knew exactly which pair of friends Roger had been thinking about when he wrote that lyric.
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
Oh, yes. Hurt, pain. If you saw this drawing I posted some time ago, this is... something.
Charlie stayed silent, waiting for an answer to his question, and the clear nostalgia in David’s eyes made him curious as to what the answer could be. David thought about the story behind that picture, that evening they’d spent walking the ancient streets of Pompeii, hand in hand. It’d been an adventure, one they had embarked on together, one that had spawned countless anecdotes that’d still be recounted years later. He knew he had more pictures from that occasion hidden somewhere, remembrances from those days when they lived in blissful ignorance of just how badly their relationship would end. Pictures he would revisit, if it weren’t so painful to close the photo album and come back to reality each time.
‘He was… an old friend of mine.’
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
God your latest fic was so cute <3333 Roger and David just being happy, fooling around and making love, all we need in these trying times
The way you write them is so cute. They're so sweet together and I adore how you convey the love and affection they have for each other, be it in interactions or intimacy (especially the latter seems often reduced to lust to me in YA novels or even shows with mlm couples, so it's so refreshing to see a loving representation)
Thank you for your stories, always <3
Aww thank you 🥲❤️ Indeed, we're only in February and things are so chaotic already, we need all the wholesomeness we can get to live through this... though I do have more angst in store, haha.
That means a lot 😭 I really try to dive into what they're feeling because, in my humble opinion, I find any interactions – and especially those related to love and intimacy – are much more enjoyable to read and write when one doesn't shy away from the infinite range of complex emotions that can arise in them.
Not reducing it all to a simple, one-dimensional matter is paramount to me. Love and lust, joy and sorrow, confusion, fear, grief, anger, everything we feel can coexist and that's what makes us all so wonderful – and writing about it so interesting!
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
Part three, and that's it for this one! These men, I swear...
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
just wanted to say thank you for reading my fic (Take This Rock n' Roll Refugee), I was super excited to see your comment on it because you're one of my favourite watermour authors <3
You don't need to thank me, I need to thank you for writing it! I love to see people posting Watermour that's so fucking well-written, also I really do mean fucking.
And aww 🥺🥹 thank you, glad to read that. ❤️
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daisyfloyd · 1 year
From all of your different Watermour universes, is there a scenario or story you would consider to be the one true canon ending for David and Roger? Or do you look at it with a multiverse perspective, so everything is the true ending in a way? Hope this doesn't sound confusing!
I like that multiverse approach, considering there isn't really a canon in all this besides real history — and in real history, I'm choosing to ignore all that's happened since 2011 and think their reunion in that year was the canonical ending to their love/hate relationship.
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Now, as regards to my fics...
The story I would consider my main, my one true canon if you will, I haven't even posted yet. 😭
It's quite a long, angsty fic, so I don't wanna post the first chapter until I've got it all written out and ready to go. I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
All I will allow myself to tell you is that its working title is Eclipse, so if you happen to see a work of mine with that title sometime in the future, yeah that's the one.
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daisyfloyd · 2 years
Any more Watermour headcanons you'd like to share?
Hello there! Of course. As I said, I’ve got sooooo many. You can keep asking this question to infinity and beyond, and I’ll never run out of headcanons to respond with. Again, you may know some of these if you’ve read my fics, but here, have some more…
- Roger absolutely adores sweets. As a kid he wasn’t allowed any, so he enjoys them a lot now that he can have them. When it rains and there’s nothing else to do but stay inside, David usually makes cups of tea and buys cake to share with him as they watch the rainfall through the window. It usually leads to quite nostalgic conversations about life, and what they plan to do in the future considering that so much of their history is already behind them. This is briefly referenced in the lyrics of Time.
- David is a hopeless romantic and has no qualms in showing his love for Roger through actions. From taking him to see places he’s always wanted to visit when they’ve got free time, to writing songs and letters for him, or surprising him with flowers when he reaches a milestone in his life. Before meeting him, Roger would’ve rather died than accepted such gestures or shown affection for anybody in a way that makes him feel vulnerable. However, David makes him feel comfortable enough to do so. As a result, he’ll keep the flowers that David gifts him in a vase by their bedroom’s window, or hide messages for him in the verses of his own songs.
- Because David is quite timid, sometimes people take advantage of that to be disrespectful towards him. David doesn’t retaliate, and instead tries to be as nice as possible when interacting with them. If Roger is present to witness it, however… beware, for he isn’t one to hold his tongue and simply let anyone do that without some repercussions.
- David pouts his lips involuntarily when he’s nervous. When Roger gets close to him and he still does it, even though they’ve been together for years, Roger falls in love with him all over again.
I just love those two so much. I’ve got so many ideas, man. Some of these headcanons will surely be turned into fics sooner or later if they haven't already, haha. Hope you liked them. ❤️
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daisyfloyd · 2 years
What’s your favorite watermour fic on ao3? In addition to your works, I love Red but I struggle to read it because of how intense the angst is :,( I usually follow it up with Touch, Stars Above Mountains, Broken Pieces and Black and White.
There was also another cute fic with Rog and Dave spending time inside together while it rains but it seems to have been deleted and I can’t recall the title or author, sadly. I believe it was rated E, but the dynamic was adorable nevertheless!
But anyways, sorry about this long ask! I just had to share, but I want to hear from you since you’re an amazing writer and we are blessed to have you here <3
Hello! Thanks for taking the time to write this message. I love receiving questions.
Of those you mentioned, I've read all except the rainy one. Red and Black and White are especially excellent. In fact, if you look at the comments of any Watermour fic on AO3, there's a good chance you'll find me there. And if I haven't written anything, it's also very possible I've left kudos. I've got many fics that I love, don't know if I could choose a single one or even make an orderly list... but here are some of my favourites:
The one I come back to the most is probably If I Were a Rule, I Would Bend for You. There's something about it, you know? The author creates this calm and laid-back post-gig atmosphere and it feels so natural, like a glimpse into a relationship that's much more complex than it shows.
That One Brick Down is so creative. I love the setting, the idea behind it. I myself tend to write "realistic" stuff, so this work is an exploration, a tread through terrain that's fairly unknown to me, and it's fascinating! Also, the person who wrote it used to comment on my works a few years ago, so seeing their name makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
We're Forever, You and I is, of course, another one of my favourites. It ended up inspiring Echoes of a Distant Time, so I think one can tell just how much I liked it by seeing that it prompted me to write that one-shot.
Giving is so, so sweet. Someone commented that it makes you feel like it's winter, and that's just the most perfect description ever. Roger's characterisation feels so genuine and everything's so loving.
The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking is a work in progress at the time I'm writing this response, but I felt compelled to add it because it's just that good. The writing style, man. Truly one of my favourite authors.
Oh, you made me notice something! I typically use my bookmarks as a list of my favourites, and I've forgotten to add most of these there! Going to do that right now.
Aww, thank you so much. I try my best to share my love for these lads, good to know you're not bothered by me flooding the David Gilmour/Roger Waters tag with my fics, haha. It's nice to see people like my humble contributions.
Thanks again for taking the time to message me! 🥺❤️
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daisyfloyd · 2 years
I am new to this fandom and i really enjoy your fics. Thank you so much
Firstly, welcome! Hope you like it here. And secondly, you're sweet. Thank you for reading my stuff. ❤️
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daisyfloyd · 2 years
Your latest fanfic was so cute🤲 It's really so mean what kind of stuff people about 80s David, especially since I agree with Roger here, he looks adorable and absolutely stunning during The Wall tour. I loved how he comforted David, he deserves that! The love between this too is just the cutest and softest thing ever and I'm so excited for the next one🥺
Aww, makes me feel great to know you liked it. ❤️❤️❤️
It completely drives me up the wall - ha! - when people watch concerts from that era and completely ignore his musicianship, only to comment on the obvious fact that he no longer looks like he did in his twenties. And as if that made him any less handsome. Please.
And yeah, my collection will continue to expand! Glad you're looking forward to that.
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