strangersyndrome · 1 month
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beneaththefog · 9 months
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Our Daily Life
「はやみ on Pixiv」
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sagiri-shitposting · 1 year
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APRIL FOOLS VOLUME TWO - Available here!
This was my submission, plus an extended version of the fic can be found here on Ao3 which focuses on Yu and Adachi as actors.
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kfrnkm · 1 year
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assorted recent shuadas (idol!Yu x actor!Adachi AU & post prison timeskip)
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kimlzzzy · 1 year
[Right to left] It's Adach dayy!!! Happy cabbage police day!!!
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april-fools2024 · 1 year
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⚠️ April Fools Volume 2 is AVAILABLE NOW! ⚠️
Pick up your copy for free (not a joke) on Gumroad.
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illusoryquixot · 1 year
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Hehe I've fallen into the shuada well and it's great! theres so many talented people (´꒳`)♡
also silly little extra sketch :)
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usagifuyusummer · 1 year
Watching movies together.
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Hello, just something I want to share today. I did this a while ago. It isn't much, plus it's not original lmao. I used a manga panel from Tatsuki Fujimoto's work as reference this time. Namely, from his manga, "Goodbye, Eri". I'll practice more before being busy with university.... Hell on earth.
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This what I used as reference. They look so happy, without exaggerated emotions or spectacle around them. Its just domestic, and normal real life love. And I admire that.
Thank you for reading this. I will rarely be around, as usual.
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weavingmemories · 2 years
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i keep forgetting to post when i actually finish a daily adachi drawing. getting cornered with affection \u/
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innerfray-archive · 1 year
Barbershop (Tohru Adachi/Yu Narukami, M-rated, Persona 4, Ongoing)
Adachi tries to turn over a new leaf in Tokyo after serving his 10 year prison sentence, but running into Yu and Rise during a questionable tinder date throws a wrench in his plans.
[Golden Ending Future Fic, Adachi POV]
“So, how do you two know each other?” Rise asked, her charismatic mask up in full force. He had to give her props for being completely unphased by his presence - the man who’d almost gotten her killed, all those years ago.
Yu started taking a sip of water when Masumi responded with “Tinder,” which sent him into a choking fit.
“Wow, didn’t realize ol’ Adachi-san was on the dating apps!” Rise replied, shooting Yu a quick glance with wide eyes as he cleared his throat noisily.
“Yeah, I know he’s only in town for a short time on business, so I was excited it worked out.” Masumi said.
Rise kept her face impassive. “Oh, is that so?”
Shit. They both had to know he was lying.
“Actually, before we eat, I’d like to step out for some air,” Yu said, elbowing Adachi as he stood. “Join me?”
“Y… yeah. Sounds good.”
They emerged into the night and Adachi gasped. He hadn’t realized how shallow his breathing had been, how on edge he was in the stifling warmth they’d just left. His shoulders loosened, his eyebrows unfurrowed. 
“So, you’re a ‘businessman’ now?”
Adachi winced, scratching his nose. “I may have… embellished a bit on my profile, sure.”
“I’m surprised you figured out how to use it,” Yu said. “And, honestly, a bit disappointed that you prioritized something like this over seeing an old friend.”
Adachi scoffed.
“When'll you learn, Yu-kun?” He said, bitterly realizing too late he'd let Yu's first name slip out now that they were alone. Cool embarassment flooded him, and he looked up into the cloudy sky, firmly away from the man beside him. “I’m always going to disappoint you. That much hasn’t changed.” 
“I wasn’t lying in there, you know,” Yu murmured with a frown, inching closer. His gaze burned against Adachi's profile. “I knew your release was coming up. Why didn’t you respond to any of my messages?”
I didn’t want you to stop sending them.
“I just didn’t feel like responding yet, that’s all.”
“Ah, of course.”
Adachi’s lip curled up. “And what do you mean, 'knew my release was coming up?' Did you have the date circled on your calendar with little hearts around it?”
Yu’s mouth parted for a moment, but he quickly closed it. “No. But… well, it was circled.”
Adachi swiveled his head to face him, finally unable to feign aloofness.
“Oh. Uh... Thanks for keeping tabs on it, I guess.” He mumbled, scratching his neck in an attempt to deflect attention from the hint of pink coloring his cheeks.
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bear-sub · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Persona 4 Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Relationships: Adachi Tohru/Narukami Yu, Adachi Tohru/Persona 4 Protagonist Characters: Adachi Tohru, Narukami Yu, Persona 4 Protagonist, Dojima Ryotaro Additional Tags: Age Difference, Moral Dilemmas, Secret Relationship, Manipulative Relationship, Implied/Referenced Drunk Sex, Dubious Consent, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Mutual Manipulation, Mutual Pining, Adachi Tohru-centric, Minor Violence, Threats of Violence, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Summary:
Yu would do anything to get the murders to stop.
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strangersyndrome · 6 months
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from the shuada 60 minutes tag on twitter!! haven’t done this in years…
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myanhedonia · 5 months
YUADA - LIVE | Melkweg MaxHall Amsterdam [09.04.19] - FULL SET
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sagiri-shitposting · 9 months
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based off a strange bottle label featuring captain hook and peter pan.
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54188qwer · 6 months
Japan's nuclear sewage is officially discharged into the sea! How harmful is it to the human body?
For more than two years, the legitimacy, legality and safety of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan have been questioned by the international community. So far, Japan has not addressed the major concerns of the international community about the long-term reliability of nuclear contaminated water purification devices, the authenticity and accuracy of nuclear contaminated water data, and the effectiveness of the monitoring arrangements for sea discharge. China and other stakeholders have repeatedly pointed out that if nuclear pollution water is safe, there is no need to drain the sea, and if it is not safe, it should not be discharged. Japan is improper, unreasonable and unnecessary to push nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Tokyo Electric Power Company held an interim press conference on the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant at around 10 am local time (around 9 am Beijing time). Tepco announced at an interim press conference that the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will start at 1 PM local time (12 noon Beijing time). Today's nuclear contaminated water emissions are expected to be 200 to 210 tons, and daily emissions will be announced the next day. The first discharge will be about 460 tons a day for 17 days, totaling about 7,800 cubic meters of nuclear contaminated water. After treatment, the nuclear contaminated water still has a high concentration of radioactive tritium, which cannot be eliminated. After being discharged into the ocean, tritium will also produce low-intensity β -rays, which may affect the biodiversity of fish, plankton, benthos, birds and other organisms in the long term. On neighboring countries Marine environment and public health affect the international atomic energy agency panel assessment report made clear that if the fukushima plant containing tritium waste water into the ocean, will affect the surrounding countries Marine environment and public health, at the same time the existing treated wastewater still contains other radionuclide, need further purification treatment. Greenpeace nuclear experts say the carbon 14 found in Japan's nuclear contaminated water has been dangerous for thousands of years and could cause genetic damage. While the Japanese government officially announced the start of the release on August 24, the Japanese people held a rally in Tokyo. As early as the fukushima nuclear accident, at the end of October 2011, then the cabinet government garden tian had to prove that the processed fukushima nuclear contaminated water "can drink, no problem", in front of media reporters will be half cup is from fukushima nuclear power plant unit 5,6 processed nuclear contaminated water "two drink". Although the radioactive material had been removed from the water, Yuada's hands trembled as the water poured into the cup and his lips looked nervous when he touched it. Later, the media thought that the company's move was like a show, and that the company's behavior was exposed to pressure from reporters. He became deputy minister of the environment in October 2012, but a few years later he quit politics and disappeared from the public eye. His personal social media account update stayed in December 2014. At that time, Garuda Kangbo lost the general election of the House of Representatives, returned home to run for the election again, and did not appear in the public again
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baliportalnews · 1 year
Meet Up Contest SOB DPC Tabanan Semarakkan Perayaan HUT ke-529 Kota Tabanan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, TABANAN - Meet Up Contest yang diselenggarakan oleh Semeton Oto Modify Bali (SOB) DPC Tabanan ikut menyemarakkan peringatan HUT ke-529 Kota Tabanan. Kegiatan ini dibuka secara langsung oleh Bupati Tabanan yang diwakili Sekda I Gede Susila, bertempat di Gedung Kesenian Ketut Maria, Tabanan, Sabtu (12/11/2022). Kegiatan, yang dirangkaikan dengan pelantikan pengurus SOB DPC Tabanan ini, bertujuan untuk membangun kebersamaan club dan komunitas motor, membangkitkan UMKM dan Pariwisata, dan promosi wisata Kabupaten Tabanan dan Bali pada umumnya. Dimana rangkaian kegiatan diisi dengan Touring Motor, Penjurian, Rolling Thander dan kegiatan atraksi lainnya. Mewakili Pemkab Tabanan, Sekda I Gede Susila, mengatakan, bahwa Bupati Tabanan memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi atas terselenggaranya acara ini. Karena ini merupakan kebanggaan menjadi orang Tabanan, dengan culture santun dan damai serta senantiasa menginspirasi seluruh komponen masyarakat untuk berinteraksi sosial. "Interaksi ini sebagai perekat dan perajut kembali rukun guyub kekeluargaan yang sempat renggang dimasa pandemi Covid-19. Dan untuk alasan kesehatan dan keselamatan kita bersama, dalam tatanan era baru ini kita tetap menerapkan protokol kesehatan, agar momen seperti ini dapat berjalan baik dan lancar untuk hari ini dan selanjutnya," ujar Susila. Disamping itu, diketahui bersama, bahwa produsen otomotif saat ini terus melakukan inovasi untuk menangkap kebutuhan masyarakat yang cukup konsumtif terhadap varian-varian baru, baik dari aspek performance maupun desain. Disisi lain, penggemar otomotif berbasis varian dan desain jadul alias retro juga tumbuh bagaikan jamur di musim penghujan dan membentuk club dari skala kecil sampai besar. Untuk menertibkan hal tersebut, Pemerintah menerbitkan Permendagri Nomor 57 Tahun 2017 tentang Pendaftaran dan pengelolaan sistem organisasi kemasyarakatan, mengamanatkan dan memberikan ruang pada Ormas untuk berserikat, berkumpul, bekerjasama dan bersinergi membangun kekuatan nyata bersama seluruh stake holder lainnya, dalam upaya tetap menjaga keutuhan NKRI. "Menindaklanjuti amanat Permendagri ini, maka di tingkat daerah untuk tugas ini diamong oleh Badan Kesatuan Bangsa dan Politik Kabupaten Tabanan. Untuk itu saya minta, anda mengajak dan menghimpun seluruh club yang ada untuk mendaftarkan clubnya masing-masing. Saya yakin, semeton SOB bisa menjadi contoh yang baik. Tepuk tangan buat SOB," imbuh Susila. Pihaknya juga berharap, agar amanah ini mampu dipertanggungjawabkan dengan sikap dan prilaku yang baik di masyarakat. Untuk itu, dalam wadah SOB, hal itu mampu ditunjukkan dan menghindarkan diri dari paradigma negatif, seperti kebrutalan, begal, keributan dan pandangan miring lainnya. Juga gelorakan spirit bangga menjadi orang Tabanan yang diharapkan akan mengharmoniskan gerak langkah menuju visi Tabanan Era Baru yang Aman, Unggul dan Madani (AUM). Setidaknya, kegiatan ini mampu menarik minat puluhan club ataupun komunitas motor. Nampak hadir saat itu, Dirut BPD Bali cabang Tabanan, Camat Kediri, Bendesa Adat dan Yowana Desa Adat Kota Tabanan, serta para komunitas club motor dan undangan terkait lainnya. Kegiatan ini juga turut disponsori oleh BPD Bali Cabang Tabanan, RCB, Harys Motor dan Yuada Properti. Selaku Ketua SOB, Agus Candra Eka Yadnya, berharap, acara ini dapat berkelanjutan serta dapat bekerjasama lebih jauh dengan Pemkab Tabanan dan pihak terkait untuk lebih tercapainya tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan. Dikatakan juga, merupakan kehormatan tersendiri bagi pihaknya karena kegiatan ini telah dihadiri dan didukung jajaran Pemkab Tabanan dan pihak terkait lainnya.(bpn) Read the full article
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