#we'll see how nano goes
mitchell-nihil · 8 months
wrote 1352 words today, feeling like nano might be possible. i write when i don't want to and eventually i have a good idea or two and manage to make some words up.
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desperatepleasures · 7 months
ok woo I managed to churn out 114 words of horny nonsense!!!
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ramabear · 8 months
as nano comes up again this year, and as i prepare for it, i look over my wc for the year so far to see how many nano's I've done already
if i get 8k more done for this month, I'll have done 5 nanos worth of words this year.
been a good harvest so far. only a little behind in my goal with a couple of blankish months from may to august.
hopefully we carry this out for the end of the year. i'd like to get that fic worked on for real. 50k more should definitely help
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buildarocketboys · 1 year
would kind of like to write some fanfic drabbles again but I feel like if I focus on writing anything that's not my Nanowrimo project it'll take even longer to finish...
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mira--mira · 2 years
It’s NaNo! 50K words, let’s go!
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timelessbian · 2 years
deciding to seriously attempt nanowrimo for the first time since like 2017 with no outline, just vibes, and less than a week to prepare, god being mentally ill is so exhilarating sometimes
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theoriginalladya · 2 years
Camp Nano - Day 1
So, I decided last minute last night to attempt Camp Nano after having a couple of difficult months.  After a very busy (writing-wise) spring, May turned out to be one of those “we’ve all decided to take off on vacation without you” kind of months for the muses.  I had 17K words that month.  (note: I ‘normally’ write 50K+ words in a month.  I’m used to writing every day.)  
Last month, after nearly 4 weeks of almost nothing, they decided to try again. In June, I managed almost 24K words.  Not where I was before, but an improvement over May, slowly but surely.  I also was hit by an idea for an original fic - completely unexpected and out of the blue (in addition to the seven or eight original fic ideas I’ve worked on over the past decade, none of them completed yet).
Originally, my plan was to use July Camp Nano as a “Christmas in July” sort of theme to finish up a bunch of prompts and an AU story for Caleb Shepard I have - trust me, there are a lot of prompts and that AU is just begging to be told), but this story came out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago and last night, it pushed.  HARD.
So, here we are...Day 1 of Camp Nano.  Clean slate.  New Story.  And...almost 1300 words for chapter 1.  That just astounds me after the past two months, but not gonna knock it!
I should also point out - I do NOT have this story even remotely world built yet.  I CAN tell you it’s set in the Middle Ages - 12th century England, to be exact (my wheelhouse history wise) - and is about two boys who were squires together until Fate sends one off to the Church.  Eventually they end up together again (probably on the Crusades, but not sure yet) or maybe they will move in and out of each other’s lives over the years - that will be determined by how the writing goes.
Guess I’m a pantser this time around!  ROFL  I’ll probably share some snippets along the way, so don’t be surprised if you see something very different from me! :)
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total-serene560 · 7 months
prepping to do A Strange Education for NaNoWriMo this year. I'm very glad I'm going to be doing the scenes in chronological order (starting from the 1985 scenes).
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waterskies · 19 days
One full shot and one close-up for each tank~
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Starting with my nano tanks, we have my 5gal. It's currently empty (RIP Caius), but the anubias and bucephalandra seem to be doing well. I'm waiting to get another betta for this tank. Hopefully, next month!🤞
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My empty 6gal. Finally, the moss started to grow! It looked like it was all going to die off, and then it started sprouting new growth! Hopefully, I can get this to look how I want it! This tank will also be getting a betta, but I specifically want a plakat for it. So we'll see how that goes.
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This tank, the 40gal long, is doing great! Everything is growing nicely, and the fish are doing fine! All I need to do is a trim on the vallisneria, clean the glass, and either a top-up or water change depending on the readings I get. Hmm, and maybe trim that moss too so I can train it to stay low to the log rather than getting all bushy. I want the top of the log and its branches covered in moss eventually.
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I wish this tank, 40gal, looked better. I always have a problem with mulm. I know I need stronger filtration. The three HOBs aren't cutting it. I want a canister filter for it, but that's something I need to save up for. I want to do a good vacuum on the bottom, but i always manage to suck up a fish. They get too curious and just swim right up the tube. Like idiots. It's hard to avoid them. Theres so many. Yup. Right now, this tank is Endler city. Everywhere you look, there are endlers or their fry. I need to contact my LFS and see if I can't sell them off. Same with some of my plants. I'm running out of places to put them!
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three--rings · 7 months
Oh right, it's NaNo time.
Definitely not doing it this year, but I do want to maybe set a goal to write every day in November. Just...at all. Write three words if you can't do anything else.
So, we'll see how that goes. I'll try to keep myself honest here along the way.
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alodiaz · 3 months
i am a bit unwell rn, so i am going to start working on it slowly but i'd like to thank everyone for their kind words on my 2000s au post! as always mega thanks for the idea @k4thl18n 💚💚💚
here's my rough outline of how it will pan out, time wise! starts in summer break 2005, press release of lawrence buying midland, renaming to racing point, announcement of drivers. livery reveal!! moves onto 2006, pre-season testing at bahrain, lancito and nano meet for the first time but only brief and then they get closer over the season!! i think i'll make this a slowburn, so there might not be any romance until 07, comfort from lance to nano, mclaren era!!
i'm thinking on making this a series that goes up to this year! so part 1 will be 2006 - 2010! then part 2 maybe 2011 - 2015?? and then we'll see from there!
ALSO i will be posting some polls soon just to gauge what you guys might want in terms of either plotlines, characters you want to see, etc.
once again, thank you for the kind words!! if you would like to be on the taglist, feel free to either dm me or just comment on this post <<3 !!
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scrawlingmouse · 8 months
so, nanowrimo
Writers who are both more eloquent and more established than I have talked at length about it, it's ups and downs, etc., but I figured Hey! I've got a writing blog now and Opinions on Nano! Might as well talk about it, right?
So, for starters, I did Nano about 10 years ago back in high school, and I'm considering doing it again this year. Sorta. We'll get back to that. When I did it the first year in high school it was fun! I did it with a friend, and I didn't "win" but I did get a lot more words down than I was used to! But of course I had school and then college to focus on, so eventually that 2/3rds of a novel draft just kinda withered away while I did nothing with it. Flash forward to the next year and I decide Hey! I should do this again! And I did, and I got maybe 2 days in before I crashed and burned. Flash forward to the next year, and it happens again. And again, and again, until eventually I swore off nano and decided it was Absolutely Terrible for Writers Forever.
So, what changed? Uh, nothing, really. I still don't think nano is a good thing for young writers who haven't learned what the writing cycle actually feels like, or even looks like.
(As a disclaimer: if you are a writer and feel like the structure and deadline works for you to help you pump out a draft, hell yeah! Good for you! Legitimately good for you, no sarcasm! This is not directed at you.)
SO THE WRITING STRUCTURE. WHAT IS IT? It's drafts. It's so many drafts, especially for longer works. It's drafts upon drafts as you figure out how you actually want your story to work. It's writing a whole novel and letting it sit and returning to it and rewriting the entire thing, and then realizing that rewrite was just a second draft, maybe even a 4th draft as you reconfigure what a "draft" actually even looks like. And then, once you have a draft you're satisfied with, it's edits. And then it's several phases of edits before you're satisfied again. And then, depending on what route you're going in terms of publishing, it's potentially even more drafts and editing and drafts of editing as you work to get your story out and-
It's a lot of work, okay? Not that anyone ever said it wasn't, but I feel like we need to be honest with ourselves in that writing is a lot of work. Cranking out 50k words in a month is a draft. A very hasty, very slapdash draft. When I tried doing this in college, I didn't quite realize it, wrapped up in all the hype of writing a novel in a month, and so kept getting frustrated when my words werent perfect. Never mind that I'd never actually finished a draft before, didn't even really know what a draft looked like.
So, why am I trying again? Great question! I'm not! Sorta. I'm not holding myself to the word count (I'm mostly writing short stories and novellas these days anyways), I'm not tying to write a finished product, and if I don't reach my goal this month I'm not going to stop. Because that's what happens a nontrivial amount: dec 1 rolls around and people stop writing without the structure/deadline to keep going, and so all the work they put in to keep up a writing habit goes down the drain. Anyways, my goal this year for this month of nanowrimo is just to stress test my own drafting abilities: how much of a draft for my next Xal novella can I get done in a month? That's it. That's my entire goal, just to see what happens. If I make it? Sweet! Onto the next phase! If I don't? Sweet! Most of a draft is better than no draft! Onto the next phase!
Draft writing is just one spoke in a wheel, and you gotta keep it turning onto the next thing.
So, what's the end to all this? Should you never participate in nano? Should you denounce it to the heavens??? Man how would I know I'm just a mouse. These are questions you gotta ask yourself and sit with the answers. I think you should tailor nano to fit with you and how you write, but you're the only one who can accurately answer just what that means for you. If it means cranking out the whole 50k, good for you! If it means just trying to write once a day, perfect! Hell yeah get that habit forming! If it's some other kind of benchmark that works for you, good!
Just keep going after. That's all I ask, don't let someone else's arbitrary goals keep you from writing.
I love you go do good work I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!
Also hey if you read this far mind checking out my patreon or buying me a ko-fi? I've got discount commissions on my Patreon as well as access to all my backlog of one-shots forever, and I've got a $1+ donation doodle option on my ko-fi! Your support keeps me writing c: thanks!
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navybrat817 · 8 months
Would you ever consider doing whumptober or angstober or flufftober?
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Very hard to say, nonnie! I can't even keep up with my WIPs. Absolutely not this year since it's the 12th. If I were to do a month long event for anything, I would have to start months in advance so I have everything done. Props to anyone who does it because that's a huge accomplishment!
I'm considering NANO though. We'll see how that goes.
Love and thanks. ❤️
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ramabear · 2 years
so uh. i’ve had a somewhat major? upheaval in my life recently (of the good kind) but basically i’ve been offline for almost three weeks because i’ve been prepping for, initiating and then finishing a move out from my old place which, let me tell you if you’re never planning to move and then suddenly you do move its. a lot. there’s a lot going on. i still have stuff at the old place bc it just. was ... so much more than i had anticipated in anyway
and yeah i had no plans for moving out of my old space and into something else until suddenly i did have those plans (like, honestly at the beginning of october i did not anticipate that i’d start the next month in a different house)
and i’m mostly settled now, having unpacked the last of what i’m able to unpack. there’s more i need to do, things i need to put away and furniture to purchase, but! i’m here now. im set up. i have internet again and everything in the kitchen has been put up. 
i’m drinking soda out of a goblet that’s as old as the state of colorado and things are... good? yeah. things are good
and now finally i should be able to sit down and fucking write again. jesus its been way too long
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sotwk · 7 months
NaNo Support is Welcome!
Thank you for this kind message, @emmanuellececchi! <3 I hope you don't mind me slapping it on a post to share:
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This is a wonderful idea and is exactly what NaNo is all about! I think it would be great if we can all share posts with our NaNo updates and maybe even snippets, so some generous Followers can give us a little bit of feedback and motivation boosts.
I'm definitely gonna be all over the place with the stuff I'm working on, though. I have a handful of fics I want to focus on, but generally I will just jump back and forth to whatever I'm inspired to write.
All I want to do is make a habit of writing and making progress on fics every single day, for the whole month.
We'll see how that goes! Let's get going writing and cheering each other on!
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👋 happy nano! for the ask game: 1, 6, and 7
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Coucou !! Thank you for the ask 🥰
How many times have you participated in nanowrimo? I'm in my seventh year ^^ I haven't won every year tho but I'm hoping for my fifth win this year, we'll see how it goes
6. What are you most nervous about? That I'm gonna end up with a big chunk of words I won't be able to use because I got carried away (the way I did for my NaNo project last year the Fledgling ... I had like 25k written in the wrong POV but osef 😂). I say I'm nervous about it but it's really part of the game and worst case scenario I'll just rewrite to to fit my ✨vision✨ better
7. What are you most excited about? this year I'm a nano rebel because this is a re-writing of the story I've be writing with my best friend since 2011. I'm rewriting my part and I can't wait to improve it and implement things I've been thinking about for years. Lorelei is my favourite character EVER and I love her. I'm so happy to be writing her again 🥰🥰🥰
You can find the ask game here if you're interested 😊
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