#you're only making yourselves look like circus clowns
aleksanderscult · 18 days
It's rant time
I swear every time a person says "Alina was a little girl/teenager" and "the Darkling was a weirdo for wanting her" my peace is replaced by an immense annoyance.
So just because the Darkling is immortal he's not....allowed to have a relationship?? So what, he must remain single and alone forever otherwise he's gonna break your white moral code? Do all immortal creatures must remain single and not have a partner?
Since when was Alina a "little girl"? She was seventeen, a certified adult by the Grishaverse standards since people are considered adults by the age of sixteen. So where did the "teenager" term came from?
And bold of you to assume that the word "teenager" even exists in this universe. In the Grishaverse you're a child and then you straight up become an adult at the age of sixteen. There are no teenage years for them.
And these passages from "King of Scars" prove it:
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"She's barely sixteen" - which probably means that sixteen is also the age where girls begin to get married. In this case, Elke Marie will get married even sooner and no one bats an eye (everyone except Nikolai who tries to find an excuse to not get married).
And let's not forget the fact that Alina was immortal while she still had her powers. So if she had never lost them, sooner or later she would inevitably end up with Aleksander. The only other creature who could be with her.
Literally no Grishaverse character was disturbed or raised eyebrows for Alina's age. They all chastised her for wanting the "bad guy". Because it was the choice that made them revolt not the age, since she was an adult by then. They expected much from her (to rule, to lead, to fight) because quite simply she wasn't a child.
This babyfication of female characters in every piece of media has become a trend and I don't like it. You people will never accept other fictional universes' rules and you will never allow female characters to have depth and complexity. Alina had a sexual desire for the Darkling, she had feelings for him, she wanted power and she had her own darkness inside her but you will never get her out of the "she was just a little girl" description. You make her even worse than how she was written.
And it's evident how you have no problem with Nikolai proposing to Alina and even suggesting that he wanted children with her but everyone raged when the Darkling showed interest and sexual desire for her.
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Okay, interns, since the Halloween season is approaching, I wanted to ask who is the better Pennywise in your opinion?
Tim Curry:
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Bill Skarsgard:
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[Raz] I haven't watched the movies - I tried once , but Norma and Lizzie caught me. I think that the first one looks like a regular clown, but the second one ...disturbs me greatly.
[Lizzie] Tim Curry is a classic, but Bill Skarsgår's performance brought it to a whole different level of terror.
[Adam] I prefer Tim Curry's version. I admit, the remake duology is the scariest of the bunch; but like Lizzie said, you can't beat a classic.
[Frazie] Never seen either of these - on the road a lot, plus a few younger siblings makes horror movies a bit of a rare occurrence with us. Norma, be honest with me: how scary are these movies?
[Norma] The 1990 version really set the standard, but the advancement of cinematic technology definitely makes the remakes a lot worse. In either case, Nightmares are a guarantee.
[Frazie] I'll take the second one, then, because he actually looks scary. First one's costume looks too cheap.
[Lizzie] Hey, don't disrespect the maestro!
[Frazie] I'm a circus gal, I'm allowed to voice my opinion on circus related topics - including clown costumes.
[Sam] She's got you there, Liz. I like both, but the first one's is more for a ...relaxed scary night, if that's a thing.
[Gisu] My opinion is a bit the same as those said before. I even agree a bit about the cheapness look of Tim Curry's Pennywise.
[Lizzie] Okay, I feel like I'm going need to educate you all in appreciating cinema history. We're having a Movie Night and we're watching all three of these - 1990, 2017 and 2019!
[Morris] Might as well, I haven't seen the remakes yet.
[Raz] Ooh, can me and Lili watch, please? I'm old enough now!
[Sam] I think they can handle it.
[Adam] Yeah, these kids are though.
[Frazie] (Bumps Norma's shoulder) Whaddaya think, Topina?
[Norma] (Pauses as she thinks) (Deep sigh) Okay, fine, but only the 1990 version. The remakes are way too ...much.
[Lizzie] And after that movie, you got directly to bed and no complaining. You agree with that, Poots?
[Raz] Deal! I'm gonna tell Lili! (Runs off)
[Morris] (Leans towards Adam) (Whispers) I just love seeing those two get in Big Sister Mode.
[Adam] (Chuckles)
[Gisu] Anyway, I'm gonna call Dion and see if he can come to see the movies with us. When he gets scared, he tends to get cuddly and I wanna take all advantage of that.
[Frazie] Ooh, sounds like a good idea, actually. (Drapes herself over Norma, making her blush.)
[Lizzie] You're an example to us all, Nerumen. Speaking of which, I'll go see Millie and see if she's down to clown with us - pun intended.
[Sam] I'm coming with. I was gonna head over to the store and get snacks anyway.
[Norma] Which leaves the rest of us to try and manage to get this pigsty cleaned up. Honestly, have you guys never heard of picking up after yourselves?
[Adam] (Leans over to Morris) (Whispers) And that's one side of Big Sister Mode that I don't love.
[Norma] I heard that!
[Morris] (Laughs)
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moonlightsweatheart · 2 years
Twenty-Three - Cotton Candy Dream
Finally, you heard a knock on the door. You opened it with a smile and Kaeya immediatly smiles back. You can smell his parfume without difficulties and notice that he looks as stressed as you.
"Hi" he says nervously.
"Hey Kaeya, i'm ready to go !" you answer, going out of the appartment and locking the door behind you.
"Ayaka isn't home, so i wont take the risk to let the door unlocked."
He smiles and nods at your words, but the truth is that he didn't even listen what you said. He can't help but be amazed by how you look. You have really pretty clothes and your smile is even brighter than the day you meet.
"Should we get going ?"
"Uh, yes, sorry. I was distracted for a second."
"Is everything alright ?" you ask, placing a hand on his arm.
"Yes, yes of course ! Come on, or we're going to miss the train."
He suddently changes his attitude and takes your hand in his, starting to walk to the train station.
The walk is not long, and you two arrive pretty quickly. You both realise how easily the discussion flows between you and you can't help but feel happy about it.
There is something strange hanging out with only Kaeya, a feeling that is not unpleasant but still unusual.
It's not the first time you two are alone together, but still, your heart flutters, your cheeks are warming up and you are head over heels for him.
Everything he says is good, and you don't even realise how bad you're falling for him anymore.
After thirty minutes of train, you can finally get out and breathe some fresh air.
Kaeya is still holding your hand, and its becoming an habbits but neither of you are complaining.
"The circus is right here. I already bought the tickets online so we just have to give them to the man in front of the entrance."
You let him guide you and wait in line like everyone else.
"Do you want to buy some popcorn or chips ? Or something to drink maybe ?" he asks you, seeing a stand with food and drinks.
"Yes, that would be great. I want some cotton candy !"
He laughs at your enthusiasm.
"I will buy cotton candy too. It looks so good, i want to try it."
You look at him with widen eyes.
"You never ate cotton candy ?"
"No, never. Diluc hated it when we were kids and i had the bad habbit of never trying anything that he didn't like. Now that i grow up, i realise how stupid it was and i'm trying to at least try before saying i dont like something"
"It's a good idea. Plus, cotton candy is my favorite type of candy."
"Well then, i hope i'll like it."
After giving your tickets, you run to the candy stand and buy two cotton candy and two drinks to enjoy the show.
You find your seats without problem and continue to talk until a man stands in the center of the circus track and starts to talk.
"Hello everybody ! Welcome to our new show, specially created for the start of this new school year ! I know all lot of you probably just went back to school and i hope this show will be a way to enjoy yourselves before the classes start to get serious again !"
Everyone applause and finally, the show starts.
There are clowns, acrobats, trapeze artists, and even a tiger tamer.
"Look Yn, this is my favorite moment. They going to make this girl dissapeare in front of us and nobody will ever understand how."
You smile at the way his eyes are shining. You feel your heartbeats getting faster and suddently, you realise.
Damn, your friends were right. You are totally in love with this man. He's eating his cotton candy with joy, looking at the magician and his assistant with excitement and you couldn't be happier than right now, by his side.
"Yn, did you see ? I told you, nobody could understand how they did that !"
"Yeah...I totally didn't get it either."
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Masterlist | Chapter Twenty-Two | Chapter Twenty-Four
Taglist : @orionicchaos @mayasshitposts @roguebox
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Musings... Episode 2
So… can't you believe I'm heading back home? My scouts graduate today, and it's beautiful out here. Beautiful enough to wear my hair in a blowout, but…
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This shuttle scenario will leave me in a horrific position of sorts. I know people wanna see me, and I wanna see them, but…
Heero: So instead of taking your chances, and instead of communicating with those who need to know what's happening, you turn back. Why?
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Because, what's the use?
Heero: Those kids would've loved to see you at their graduation. Even their parents! You know how much people like having you there.
I chose the wrong career, Heero. Unlike you.
Heero: No you didn't. Nothing you chose was the wrong thing.
Quatre: In other words, we get it. The market sucks due to an impending recession and major cuts, depending on how Canada votes in a few months. But you don't give up due to a random mishap.
Heero: "Pfffffft" will not help you.
Shut up!
Trowa: He has a point, you know.
Quatre: Okay, I have a better idea. Since you're not attending graduation anymore, though I strongly prefer you did, get in the house, change clothes and take a stroll in the park.
A stroll in the park? How will that help?
Quatre: It will calm your nerves and mind.
Well, okay. I can always do that. As long as I don't get caught.
Quatre: ???🤔
Trowa: ????🧐
Heero: Who's watching you?
The world. Duh.
Heero: Then go and conquer it! Who cares if you need a breather, or something along those lines? Everyone has their own lives to worry about. You should stay focused on yours.
Nah, I'll hit the bed.
Quatre: You don't need anymore sleep.
I kinda do. That's the only place I can redeem myself.
Quatre: (to the others) We need to do something.
Trowa: Did she just lose her inspiration to live a little?
Quatre: I'm afraid so.
Heero: Let's give her nightmares.
Quatre: But that won't-
Heero: It will work. At least it'll force her to find better ways to spend her day.
Trowa: The past few days have been horrible.
Heero: And today is even better, possibly the best day of the week. No dramatic weather in sight.
Quatre: So how do we get her out of there?
Heero: Nightmares.
Quatre: Really? That's all you can come up with?
Heero: I strongly prefer she enjoys the sunshine, and every other beautiful thing nature has to offer.
Duo: Life sucks, man. Everything sucks.
Wufei: Agreed. Who runs this country anyway?
Zechs: Your parents. Now go outside and play.
*The others glare at Zechs, yet he doesn't flinch.*
Zechs: You know I'm right. Stop worrying about crap and enjoy yourselves.
Duo: ☹️
Wufei: 😣
Trowa: They're not happy either. What's wrong with them?
Heero: They've been TB's leading muses for the past three weeks. Three excruciating weeks, because life changed and all they do *gestures Duo and Wufei* is fight, cry, then revert back to what you're witnessing right now when she's not working on any scenes.
Trowa: Okay so, what should we do?
Heero: You follow my lead.
Zechs: I'll make some lemonade. It's hot enough for one.
Quatre: Wait, that was my job.
Zechs: Not anymore. You go keep the others in check. *Leaves the scene*
Quatre: It's hard enough dealing with unhappy people as it is.
Duo: But, you do realize the world sucks, right? Have you missed the News? I don't know if being called an American is something to be proud of anymore, due to-
Quatre: Yes, the world is going through a lot but there's not much we can do about it. Except start small. We can use the computer inside that room and research charities and organisations that are helping those parts every way possible.
Duo: Okay, so what do you think about those abortion laws? Most women don't know they're pregnant until six weeks. And guess who voted for that bull? Mostly men. Men who don't have a uterus. Though I'd hope they swap one day and live the reality for nine months straight…
Quatre: I get it. Being American is nothing to be ashamed of. It's just, people wanted what they wanted so they voted for whomever represents their views.
Duo: Right… Then what will become of babies and kids who are forced to grow up in the streets, with no access to warmth, like I did?
Wufei: *groans and rolls eyes*
Quatre: What's wrong?
Wufei: I hate this place. Hate the fact that healthcare, education and the job market are falling off-course. If we didn't send our Gundams to the Sun, I would've sent those stupid higher-ups a warning.
Duo: That's not even, Wufei. Not a fair battle if you ask me.
Wufei: There's no fair or unfair in battle! Teach those idiots a lesson! Then the world wouldn't be as messed up as it is right now.
Quatre: I suspect your problem stems from a variety of factors… the political, civil unrest in China. Injustice of all kinds against marginalized groups. And you feel powerless without your Gundam.
Wufei: Pfft.
Quatre: I understand your anger, but the Gundams weren't sent to the sun. We decimated them, remember? Anyways, I don't think it's wise for us to take on too much burden with things we can't control.
Duo: We've saved the world twice before, so what do you suggest?
Heero: Open all windows.
Trowa: Let in some air.
Heero: Make fun of clowns.
Trowa: Like you just don't care.
Heero: Except Trowa and the circus he works at.
Trowa: Thank-you.
*Quatre smiles while the others share a look*
Heero: We're getting you guys out of here, okay?
Duo: But-
Trowa: No buts. We're going to the park.
Wufei: It's a boring park. No place to meditate.
Heero: Never make assumptions.
Duo and Wufei: 😡
Quatre: I have everything packed already. Let's go!
*Duo and Wufei won't budge*
Heero: *tosses car keys to Quatre* We'll catch up. *Picks up Wufei and carries him out the door*
Trowa: *Does the same with Duo*
Zechs: Lemon-
Zechs: Hmph. Looks like they're gone for now. *Calls the ladies*
~A few hours later~
Noin: I love this!
Sally: We should have an encore.
Une: Same here.
Zechs: What good dream should we give her next?
Sally: No more. We're running the show now. Let's make her write.
Une: My thoughts exactly.
Noin: I agree. Clear her mind so she can function at the Business Extravaganza tomorrow.
Sally: Let's make a toast to better days ahead.
Relena: Better days.
Dorothy: Better days for all the ladies.
Hilde: Better days!
Zechs: Wait, Dorothy-
Dorothy: *to Zechs* No uterus. No opinion.
Noin: More lemonade, anyone?
Relena: Over here!
Sally: I brought ice cream as well.
*Door bell rings*
Cathy: Chocolates and pineapples coming through!
Zechs: Okay, so can I-
Sally: No uterus, no opinion.
Sylvia: I never knew this place would get lit.
Hilde: Told you so! *Winks*
Relena: We should store them somewhere safe.
Zechs: I'll handle-
Une & Cathy: No uterus, no opinion.
Zechs: 'What did I get myself into?'
Sylvia: I've brought some card games if anyone wants to play.
Hilde: I'm in!
Relena: I'm in!
Dorothy: I'm in!
Cathy: Chick flicks after this!
Zechs: I need the boys to come back so-
Noin: Zechs-y baby... No uterus, no opinion. It's ladies time out here!
Zechs: 🤐
Noin: 🤭
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