#i’m kind of a genius
otherpens · 7 months
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[Text ID: Screenshot of a tweet which reads:
You CAN set an alarm on your phone to remind you that your hot drink will have cooled down enough to enjoy by now.
I *just realized* I could do this, and it's not weird. Don't live any more of your life NOT doing this! Winter is upon us! You have less time than you think! (coffee emoji, tea cup emoji, tea pot emoji)]
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Today my therapist told me I’m gonna put him out of business bc I’m getting so much better so fast. Y’all wish u were me
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otaku553 · 10 months
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bloobydabloob · 3 months
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Happy day 3 of DirkJake week.
Today’s theme was “Retro / Decades”… I am not sure if I even understood the theme right but I did them as like 50s greasers. For the decades part. Yeahh
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sammygender · 2 months
what if i told you that there was a guy.
and the guy has awful trauma regarding something done to him without his consent when he was very young that irreparably altered him. he feels like he’s intrinsically wrong and dirty his whole life even without knowing this, then he finds out and it totally destroys him. even his father thought he was evil, and that his brother would have to either save him or kill him. the guy really doesn’t want to be evil, he just wants to help people and to be good, so he tries so hard.
and it works! he has psychic powers that everyone thinks are freakish, but he’s sure he can use them to help people. he does! reclaiming the thing done to him when he was young, even though it still feels wrong and evil, he gains more power, and it looks like he’s the only one who’ll actually have enough strength to stop the apocalypse. he can even exorcise demons without hurting the host. so, though it gets a little dark along the way, he gets to the demon he has to defeat to stop the apocalypse. he’s done everything right, he’s tried so hard, he wants to be good so badly. he defeats her-
& it starts the apocalypse. role reversal, board flips. there was a different game being played the whole time, one rigged from the beginning. in trying so hard to save the world, he ended it.
anyway. there is a guy. and his name? SAM WINCHESTER.
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eggs-can-draw · 2 months
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Toddlers who say slurs
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kinos-fortress-2 · 4 months
ok another headcanon and is from my ultimate comfort favs:
When demo got first hired by pauling he was like very shy and introverted at some point where everyone wasn’t like… that conjoined and besties as how they are now. And i feel like he got a pretty rough time to even start to talk with his teammates or get a tiny friendship with them.
And he often times was very threatened by small lady in glasses that liked to be strict with them in their first day since… it was business only ofc
but by the time when pauling got a bit more soft with them, and got also a bit friendly with demo i feel like at some point he started to develop a tiny crush with her since she was the one who often talks more with, and i have this other hc that also he would fell easily with people that befriends him (not like anyone of course it really does depends the person for him)
so you know pauling it’s nerdy and a bit sensitive (she cries very easily) and she is very friendly or a bit more extrovert if she gets to, but like in a sense where she is more ambivert too. uhhh idk she is just talkative with people if you get her chance where she’s not busy and will tell you to go to hell. rough lady
and he liked that! i think he thought they both shared some stuffs along and can infodump their love for guns and for the work they are in and then if they can go a bit personal with some drinks and he liked that he could share this stuffs with her all chill and cool
but i feel like he just had this side secret crush with her and stopped those want to be romantic feelings because he really saw she is not like, up to those stuffs, she is so focused on work and also stressed and depressed like him and he could just understand that she just only want someone to listen to her but she will not like, pay that much attention about romantic relationships and he could completely understand that once he get to know her more deeply. and he just couldn’t do that to the one who also considered a friend and he probably guessed she will not feel the same for him but that didn’t like hurt him and is not like he ever confessed to her. he just had those secret feelings for her for a time and then realized she was not really like the one for him to be in a relationship
and that’s where i thought of him now having a more soft spot for her and caring her like a sister (not like literally but in a familiar soft spot sense, but that’s ofc his friend)
so yeah idk 👍
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butch-kyouka · 3 months
any other autistic ppl feel like their monotone voice and blatant honesty makes ppl assume they are an archetype of an asd coded character rather than a full ass human being or is it just me
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slavonicrhapsody · 1 year
I guess it does make you wonder if he had any sort of resentment towards Malenia too, albeit under the surface, like he HAD to prove he was better than her, the better half-sibling, better than the empyrean child whom he thought was loved more by Radagon than him, after all his father did leave his family.
HUGE fan of this take… in my head the Carian siblings probably had some weird hangups about the twins. First Radagon leaves their family, completely devastating their mother, and marries Marika, who attempted to invade Liurnia in the first place, and has two children with her. I just don’t see this situation as anything but extremely awkward and strange for the Carians. Given the fact that all 3 of them seem to oppose Radagon and his faction during the Shattering, I don’t think they ever really forgave him for leaving them, and this grudge likely generated some weird feelings seeing their father dote on his new children who aren’t them.
For Radahn and Rykard especially, I think there’s evidence that they both admired their father in a way (both of their armies wear red plumes to symbolize Radagon’s hair and emphasize their pedigree as his sons). It’s likely that while they were angry with him, they also still looked up to him and wanted his attention… but now he has new children, both empyreans, one of whom he mentors personally (he doesn’t seem to have done this with his older children). That has to hurt! I can definitely see Radahn viewing Malenia as sort of a boss he had to defeat to prove that his father was wrong to leave him behind and replace him.
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myname-isnia · 5 months
Bitches be having an unhealthy obsession with tragic and codependent and toxic sibling relationships in media and then be surprised when they latch onto Tigris Snow like a lifeline
(It’s me. I’m bitches)
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slythereen · 9 months
why is everyone acting like carlos giving lando DRS was some revolutionary and genius tactic previously never seen on this earth… don’t drivers play DRS games all the time??
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fyreflys · 7 months
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but can we talk about my genius for a second here (I’m so humble, I know /sar). I wish I could say I did, but I actually didn’t plan to reincorporate the opening scene/nightmare of my Everlark fic into the 4th chapter to close out the final book. It just happened. And I cannot explain the cackling and evil laughter I did as I realized how brilliant of a parallel it was.
And yet NO ONE IN MY AO3 COMMENTS MENTIONED IT. NOT A SINGLE PERSON. Do you even understand how POWERFUL I felt writing this? I felt insane. I felt like I had transported myself to a completely different plane of fic writing by pure coincidence and accident. I felt magical, for a brief moment. Beyond genius. Like I achieved the impossible. Like I won a lottery, but if it was on accidentally not planning the best literary parallel you possibly could. Am I crazy? Yes. Yes I am. But at least I’m a useful crazy. I think. I hope.
(Snippets from CH1 and CH4 of my fic Swan Upon Leda, linked in my pinned - SPOILERS, sort of)
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daddyonceler69 · 1 year
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wizardofgore · 2 years
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retrogradedreaming · 7 months
Lately I’ve gotten into doing puzzles but my brain has a caveat where I have to listen to audiobook memoirs while I do them
I just finished the one I was listening to, soooo I am asking you to send audiobook memoir recs to my inbox please
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fatedtime · 1 year
Hot take: I LOVE Fate Pseudoservants because they consistently use paralleling themes to draw connections between known franchise staples and mythological characters, therefore exploring the themes of both the mythological figure and the character in question. Ultimately, this shows how these myths are applicable to people in the modern day, and can resonate with humans hundreds, if not thousands of years later.
Further hot take: belittling artists and writers for wanting to further explore the characterization of their OCs is really gross, ultimately reducing creatives to content machines who soullessly pump out storylines for the masses without being allowed to explore their own individual passions or love for their own creations. Like, why is ‘oh, they just want to do stuff with their original characters’ so wrong? Like, newsflash, all Fate characters are essentially the writer’s mythology-based OCs. There is nothing wrong with that??? People who write and draw are, y’know, PEOPLE. It’s not corporate shilling to like drawing your blorbos. Please be normal about authors and artists having personal interests, as long as they’re not, like, offensive or something.
Nuclear hot take: Getting mad about characters from previous Fate properties getting added into FGO is super annoying. If you’re a FGO fan PLEASE either admit you don’t particularly like the Fate universe/it’s characters and just want to play a gacha game, or go engage with some of the entries that are not gacha related, I beg of you. There’s so much analysis to do about characterization of Pseudos, if you actually read and care about the shit those characters are in.
It can not be your thing and you can simultaneously not be weird about it — and yes, derogatorily calling it fanservice IS being weird about it.
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