#youre forcing hinduism down our throats
iqmmir · 5 months
I hate this fucking country
#vent#dont read the tags there uh stuff yeagg#———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————#youre giving schools a holiday?? for this????#are you serious?????#you DESTROYED. STONED DOWN STAMPED DOWN. A RELIC OF OUR HISTORY#A MASJID. TO BUILD A FUCKING TEMPLE#and now youre giving schools a holiday AND MAKING PRIVATE SCHOOLS LIVESTREAM THE INAUGRATION??????#youre stamping down history to uphold this religion. you're killing and lynching people who disagree with you#god i hate this fucking place#all the shit about independence from the british and for what.#its just a switching of whos in charge isnt it??#the east india company the queen the bjp#whats the difference youre still killing youre killing children raping assaulting#destroying homes of people#to uphold your religion#as of it was about religion to begin with#'the abolishion of the caste system' then why are dalits still harassed still treated like a lower species not treated as human#youre forcing hinduism down our throats#youre putting orange everywhere in the country#YOURE KILLING PEOPLE FOR. EATING GOATS AND COWS JUST STOP LEAVE PLEASE#im so sick and tired of living in this country where i could be killed at any moment where rape is starting to become normalised#i hate this fucking place i hope i die i dont want to grow up im sick and tired of this place#im sick and tired of religion being tied to everything#education politics just stop just shut up
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plumblueflower · 3 years
Can I have a story too, bro? Any mythology? 🥺
Yes of course! Let me think of a nice one that you'll enjoy.............*please imagine the music you hear when you're on hold for a company phone number, but in kazoo*................DING!
Today we'll be learning about the 2nd incarnation of Lord Vishnu from my own religion/mythology! Disclaimer to any who practice Hinduism, don't come after me for being irreverent. I believe that these stories were meant to be told with love and affection, not fear.
Onward to a cautionary tale about how being arrogant is one of the worst things you can do when met with a temperamental sage and how tortoises and snakes are apparently valid materials in engineering. Due to divinity of said creatures, it can be safely said that no reptiles were harmed in the making of this production!
Once upon a time, while the King of the Heavens, God of Lightning and Thunder (think Zeus but less swol??), Indra was simply king-ing around, a sage came into his court. Now, these sages were very powerful and well-respected members of society. They'd essentially take to the forest and pray for a very, very long time and gain something akin to XP points in a game, along with rather unsavory looking beards (but don't ever said that to them aloud, you'll see what happens when you offend them!). Generally, a force to be respected and tread carefully around.
The sage that came on that Wednesday afternoon (this is an estimate based on my stellar intuition), was named Durvasa. And he was known to be a very, very, very, very grumpy old coot. Perhaps it was because he meditated with the wrong posture, it can't be explained for sure. Anyways, if you ever come across him, keep your manners poised!
He came with good intent, wanting to bestow a flower garland on Indra as a gesture of blessing and kindness. However, Indra, presumably addled by the royal haze, simply took it and gave it to Airavat, his elephant. Now, being an elephant, Airavat did not necessarily have a great regard for decorum and simply stomped on it after realizing that it wasn't a snack.
Durvasa was livid to say the least, and can you blame him? Imagine you spent all your time writing a love letter for someone and they simply through it to their pet shredder, sounds horrid, doesn't it? (Now you'll have more incentive to reblog this!)
Well in his rage, the old geezer cursed everyone in the heavens, gods and demigods alike, to lose all fortune, happiness, and victory! Soon after, Indra's armies began to lose all of their battles, and generally seemed to be going through a time about as fun as ours. The gods were entirely at their wits' end! How would they finagle their way out of this?
Forgive the quick business analogy, but imagine this power structure a bit like a corporate one. Indra would be the CEO of the company, but there is a founding board of directors that he answers to. The Big Three: Vishnu, Shiva, and Bramha.
Anyways, Indra and the rest of the heavenly squad trekked up to Vishnu's realm and sheepishly asked for an assist. Vishnu told them that all their fortune and the immortal nectar, Amrit (for the graecophiles, Ambrosia) was at the bottom of the ocean (Pacific? Atlantic? I think quite possibly could have been an extremely large puddle). To regain their prosperity and health, they would have to churn it out of the ocean!
At that point, Vishnu, in RPG game fashion, gave them a helpful hint: You need the help of the demons to hold the other side of whatever rope you use to churn, but you cannot let them take the Immortal Juice. This would require some hijinks and shenanigans, but they figured out a plan.
The gods convinced the demons to come and help them churn, promising that they would share the Amrit. They assembled a humongous, gargantuan, massive churning mechanism. Vishnu's "snake familiar", Vasuki, King of the Serpents, was the churning rope and huge mountain was the churning rod. As they pulled the snakey-rope back and forth, demons on one side, gods on the other, the mountain started sinking! Oh no! So, Vishnu took the form of a tortoise and went under the mountain to keep it stabilized! By some engineering miracle, the wealth and fortune came right out from the seabed, along with a few unfortunate fishes. When the Amrit came out, the Demons quickly snatched it for security. But the gods had a plan, because as we know, if there's one thing that dissolves all reason from the brain, it is a very hot woman. (unless you're an aspec or a gay in this case, but at this point, I'm willing to bet that the illusion would simply change to be garlic bread or a hot stud to seduce you anyways)
Now who exactly was this hot woman? Well, her name was Mohini, but she was actually Vishnu in disguise! She seduced the demons into letting her distribute the Amrit to everyone and with her charming maneuvers, she managed to distract the demons so that they wouldn't notice that she was only actually giving nectar to the gods! Victory for our side!
But wait! It turns out the demons had a counterstrike of their own! One demon, Rahuketu, realized the trick and disguised himself to be a god so he would get the nectar. But just as the nectar was about to go down his throat, Vishnu caught him and beheaded him with his ultra-scary, spiky frisbee, the Sudarshan Chakra. Because the demon had already ingested it partially, the two half of his body became sentient beings aptly named Rahu and Ketu. We now see them in the sky as Uranus and Neptune! With that deception foiled, the story ends with the victory of the gods!
Fun fact about Mohini: This female avatar of Vishnu, was very much the temptous femme fatale of the millennia! She killed many demons with her cunning and looks, the illusion being able to tempt anyone! Including....one of the other members of the Triumvirate, Shiva himself! According to the stories of Kerela, India, Shiva saw Mohini, they did "lovers-in-the-nighttime" and had a child, Ayyappa! As a trans, I think this is pretty cool, but thought you all would like to know as well!
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fizzyxcustard · 4 years
Part 2 of the forcing children ask, one teacher thought that the gays and any mental health issue was a mark of the devil, it was forced down our throats so much that most people that went there are atheists or other religions (wiccan, paganism, Hinduism ect.) and our sex Ed was just fear mongering about premarital sex, stds and the gays. :) it was more of an extreme cultish type situation than a church of England school. Our headmistress also kick several people because they weren't white. :)
Some people force the Word in such a way that it’s abusive, and this is what then gives Christians a bad name. We are told to spread the Word, but Jesus did also say that if people do not accept what you have to say, brush the dust off your feet and walk away. You can’t force someone to believe what they don’t want to. All we can do is try our best to tell people about the Good News, but if they don’t want to hear then that’s their choice.
Cults and religions have caused so much abuse and misery over the years, and still continue to do so. I don’t see my faith as organised religion; it’s the Way of God, and He is never abusive. Like a child with their parents; the parents can tell their children what they do is wrong, but the child will choose whether to follow that or not as they grow up.
There may be things I don’t agree with that people do or think. But I do not hate anyone. Please realise that. I never hate or judge. I am only talking about my faith and answering questions honestly. My faith is still growing and I’m learning....
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marzipan-moon · 7 years
20,000 Breaths.
Characters: Korekiyo & his sister. Warnings: Graphic descriptions of illness/dying. No spoilers for DRV3 beyond Korekiyo’s freetime.  Author comment: So! This is my first attempt of writing Korekiyo, and of course I... go straight for the angst. I’m still getting used to his voice so things might seem a bit shaky/off - but any feedback is most appreciated. Thank you! Good Tune: I was heavily inspired by Shiva - The Antlers. Even if you don’t read this fic, I... Just... Listen to that song and think of Korekiyo. It just kills me every time ahhh. 
In one day, the average person takes around twenty thousand breaths. A breath is a physiological universal, automatic and controllable - subjective, technique based, and contextual. Breath is as much a fundamental part of life as to how we interact with the world, others, our environment. Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity - so many sects across the world merge breathing with spiritually - Chinese characters symbolically reduce breath into a fundamental radical, our speech punctuated by pauses and breaths like a tonal overture changing context.  
But, is our language rich enough to describe breathlessness? The fatigue, the slow build of mucous, how much she was able to grasp, moment by moment, her thoughts on the tire of her chest. The way patients describe, even express, breathlessness differs between country to country - their words shaped by education, poverty, experience; culture. The word fails, as so many words do, to capture the complete shape of the condition.
Scientifically, he could have described her as experiencing ‘hyperpnea’ when she was tired or ‘dyspnoea’ after anything that could be considered even mild exercise - he could try and capture her condition as ‘hyperventilation’ or ‘chronic respiratory failure’ - but what emotions did those words spring to mind? A coldness, hospital beds and plastic doctors. She was so much more than that, so so much more than that. So why not metaphor? The similes she herself so often employed when they asked her - when they could ask her, how she was feeling. “My lungs are like ground glass”, “Oh, it’s like there’s not enough air in the air”, “It’s like a heavy weight on my chest, like someone’s holding me down and they won’t let me back up”, “I’m drowning, it’s like I’m drowning, but it burns, oh my god. Why won’t it stop fucking burning?!” She couldn’t ever say, no matter how many scales they gave her, what her level of breathlessness was like. And she’d whisper to him that the nurses didn’t want to hear it, didn’t want to know the thick description - they wanted to reduce her to an ink mark number on a page, an experience calculated.   Is our language rich enough to properly describe, give justice to the way she clung to her throat? Her eyes like saucers, her mouth sloppy and drooping. The coughing, the shaking, the long thin croaking line of a gasp that sounded like her chest was coming undone like foundations of a house. The squeal of a rusty door, as if her throat was too dry, her lungs a motionless desert. But no matter how long he stared at her, each breath laboured and shaky and fragile, he couldn’t fully understand it. What it was like, what that sensation of drowning and that seemingly unstoppable ‘fucking burning’ was really like. He wished he knew. Ahh, as though knowing alone could give him some kind of control over it, as though knowing would make the observing somehow easier. He couldn’t give her his lungs. Even if he held his head under the bathwater until he came up bubbles and chokes, even if he ran and ran and ran in those endless circles around the hospital park - gasping for air while legs ached, even if he... well. Even if he tied a belt round his neck and pulled it until the world stilled, touching the horrid left-over marks with satisfied horror - no matter how he simulated her experience, it was all voluntary. With strong lungs. With an obvious end, a recovery point of minutes. In truth, all he could do was watch.
Watch twenty thousand breaths, quietly passing, unnoticeable without conscious effort. And yet, as she told him on a particularly bad day, you can’t stop it. You can try. You can hold it still, trap one fistful of air for as long as you want - but your body will override your consciousness and force it out anyway. Even if it has to shut down your brain, like a little emergency backup just in case the ape controlling it does anything stupid. Interesting, right? Twenty thousand breaths, and she’d been made aware of every one.  
“I’m breathless”, she’d say - tired from walking and taking a gasp from her inhaler. “I’m breathless”, she’d choke, throwing him the phone, collapsing onto the wall. “I’m breathless”, she’d croaked, gold eyes bleary and hardly open, the oxygen mask slipped from her face. That wasn’t, couldn’t have been, the same breathlessness he felt when they told her she was dead. Her breathlessness had been a struggle, a desperation, a notice of the absence. Even when she’d become just a vomit of tubes and the machine pumped air into her and ‘breathless’ took a new meaning - his own breathlessness was something wholly different. It was like he’d never be aware of his breathing again. An emptiness that was sucked from his mouth like the catheters that took away her useless waste. The rope round his neck was choking him. It was too tight, tighter than the mask on his face. He couldn’t feel his body, sounds distorting, the ruffle of clothes and the snap of the whip seeming wholly separate from the world inside of him. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t cry out, he couldn’t even laugh. This was it, suspended and helpless, this was what she must have felt. The weight on his chest pushing the glass in deeper, the scratches coating his lungs over and over rapid slices red in his vision and a burning, an agonising burning like the stove touching the stove the hot hot hot sun blistering i want this but please breathe breathe breathe breathe please breathe - His consciousness overridden, the stupid ape put to sleep.  
Historically, make up had been used throughout the deep well of human culture - precisely when it started long lost to that faraway darkness. The Chinese stained their fingernails with beeswax and eggwax, Persians with their precious kohl smeared along the edges of their eyelids, Geisha crushing safflower petals to rub on their eyebrows and rice powder for her face, European church leaders calling makeup sinful but thousands of woman still doing so. A precedent so long it could almost be called natural.   There’s many reasons why makeup is thought to be worn, to attract a mate, a symbol of status, ceremony or event. She wore it so she didn’t look sick. He remembered her long rants, fourteen and bold - makeup was a stupid leftover of a more primitive society. A capitalist evil forcing women into societal anxiety so that they might offer their money and their time on poisonous trite. It dulled them, she said, even if the goal was to make them sparkle. But then her cheeks hollowed, her eyes sunk, her complexion sallowed  - and suddenly her face was forever coated in fine powder, her lips a blaring red. He hadn’t liked it at first, but on reflection, he couldn’t help but wonder if she in part wore it for him. To distract from her sickness, so he wouldn’t notice… that her cheeks didn’t stop getting hollower, her eyes didn’t stop sinking, her complexion sallower. It was like she suspended her appearance under that mask, like she needed it to face the world.
Funny, she wore it so proudly - but it was just another way for her to hide. You could say she wanted to be noticed, but in reality - she just wanted to be thought of as ordinary. He touched his face, ran his fingers over the warm material over his neck - you could say too, that he wore his own (rather more literal) mask for attention. Kekeke, and you’d be wrong. Though he supposed he didn’t want to be thought of as ordinary, either - as flexible and fluid as that term was, anyway. … He used her foundation, the sensation of applying it not unpleasant. He put on her lipstick, Cherry Lush or other somesuch fanciful name. He painted his eyes, such a thin line of black eyeliner - until, yes, yes - yes! There she was! Smiling back at him, her perfect face, her mask and her memories, her soft lips opening to thank him for the job well done. Thank you, thank you, thank you Korekiyo. You’re getting better at this, Korekiyo. You’re making me so, (sosoososo) happy. He slipped his own mask back over, and for a moment, saw her in the mirror with her oxygen mask. The sound of his breathing filled the room, and he embraced himself, thankful that she’d never ever ever ever have to wear that awful mask again.
She finally had his lungs.
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mumblesandthings · 7 years
Beginner's Guide to Chakras
Uhm… What the french toast are Chakras?
Have you ever complained about tiredness, or relationship issues, or well… anything really? If you said no, unless you are some perfect angel human, I don’t believe you. But if you said yes, I would tell you your chakras are out of whack. You can laugh in my face, you can roll your eyes, or you can just go get those doggone chakras balanced.
But what are they?
Chakras, simply put (very simply put) are energy centers throughout your body. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. Each chakra can be visualized as a spinning whirl where energy flows in a spiraling vortex.
There are seven main chakras in your body. What are they? Working from the top, down
Seventh Chakra: Crown Chakra
Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Affirmation: “I am one with my higher self and one with the Divine.”
Purpose: Cognition, our connection and to spirituality and higher self/life/purpose
Location: Top/center of the head
Color: Violet/white
Element: Thought
Crystals: Clear quartz, diamond, Herkimer diamond, lepidolite, moonstone, sugilite, amethyst, sapphire
Essential Oils: Francincense, helichrysum, lemon, melissa, chamomile, rosemary, sandalwood
Sixth Chakra: Third Eye Chakra
Sanskrit: Ajna
Affirmation: “I am tuned into the Divine to follow the path towards my purpose.”  
Purpose: Intuition/imagination/wisdom/ability to think and make decisions
Location: Middle of forehead: between the eyes, above the base of the nose, slightly higher than brow line
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Crystals: Amethyst, blue quartz, charoite, lepidolite, purple flourite, sodalite, sugilite, lapis lazuli
Essential Oils: Clary sage, lemongrass
Fifth Chakra: Throat Chakra
Sanskrit: Vishuddha
Affirmation: “I am speaking clearly and truthfully with grace and ease.”
Purpose: Communication/self-expression of feelings, speaking the truth, holding secrets
Location: Center of throat/neck
Color: Blue
Element: Ether/sound
Crystals: Angelite, apatite, aquamarine, celestine, blue lace agate, sodalite, lapis lazuli, turquoise
Essential Oils: Birch, lavender, oregano
Fourth Chakra: Heart Chakra
Sanskrit: Anahata
Affirmation: “I am giving and receiving love effortlessly and unconditionally.”
Purpose: Love, joy, inner peace
Location: Heart region
Color: Green
Element: Air
Crystals: Amazonite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, emerald rose quartz, green aventurine
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, geranium, lime, marjoram, melaleuca, peppermint, rose, thyme, ylang ylang
Third Chakra: Solar Plexus Chakra
Sanskrit: Manipura
Affirmation: “I am powerful, confident and successful in all my ventures.”
Purpose: Power, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem
Location: Slightly above the navel
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Crystals: Amber, golden topaz, sunstone, citrine, yellow calcite  
Essential Oils: Bergamont, cassia, clove, coriander, fennel, ginger, grapefruit, juniper berry, wintergreen
Second Chakra: Sacral Chakra
Sanskrit: Svadhistana
Affirmation: “I am authentically creating a life free of stress and full of bliss.”    
Purpose: Authentic creation, creator, soul fire, sexuality  
Location: Slightly below the navel    
Color: Orange    
Element: Water    
Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, orange calcite, orange carneline, fire opal
Essential Oils: Black pepper, cinnamon, cypress, tangerine, orange
First Chakra: Root Chakra
Sanskrit: Muladhara
Affirmation: “I am a divine being of light. I am peaceful, protected, and secure.”    
Purpose: Survival, security, stability    
Location: Base of spine    
Color: Red    
Element: Earth    
Crystals: Bloodstone, garnet, ruby, jasper    
Essential Oils: Basil, cedarwood, myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, white fir
I often shy away from recommending the use of chakra meditation to help solve the problems my friends and family complain about. I'm afraid they'll think it's too "woo woo" and therefore I must have gone off the deep end. Unfortunately, many of these ancient energy work practices (chakra healing has been used since 1500 BC!) are not considered viable medicine for the human body. Western culture does not put great emphasis on mental health but slowly, practices like meditation and yoga are becoming more and more accepted and common place. YAY!
Why do I care about this?
Energy Work is the basis of many alternative healing techniques. Ayurvedic medicine, crystal therapy, Reiki and traditional Chinese medicine all involve energy work. Energy work can also be found in some religious and spiritual beliefs such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It is at the core of Feng Shui and considered an integral part of yoga (Kundalini and Anusara yoga in particular).
Throughout the world, different cultures deal with energy work. The term for energy may differ (Chinese chi, Japanese ki, Greek pneuma, Indian prana, etc.) but wherever you are, the idea remains the same. Energy work is the manipulation of the energy which flows through all living things, also known as life force energy. 
For centuries, people have balanced their chakras in order to feel grounded, passionate, confident, loving, expressive, creative and spiritual. Modern humans have just as much or even more stress and chaos interrupting our lives making it easy for chakras to become blocked. You can heal yourself by connecting your body, mind and spirit to your energy. With unblocked chakras and freely flowing energy you can live your healthiest, most joyous life.
If you can understand this you can understand why people consider it important to work with their chakras. By healing and balancing our chakras we are actively working toward healing and balancing ourselves on every level. When you complain about being tired or a problem in your relationship or anything else you can discover the deeper issue that could be causing these surface challenges.
How can I start healing my Chakras?
Chakra meditations like this one:
Yoga: did you know... many yoga poses are designed to cleanse the chakras? 
Crown: Silence - shhhh
Third Eye: Om
Throat: Ham
Heart: Yam
Solar Plexus: Ram
Sacral: Vam
Root: Lam
Check back for future posts in the chakra healing series.
Do You Practice Chakra Healing? Tell Me About It In A Comment Below Or Share It On The Mumbles & Things Facebook Page.
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mikosaura · 6 years
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Have you ever complained about tiredness, or relationship issues, or well… anything really? If you said no, unless you are some perfect angel human, I don’t believe you. But if you said yes, I would tell you your chakras are probably whack-a-doodle.
Chakras, simply put (very simply put) are energy centers throughout your body. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel. Each chakra can be visualized as a spinning whirl where energy flows in a spiraling vortex. Emotional imbalance and stress block the energy that flows freely from one chakra to the next. This can create and illusion of separation and fear in your perception of life.
You can balance your chakras if they ever become stuck in order to bring harmony back into your life. When the energy can circulate throughout your body you may find that you become more creative, focused and fulfilled.
The source of energy can be represented by the element of spirit. Some people may consider this the soul. This body is limitless and it channels the energy from the universe into your material body. It's purpose is to bring awareness to the cosmic consciousness. In other words, it takes you from a state of ignorance to the realization of truth. The soul searches for harmonious vibrations.
The human body can be visualized as a column of light, vibrating at the frequency of color. Each of the seven main chakras—crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root— vibrate at a different frequency and therefore are seen as different colors. These vibrations correspond with various emotions and feelings, when the vibrations are interrupted due to disease, stress, or tensions, it can deplete the energy you have available to live your daily life and alters your chemical and hormonal response to change.
The seven main chakras in your body, are as follows, working from the top, down:
The highest chakra opens you up to the universe, to the energy from above you, to intuition and spirit. Some people see it as violet in color and others see it as a bright, shining white. Either way, it is the chakra that represents enlightenment and the connection to deity.
Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Affirmation: “I am one with my higher self and one with the Divine.”
Purpose: Cognition, our connection and to spirituality and higher self/life/purpose
Location: Top/center of the head
Color: Violet/white
Element: Thought
Crystals: Clear quartz, diamond, Herkimer diamond, lepidolite, moonstone, sugilite, amethyst, sapphire
Essential Oils: Frankincense, helichrysum, lemon, lemon balm, chamomile, rosemary, sandalwood
This chakra is associated with psychic vision, intuition, wisdom, the mind, perception, and visualization. If it is blocked, you may be unable to access those things, and you thinking in general might be muddled. If you have attempted divination and failed, it is a good idea to check in on your third eye chakra.
Sanskrit: Ajna
Affirmation: “I am tuned into the Divine to follow the path towards my purpose.”  
Purpose: Intuition/imagination/wisdom/ability to think and make decisions
Location: Middle of forehead: between the eyes, above the base of the nose, slightly higher than brow line
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Crystals: Amethyst, blue quartz, charoite, lepidolite, purple flourite, sodalite, sugilite, lapis lazuli
Essential Oils: Clary sage, lemongrass
The fifth chakra rules speech, self-expression, communication, creativity, the arts, and speaking your own truth. If you've ever felt powerless or unable to speak your mind your throat chakra might be out of balance. Many people store anger in this chakra so learning techniques for letting go of that anger can lead you to positive change and transformation.
Sanskrit: Vishuddha
Affirmation: “I am speaking clearly and truthfully with grace and ease.”
Purpose: Communication/self-expression of feelings, speaking the truth, holding secrets
Location: Center of throat/neck
Color: Blue
Element: Ether/sound
Crystals: Angelite, apatite, aquamarine, celestine, blue lace agate, sodalite, lapis lazuli, turquoise
Essential Oils: Birch, lavender, oregano
The heart chakra is the fourth chakra and is located right where you'd expect! It is associated with the emotions, especially the ability to give and receive love. If it is closed off, you will probably have a tough time with relationships of every kind, so it's a good idea to check in on this one from time to time.
Sanskrit: Anahata
Affirmation: “I am giving and receiving love effortlessly and unconditionally.”
Purpose: Love, joy, inner peace
Location: Heart region
Color: Green
Element: Air
Crystals: Amazonite, chrysocolla, chrysoprase, emerald rose quartz, green aventurine
Essential Oils: Eucalyptus, geranium, lime, marjoram, melaleuca, peppermint, rose, thyme, ylang ylang
The third chakra is considered to be the center of the body, the place from which energy is generated. The third chakra is usually visualized as yellow in color. If it is out of balance, that can show up as a lack of energy flow. This chakra is associated with self-esteem and self-confidence.
Sanskrit: Manipura
Affirmation: “I am powerful, confident and successful in all my ventures.”
Purpose: Power, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem
Location: Slightly above the navel
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Crystals: Amber, golden topaz, sunstone, citrine, yellow calcite  
Essential Oils: Bergamot, cassia, clove, coriander, fennel, ginger, grapefruit, juniper berry, wintergreen
The second chakra, also known as the sacral chakra, is located at the pelvis and is usually pictured as being orange in color. This energy center is key for sexuality and hormonal balance, which affects the entire body. No matter what stage of life you are at, this chakra can be thrown off by trauma or illness. Some people ar uncomfortable with their own sexuality, and that can throw this chakra out of whack too.
Sanskrit: Svadhistana
Affirmation: “I am authentically creating a life free of stress and full of bliss.”    
Purpose: Authentic creation, creator, soul fire, sexuality  
Location: Slightly below the navel    
Color: Orange    
Element: Water    
Crystals: Carnelian, citrine, orange calcite, orange carneline, fire opal
Essential Oils: Black pepper, cinnamon, cypress, tangerine, orange
The root chakra, sometimes called base chakra, has to do with being grounded and stable. It is what roots you to the earth, and when it is out of balance, you can feel insecure. When working to heal and balance your chakras, this is where you'll want to start. Think of them as a tower of blocks: without a sable foundation, the whole thing with topple over.
Sanskrit: Muladhara
Affirmation: “I am a divine being of light. I am peaceful, protected, and secure.”    
Purpose: Survival, security, stability    
Location: Base of spine    
Color: Red    
Element: Earth    
Crystals: Bloodstone, garnet, ruby, jasper    
Essential Oils: Basil, cedarwood, myrrh, patchouli, vetiver, white fir
Energy Work is the basis of many alternative healing techniques. Ayurvedic medicine, crystal therapy, Reiki and traditional Chinese medicine all involve energy work. Energy work can also be found in some religious and spiritual beliefs such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It is at the core of Feng Shui and considered an integral part of yoga (Kundalini and Anusara yoga in particular).
Throughout the world, different cultures deal with energy work. The term for energy may differ (Chinese chi, Japanese ki, Greek pneuma, Indian prana, etc.) but wherever you are, the idea remains the same. Energy work is the manipulation of the energy which flows through all living things, also known as life force energy.
For centuries, people have balanced their chakras in order to feel grounded, passionate, confident, loving, expressive, creative and spiritual. Modern humans have just as much or even more stress and chaos interrupting our lives making it easy for chakras to become blocked. You can heal yourself by connecting your body, mind and spirit to your energy. With unblocked chakras and freely flowing energy you can live your healthiest, most joyous life.
If you can understand this, you can understand why people consider it important to work with their chakras. By healing and balancing our chakras we are actively working toward healing and balancing ourselves on every level. When you complain about being tired or a problem in your relationship or anything else you can discover the deeper issue that could be causing these surface challenges.
If you don't like guided meditations, read this deep and powerful meditation before you start your practice. It's perfect to help you find some balance and beneficial energy. It should take about half an hour.
This meditation may bring intense sensations and strong emotional reactions. If you feel vibrations, numbness, tingling, or a floating or disconnected sensation this is normal. You may see flashes or swirls of light behind your eyelids. Also, normal. Ringing in your ears is also common. None of this will harm you. Simply relax into the sensation and breathe deeply.
Start by sitting comfortable with your back straight and your chin tilted slightly in. Find a comfortable place to rest your hands on your knees or in your lap.
Breathe deeply and notice any tension. Relax muscles. Feel your heartbeat slow. When thoughts enter your mind let them pass. When the world around you take you away from you focus, push it out again. Always bringing your attention back to your breath.
Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Close your eyes.
Bring your attention to the root chakra at the base of your spine. See it glowing red and opening like a flower. Breathe into this space. With every inhale see clean, beneficial energy entering the chakra. Imagine unhelpful, unclean energy leaving and dissipating with your exhales. Stay here as long as you like before moving up to your sacral chakra.
Continue climbing up your spine like a ladder focusing on each chakra along the way for the time you need. Visualize each chakra as it's corresponding color vibration (sacral - orange, Solar plexus - yellow, heart - green/pink, throat - blue/aqua, third eye - purple/blue, crown - purple/white).
When you finish with the crown chakra, breathe and prepare yourself. Notice any new sensations. When you're ready, imaging a stream of light flowing from beyond the crown chakra (the source), through the crown, down your spine all the way to your root chakra. As it flows, imagine each chakra is filled with energy before spilling in to the next.
Once each chakra is filled with energy and glowing brightly allow the excess energy to return to the universe. Feel you connection to the universe and all it's wisdom.
Breathe deeply for several minutes. Allow your awareness to explore your surroundings. Wiggle your toes and fingers. Slowly, open your eyes.
Crown: Silence - shhhh
Third Eye: Om
Throat: Ham
Heart: Yam
Solar Plexus: Ram
Sacral: Vam
Root: Lam
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