#yanjun fic
honeyforzhixie · 6 years
Remember me? - Lin Yanjun (masterlist)
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When they first met, Lin Yanjun was a flirty but shy literature major who one day took y/n’s notebook by mistake. However, their time together was cut short the moment he became a member of China’s biggest boy group.
Two years after they disbanded, Nine Percent reunites again for an anniversary comeback. The boys grew up and their fame grew with them. Even y/n created a path of her own becoming the number one stylist in the asian fashion industry.
So when the group desperately needs someone to style them for their final comeback, fate decides it’s time for the two to meet again. But how do you reach out for a love that you chose to let go of?
Prologue: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
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adevyish · 5 years
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(the dream i’m building is) the sky you fly through
“I’m really flattered,” Zhangjing says. Due to those striking cheekbones it isn’t even a lie. “But, don’t you think a marriage proposal is a bit too fast?”
“I’ve been told my beauty has changed minds in an instant,” Lin Yanjun says with a completely straight face.
One day a stranger by the name of Lin Yanjun shows up at the café Zhangjing works at and sets out to woo him. Zhangjing falls in love with the food Yanjun brings along.
A ZhangJun Taipei coffee shop AU.
Read on AO3
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my9percent · 6 years
helloooo can u do #32 & #63 with yanjun?? fluff pleaseeee THANK YOUUUU
32. “Why did we have to have kids?”63. “Can you just man up and change his diaper?”
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The reaction was automatic. The moment the sharp wail pierced the house, Yanjun shot up, forcing his body up from the couch where he had strewn himself just moments earlier. With a groan, he whirled and planted himself against the wall, feeling the exhaustion course through his body. 
“Why did we have to have kids?” he mumbled.
“What was that?” At the sound of his wife’s voice, Yanjun immediately straightened to attention and smiled innocently, prepared to deny all accusations.
She came in with their daughter in her arms and settled on the couch. She was already unbuttoning her top, ready to settle down for feeding. Meanwhile, the wailing was still on-going. 
“Babe, can you please go change Zhengwei’s diapers?”
Yanjun groaned. “Why do they have needs at the same time?”
His wife shot him a look. “At least you’re not the one who has to deal with them when they’re both hungry at the same time.” 
He managed an appreciative grin and planted a kiss on the top of her head. “You’re right. You’re the best.” He peered at his daughter with a fond smile on his face before his wife aimed a careful kick at his shin.
“Don’t think I don’t know you’re stalling. Can you just man up and change his diaper?” 
Yanjun winced at the pain and gave her a hurt puppy pout before shuffling down the hallway. “Hold on, little man. Daddy’s coming.”
He found his son on his back, crying with tiny fists punching the air. Yanjun carefully picked him up and strapped him to the changing station. “You know, if you decide to pee on me again, I’m going to just have to make you the first potty trained three month old in all of history.” He carefully undid the diaper and took out the baby wipes. Changing his children was never a daunting task until a week ago when, three days in a row, his son decided that urination was the best form of greeting.
At the gentle wipes, Zhengwei quieted down and gurgled happily, his fingers in his mouth. Yanjun laughed. “Feels comfortable, right?” He carefully replaced the nappy and washed his hands. By the time he turned back, his son was laughing.
“Come on, let’s go check on Mommy and your sister.”
Despite how tired he was from taking care of baby twins, his heart still swelled when he saw his wife and daughter, both asleep on the couch, and his son turning eagerly in his arms, ready to play.
His wife stirred when he sat down next to her and placed her head on his shoulders. The two babies reached out for one another and started giggling. 
“I heard you earlier,” she whispered.
“About what?”
“How can you ever regret having these two?”
Yanjun shot her a look and kissed her. “I don’t. Sometimes exhaustion makes me say stupid things. But these two are the best things to happen to me.”
“What about me?”
He smirked. “What about you?” Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Zhenli open her mouth to gum on her brother’s pajama sleeve. 
“Lin Yanjun!” 
He laughed as he tugged the fabric out of his daughter’s mouth. “Sorry, I didn’t understand, beautiful mother of my children. Were you fishing for compliments there?”
She laughed and snuggled closer, and right then, in the comforting nucleus of his small family, Yanjun couldn’t have felt luckier. 
Listen, I absolutely adore dad!Yanjun and would honestly live to write about this all the time. 
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evanismyking · 6 years
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♛ Ceo!Lin Yanjun ♛ — INCORRUPTIBLE 
AU Edit [1/?]
《He had built his empire on trust and candor, alongside a small team of people he deemed incorruptible. Or so he thought. When the existence of a rat amongst those he considered ‘friends’ is brought to light, Lin Yanjun is sent spiraling down into investigative paranoia. He is no longer able to trust those he held so close to him until the identity of the back-stabber is revealed. However, having suddenly become guarded and distant might make him lose those who have always been loyal. Will he be able to make the corrupt one come forth before he loses all credibility as a CEO and moreover, as a friend?》
Don’t reupload or remove credits. Original gifs are not mine; if yours, DM me so I can credit you properly. These are (most likely) not AUs I will be writing myself, simply random plot ideas I decided to turn into gfx. If this inspires you to actually write the AU/you want to use this storyline and/or edits, please DM me beforehand. 
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yuhenglesbian · 5 years
i started playing arcana: the game and i might write a fic for the asra route 
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vicccwrites · 6 years
Hate Me Now?  - Lin Yanjun
(A/N: I swear this was supposed to be a Zhangjing fic but my biased ass switched it to Yanjun halfway through... oops? Anyway, this is for the sweet anonnie who requested a hogwarts au! with Yanjun ^^ I hope you enjoy~)
- Picture Source: Google -
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You and Yanjun were the Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter of your year
He was the Gryffindor Golden Boy; and you were the Slytherin Princess
The two of you had always been rivals, competing in everything from academics to quidditch
We all know who won though *cough* you *cough*
Ok... but actually, you had always hated him for as long as you had been at Hogwarts
You hated his careless smirk, his effortless charm - and most of all, those infernal dimples of his
Now that you were in your sixth year? Those feelings hadn’t changed one bit
You were still mortal enemies!! and content to ignore the other’s presence whenever you weren’t taunting each other
Until one fateful charms class
...where Professor Flitwick partnered the two of you up for the big project of the year
You had actually been looking forward to this project - since it entailed you having to come up with your own spell - but that excitement was lost the second you heard Yanjun would be your partner
Like seriously?? Of all the kids in the class, you get stuck with Yanjun??
“Even the other Gryffindor dweebs would be better than him!” you complained to your friends after class
Because of course they had been paired with their crushes or other decently tolerable people
eyyy flitwick playing cupid here we go
You were convinced that your professor was out to get you or something, because no matter how many times you requested a switch in partners, he refused
Much to your (and Yanjun’s) annoyance, it seemed that you would be stuck with each other
For the next SIX MONTHS while the class worked on the project
Just the thought made you want to fling yourself into the depths of the black lake
You figured that you might as well just get the project over with, right?
Yanjun apparently didn’t agree
He blew you off every time you tried to approach him to arrange a meeting outside of class
And ignored you for the duration of class more times than not
“Can’t - I’ve got quidditch practice”
“Let’s just work on it another time”
“Come on, we have like six months for this thing! Why do you even want to get started so early?”
He was really starting to get on your nerves
Didn’t he know that the whole reason they had so long for the project was because it was supposed to be incredibly difficult? 
So while the rest of the class was already moving onto the research part of the task, you and Yanjun still didn’t have a single clue on what you wanted your spell to do
Eventually, one day you just snapped out of frustration and cornered him in the hallway
Basically forcing him to meet you in the library after classes to brainstorm
You would think that you had sufficiently threatened him to show up, but 2 hours after classes that day and you were still sitting alone in your little corner of the library
You were about to give up and head back to the common room,,,,
But guess who saunters in like he owns the place?
Lin Yanjun.
As much as you wanted to scream at him in that moment, you knew that would get you kicked out of the library, so you settled for glaring at him instead
Because he shows up 2 hours late to a meeting you had been trying to get him to arrange for weeks and doesn’t even have the decency to apologize? 
What an ass
“Glad you finally decided to appear, Yanjun. Let’s get started then...”
And that’s how your project starts, about 3 weeks late
Boy, you had a lot of catching up to do
In other words, you were all but screwed
However, the meeting ends up going better than expected, and you were surprised to find that Yanjun actually had some good ideas
You resigned yourself to the fact that you would probably be doing most of the work when he was named your partner, but shockingly enough, he doing his fair share of the project
After a productive couple of hours, you two agreed to meet in the same place the next day and split up for dinner 
This pattern continued for a couple of weeks or so, until you had more or less caught up with some of your classmates
It was pretty impressive that the pair of you had essentially done 2 month’s worth of work in a slightly under a month
Begrudgingly, you had to give some credit to Yanjun, because you could definitely not have done it alone
The daily meetings in the library continued, and you slowly realized that you were growing to enjoy Yanjun’s presence beyond the stimulating discussions on your research topics
Oh boy y/n,,, what have you gotten yourself into this time
It terrified you at first, since he had been the one person who you had always hated
So now that you not only tolerated, but actually liked him to some degree? That didn’t really sit well with you
Throughout this emotional turmoil, the project had steadily continued
And - dense as he was - even Yanjun could tell that something was up
In the beginning, he figured it was none of his buisness
It was your life, after all, so why should he care?
However, it progressively started to become more and more distracting
Until it had started getting in the way of the project, which is where Yanjun decided to draw the line
Fuck it- he had developed feelings for you over the course of the couple of months that you had been working together
So, one day, he cornered you after charms and all but forced you to meet him in the room of requirement instead of the library that day
Look at how the tables have turned
Which confused you?? Like, was there a problem?
Or worse, had he finally figured out that you no longer hated him? 
The rest of the day seemed to pass by in a blur, with you barely able to concentrate on any of your other classes
Your friends teased you mercilessly for it
“Hey, maybe she’s finally gotten her shit together and realised she likes Yanjun!”
Your dear friend got a stinging hex for that one
You most definitely did not like Lin Yanjun
Finally, classes ended and you ran up to the room of requirement
Yanjun had somehow gotten there first though, and the room was transformed into a cozy sitting area, sort of reminiscent of a common room 
It instantly put you on edge... just what was he up to?
“I like you.”
What? He what?  
You just stood there, blinking at him
“That was... direct,” you eventually spluttered
And there goes your attempt at being eloquent
So, you two stared at each other for awhile, the tension in the air so thick it was practically suffocating you both
Did you like him back? You thought back to all the late nights spent researching, the hours spent in each other’s company, the mindless chatting about who knows what while struggling through your mountains of essays
...maybe, just maybe, you did
Just as he was about to apologize for making the situation really awkward, you flung all caution to the wind and pressed your lips against his
When you broke apart for air, he whispered a question into your ear
“Hate me now, y/n?”
You shut him up pretty quick ;)
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Nine Percent as My AO3 Inbox
Linong: Oh shit. It's here and I'm not ready.
Chengcheng: Why is nobody leaving a comment to my big babies??? 
Xiao Gui: Breaking up my favorite couple? That's a paddlin'.
Zhengting: when u think iTS GONNA BE A SWELL CHRISTMAS BUT N O
Yanjun: wait who is seven knives
Zhangjing: i just binge read this entire fic in one drunk sitting and i’m fucking CRYING SO MUCH I’M BLEEDING TEQUILA OUT MY GODDAMN EYES
Ziyi: hey this is pretty good.
Xukun: ...fuck...
Zhang PD as this entire series of comments: “Oh no baekhyun” “oH NO, BAEKHYUN” “Oh shit Baekhyun” “OH MY GOD. OH NO BAEKHYUN !!!” “Oooh hell no baekhyun!!!!” “... well shit, baekhyun” “oh no no no Byun Bacon.” “BAEKHYUN BACK OFF U LIL BISH I SWEARRR”
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taetortotss · 6 years
pizza boi → lin yanjun
pizza boi → lin yanjun in which lin yanjun is the really cute pizza delivery boy that has successfully clouded your mind and heart
my previous work: boo → zhu zhengting for my other works: masterlist
be my friend!! i promise i don’t bite HAHA (i need more friends lmao)
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(i used cpdb cuz i got lazy of writing the whole thing out oops)
you were craving pizza
because when and why would you not be craving pizza
you love pizza
so, with a really loud grunt, you stretched your arms and reached for your phone which was on the coffee table
you opted to order using the pizza store online website because you were too awkward to call the delivery hotline (true story :’))
ordering one large cheese pizza and an order of fries and chicken, fingers, your stomach grumbled at how hungry you were 
“YOUR ORDER HAS BEEN SENT” in bold words
this made you sigh and you decided to take a short nap while waiting for your food to arrive
you were jolted awake by the doorbell ringing and you were so ready to attack whomstever disturbed your slumber
then you remembered the pizza 
the doorbell rang again, causing you to go “oh shit” and scrambled to the door, completely unaware of your appearance
you were basically in your pjs and your hair was all over the place (you did just wake up)
“hi, your pizza is here, miss y/n,” the pizza delivery guy said.
and oh. my. god.
ethereal? unreal? beautiful? handsome? cute? visuals on point?
“h..hi,” you managed out.
he was so good-looking, what the fuck?
you didn’t realise you were staring and that you were daydreaming (cancel) about pizza delivery boi
“miss, it’s 16 dollars,” his voice snapped you back into reality
and oh my god, even his voice seeps honey and all things sweet and nice-sounding
is he even human?
“right, um, let me get my wallet, wait a moment,” you stuttered before walking back to get your wallet
and of course, you had to trip on nothing and nearly fall
how. embarrassing.
pulling a face (half in embarrassment and pain), you took 20 dollars from your wallet, rushed back to the door
“here, keep the change,” you handed the cute delivery boy money and he handed you a bag full of food
“thank you!” you awkwardly thanked him for the food, and flashed him a smile and you closed the door before you could see his reaction or before he could say anything back
you didn’t know or see this, but cute pizza delivery boi left with a smile plastered on his face
you enjoyed your food a lot,  but you enjoyed the sight of cute pizza delivery boi a lot more
it’s been a few days, and the one thing that has been occupying your mind was cute!pizza!delivery!boy!
so you ordered a pepperoni pizza
primary reason: you were hungry
secondary reason: you wanted to see him again
(or is it the other way around? ;) )
now, you knew you were playing a gamble because you wouldn’t know if it was cpdb or not
you were on the edge of your sofa seat, fidgeting as you waited for the door to ring
this time, you were dressed up nicer than the other day
y’know to maybe impress cpdb HDSBJDHS
ding dong! ding dong!
“fuck he’s here already,” you thought
you opened the door, almost expecting a different delivery guy
you nearly died - somehow he was cuter as well
“one pepperoni pizza for ms y/n?”
ahh, you could drown in his voice uwu
“yeah, that’s me,” you smiled
and you really couldn’t stop smiling even after he left
neither could he, but you wouldn’t know that
you officially had it.
cpdb has been the main subject in your thoughts for days and he has successfully found his way in your heart
jesus, you didn’t even know his name
you were basically in love (no, not really)
so this was you acting on your heart and not your brain
you pulled up the pizza store website, ordered a sausage pizza and garlic bread
and because your mind was so clouded and you weren’t thinking straight,
on the ‘add comments’ section,
you added:
hey, send me that really cute delivery boy with the dark hair and cute dimples and really nice voice xoxo
it was like you were drunk when you were typing that
you were about to erase it when.
your dumbass clicked “enter”
it took you at least five seconds to process what you just did
and you started screaming, horrified
the weight of your decisions are piling on your shoulders and you felt like cancelling the order
but you were also hungry and you love pizza and you wanted to see him again uwu
for twenty minutes, you were a fidgeting, nervous mess. you didn’t know why or what you were doing.
and when your doorbell went off, you decided that death has finally come for you!!1!
oh shit, you were dreading this moment so much
rip y/l/n y/n, you will be missed
you opened the door, really slowly
and there he was, in his true form and beauty,
cute pizza delivery guy
and he was,,, smirking?? at you??
you didn’t even want to look him in the eye - you were that embarrassed
“hey,” his tone was mischievous, a little flirty, if you will
“hi,” you squeaked, still not looking him in the eye
actually, looking at his body figure/physique wasn’t a very good idea either
you were bright red
like a tomato
“sausage pizza for miss y/n?”
oh god, you loved how your name rolled out his tongue, it was almost sinful
“yep, that’s me!”
god, the entire situation was so awkward and cpdb seemed to be enjoying it
“for the record, i find you extremely cute too.”
wait, what???
error 404, file y/l/n y/n not working!!!
“what,” you were taken aback, completely.
“you’re adorable. I like you,” he said, nonchalantly, liKE IT WAS NOTHING
“what?” you repeated, not getting his words in your head, but you had this big smile on your face (a quarter due to embarrassment and three quarters on how life isn’t fucking you over!!)
it really seems like cpdb was enjoying this, seen in how he was nearly doubling over in a laughing/giggling fit
“you’re so cute, yknow what, this pizza and your bread is on me, as long as you let me take you out on a date.”
“okay, but at least let me know your name. you know mine and ‘cute pizza delivery guy’s too long.”
might as well right?
“it’s lin yanjun.”
what a perfect name for a perfect boy
how did you get so lucky?
and that, ladies and gents, was the start of something new
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forjingyan · 6 years
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[TRANS] 180618 林彦俊 Lin Yanjun Weibo Update
I get really happy seeing rice dumplings, I’ll feed you. 
#HappyDragonBoatFestival #TheSaltedEggYolksAreVeryImportant
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kingziyiismypuddin · 6 years
When are we eating haidilao(hotpot)?
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Usually mystical powers happens in movies, books, internet and extera. This time, it doesn’t just happen in fantasy. It happens in real life.
On the outskirts of China, near the mountainside, a lab was conducting an experiment on what you would call them 'demons', they call them 'psyclones'. They're grey smokey blobs that can change into anything they want. When I mean they, I mean the psyclones. They have high intelligence that not even the scientists know about. A few of them, tested out the scientists to see if they can catch on on how much smarter they are compared to the scientists. One of the scientists finally caught on and conducted an experiment that created a phenomenon in China......
(Masterlist) (Prologue)
So it’ll be centered around my oc Reina and I’m making Justin her lil bro... 
A highschool au with powers and what not
Senior: None....
Junior: You Zhangjing
Sophmore: Lin Yanjun
Freshmen: Reina (OC), Zhu Zhengting, Wang Ziyi
Middle Schoolers: Cai Xukun, Xiao Gui
Grade Schoolers: Chen Linong, Fan Chengcheng, Justin
This is honestly gonna mess. Hope y’all up for the ride... I’m not gonna really say much since I’m such a bad planner and this is off a whim of a fic.
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honeyforzhixie · 6 years
Remember me? - Prologue ii
 (previous) · (next) · masterlist
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Summary: y/n is Asia’s most recognized fashion stylist, famous for being the youngest person to dress one of the best Vogue covers in the world. But as much as everyone thinks to know her story, there’s one secret no one knows. Because back when she was nobody she met someone that changed her heart. Someone who she chose to let go of.
Two years after they disbanded Nine Percent reunites for an anniversary comeback and they desperately need someone to style them. Fate brings her and the boy she knew back together. But will it be too late now?
 (previous) · (next) · masterlist ☆ Hope you enjoyed it!! ☆ I’m trying so hard to not clutter your dashboard but I can’t shorten the story more than this or it won’t make sense T-T If you don’t like seeing these long ass posts (which I totally get) filter the tag #remember me lyj 
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yanjuniverse · 4 years
How Should It Be - Xiao Gui/Wang Linkai One Shot
[a/n: ah yes back at it again with another cringey one shot. i meant to post this on 5/20 but i couldn’t get my brain juices to work and finish it until tonight. i hope you guys like it. big reminder that i love wang linkai ❤️. sorry if the fic is a mess btw lol.] / master list
He sags down in his seat, visibly defeated by whatever was on his mind. A pout is prominent on his lips as his best friend cracks a smile, clapping him on the back before wrapping his arm around him, their bodies crashing together.
“Why the long face, Gui? Don’t you know that frowning gives you wrinkles?” he asks. If Linkai wasn’t so down in the dumps, he would’ve smacked the exaggerated frown right off of Chengcheng’s face right then.
Fan Chengcheng has never been the kind to just let Linkai live in his misery. Oh, no. Fan Chengcheng has to twist the knife after he stabs you. Sure, the guy’s quiet when you first meet him. But once you get to know him the way Linkai knows him, it’s a done deal. Your soul is his and there’s no getting rid of him.
“You saw my butthole once, Kai. We’re practically blood brothers now.”
Don’t ask. Linkai is begging.
“Nothing,” he shifts back into the ratty couch. He thinks for a second about how Xingjie is always babbling on and on about how he should replace it (as if Linkai has the money to replace this old hand-me-down couch. He’s a soundcloud rapper. How much does Xingjie even thinks he makes off of his beats?). Something about how just because it’s old, doesn’t mean it’s vintage. Linkai thinks that maybe the spring that pops out of the second cushion of the faded blue sofa may have caught Xingjie by surprise one too many times. That’s why Linkai always sits on the arm rest or lays like a starfish on the floor during movie nights. You’ll never catch him squished in the middle of Yanchen and Xingjie on their Thursday night Grey’s Anatomy marathons (per Yanchen’s request because how could one look at the actual sun and say no?).
He’s picking at the frayed edge of the sofa when Chengcheng says, “It doesn’t look like nothing.” He suddenly snaps, reaching into his pocket before pulling out a pair of his (nonprescription) glasses. He pushes them up on his nose then opens his phone to his notes. Linkai sees him type “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH GUI TODAY” and watches him not only put it in bold print but italics as well. “I think we should start a diary of some sort. My sister has one of those and she says it’s all a part of a healthy life style. Wait, should we buy a Password Journal for you? Okay, wait Chengcheng. Too far off track. Let’s focus on the now.” He recomposes himself before saying, “First of all, do you know your rising sign? It could help explain a lot of things.”
Linkai thinks that there’s a reason for everything. He thinks that you never meet a person by mistake. But sometimes...he has to question his life mottos as Chengcheng waves his hand and tells him he’ll make his birth chart from scratch, all he needs is the time he was born (because Chengcheng’s already memorized that he was born on May 20, 1999 in the Fujian Province).
“Chengcheng, I promise on my mother that I won’t judge you. Just tell me if you were dropped on your head as a baby or not.“ He’s desperate at this point. There’s no way somebody just wakes up and makes the conscious decision to be Fan Chengcheng. Not any sane person, that is.
“Astrology is a very serious science, Gui and I will not stand for your bashing!” Chengcheng whines.
Likai gives him side eyes. “Didn’t you only get into astrology because Justin said you were a Gemini and he liked that?”
“No!” But the blush rising on his cheeks says otherwise. “Look. This isn’t about me! This is about you! What’s your deal?”
The older one shakes his head, throwing himself back against the couch and hoping that the weird stain to his left would manifest into a blackhole and swallow him hole. He crosses his arms and taps his shoe against the ground, eyes glued to the ceiling popcorn and wondering who the hell even thought that shit was cute. He starts to wonder how much he could pay Chengcheng to eat it when the doorbell rings.
“I’ll get it,” Chengcheng says. “I’m expecting a package!” As he gets up, he throws a cushion at his roommate before hopping away.
Linkai shuts his eyes, too exhausted to even fight back. Maybe it is his package. Maybe it’s Justin. Maybe they have another “date” in Chengcheng’s room (it’s not a real date if Justin doesn’t know it’s a date).
He’s about to drift to sleep when another cushion hits his chin, causing him to bite his tongue.
He’s on his feet and ready to throw hands when his eyes land on (a very pissed looking) you.
Honestly. He’s not surprised. You have this sour face all day and all night and it’s to the point where he’s starting to consider having Chengcheng put together your birth chart so that he can understand just that much more about you.
He crosses his arms. “And what is the problem today, princess?” he raises his eyebrows. He leans down, teasingly close, and wrinkles his nose. “I was just thinking about you.”
“Don’t look so stressed,” you scoff. He pokes your forehead, causing you to stumble back a couple of steps. “Hey!” you whine, rubbing the spot. He can just hear you screaming in your head about how he has dirty finger nails or how his hands are always so cold and boney. You huff. “You’re gonna give me a headache.”
“You give me a headache every time you walk into the room,” he shrugs, pulling back. He throws himself onto the couch again and hears the floor rattle beneath him. Another complaint that you’ll throw at him is how he and Chengcheng should just move out of this ratty old place. (“And go where exactly?” “I don’t know! Go live with Zhengting! I heard he needs a roommate!” “You want us to live with Zhu Zhengting? He’ll be on China’s Most Wanted after he kills me and Chengcheng.”) You roll your eyes instead. “But go on. What did your best friend Wang Linkai do to piss you off today?”
“We had a lunch date!” you stomp your foot.
“A lunch date?!” Chengcheng repeats as he exists the kitchen, choking on the piece of bread he had shoved into his mouth. “You two go on dates?!”
Linkai snorts. Ever since Chengcheng found out the story of how you and Linkai met, he’s been begging for you two to fall in love. (“You met in college when she dropped her books and you helped her pick them up? Fingers lingering, eyes glazing over. Love blooming like spring cherry blossom-“ “Chengcheng, shut the actual hell up. I only helped her out because I’m not an asshole.” “Not an asshole? Have you met you?”). Chengcheng says that he’s read a lot of fan fictions. He knows how this will turn out. Apparently, he’s taking bets alongside Chen Linong and Lin Yanjun as to when you two will finally get together. But jokes on them because you are denser than a book.
According to Chengcheng, it’s not your fault because apparently Linkai has terrible game. His idea of flirting with you is to flake on you half the time, watch you get riled up then pat your head and walk away after you get done ranting to him. Linkai doesn’t call that game. He calls that tolerance because some of this shit you put him through makes his head spin in circles. Plus, he’s got an image to uphold. Xiao Gui AKA.IMP cannot go around braiding flower crowns and singing to the birds like this is some kind of Disney film. He’s still trying to live down that time Xukun posted a picture of him coloring in a coloring book on his instagram story (Ziyi still sends him children’s coloring books every holiday since. Whether Linkai fills them out or not is his business and his business only).
He thinks today is going to be a bad day. He thinks it’ll be one of those days where the two of you will fight to no ends and there’s literally nothing he can do to make you feel better. He hates to admit it but he likes those kind of days because they always end with the two of you laying in his bed. Those are the nights he’ll hold you and wipes your tears, whispering a mantra of “Yes, I’m an idiot” and “I’m sorry, it’s my fault for not cherishing you.” He likes those nights because even though you get on his last nerves, he’ll be willing to admit defeat if that means he’ll get to wake up with you beside him.
“Honestly, Linkai. I don’t even know why I try with you sometimes,” you groan, setting down the bag of food in your hands onto the coffee table with one too many water stains. “Chengcheng, come join us for lunch.”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude on your date,” he says.
You smile at him. “It’s not an actual date.“
There’s a weird look on your face as you say that. It’s a look you get that Xiao Gui has never been able to read. Your smile is big but your eyes never seem to match. Your shoulders visibly sag and your movements slow for a second before you seem to realize what you’re doing and get back to being normal. “Come!”
“No,” Linkai plops down on the floor next to you. “He has a lab with Justin due at midnight tonight. He needs to leave.”
“Hm? You keep tabs on me?” Chengcheng has a shit eating grin on his face which quickly disappears as Linkai scoffs.
“No. You’re wearing cologne for once and don’t look oily. From just that, I know you’re going to meet Justin,” he says. “You usually smell like terrible B.O. and your hair looks dry. As for your project, you have it written on your calendar inside of a big red heart. I saw it when I went to steal the five bucks from your dresser earlier.” Chengcheng sputters, face red with embarrassment.
You swat Linkai’s shoulder. “Leave him alone,” you frown. “Don’t worry about him, Cheng. You always look and smell great to me!” you grin encouragingly before turning back to Linkai again to whisper yell. “He has a crush. Don’t tell me you’ve never gotten dressed up for somebody you liked.”
“Hey!” he says louder than you expected considering this was supposed to be a hushed conversation. “I’m wearing the jeans you said make my ass look fat,” he retorts. You simply roll your eyes before returning to Chengcheng. Once again, you’ve reminded not only Linkai but the world that you are denser than a book. He makes a face. “You expect me to read your mind and yet you never seem to be able to read mine,” he mutters under his breath, forcefully stabbing into his rice.
“What was that?” you turn back to him. He shakes his head, shoveling a load of food into his mouth to keep you from pressing. You thankfully don’t and once again, turn to Chengcheng. “I think you look amazing. Really. Go get him! He’ll be in your arms in no time!”
“Thanks, jiejie!” the dopey boy grins. “I’ll be on my way then. Be back tomorrow morning. Don’t have too much fun while I’m gone!” he winks. He’s out the door before Linkai can kill him (as if Linkai even had the energy to do so).
He’s too busy dissecting his meat to notice your cold stare. You have to clear your throat for him to look up and see your face. He groans, “What the hell did I do now?”
“You should be more supportive of Chengcheng.”
“More supportive? Any more supportive and I might as well just text Justin and say ‘Hey dinghead! Chengcheng is in love with you!’” he scoffs. “Honestly, it doesn’t get any more supportive than me.” He’s actually offended that you don’t think he’s all for Chengstin. Linkai is the vice president of the Chengstin fanclub, only coming second to You Zhangjing. “Who do you think always makes sure there’s ice cream in the fridge when Justin comes over? Who do you think hops off our shitty ass wifi when Justin comes to watches movies? Who the fuck ran across town just to fight with sneaker heads to get Justin the newest pair of shoes because Chengcheng was stuck in class? Have you ever had to fight a sneak head, YN? Have you?” His eyes are wild as if he’s seen some things he’d rather not talk about.
You sigh. “I just think you need to be nicer to him,” you shrug.
“Last week you told me not to let Chengcheng step all over me,” Linkai points his chopstick accusingly at you.
“Because you were deadass tired and up doing his laundry while he slept!” you exclaim.
Linkai snorts. You’re honestly a walking contradiction when it comes to him. “Just eat and be quiet. I’ve already got a headache. Don’t make my stomach upset too with all of your nonsense.”
“It’s not nonsense, Linkai!”
“If it’s coming from you, it is.” He shuts his foam to-go plate and stands to his feet before you could give him another earful. “I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything? Water? A soda? A shot of vodka?”
“Ten more minutes with you makes the last option sound more appeasing than it should,” you pinch the bridge of your nose.
“Nobody is forcing you to be here,” he reminds you, patting your head as he walks away. When he returns, he’s made two pretty drinks and winks at you. Bottoms up, his eyes say.
“Really? Drinking on a Tuesday?” you scoff.
“Whether it’s a Tuesday afternoon or a Saturday night, you will always find a reason to complain,” he replies. You roll your eyes, taking a sip and feeling the alcohol burn down your throat. You grimace before setting it back down on the table. “So what do you wanna do now, hm? Watch a movie? Make me watch you online shop?”
“Maybe I could put make up on you and do your hair,” you suggest.
It’s his turn to roll his eyes. “You say that everyone elses’ boy friends do this for them and yet, I feel as though I’m the only one.”
“Boyfriend?” you repeat, completely disregarding anything else he had said.
“Boy. Space. Friends,” he says before leaning back onto his hands. “Why? Do you wanna remove the space in between us?” he wiggles his eyebrows before swooping in close to you, noses bumping. You freeze at this. “What?” he smirks when you don’t push him away like usual. “You actually thinking about kissing me this time?”
You scoff, shaking your head and moving away from him. “Wang Linkai,” you scoff again. “You really are something else. You know that? Kiss you? My best friend? I’d rather eat sand or-“ You stop, looking at him and seeing the way his eyes cast down for a second. “What?”
He looks back up. “Nothing,” he says before pulling himself to his feet again. He stretches his arms over his head and yawns. “Come. Let’s go shop. Or something. I don’t know.” He shakes his head and reaches for his drink. Maybe he shouldn’t have poured so much alcohol into his drink. One sip and he’s already a mess. “What?” He notices you still haven’t moved from your spot on the floor. “Hurry up and put on your jacket. Or do I have to so it for you?” He makes a swipe to grab your arm but you pull back, holding it against your chest. “YN, what?” he sighs, a bit annoyed. “Are you mad at what I just did? Look, I’m sorry. Let’s just-“
“Linkai,” you frown. “Why do you look so sad?”
“It’s nothing,” he replies, walking around and looking for his keys.
“It’s doesn’t seem like nothing to you.” Your words are careful, almost as if you’re trying to find the right wire to cut in order for the bomb not to explode. It’s always like that when the two of you argue this deeply. And sadly, it always ends with somebody crying.
“Because it’s never anything to you!” he throws a hand down dramatically. “So like. Let’s go because I’m not going to do this today!”
“Do what today?” you ask, standing to your feet. He shakes his head and makes it towards the door when you grab his arm. He instantly spins around and pins you against the wall, arms encasing you. You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s your deal?” you huff.
“It’s not even a bit obvious to you?” He’s smiling like a deviant. Like you’re just playing into one of his cold jokes. “Are you really that stupid?”
“What did I do to you?” you cross your arms.
“Everything,” he says, eyes casting downwards. You feel your heart starting to hammer as you realize he’s staring right at your lips. “You waltz into my life and make it absolute hell. You expect me to just know what’s on your mind. You expect me to just know what makes you happy and what makes you sad. You expect me to just know these things and I don’t and it makes me so tired and yet...” he laughs coldly. “And yet when I look at you, I want to be defeated. I want to fall at my knees at your mercy. It’s been like this since the day we met.” His hand slowly makes its way up to your cheek, cupping the glowy red flesh between his fingers. “C’mon, YN. How should it be? What do I have to do to make you like me as much as I like you?”
“Linkai, you idiot! If you liked me, you should’ve just told me!” you pout.
“And then you would’ve found something to complain about then as well,” he rolls his eyes. “Honestly, YN. Just lighten up with me sometimes. I’m trying.”
“You’re always trying,” you smile. “That’s what I like about you.”
“You wanna know a secret?” he asks, leaning in closely. “I only try his hard for you.”
And as his lips finally land on yours, you realize that this is exactly how it should have been all along.
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my9percent · 6 years
生日快樂,我最親愛的~ Happy 23rd Birthday, my love  ❤ You deserve all the good things in life. Thank you for existing in this life. This is also for the anon who asked for Yanjun taking you to prom. Please feel free to send in more requests. I’ll get to them, albeit a little slowly, but I will!
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           “You know, if you like her so much, why don’t you just do it? Cause bro, if you won’t do it, I’ll do it. And I’m going to be asking for me, not you.” Jeffrey gave his friend a meaningful look.  
           Yanjun’s mouth opened but nothing came out. His gaze was fixed earnestly on the girl who looked beautiful in a bonnet and petticoat and made up his mind. He swiped an object off the table and strode over to her, not caring that Jeffrey, and now several others, were looking at him in bafflement.
           “Hey, do you want to go to prom with me?”
           Once the words were detonated, he could hear his heart beat pulsing like the ticking of a time bomb. Please answer, he plead, or let me disappear.
           You giggled. “Really, Yanjun? With a pin of the American flag? I thought flowers were the gift of norm for prom proposals?”
           His ears burned bright red but he stood his ground. “I’d give my heart for my country but I’ve already given it to you.”
           The yes that was coming out of your mouth nearly turned into a no as you groaned. “Tell me you didn’t just think of that.”
           “Yes, Ma’am, I just did,” he replied with a straight face.
           As ridiculous as the whole thing was, you couldn’t help but melt at his conviction. “Yes, Yanjun, yes. I’d love to go to prom with you.”
           “That was absolutely not how it happened,” Yanjun protested. Your entire friend group was laughing as the limo swayed its way to the ballroom. His thumb rubbed tiny circles against your knee as his eyes and mouth both begged for you to have mercy.
           “Oh, it definitely was,” you insisted. But the wide smile across your lips meant that it was a good memory, and Yanjun decided that even if it was a joke at his expense, as long as he could always make you smile like this, it was worth it.
           “He’s been bugging me for weeks as to how to do the perfect proposal. He even used me as a stand-in for you,” Jeffrey ratted. “I’m sure he thought of writing notes on paper airplanes, or spelling cryptic messages with cereal or something wild. I could swear he almost kissed me once while practicing.”
           By now, your date was pouting. “I did not,” he mumbled. “And it was colored pebbles, not cereal.”
           Your heart expanded as you looked at his downcast profile. You had known Yanjun all throughout high school and the two of you had always been classmates, and friends. You’ve seen his dorky side and his cool side, but never once have you seen this particular side. There was something extremely endearing about how honest he looked, and you couldn’t help but give his hand a squeeze. He looked up in surprise, eyelashes fluttering softly against his cheeks.
           “I think the colored pebbles would have been a nice touch.”
           The corner of his top lip quirked into a grin and his dimple deepened ever so slightly. “I can still do it, if you want me to. Except not for prom. But maybe for a date, or like something else.”
           Around you, the other couples were chatting, allowing the two of you to have some time alone. Despite the thumping music, you found that your heart beat wasn’t because of the bass but rather the boy staring at you. You leaned in and whispered against his ear, “What what else?”
           He pulled away. “I can’t exactly tell you. Then that would ruin the point of the proposal.”
           Your eyes crinkled into crescents as you smiled again. “You smell really nice.”
           “T-thank you,” he stammered, and you couldn’t help but giggle. In class and in the hallways, girls constantly ogled at him and he would always give them confident looks. Who knew that he would actually be so shy?
           You lifted a hand to the lapel of your dress and pulled it away, grinning at his widening eyes at your exposed skin. “Look.” When he dared peek, with pink tinged cheeks, you saw Yanjun laugh in surprise. You had pinned the flag that he had given you to the inside of your dress. “I thought it would be a nice touch.”          
           “But nobody can see it.”
           You gave a tiny shrug. “You know it’s there. I know it’s there. That’s enough isn’t it?”
           And that was when you saw something change in Yanjun’s eyes. All car ride, he had been gentlemanly, and shy. His gaze when it did linger on you was filled with admiration. But now, you saw something warmer, brighter enter them. This was a look of a boy in love, and if you had to be honest with yourself, you were falling for him hard too.
           Suddenly, there was a loud roar and the car came to a stop. Yanjun hopped off first and held his hand out for you to take. As you were about to jump down, however, his other arm slid around the back of your thighs and he lifted you gently onto the concrete.
           “You’re wearing heels. If you jumped, you would have snapped your ankles,” he admonished. A warmth spread over you and you desperately wished your hair was around your face just so he wouldn’t see the hard blush.
           The two of you were breathing hard and you dabbed at your forehead. “Wow, you’re a good dancer.”
           “I’m a man of many talents,” he responded. But his palm was flat against the small of your back as he led you to a chair. “Your feet must hurt. Let’s sit down somewhere.”
           The dance floor was dark and crowded with people still dancing or hiding in the corner, making out. You grabbed his hand and turned the other way instead. “Let’s go outside.”
           The air was a welcome relief against the heat. You leaned against the balcony and Yanjun stood next to you. “You know, you just looked so pretty in that costume, I couldn’t help but ask you to prom right then.”
           You giggled. “I never knew you had a thing for colonial clothing.”
           “It’s not that. I just really like how you look in browns, and you looked all cute in your floofy skirt and your hair covered by a bonnet. You have an amazing profile, you know. And I guess the fact that you were supposed to be my wife didn’t really help keep the feelings at bay either.”
           “When the teacher told us that we would have to be enacting a part of world history, and we got colonial America, I never thought that we would have to be playing a farmer’s couple.”
           “Merchant,” he corrected. “I wasn’t going to let your pretty hands handle the shovel and hoe all day.”
           Laughter filled the air between the two of you. “Well, that’s probably why we had the six kids we did, so they could help with the chores.”
           There was something oddly comfortable about the joking. Even though you were only seniors in high school, there was something pleasant about a future with Yanjun. His hands took yours and he gently pressed something into your palm.
           When you unfurled your fingers, you saw five rose petals. “That’s my kiss proposal. You look pretty in a petticoat and bun, but just as beautiful in a gown and your hair in a chignon,” he whispered. “Can I kiss you, because I really, really want to right now.”
           You bit your lip to contain the happiness that threatened to reveal itself on your face and have you smiling like a fool. “Of course, Lin Yanjun, how could I say no?”
           Your eyelids fluttered closed, and you waited. His hot breath fanned across your face and then his lips were on yours, and his hands gripped your elbows before sliding across your waist. His head tilted to the right and you followed suit, deepening the kiss.
           When you did pull away some minutes later, you were once again breathless but smiling, and the emotion was reflected on him as well. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he blurted.
           “What? No colored pebble proposal?” you teased.
           “Sorry, how about a kiss instead?” And as you whispered a ‘yes’, his lips were once more covering yours, smile mirroring yours.
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bare-seoui-blog · 6 years
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vicccwrites · 6 years
9% as Common College Majors
(A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts since before I even created this blog so I figured I would play around with the idea a bit more and finally post it!! Let me know if you want to see more of these “9% as...” or if I should just stick to fics lol ^^ I hope you enjoy it~ <33)
- Photo(s) Source : Google -
Cai Xukun - Photography
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I just have this vision in my head?? Of like xukun holding a camera and building this vast portfolio of aesthetic greatness
I mean he’s already so aesthetically pleasing and has an amazing insta feed so is it really that much of stretch??
Is like that one kid on campus who’s always around
Party at the frat house? He’s the center of the show
Charity event at campus square? weLL guess who decided to show up???
Definitely hella popular and totally has a fan club
Gets teased about it by all his friends
He secretly thinks it’s really cute though
Chen Linong- Animal Biology
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Nongnong with animals
What a concept amiright
But anyway he’s such a sweet and caring ball of sunshine and I think that would really show through in the way he cares for and loves all of the animals he works with
Really interested in learning about different types of animals and how he can improve their quality of life!!!
I now have the picture of vet!nongnong in my head and it’s so adorable omg
Linong with that dog?? Ugh my heart can’t handle this cuteness
There was this gifset of him with a cat on my dash a while back and now I need to dig it out of the depths because ughhhh it was so cuteee
Fan Chengcheng - Journalism
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Alskdosos this one was hard
I can just imagine him staying up, furiously trying to write and make his deadlines
Also I get that Agent J was a spy concept but it gave me investigative journalist vibes so here we are
Definitely procrastinates on all of his assignments
Highkey jealous of Justin because his major seems “easier” and he doesn’t have to write as many essays and stuff
bOI you are literally a journalism major ok that means WRITING
Justin - Theater
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Ok I know that ruibin is the true theater kid of idol producer but
Can you imagine Justin prancing around on stage reciting like Hamilton or something (can you tell I don’t do theater at all)
(I have no idea what I’m talking about)
Anyway him trying to sing the songs would be hilariously great
And I think he’d actually turn out to be an amazing performer?? Even though he probably only chose to major in theater because he thought it’d be easy or something
He grows to really have a passion for the stage and looks forward to every performance
Aims for the lead role like every single time; usually ends up getting it, too
Totally steals the spotlight and is the star of every show ✨
Lin Yanjun - Marketing/Advertising
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I was so tempted to say English since that was his actual major (I’m pretty sure)
But then I remembered than one scene in ip when they were like “selling” the ice pack or smth?? It was in one of those unreleased extra content footage compilations welp now I gotta find it again 
Actually I can’t find it so nvm but I remember seeing it for sure!!
(Literally this whole thing is me trying and failing to find gifsets someone please help)
If Lin Yanjun was tryna get you to buy something, would you really say no??
All of his professors probably love him
Has like a 100% in practicals with his winks and flirting
Even though he’s hella confused and never has any idea what’s going on
Probably models for xukun on the side for extra cash too the boy can do it all
Zhu Zhengting - Dance
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Literally the only one that I was 100% set on
I mean come on
He’s like the dancing king of 9%
Can do basically any genre of dance, from modern to hip-hop
Would be super dedicated
Lives in the college dance studio tbh he practically never leaves
BFFs with the other dance majors like zeren and chaoze
They always hang out together and are definitely the type to break into an impromptu dance sesh in like the middle of starbucks
Or some equally random location
Is part of the committee that organises weekly dance mobs on the campus square
He definitely drags Justin and Chengcheng to almost every one
Wang Ziyi - Nutrition
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Very healthy bOI,,, a fit boy too
That bag scene where they were like going through what was in their bags?? Didn’t he have juice or smth he just seems vv health-obsessed
also sorry the gif is a weird size
Had like a literal DRAWER of supplements, vitamins, and medicine under his bed during ip,,, I’ll let that speak for itself
Also seems really chill and nutrition gives me a chill vibe for some reason
Probably has the best grades with the exception of yanjun’s charming practicals
Probably is also the only one who actually studies for finals
Xiao Gui - Film and Video
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Nearly majored in nuclear engineering for the lols but then realised he didn’t have the grades to make it into the program
Also didn’t feel like doing science
So xingjie convinced him to go into film
Which at first he thought he would hate, but he actually turned out to quite like
Xingjie does musical production and sometimes makes little soundtracks to go along with gui’s mini-films
Lowkey the only thing that keeps linkai’s grade from bombing is the humor that’s always mixed into his scripts
Rlly funny
Also totally the type to waltz into class like half an hour late can anyone see this too or is it just me
You Zhangjing - Vocal Music
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I sort of see zhangjing going into the sciences for some reason??
Erin - who’s the local yzj expert around here - sent me this photo a while ago?? (I just saved it from there so the size is weird again oops)
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And I get that he’s supposed to be a “doctor” or something in the photo but it’s a lab coat ok
He looks really good akdjdksjsj
And he mentioned in that interview that he did accounting before going to China to train
So that could be an option too
Maybe he did that for a bit but then didn’t end up enjoying it so he switched majors? Idk
Anyway I chose vocal because obvs our nasi lemak can sing very very well
And he loves singing very very much
So he would major in it!!! Ok I lied about Zhengting I was also like 100% sure on this one
Plus I mean it’s common knowledge that he’s talented af so like,,, there you go
All his vocal teachers probably love him a lot
But can you really blame them?? Like he’s so hardworking and talented, so who wouldn’t love him + his awesome vocals? 💕
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xukunstellation · 5 years
Under the Christmas Lights || Lin Yanjun
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Title: Under the Christmas Lights Pairing: Suni x Yanjun Genre: fluff Word Count: 1072 words Summary: The best gift you could ever ask for Christmas is none other than the love of your life Yanjun.
A/N: This fic is dedicated to Suni of @prismatic9! Hello, love! I’m your Secret Santa! I’m terribly sorry for the long wait for your gift, but I wanted to make sure this came out perfect for you. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and that the new year brings you lots of love and joy. I hope you enjoy this!
It was the night of Christmas. Snow descended from the heavens, blanketing the entire world and turning it into a white kingdom. All was still outside as everyone basked in the warmth of their own homes, huddled around a buffet of food and exchanging gifts. If you listened carefully, you could hear the distant sound of people singing carols at the top of their lungs, the sweet and cheery notes being carried through the wind. 
Unlike the other houses filled with family and loved ones alike, one home remained peaceful and cozy, but still just as merry as everyone else. The inside of the home was decorated from top to bottom. Red and white tinsel wrapped beautifully around the railings of the staircase paired with several wreathes spaced out between the spindles. A cute smiling little elf statue holding a present stood at the bottom of the stairs.
In the living room, rich green garland decorated with red ribbons wrapped around the perimeter of the roaring fireplace, spreading warmth throughout the room. Lights looped around the entire room in an array of festive colors, illuminating red, green, gold and white light. An array of sweets sat on the table including cake, chocolate, candy canes, and of course, cookies and milk for Santa. A couple of scented candles were lit throughout the room, filling the room with the soft scent of vanilla and cinnamon in the air. 
In the corner of the room stood an 8 foot tall spruce tree. A couple of presents laid underneath it, excited to be opened later by its recipients. However, it was completely devoid of any decorations. 
At that moment, a young woman nearly stumbled into the living room carrying two heavy boxes that completely obstructed her view. One step forward and she nearly knocked over the nutcracker toy on her left. Just as the top box was on the verge of slipping over, swift hands easily caught the box and saved her from what otherwise would have been a disaster.
“You know you could have asked me to grab the decorations, right?” Yanjun questioned her.
Suni smiled sheepishly, adjusting the last box in her arms. “I figured you were busy in the kitchen, so I thought I’d save myself the trouble of taking two trips to the attic by carrying them all at once,” she said.
Yanjun tsked, gesturing for her to place her box on top of his. With much more ease, he helped her bring the decorations over to the bare tree. Suni bent down to open the boxes, revealing a variety of ornaments, tinsel, as well as some more lights.
“I’m so excited to finally decorate this tree after weeks of putting it up,” Suni happily expressed, picking up some gold tinsel, “even though Christmas is over tomorrow, but you best believe it’s staying up until New Years.”
“How come you didn’t just decorate it on your own earlier?” Yanjun questioned, juggling a few ornaments causing Suni to glare at him in warning.
“Careful! Those are the only ones we have and I’m not about to go out into the snow to get some more.”
“Babe, you worry too much. It’s fine-” he began saying before...
“...I’ll go get my coat.”
Unamused, Suni shook her head with a loud sigh and tugged him back to the tree. “Just help me decorate this with what we have left, you idiot. To answer your question, I wanted to wait until you were done with schedules so we could decorate the tree with each other. It’s our first Christmas together.”
Giving her a soft smile, he pulled her to him by the waist and kissed the top of her head. “Thank you, babe. Sorry for making you wait so long.”
With that said, the two divided the decorations between themselves with Yanjun handling the tinsel and lights (for obvious reasons) and Suni in charge of placing the ornaments on. Yanjun, being the grown child he is, pretended to use some gold tinsel as a lasso like some kind of cowboy before twirling it around Suni’s figure and using the tinsel to pull her to his chest.
“Excuse me, sir. You’re supposed to wrap that around the tree, not around me. We’re never going to have enough time to unwrap presents if you keep fooling around,” she chuckled, lightly smacking his face with the end of the tinsel.
Yanjun shrugged, “I’d rather unwrap you.”
Cheeks flushing pink in embarrassment, Suni pushed his entire face away with her hand. “You’re definitely on Santa’s naughty list this year, perv.”
“Oof, how could you hurt me so?” The male feigned hurt, dramatically placing his hands over his chest.
Rolling her eyes playfully, Suni returned to strategically placing the round bulbs and snowflake shaped ornaments onto the tree. After some more fiddling around, the couple finally finished decorating. With a flick of a button, the lights on the tree twinkled beautifully against the green boughs. All that was left was to place the star at the top of the tree.
Yanjun held the glittery gold star in his hand, wiggling it playfully. “Would you like to do the honors?”
Suni grinned at him with excited eyes and took the star from him. Feeling Yanjun’s hands on her hips, he easily lifted her up high enough so that she was able to swiftly place the decoration perfectly at the top of the tree. Instead of putting her down, he carefully maneuvered her around so that her legs wrapped around his waist. Naturally, she wrapped her arms around his neck as he held her up.
“How did we do?” he hummed, tilting his head to look into the eyes that he adored so much.
Suni smiled in response, “Amazing. I love how it turned out. This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had so far.”
“You know what would make this Christmas even better? Look up,” he instructed.
Doing as he said, Suni raised her gaze to the ceiling where a small sprig of mistletoe dangled. She laughed, of course Yanjun and place that there when she wasn’t paying attention. How he managed to do that, she had no idea. 
“Seriously?” she chuckled in amusement. “You’re so cliche.”
“Sorry, I don’t make the rules,” he sung, “Merry Christmas, beautiful.”
Under the Christmas lights of the tree they decorated with love, the couple happily shared one of the many special kisses to come.
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