(X-men x reader).Part 2
X-Men Origins: Wolverin.
Summary: You just wanted to survive, not create a harem!!
I decided to write about my favorite super-heroes, since I just watched, -not completly yet-, and don't ask me why I never watch it before (because I was too young back then).
requested: no, if there was any mistake please tell me.
warning: requests are opened, mention death, and other things, mistakes....abuse.
fanfiction, still not edited.
2181 words. WOW.
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Waking up from your beauty sleep, you felt tired to stand up, but as you saw what time it was, you jumped as fast as possible, the sleepness already leaving you body.
It was 11 a.m and you were late, too late. Today you were supposed to meet the wolverine and his brother to convince them to leave with you. Of course, you had taken permission,with the help of your new power, but you needed to stay quite, you shouldn't speak until you were given permission. You were okay with that, because what would say to any one them, hey I am a big fan of yours?
Laughing at the thought you put on some military clothes. You weren't a fan of showing much of your skin, even with this perfect body that you now have. That's why you were wearing male clothes. It was confortable and easy to move in, and for the other clothes that you brought and modified a little, were still waiting for the right moment ti be used.
You knew runnig will not help you now, so you decided to fuck it, and use teleportation. Which you found out later one to be the best option.
_took your sweet time.
_Major William Stryker!
He give you one of his rare smile, before patting your head.You took the seat next to him, trying to et confortable with a ride that may take two hours.
_If you were one minute late we would have left without you.
His smile soon disappeared and was replace it but a blank expression, as he signaled for the driver to start the car. You knew, he would have, not because of him been an impatient man, but because he doesn't even want you to be there.
As you expected the ride was long and boring,and while Major Stryker was re-reading the files of the two men, you found yourslef sleeping just half an hour through the ride.
Rubbing your right eye, to try and get ride of the blurness, you walked by Major side, looking around with a disgusted face. Everything was dirty, you can even see some rats running around with what you assumed to be a peace of meat in there mouth.
As you passed, soldiers were looking at you either with confusion,what a woman doing here?, or with lust, which you hated, but ignored to not start a fight.
Once in front of sell, Major signaled for the soldier to open the door, which he did with his eyes not leaving your face.
Major was the first to walk in, before you did. You tried as much as possible keeping a poker face which happened to be hard as both of the brother turn your way.
You couldn't see it but there eyes widen as you enter, an angel, that's what they thought you were. Your hair was on high ponytail, you eyes were light blue instead of there usually color from nervousity. which made you look like a angel to both of them.
-My name is Major William Stryker. The man standing in front you spoke, gining there attention back to him.
_You've been charged with k*ll a senior officer.Is that correct?
_Apparently, we have some issues with authority… The eldery spoke, his eyes sliding to you. You didn't even notice him, since you were busy watching the rat on his arm, with much disgust, which suprisendly didn't reflect on your face or your eyes.
_Just keep a lid on it.
Wolverine looked at his brother warning him to keep it shut.
William was amused, and you knew he could see it, that unlike, the youngest, Victor was more blood thirsty and with just few words he would be able to get him, and if he did, the youngest will follow.
_The warden tells me that your sentence was carried out by a firing squad at 1000 hours.How'd that go?
From taht point you blocked there convversation, you were bored, which suprised you since you were in presence of the main character and his evil brother.
_I'm putting together a special team with special privileges.
William said, as he bravely looked you from where he was, before continuing, which caught both of the brothers attention. Making them look at each, silently communicating with each other.
_Now, tell me, how would you like to really serve your country?
You were all the plan, and like in the car you were sitting on Major William's right side just next the men, who bickered like children.
you warn Wade pointing at fingure at him, with eyes as red as blood. He was about to make a comment that you weren't ready to hear. You weren't ready to hear none of there bickery, beacsue somehow, God thought it will be a good idea to call you, for a mission, just as you all left the small prison, to give the brothers a moment to shower and get ready.
You were exhausted by the moment you came back. You felt as if someone was hitting with a hammer in every inch of your body.
-Bradley, take her down.
Major spoke refering to the plan, which he immidiatly did, making James feel much worse. You had complitly forgot how the man hated flying in the first movie.
_Gentlemen, wheels down in Lagos in five.
Major annouced, before patting on the head as he saw how tired you were. …………………………….
Once there you somehow found yourslef between the two brothers. Which you were sure was not where you were supposed to be.
_Why are we here?
James asked snapping you out of your thoughts.
_All in good time.
Major responded uncaring, because he knew once the man knew what they were ready to do, will surely leave, but wiil (Y/N) do the same? Major thought.
_(Y/N). You snapped your head to Major, who called your name like a father would.
-I want you to… The other couldn't hear what he whispered to you, but when your eyes light up they thought it's something good for you. You soon disapeared in front of there eyes, but before they could react, Major William, turned to Zer, giving him permission to do what his best at, shoot the enemies.
Meanwhile, you were inside in the room, where so many workers were cheeking the diamons, to see if they were real or not. Unfortunatly, for them you weren't there for diamons.
You stood near the window whatching as Victor climbed the building like it was a tree. You let out a small laugh, not like anyone could hear you or see you, before you got back to your mission, which was simple, read mind. It was supposed to be Bradley, but he was needed down there.
Putting two fingures on the man forehead, you got thrown in his memories. One by one, you saw how he meet his wife, how he acted with his daughter, and he was the cause of many death, you tried not to break your focus from staying invisible from the eyes of the guards as you digged more inside the man head, until you heard the elevator door open, with a small ding. Soon you heard the sound of gun and swords, which you assumed to be from the guards and Wade.
-If you didn't have that mouth on you, Wade, you'd be the perfect soldier.
Major commented before he called your name, making your coat of invisibily fall.
He asked.
_I wouldn't do that if I was you, brother.
The teleportation man said as he stopped the mafia boss, or whatever the man that you read his mind was, from taking a hold of his gun.
_Thank you. You smiled at him, he just saved your life. Maybe you should take God's offer and bring your details in your memories back.
_He brought it from a small village, far inland, three days from here.
You spoke throwing the black rock on the desk.
_You did good.
He praised you with a small pat on your head, making you glare at him, but he wasn't looking his eyes were more focused on the thing on his hands.
You turned you head, trying to avoid the dark emotions comming from the Major, but you were meet with Login's eyes on you, or james as he is called now.You give him a smile, which he return.
For login that smile moved something inside of him, he almsot chuckled when he knew what it was, a silly crush. Looking at you more, he tried to take in all of you, your eyes that changed back to there origine color, you hair that was the same since morning, your hands that you hide in you trouseres pocket, your lips that pouted in mesary, as the Major patted your head.You were a much shorter than him, if you weren't the boots.
Leaving the building, you stood by team side, sitting this time beside login and his brother, who seem to take a liking to you.You would if you didn't remeber how he killed Bradley, with no mercy.
_Let me help.
You softly spoke, as you put a hand on Logan's shoulder. Taking away his motion sickness, which helped him relaxe for the first time.
_Thank you.
He gifted you a shy small, and that's how you two found yourself making small conversations, unware of the jealous eyes, of both Victore and Wade.
few days later, you arrived in the small village, and you asked youself for the first time who you should follow, the man who helped you, or the main character?
You let out a sigh of ditress, catching Logan's attention. Who put a hand on your shoulder trying to consul you,, which you reponded by a forced smile, and before he could ask you run to the MMajor's side.
_He says it came from the sky.
Wade translated what the man said.
_He is telling the truth.
Logan spoke observing the kneeling man expression.
_You don't know the language, Logan.
Major's spoke, like he was telling Logan to shut it. of couse, LOgan didn't see it, but he shut his mouth any way, looking at his brother, begging him tos top whatever will happen. Which Victor responded to with a grin.
_It's a meteor fragment.
He whispered catching Major's attention on you.
_I know what it is.I am asking where he found it.
Of course, he knew. He was the one who send it to the laboratory for an examination before coming to the inland.
Just like last time you shut there conversation,, focusing more on the desiscion that you will soon have to take. You either choose, Logan, the man you had the pleasure to know more, that what ythe T.V shown about him, or Major William Stryker, th eman who become more like a father to you. It was a hard choice.
Hearing a scraem you snapped to see Victor holding the man by his neck, you for once remebered what would happened so with no hestation, you push Victor back, before putting a shield on the people. unfortunatly, some of them were already injured or dead.
_You promised!
You looked at the man you saw as a father, with so much disapointement.
Major screamed catching on what you will did, but it was too late, you send all of them the base with a wave of your hand, before they could hurt any more.
Turning to the people, you acted shock when you saw Logan. You knew he didn't want to hurt anyone, but you acted like it.
_I don't want to hurt anyone!
He screamed as he held his head high.
_If you don't beleive me, you can read my mind!
He tried to convience you, it was a very tempting suggestion. Sighing to stepped in fornt of him, before touching his head, going inside of it. You closed yur eyes to help you concetrate, which cased you to miss how his eyes traveled from your lips to your every inch on your face.
Now that he saw you from a this distance, your faces almost touching. He couldn't lie, he did have a not so tiny crush, but you were so much younger than him.
_I am as old as you are, maybe more.
You whispered, your eyes now opened, focusing shamessly on his lips. Which suprised him, he was focusing on guessing the tast of your lips that he forgotten himself.
Feeling bold, you give him a small peck on the lips before, turning to help the injuried people who needed medical attention.
It took Login by suprise, he wasn't sure if he should take that as a hint that you felt the same as him, or it was just a heat of a moment, but you didn't look like someone who would kiss just because.
Lincking his lips, he promised to ask you later and maybe get another taste of your lips, and this time it wouldn't just a peck.
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Wolverine x Reader part six
 “Okay, calm yourself, and focus.” You told yourself. “And don’t look down.” Your eyes strained to look ahead as you held onto the tree top for dear life. Thinking you’d get in some late night teleport practice you went out in the yard on your own. Only problem was you had thought you would be able to teleport to the top of the tree and down, but that wasn’t the case. Getting to the top was easy, but once you were up there your mind started to race. ‘What if I catch speed coming down and die?’ ‘What if I never get down and people see me up here in the morning?’       You groaned loudly and resting your head against the tree bark. Closing your eyes, you tried to calm yourself. “Calm,” you repeated aloud. With each deep breath you took, your heart rate calmed, but your bare hands were still gripping the tree. If not for the adrenaline coursing through you, you might have noticed the blood on your hands from gripping the rough bark so hard.       “Focus,” you told yourself, “focus on anything but the tree. A cold breeze blew through the tree, a dog barked off in the distance, the sound of a branch snapping below you. Wait. What.       When you looked down you saw the sound came from the ground and not the branch you stood on. Logan was on the ground below. He was about ten feet away from the tree base, smoking and looking off in the distance.       “I thought schools didn’t allow smoking on campus.” You joked to yourself quietly. Not quietly enough though, apparently, because as soon as you ended your sentence Logan’s head snapped around to look in your direction. A few branches covered and kept you from his direct glare.       His metal claw revealed themselves with a quick ‘snikt’. “Who’s there?” He called his voice unwavering.       You cursed at yourself mentally. “I… I am.” You answered timidly.       “And that would be?”       “(Y/n),” you hung your head in shame.       Another ‘snikt’ noise and his claws disappeared as Logan made his way to the tree. “Why are you out here so late?”       “I’d thought I’d get in some extra practice teleporting before more kids come back before the summer is over.” You smiled, embarrassed.       “And that’s why you’re in a tree?” He inquired.       You took a deep breath. “I’m stuck,” you confessed looking at him for some kind of help.       He stared at you for a few seconds, before what you could have sworn was a smile appeared on his face. “I’m not exactly the climbing type, with metal bones and all, but I can go get Kurt and he can-”       “Please don’t!” You interrupted him. He looked at you quizzically. “I uh… I don’t want any students to see me like this. I’ll find a way down, I-” This time you were the one interrupted as you heard another snapping noise. This time coming fromt the branch right under your feet.       Before you knew it your eyes were wide and you were plummeting towards the earth, hitting a few branches on the way. When you reached the bottom you hit something hard, not rock hard Earth, but still something hard. You looked around to see Logan had caught you at the last second.       “Oh my God!” Realising this, you practically jumped from his arms onto the ground and stood up with your bare hands in the air.       Another confused look left Logan’s face.       You lowered your hands. “Oh, geez, sorry. I just didn’t want to…” You frowned at your bruised and bleeding hands.       “I understand.” Logan turned and began to walk away. He got a bit away from you before you looked up.       “Logan?” He didn’t look back.       You teleported to catch up with him. “Thank you for catching me,” you looked at your hands while you walked beside him. “I’m still trying to get used to these powers, and until I am, I don’t want to risk touching another person's skin, it’s too painful.”       Images of Logan’s claws flashed in your mind. “Do they hurt?” You asked looking at his hands.       His hand tensed then relaxed. “Only for a second.” He replied gruffly.       You had to speed walk to keep up with him as you two walked towards the house. “I think it’d be nice to heal as fast as you.” Your hands were the focus of your attention, then you looked at Logan who was facing forward.       He stopped walking, you stopped as well.       “Logan?” You asked nervously.       He said nothing but continued into the house. You went inside after him, assuming he wanted space.       “I hope I didn’t offend him in someway,” You talked aloud to yourself as you walked to find some tweezers to clean up your hands.       You sat on the kitchen counter next to the sink pulling out your splinters and running your hands under cold water. All the lights were off, the moonlight shining in through the windows was enough. Quietly you worked until all the splinters were out, bandaged your hands, and slipped your gloves on.       The old leather gloves reflected the light of the moon, you moved them around fascinated by the way they looked. Suddenly someone walked into the kitchen making you jump. Seeing that it was Logan calmed you down for a second, though your heart was still racing.       Sighing, you placed a hand over your heart. “Are you following me?” You joked, but as soon as you did, Logan turned around and left.       Your eyebrow quirked. “Okay then.”       The next morning at breakfast you moved the scrambled eggs around your plate with your fork and sighed.       “Are you okay, (y/n)?” Jean asked noticing your lack of interest in your food.       “Hmm? Oh, I didn’t sleep well.” You told her. It wasn’t exactly the truth. Sleeping after seeing someone's memories was difficult, minus the two days you had passed out. You didn’t like seeing someone else's past in your dream, so staying awake was a better option.       When you got up to leave the table you noticed Logan walking by outside. You stopped to observe him.       Jean looked from you to Logan, and back to you. “(Y/n)?” She asked watching you stare at him.       “What’s his story?” You suddenly ask sitting back down to Jean looking at her.       “Logan? Well, he keeps to himself mostly. I don’t really know much about him, but the Professor trusts him and that’s enough for me.” Jean took a sip of her orange juice.       Looking from Jean back to Logan you hummed. “Something about him… I feel like…”       You didn’t finish your thought when your cell phone in your pocket rang. “Excuse me.” You and Jean smiled at each other and you teleported to the door and walked outside.       “Did you forget you have a phone?” Tony’s voice rang from the other side of the phone.       “What happened to hello?” You scoffed.       “Hello comes when you call for a change. You’ve been there for almost a month and I’ve heard from you once, and I called you then too.” Iron Baby wined.       “Well I’ve been busy,” You half walked/half teleported over to a nearby bench to sit. “I assume you’ve been busy too. Was that thing in New Mexico you? I had been meaning to call and ask.”       “I had nothing to do with that. I’ve been working on the Stark Tower in New York though. No thanks to you.” Tony joked.       “You know I would just be getting in the way if I was there. That’s why you have Pepper.” You kicked at some pebbles near your feet.       “Who told me, by the way, that you’ve been texting her and not me. Honestly I’m kind of hurt.” He joked.       “(Y/n),” someone said your name from behind you making you jump up.       “Oh my God!” You exclaimed turning around to see Logan.       “Are you okay?” Tony asked concerned.       “The Professor wants to see you.” The gruff man informed you before he walked away.”       A hand was over your heart to try and calm yourself.       “(Y/n?)” Tony called out.       “I’m here, I’m fine,” you replied while letting out a breath you weren't aware you were holding in. “Someone just surprised me.”       “Who was that? He sounds familiar?” Your brother inquired.       “One of the other teachers. He seems to scare me every time we're around each other,” you realised. “But the Professor wants to see me so I should be going.”       “Alright, just, try to contact me more will ya? And stay away from that guy if you’re scared of him, Go with your gut.”       Laughing you told him, “I’ll text you later. Bye.”       As you made your way to the Professor's office, occasionally teleporting, your brothers words ran in your head. You wouldn’t say you were afraid of Logan, but your heart did race. He was so mysterious, and kind of reminded you of a feral animal. As well as, almost kind of sad, like he had suffered a great loss. But he looked like he couldn’t be that old, how much loss could he have gone through. Had his wife left him for another man? Maybe his wife died? Maybe- Oh! You were at the Professor's office already.       You knocked before entering. “You wanted to see me, sir?”       “Yes, (y/n), come in, please.” He said with a smile.       You walked in and closed the door behind you, teleporting halfway to a chair in front of his desk.       “I’m glad to see your getting more comfortable with your powers.” The Professor moved from behind his desk to in front of the chair you were sitting in.       “Teleporting yes, the other one… Not so much.” you looked down at your gloved hands.       “I wanted to talked to you about your psychometry. I think I found a way for you to practice it safely and comfortably.” The professor wheeled himself over to the window and picked up a small potted flower before bringing it to you. “I’d like you to try and use your psychometry on the flower.”       Looking skeptically at him you took the flower pot from his hand, then removed a glove. You reached out and hesitantly touched the flower. Nothing happened.       “Close your eyes and focus.”       So you closed your eyes, gently grasping the flowers velvety petal between two fingers. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Only the flower was in your mind, you saw it, you felt it. Warm gentle light caressed you as you saw the flower grown from a seed. It grew and stretch, just like waking up and stretching in the morning, refreshing and new. You saw day and night flash in your mind up until the moment you touched it.       Your eyes fluttered opened and you gasped. “Professor!” You exclaimed a big smile grew on your face eyes watering. It took everything in you to not hug the man right then and there. “That was beautiful.”       “Your powers are beautiful.” The Professor smiled back at you. “Practice is what you need to make it something you can enjoy. I’m sure with time you’ll be able to focus on certain moments in someone or somethings memory and not have to see all of it.”       Sliding the one glove back on your hand you thanked the Professor, and ran outside to see what you could learn about the trees and single blades of grass. With Logan, all the time, watching from a distance.
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dividedwecantfall · 6 years
Pay It Forward
A/N: I wrote this a while ago and it’s been sitting in my drafts. But since I wanted content for while I’m at camp, I decided to post it. I still hate parts of it, but I’m just going to be done criticizing it.
Summary: Female reader is reunited with someone from her past. But he doesn’t remember her.
Warnings: Sexual Harassment
You closed your eyes, pretending to be okay. Though you were pretty sure everyone knew it was a lie.
Some people seem to base their entire life around embarrassing people. But that's what you got for hanging around places like this.
"You hear me baby? You wanna blow this joint? You deserve better than these people, you know what I mean?"
"Please," you managed to say, your voice getting shakier every second, "I don't-"
"Pretty girls should just do what they're told," he hissed.
Suddenly, he jumped back from you. You turned to see a strong, though certainly not tall, man standing behind you, staring down the creep.
"Excuse me," the stranger spat in a low voice, "but I don't like the idea of someone messing with my sister."
"Sorry man," the coward shook. "I didn't know- You see I wasn't- I thought-"
"Now you know. Beat it. I don't want to see you ever again, understand?"
"Yes sir," and with that, he bolted out the door.
"Thanks. You really didn't have to-"
"And you would have stood up to him?"
"No. I don't know what would have happened."
"I have an idea." You almost would have thought that he smirked.
You shivered. You didn't want to think about it. "Let me buy you a drink. I really am thankful. I couldn't live with just walking away."
"Don't. Pass it on, kid."
"Can you at least tell me your name?"
"James Howlett."
"Thank you James."
You never forgot the kindness the stranger showed. It was magical somehow.
That certainly wasn't your last harassment, but it was the beginning of a new method. You had been practicing for years.
Now you sat at the same bar, not alone this time, and swirled your drink. You smiled at the fond memories this place now held. It didn't seem like such a dump anymore.
Your attention shifted to a group of girls, all falling over themselves. You rolled your eyes, going to get a better look at the guy that had found such favor.
You frowned as you saw a slender young man with dark hair in the center of the covey, obviously uncomfortable.
Without a second thought, you slipped into the circle. "Hey, John, you almost ready to go? Or you having too much fun?"
He stared at you, brows furrowed. He obviously hadn't caught on yet.
"Hey, we were here first," a heavily made up girl hissed.
"Actually, you came in ten minutes ago. Ask the bartender and he'll tell you that the two of us came in long before you. Plus, I have the right to talk to my own boyfriend."
"Is she really your girlfriend?"
"Um- I mean- Yeah."
You wanted to let out a sigh of relief. He finally caught on. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders. Turning towards the girls, you put on an obviously fake smile and said, "Now. Kindly beat it."
"John?" He asked, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.
"Hey, I was on the spot. I'm Y/N."
"Kurt. Thank you Y/N. Can I-"
"I'm perfectly capable of buying my own drink. You've had enough trouble tonight. Just pay the kindness forward. Can you do that, right?"
He nodded, and briskly walked out.
You went back to your friends, but Kurt and James now occupied your thoughts. These two strangers couldn't be connected, but you felt they were.
When you were finally on your way home, you were completely consumed in your own little world. You didn't become aware of reality until you bumped into something. Or, better put, someone.
"You lost little lady?" His condescending tone stung, but not as much as your racing heart, now remembering parting ways with your group.
"Nope," you replied, as coolly as possible. "I know exactly where I am. You seem to be the one who is lost."
"Yeah, maybe you could help us."
You wanted to scream when a second set of hands grabbed you from behind, but you couldn't make a sound. You kicked but they held on tight, limiting your breathing. You eventually hung limp, giving up.
This is how you would go out: Alone. Your eyes fell closed, not wanting them to see your tears. Your nose filled with a peculiar but not unfamiliar smell.
Immediately having been released, you looked around. Your attackers were nowhere within sight.
In the blink of an eye, you too had been moved blocks from where you had previously stood.
"You alright?"
"Kurt! How did you?"
"Never mind, we have to go. They are coming."
"Who's coming? And what happened to your skin it's-"
His hand shot up to his cheek. He looked scared for a moment. "Are you scared of me?"
"It's hard to be afraid of a hero. I was just wondering if it was normal."
"What's normal anymore? I'm..."
"Just fine," you smiled, deciding that now wasn't a good time to bring up his tail.
"I guess the good deed is back to you."
"Ah, man!" You fake protested.
"C'mon kid, the feds'll be here any minute," a voice, strangely familiar, said behind you.
Kurt nodded and walked past you.
You turned and found yourself face to face with a scruffy, middle aged man.
He stared at you, his gaze cold. "You okay? You seem a bit delirious."
You looked him straight in the eye. He had the composure of a stranger, but the face of a friend. "Don't you remember me? You saved me not ten years ago."
"You remember my past?"
"We've met before, James."
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characterxreader · 8 years
My Aphrodite (LoganxChubby!Reader)
Request: Could you write me a cute Logan(Wolverine) x Chubby!Reader where the reader is being teased by some girls at the park and logan defends her and some kisses happen? Thanks!
Warning: Reader made fun of, some discouragement about bodies, and anything else I forgot to mention.
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  You folded your arms around your stomach, a frown stuck on your lips. The girls in front of you giggled and smirked. Of course you could hear what they said.
  Of course they were skinny. Perfect. So that gave them full rights to make fun of you for being... well, imperfect. They were young, tall, skinny. They had flawless skin and perfect makeup. You wished you could look like them. Be like them.
  No. No, you didn’t want to be like them. They were brats. Horrible people. You did not even know them, but you knew enough from the way they acted.
  You sat on the park bench, struggling to ignore them as you read your book. Well, more like the same sentence over and over again. Fury built up inside your chest. Water burnt your eyes, and you could not see the pages anymore.
  And they just stood there, laughing away.
  “(Y/n)?” You flinched, knowing the voice. You did not dare look up. “(Y/n), are you okay?”
  “Go away, Logan,” you said quietly, knowing full well he could hear. You clamped the book shut and stood up. You began to talk away before you felt his hand latch onto yours.
  “(Y/n), look at me.” You turned to look at him, and then you lost it. The tears flowed down your cheeks, and Logan pulled you close and into his embrace. “Hey, hey, it’s alright. I heard them, and I’m going to take care of them.”
  You heard the sound of his claws popping out of his knuckles, and you looked at his face with wide eyes. “Don’t--Logan! They... they don’t deserve that.”
  “I wasn’t going to hurt them.” He smirked, raising his hands so the girls would see. Their eyes grew wide and they quickly walked away. “Just intimidating them is enough.”
  A laugh passed through your sore lips. “Thanks, I suppose.”
  “You suppose?” Logan pressed his lips against your own gently, careful not to hurt you in any way. Then he pulled away and tucked your hair behind your ear. “C’mon,” he added with a gentle smile, “let’s get out of here.”  No one else was in the park. They must have either seen Logan or they thought it was getting late. Logan held onto your hand and guided you out of the park.
  You rubbed the tears out of your eyes all the way back to the Mansion, which wasn’t too far away. He coddled you with gentle words, mumbling that you were so beautiful. And that was the truth. Those girls didn’t know what they were talking about.
  “And, yeah, you might not see yourself as beautiful, which is stupid, but have you seen the statue of Aphrodite? Have you heard that even though you or other people may not see you as worldly beautiful today, that if people looked like you thousands of years ago, a war would be fought over their beauty? Heck, even a couple of decades ago, I know women that were thought to be beautiful were, in fact, less worldly beautiful than you.”   A smile tugged its way onto your face. “No, I never thought of it like that.”
  “Keep thinking about that.” You both reached the entrance to the mansion. Before he opened the door, Logan wiped the tears off of your face with his thumb. “You should always think about it like that. Because your are beautiful--on the inside and out. Please don’t ever change that. I love you, and so does everybody here. Not as much as me, though.”
  You giggled, causing Logan’s eyes to brighten. “There’s that laugh I love to hear.”
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Wolverine x Reader part four
 When you awoke you were in a dark room. You weren't really sure what room it was, though it wasn’t yours. At least you didn’t think so. Where were you again?              You sat up in the bed you were in but stopped when your head throbbed.              “Tony?” You called out in a weak voice without thinking, and rubbed the sides of your forehead, trying to ease the pain.              Suddenly the door to the room you were in opened and light came flooding in. You held your hands in front of your eyes and groaned.              “Ah, (y/n), you’re finally up.” You heard Professor Xavier say.              You moved your hands down to see the man that was addressing you. Your eyes slowly adjusting to the light.              “What happened?” You asked softly. Even the light sound of your voice would hurt your head.              “You accidentally used your powers on Kurt.” He said nonchalantly.              “I… I what?!” Your voice could be heard all the way down the hallway and your head throbbed even harder.              “Now, now, (y/n), theres no reason to be upset.” The professor assured you.              “No reason to be upset?” You stood up. “No reason to be upset?!” You repeated even louder, then started pacing back and forth in front of the professor. “I ‘accidentally’ used my powers? How unsafe does that sound!? Like, oops sorry I accidentally saw your whole past and your darkest secrets? Totally not cool, and-” you stopped in your tracks and looked over to the man watching.”              “Ohmygosh I totally forgot to ask is Kurt okay? And how’d I get in this room, and…” You stopped again sitting down on the bed putting your elbows to your knees and cupping your chin in your hands. You spoke quietly. “Maybe Tony was right. Maybe coming here was a bad idea. My mutations are probably just more of a burden than a gift. I should just go home.” Tears started to form in your eyes.                Professor Xavier rolled closer to you and put his hand on your shoulder, but was careful not to touch your skin. “(y/n).” He said firmly. “You have no need to worry. This school was made so you could have a safe place to learn to control your powers.”              You looked into his eyes to see he was nothing but sincere.              “I believe that with enough training and practice you will be able to control your psychometry to where you won’t even need to wear gloves, and making skin contact with another person will not affect you.” He smiled kindly.              You sniffed and wiped a tear away from your eye. “You really think so?”              “I know so.” The professor said confidently, and withdrew his hand from your shoulder. He began to leave the room and leave you with your thoughts, but when he was almost out the door, he stopped. “Oh, and don’t worry about Kurt. He woke up many hours before you and he is feeling fine. But you should go to your room and get some real rest. I’m sure the others will have many questions for you tomorrow.” And with that he left you alone in the dark room.              You sat there for a few minutes thinking over what happened. “Was soll ich tun?” You thought aloud. Wait. What? “Was soll ich tun?” You repeated again, then groaned loudly. Great not only did you get all of Kurt’s memories, you also got his German language stuck in your head.              You closed your eyes and some of his more recent memories flipped through your mind. You saw one from the day you met him. He was standing around talking with Rogue and Kitty.              “Woah! You like already got to meet her? Totally unfair!” Kitty moaned.              “What’s she like?” Rouge asked in her southern drawl.              Kurt thought for a second. “Hmmm, vell. I did not get to talk to her much…” The two girls sighed. “But I’ve decided I’m going to marry her.” Both the girls laughed at him.              “Oh, Kurt. That’s too funny.” Kitty said between gasps for air. “Isn’t she like way older than us?”              Kurt crossed his arms with a huff “True love always finds a way and besides-”              You pulled yourself out of the memory with a sigh. The last thing you needed was a teenage boy chasing after you. You had enough to worry about.              You finally stood up from the bed and decided to go get a cup of water and then head to your room. When you walked out of the room you closed the door behind you. Looking at the sign above the door you see it was the nurses office. ‘Do they even have a nurse here?’ You thought to yourself, turning around to head to the kitchen, but you froze. You didn’t recognize this part of the school. The sun was already setting as well, and everything looks different at night. Also not to mention the lack of lights in the hallways. Just your luck.              You let out an annoyed huff of air then sulked off to try and find somewhere familiar in the school.              While you wandered through the empty hallways, your boots made a light echo, which was making your headache even worse. You didn’t even know if it could be called a headache at this point. A memory-ache would probably be a better name for it because it was like a bunch of angry bees swarming around in your head, and every time one got mad it would dive-bomb into your brain and sting it. Then that sting would bring a short memory from your past, or whoever the bee belong too. Yours, Kurt’s, or anyone elses memory you’d ever seen before.              You were in such an intense pain from your head your stomach started to hurt, and you felt like you were gonna barf. Your legs were weaving underneath you and wouldn’t stay straight. Pulling your jacket on tighter you tried to keep yourself warm. Did it get cooler or was it just you? (It was just you. You were getting a fever as well.)              “Why are you betraying me body? This isn’t my fault. I didn’t ask to be born this way. I’m just cold and sad and it’s dark out here and...” Your legs gave out from under you, and you fell to the floor on to your back and your eyes were locked onto the ceiling. “I just wanted a cup of water.” You whined rather loudly.              Suddenly a door next to you slammed opened and you were met with another bright light. You closed your eyes quickly, saw some weird memories, then opened them again with a groan. You didn’t bother looking at who was there              “Oh, it’s you again.” Said an unfamiliar voice.              “Huh?” You lazily asked lulling your head to the side to see who it was, but it was too bright you could only see the silhouette of a man.              “What are you doing on the floor?” He inquired.              “Dying.” You said calmly, sitting up while grabbing your head. He didn’t reply, so you just sighed. “Looking for the kitchen,” you admitted.              He turned and walked back into the room he came from. “You found it.”              You let out a small laugh. Getting up you headed into the kitchen. You got a cup and filled it with water, chugged it down, and repeated about three times. The man watched on with a mix of confusion and amazement.              “Are you okay?” He finally asked after your fifth cup of water.              “I don’t know.” You admitted sadly, looking over to the man. This was your first time getting a good look at him, and you blushed noticing he wasn't wearing a shirt.              He was a handsome but rugged looking man. You felt you had seem him somewhere before, so you quickly searched your mind, but the only memory yours saw with him in it was a small bit of one of Tony’s memories. Digging around in his memories was something you didn’t like to do so you quickly put it from your mind. ‘Wait didn’t he say ‘me again’? How does he know me?’ You thought to yourself.              “I’m, uh, (y/n). By the way.” You turned away from him and back to the sink to get more water.              “I know. I kind of met you earlier.” He wasn’t looking at you, he was looking into his bowl of cereal he was eating across the counter from you.              “What? When?” You turned around shocked.              “When I showed up today everyone was in a panic looking for you, but I had seen you teleport onto the roof when I was driving up to the school.” He replied coldly.              “Oh.” You said, looking down to the floor. Both times he had meet you, you had been on the floor. How embarrassing.              “Name’s Logan.” He said then got up to leave.              “Nice to meet you,” you said softly until your brain smacked you. “W-wait!” You called as he entered the hallway, you ran after him. He looked back at you with a blank expression.              You looked at him them to the floor again. “To be honest with you I’m kinda lost… and my room is close to yours, so is it cool if you lead me back?” You looked at him slightly with a pleading smile on your face.              He just nodded with a grunt. You took that as a yes and followed him through the dark school hallways until you reached the one where your bedrooms both were.              You were so ready for bed that walking was too much work, and without thinking you teleported over to your door. “Thanks, Logan.” You waved with an adorable smile, then teleported into your room straight onto the bed. Your boots were still on when you passed out in the bed, ready to get some relief from your memory-ache.
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Wolverine x Reader part eight
“Stop!” You screamed sitting up in bed, the bright lights blinding you, your head pounding.       “(Y-....-N),” you faintly heard your name through ringing ears.       Your vision was blurry but you made out the shape of two people in front of you. A few second later you saw it was the Professor and Storm.       “(Y/n),” he repeated. “You’re safe now.”       When you looked around you saw you were in a room that looked like a hospital. Your arm was in a sling and your whole body ached. Images a the feral man flashed in your head and you grabbed your head.       “What happened? He was going to take me? Why? Is Logan okay?” You ask quickly, look at the Professor for answers.       “Slow down, (Y/N),” Storm came and sat down next you you on your bed and laid her hand on your leg gently. The simple touch comforted you. “You and Logan were attacked last night while you were coming home.”       “Sabertooth,” you said plainly and the Professor nodded in agreement.       “I was correcting in assuming you saw all his memories.” This time you nodded in agreement. “Can you tell me what you saw?”       You thought long and hard. “I saw him with an older man, a metal man? And he sent him to come get me. And he was connected to Logan some how… he-”       The Professor cut you off. “I was afraid that was the case. Did you see why he wanted you.”       “No, I didn’t. But why would they want me? I’m not even in full control of my power yet?” You looked at your hands in disbelief.       “I’m not quite sure.” He told you honestly. “But for whatever reason, it can’t be good.” He wheeled his chair closer to you. “Just to be safe, I think it would be a good idea for you to stay on school ground until we get to the bottom of why this happened.”       You nodded again. “You should get some more rest,” Storm said, getting up to leave with the Professor.       When they were almost out of the room you called to them. “Wait!” They stopped and looked at you. “Is Logan okay?” You inquired.       The Professor chuckled. “Yes, Logan is just fine.” Then him and Storm left.       Laying back you stared at the ceiling. Your head was still pounding as you tried to push the man referred to as Sabretooth. Some memories you saw Logan in. They were always fighting…       After being all patched up you headed to your room to change before class. Although when you ran into Jean and Scott in the hallway they tried to convince you to take the day off. You thought it would set a bad example to the children in your class if you were to miss only the second day of school.       You struggled to get your shirt over your head, you had never had your arm in a sling before and any wrong move sent pain down your spine. After getting on a clean shirt you then had to struggle to get your pants on. You had road burn down the side of your leg and your arm that wasn't in the sling, as well as some cuts and bruises on your face. Some time later you were almost ready to go when your phone rang.       In a hurried limp you went over to it. “Shit.” The screen read ‘Incoming facetime from Tony ‘Iron baby’ Stark. Your finger hit the decline button and sent him a text.       About to start class. I’ll call you later tonight. All is well.       It felt weird lying to your brother. Well, sort of lying. All was well in a sense that you were fine. Sure a giant man tried to kidnap you last night and you might have almost died, but you didn’t.       Shoving your phone in your pocket you hurried out your door. The hallways were quiet since most kids were already in class. You tried your best to hurry to your class, even though there was a slight pain in your step.       When you got to your class all the kids were chatting until one saw you and gasped. They all fell silent. You didn’t blame them, Your look was a lot different from yesterday. Yesterday you looked like a normal teacher and today you had on sweatpants, a long sleeved shirt with your arm in a slings, with your hair tied up in a messy bun, the best you could manage.       “Like, what happened?” Kitty spoke up.       You awkwardly stood in the door frame of the room for a minute before entering. “Right…” You hadn’t really thought what to tell them what happened. Should you tell them that you and another teacher were attacked by another mutant? Probably not the best idea to tell young mutants, probably some just as afraid of their powers as you are.       Standing in front of your desk you cleared your throat and addressed your students. “Sometimes,” you began, “things happen in life that you can't control.” Some of the students groaned knowing they weren’t going to get a straight out answer. “Sometimes you just have to deal with what life throws at you and carry on.”       The students in front of you murmured a little then fell quiet again, then all of their attention shifted to the door frame. You looked over to see Logan standing right outside. His eyes met your then he walked away.       The murmuring started up again this time much louder with a few children saying something about ‘Mr.Logan’ in a hushed whisper. You let them continue for a few minutes, sighing at the thought of you at their age.       “Alright, alright,” You raised your voice over theirs. “We did our talking yesterday. We have work to do.”       The class groaned and books were passed out. You sat at your desk writing a few thoughts down as your students read the first few chapters of a book you assigned. Looking out the class window you spaced out for a few minutes, wondering about the events of last night, and of the mysterious Logan who always seemed to be there to save you. A figure moving in the distance caught your attention. Sure enough it was Logan, he was on his motorcycle headed off of school grounds. Seeing him leave made you feel a little less safe.       As soon as your last class of the day was done you limped back to your room. You sat down on your bed and grabbed your phone to return your brother’s phone call. It didn’t take long for him to answer, about half of a ring.       “What’s your deal?” Was how he greeted you.       “Excuse me?” You half laughed back at him.       “You said you’d keep in touch yet this is only, what? The third time I’ve heard from you.” He sassed you.       “Just take my radio silence as everything is going good. Because it is.” You kicked your shoes off and laid back on your bed.       “So I should just assume because you’re not talking to me you're okay? You could be dead for all I know.”       You yawned. “Tony listen, I am sorry I haven’t been calling. I’ll try to keep in contact better but,” another yawn escaped your lips. “I’m so tired I had a late night last night.”       “Alright I’ll let you go.” He sighed.       “Hey, Tony?” You considered telling him what happened last night, but knew he would fly down to the school and make a scene.       “Yeah?”       “Love you, Iron Baby.”       “Love you Starketta.”       When your phone call was over you fell asleep, and when you finally awoke you felt like death. The sun had already set. You went over to your window and opened it. A cool breeze wafted in, causing you to shiver. Soon after your stomach growled.       You inhaled a deep breath of fresh air then closed your window. The door to your room creaked opened as you exited, making your way down the dark quiet halls to the kitchen. The only light you had as you half teleported/half limped can from the moon.       Since you moved into the school you’ve noticed that you’ve been awake more at night than you used to be. Maybe it was the use of your powers that kept you up, or maybe it was all the unplanned naps from exhaustion.       The first thing you did when you got to the kitchen was get yourself a glass of water, chugged it, then got another. You hadn’t felt this bad since, well since you slept for two days after seeing Kurt’s memories.       You pushed some hair out of your face and sighed. Your stomach decided to growl again just to remind you to eat.       “Oh yeah.” You said aloud to yourself before making your way over to the fridge to see if you could find something to eat. Soon you found some stuff to make a simple sandwich.       You sat down ready to eat at the kitchen bar. When you were about halfway done with your meal the door open, startling you. Turning around, you saw it was Logan.       “You scared me,” you held your good hand over your heart and let out a sigh of relief.       “I seam to be pretty good at that.” He made his way to the fridge and grabbed a bottled water.       You continued to eat your sandwich in silence for a minute. Logan was just standing by the fridge in silence. Glancing over at him you noticed he was looking at you.       “What?” You asked mouth half full of sandwich, sounding more annoyed than you meant to.       He let out a soft chuckle. “You look like shit.”       His comment caught you off guard. Your cheeks flushed and you froze. Sure you were wearing sweatpants and your hair looked like a rat's nest, but you felt the comment was a little unnecessary.       “Well, you try sliding across a road at 50 miles per hour in a pencil skirt and tights and see how you look afterwards.” You pulled your lips into an angry pout and glared at him. “You seem like you’re fine though.”       There was a smirk on his face. “I tend to heal fast.” He opened his water and began to drink.       You turned back to your sandwich, but your stomach now felt full. Partially with butterflies for some reason you couldn't explain.       Only the hum of the refrigerator and the soft call of a bird off in the distance could be heard inside the kitchen for a few minutes. Neither you or the man choosing to speak for while, until you decided to break the silence.       “The man from last night…” You began.       “What about him?” His smirk was gone.       “I saw you in his past.” You looked at the ground.       “I’ve had a few run ins with Sabretooth before.” Logan grunted.       “I saw the fights you have had, but I saw something else too.” Your hand moved to your head, trying to recall. “And… I…” You looked over to see that Logan had balled his hands into fists, crushing his now empty water bottle.       You quickly looked back at the ground. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have said anything it’s not my business, your past with him...”       “Tell me what you saw.” Logan commanded. When you looked at him you saw he was looking at you with a mix of anger and fear in his eyes. His body stiff.       “I…, um…,” You closed your eyes and tried your best to remember. “It’s kind of hard to say,” you told him honestly. “Part of Sabretooth's memories aren’t fully there. It feels like he had so many, then something incredibly painful happened, then most of them are gone.” Pausing you kept your eyes shut. Listening for Logan, you could hear his breathing.       “The part where something incredibly painful happened… You were there for it. I can't see exactly what, but, I feel like the same thing happened to you.” Suddenly a jolt of pain shot into your head causing you to call out in pain, almost knocking you off your stool.       “Hey,” Logan moved closer and placed his large hand on your back to sturdy you, being careful to not touch your skin.       You couldn’t help but to tense up at the feeling of his touch, causing him to pull away. You looked at him with sympathetic eyes. “I’m sorry,” you shook your head. “I’m not used to human contact, as weird as that sounds…”       He took a step back. “Are you okay?”       “I’ll be fine. But trying to recall memories that aren’t mine can feel weird. And trying to recall someone’s memories who don’t even recall their own memory is painful I guess… I’m now finding out.” You rested your head in your good hand, rubbing your eyes. “Guess I never really tried before, I never really wanted to see my brother’s or Kurt’s past. I try to shove them into the back of my head and never think about them again. It feels like I’m violating their privacy. I wish I could just erase them from my brain but I can’t.” You took a deep breath, then looked over at Logan. His eyes were narrowed and his posture still stiff, hands were back into fists. “I’m sorry I was ranting. If I brought up a painful memory, I really am sorry.”       He started to walk away from you to the door.       “Logan?” You quietly called after him, worried you had offended him.       “Don’t worry about it, kid. Whatever painful memory you saw of his,” he paused for a few seconds looking back at you, “I can’t remember it either.” Then he left the kitchen leaving you alone again.       You layed in bed that night wondering about the connection between Logan and Sabertooth. They both reminded you of animals, not just because their codenames. And both of them, you had found out, had an extremely painful memory they couldn't remember. You thought long and hard about what it could be until your head hurt, and you fell asleep with the sun shining through your curtains.       A few hours after you had fallen asleep someone knocked on your door, waking you up. You grumbled and looked at your phone, seeing that it was morning time already.       “(Y/n)?” Scott’s voice called from the other side.       “Coming,” You said with a yawn, shuffling over to the door.       “The Professor wants to see you.” Scott informed you when you opened the door. Then looked you up and down. “You okay?” He inquired.       “Huh?” with a look down at your clothes you saw just how much of a mess you were. You blushed a little, realising how dumpy you looked. “Tell the professor I’ll be down after I clean myself up.”       Scott said he would relay your message to the professor, and you closed the door. After some struggling with your sling you hopped into your shower. The warm water felt uncomfortable on your road burn but it felt amazing to actually wash off all the dirt and grime that had collected on your skin since your encounter with Sabertooth.       The thought of the beast like man gave you a twinge of pain in your head, you tried to push the thought of him away. After your shower you got dressed in a cute but comfortable sweater, shorts with leggings, and of course your gloves.       You opted to walk to the professor's office instead of teleporting, you felt like it was less energy. When there you knocked once and the door opened. You walked in and saw Logan was the one who opened the door for you, the professor was sitting at his desk.       “(Y/n),” the professor said. “Come have a seat.”       Logan closed the door behind you, and you went to sit down. Logan stood a little ways away from you. His arms crossed and he leaned against a wall.       “You look much better than the last time I saw you.” He gave you a friendly smile. You couldn’t help but think about what Logan had said to you last night, and hope he thought the same.       “Thank you,” You sat in front of the professor. “I feel better.”       “Now, (Y/n),” He said calmly, his smile turned almost into a frown. “I want to ask you about the other day.”       “With Sabertooth.” You inhaled.       The professor nodded. “I know it must have been frightening for you. I promised you and your brother that you would be safe here and I mean to keep that promise.”       “I know you do, but sometimes things happen that we can’t control. I didn’t tell you I was leaving the school’s grounds and there’s no way you could have known I…” You looked over at logan. “That Logan and I were going to be attacked.”       “That’s correct.” The professor agreed with you. “And with you being a teacher here, you don’t have to tell me when you’re going to leave the school’s grounds.” He paused. “But, like I said, for now I think it would be safest for you to stay here since we don’t know what Magneto wants with you.”       You thought for a moment before you spoke. “Professor, who is Magneto?”       This time the professor took a moment before speaking. “He’s a mutant who believes mutants and humans cannot exist together.”       You just hummed in reply. The professor had already said he didn’t know what Magneto wanted with you, and you had no idea why we wanted you either.       “(Y/n)?” he said to regain your attention. You looked up at him “What I really wanted to talk to you about regarding the other day is the use of your powers.”       “Oh… I…” you stammered.       “Just tell me exactly how it happened.” He smiled reassuringly.       “Well,” You began. “A dog came up to me. I knew it had to live close but didn’t have a tag. I pet the dog then we walked around until I found it’s home.”       “Did you pet the dog with or without your gloves on?” He smiled.       “Oh, without.” You smiled shyly. Secretly very proud of yourself for using your powers in a new way.       “Very good, (Y/n).” He praised you. “You seem to be learning to control your powers very quickly. I believe it won’t be long now until you won’t need those gloves any longer.”       Looking down at your gloves hands you smiled. “I really hope so.”
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Wolverine x Reader part three
“Yes, Tony,” you sighed, “I’m settling in fine.” It was the next day and you were sitting on your bed talking to your brother via cellphone.              “Why did it take you so long to call me?” He barked from the other end of the phone, causing you to hold it away from your ear a few inches.              “It was literally only a day? Also because I was settling in?” You sighed running a hand through your hair. Why was he being such a big brother about all this?              “Listen, Iron Baby,” you heard him groan loudly, “I’ve got to go they are going to show me this thing called the Danger Room today, and I don’t want to be late and make a bad impression.”              “Alright, Starketta,” you groaned loudly, “Just keep me updated.”              “Will do. Talk to you later.” You hung up your cell and left it on your nightstand.              After you got dressed for the day, in an outfit not too different from yesterdays, you slipped on your new gloves and smiled. On your way down to get breakfast you bumped into Kurt, quite literally. As you rounded the corner on the final set of stairs you made a sharp turn, bumping your shoulder into his. You fell backwards with a loud thud.              You looked up to see him smiling down at you. “Are you okay?” He offered you his hand.              Smiling back you replied, “Yeah, I’m fine thanks.” You hesitantly put out your hand, but looking at the glove you smiled and grabbed his hand and he helped you up.              The two of you walked to breakfast together. Once in the dining room you saw Jean, Scott, Storm, and then two girls you hadn’t met yet.              “I know you’re late for everything, Kurt,” Scott joked, “But don’t be a bad influence on (y/n).”              You laughed and sat down next to Jean and across from the two kids you didn’t know. “Sorry I took forever to come down, the Iron Baby was holding me up on the phone.”              The girl with the ponytail across from you gasped. “Like, oh my god! You’re totally Iron Man’s sister aren’t you?” She gaped. “He’s like totally dreamy!”              You made a disgusted face and the other girl across the table laughed.              “This is Kitty, and Rogue.” Jean said and motioned to the two girls across the table. “They’ll be with you during the Danger Room session today.”              After everyone had eaten their fill of food you all started to head down to the danger room.              “So. like, what’s your power?” Kitty asked as she walked along side you. Just then Kurt teleported the the other side of you and put his hand on your shoulder. You instantly  pulled away out of habit, but kurt took no mind.              “She's a teleporter, just like me!” Kurt said happily.              “But she doesn’t look like a blue elf like you.” Rogue said jokingly. You noticed the gloves on her hands. ‘Is she like me?’ You thought.              “So, um, if you don’t mind me asking,” you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, “what powers do you two have?”              “You’ll get to see their powers for yourself when we enter the room. For now you all go get changed.” said Scott. Then he and Kurt went off into a different room, and you followed Jean and the other girls into a different room. They all started changing into their uniforms. Jean handed you a yellow uniform.              You changed into it quickly, ready to see the others powers. The uniform was pants, your boots, and a long sleeve jacket that almost reached your wrist but not quite. Even with your gloves on there was an inch of skin showing. When everyone was changed you walked together into a large metal room with a viewing box at the far top side of the room. Storm was standing inside.              After everyone was together in the center of the room, Storm’s voice came onto an intercom. “Since this is (y/n)’s first time we will do something very simple. Just a simple game of keep away. Your target, keep the ball away from one person.”              “That’s actually super simple.” Scott commented. Then a small latched opened and a football fell out.              Kitty ran over and grabbed the ball. “Kurt is it first!” She declared, and everyone scattered.              “Hey no fair!” Kurt shouted as he lunged at Kitty but she fell into the floor. You gasped at her when she reappeared into the same spot, coming out of the floor. Rogue ran over to Kurt and grabbed his shoulder for a second then disappeared into a cloud of smoke. When she reappeared on the other side of the room Kurt tackled her to the ground, but not before she threw the ball to Jean. She caught it easily in her arms. Soon Kurt was right beside her, but the ball was already flying through the air towards Scott. He caught it and quickly threw it in your direction.              As soon as you caught it you froze. You clung the ball tightly to your chest and you could feel something behind you before it was even there. Right before you could focus on where to teleport Kurt appeared behind you.              “Aha, not so fast, are we?” And before you could respond he reached out and grabbed your wrist, not your glove or jacket, the bare skin in between.              As soon as his skin (or fur) had made contact with yours, you both let out blood chilling screams. Visions began to flash before your eyes. You both fell to the ground, the others began to surround you, becoming concerned as to why you were both hurt. You held both your hands over your eyes. All you could see were memories that weren’t yours and it hurt. It felt like someone was drilling into your head. Out of all the times this had accidentally happened it had never felt like this, and the other person had never been hurt, was Kurt okay? Why was this happening.              “Don’t touch me!” You managed to yell as Scott reached out to touch your shoulder.              “(Y/N)! Kurt! What’s wrong!?” Jean asked concerned. She tried reaching out her hand to touch your shoulder, but you quickly stood up and stumbled away.              You looked over your shoulder at the crowd of concerned people. They were all gaping at you. Your eyes were glowing bright white. “S-stay away.” You managed to say between sobs. Scott tried to rush over to help you. But in a split second and a light gust you were gone.              You had teleported up onto the roof. You looked over the school yard trying to calm your self but your body was shaking, eyes stung with tears, and you felt light headed. The light pur of a motor approaching the school was the last thing you remember before you collapsed onto the roof top.
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Wolverine x Reader part seven
“Alright, everyone, please take your seats.” Addressing your students, you walked into your classroom for the year. You wore a button down shirt, cardigan, pencil skirt, leggings, and sensible wedged boots. Somewhere around 20 students sat at desks. You moved to the front of the room to your desk and sat down some books. “Since it’s just the first day we won’t be doing much work.” Some students cheered with this announcement. “I’m (Y/n),” you informed them. “I’d like to get to know each one of you a little bit.”       So your class hour was spent learning all the students names, and powers, and little things like their hobbies and favorite books. You already knew some of the students like Kurt, Kitty, and Rogue. It was a good team building exercise for the class. When class was over you dismissed then but warned, “The real work starts tomorrow.” Some kids groaned as they left.       After two more classes you headed outside to get some fresh air. You found a nice shady spot to sit under a big tree. Removing a glove you placed a bare hand on the base of the tree. Your mind watched it blossom from a small seed into the great tree it was now.       Smiling, you placed the glove back on your hand. Watching the history of plants felt refreshing, opposed to human history which felt draining.       You stretched and laid back on the grass, and closed your eyes. The wind blew through the leaves causing some to fall on your face. Sitting up to shake the leaves off you saw there was a dog sitting a few feet in front of you.       “Hey there cutie,” you patted the ground to see if the dog would come towards you, and it did. The dog came right up to you and wagged his tail, you laughed and started ruffling the dog's fur. “Where did you come from?”       You froze as a crazy thought ran through your head, your hands tensed. “Where did you come from?” You said again, this time more flat.       Pausing, you removed a glove and held your hand over the dog. Your heart was racing, “Show me where you came from.”       Gently resting your hand on the dog’s head you saw a flash. A house not far from the school, a young girl crying for her doggy to not run away. You quickly removed your hand from the dog and gasped.       Closing your eyes you whispered to yourself, “Show me nothing…” and gently pressed your hand back down on the dog.       A gentle breeze blew through your hair. Seconds passed, then a minute. Your eyes fluttered open. The dog sat there under your hand, wagging it’s tail happily.       You pulled your hand away and held it infront of your face. “I… I did it…” You breathed. “I did it!” Yelling, you jumped up and down, the dog running around you in circles and barking. You leaned down and pet the dog again then stood straight, accidently dropping one glove.       “Okay, let’s get you home.” You started walking and the dog followed.       It only took you about an hour of walking before you found the house you had seen a vision of. You knew for sure it was the house when you saw a little girl sitting outside the house crying. As you approached closer the girl looked up.       “Sprinkles?” She cried quietly. The dog by your side barked and ran to her.       “Sprinkles!” She jumped up and ran to her dog. Her yelling had caused her front door to open and her parents came outside.       You walked a little closer with your hands in your pockets. The girl’s parents walked up to you.       “Thank you so much for bringing Sprinkles back home to us.” The girl’s  father said. “My name is James. This is my wife, Elyse, and our daughter, Stephanie.” He stuck out his hand for you to shake.       “I’m (y/n),” you were about to shake his hand but noticed you forgot to pick up your glove, and pulled your hand back. He looked at you quizzically. You looked at the ground. “I’m sorry, I have a sensitive skin condition.” Quickly you lied, well, sort of lied.       “Don’t you worry about that,” his wife said. “Is there any way we could repay you? It must have taken forever to walk around and find Sprinkles home, We didn’t even get him a tag yet.”       “Really it was no problem. I work close to here and knew a healthy and happy dog couldn’t live far.” Another lie escaped your lips. You felt kind of bad lying to these people who were being so kind to you.       A raindrop hit your shoulder.       “I didn’t think rain was in the forecast.” James said holding up his hands to catch a few raindrops.       “Can we at least give you a ride home?” Elyse smiles sweetly at you.       “I live really close, I’ll be home in no time.” You turned to leave. “It was nice to meet you, don’t forget to get Sprinkles a tag!”       You started running back towards the school. With each step the rain seemed to get heavier, and the sky was getting darker. It didn’t take you long to realise you weren’t sure which way the school was.       The road you were walking down was surrounded by woods and had no lights. Soon you heard the roar of an engine and a light blinded you. You stepped out of the way so the car could pass, but slowed down as it got closer to you. Your flight or fight senses were about to kick in when you noticed that it wasn’t a car, but a motorcycle.       Sighing out of relief, you saw that Logan was the driver.       “The Professor sent me to get you,” He told you above the thundering rain, holding out your glove and a helmet.       “Thank you,” you replied grabbing your lost glove with your gloved hand, and slipping it on. Then the helmet.       “How many times am I going to have to rescue you?” He said rather plainly, you weren’t sure if he was joking or not.       “Well,” you replied climbing on the back of the motorcycle. “This is the second time right? So third time's the charm, right?” You joked, and held onto the side of the seat between the two of you. Logan made either and agreeing noise or a chuckle, it was hard to tell.       “You'll fall off that way,” he said, but started to go anyways.       Realising what he meant as he sped from 0 to 60 in just a few seconds, you wrapped your arms around his torso and held on tight.       The rain was pelting down on the two of you as you sped towards the school. All your clothes were soaking wet and freezing, but a warm heat radiated off Logan’s back. You tried to get even closer to him, but he started to slow down. Looking up you didn’t recognize where you were.       “Are we at the school already?” Maybe he’s taking a back way?       “No,” he growled. You could feel the vibrations from his chest on your arms. “Something's not right.”       Not a second later you heard what sounded like a mountain lion roar as you were both knocked from the still speeding motorcycle. You skid across the wet pavement on your side into the ditch. Before you even got up you could hear yelling and fighting.       Scrambling to stand up, you pushed of the helmet. You saw Logan engaged in battle with another man who looked like a wild animal. At first all you could do was stand there in shock as they engaged in hand to hand combat. The other man somehow got the best of Logan and threw him against a tree, knocking it down.       “Logan!” You cried out and tried to move towards him, but winced when you put pressure on your ankle.       The strange man started to make his way towards you and you froze. From behind him Logan jumped onto his back and dug his claws into the man’s shoulders. The feral looking man grabbed Logan by the hand stuck in his shoulder and slammed his body onto the ground.       “Stop!” You yelled at him as loud as you could. But it was too late, Logan laid on the cold hard ground unconscious, if not even dead.       Tears rolled down your cheeks and the man made his way towards you. “Stay away from me!” Your voice cracked you yelled so loud. “I’m warning you!” Taking off your gloves you threw them to the ground.       The man just chuckled and grabbed you by the arm and pulled you up so you were face to face. You took this opportunity to slam both of your hands against his face. His memories started to flood your mind. You both yelled as footsteps approach. When you reached the end of his memories you both fell to the ground.       As you slipped into unconsciousness you could faintly hear someone calling your name.
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