#weddings of san luis obispo
Unveiling the Magic: Weddings of San Luis Obispo, Where Dreams Come True
When it comes to tying the knot in a picturesque setting that epitomizes romance, charm, and natural beauty, look no further than the enchanting locale of San Luis Obispo. Amidst the rolling hills, vineyards, and historic architecture, couples find the perfect backdrop for our special day. In this blog post, we’re thrilled to introduce you to a business that has been turning dreams into reality. To read our full blog, Click here!
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bestinpasorobles · 7 months
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popolocatering · 1 year
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Wedding Photographer - James Lester Photography
Searching for a wedding photographer shouldn’t leave you feeling unwanted. Since my business’s beginnings, inclusive open-hearted service has remained priority number one - to document the love shared between people of all backgrounds, identities, you name it. It’s not only my mission to simply capture love, but to spread love too! As such, I work diligently to create a safe space for authentic expression with a whole lot of fun mixed in. I do this by simply being open to everyone I serve on a human level. If this resonates with you, you've come to the right place and I can't wait to connect with you! https://jameslesterphoto.com/
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butlerzrents · 2 years
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centralcoastb · 2 years
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johnwickb1tsch · 13 days
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Vino Veritas
A Destination Wedding Frank x Fem!Reader Fic
Attending the wedding of your ex-fiancé gets slightly better when you meet someone having just as miserable a time as you... Warnings: Nothing too serious holy shit. Cursing. Broken engagement. Nihilism, existential bullshit, copious amounts of sarcasm. Eventual nsfw, not this chapter. Pretty much in line with the movie here. Part 2 Part 3
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The Gate to Hell
You’re not sure what it is about airports, that somehow makes them feel like a special little extension of the circles of Hell. Or maybe purgatory, is more the like. All you do there is wait, and wait and wait, praying that soon it will be time to move on.
It probably doesn’t help that you’re absolutely fucking dreading your destination ahead.
Frankly, it will be a miracle if you survive this weekend with your sanity intact.
And then, there’s this dude behind you. You keep seeing him out of the corner of your eye. He just keeps pacing back and forth, rolling his stupid bag with him, and you just want to whirl and tell him to be still or sit the fuck down.
Instead, he comes to stand next to you.
You give him a glance. And then, you’ll admit, a double take, because he is stupidly handsome, even while frowning, staring churlishly at the flight monitor as though it had personally insulted him. And, to add insult to injury, he is tall. And well dressed in jeans and a button down and a nice sports jacket. And you inwardly sigh for some indefinable reason that has to do with longing and your acceptance that the universe does not bestow such gifts upon you for free.
“Nice dress.”
You blink, not having expected him to speak to you.
“Thanks.” It’s a 50’s style robin’s egg blue halter swing dress, your favorite color. You needed some bright color therapy, to face the hell you’re about to be stepping into.
“Is there a sock hop in San Luis Obispo I’m missing?”
You guess with your cat-eye Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses, you do look rather on brand.
From his sardonic tone you’re not sure if he’s making fun of you. “All the cool kids are going.”
You kind of deliver it like a dig, and you see the corners of his mouth twitch. “Ah. That explains everything.”
You look him over. He…really is ridiculously handsome, if you’re being honest. High cheekbones. Trimmed beard. Piercing eyes. Casually well dressed. A bit older than you, not that that’s ever stopped you.
“I hope our flight’s on time.”
You check your phone app for the airline. “Supposed to be.”
“Let me guess. You’ve got an app for that?” The way he says it, just this side of snide, like you fucking millennials—it kind of pisses you off. And maybe you’re overly sensitive to patronizing comments from older men, but with your history you have a right to be.
“Do you have a problem with me?”
He stands up a little straighter. “What?”
“Like what’s your deal? I was just standing here minding my own business, while you’re creeping around behind me—”
“I was not creeping. I was trying to see the board.” He gestures at the display screen by the gate.
You look him up and down. That’s a tall drink of water, if you’re being honest. “Because Mr. six foot six over here can’t see over my head—”
“I’m only 6’1”—”
“Okay, 6’2” in your shoes, and then you come up here, give me a backhanded compliment, and make fun of me for having the means to keep track of what’s going on with our plane?” You glare at him. “Holy shit, are you trying to neg me?”
“I don’t…even know what that means.”
“Ok, boomer.”
“I am not a boomer.”
Then he has the gall to step away—in front of you.
“You’re going to butt ahead in line too?”
“On a flight that holds eight people?”
“Wow. Ok, be my guest.” You wave him on, and he rolls his eyes. Then you have to stand there, and look at his stupidly broad shoulders in that nice sports jacket, and his dark softy waving hair that just brushes his collar…you’re not going to look at his butt.
You’re not.
Your eyes slide down.
Fuck, but that’s a nice caboose.
The Fight Or Flight Response
As you sit in your backseat of the plane, there is one seat left beside you, and when you see who boards last you want to throw yourself down the stairs before they close the door.
“Anyone want to trade seats?” he asks, bent over practically in half, he’s so tall and the plane is so small.
With a resigned grumble he settles into the seat next to you, as though the world might end if he has to spend a handful of minutes in your general proximity.
Then, of course, the universe further conspires to embarrass you by sending you a defective peanuts bag, which you cannot for love or money get to tear open.
“Dear god, tear it at the notch,” grouses the rude man beside you, driven insane by you fighting with it.
“There is no notch.”
He’s there with his big hand extended, making an annoyed give it here gesture. It’s distracting, truly, how long and elegant his fingers are.
“Give it here.”
“I’m fine.”
“Give. It. Here.”
You’re so disgusted with this whole day, you hand it over. Then watch with smug delight as he can’t get it open either. Finally, he uses his teeth in his frustration, undoubtedly spitting all over it. When he tries to hand it back to you, you raise an eyebrow at him. “Really?”
With a sigh, he offers you his less molested bag.
You take it like accepting his sword on the battlefield.
You both make faces as you quickly find that the seasoning on the nuts tastes like hot trash, and you reckon it’s probably a metaphor for how the next few days are going to go.
This is going to be the weekend from hell.
“So what brings you to San Luis Obispo?” the man asks resignedly, almost like he can’t quite stop himself from talking to you. There is an exhaustion in his tone that would have pulled at your heartstrings, if you weren’t so generally pissed off.
“You don’t have to try to talk to me.”
He shrugs, throwing up those big, beautiful hands in a gesture of annoyance. You can’t help but stare at them—they really are a menace.
“Just trying to be pleasant.”
You can’t stop the bark of laughter that escapes you at hearing that. He frowns over at you, and you cover your mouth, hiding your smile. You know you must look like a crazy person—but it’s just too ridiculous.
“Was it that funny?”
You sigh, and for some reason you feel better after the involuntary outburst. Okay. Maybe you can make an effort. No one is ever in a good mood at the airport, after all. “I’m actually going to Paso Robles.”
“It’s pronounces ro-blays.”
“Everyone says Row-bulls.” 
“Well, not the fucking Spanish who named it.”
He looks away again with that thunderhead of a frown. Why does he have to look extra handsome, when he’s pissed off?
You sigh again. “Look, I’m sorry. I swear, I’m not always such a bitch. It’s just…this fucking wedding I’m going to.”
This catches his attention; he turns to look at you like a hawk zeroing in on a mouse. “Not…Keith and Anne’s wedding?”
“How do you fucking know Keith and Anne?”
“Keith and I share a mother.”
“Holy shit, you’re Frank?”
“Who are you?”
“I was engaged to Keith, years ago.”
“Oh my god, you’re y/n.”
You can sense by the way he says it that you’re infamous in the family’s lore. It’s been a long time, but still, it fills your heart with a familiar leaden despair.
You close your eyes, and look away.
“You’re just as horrible as Keith always said,” you say to the window.
“I find you equally disagreeable, I assure you.”
waiting for death the car
“There was supposed to be a car,” Frank grouses the second you exit the airport. Patience is clearly not his strong suit.
“The flight was early.”
“But it seemed so long.”
It’s a good dig, truth be told, and the corners of your mouth twitch despite yourself. You sit down on a bench, and to your surprise he sits on the other, though on the side closest to you. “So what the hell are you doing here?” he asks. “Didn’t Keith break your heart?”
“Shattered it into bits.”
“I was invited.”
“And…you’re a masochist?”
“Look, I’m not…whatever Keith must have said I am. I was practically a fucking child when he started dating me. It was not…” It was perfectly legal, of course, but the imbalance of worldly experience, looking back, had not been kosher.
You feel the tide of all the pain and insecurity that man caused you raise up in your heart. Usually you’re pretty good at shoving that shit down down in the deepest dungeon you can, like a healthy person, but the wound is feeling a little fucking raw at the moment, considering.
“Keith is an asshole who only cares about himself. I am aware.”
You sigh, and the tide miraculously recedes. Goddamn. It almost feels like he’s on your side.  “Okay, yeah. There you go.”
“Why do this to yourself?”
“You know, before he broke it off, we had a fight the night before because I told him I would never get breast implants, of all fucking things, and Keith told me I would never amount to anything without him.”
“Sounds like something asinine he would say.”
“I wanted to go back to school, and he didn’t like it. He wanted a Stepford wife, and I was becoming alarmingly aware of the world outside his own making of it, the way children do when they grow up. If you’re wondering why he dumped me.”
“That tracks perfectly.”
“He invited me to be a shit and rub my nose in it, so…I’m here as a fuck you. I wanted to show him I’m doing fine.”
“Are you?”
“Yes, actually.”
“You do seem rather well adjusted.”
“Yeah, fuck you too.”
This, surprisingly, makes him smile a little.
A few moments of slightly less awkward silence pass before he asks, “So what did Keith tell you about me?”
“Oh, he told me plenty.”
“Such as?”
“What does it matter?”
“Don’t do that,” he snipes. “Don’t dangle the tidbit then refuse to deliver it.”
“Fine. He said you’re a grouch who hates everyone.”
“Oh. I was afraid he might have said something untrue.”
You glance over at his ridiculously well-sculpted profile. He glares ahead, his brows furrowed, and you strangely get the sense that maybe…he’s a little sad for it.
At fucking last, the shuttle car from the hotel arrives.
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ao3feed-sambucky · 9 months
Destination Wedding
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/L9ctlOP by SunsetMaiden On a bright, sunny, perfectly peaceful day, Sam Wilson questioned every single one of his life choices. Standing in the airport, clutching the handle of his brand-new rolling suitcase, first in line to board a tiny–probably rickety because he wasn’t feeling hella lucky–airplane to San Luis Obispo, he considered turning right back around and going home. There was only one problem. Once Sam Wilson set his mind on a task, he saw it through to the bitter, bitter end. He didn’t waffle, waver, backtrack; and he certainly didn’t run. OR: Sam and Bucky are awkward, bickering guests at the same destination wedding and keep running into each other. Words: 1262, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of SamBucky at the Movies Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson Additional Tags: Getting Together, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Angst and Humor, Light Angst, Sam Wilson Needs a Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, Rated teen for language, Not Beta Read, First Kiss, Destination Wedding, Inspired by the movie Destination Wedding, Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe, Past Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, mentioned Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter - Freeform, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, not steve unfriendly though, he basically ghosts them ala endgame and they have feelings over it, Minor Steve Rogers - Freeform, Banter, Bickering, Past Riley/Sam Wilson (Marvel), Meet-Ugly, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/L9ctlOP
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Sorry but I can't help myself anytime someone mentions alcohol in the Bible and gets the wrong impression that God is against drinking at all...
So, for context, what's really fun is that people who believe God is a teetotaler like to cite the difference between"wine" and "strong drink" in the Bible while trying to imply that wine is nothing but grape juice (this is just circumvent the whole "Jesus turning water into wine" thing).
The kicker?
Even old testament laws allowed drinking ,and there's no way around it with verses like Deuteronomy 14:26! Lol
I've had more than one person try to challenge me on that, they can never come up with anything other than the grape juice thing which if you look at the bits where "wineskins" are talked about, the difference between new and old was the old had been used for making wine in them so they were stretched out as a result, so they were pretty much just good for water.
Foolish to think they spent all the effort on vineyards that they did for grapes, raisins, and grape juice too.
When Prohibition hit in the US, Jewish population overnight kind of quadrupled
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Find someone in the family history, claim heritage, get booze which was a act protected by 1A which superseded the 18th.
Roman Catholics could get some too, but it was way way less.
Also the Rabbi's could lie.
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lol, good for them stupid law go make some money.
But ya, if the almighty has a issue with people consuming hooch one would think of all the groups of people in the world that the Haredi would not touch a drop.
Haredi = Orthodox/Ultra Orthodox but I saw this yesterday
"Its members are usually referred to as ultra-Orthodox in English; however, the term "ultra-Orthodox" is considered pejorative by many of its adherents, who prefer terms like strictly Orthodox or Haredi."
while looking up something totally different and decided I will try and shift my language some if I remember.
But back to the topic at hand, people that say things like that have never been to a Jewish party. More specifically a wedding or a Purim bash.
The Jewish people would have something specifically about banning alcohol in their Mitzvas, but the 613 Mizvot to my knowledge don't have anything forbidding alcohol, just drunkenness which I would need to consult a Rabbi to see what would be considered drunkeness, smashed one night is ok just not every night or never smashed?
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Wedding San Luis Obispo
Plan your dream wedding in San Luis Obispo with our expert team. We'll help you choose the ideal venue, vendors and style to create an extraordinary day that fits your budget. Connect with Weddings of San Luis Obispo today to start planning your perfect wedding experience.Let us help you turn your vision of a simple wedding into an unforgettable celebration in San Luis Obispo.
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glenncoco4 · 1 year
So in learning what I just did I’m gonna throw a wild theory out there.
When they were at the plant farm or whatever the hell it was called their cover was vintners from San Luis Obispo and the song by Gregory Alan Isakov (dude who Deeks bought tickets for) from the wedding was called San Luis referring to the same place…what if it’s an Easter egg? Like obviously they don’t have vineyard money but again Beale is an entrepreneur and I could see him definitely buying one and then the topic comes up about them needing to find new jobs and he offers. They’re hesitant at first of course but the thought of that life and the slowness of it compared to the full throttle they’ve been doing for the last 20 year could be really enticing.
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callmebrycelee · 2 years
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Zachary (Zac) David Alexander Efron is an American actor best known for portraying Troy Bolton in the High School Musical trilogy. Zac was born October 18, 1987 in San Luis Obispo, California. He is 34 years old and a Libra. His film credits include Hairspray, 17 Again, Charlie St. Cloud, New Year’s Eve, The Lorax, The Lucky One, Parkland, Neighbors, That Awkward Moment, We Are Your Friends, Dirty Grandpa, Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising, Baywatch, The Disaster Artist, The Greatest Showman, Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile, Scoob!, Save Ralph, and Firestarter. His television credits include Firefly, ER, Summerland, CSI: Miami, NCIS, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Entourage. and Robot Chicken. Zac is 5 feet and 8 inches tall.
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popolocatering · 20 days
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butlerzrents · 2 years
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