#wtf bioware
hadescavedish · 5 months
I'm planning to romance Kaidan as a gay Shepard in my second run bc I want to watch a pining gay movie.
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I know I'm 84 years late to the party but my god I now understand why people say the Grey Wardens were done dirty in DAI. Like you really made me slaughter part of the order that my Hero of Ferelden spent 10 years rebuilding, lead by a commander who can be reasoned out of her bullshit via one (1) history reference. This hurts on so many levels. My heart
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spainkitty · 1 year
still on my dai shit:
My first (and canon! I refuse to backtrack my first run, Lanil is too important to me) playthrough of DAI, my ruthless little elf mage, determined to consolidate as much power as possible for the Inquisition: chose to save the dreadnought.
I had no idea that choice was coming. I froze in front of my computer for almost 20 minutes, begging my friends to help me choose. Because I knew, my KNEEJERK reaction was: Lanil would save the dreadnought. She'd save the alliance. So I played IC and saved it and then the Chargers died. And then the Iron Bull invited me to their funeral. and I sobbed and sobbed. and then I went to talk to Cullen because I was right by his office, and very jokingly said: boyfriend make me feel better! And accidentally triggered the cut scene that follows up the Perserverance quest, that ends with him asking: how ARE YOU? AND I SOBBED MORE as my ruthless little mage admitted to Cullen, the only person she'd ever show weakness to, "I'm afraid I'm going to fail everyone" and it was so fucking good. It was just. Emotional. Painful. RAW. From standing on that cliff beside Bull, refusing to cry, believing in the Chargers and their last stand, saying good bye to them beside Bull, refusing again to cry or be weak because it's not your place, it's HIS grief, not yours. To finally allowing yourself to be sad, to feel grief, to admitting to that one person how much these deaths have actually affected you.
And then Trespasser. and the Iron Bull--no HISSRAD'S final words to you. And you realize you deserved this. You chose this. He never betrayed you, you betrayed him. And FUCK. that's a good. fucking. STORY.
But in my second run, I decided to play Lanil again but nicer. A bit more like my Cousland who has empathy, and is kind and diplomatic, and always does The Good Thing. And I saved the Chargers. Just to see.
and my guys. my dudes. Maybe I chose the wrong fucking dialogue options but it was bland. Saving the Chargers and the immediate follow up scenes with Bull just... didn't have the same weight. In fact, he kept disapproving of my kindness! 🤣🤣
Lanil to Gatt: We can make it up to Qun.
Gatti & Bull: Fuck you no you can't.
Lanil: OK fair
Lanil: But how ARE you Bull?
Bull: How dare you ask me such a stupid question.
Lanil: uhm?
Bull: Tal-Vashoth. I'm fucking Tal-Vashoth.
Lanil Option A: No, you're the Iron Bull. (me, occ: what kinda trite nonsense...??)
Lanil Option B: Do you regret killing them? ("Do you regret killing them because you became one, or do you think they might’ve been the same as you?") This was PEAK dialogue and I did love the impact of this! But Bull had no fucking approve/disapprove for it. Which. WHAT? His approval at the end was despite you, not because of you. He approves of the Inquisition and its purpose, not of the choice you made to save his fucking family.
I'm holding out for better scenes later. I can see the potential in why Bull reacts the way he does. Him grappling with what his identity is now, how it's made up of PEOPLE instead of Purpose, and how he keeps that in his head (for now?). I love that for all his bluster and boisterousness and empathy, he's actually the best liar and keeps his true feelings so close to his chest. but. this just... wasn't emotional. At ALL. after the horribly wrought pain of scenario A, I wanted more from scenario B. I don't want to REGRET saving the Chargers because it feels like my character accomplished nothing or didn't grow because of it. ALSO HIS TAROT CARD RIPS ME APART. I had more emotional reaction to his TAROT CARD CHANGE. I actually miss the Communism-laden imagery of the other card...
Though. I am really so fucking really happy Krem is alive. that first time of going into Herald's Rest and seeing Krem's chair empty had me bursting into tears.
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The TLDR of Garrus and Shepard's "Romantic" talk...
Shepard: Wanna bang? Garrus: You are my best friend and I think I actually would like to bang. Yes. Shepard: Cool. We're staying best friends tho, right? Garrus: Oh absolutely, of course. That's the most important part Shepard: Oh thank god, that's exactly what I was thinking Garrus: Cool Shepard: Cool Garrus: .... Shepard:... Garrus: So like, I still got guns to calibrate... Shepard: Right! See you later, then ... *Five minutes later* ... Shepard: ...That went really well, right? Joker: Why did you come here to tell me this? I didn't want to know about this Shepard: But what do you think??? Joker, with an exasperated sigh: I would say that went fucking weird, but you two are so fucking weird. So I don't know Shepard: ...Cool
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ferniliciousness · 8 months
I'm halfway through my second playthrough of me1..... WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME THE MAKO HAD A FUCKING CANNON AND NOT JUST THE GUN!!!!! IVE BEEN SHOOTING Colossus WITH THE FUCKINH MINI GUN RHIS WJOLE TIME !!!!!!!! two shots with the cannon thing and it's dead.... I could have saved so much time 😭😭😭
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alilaro · 9 months
not me getting into the Baldurs Gate fandom just so I can romance the silly little vampire twink
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axolotlelle · 2 months
what IS hapenning with the game industry right now this sucks so much
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suburbanlegnd · 10 months
so you're telling me I can't romance Leliana in Dragon Age Inquisition? You've gotta be kidding me
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ammoniteflesh · 10 months
okay. I knew that DA:I handled Dalish stuff abysmally but I had somehow managed to go however many years without learning that that game literally lets you - the leader of a Chantry paramilitary group - DESECRATE DALISH GRAVES as a fun little sidequest.
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lelianaslefthand · 1 year
at the varterral fight in witch hunt…..
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thedragonagelesbian · 11 months
The apologizing to alistair dialogue was so go girl give us nothing
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spainkitty · 1 year
At the very beginning of "What Pride Had Wrought"--
Morrigan: I think this is a Temple of Mythal!!
Lavellan, my Dalish elf, my Dalish elf mage, wearing Mythal's vallaslin on her Dalish elf face: Which is?
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minthara · 2 years
screaming and shitting bc i miss mass effect so much
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Sketches of Kinloch Hold!
I like maps, I like functional logistics, I go nuts when what I'm shown in-game is neither plausibly accurate nor presented in a way that lets me cleanly extrapolate a coherent picture of his things are in-universe.
Therefore, all of this. The tower's not a Circle bc I can't draw those, how sad.
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seeker-of-wonder · 1 year
So I finished Justicar Samara's quest 😅 she is still in my party and everything
I just have to say to Bioware, from the bottom of my heart
What the fuck
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