dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#112of365 Daily Practice Reminders Cultivating awe is a powerful practice Babies crying, airplanes flying, joy, pain, friendship, fear, blueberries and manure…Where the heck does all of this come from? Really… There is no answer to this question that does not ultimately escape our understanding. Religion, science and philosophy all offer different ways to think about existence, but none of these explanations remove the miraculous nature of it all. Life is a miracle whether you are happy or sad, bored or engaged, stressed or relaxed. Even the person you judge most harshly is a miracle. Pausing during your day to breathe in the miracle that surrounds you and the miracle that is you – this is an incredibly effective way to regain perspective on life’s twists and turns.  Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/Btv87FWHMb6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1apraazb86ow4
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#111of365 Daily Practice Reminders If you get still & quiet enough, your wisdom will find you.   There is a lot happening around you and within you all the time. It can be difficult to know what really matters when you are running from task to task or battling with an internal barrage of thoughts and emotions. Stopping is a powerful practice. It doesn’t have to be for long periods of time (although that can be quite nice and quite effective). Just a few breaths in the midst of the chaos can make a huge difference. Bring your awareness to your feet on the ground and the breath in your body. Wait until there is a bit of space. Don’t try to force anything – just slow down enough for your wisdom to catch up to you. Connect with what is most important and what the next right thing to do is. Then do that.   Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrDLN4HTWK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9tz8lso40zlc
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#110of365 Daily Practice Reminders Being present is not always pleasant – that’s not the point.   Fulfillment is not the same as pleasure. If you are seeking a pleasant life, then trying to escape discomfort is a logical strategy (even though discomfort always has a way of finding you). If you are seeking a fulfilling life, then trying to escape discomfort is a waste of energy. Being present to life includes being present to the hard parts. The difficult stuff can teach us a lot – about what we need, what we are capable of, what we care about, and how we can help. We can find space for discomfort and respond to it peacefully and purposefully. As we build this skill, we find that we are able to put more energy into what really matters. We build our confidence to face life head on and we find life more and more fulfilling. Discomfort is not a burden – it is an opportunity to strengthen our ability to be present to the whole miracle of life.  Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove #strength #compassion #gratitude #confidence #kindness #courage #love #wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjG1eJHJFb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ptprswd6y5ux
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#109of365 Daily Practice Reminders The two best times to practice awareness & acceptance are when you are upset & when you are not.   Don’t wait until you are stressed and overwhelmed to practice awareness and acceptance. Do not wait until you are feeling desperate to cultivate calm and clarity. Practice as much of the time as you can. Waiting for your toast, in line at the grocery store, brushing your teeth, listening to your partner or your children, trying to fall asleep, stuck in traffic – these are all opportunities to practice bringing your attention to your body, your breath, the sounds and sights around you on purpose. Instead of “one more” episode of your favorite streaming show, you could just let your body, mind, and heart settle into the massive, unexplained miracle of life just as it is. Then, when the challenge comes, you will have some practice under your belt.  Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtebdEQnvsf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9xlf5k4zlfnq
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#108of365 Daily Practice Reminders To practice the life you want, begin with an honest evaluation of the life you practice now   One of the most powerful things you can do is look at how you spend your time and energy and identify what is working and what is not working. You can look at your life honestly and kindly – this is not about blame or self-judgment. All of the power in your life comes from taking responsibility for what you practice daily. This is the only place where you have choice. You cannot choose how others behave or how the weather is. Look at your own habits and make three honest lists. 1. Which of your habits support your values, goals, commitments, and relationships? 2. Which of your habits do not support your values, goals, commitments, and relationships? 3. Which new habits would help support your values, goals, commitments, and relationships? In order to begin to drop ineffective habits and add more effective habits, you will have to be honest about what they are without beating yourself up. Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove #strength#compassion #gratitude#confidence #kindness #courage#love #wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtbkLB0nCem/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1en10uxn3oy8c
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#107of365 Daily Practice Reminders Practice connecting with the list of  people you love – including yourself   Think of the person you love most and notice what you feel in your body. This feeling is created by your nervous system – you have access to it at all times. The more you practice accessing it, the easier it becomes. Going through a mental list of the people you love, while consciously feeling the sensations of caring and appreciation is a powerful practice. Including yourself in the list of people you love is a great way to strengthen self-compassion. It may feel awkward at first – this is because it is a new practice. Almost all new practices feel awkward at first. Going through the list is a great way to start your day before getting out of bed or ending your day before you fall asleep.   Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtZhHa5nDqm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2qxviib4abcu
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#104of365 Daily Practice Reminders What you feel like and what you are capable of can be very different The human brain expresses a preference for current habits using comfort and discomfort. This means that we often don’t feel like doing things that we are completely capable of doing. This can lead to resentment and resistance about doing things that would make us healthier and more fulfilled. It can also lead to engaging in behaviors that feel good in the short term and leave us less healthy and less fulfilled in the long run. This is one of the great ironies of the human brain. The willingness and commitment to do things that are important -- whether you feel like it or not – is a life changing practice. This will not get rid of discomfort (which is a normal aspect of being human), but it will create freedom in the presence of discomfort. Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtO956UHtZx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sh7a67dpg9z3
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#103of365 Daily Practice Reminders The human brain often confuses comfort and safety.   There was a time in human evolution that comfort was a powerful indicator of safety (or at least the perception of safety.) Comfort let us know that we could let down our guard – that our survival needs had been met. Discomfort prompted action to protect, defend, feed, or find shelter. Many of us live in a world where our survival needs are met most of the time. Now we strive for comfort for the sake of comfort. This can lead us to overlook what is important and what is working. With awareness, we can start to sort out when our pursuit of comfort and pleasure gets in the way of what from what is important and effective. When we are less driven by comfort and more driven by purpose, we are more fulfilled.  Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtLt3IggpKx/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=150s25p6snq0b
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#102of365 Daily Practice Reminders Practice outside the box   Thinking outside the box is fine, but thinking alone is unlikely to create the kind of change you seek. Practicing – doing – is what is most likely to create the shift you seek and bring up the kind of discomfort that is most helpful to work through. Make a plan to do something positive that feels like a stretch or feels like “not you.” Keep your commitment whether you feel like it or not. Reach out to someone new or really listen to someone you already know. Add something positive to your morning routine even though you don’t think you have time. Drop something from your daily routine even though it is familiar. Pay attention and discover that you survived. Maybe it went well or maybe it did not – and you survived. Your life can be shaped by doing things that are important and effective or by doing things that are familiar and comfortable. It’s your choice.  Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion     https://www.instagram.com/p/BtJES87gVFn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=gkg8jvqtm5n8
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#101of365 Daily Practice Reminders Your humanity is not a burden to anyone else. Nor is their’s to you. Sometimes we feel that if we express what we need or want, that we will put others in a tough spot. People are free to express themselves – to ask for what they need and want. And people are free to listen and make a choice about whether to support or help. It is not a burden to be asked. No one can do this human thing alone. No one is doing this human thing alone. We all count on the efforts of countless others to survive. Aloneness is an illusion. Expressing what you love, what you need, what you value, and what you desire – this is how we communicate our humanity authentically with one another. We can do this with kindness, and with the understanding that others are free to respond as they will. Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGkY6lAQK9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=44y3y5f0k9lh
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#100of365 Daily Practice Reminders It's not about the donut. Cravings pass -- if you let them The donut is not driving our behavior – the sensations we are chasing or trying to avoid are driving our behavior. We all have conditioned sensations of desire and aversion that are triggered by cues in our environment. We see or smell a donut, we feel our phone vibrate, or someone offers us a drink. A feeling shows up in our body, and before we are aware of it, we have made an unconscious choice to indulge it. We think about doing a task like folding laundry, paying our bills, or making a phone call -- someone says something or makes a facial expression – suddenly we feel an urge to avoid or escape. Before we know it, we have made an unconscious choice to do something else – anything else. If we are aware of these sensations, and if we can accept these sensations for what they are (this takes practice), then we can choose a behavior that is aligned with what is important and effective, rather than trying to satisfy our desire to be more comfortable. The sensations will pass – they always do.  Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEL4NZAw18/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bfrf7azfw553
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dmochel-blog · 5 years
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#99of365 Daily Practice Reminders #Self-improvement without #Self-compassion is just #Self-bullying There are skills you can gain and strengthen. These skills can serve you well in reaching your goals, connecting with others, and living a #fulfilling life. Having these skills does not make you more #worthy of #love and #kindness. Trying to improve yourself to prove to someone (often that someone is you) that you are enough – this is a never-ending treadmill. You can practice the things that are important to you without starting from the assumption that there is something wrong with you. You can forget to practice, fail in your practice, and begin again – all with the understanding that you are just as deserving of love and kindness as everyone else – no more and no less.     Order Good Life Practice here: www.tinyurl.com/goodlifepractice Learn more about Applied Attention here: www.appliedattention.com #mindfulness #selflove#strength #compassion#gratitude #confidence#kindness #courage #love#wiflion https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs_HtD5AZnK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xf2x71y44wfs
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