tempobrucera · 22 days
Okay, finally, finally, finally. Und ich meine wirklich ENDLICH werde ich das hier mal ausfuehrlich kommentieren. Ich hab schon so oft gesagt, dass das eine meiner Thomas Lieblingsfic ist und das ist auch immer noch der Fall. It's just so good! Und, ja, das wird wieder ein Sammelsurium aus Deutsch und Englisch.
I love that the story is month by month through a year. It makes so much sense, because of the title but also because of the progression through the story
Liebe ja immer ein Thomas Kennenlernen in einer dreckigen Bar! Es passt einfach so gut zu ihm, weiss nicht warum, aber Club oder eben Bar, completely random, passt einfach am Besten
Und ich liebe es, dass Reader sofort sehr fasziniert zu sein scheint. Ich kann mir auch richtig gut vorstellen, wie Thomas mit seinen Haenden rumwedelt, um irgendwas viel zu schnell zu erzaehlen und Dialekt-Mention <3
"and your drunken mind doesn’t let you focus on anything but his long, slim finger" - Lol, read this again and immediately had to think about your last fic which I also loved as you know
That escalated quite quickly for someone, nicht dass ich das nicht verstehen wuerde, aber ja, passiert eventuell auch, wenn man nur die Haelfte versteht
"You decide you love his laugh." - 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Oh my. Thomas nerding out <3 Und Reader versteht immer noch nichts, obwohl sie jetzt beide eine Sprache reden, die sie beide verstehen, aber irgendwie eben auch nicht. Haette mir beim ersten Mal lesen ja schon einen Vibe geben koennen, was die beiden hier in der Story so anstellen
"Dragging him into your bedroom just to see what he is hiding under those clothes. To see what his fingers feel like on your skin." - Don't know why, but I love this so much. The hesitation but also wanting it so much but then still not acting and then it's just too late
Und da sehen sie sich auch schon wieder. Ich finde es gut, dass Reader sich nicht sofort erinnert, aber Thomas anscheinend sofort, und es gleich Umarmungen gibt
Es ist auch sehr lustig, dass Reader bei ihm backstage ist, aber das so gar nicht gecheckt hat und ich musste ein bisschen lachen, weil die Vier ja famously dafuer bekannt sind, dass sie nie Vorbands haben, hahaha 🤣
Ich liebe es einfach, dass Thomas gleich so vertraut ist und Reader einfach mit nimmt und dann kennen die noch nichtmal gegenseitig ihre Namen, what lovely idiots, zumindest bis jetzt, ich weiss naemlich schon, wie ich Thomas gleich mal kurz puerieren wuerde (aber auch ein ganz kleines bisschen verstehe, ist halt niemand perfekt)
"When the support band goes on stage you watch from the side, cheering on your friend and singing along and Thomas never lets go of you. It’s painfully obvious that he has never listened to them before but his dance moves make up for it, twirling you around and making you repeat his steps and you never stop laughing once." - That is actually SOOOO cute, honestly. Also Thomas dancing is always a highlight as we all know <3
"His heart is in it in a way that makes you wish for him to love you with a matching passion." - Absolut perfekter Satz, aus sehr vielen unterschiedlichen Gruenden! Und, ja, Thomas live ist auch wirklich immer ein Highlight
Ich mag einfach wie die beiden so umeinander herumtapsen, aber irgendwie auch gar nicht und wie Thomas dann einfach fragt, aber Reader sich trotzdem nicht sicher ist, wie sie ihn einordnen soll(te)
"He looks hot when he’s smoking and you hate it. Neither of you speaks for a minute." - YES!
"He hesitates for a second, then presses a soft kiss to your forehead that feels much tamer than what you had been hoping for." - And still that hesitation, ahhhhhh. Und Reader nur so, ah, too tame
Ich liebe einfach, wie sich die Rollen in den zwei Monaten hier vertauscht haben
"He does call. In fact, he calls repeatedly, asking you out, asking you to tag along somewhere, asking you to visit him." - Jemand wird aber sehr schnell anhaenglich? (Irgendwie im Kontrast zu Reader. Und, ja, ich hab die Story schon so oft gelesen, aber jetzt faellt mir im Nachhinein erst richtig auf, wie schnell Thomas so "irgendwie" anhaenglich geworden ist, aber wie wir spaeter ja erfahren irgendwie nicht damit umgehen kann oder umzugehen weiss. Waehrend Reader sich jetzt schon Gedanken macht, ob das nicht zu schnell und zu deep ist)
"scared that you’re starting to build up a version of him that only exists in your head" - Oh, oh, oh. Ouch. Wenn ich an die kommenden Monate denke
"He kisses you, passionately and impatiently, the second you drop your bag." - Hot ... aber so, wenn man die ganze Story schon kennt, auch irgendwie ein bisschen concerning
We love some clumsy but really hot sex <3
Thomas just wandering outside to smoke in the middle of the night <3 But also ... What's on that pretty boy's mind that he's just not communicating. So many questions but I love this version of Thomas
"and the way he still smells like sweaty sex" - 🥵 (Wirklich ueberhaupt keine ueberraschende Reaktion meinerseits)
"You do it again right then and there, out on the dark balcony with the world around you asleep." - I've got only one question, is he still smoking, *coughs*, because in my head he is
"You spend the rest of the weekend like this. You’re insatiable and he’s not much better, constantly clinging on to you." - Anhaenglich, sag ich doch
"But you also learn about each other’s fears. Of your pasts and your families and your plans for the future. What you expected your life to look like when you were ten and how wrong you were. You learn that he doesn’t love anyone more than his three band members and how he likes his breakfast. " - 1. Gut, dass sie nicht nur gevoegelt haben, dass hatte ich tatsaechlich irgendwie vergessen, und sich auch vernuenftig unterhalten haben und 2. Thomas' Liebe fuer die anderen drei ist einfach <3 3. How he likes his breakfast is such a completely different thing to the first that I love it, because one seems so big and the other one so trivial in comparison
"You’re not sure if he is being serious or if he just doesn’t want to see you cry." - Oh girl, alle diese Gedanken, die sich schon darum drehen, dass da irgendwas ist. Oh Mann, he'll make you cry just not as you thought he would
"after Damiano accidentally bursts into Thomas’ room while the guitarist’s head is in between your legs you decide you should make more of an effort." - Hahaha , that is also a thing I forgot since the last time reading this story but definitely had to laugh at this scene and also that is definitely not only Reader's fault that she's not seeing much of them. Was im Nachhinein ... ich mich ja wieder frage, so untervoegelt kann man ja gar nicht sein, dass er Reader nur deswegen mitgenommen hat, aber dann wieder was geht in ihm vor, dass er sie trotzdem irgendwie von den Menschen, die ihm ja am wichtigsten sind fern haelt
"How come you brought her here, you hear him ask and you’re glad you made the effort to improve your Italian over the last few months. You’ve never brought anyone anywhere. Victoria chimes in, agreeing with Damiano, almost poking fun at Thomas. Yeah, what’s up with that. Are you in love?" - Das heisst ja schon irgendwas, dass er Reader mitbringt, wenn wie Vic halt meint, er das sonst nie gemacht hat, aber das will sich jemand wohl nicht eingestehen, was ja auch die Reaktion auf die are you in love Frage zeigt. Fragen ueber Fragen, die ich fuer Thomas hier habe. Und eine davon ist definitiv: Wovor hast du eigentlich so viel Angst? Er tut mir schon ein bisschen leid, obwohl er auch ein Idiot ist
"You haven’t talked about what you are, exactly" - Definitiv ein Fehler von dem ersten Wochenende, irgendwie haette das Gespraech da stattfinden sollen, dass haette allen sehr viel erspart
"They all giggle in a way that almost makes you feel like they are making fun of you." - Atm I can't remember if this was ever talked about again in this fic (I'll know in about two hours if I keep this comment up this detailed I guess), aber falls nicht, was hat Thomas da eigentlich vor sich hingemurmelt, war es eventuell gar nicht, was Reader verstanden oder gedacht hat? Man kann sich Sachen halt auch immer ganz gut einreden, wenn man das Gefuehl hat, dass es eben so ist, weil Menschen immer gerne vom schlimmsten ausgehen, anstatt sich da irgendwie auszutauschen
"and you have to swat his hand away when he briefly plays with the string that holds up your top" - Okay, vielleicht doch untervoegelt 🤣 Junge, du bist doch kein Kaninchen, was denn da los
"She tells you she has been friends with Thomas the longest, meeting in school, long before any of them knew that one day their lives would be irreversibly intertwined." - It always hits me when is pointed out somewhere for how long they've actually been friends
And of course Vic cares for him so deeply that she has to point it out to Reader but her also saying all those things let's me think that either that conversation didn't go as Reader thinks (also just hearing it and not seeing someone's expression probably didn't help in this case at all and Victoria did see and hear and she KNOWS him for so long, maybe even a bit better than he would like at that moment probably)
"Apart from constantly distracting him, you’re doing him good, she says" - Sein wir doch mal ernst, wenn Reader ihn nicht andauernd ablenken wuerde, dann wuerde ihn definitiv was anderes ablenken
"The waking up next to each other, your head on his chest or his on yours. The cooking and the clean-up after. The standing in front of the mirror and brushing your teeth, doing your skincare routine, and leaving dots of your moisturiser on his face to annoy him." - I'm squealing, es ist einfach so niedlich <3
"You’re not sure if he enjoys it quite as much as you do. He laughs along with you but he is also the first one to initiate sex." - Oh, oh, oh. Ja, ist schon nicht so grossartig, wie wir alle wissen (LOL!!!!!!), wenn sich alles immer nur um Sex dreht (aber da ich nicht nur weiss, was passiert, sondern auch das Ende von dieser Story noch sehr im Gedaechtnis habe, wuerde ich jetzt immer noch sagen, dass Thomas sich halt schon wie ein Arschloch verhaelt, aber auch irgendwie vor was wegrennt, was absolut keine Entschuldigung fuer das Verhalten ist, aber ja, Menschen sind eindeutig kompliziert)
"You find out just how much he enjoys being submissive and you enjoy creating a new, more dominant role for yourself." - I mean good for them. ABER: Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das hier gerade hilft, so on top, wenn die beide hier Seiten entdecken von denen sie nicht wirklich wussten und ich bin mir auch ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie der Thomas hier mit seiner mehr submissive Seite umgeht. Irgendwas sagt mir, vermutlich nicht ganz so gut, und bin mir auch nicht sicher, wie viel und wie die da drueber reden, wenn sie schon ueber allgemeine Gefuehle nicht reden koennen
Oh nein, jetzt faengt es an ... I am bracing myself, weil ich definitiv gleich Thomas als Fallobst des Monats deklarieren werde
"He is willing to help you cook if he gets sex afterward" - Na solche Leute lieben wir doch 🤣
Oh, oh, der Junge kann wirklich so ueberhaupt gar nicht mit Gefuehlen umgehen und kompensiert alles mit Sex, aber wirklich alles
"and he seems a bit lost" - Oh Thomas! Jemand sollte sich wirklich mal mit ihm hinsetzen (das schlimmste ist eigentlich, dass ich immer noch einen soft spot fuer diese Art von Thomas habe und ich mir das auch einfach ziemlich gut vorstellen kann)
"the bed is empty" - THOMAS!!!!
I love that Reader just bumps into Vic <3
"She asks you if you’re here with Thomas and you wonder why she doesn’t know. " - Thomas, du absoluter Vollhonk. Und, ja, da ist definitiv mehr und jemand kann und will es sich bloss nicht eingestehen und versteckt den ganzen Muell dann auch noch vor seinen Freunden, weil er ganz genau weiss, dass die judgen wuerden (zu recht btw) und ihm eventuell mal den Kopf waschen wuerden, aber dann muesste man ja eventuell reflektieren und sich auch mal mit seinen eigenen Gefuehlen beschaeftigen, die eben nicht nur ficken sind
" He jumps down, almost crashing to the ground, before stumbling over to you and smothering you in kisses. Whispering sweet nothings of amore mio and cucciolo and cara mia." - Schoen, wie Betrunkene einfach alles so vergessen koennen und das erinnert mich auch schon wieder sehr an "Betrunkene und Kinder sagen die Wahrheit"
"You want to pretend it is always like this, like he always adores you this much, like he calls, like he wants to hang out with you because of who you are, not what you do to his body. Yet, it’s his body you cannot refuse." - Spaetestens hier nach waere ein Gespraech mehr als noetig gewesen, von beiden Seiten aus, aber dafuer sind ja beide irgendwie zu dumm und auch zu feige (nur dass Reader eben kein Arschloch ist)
"you know his heart is not in it" - 😭😭😭😭 But also ... are we absolutely sure about this? Ja, sieht definitiv so aus, aber irgendwas stimmt hier doch ganz und gar nicht
"You only hesitate once, right before opening the door leading you away from him, but it’s not worth the heartbreak, so you go. It doesn’t feel good and there’s no relief in it." ................ REDET! Meine Fresse!
"You don’t think he understands why you keep trying to walk away. He does understand that something is wrong, though, and he tries to make things better." - Ich weiss, Taten sprechen mehr als tausend Worte, oder so, aber nur Taten helfen hier ja ganz eindeutig nicht. Insbesondere wenn die irgendwie so aneinander vorbei leben und ... auch wenn Thomas hier besser da steht, weil er ja angeblich so ueberhaupt keine Gefuehle hat, glaub ich irgendwie nicht, dass es irgendeinem hierbei so richtig gut geht (selbst, wenn Thomas Sex bekommt)
"I don’t want to explain myself" - Definitiv, also wirklich!
"You look at Thomas standing in front of the window, sunlight hitting his face, and think he is beautiful." - Those moments between all the other ones really hit hard. Maybe a little bit too much, but it definitely is realistic
"You think you might never get over him. You surely will never get over looking at him." - Diese Saetze sind so perfekt und es tut sosososososososo weh
"He might never be fully yours but until your heart can take letting him go for good, you will take his body if that is all you’re getting." - LAURA, PLEAAAAAAASE 😭😭😭😭
"He holds your hand and he opens doors for you and tells you that you look beautiful." - Er ist wirklich sehr sehr widerspruechlich in allem was er tut und das hilft ja definitiv auch wieder keinem
That sudden realisation of love, please. God, that hurts so much
Oh Gott, here we go. Ich habe nicht vergessen, was in diesem Monat passiert, so gar nicht
"He calls, but it’s not the same. Victoria calls too, and you don’t know what you did to deserve her attention. She tells you Thomas is miserable whenever he is off stage and a plan is quickly hatched." - Victoria kennt ihn definitiv besser als er sich selbst und Gott, wie dumm die doch alle sind
"Your heart doesn’t break all at once, but the beat becomes a deafening pounding and you think you might throw up." - 😭😭😭😭
"He is pinning a girl against the wall of the bar. That is when the first piece of your heart breaks off. He is touching her the way he touches you, uses all the moves you have gotten to know, and another piece of your heart crumbles and dies. Her hand is between his legs and the way he whimpers causes your heart to collapse into itself." - Honestly as much as it hurts, this is just written so good! And also THOMAS! DU ABSOLUTER VOLLPFOSTEN, FALLOBST, sag ich doch
" At some point Thomas turns to you, asking you why you are even here, but Victoria interjects, shouting at him because she misses you and you’ve been miserable, bastardo!" - OH, VIC, YOU QUEEN, we love you
"The sound of the harsh slap your hand delivers to his cheek seems to echo and you don’t wait for his reaction. You leave. There is nothing left here for you but more heartbreak." - Deserved! Absolutely deserved und nach den Worten vielleicht besser zu verschwinden
Dieser absolute Alltag nach all dem, ist ... frustrierend zu sehen und irgendwie ... ist schwer zu beschreiben, aber :( Und, ja, dull state of being beschreibt es vermutlich schon ziemlich gut
Und Vic, die es versucht <3 Schoen zu sehen, dass sie cared
Not gonna comment on Thomas
Das hat ihm ja ein bisschen Zeit gekostet, aber ... muss ganz ehrlich sagen, erstens waere es unrealistisch gewesen, wenn er sofort danach angekommen waere und ich kann es auch absolut verstehen, dass man eventuell erst mal Zeit mit sich selbst braucht und vielleicht so einiges reflektieren muss, bevor man sich irgendwo meldet, ansonsten macht das auch wenig Sinn, auch und gerade wenn man sich eingestehen muss, dass man definitiv nicht alles richtig gemacht hat (was uebrigens jedem zumindest einmal im Leben passiert, wenn man immer "Recht hat" und "immer der ist, der anderen vorwirft an allem Schuld zu sein" wuerde ich mir mal Gedanken machen) und da ist halt echt ein bisschen Abstand vermutlich mehr als gut, auch wenn Reader das hier anders sehen wird
"Victoria is trying to reach you sometimes but you do not answer." - She cares for both of them <3
Ich mag die Wiederholung vom vorherigen Monat, zeigt einfach, dass sich nichts geandert hat und auch nichts an den Gefuehlen
Gute Freunde <3 Irgendwann ist auch mal Schluss und oh, gut, dass sie Reader an diesem Abend mal wieder nach draussen ziehen
"The place they drag you to is loud and crowded and crazy and it makes you feel like you can forget for a while." - Crowded and crazy <3 (Ueberhaupt nichts, wo Thomas aufschlagen wuerde, hahaha)
"He spots you and gives you a little wave. You wave back but the panic rises and your face doesn’t match the action. They are all here. Probably." - Oh Ethan, aber auch dieses anschleichende Gefuehl, mit was und wem man sehr wahrscheinlich gleich konfrontiert wird
Und dann kann man sich ja doch nicht davon abhalten genau nach der Person Ausschau zu halten
"He is sitting on a table in a corner, on his own, beer bottles in front of him. He looks miserable." - 😭😭😭😭 Oh Thomas.
"He looks worse up close. His hair looks like it hasn’t seen a brush in weeks but not in the stylish way he usually wears it. His eyes are bloodshot and there are dark circles underneath. You know he’s drunk, you know from his appearance and his demeanor, but he is not the usual life of the party." - Die Beschreibung von einem miserablen Thomas, passt einfach so gut, kann ich mir richtig gut vorstellen und auch poor poor boy, aber ganz ehrlich, irgendwie auch selbst Schuld und ich bin mir sicher inzwischen ist er sich dessen auch bewusst (und wenn Victoria es in ihn rein hauen musste)
Oh Thomas, Thomas, Thomas ... Ich musste gerade wirklich laut seufzen
"He mumbles chants of I’m sorry and I’m an idiot and I don’t deserve you and you have to slowly push him off you because this is not going to be over with a few apologies." - A little part of me thinks that that "I don't deserve you" part was there from the beginning (and it probably also didn't help)
Ich bin ja so froh, dass die beide endlich RICHTIG miteinander reden und, ja, das haette sehr viel frueher kommen sollen und ja, war irgendwie schon offentsichtlich, dass Thomas wirklich einfach Angst hatte sich einzugestehen, dass man Gefuehle hat (they are scary, I get it)
"Where you expected what the other couldn’t or wouldn’t provide." - OH JA! So definitiv!
Mir ist definitiv gerade bewusst geworden, dass der Thomas aus All your friends definitiv von dem hier inspiriert gewesen ist, weil die beiden sind sich gar nicht so unaehnlich (bin mir nicht sicher, ob das jetzt unbedingt fuer ihn spricht)
"That night you go back to his place with him and for the first time, nothing happens." - Gut, sehr gut, endlich!!!!
Und es ist gut, dass Thomas sich entschuldigt hat. Und es so aussieht, dass er sich entschuldigen will, weil er sich entschuldigen will und nicht fuer andere Leute und denen das zu geben, was sie gerne hoeren moechten (lol, ich weiss absolut, warum ich das hier auf Deutsch schreibe 🤣)
"Thomas is holding your hand." - WIN! REDEMPTION! <3
"No more hiding, no more are-we-or-aren’t-we, no more proclamations that only happen when he’s drunk." - Gut!
"It’s not all sunshine and rainbows but you both know what you want." - Waere auch sehr unrealistisch und so ist auch einfach KEINE einzige Beziehung und wenn definitiv kein gutes Zeichen
"You never thought you were going to find the man of your dreams and for the past year it hadn’t looked like Thomas was the one." - As I said redemption <3 Und ein bisschen stolz bin ich auf die beiden ja schon und den einen Idioten ja ganz besonders
"Sometimes you think she was angrier with Thomas than you were." - Ich kann mir absolut vorstellen, wie sauer Vic gewesen ist, besonders mit Thomas
"All lingering awkwardness from April has vanished. They are still not fond of accidentally walking in on you and Thomas, though." - Hahahahaha, an so was gewoehnt man sich, glaub ich, auch einfach nie, waere vielleicht auch ein bisschen komisch, wenn man sich daran gewoehnen wuerde
" The smile lighting up his face when someone pays him a compliment. You think he is drop-dead gorgeous. And you think that as long as he allows you to look at him like this, and as long as he does the same to you, you’ll stay here forever." - Happy end, thank god! <3
Sorry, fuer den wirklich langen Kommentar, aber ich hab ja schon oft gesagt, wie sehr ich diese Fic liebe und daran hat sich auch definitiv absolut nichts geandert. Auch wegen dem "Nicht alles ist perfekt" und dass hier alle irgendwie menschlich sind, oder halt gerade deswegen. Aber definitiv danke, dass du diese Story geteilt hast, immer noch perfekt.
The one where it takes Thomas a year
Tumblr media
Description | There's something between you and Thomas, but as time goes on, it becomes more and more difficult to figure out if you're on the same page.
Content | Angst, fluff, little bit of smut (but no detailed descriptions)
Pairing | Thomas x gn!Reader
Word Count | 5972
Tag list | @ginny-lily @ethaneskin @tabi-toast @mywritingonlyfans @manesimp @ohtorchio @daddydamiano @bidet-and-legolas @maybanksslut
The bar is dark and dirty, shoes sticking to the floor wherever you walk, unidentifiable music playing lowly in the background. You don't mind. You're sitting around a table with people you barely know and there's a skinny white boy animatedly talking about something or other and you decide that as long as you can keep looking at him, you'll stay here forever. He has got that kind of beauty about him that belongs in Gucci campaigns and on music magazine covers. He doesn't know that you barely understand a word of what he is saying. Not only is his speech far beyond your comprehension skills in Italian, but he is also apparently speaking in a Romanesco dialect. You don't mind.
His hands are moving around so much they almost shove the bottles and glasses off the table and your drunken mind doesn't let you focus on anything but his long, slim fingers. His nails are painted black and you never found nail polish on men all that appealing but somehow, everything about him is. One of his hands wraps around a bottle of beer, one of his rings causing a clacking sound that no one but you hears and you cannot help fall into fantasies of that same hand touching you.
A couple of people are getting up now. You are not sure what the plan is, but you're assuming they're heading to the bar for another round of drinks. You don't immediately realise that he is talking to you now, which seems ridiculous with how closely you have been watching him all night, but when you do, you awkwardly admit that you don't actually understand a word of what he is saying. He laughs a wonderfully melodic laugh and repeats himself in English. You decide you love his laugh.
He is talking about music, playing live, some records you have never heard of and you cannot keep up. You don't know nearly enough about the technical sides of the subject that he keeps raving about and you've had too many drinks to pretend. He doesn't mind.
Neither of you notices the others coming back, already in deep discussion. You don't know if anything you say makes any sense at all, but he is nodding along and looking at you with wide, open eyes and hanging onto every word so you keep talking. He is drunk, laughing at things that aren't all that funny, but so are you, so you laugh along.
The bartender ringing the bell for last call is the only thing that is able to pull you out of your conversation. Both of you slowly shuffle to leave the bar, losing your friends along the way. The cold outside air hits you like a ton of bricks, yet you don't feel any more sober. For a moment, as you both look at each other with expressions not quite identifiable, you consider taking him home. Dragging him into your bedroom just to see what he is hiding under those clothes. To see what his fingers feel like on your skin.
But then one of your friends pulls you into a taxi they have called, someone shuts the door and the driver starts the car before you have a chance to protest. You can see him standing on the sidewalk still, lighting a cigarette and watching as the car takes you away.
It takes you a moment to remember where you have seen him before when you bump into his body backstage. He surprises you by pulling you into a quick hug but you don't want to be weird so you hug him back. He asks you what you are doing here and you reply that you could be asking him the same thing. He laughs shamelessly and you wonder what is so funny until he reveals that you are actually backstage at his gig. You feel foolish but he tells you it's refreshing to talk to someone who is not impressed with who he is. You don't tell him that you are, in fact, very impressed, just not because he is in a band.
Without any further questions, he throws his arm around your shoulders and leads you to his dressing room, where various other people are gathering. You give a quick nod to a friend of yours who is playing in the support band and the only reason why you're backstage at all but all he does is wriggle his eyebrows at you and... You realise you still don't know the blond boy's name.
Thomas, he tells you. Thomas Raggi. It fits him perfectly and you cannot explain why. You tell him yours in return and he repeats it, rolling the letters off his tongue and you think your name has never sounded this lovely.
When the support band goes on stage you watch from the side, cheering on your friend and singing along and Thomas never lets go of you. It's painfully obvious that he has never listened to them before but his dance moves make up for it, twirling you around and making you repeat his steps and you never stop laughing once.
An hour later, it is Thomas' turn to take the stage and it is the first time you connect the dots as to who is in the band with him. The drummer looks ethereal, dark hair flying around as he gives it his all, the bassist is a gorgeous little blonde that screams confidence, the singer might be one of the most charismatic beings you have ever seen, but no one draws you in quite like the guitarist does.
You love watching live music but Thomas is something else. He gets into it like no one else. His heart is in it in a way that makes you wish for him to love you with a matching passion. You almost forget to dance along, too distracted and too deep into your own thoughts. You barely notice the support band gathering next to you to watch, or your friend squeezing your side, thanking you for coming.
As the gig ends, the singer presses an open-mouthed kiss to Thomas' lips and you wonder what it feels like. You think you would quite like to find out tonight.
You don't get the chance, though, at least not really. The band has to load in, pack their things, chat to a few people and then they're being told to get a move on, get in the van so they can travel to the next city on their tour, get to the hotel, and sleep.
Thomas pulls you aside, shouting to the rest of his band that he's going to smoke one more cigarette, and then he'll be ready to leave. He offers you one as well but you refuse. He looks hot when he's smoking and you hate it. Neither of you speaks for a minute.
Then he asks to see you again. His hand is on your waist. You tell him yes, what else are you supposed to say. When he is looking at you with his doe eyes. When you still cannot stop thinking about his mouth. He tells you he'll be home all day next month and then lets go of you to type your number in his phone. You cannot tell if he will actually call.
His band shouts for him to hurry up, so he throws the cigarette to the ground and stomps it out with the heel of his boot. He hesitates for a second, then presses a soft kiss to your forehead that feels much tamer than what you had been hoping for.
This time you're the one standing on the sidewalk watching him drive away.
He does call. In fact, he calls repeatedly, asking you out, asking you to tag along somewhere, asking you to visit him. You are busy with your job and your family and your friends and you are dying to see him but it's hard to make free time. So you talk on the phone. You're scared you're getting in too deep, scared that you're starting to build up a version of him that only exists in your head, scared that you will be disappointed when reality cannot live up to the fantasies you have lying awake in bed at night.
It's mid-March by the time you pack a weekender and turn up at his place. Not unannounced, of course, but somehow it still feels unexpected to see him. It is the first time the two of you are alone, during the day, in a private place. You don't spend a lot of time talking that first day.
He kisses you, passionately and impatiently, the second you drop your bag. You do not complain, you wouldn't dream of it. His mouth feels even better on yours than you had pictured in your imagination and you already know you are not going to get enough of him any time soon. There are hands clumsily pulling at clothes and tongues tracing along skin and a lot of time to explore each other's bodies. He causes you to see stars, multiple times, and you do the same for him. It is hot and heavy and full of moans and you cannot remember the last time you had sex like this.
When you wake up again, dawn is just on the brink of coming around and you're alone in his bed. You can spy him sitting on his balcony, cigarette in hand and you quickly put on his shirt before joining him outside. You mean to take a seat next to him, but he pulls you onto his lap immediately. You lean into him, taking in the quiet and the dark and the way he still smells like sweaty sex.
It feels too good, being here with him. He presses soft kisses to the nape of your neck you feel yourself slipping back into a state of utter bliss. He turns you around so you face him, straddling his lap, and it doesn't take long for him to start fumbling with the shirt you are wearing. You do it again right then and there, out on the dark balcony with the world around you asleep.
You spend the rest of the weekend like this. You're insatiable and he's not much better, constantly clinging on to you. Even when you decide to cook a quick meal, his arms are wrapped around you from behind and his chin is resting on your shoulder.
You don't change into any of the clothes you brought. Whenever you aren't naked, you usually slip one of his shirts over your head. You haven't seen him wear more than his boxers ever since you arrived. Both of you use the time to get to know each other inside out. You start to learn what the other one enjoys, where they like to be kissed the most, how to get the highest moans and most desperate whimpers out of each other. But you also learn about each other's fears. Of your pasts and your families and your plans for the future. What you expected your life to look like when you were ten and how wrong you were. You learn that he doesn't love anyone more than his three band members and how he likes his breakfast. He learns all about your favourite movies and how you ended up in Italy.
Sunday evening hits both of you hard. He tells you he will never forget the way you look right in that moment, bag already in hand, and it feels like goodbye. You cannot stomach the thought. But he says he will call you and he might be at the studio a lot but maybe you can come and visit. You're not sure if he is being serious or if he just doesn't want to see you cry. He tangles his hand in your hair to pull your head to his once more and gives you a mind-blowing kiss you will dream about until you get to see him next.
The studio is more like a house. Four bedrooms and a pool almost make you forget they are here for rehearsal. You finally get formally acquainted with Damiano, Victoria, and Ethan but Thomas still monopolises your time. The others get annoyed at you sneaking off to be alone and after Damiano accidentally bursts into Thomas' room while the guitarist's head is in between your legs you decide you should make more of an effort.
You break the ice by cooking a massive dinner, starters and desserts included, and find out that everyone was right about getting into people's hearts via good food. Dinner is served out on the terrace, Damiano helps set up, Victoria brings the wine and you end up talking for hours. Damiano tells you he is glad that there's more to you than the moans you make at night and you almost get offended but Thomas slaps the back of his head and you know their banter means no harm. Ethan helps you clean up afterward, then disappears into his room as you head back out. You cannot help overhear the other three talking outside as you're approaching and you cannot help stopping in your tracks to continue listening.
Damiano's voice is easily distinguishable and probably louder than he intends it to be. It is the wine's fault, really. How come you brought her here, you hear him ask and you're glad you made the effort to improve your Italian over the last few months. You've never brought anyone anywhere. Victoria chimes in, agreeing with Damiano, almost poking fun at Thomas. Yeah, what's up with that. Are you in love?
You hate that he scoffs at the suggestion. So, you haven't talked about what you are doing. You haven't talked about what you are, exactly. But there is no need to refuse this option straight away. You don't catch exactly what Thomas is saying as he is mumbling along, but you are certain you hear him refute. They all giggle in a way that almost makes you feel like they are making fun of you. So you take a deep breath, holding your head up high, and step out onto the terrace.
They don't look embarrassed. They don't even look caught. You think maybe it's because they don't think you heard. Or understood. Damiano suggests a late-night swim in the pool and you agree before he finishes his sentence. Both you and Thomas dash to his room, quickly changing into swimwear and you have to swat his hand away when he briefly plays with the string that holds up your top.
Thomas doesn't actually need to be dared to jump into the water but Victoria does so anyway. You watch from the edge of the pool, amused, as you suddenly feel hands on your back attempting to push you in. You react quicker than you ever have in your life, turning to grab the offending person - who turns out to be Damiano - and pulling him into the water with you. Both of you emerge spluttering and laughing. Victoria takes the stairs, loudly proclaiming herself a lady among peasants, and is quickly dunked by Thomas. She complains about her ruined hair but cannot keep the giggle hidden.
You enjoy the heated water around you, while the cool April air hits your face. Damiano joins into the game of dunking for a while but you stay on the sidelines until Victoria joins you. She looks gorgeous in the light, wet hair plastered to her forehead, and you wish you had an ounce of the poise she possesses. She tells you she has been friends with Thomas the longest, meeting in school, long before any of them knew that one day their lives would be irreversibly intertwined. She says she has nothing against you - much the opposite - but Thomas is like a brother to her and she cares for him deeply. It is incessantly clear that she is protective of him and it endears you. Apart from constantly distracting him, you're doing him good, she says. She hopes to see you around more.
You hope so too.
Life feels domestic with Thomas by your side. You don't see each other as often but when you do he tends to stay at your place. His touch still lights you on fire but there's another aspect to it. The waking up next to each other, your head on his chest or his on yours. The cooking and the clean-up after. The standing in front of the mirror and brushing your teeth, doing your skincare routine, and leaving dots of your moisturiser on his face to annoy him.
You're not sure if he enjoys it quite as much as you do. He laughs along with you but he is also the first one to initiate sex. And, oh, the sex. Now you're alone with each other again, and not in the constant danger of one of his bandmates catching you, you explore more. You find out just how much he enjoys being submissive and you enjoy creating a new, more dominant role for yourself. There's leather and latex, chokers and harnesses, spanking and bondage, and both of you discover new sides to yourselves and each other.
As May draws on, his visits become shorter. You don't notice at first but the first time he tells you he is not staying the night you suddenly see a clear pattern emerging. He is willing to help you cook if he gets sex afterward. He is happy to wake up next to you in a peaceful tangle if he got sex beforehand. You're torn. You don't know whether you should mention it, whether he is aware of it, or if you're simply reading too much into it. You decide to test him.
It's almost midnight when he stumbles into your apartment that day. He is all over you immediately, exploring hands and hot kisses, but you tell him you have some leftover tiramisu. He seems happy enough. But then you drag him into the bathroom for your evening routine and you put on your comfy pajamas and snuggle into bed and he seems a bit lost. He doesn't say it, though. Instead, he crawls into bed with you, gets under the covers, and spoons you. You fall asleep.
You don't stay asleep for long. Thomas is tossing and turning and when he wraps his arms around you again you know why. He is hard. You whisper his name in the dark and are answered through a groan. He is gripping you tightly now, one of his hands wanders up to grasp your breast through the fabric of your shirt. It doesn't take much. It is impossible to deny him.
When you wake back up again the next morning, the bed is empty. You call out for him, hoping he might just be in the bathroom or the kitchen, but there is no answer and when you sit up and look around the room you realise all of his clothes are gone. You feel used and annoyed. You also feel like your hypothesis has been confirmed. The thought is tiring you out enough to wrap yourself back into your blanket and allow sleep to take over once more.
It's weird seeing Victoria without Thomas. The only time you have ever met her was when you were attached to his hip, so when you run into her on the patio of a restaurant late one evening, it almost takes you a split second to remember where you know her from. She, however, knows you immediately. The hug takes you by surprise. She asks you if you're here with Thomas and you wonder why she doesn't know. You tell her no. You don't tell her you have not spoken to him at all this week. She is blissfully unaware of the turmoil inside of you. That much becomes obvious when she invites you round for a party at hers the next night - but surely, Thomas has already told you about that. You neither confirm nor deny, but accept the invitation simply because there is no saying no to a face like Victoria's.
No one seems to notice that you and Thomas arrive separately. In fact, by the time you get to Victoria's, he's a couple of drinks in and the life of the party. He is in the middle of demonstrating his best dance moves on the kitchen table when he sees you. He jumps down, almost crashing to the ground, before stumbling over to you and smothering you in kisses. Whispering sweet nothings of amore mio and cucciolo and cara mia. You revel in the attention. You love that he is doing this in front of everyone, showing them you're his and he's yours. You ignore that it might be drunken talk.
You pull him into the kitchen, where the music is slightly more muffled and there aren't quite as many people, and make yourself a drink. He's hanging onto you like you are his lifeline. You want to pretend it is always like this, like he always adores you this much, like he calls, like he wants to hang out with you because of who you are, not what you do to his body. Yet, it's his body you cannot refuse.
Two strongly mixed drinks later Thomas has you pressed against a wall, hands desperately grasping for each other and his mouth on your neck. You barely notice Victoria shouting at you to get a room and no, not mine! It's the first time in weeks he takes you home to his and you want to be elated but it's impossible. His fingers feel as good as ever as they trace your skin but in your mind, you know his heart is not in it.
In the morning, it's you who is awake first and it's you who gets up, gathers belongings, and leaves. You only hesitate once, right before opening the door leading you away from him, but it's not worth the heartbreak, so you go. It doesn't feel good and there's no relief in it.
If you ever thought you could simply banish Thomas from your life, you were sorely mistaken. You don't think he understands why you keep trying to walk away. He does understand that something is wrong, though, and he tries to make things better. He tells you about a little summer house he has been thinking about renting and asks you to come along. You ask why you cannot just spend time together right here, right now and he says he wants to be alone with you. In a way you cannot help but interpret this as I don't want more people to see us together, I don't want any more questions about whether you are mine, I don't want to explain myself. It should have been romantic but there is another sentiment seeping through.
You agree anyway. It is hard to say no to the gorgeous boy when he is begging you with those doe-shaped eyes. So you pack your things, heart still heavy, and he plants a wet kiss on your lips when he picks you up. You decide to push your doubts away and enjoy yourself.
The place is adorable, a little house just on the beach, tiny and homely, and barely anyone around. You look at Thomas standing in front of the window, sunlight hitting his face, and think he is beautiful. It barely seems fair that someone like him would exist because everyone else just pales in comparison. You think you might never get over him. You surely will never get over looking at him.
You walk over to the man that isn't yours, wrapping your arms around him from behind and you cannot help your hands wandering lower, grasping his hardening flesh. He might never be fully yours but until your heart can take letting him go for good, you will take his body if that is all you're getting. He takes you on the kitchen counter, making you scream in a way that has you thanking your lucky stars, before dragging you into the shower and taking you once more.
The days are a daze of being entangled with each other. You barely leave the house, but when you do he takes you out to a lovely restaurant not too far away but you know it's only because no one here knows you. He holds your hand and he opens doors for you and tells you that you look beautiful. Then you get back home, or what you wish you could call home for the rest of your days, and makes you come undone time and time again.
You feel yourself falling for the gorgeous boy more and more and it is one morning, curtains forgotten to be drawn closed the night before, where the early sun hits his sleeping form just right that you realise you love him. You're so far beyond infatuation. You are getting deeper and deeper into this fantasy you are building for yourself, one where it is always the way it is right now, one where he proudly holds you in his arms in public, one where he is screaming from the rooftops that you are his and he is yours. The more time you spent with him, the harder it becomes to face reality. You're slipping.
It is festival season and Thomas is away a lot, sometimes coming home for a couple of days at a time and then vanishing again for longer. You miss him terribly, you almost feel lost without him. He calls, but it's not the same. Victoria calls too, and you don't know what you did to deserve her attention. She tells you Thomas is miserable whenever he is off stage and a plan is quickly hatched. Two days later you are on your way to Denmark.
Victoria meets you at the hotel, making sure you get a room on the same floor the band will be staying on for the next two nights, and then takes you to the festival grounds. It's loud and crowded and crazy and if you weren't dying to see Thomas, you would ask her to just leave you alone in front of one of the stages and let you lose your mind, but you don't.
You follow Victoria into the backstage area, quickly flashing the pass she supplied you with, and walk past a labyrinth of vans and busses and busy areas where musicians and everyone who works with them is hanging out. Victoria says she's not entirely sure where Thomas is but he's bound to be where alcohol is being served and you soon reach a little outdoor bar area. You see a glimpse of what looks like him vanish behind the bar stand and quickly follow. You don't notice if Victoria is still behind you.
It turns out you were right, as you round the corner and see the man you had been craving, but you wish you weren't. Your heart doesn't break all at once, but the beat becomes a deafening pounding and you think you might throw up. He is pinning a girl against the wall of the bar. That is when the first piece of your heart breaks off. He is touching her the way he touches you, uses all the moves you have gotten to know, and another piece of your heart crumbles and dies. Her hand is between his legs and the way he whimpers causes your heart to collapse into itself.
You barely hear Victoria shouting, you cannot understand the angry Italian words she is throwing around, and you want to turn and run but your feet are rooted to the ground. You simply watch as Victoria pulls Thomas off the girl who is quietly slipping into the background and disappearing and even with your lack of comprehension, you know the two friends are exchanging heated words. At some point Thomas turns to you, asking you why you are even here, but Victoria interjects, shouting at him because she misses you and you've been miserable, bastardo!
It is when he tells both of you that he doesn't owe you anything, that you're not together, that you're certainly not exclusive, when your body regains its sense of movement. The sound of the harsh slap your hand delivers to his cheek seems to echo and you don't wait for his reaction. You leave. There is nothing left here for you but more heartbreak.
You do not hear from Thomas. Victoria is trying to reach you numerous times but you do not answer. You spend the days in a dull state of being. You go to work. You do your chores. You cry yourself to sleep. And repeat.
Thomas is trying to reach you. You do not answer. Victoria is trying to reach you sometimes but you do not answer. Life has not become any easier. You go to work. You do your chores. Sometimes you meet friends. You cry yourself to sleep. And repeat.
You don't want to go out but your friends have had enough. They do your hair and your make-up, they set out a sexy but comfortable outfit and they make sure you get a first shot or two in before leaving. You don't admit it out loud but it does make you feel better.
The place they drag you to is loud and crowded and crazy and it makes you feel like you can forget for a while. It would have worked better if you hadn't spotted Damiano and Victoria on the dance floor. A twisting feeling settles in your stomach. You decide to get yourself another drink only to see Ethan there. He spots you and gives you a little wave. You wave back but the panic rises and your face doesn't match the action. They are all here. Probably.
You cannot help yourself. Drink in hand, you pretend to go looking for your friend but as you are circling the club you are looking for someone else entirely. You spot him easily. He is sitting on a table in a corner, on his own, beer bottles in front of him. He looks miserable. As if he knows, he lifts his head and your eyes meet. You feel like you're about to hyperventilate, so you turn on your heels and all but sprint to the smokers' area behind the club. There are barely any people out here, cool November air nipping at the bare skin on your arms and legs. You don't expect him to follow you but he does.
He looks worse up close. His hair looks like it hasn't seen a brush in weeks but not in the stylish way he usually wears it. His eyes are bloodshot and there are dark circles underneath. You know he's drunk, you know from his appearance and his demeanor, but he is not the usual life of the party. You wait for him to say something. Then he walks up to you, carefully throwing his arms around you and pulling you close. You almost push him away but your heart tells you differently.
He mumbles chants of I'm sorry and I'm an idiot and I don't deserve you and you have to slowly push him off you because this is not going to be over with a few apologies. You sit him down on a picnic bench standing in a corner, leaving a bit of space between you. You are aware he could win you back over with just the right looks and just the right touches but you need more.
You talk until you're frozen to the bone and only then do you accept his embrace again. You re-live your whole relationship and it becomes crystal clear where your shortcomings were. Where you went in different directions without telling the other. Where you expected what the other couldn't or wouldn't provide. You are brutally honest and the tears that soon begin rolling down both of your faces prove it. Discussing the Copenhagen disaster hurts most but you get through it. He is quick to admit fault. Yes, he was miserable. Yes, it was because he missed you. Yes, it was also because it scared him and he wasn't ready and he tried to deflect by hooking up with a girl he had literally just met. Yes, you are allowed to hold that against him forever.
That night you go back to his place with him and for the first time, nothing happens. You undress each other down to your underwear but there is nothing sexy about it. It is just two people who care deeply. You both get under the covers of his bed, holding each other close and studying each other's faces. His hand strokes your cheek. Both of you still have puffy eyes. You feel safe. No one says a word. You are simply looking into each other's eyes, content, until you drift to sleep.
Thomas is holding your hand. He just finished playing a gig and you're gathered backstage and you look at everyone around you who can see him holding your hand. It's a silly little thing to obsess over but your heart feels like it's going to burst with happiness. No more hiding, no more are-we-or-aren't-we, no more proclamations that only happen when he's drunk. Just two adults in love with each other.
It's not all sunshine and rainbows but you both know what you want. Communicating has gotten easier and is not reduced to what you do in the bedroom. Instead of locking each other out, you talk now. He looks happier and people have told you so do you. And you are. You never thought you were going to find the man of your dreams and for the past year it hadn't looked like Thomas was the one. But you are happy to have been proven wrong.
Victoria grins at you. She has long forgiven you for ignoring her calls back in September and October. She gets it. Sometimes you think she was angrier with Thomas than you were. She tells you it's because she saw that you are the best thing in his life from the get-go and she hated how he was throwing it away. Now you're back and you've gained a sister in her, too. You are glad for Ethan and Damiano as well. Thomas' little family has opened its arms to you and you didn't hesitate. You love being with them. All lingering awkwardness from April has vanished. They are still not fond of accidentally walking in on you and Thomas, though.
The band goes out to meet some fans and you tag along but hang back. The way certain girls touch Thomas still doesn't sit right with you, but you see the way he reacts and it's a relief. Taking a step back, removing hands from his body, smiling politely but with determination. He does it when you're not watching, too. Victoria has told you as much.
He catches your eye for a second, realises you are watching him, and throws you an air kiss. The people he was talking to turn around to see who he is aiming for, but quickly lose interest. You keep watching. His animated hands as he talks. The smile lighting up his face when someone pays him a compliment. You think he is drop-dead gorgeous. And you think that as long as he allows you to look at him like this, and as long as he does the same to you, you'll stay here forever.
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tempobrucera · 22 days
Peaches, Figs & Cherry Stems
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Pairing: Thomas x Reader Wordcount: 7.7k Summary: You become fascinated with Thomas eating fruit, and Thomas catches on, getting progressively flirtier with you while everyone around you is oblivious to your little game. Warnings: Food, Smut
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It’s summer time in Italy and if you learned one thing it’s that summers in Italy are always hot. And this one is especially hot, even hotter than the last. Even with smothering yourself in sun cream your body feels like boiling and your cheeks are heating up for a different reason completely. 
Thomas climbed out of the pool moments ago. Water dripping down his body, his chest, his long legs. There are water droplets falling out of his hair and he decides to be an asshole and shakes his head while standing over you, water raining down on you. You don’t complain, it feels like a welcomed refreshment. 
However your cheeks heat up and you can feel yourself getting red-faced when one drop of water on his chest catches your eyes. Your gaze follows it travelling down his chest and then his tummy, right down to the waistband of his swimming trunks. Before your eyes travel down further you catch yourself and let your gaze glide up to his face again. 
He is biting in a slice of watermelon he must have taken when your eyes were occupied with something else. The watermelon juice running down his fingers makes you blush even more. You’re happy that your eyes are hidden behind the dark shades of your sunglasses and you let your sun hat glide into your face with one little movement. It’s better than to stare at him. 
You can still hear it in his voice, the smirk that you imagine is plastered all over his face, when he asks: “Want a slice?”
You spent the day at the pool again, the sun is burning on your skin, it’s too hot for your liking. Watching Thomas from afar doesn’t help. He’s eating raspberries out of a small bowl that’s sitting on his stomach. Water droplets all over his body again. His lips and his tongue are a slight red-pink from the fruit he just swallowed when he bites his bottom lip. And you ask yourself why you agreed to go on a vacation trip with them. For two weeks, it’s only day two and you’re already feeling like losing your mind. Every time you see Thomas you are sure that he’s going to do something that has your insides turn, your mind cloud with desire and having you want. Or having you want to die on the spot - maybe you’re close to a sunstroke.
“Thomas,” you hear Ethan call from somewhere in the shade, “You’re supposed to share. And please get some sunscreen on your skin asap.”
Thomas grumbles something that sounds like I’m an adult, asshole but he still gets up. 
“I am just making sure you aren’t getting skin cancer.”
“Of course, mum!”
On the way inside Thomas drops the bowl of raspberries on your body, almost between your boobs. And then he disappears inside, Vic is snoozing on the sunlounger next to you, a sunburn starting to bloom just over her bikini bottoms.  
You’re completely lost in your own thoughts, and you only realise that Thomas is back when he’s towering over you blocking the sun and he grabs your wrist. You want to protest and ask what he’s doing when he already puts his lips around your index finger - and gets the raspberry of the fingertip. Lost in your thoughts you put some of the berries on your fingers earlier. Thomas lets your finger go and goes for the next one. If your earlier thought was that he’ll drive you insane, it now changed to you’ll black out.
“Mmhhhh,” he hums around your finger. His eyes cross your gaze when he pulls off. He takes a raspberry out of the bowl and holds it to your lips, without your agreement your lips open for him and the berry, then he pulls back completely. Ethan is squeezing his eyes at you from afar, you’re sure he only sees blurry, and Vic lets out a snore.
“Did you put suncream on?” Ethan asks.
You can see some white cream trapped in his happy trail and your mind reels and goes places where it shouldn’t go. Get your head out of the gutter, you scold yourself and you wonder if he knows. The smell is intoxicating, and it comes in waves when he leans over you to get the bowl of raspberries back - it’s still placed on your body, between your boobs. You think about his rough calloused fingertips against your skin and have to bite your lips. 
He leaves behind a cloud of suncream, raspberry, the chlorine smell of pool water drying on his skin, his body wash, cigarette smoke, faint sweat and sandalwood. You want to drown in it. There’s only his smell and confusion left when he’s back at the other side of the pool and he takes his glass.
Making dinner later is a challenge. Damiano is trying to cook, you are making a salad, Vic and Thomas are causing havoc every time you turn your back on them while Ethan sits at the table nipping at his glass of wine, slapping Thomas’ ass when he’s on the way running into Damiano at full speed. He turns around to Ethan and squeals. Damiano drills the cooking spoon between his shoulder blades, tomato sauce all over his white tank top. 
“What the fu…,” Thomas turns back.
“Be helpful for once in your life,” Damiano tells him, “instead of being stupid.”
He lets out a tirade of Italian curse words but comes closer to where you are fighting with the pomegranate. You already took off the top of the fruit in your hands and sliced the skin. Thomas takes it out of your hands without asking. Pries it open with his own bare hands, his long fingers holding and simultaneously ripping it apart - but all the same he’s gentle. So gentle that it has you wondering. His fingers popping the blood red kernels out of the pulp right into the salad bowl. The faint red liquid running down his fingers, he isn’t even saying one word. But he looks at you when he’s done, when he grabs for the tea towel that you threw over your shoulder earlier. He still looks at you when he washes his hands, the red off the silver of his ring, and dries his hands.
“Thank you.” 
You don’t know why you feel like you want to cry. And for a split second you think he knows because he raises his hand to your face, your hair, before he lets it sink again without doing anything.
“There’s tomato sauce on my back,” he still looks at you, “Isn’t there?”
There’s a piece of pomegranate falling out of your hair when Thomas has left the kitchen to find Victoria again.
Waking up from a loud splash wasn’t what you expected to rip you out of your more than pleasant dream. Sleepily you walk to the window to see who is responsible for your suffering. You’re surprised to see Thomas in the pool, smiling and waving his hand to greet you just when Vic joins him and dunks him under water.
After you get somewhat presentable, or at least what you can chalk up under presentable, you leave your room. On the way down you run into Ethan, who isn’t saying much, and looks as tired as you feel but he sits down with you when you get breakfast for yourself and offer him a coffee. Strategically you place yourself in a chair which allows you to look out of the big french windows. Best look at the pool. And Vic and Thomas - and the bowl of blueberries.
You can observe how Vic throws the blueberries for him and you smile when you see that he tries to catch them with his mouth. You can see him fail again and again. Berry after berry.
Ethan is too immersed with his phone to notice, and if he does he’s too polite to mention or call you out on it. Even when you get up, clear the table, set a new cup of coffee in front of him and leave, he only mumbles a short Thank you. Thomas is still failing to catch any of Victoria’s blueberries.
Just when you come through the door he finally catches one. He makes a slight courtesy in front of you and you do him the favour to clap. You don’t tell him that you watched how he missed all the other ones.
Later in the morning Ethan and you both have your noses hidden behind books. Ethan a book with a title you already don’t understand and yours is behind a book you bought in a museum shop. 
You can hear the crinkly package of an ice cream sandwich being opened next to you but before Ethan can dig his teeth into it, Thomas' head appears behind Ethan’s book. He sniffs not unlike a bunny and you laugh when you realise that he’s sniffing out food and his next target is Ethan’s ice cream sandwich that he takes out of Ethan’s hand with one swift motion.
He licks around the edges, some strawberry ice cream on his lips that he licks away while looking at you, and only then he bites into it. 
“Nah,” he shakes his head and hands it back to Ethan who looks at him like he can’t believe what just happened.
“Why do you think I want something you just licked?”
“Someone has to do the shopping,” Damiano says, trying to not look at anyone specific but he still looks at Ethan, “I already made a grocery list.”
“I’ll just pay someone to do that for us,” even with the sunglasses hiding most of her face you can still see her roll her eyes behind the shades.
“You don’t have to,” you say, also thinking about the small market you saw on your way, “I’m happy to do it. Good to get outside this house for a bit.”
“I’ll join,” Thomas chirps in. Four pairs of eyes are looking at him, all of them in different states of disbelief. “What? What she said, good to get out of the house.”
Vic raises one of her eyebrows.
“And as I will eat most of it, I might as well choose.”
“Great, having the house quiet for most of the day is a dream,” Damiano says, “Please leave as soon as you can.”
You do leave half an hour later, you in the passenger seat and Thomas driving. Smoking and the wind blowing through the open windows and his hair. 
Getting the groceries is easy, Thomas and you working through Damiano’s list from top to bottom. He picks out fruits really carefully, rotating them through his fingers, looking for spots and only taking the ones which he deems worthy enough to go into your small basket. He picks out some lychees he peels and eats straight away. Your eyes are trained on his hands, the fruit, and then his lips. He smiles at you when he offers you one. 
When you pick out vegetables Thomas looks suggestively at a cucumber, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You just roll your eyes and he giggles, but as soon as he has his back to you again you smile. 
“We should have some gelato,” Thomas says when all your errands are dealt with, “That ice cream sandwich was terrible.”
“What are you,” you laugh, “some kind of ice cream connoisseur?”
“Actually … Yes, let’s do some ice cream testing. I saw a shop in one of those alleys over you.”
The girl behind the counter looks intimidated when she sees Thomas step through the door, she almost drops the cone she’s just handing over to a happy customer. And her eyes go even bigger when he says: “Could I … just get a bit of everything, please?”
For some reason, and you believe the reason to be someone being starstruck, he gets what he asked for without any questions being asked or to deny him the request.
He takes two cups from her and two little wooden spoons. 
First he steals some pistachio gelato from the cup he handed you before sitting down in front of the little shop. Then he tries the peach that is in his own cup, and he closes his eyes in delight. When he notices your eyes lingering on him he gets another spoonful and feeds it to you from his spoon.
It’s almost evening when the two of you are back from your little shopping trip. Damiano is already waiting, rummaging through your bags to find ingredients he needs to cook dinner. 
Thomas takes a mango and a knife and disappears outside to sit in the glowing evening sun. You follow him outside, Vic and Ethan are at the table as well. Ethan smoking, Vic painting his nails. But you only have eyes for Thomas and how he cuts the mango into small pieces. How he picks up a piece with his fingers to pop it between his lips and how he licks the sweetness from the corner of his mouth. 
It’s almost like he’s treasuring the taste, but at the same time he’s devouring it. There’s only one thought in your head: You want to know how everything tastes from his lips.
When Damiano calls out that dinner is ready, Thomas is the one who jumps up and makes it inside the fastest.
“You could think we would starve him,” Ethan shakes his head.
But when you see the pasta Damiano cooked, you kind of get Thomas’ urgency to find a place at the table. The food smelling and looking delicious, making your stomach rumble. A gentle reminder that Thomas and you skipped lunch in favour of a gelato sampling.
“Thomas,” Ethan exclaims when he slurps the spaghetti into his mouth.
“What?” He says, “Compliments to the chef?”
Damiano rolls his eyes but takes the compliment with kiss hand, to Ethan’s dismay. You have to admit that it isn’t really sexy or appealing at all but it has Vic and you giggling while Ethan once again shakes his head.
The next day feels slow and lazy. The most you do is getting in and out of the pool and reapplying sunscreen every now and then, all under Thomas’ watchful eyes. 
For lunch everyone’s creating their own pizza with the dough Damiano prepared the night before, so everyone can choose who’s pizza they want to try later. Thomas looks at your creation with interest and then looks back to his own.
“They are the same,” he tells you and when you have a closer look at his, you see that he’s right. 
It’s a strange moment of connection that fades as quickly as it came but has you discussing the Top 10 pizza toppings while eating and Thomas jokingly proposing the idea of a pizza eating contest. You all know he would win. 
The sound of laughter and splashing fills the air as Thomas and you engage in a playful game of catch in the pool. Thomas has a height advantage but you’re moving quicker when he doesn’t know how to coordinate his limbs. You both sit at the edge out of breath when Vic offers you a fig. 
As you bite into the fig, the sweet juice drips down your chin without you noticing, you barely notice Thomas who seems to be entranced by you.
“You know,” he says, leaning in closer so Victoria can’t hear him, “I’ve always heard that eating a fig is one of the most sensual experiences you can have."
“Is that so?” you ask, taking another bite, “Any other ideas to explore your senses?”
You decided there was no harm in flirting back, and Thomas’ laugh and sly smile reassures you with your decision. You laugh as well and you can feel the air around you charged with playful flirtation. 
“I might have some ideas.”
Ethan decided to declare tonight movie night earlier in the day, writing it on a chalkboard, which Damiano primarily used to write down a menu for every day, in bold big red letters. Everyone followed the invitation you can see when you’re the last one to arrive. Luckily Thomas pads a free space next to him on the sofa that he saved for you.
As soon as you sit down, he puts a glass of white wine in your hand and a bowl of popcorn between your legs before he sneaks one arm around your back. 
Approximately it takes you fifteen minutes to forget what film Ethan picked to watch. The bowl of popcorn is between your legs. A place where Thomas’ other hand now travels to grab for the popcorn. You squirm and blush.
“I told you I have some ideas,” he says a little bit too loud and you expect to be called out but there’s just a Ssshhh from Damiano and Ethan gratefully smiling at him, nothing more. 
“I’ll cook today,” you tell Damiano over a cup of coffee during the early hours of the morning, “If you don’t mind.”
“You kidding?” He gives you a smile, the kitchen is quiet otherwise, everyone else still laying in bed, “I could do with a day just chilling and smoking pot.”
For lunch you prepare a picnic, salad, fruits, cheese, sandwiches, and some freshly made raspberry lemonade. Thomas joins you in the kitchen from time to time. Sometimes to touch your back, to let his hands linger on your waist when he hugs you from behind but mostly to steal food from plates and bowls and baskets.
Only when you prepare the last item for your little picnic, a lemon tart, he stays in the kitchen without any signs of leaving. And you decide to leave him be and shift your attention back to your dough. 
One unfortunate moment Thomas leans his long neck over your shoulder, just when you’re adding flour to a bowl. It startles you so much that you jump, flour packet in hand, and some of the flour landing on your dress and some of it directly on Thomas’ cheek.
“Sorry,” you wipe it off his face apologetically. He smiles an honest smile at you, and the moment turns from embarrassing to cute with that. 
You offer him a slice of lemon and he takes it happily, almost as with the glee of a child. He bites into it and you can imagine how the juice explodes in his mouth, the tangy, sour but somehow still sweet flavour capturing his senses all at once. Thomas closes his eyes while savouring the flavour and then he seems to become aware that you’re watching him, your eyes intense and focused solely on him. 
Your eyes meet, the moment passes, but there’s a spark of attraction and desire you can’t quite place but you also can’t ignore. A shared moment of pleasure on a hot summer day. 
“Could you squeeze them for me?” You roll the lemons to him and point at the lemon squeezer press on the counter. When he gets the knife to cut them in half, you think this was a bad idea but he makes it without cutting off his fingers. 
He’s just about to say something, one half of lemon still in hand, and then a sudden burst of lemon juice hits your eye. 
“FUCK!” It burns and stings but it calms down at least slightly when you press a wet towel on it. And your initial shock quickly turns into banter. “Thomas, why did you do that?”
“Oh,” he looks at you playfully, “Now it’s my fault that you’re staring at me?”
Just when you want to answer, Ethan barges into the kitchen: “Can I help?”
“Yes,” you say - towel still on your eye, “You could span the parasol, get some blankets, take the plates and cutlery outside.”
“Oh,” he looks at your eye, “I heard screaming, everything okay?”
“Yes, just squirted into her eye,” Thomas admits sheepishly. 
“Squi- … Sorry, you did what now?” 
“The lemon,” you point at the culprit - Thomas who still has the lemon in his hand, “He squirted it into my eye. Actually take the menace out of my kitchen as well.”
“You sound like Damiano,” Thomas pouts at you but still leaves. Not that he has another choice when Ethan throws him over his shoulders and leaves for the door.
“Those sandwiches are lovely,” Vic says later, “And I’m excited to taste the lemon tart.”
“Went through a lot of trouble for that one,” Thomas says but you choose not to correct him. You went through all the trouble. However you playfully put a lemon slice into Thomas’ lemonade.
“Hey,” Vic squeaks, “Why is he getting special treatment?”
“Because I’m a really special boy.”
For dinner preparations Thomas stays away from the kitchen, too busy playing guitar at the pool. You seek out Damiano’s help, he happily obliges and fires on the grill that’s on the terrace. You can conveniently hand him the things that need to be grilled while the air is filled with Vic’s laughter, the sound of Thomas' guitar and a cicada background concert. Damiano and you happily chatting from grill to kitchen window until he calls everyone for dinner.
Thomas looks at his plate and then up to you.
“Figs stuffed with goat's cheese and wrapped in prosciutto,” you tell him, “And Damiano grilled them. You know I’ve heard somewhere that eating a fig is one of the most sensual experiences you can have.”
He blushes and you know that your flirting just became more intentful with this small gesture of food. 
“Sexy little appetiser,” Vic laughs. 
Damiano plates the next round of food, so everyone is free to take what they desire. Steak, vegetables, salad and grilled stuffed portobello mushrooms and little stuffed tomatoes. Thomas’ eyes stay a bit too long on them before he takes something of everything.
“I see,” he says, “We have some kind of a theme going here. Everything is stuffed.”
Now it’s on you to blush, but everyone is still gleefully chewing their food, so you take your chance: “I guess you can think of other things too?”
“I had those filled zucchini boats lately,” Ethan says oblivious to Thomas and you shamelessly flirting right under everyone’s nose, “Lovely dish.”
“The dish,” Vic asks, “Or the girl?”
“Both,” Ethan says before he quickly puts a fork full of food into his mouth.
Later when everyone else left for bed, Thomas takes a spread of cheese, crackers and grapes that’s still left from your lovely garden picnic outside and places it between you. He stumps out his cigarette before he picks up a grape and holds it up to your lips. You open your mouth, and the grape bursts with flavour. Thomas leans in and for a short moment in time you think he leans over to kiss the sweet taste of the grape from your lips but even this moment passes. 
Next you hold a grape up to Thomas’ lips and he takes it with a hum. The intimacy of the moment isn’t lost on you and you’re certain that isn’t on Thomas either, a felt sense of surrender to the pleasure of the moment. Somehow getting lost in each other, the world around you fading away as you focused on the simple joy of grapes and Thomas next to you. 
As the bunch of grapes dwindles, you find yourself with a sense of sadness once again. You don’t want the moment to end but you know it will and while you both savoured the last few grapes you took your time and relished in the moment.
When the grapes are gone, only cheese and crackers left, you both laid there for a few more heartbeats, basking in the afterglow of the experience. You both don’t need words to express what you were feeling, you knew that you shared something special. You both had surrendered to the moment, and in doing so, you found something truly beautiful.
Ethan and you are both standing in front of the chalkboard in the kitchen the next morning.
we’re going out tonight
Is written on the board in Ethan’s handwriting.
Underneath in Damiano’s. 
“But …,” Ethan says, “there’s this fair close by, I thought that would be fun.”
“I booked a table,” Damiano says apologetically, “but tomorrow we’re going to the fair, I promise.”
Lunch is an adventure, you daydream with your eyes open, Thomas always the centre of your gaze. 
Thomas is dangling cherries over his mouth while Vic happily captures his every move with her phone camera. Thomas once again came to the table only in his swimming trunks, his bare feet edging around yours under the table. 
“Who do you think can spit the pit the furthest?” Vic asks Ethan who are the only ones that haven’t touched the cherries yet.
“Thomas,” Ethan answers. 
“Okay,” Vic says, “My bet is on her. 50 Euro?”
They both lose, when Damiano ends up being crowned the winner of your cherry pit spitting contest.
“But I bet you can’t do this,” Thomas says before stuffing a cherry stem into his mouth.
You can see utmost concentration reflecting on his face. 
“Show off,” Damiano comments before he turns away to talk with Ethan and Vic. 
Thomas looks into your eyes the whole time, you can see his tongue move. Hot pleasure sparking up your spine. And then he sticks out his tongue, still looking at you, the cherry stem laying on his tongue, a knot in it. He takes it off his tongue, rinses it in his glass of water before he puts it into your hands and you look at the knot in the stem fascinated. 
“How did you do that?”
“I can teach you,” and when he’s sure that everyone is distracted by something else he adds: “You know, I can put it to good use somewhere else as well.”
You have to admit that Damiano picked a lovely little restaurant, you can see the sea from the terrace. Even Ethan is happy exclaiming that he was here not too long ago with someone.
“Who’s this mysterious person you’re keeping away from us?” Thomas teases.
“Special,” is the only answer he gets and Thomas shrugs. 
You can’t decide on a cocktail when Ethan nicely offers his advice which is why your choice falls on a sparkling raspberry cocktail called Love Potion that comes with a popsicle served in your glass. 
You carefully take the popsicle out of your drink when it arrives and suck on it under Thomas watchful eyes. He squirms in his chair, it’s even visible to Victoria who asks him if everything is okay. It’s the first time that you notice - really notice - that you have an effect on him as well.
The next day Thomas eats peaches when everyone else retreats from the sun for a bit. You’re feeling close to blacking out but it isn’t the sun that troubles you, it’s Thomas. 
You’re in the pool, cool water engulfing you, while Thomas sits on a chair, sucking some juice from his fingers before he takes another one and bites into the flesh. When he’s done he seats himself at the edge of the pool, feet in the water. 
“You didn’t wash your hand,” you call him out but swim closer to him, interested in his antics. 
 “Yes, but I thought …” he trails off, “You like peach, right?”
He puts his peach-soaked fingers on your lips and without thinking you suck on his fingers, savouring the taste of peaches and Thomas’ skin. You’re between his legs. Once again a shared moment of intimacy, the water creating a private oasis where you can let your guard down and explore your attraction. That is until Vic jumps into the pool, ass first. You pull back and Thomas lets his fingers plop out of your mouth before Vic looks at you two smiling and you both wave at her.
Later Vic offers you a lollipop, you happily take it from her when you think about the popsicle and the reaction Thomas’ body showed to it. 
After a few minutes Thomas has to dip into the pool and dives under water. You take it as a small success after the peach.
“Since when are you on your phone 24/7?” Thomas asks Ethan when you’re walking through the fairground. “Did Vic possess you? Or are you flirting? Is it special?”
“Stop being mean,” you elbow him in his side.
“It’s okay,” Ethan assures you, “Yes, really special, thanks for asking. She’s a writer and sent me this idea a few days ago, so I’m just trying to be useful to bounce off ideas.”
“Cute,” you say and take his phone from him. He looks at you confused but then Vic hands him cotton candy. “Let me take a pic of you with that, you can send it to them.”
“Wonderful idea,” Vic comments and you can hear Thomas whispering something that sounds like All this time I have been surrounded by secret romantics only.
It doesn’t take long for you and Thomas to lose sight of the other ones. It’s a beautiful beach setting, the sounds of waves crashing on the shore. And you sit down for a bit, Thomas enjoying the sweet taste of cotton candy that Vic handed to him as well, while the sun slowly sets on the horizon. You laugh and talk and he feeds you some of the sticky treat as the sky turns into a canvas of oranges and pinks. The salty sea breeze gently brushes your skin. Thomas teases you with his sticky fingers and playfully wipes them on your cheeks and your nose before you chase him down the boardwalk. 
When you catch up with him, you can see that he smeared some of the sticky sugar on his cheek while biting into the fluffy treat. You take a tissue for yourself to get rid of the sticky residue on your cheek and then take another one to wipe his cheek clean.
“Thanks, babe,” he says, his eyes sparkling with amusement, “You’re always looking out for me.”
You blush, feeling a warm sensation spread through your chest. 
“Secretly romantic yourself, huh?” 
The candy cotton gone, Thomas is having a debate with himself if he wants chocolate covered strawberries or if he wants a candy apple before joining Ethan for a hot dog who just called to ask where you two got lost.
He decides for the apple, once again a sticky mess, sticking to his chin and you pass him a tissue. You can’t help but laugh.
“You’re a mess,” you say, smiling at him kindly. 
“I couldn’t resist, and this takes the longest to eat,” he grins, his eyes sparkling with joy, “Which means I can spend more time with you alone.”
You blushed, feeling a flutter in your stomach. You walked through the fair, Thomas taking your hand in his, admiring the brightly lit rides, the sound of children laughing and music blasting from booths with silly games. As you approach a small ferris wheel he looks at you, again a twinkle in his eye: “You want to go up?”
You hesitate for a few seconds, unsure if you’re ready for the heights. But you look at him and he’s still smiling.
“Sure, let’s do it.”
“I promise, I’m gonna hold your hand the whole time.”
As you board the ride and you begin your ascent, Thomas leans close to you, still holding your hand and whispers: "I'm glad we did this."
“Me too,” you say softly, feeling the rush of the wind and the uncomfortable rush of heights but the comfortable touch of Thomas’ hand in yours. As you reach the top of the ferris wheel he gently squeezes your hand.
“You know, I feel like we have a connection," he says, his voice low.
You can feel your heart race, not only from the rush anymore.
“I know what you mean,” you’re saying with a surge of courage. You talk about the last time you both have been on a ferris wheel and then your topic of conversation swiftly switches to what was the most stupid thing you did to impress someone to what was your biggest regret. 
As you make your way down the Ferris wheel, he keeps his arm around you, holding you close and making you feel safe and protected. And then the ride already stops before you know it. 
More than half of his candy apple is still uneaten and as he takes another bite he starts to twirl his apple on the stick, trying to impress you with his finesse. He spins the apple faster and faster, trying to look impressive. You watch him with amusement before giving him a daring smile. Then he stops and takes a huge bite of the apple but as he does he accidentally bites into the stick, causing the apple to fall to the ground. You burst out laughing, and Thomas blushes, a hint of embarrassment. 
“Maybe it’s time to find the others.”
You find them ten minutes later in front of the hot dog stand Ethan mentioned earlier.
“Did you get lost or something?” Ethan asks.
“We got sidetracked,” you say, “By food and the ferris wheel.”
Vic looks at Thomas, disappointment visible on her face: “Hey, I want to go on the ferris wheel with you.”
“Sorry,” he grins, “Maybe ask Damiano.”
“Hell fucking no!” he shouts. 
“Maybe Eth here is interested,” Thomas suggests, “When he can leave his phone for a minute or two. Or maybe you aren’t interesting enough, Vic. Would she be crazy enough to go on a ride with you?”
Ethan looks up from his phone, you can see how he just sent another photo from when Thomas and you were lost. Not very Ethan like and when he sees your questioning gaze he says: “Everything for a little bit of joy, you know.” Then he looks at Thomas, “Yes! And I would hold they hand the whole time while watching the sun.”
“A crazy thing to do,” Damiano chirps in.
“Love story of the summer,” Vic smiles at Ethan, “Happy for you.”
Thomas winks at you when your gaze crosses. 
Thomas has a frappuccino and strawberries for breakfast the next morning when you come into the kitchen in your pyjamas, the rest of the house still quiet. 
He takes small sips of his pink drink while maintaining eye contact with you. Then he takes it a step further, running his tongue over his lips after he had a sip. Next he playfully dips his finger into the whipped cream but instead of offering it to you, initiating physical contact this way, he licks the cream off himself and lets out a satisfied moan. Still looking into your eyes, it’s a bold move but by now you don’t expect anything less from him and when he takes another sip he lets some whipped cream get on his nose. 
“Oops,” he says playfully, “Would you mind helping me?”
You know, he did it because of the night at the fair prior, and it’s kind of silly and cute in it’s own way.
“That the connection you talked about?” you ask.
“Don’t get me wrong,” he says, “I love the day long foreplay, really enjoying it, but I also love talking with you, and listening to your ideas and sharing my thoughts with you.”
He grabs your waist and gently pulls you down in his lap. 
“I love conversations with you too.” And then you grin when you see Thomas' soft gaze, you know it’ll take him off guard. “Foreplay you said, hmmmm?”
“Uhhhm,” he squirms under you, “Yeah.”
He takes a strawberry and takes it between his teeth, edges closer to you. Your hand on his stubbly cheek. You take it off him with your lips and it’s the first time you feel his lips on your, a kiss. He takes another strawberry that you steal from him and he lets his tongue dance around yours for a few minutes before he bites your tongue and you moan into his mouth. 
You wonder how everyone is still oblivious to what you two are doing.
For lunch Thomas drinks red wine across from you. Lovely colour on his lips, against his pale skin. He takes notes out of your book, still remembering the fig, red lips and wine dripping down his chin. 
He bats his eyelashes at you innocently.
You want to kiss the spill away but he takes a napkin before anyone else can notice.
That night Damiano serves champagne with dinner and you decide to be bold. Even bolder than Thomas, you don’t care that everyone is watching when some of your drink drips down your chin.
“What the fuck is going on?” Vic asks, “How did you both get stupid? He somehow can’t eat normally anymore, you’re spilling everything over yourself. Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m great,” you answer, “Just spilled something.”
Thomas looks at you fascinated. A little bit of pride sparking in his eyes, his gaze still at your lips while you’re thinking about all the things you want to do to him.
The rest of the dinner is quiet and civilised, no one calling you out on your bullshit, or stopping you to get deeper into this. After you finish your plate you get up and outside to clear your head.
Thomas follows you only minutes later to the back of the garden, hidden by trees and plants. He has the bottle of champagne in hand.
“Whatever you just thought of, you can do it, you know.”
He hands you the bottle. Thomas moans loud when you climb into his lap, tipping some champagne into his mouth that he willingly opens for you.
“God, Thomas. Stop masturbating in the wild,” you can hear Damiano say from the terrace and you quietly laugh against Thomas’ neck. 
You let some spill over Thomas’ neck before you get some champagne on Thomas’ nipples and you lick the liquid away. Thomas shudders and moans under you, quieter this time. There’s champagne on his stomach and some that you lick out of his navel. Thomas squirms more and more under you the closer you get to his dick. He gasps when you spill cold champagne over it and lightly blow against the tip. Thomas’ hand grabs for your hair and you moan as well. He squirms more with every lick, every kiss to his sensitive skin.
You don’t do more than french kissing him but every reaction shows you that it does something for him. 
“Fuck, I’m not gonna be able to hold that.”
You teasingly let your tongue play with his tip, which already draw the most moans out of him before, now the moans are turning into little whimpers before he bucks up his hips and cums. 
“Sorry,” he says and uses his shirt to get the cum off your face, “I … I didn’t touch myself since we started this.”
“Interesting,” it’s absolutely not what you expected and you shamefully think about the times you touched yourself, you blush. Thomas looks at you. “You think you could do that again?”
His eyes go wide, another whimper escaping his lips.
“Before we fuck fuck?”
“That’s a possibility?”
“Oh, hell yes,” you laugh and Thomas enthusiastically nods his head. “No touching for you but maybe you can show me what that talented tongue can do with other things than a cherry stem later?”
“Yes,” you can feel his breath against the skin of your neck, “And then in a few days we can … switch?”
“Sure,” you say and leave another kiss on his lips before you get up.
You can't help but feel a sense of closeness and vulnerability, as if you're sharing a secret that only the pool water can hear.
On the way inside you see Damiano sitting by the open window and looking at you shocked when you enter from outside.
“Oh god, I am soooo sorry … On Thomas’ behalf.”
“Wait, did you not he- see him?”
“No, I did, he sits in the grass,” you smile at him, “He smokes.”
“Thank god.”
He doesn’t know that you just licked off champagne from Thomas’ nipples. And his dick.
Thomas joins you in your room half an hour later when you’re just taking a shower. As the warm water cascaded down your body, you let out a contented sigh. You always loved the soothing feeling a shower gives you. You close your eyes and tilt your head back, letting the water wash away every thought that exists in your head.
You suddenly hear the bathroom open and footsteps approaching, you turn around and expect to see Thomas just grabbing a towel or to announce that he’s there but to your surprise he undresses himself and walks straight towards the shower.
“Hey,” you laugh, “What are you doing?”
“I couldn’t resist,” he smirks, “And I think I promised this talented tongue to someone.”
He steps into the shower and wraps his long arms around you. 
You lean into Thomas’ embrace and tilt your head up, meeting his lips in a gentle kiss. Your bodies pressing together, the water cascading down your skin as you explore each other's mouths.
As you continue to kiss, Thomas’ hands begin to wander, tracing patterns over your wet skin. You shiver at his touch, feeling a familiar warmth building between your legs. You press your body closer to his, silently asking for more.
He responds by trailing kisses down your neck and across your collarbone, sending more shivers down your spine. Thomas nibbles gently at your earlobe, eliciting a soft moan from your lips. You reach up and tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. 
You stay there in the shower, lost in each other. Reluctantly, you pull away from each other and step out of the shower, wrapping each other in towels. Drying him you give him a knowing look, both of you feeling the heat between you.
He slowly leads you to your bed and follows closely after you when you fall down on it and then he’s between your legs. Smiling up to you. 
“So,” you smile at him - getting your hands into his hair, “That talented tongue you’re so proud of?”
Thomas nods between your thighs, his eyes dark with desire as he takes in the sight before him. With a shy kiss, he begins to explore every inch of your sensitive flesh. His tongue tracing every curve and fold with precision and skill. As you catch your breath, you look down at him and see the look of satisfaction and pride on his face. You smile and run your fingers through his hair, pulling a little harder. 
As he continues to tease and tantalise you, you find yourself succumbing to the pleasure building within you, your breath coming in short gasps, arching your hips towards him and moaning with each flick of his tongue, and gentle suck of his lips. There’s a knock coming from Damiano’s room above and Thomas laughs when you can hear Damiano shout of the window to please stop. 
The sensations become more intense with each passing moment. His tongue delves deeper, until finally you can feel yourself getting closer to the edge. You cling to the sheets as you shudder with ecstasy, your body convulsing with pleasure as you ride the waves of your orgasm. As you come down from the peak of pleasure, Thomas’ face comes into view, his eyes full of satisfaction as he gazes at you with reverence.
You lay there, panting and sweating, feeling a sense of euphoria sweep over you. You start smiling when Thomas pulls himself up to lay beside you, wrapping his arms around you. Holding you close. Your bodies entwine, and you bask in the warmth and comfort of each other's embrace.
When you can finally breathe again, you’re both flushed, your bodies still buzzing with desire. 
"I think we've discovered the most sensual experience of all," you say.
He smiles, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 
"Oh, I think we've only just begun to scratch the surface here.”
As the night progresses you find yourself lost in each other’s company. Talking about everything and nothing. The dimly lit room seems to glow with a sense of intimacy all around you when Thomas falls asleep in his arms.
The next morning there are no restraints anymore, you leave for the kitchen together but Thomas is still playing his games when Vic joins you at the table, still oblivious to everything.
Thomas chooses pineapple, bread and takes some honey, an unusual choice for him, but when he gets back to the table you know why he all of a sudden felt the craving for it. While he tries to get honey on his slice of bread, he drips honey on his thigh. On a spot you licked champagne off his skin last night. 
 “What a dilemma,” he says and Vic laughs while you blush. And somehow get even redder when Damiano enters the room.
“When?” he looks at you, then at Thomas, “When and where did this happen?”
“Here,” Thomas says, using his fingers to delicately take off a piece of pineapple from his plate, taking a playful bite first before he runs it along your lips, “Right under all your noses.”
Victoria looks at you shocked, and also searching for guidance in what’s going on: “Wait, what? You two are … Wait, are you fucking?” She slaps his shoulder. “And you didn’t tell me?”
“We didn’t even fuck yet,” Thomas says.
It’s the first time Ethan says something: “Well, whatever you two did last night, I’m sure it counts as sex.”
“Please wait with the fucking until you’re home,” Damiano looks at you, “Please.”
Thomas pouts at you from the side and shakes his head, probably thinking about the fact that he isn’t allowed to touch himself until then.
“Sure, that’s only a week.”
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tempobrucera · 1 month
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Pairing: Thomas x Reader Wordcount: 2.2k Summary: 5 times you want to ask Thomas to stay the night but don’t + 1 time Thomas stays Warnings: Fluff, some yearning - I guess A/N: Short and sweet (short isn’t what I am known for and the other ones are getting much longer again) and probably not really good but I need to get myself back to writing. So many ideas are still waiting for me, next ones are gonna be another Thomas (smut) one and some more poly fics.
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
You can’t really remember when you thought about it the first time. About Thomas staying the night. Thomas in your bed, next to you, keeping you warm. The first time you thought about asking him to stay you can remember however. 
After everyone already left Thomas decided to stay.
“I could have another drink,” he had smiled, “And another cigarette.”
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161 notes · View notes
tempobrucera · 1 month
Fire Alarms & Love Hearts
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Pairing: Fem!Reader/Thomas
Description: Thomas might be the reason why you and your neighbours are getting annoyed. And he might also be the one who asks you for a date.
Words: 10.1k
Warnings: Smut, it’s silly - I’m well aware of that
A/N: About 1 ½ years ago i received this lovely prompt and guess who finally wrote it @l0standn0tf0und
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
It's the beginning of November even for Rome the night air is chilling, and you would like to be in bed instead of staying outside in the cold. In your pyjamas. Your neighbours are all outside with you, the fire alarm went off the second night this week. The second night you're staring at your neighbour, you think you overheard someone call him Thomas a few nights ago. He's standing there only in his briefs and while you're still asking yourself how he isn't cold you see him shiver.
"I probably should have grabbed my bathrobe on the way out," he says. You know you should say something but you're busy looking at him, he's tall, fascinating eyes, cute smile and your sleep deprived brain can’t handle anything at this moment. “But then no one’s really dressed for the occasion, are they?”
You realise he's talking to you, and you blush. "Sorry?"
He giggles.
"I’m cold, my ass is going to freeze and fall off and then it's going to get lost somewhere around here and the city is going to be sued because of a naked butt running around and..." He trails off.
Now you are the one laughing.
“I’m sure that’s not what you said before but we can’t have your butt get lost, good thing it looks like they’re letting us inside again."
You're right. A few minutes later you're back in your apartment, ready to fall asleep again. Snuggled in your blankets, thinking about Thomas winking at you before you parted ways again.
When you leave the next day you can see a little note on your door.
“Hello neighbour,
I would like to ask you out for dinner.
If you're interested just let me know, if not please burn this note and never mention it to anyone! And just pretend you don’t know who I am the next time you see me.
P.S. My ass is still in place, no suing yet ;)
P.P.S. You should ask out the cute guy from the floor above you.
You're laughing as you fold the note and put it into the pocket of your coat, not knowing how you should respond. Bold you think, but somehow charming. And now you also know who lives in the flat over you, the wind sometimes carrying lovely guitar tunes to your window from his.
It takes you three days to have the courage until you're knocking on Thomas' door. He opens the door in his pyjamas, messy hair and his mouth open in surprise.
"Hi, I'm your neighbour from downstairs, the one you asked out for dinner" you say, a big grin on your face.
He laughs, and you are glad that you didn't just leave a message and go to your flat again.
"Yes, yes, I did," he says, opening the door for you, "but right now I'm making pancakes.”
“Is that what’s smelling like it’s burning?”
His eyes go wide.
He turns around and runs to the kitchen. You take the time to look at his flat, there are a few books. Guitars. Magazines. A stray sock on the floor. Photos.
He comes back out a few minutes later, smiling sheepishly.
"Okay, so, it's not burnt. It's just... not exactly the way I had planned."
You knit your eyebrows together thinking about the fire alarms again but shake your head at yourself and smile at him instead.
“I would share them but …. I was kind of planning to eat them straight from the pan and my cooking isn’t exactly made to be shared, or even fit for human consumption.“
You laugh.
"I would like to share them anyway," you say and wink at him, "and I'm sure they're delicious."
He smiles back.
"Well then, sit down and let me be your host," he says. “But if you get food poisoning that’s on you, I warned you.”
“You can say if now is a bad time instead of trying to poison me if you want to, that would be perfectly okay, maybe I should have just written a reply to the note. So sorry if I'm interrupting anything. Or anyone."
"You're not. I'm not... I mean... I'm single. I'm sorry." He blushes. "I didn't mean to say that. Fuck. I mean..."
You start laughing.
"Okay. Calm down. Breathe. It's fine, I promise.”
“I’m only in my pyjamas. I wasn't really expecting anyone. Let alone the person I tried to ask out."
You smile at him.
"Well, I didn't expect you to still be in pyjamas in the middle of the day either." It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you really didn't think he would be in his pyjamas.
He looks at you sheepishly: "Good point. You can have my pancakes but only if you're getting in your pyjamas as well."
It's something you can agree on and ten minutes later you're sitting in his living room, in your pyjamas. He smiles and laughs and you have a nice fuzzy feeling when he looks at you. You talk about music, about travelling, about everything and nothing. When it's dark outside and you're full of pancakes, that are only half as bad as he thought and said but somehow still burned at the edges and the inside that should be fluffy sometimes not quite cooked. You're glad you took the chance. He's fun to be around and you talk more, about concerts, memories and favourite places. It's easy to talk to him, and it's even easier to laugh with him. When the conversation dies down a little bit and your eyes are getting heavy, he looks at you and grins.
"We should do that again."
You look at him, he's beautiful, he's sweet, you nod.
"Yes. Definitely."
"Maybe not in pyjamas next time."
Thomas doesn't really think he can call it a date, it's not a real one, but it's a great evening and definitely a beginning of something. He likes you, he would love to take you out, and he feels like a fool for having given you a note and not asked you out directly. It's not his usual behaviour. When he's walking you to the door, he thinks about kissing you. But you're just getting to know each other, so he hugs you, and kisses you on the cheek instead. You're grinning and wave at him, he watches you walk to the door and down the hall to his front door.
"See you around?" He asks, a little hope in his voice.
"Of course. I think that's an offer I can't refuse."
"Good, next time I'll take you out for dinner." He says, you lean in and for a second he thinks you're going to kiss him, but you just give him a quick kiss on the nose.
"That would be wonderful," you say and then you're gone.
He goes back inside, closing the door and leaning against it.
"Fuck," he says to himself. "I've got it so bad."
Two weeks later you're going out for dinner with Thomas. He's a little late and when he walks into the restaurant he's already apologising from afar.
"I'm so sorry, the traffic is hell," he says, his eyes wide. "And my phone battery died and I couldn't call you. But I'm here, finally."
You smile.
"It's fine," you say and you take a deep breath, he's so cute, you already knew that but seeing him makes you nervous and happy and giddy. A feeling you haven't had in a while. He sits down opposite you. "And I have to say it's nice to see you in something different than your pyjamas or only in underwear."
He blushes.
"You liked the sight then," he says with a smirk and winks at you.
You look at him, raising an eyebrow and grin.
"I didn't say that."
He chuckles and starts looking through the menu. You watch him, trying to figure him out, but it's not as easy as you first had thought.
"Do you want some wine?" He asks, looking at you.
"That sounds great," you say.
He looks at you, you think he's waiting for a question, but you're not sure what.
"I have another idea," you say, hoping it's a good one.
"What would that be?"
"A bet."
He raises an eyebrow.
"What would this bet involve?"
"We have to make the other one blush, the first one to lose the game has to pay for dinner."
He laughs.
"So we're both going to be in trouble tonight."
"Maybe, maybe not."
He looks at you and smiles, "okay, we can do that, but I should warn you I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
"We'll see," you say.
And with that the game begins. You're looking at each other, smiling, flirting, and you're having fun.
The waiter comes over and asks for your order, Thomas gets Carbonara, and you're getting ravioli.
"Can I try yours?" You ask.
"Yes, if I can try yours."
You're nodding and when the food arrives a few minutes later, you take turns feeding each other.
"This is amazing," you say.
"Yours is too, do you think we should switch?"
You're smiling, shaking your head.
"No, it's good."
"Do you think the pasta is as good as me?"
"Don't make me answer that."
He chuckles.
"I would say we can just not decide who has to pay and just split it."
"You would say that, and I can't tell if it's because you're afraid of losing or because you're trying to be a gentleman."
"I'm always a gentleman." He laughs.
He smiles at you and for a second he looks at his hands, before looking up at you.
"I'm not afraid," he says. He takes your hand, and you know you should prepare yourself for something, "your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
He looks at you expectantly, his eyes wide, a little shy. It's endearing. And it's really adorable. You try to stay serious, to not laugh. But when his face changes from hopeful to worried and then he's trying to pull his hand away, you can't help yourself.
"That was the worst line ever," you say, laughing.
"I don't know if I should be offended? Are you laughing at me?"
"No," you say, still laughing, "actually it's kinda cute just... it's cute, and I can't believe you actually said that. I thought you're going to make me blush with something dirty but you're just being adorable."
"Hey," he says, pretending to be offended. "I'm not adorable, I'm handsome and I'm..."
You're shaking your head.
He pretends to pout, which makes you laugh even more. And you can see the blush creep into his cheeks.
"I can't believe I'm the loser of this bet," he says, sighing.
"You might be, but you're right, my lips are a little bit lonely. Mind to help out?"
"I can try, not making any promises though," he says, he leans closer, putting his lips on yours, and kissing you softly. You're smiling, and so is he. It's a short kiss, and it's not really enough, but it's still perfect.
When he pulls away, he's looking at you, his eyes full of wonder, his mouth slightly open.
"What?" You ask.
"I just want to savour the moment, I haven't kissed many people lately, and it feels a little strange to have my first real kiss in a while after a bad pick-up line."
You chuckle.
"You can have another one if you like."
He nods and kisses you again.
When dinner is over, Thomas walks you home. He takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. He doesn't want the night to end, he likes being with you, and he has a feeling that you might like him too.
He brings you right to your apartment door and kisses you goodbye. It's soft and sweet and you're smiling, leaning into him. He can feel your smile against his lips, and he wants more.
He kisses you a little harder, his tongue flicking out to touch your bottom lip, and then your upper lip. A surprised moan escapes him when you open your mouth, granting him entrance, his tongue sliding over yours. Your arms wrap around him, holding him close, his body pressed against yours, and he can feel you against him. Your soft curves, your breasts pressing against his chest, your warmth and the smell of your skin, it's all intoxicating.
When the kiss ends, his lips are tingling. He looks at you, his mouth open and his breathing a little faster.
"You're good," you say, a smile on your lips.
He blushes.
"Thanks," he whispers.
He's leaning in again, kissing your cheek, and then the side of your neck, nuzzling your skin.
"Thomas," you whisper, his name coming out as a sigh.
He likes the sound of it, he wants to hear it again.
"Hmm," he hums, pressing a kiss right under your ear, sucking gently on your skin, his hands stroking your back. And then he pulls back. "I should say goodnight before I do something stupid."
You look at him, and for a moment he's afraid you'll disagree.
"Yeah," you say, sighing. "You're right."
He's glad that you understand, and a little disappointed that you're agreeing to let things progress slowly.
"Thank you for the lovely evening," he says.
"Thank you."
"I hope we can do that again, soon."
"Me too."
You give him a quick peck on the lips, then you're gone, closing the door behind you.
He stands in front of your door for a moment, his hand on the door, smiling.
"Fuck yes," he says to himself, a spring in his step when he gets up the steps to his own flat.
After your third date with Thomas he's away for some time but he texts you. The first night he's back, is the night before your holidays and the first night another fire alarm goes off again, it's the beginning of January. You're annoyed, it's freezing cold outside, your flight is early and not even Thomas who's standing there in only his briefs again, with a bowl of pasta, can't make you smile.
"Hi neighbour," he says.
"Hi," you grumble.
He puts the bowl down, walking towards you and taking your hand.
"What's wrong?"
"I've got an early flight tomorrow, and now the stupid fire alarm went off, and..."
Thomas looks at you with guilt in his eyes, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I'm sure the fire department is going to be quick."
"They better be," you say.
You turn around and see the firefighter that you already saw talking to Thomas the last few times. Thomas tries to sneak away, you look at his pasta that all of a sudden looks suspiciously burnt.
"Is this your doing?"
He smiles sheepishly, "maybe."
"Maybe," the firefighter says. "I have a feeling, it might be your boyfriend who's a little bit clueless in the kitchen."
"That's not true, my pancakes are delicious." He says and looks at you for help.
You look at them both.
"Not my boyfriend, not really, and your pancakes were for human consumption but also ... burnt a bit," you say, and the firefighter looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, they were horrible, but I didn't burn anything in a while. Just today."
The firefighter sighs.
"This is the sixth time in not even as many months, please order pizza or go to a cooking class, please, for your neighbours sake," he says and you look at him.
"You're really getting a cooking class," you say to Thomas, "this is not negotiable, you can't cook, and everyone's getting fed up with being woken up by the fire alarm. You need a teacher, or someone, just... something. Please."
Thomas sighs, but he agrees.
"Good," you say.
It's not much longer until the building is empty again and the fire alarm is shut off. You walk to your apartment, and Thomas follows you.
"Sorry about the pancakes, and the pasta, and the fire alarm. And the other fire alarms," he says, sighing.
You shrug.
"It's okay, and now that the fire department knows that the fire alarm is set off by an incompetent cook, they hopefully know for future incidents. Now I should sleep, I'm getting up way too early tomorrow."
"Good night," he says.
He hugs you, and kisses you, and you're glad to be inside again.
The first time you sleep with Thomas is after you're back, the two of you are spending more and more time together, and there is no way you would ever describe it as 'just friends'. You've been flirting with him, and he with you.
Thomas is kissing you passionately. His hands are under your shirt. You're kissing back, trying to keep up with his kisses and his movements. You're in his bed and while you are both still wearing shirts and underwear you feel a little too warm all of a sudden. He is on top of you, kissing down your neck and biting softly, you let out a soft moan.
"Fuck," he whispers.
"What is it?"
"This is embarrassing, but... I might not last long," he whispers, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't worry about that, I won't be offended," you say, stroking his hair, and kissing his temple. “Feels like a compliment to me.”
"It's fine."
He lifts his head, looking at you, smiling, his eyes full of hope and lust. He kisses you again, and starts rubbing against you. The thin layer of fabric is the only thing separating the two of you. You're grinding back, moving together, and it's not long until you're both gasping, and you're holding on to him. His hands are moving, slipping under the waistband of your panties, pushing them down, and then his hands are between your legs. You can feel his fingers on your folds, stroking gently.
"Shit," you breathe, your eyes falling shut.
He's moving, getting between your legs and kneeling on the floor. You prop yourself up on your elbows, and look down at him, watching him, he's licking his lips, and looking at you, his pupils wide. You watch him and he leans in, his breath hot against your skin, his lips kissing the inside of your thigh.
He kisses upwards, getting closer and closer, and when his mouth finally touches you, your head falls back, and a moan leaves your mouth. He's sucking and licking, his tongue teasing your clit, his fingers thrusting into you. Your breathing is ragged and fast, your heart is racing, it doesn't take long until the wave of pleasure is crashing down on you.
"God, fuck, Thomas," you gasp, as the orgasm washes over you.
He keeps going, drawing out the pleasure - making you tremble and writhe. When he's finished, you're lying on the bed, breathing hard. He gets up, and gets rid of his underwear, and his shirt, and when he climbs back on the bed, he's naked. He leans down, kissing you.”
"Can I?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yes, please."
He lines himself up and slowly pushes into you, you can feel him stretching you, filling you, and you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Shit," he breathes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, it's just..." he trails off, not finishing his sentence, and he starts to move, his thrusts are slow and gentle.
You can see the expression on his face, his mouth is hanging open, his eyes are closed, and he's moaning, and whispering. His name is on your lips, and you're holding onto him, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
His thrusts become faster and harder, his breathing is getting ragged. He's moaning, his hips stuttering. He's groaning and grunting, his body tensing, and his muscles straining, and when he comes, his whole body shakes. He collapses on top of you, his weight resting on you, and his head resting on your chest.
You stroke his hair, and kiss the top of his head, and he's breathing heavily, his eyes closed.
"Sorry," he whispers, after a few moments.
"It's fine."
"It's been a while."
"You can't control these things."
He rolls off of you, and turns his head, his eyes opening.
"I'll make it up to you," he says.
"There's nothing to make up, really. It was wonderful."
"Still," he says.
Thomas' birthday is coming up and even though by now he has told his friends and the band about you, he's still nervous asking you to join them for the evening. In the end he doesn't know what he was so worried about, you're excited and happy about the invitation.
Thomas is in the middle of his party, surrounded by friends and family, and you're sitting next to him, with a beer and a slice of cake, and he's happy. You're holding his hand, and occasionally lean over to kiss him.
Victoria is pulling you away from him to dance with you, and he's smiling and laughing as he watches the two of you.
"Good job," she whispers into his ear after she's sick of dancing.
"Thank you!" He has to grin, and then she's gone, and you're back by his side.
"How's the birthday boy doing?"
"Great, now that my girlfriend is back," he says.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Yes," he says, looking at you, a hopeful smile on his face.
"Okay, boyfriend," you say.
He blushes, and smiles, his eyes are wide but his smile is almost shy. He pulls you in, kissing you softly, and wrapping his arm around you.
"I like that," he says.
"Me too."
He drags you into the bedroom as soon as most of the people have left and you can't stop smiling and laughing. Thomas closes the door and turns around to look at you. You're standing there, your hair is a little messy, your shirt is crumpled, and your cheeks are flushed. He can't stop looking at you, and when he doesn't say anything, you take a step forward.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes," he says, and closes the distance between the two of you, kissing you, and holding you close.
He starts unbuttoning your shirt, and kisses the skin that's revealed, then pushes the shirt off your shoulders, it lands on the floor, and then his hands are on your breasts, squeezing gently.
You pull his shirt off, and your fingers trail down his sides, making him shudder. His skin is warm, his stomach soft. You push him down onto the bed, he lies back, looking up at you, his pupils blown, his breathing ragged, and his cock hard.
"I've got a surprise for you, birthday boy.”
"Oh yes," he says, his voice hoarse.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and you take some lube from the nightstand, and get out of your skirt and your underwear, and kneel next to him, straddling his thigh. You squeeze some lube into the palm of your hand, warming it up between your fingers.
"Can I look now?" He asks, impatiently.
"Almost," you say, and then your hands are on his cock, stroking him, your thumb brushing over the tip, his hips bucking into your touch.
"Fuck," he whispers, and he bites his lip, trying to stay quiet, his eyes still closed.
You start moving, your hand stroking his cock, and he's groaning, his hands are grasping the sheets, and he's arching his back, and thrusting into your hand.
"Fuck, please," he gasps, and you stop.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, his mouth hangs open, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"That was mean," he says, but the smile on his lips is telling you that he liked it. “Is my surprise only sex or is there more? Like is it edible underwear or something, a costume … oh," he cuts himself off, when he sees the look on your face.
You raise an eyebrow.
"A costume. You'd like me in a costume, wouldn't you?"
He's blushing, and his cock twitches, he doesn't answer, he doesn't has to.
"Wouldn't you?"
"Yeah," he admits.
You laugh.
"Well, I don't have one now, but if I find one, I might surprise you," you say, “I have something different for you, I want to eat you out and when you’re a whimpering mess, I want to ride you."
"Fuck, yes," he breathes.
"Lie back and relax."
"I can do that," he says.
You lean down and start kissing his chest, nipping and licking his skin. You can feel his heartbeat, his breathing shallow. You're working your way down, kissing his stomach. You take his cock in your hand, and stroke him, and he moans. You kiss further down, getting between his legs, and licking his balls, and then his cock. He's moaning, his hips jerking.
"Oh god, please," he gasps.
You continue, sucking his balls into your mouth, and then moving back. He spreads his legs a little further apart, and lifts his hips, you kiss his thighs, and stroke his cock, your other hand moves between his cheeks, and when your finger brushes over his hole, his hips jerk violently.
"Fuck," he gasps.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Please," he begs.
You're spreading his legs a little more, and kissing the inside of his thighs, and then you're licking his hole, your tongue teasing the tight ring of muscle. He's panting and gasping, his eyes closed, his mouth hanging open. He's writhing on the bed, his hips moving, and when you push your tongue into him, he's swearing, his hands gripping the sheets.
“Oh god, please don’t stop. Shit, please. Fuck, this is amazing, shit, please, fuck, I want- I need- please, please, please, please," he's babbling, and when you reach between his legs, and wrap your fingers around his cock, his body is shaking, and he's swearing. "Fuck, oh god, please, please, I need you. If you keep fucking me this good," he gasps. “I might just have to marry you.”
Your mouth is still on him but you smile, and you're licking and sucking, your hand is stroking his cock.
For Thomas it feels like minutes, for you, it must have been less than a minute. He's writhing and swearing, and moaning, his breathing is ragged, and his hips are stuttering, his cock throbbing and leaking pre-come. He's a mess, his back arched, fingers entangled in your hair.
“You enjoy that?”
"Fuck, yes. Yes. God, yes, please, please, I need you, please," he pants, and his eyes are wide open, looking at you.
"You ready for me, birthday boy?"
"Yes, yes, please," he whispers.
You kneel over him, straddling his waist, guiding him to your entrance. He's holding on to your hips, his eyes squeezed shut. You lower yourself, and when the head of his cock slips into you, the both of you moan. You're moving, taking him in inch by inch, and when he's completely inside you, you're sitting in his lap. You move your hips, riding him, and he's thrusting up into you, his cock rubbing against your walls, hitting all the right places. He's groaning, and his fingers dig into your skin.
“That was so good, no one ever did that for me before, I didn't think I'd like it, but fuck, this was amazing," he's talking, and it sounds almost like he's drunk. Drunk on lust and emotions.
You start riding him, your hips moving, and he's thrusting up into you, his moans fill the room, and the sounds of your bodies moving together. The slap of skin against skin is the only sound, apart from his voice.
"Please, don't stop," he's begging, and his words are slurring, his movements becoming erratic. His back arches, his muscles tense, and his body starts to shake, his grip on your hips tightens, and his mouth falls open. "Oh god, fuck, fuck, please, oh god, please, please, please, please, oh god," his voice is hoarse, and then his hips are jerking, and his cock is throbbing and his eyes are squeezed shut, his body is shaking, his nails digging into your skin. He's gasping, and his cock pulses inside of you.
He's panting, his eyes are open, and he looks at you, his gaze unfocused. You lift your hips, and he slips out of you, his hands are resting on your hips, his grip still tight, and his breathing is laboured.
You roll off of him, and lie down next to him. When he reaches for you, you hold him. His body is trembling, and his heart is beating fast. He's breathing hard, and his eyes are closed.
"Wow, that was amazing," he mumbles.
"It was," you say, kissing his temple.
"I need to clean up, give me a second," he says, and he's trying to get up.
"Stay, I'll do it."
"You sure?"
He's smiling, eyes still closed, his head resting on the pillow, and his breathing is getting steadier again. You get up, and walk into the bathroom, and return with a washcloth.
"This was the best birthday present," he says, looking at you. “No candy underwear but you can’t have everything.”
"It was a pleasure."
"What about you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, I came long before you.”
"You did?"
He smiles, and closes his eyes. You're cleaning him up, wiping away the sweat, and his come, and his eyelids flutter. You put the washcloth into the laundry basket, and crawl back into bed.
"I'll do something for you, just let me catch my breath," he says, his words are slurred, and his breathing is deep.
"There's no need," you whisper.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, and he's snuggling closer to you before he drifts off to sleep.
"Happy birthday," you whisper, and press a soft kiss to his forehead, and he sighs contently.
A couple of weeks later, you're sitting in the dressing room with Victoria after a show. He's sitting on a couch, his legs spread wide, and he's talking to someone. You can't hear what they're saying, but you're watching him. His smile, and the way his eyes light up, the way he talks. The way he moves his hands.
Victoria is next to you, she's watching you, and a smile is playing on her lips.
"You're staring," she says.
"Yes," you answer.
She's grinning.
"Do you need help?" She asks.
"I know a lot about him."
"I don't doubt it."
"I mean, if you wanted to surprise him," she says, and winks.
“Actually I would need your help,” you smile, “Valentine’s is coming up and I would like to do something. Something a bit romantic, and something a bit, you know, … sexy.”
She's grinning, and her eyes light up.
"Oh yes, I would love to help you with that."
"As long as it doesn’t involve edible underwear,” you laugh.
She looks at you confused.
"No, but why would you think that?"
"Thomas mentioned it. He was curious about it."
"Oh," she grins, "c’mon it would make him laugh. You’re both silly like that. Just do it as an extra little thing, a candy bra and some really nice lace panties.”
“You’re right, if nothing else it would make him laugh, and he would love it. Thank you, Vic, for all the help you gave me and I would be honoured to have your advice and assistance with this."
"So, what do you have planned so far?"
"I'll tell you, but first I need to ask Thomas if he has any plans for the day, because if he does, we have to plan around them."
"Sounds like a good idea," she agrees. “He’s a romantic, so I don’t think he has other than plans he might have come up with already, but I can interrogate him a little bit. So what’s the plan?”
“I want to cook with him at home. You know how he set off the fire alarms a few times when he tried cooking and I figured that we can try it together, and maybe I can help him, make sure that we won't have a repeat performance of those days. Maybe we can do it together, so he will actually learn something, or maybe we'll fail spectacularly together. Light some candles, maybe get a bit wine drunk. And then after dinner, maybe have a bath and then go to bed, have sex, cuddle. Just the two of us, and a nice relaxed evening. No stress, no worries, just us. What do you think?"
"It sounds great," Victoria smiles. "So, what are you going to cook?"
"We never really cooked together before, but I did some research and I found a recipe for a lasagne, that sounds really good. We should be able to manage that. Worst case scenario we’re ending up with take-out.”
“Great, I’ll let you know when I find something out.”
Later that day, you're in bed, you're naked, and his face is buried between your thighs, his tongue is lapping at your wetness. His fingers are inside of you, and he's working his tongue on your clit. You're arching your back, almost grinding against his mouth. He's humming, you can feel the vibrations, and his teeth graze your clit.
His tongue is flat moving down, licking the length of your folds, and he's nipping at the sensitive skin. His fingers are curling and rubbing against the sweet spot inside of you, and when his other hand moves from your hip, and his finger brushes over your entrance, your breath hitches.
"Fuck," you gasp.
"That's the plan," he says, his voice muffled.
"Fuck," you say again.
He chuckles and his finger slides into you, his tongue is teasing your clit. His lips wrap around your clit, and he's sucking gently. Your hands are on his head, your fingers running through his hair, and your hips are moving. He's fucking you, his fingers are curling and pressing, and his tongue is stroking and licking, and your body is tensing.
"Thomas, please," you beg.
He doesn't stop, and his finger pushes in and out of you, his lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking, and his fingers are hitting all the right places. You're arching, and your hips are moving, and you can feel the orgasm building up. Your muscles are clenching, your breath hitches, and your toes are curling. You're close, so close, and you're grinding against his mouth, and his finger is still moving inside you.
"Fuck, Thomas," you gasp, and you're coming.
Your body is tensing, and your eyes are squeezing shut, your back is arching. Your muscles clench, and your walls are gripping his finger, and he's still fucking you, and his lips are wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking and sucking. Your hips jerk, and you're shaking, and he just doesn't stop.
He's lapping and licking, and you're squirming, and your hips are bucking, and you're whimpering. His finger is pressing and pushing, and his tongue is lapping and stroking, and your back is arching. He's humming, and your breathing is ragged.
You're tugging at his hair, and you're whimpering.
"Thomas, please, I need a moment, please," you're panting.
He stops, and looks at you, his chin is glistening, and his eyes are dark, and there's a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Are you tired already?"
"Yes, very much, I need a break," you say.
"You'll get one," he says.
He gets up, and moves over you, and your bodies are touching, his weight on top of you, and his cock is hard and twitching against your thigh, and you reach between your bodies, and wrap your fingers around his shaft, and start stroking him. He's groaning, and his head falls forward, and he's burying his face in your neck. His breath is hot against your skin, and he's rocking his hips, his cock sliding through your fingers.
He's panting and gasping, and you can feel him throb, his precum is smearing across your stomach. He's thrusting his hips, and his breath is hitching like yours before. He's moving, his hips jerking, and he's pushing his cock into your hand, his body is shaking, and his fingers dig into the mattress.
"Please, I want to come inside you," he moans.
"Do it," you say, and his cock twitches, and you spread your legs a little wider, and guide him between your folds, and he's entering you slowly.
"Fuck," he moans, and his body is trembling.
"You're so wet," he gasps, and his eyes are closed.
You lift your legs, and wrap them around his waist, and he's completely inside you, and he's still for a moment. He's panting, his cock is pulsing, and his muscles are tensing, and he starts moving, his thrusts are shallow, and his eyes are closed, and his lips are slightly parted, and his hair is hanging in his face. His hands are on either side of your head, and his body is shaking.
"Thomas, look at me," you say.
He looks at you, his eyes are glassy, and his pupils are blown.
"I'm not made of glass, please fuck me."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, please," you beg, and you move, and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He starts moving, his movements slow and deliberate, and his breathing is ragged, and his muscles are tense, he's gritting his teeth.
"Harder, please," you moan, and your hips are bucking - matching his thrusts. Your back is arching, and his eyes fall shut, and he's pushing into you, his thrusts are hard.
"Shit, oh fuck," he groans.
“God, so good, Thom, please," you gasp, and his body is trembling.
He's gasping and moaning, and he's leaning down, and kisses you, his mouth is on yours, and he's thrusting into you, his movements erratic, and his fingers are gripping the sheets.
"You're so beautiful," he pants, and his voice is raspy.
He's moving faster, and his cock is sliding in and out of you, his lips on yours, and his tongue is moving against yours. Your legs are shaking, and you can feel the pressure inside of you building again. The tension coils in your belly, you're getting closer, and your fingers dig into his shoulders. You're gasping, his name a breathy moan.
"Please, Thomas, please," you beg.
"Please, what?"
"I want to come, I'm close," you moan.
"I know, love, so am I, please, come for me," he gasps. “Come again, please.”
He's moving his hips, his thrusts are fast and hard, and you're gasping and moaning, and his movements become more erratic.
"Shit, I'm close," he moans.
Your muscles clench, and the tension in your belly is too much, you can't hold it any longer. You're coming, your body is shaking, you're crying out, your body is arching, and you're clinging to him. His cock is throbbing and twitching, and his hips are jerking, and he's coming. You're trembling, and his cock is still pulsing, and his body is shuddering, and his face is buried in your neck.
"Fuck," he groans.
"Yes, indeed," you breathe.
“What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?” Vic asks him some days later just after they had dinner together.
“Yes, so I was thinking of taking her to Verona for a day or two. Or maybe go to the planetarium and have a nice dinner afterwards. What do you think?”
“It’s great, Thom. But maybe you should do Verona another time, take her to the planetarium and maybe don’t worry about dinner. Romantic night in, you know.”
“You know something I don’t know, don’t you? Okay, planetarium and romantic night in. Understood.”
She grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
It's Valentine's day and you're sitting on the couch together for breakfast. You made pancakes, edible and not burned. After you finish eating he's kissing you, and his arms are around your waist, his body is warm against yours. His lips are soft, and his breath is hot, and then he's pulling away from the kiss.
"I have a present for you," he says.
"So do I," you smile.
"Me first," he says, and his cheeks are red.
He's taking a little box from the cupboard, and gives it to you, and you open it, and there's a bracelet. A thin, golden bracelet with three charms. A tiny rose, a guitar, and a heart.
"Oh Thomas," you whisper. "Thank you, I love it."
You take the bracelet and put it on.
"It's so beautiful, thank you."
He's smiling, and there's a pink blush on his cheeks.
"And now your turn," he says.
You're going to your room and take a bigger, gift wrapped box, and give it to him, and he sits on the couch next to you opening it. In it is a knitted sweater, he takes it and he smiles. The sweater is pale blue, and has a white pattern of musical notes and stars on it.
"Oh, this is so beautiful," he whispers. “I can’t believe you knitted for me.”
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it." He gives you a kiss, “and I thought we could go to the planetarium and I was told to have a romantic night in.”
“Yes, the night is my part of the plan.” You smile.
When you arrive at the planetarium it's almost empty. There's only a group of school children, a couple and a few people that seem to be there just to have a look around, but there's no guided tour and no lectures, so you're wandering around, looking at the exhibits, and watching the different shows while holding hands.
At some point, when the children have left and you're alone in the room, there's a show about the northern lights, and Thomas is staring at the ceiling. His eyes are sparkling, he smiles at you.
"One day I want to see them with you," he says.
"Someday, maybe."
"Yes, someday," he sighs, and smiles.
The lights dim, the show ends, and you're leaving the room. You're wandering through the hall, looking at the displays, and the pictures of the different constellations and galaxies, and stars. You're standing in front of the big picture of the milky way. Thomas is behind you, his arms are around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
“What’s your favourite,” he asks.
"You're my favourite," you whisper back.
"Your favourite galaxy, silly.”
"That would be still you," you say, and he kisses your neck.
"I’m also quite fond of you," he chuckles.
"So, which one is yours?"
"That would be the Orion nebula."
"Why that one?"
"Because of the colours and the beauty, and the fact that it's made from gas, dust and stardust, and the fact that it's a birthplace for stars, that makes it special to me."
You look at him.
“Maybe Ethan talked a lot about space lately and I think it might not be a galaxy, but it is still something related to the universe, so we’ll pretend that it still counts."
He's laughing and kisses you.
When you are back home and there's music playing, the lights are dim - the candles are flickering.
“I thought we could make lasagne together, have some wine, have a bath and later move to bed, have some more wine and then sleep or do other things."
He laughs.
"That sounds wonderful."
You start cooking together. Chopping, sizzling and at some point there's tomato sauce spilled, and tomato on the wall, and on the kitchen counter.
"Oops, sorry," he laughs.
"It's okay, I'll clean it up," you laugh.
You're cleaning up the mess, and then there's tomato on his face, and on his shirt, and you're still laughing. He's taking the bowl, puts it on the kitchen counter, and moves closer to you. He's leaning in, his lips touching yours, his hands are on your waist. His tongue is pushing against your lips and he's deepening the kiss.
“We should cook first, at least have the ragu sauce cooking,” you say between kisses.
"Yes, that's right," he whispers.
He's smiling and kisses your nose.
"Later," he says and winks, which makes you giggle.
You're making the ragu sauce, he's holding you from behind, his chin is on your shoulder, and his lips are against your neck.
"Do you need a hand?" He asks.
"No, the sauce is fine," you say, and his hands are roaming over your body, his mouth is on your neck, and he's nipping and kissing. His lips are brushing against your ear.
"Thomas, stop, or I won't be able to focus," you laugh.
"That's exactly what I'm hoping for," he chuckles. “Also don’t deny it but I saw that earlier. You checked out my ass when I bent down to take out the wine glasses and the bottle."
You smile and giggle.
"Yes, and I'm not even sorry, it's a really cute butt."
"Thanks, it's a gift from God, and I'm not even kidding."
You laugh and turn your head, your lips brush against his.
"Yes, it is."
He's laughing, and his fingers are digging into your waist.
"I love you," he says, his voice is low. His breath is warm against your skin. And his heart is beating against your back.
"I love you too."
He smiles and kisses you. Thomas’ hands are cupping your face and he's leaning his forehead against yours.
“Can we make out while the things in the pots are cooking and boiling, please, and maybe a bit later?"
You're giggling.
"Yes, I would like that," you say.
His lips are soft. His tongue is licking and sliding against yours, his hands are sliding over your body. Thomas’ touch is gentle. He's lifting you up on the kitchen counter and you're wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Can I touch your cute godsend butt," you ask, and his body is shaking with laughter.
"Yes, yes you can, and I would be offended if you didn't."
You're running your hands over his shoulders, down his back, right to his ass. Thomas’ hands are in your hair, his hips pressed against yours. His lips are sliding along your jaw, down your neck, and he's sucking at the spot just under your ear. His hardening cock is pressing against your core.
"Thom, the sauce will burn," you gasp.
"Right," he whispers, “but it’s not burning yet, let me kiss you some more."
"Okay," and with that he's deepening the kiss again.
His fingers are slipping under your skirt, his thumbs are brushing against the lace of your panties. His hand is sliding between your legs, he's slowly pushing the fabric aside, and his fingers are tracing along your folds, he's circling your entrance. And then his fingers are entering you, his thumb stroking over your clit.
"God, you're so wet," he moans.
"Thomas," you gasp.
"The sauce, it's burning."
"Shit," he curses. Then his hand is gone, he steps back and turns off the heat.
"Sorry." He gives you an apologetic little smile.
“Is this how you triggered the fire alarm before, cooking, and getting distracted?"
"Yeah, I tried to make dinner once, and I forgot to stir the sauce, and the next thing I knew the alarm was blaring."
“Making out? Or just distracted.”
“Just distracted, I wasn’t making out with anyone, I was alone in the flat, and had no idea why the alarm was going off, I was a little confused. It took a few seconds to figure out it was the food on the stove. Once or twice or maybe … more.”
"I'm not even surprised, and I can relate," you smile, and he grins.
"Sorry," he chuckles, and gives you a kiss, and his lips are lingering, and his tongue is licking against yours, and his teeth are scraping against your bottom lip, and his hands are sliding over your back.
"The sauce is safe now," he whispers, his nose is brushing against yours and his hands are in your hair.
"Let’s put together the lasagne and put it in the oven, then we can make out some more," you suggest.
"That sounds like a good plan," he says.
"Yes, very good plan, I know," you chuckle, his body is warm against yours..
You're finishing the lasagne, putting it in the oven and Thomas is setting the timer.
“Now I want more kisses," he looks at you.
He's kissing and sucking at your neck, his hands are pushing your skirt up, his fingers are pulling down your panties.
"Thom, we should wait until the lasagne is done," you whisper and he groans.
"Just a few minutes, please," he pleads, his other hand is gripping your thigh, his fingers digging into your flesh.
"Okay," you moan, his thumb is circling your clit not leaving you room to think.
"Thank you," he breathes. “Bedroom, we have a timer anyways. We will hear it, and can continue."
You nod, his hand is gone, and you're stumbling towards the bedroom. Kissing on your way and his hands are sliding under your shirt.
“Oh, is this …” he laughs, “finally what I wished for? Candy hearts in your bra?"
"Maybe," you laugh.
"I love it," he says.
"I thought, since it's valentine's day, and the edible underwear was a bit out of my comfort zone, maybe that’s close enough for you? Or too much? It's weird isn't it, I'm sorry," you say, and he shakes his head.
"No, not weird, I love it, and I'm so glad you did that for me," he says, and pulls away from the kiss. "You know what else I wanted?"
"Tell me," you say.
"This," he says, and sneaks his hand in your bra, and takes one of the candy hearts, and his hand is moving up, and the little heart is touching your lips.
"Open," he says, and you open your mouth, and his hand is moving up, and the heart is in your mouth.
"Now, can I take off the bra?" He asks.
"Yes, go ahead, you can eat the rest of the candy," you laugh, and he's pulling the cup down, and taking a candy heart with his tongue and he's biting it, and then his mouth is on yours.
"Delicious," he chuckles, and his eyes are sparkling.
"Yes, very," you smile.
"You're delicious," he says, and his mouth is on yours, and the taste of the candy and the wine is still on his lips, and his tongue is licking against yours.
His lips are moving along your jaw, and to your neck, and his mouth is sucking and kissing at the crook of your neck.
He's lying down, and you're straddling him, and he's reaching for your bra, and pulls it off. His hands are cupping your breasts, and his mouth is on the valley of your breasts, and his tongue is licking along your sternum, and his teeth are grazing against your nipple.
He's sucking, and his teeth are pinching and his tongue is flicking over the sensitive bud, and you're gasping and moaning.
His mouth is moving to the other breast, and his lips are closing around your nipple, and his mouth is warm and his breath is hot against your skin. He's sucking and his teeth are grazing against your hardening nipple, and his hands are on your back, and they're sliding over your hips.
“I think some of the hearts fell out of the bra," he chuckles.
"I can look for them later," you laugh, and he laughs, and kisses you.
"Yes, we'll find them later, now, can I lick the rest off of your body?"
"Yes, please, and feel free to use your teeth too," you whisper, and his tongue is licking along your neck, and over your collarbones, and his tongue is moving over the swell of your breasts. His teeth are grazing against your nipples, and his lips are brushing against the underside of your breasts, and his hand is cupping the other, and his thumb is rubbing over your nipple, and his tongue is moving lower, and his teeth are biting and sucking.
“Found one,” he says and nibbles it off your stomach.
He's licking lower, and his tongue is sliding along the edge of your panties. His mouth is on the lace, and his tongue is licking along the damp material, and his teeth pulling back the waistband with his teeth.
“I think you missed one.” You pull his head back to your bellybutton.
"Oh, yes," he breathes, and his tongue is swirling, and he's sucking and his teeth are nipping, and the candy is gone.
His hand is cupping your pussy, and his thumb is stroking over your folds through the damp fabric.
"Can I have a taste?" He asks, and his breath is hot against the damp lace, and you're nodding.
"Yes, please."
His hands are pushing the panties aside, and his fingers are brushing along your slit, and he's pushing two fingers inside, and curling them.
He's spreading your legs, and his tongue is flicking over your clit, and he's pushing his fingers deeper, and curling them, and stroking against your g spot.
"You taste so good," he moans. “Better than the candy."
"Yes," you gasp.
"And you're so wet, and hot, and soft."
"Thom," you moan, and his tongue is lapping over your clit, and his teeth are grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Come on my face, please," he moans, and his fingers are rubbing against your g spot, and his tongue is flicking against your clit, and his thumb is pressing down on the swollen bud.
"I'm almost there, don't stop," you moan.
"Good, come on my tongue," he growls, and his fingers are moving faster, and his tongue is licking over your clit. “Let me taste you."
"Yes, yes," you whimper.
"Yes, let me lick your sweet juices, come on," he moans, and his fingers are fucking you, and his tongue is stroking over your clit, and his eyes are fluttering open, and when he looks up at you, you’re tumbling over the edge, and your pussy is clenching around his fingers, and the wave of pleasure is crashing through you.
"Yes, that's it," he breathes. "I love it when you're coming on my face."
"I love it when you're licking me clean," you breathe.
He's laughing, and his mouth is sucking, and his tongue is licking, and he's swallowing your juices, and his tongue is licking into you.
“But now I would love to return the favour,” you’re pulling at his hair, “and taste you too."
He's groaning, and his eyes are shining, and his lips are curving into a smile.
"Yes, please, I would love that."
You're pushing him on his back, and he's lifting his hips, and pulling down his boxer briefs.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Touch me," he says.
"I am, but where do you want me to touch you," you say.
"Anywhere," he moans.
"What about here?" You run a finger over his hipbone.
"Yes," he whimpers.
"And here?" You lick his abs.
"God, yes," he moans.
"What about here?" You circle his cock.
"Yes, please."
"Here?" Your lips are wrapping around his cock, and your tongue is stroking over the crown.
"Fuck, yes," he groans.
"Where else, should I touch you?"
"On my thighs," he breathes.
"Okay," you say, and your fingers are stroking over his inner thigh, and your nails are dragging over the soft skin.
"There, please," he pants.
Your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is swirling over the head.
"Yes, there, God, your mouth feels so good," he moans, and his fingers are in your hair.
Your fingers are stroking over his balls, and over his perineum, and his cock is pulsing in your mouth.
"There too," he whimpers.
You're circling his opening, and his hand is fisting your hair.
"Yes, there," he moans.
Your fingertip is circling his opening, and he's gasping and panting.
"Can I?"
"Yes, God yes," he says, and your finger is pressing into him, and your lips are sucking his cock, and his hips are pushing up.
"Fuck," he curses, and his hand is pulling you back down by your hair and his legs are shaking.
"Are you close?"
"Yes, keep going, I'm so close," he moans, and your finger is pumping into him, and your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is flicking over the head, and his body is trembling.
"Faster, please," he begs, and your finger is curling, and his cock is pulsing, and his hips are thrusting, and his ass is clenching around your finger, and his cock is twitching and his cum is spilling over his belly, and his hand is tugging your hair.
"So good," he whispers.
"Good," you whisper, and his fingers are tracing along your cheek, and you're kissing his belly.
"We should get cleaned up," you say, and he's smiling and his hand is pulling you down for a kiss. “Shit, does it smell burnt in here? Shit, Thom, the lasagne."
"Shit, fuck," he says, and sits up, and gets off the bed, and pulls on his boxer briefs.
He's sprinting to the kitchen, and you're following him, and when he's opening the oven, there's a cloud of smoke coming out. And somehow a little baking paper inferno has formed, and you're not sure what happened, and it's smoking, and Thom is staring at it, and you're turning off the oven.
"I'm sorry, I think I left the baking tray I made pizza on yesterday in the oven, with the baking paper.”
“It’s fine, just open the window before the smoke alarm goes off and the fire brigade is your guest again.”
He opens the window, you put out the tiny flames, and the oven is full of black crumbs. But your lasagne is salvageable.
"It tastes amazing," you say, after the first bite.
"Yes, the sauce is so good," he says, and grins, and his foot is caressing your leg under the table. “Let’s sleep in tomorrow and just cuddle. Maybe we should start our own little tradition.”
“Okay,” you say looking curious.
“How about we make that day of the first fire alarm, when we talked to each other first, our day? Eat pancakes, talk, cuddle, almost burn down the house.
"That sounds perfect," you smile, and he smiles and kisses you.
Tag list: Taglist: @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall , @sunlightbabe , @little-moonbeam-666 , @ethaneskin , @maneskin-dimensione , @l0standn0tf0und , @butkutee , @gr8rainbowpunk , @maneskintifoso , @hiraetheral , @imjustanerdwholikestoread , @cuzimitaliano , @hopelessromantic727 , @wonderlandishell , @paralianeyes , @que--sera--sera , @roisinlove123 , @romanoffswoman , @lovelyy-moonlight , @crwnnjules, @lizzylynch1 , @maneaterdoll, @imposter-27 , @soundscuntfeelscunt , @gaiagoddess26 , @lonnybunnys , @lexasaurs634 , @milfhunter889 , @shinshans
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tempobrucera · 1 month
16K notes · View notes
tempobrucera · 1 month
New idea: instead of writing the fic, you come over to my house and I tell you the entire plot while I pace my tiny kitchen. There’s a cup of tea, warm in your hands. The words don’t stop and the affection never leaves your expression.
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tempobrucera · 1 month
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Thomas Raggi @ Ann Demeuleester After Show Party for Paris Fashion Week
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tempobrucera · 2 months
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70 notes · View notes
tempobrucera · 2 months
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70 notes · View notes
tempobrucera · 2 months
Thanks so much for your comment 🥰
Fire Alarms & Love Hearts
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Pairing: Fem!Reader/Thomas
Description: Thomas might be the reason why you and your neighbours are getting annoyed. And he might also be the one who asks you for a date.
Words: 10.1k
Warnings: Smut, it’s silly - I’m well aware of that
A/N: About 1 ½ years ago i received this lovely prompt and guess who finally wrote it @l0standn0tf0und
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
It's the beginning of November even for Rome the night air is chilling, and you would like to be in bed instead of staying outside in the cold. In your pyjamas. Your neighbours are all outside with you, the fire alarm went off the second night this week. The second night you're staring at your neighbour, you think you overheard someone call him Thomas a few nights ago. He's standing there only in his briefs and while you're still asking yourself how he isn't cold you see him shiver.
"I probably should have grabbed my bathrobe on the way out," he says. You know you should say something but you're busy looking at him, he's tall, fascinating eyes, cute smile and your sleep deprived brain can’t handle anything at this moment. “But then no one’s really dressed for the occasion, are they?”
You realise he's talking to you, and you blush. "Sorry?"
He giggles.
"I’m cold, my ass is going to freeze and fall off and then it's going to get lost somewhere around here and the city is going to be sued because of a naked butt running around and..." He trails off.
Now you are the one laughing.
“I’m sure that’s not what you said before but we can’t have your butt get lost, good thing it looks like they’re letting us inside again."
You're right. A few minutes later you're back in your apartment, ready to fall asleep again. Snuggled in your blankets, thinking about Thomas winking at you before you parted ways again.
When you leave the next day you can see a little note on your door.
“Hello neighbour,
I would like to ask you out for dinner.
If you're interested just let me know, if not please burn this note and never mention it to anyone! And just pretend you don’t know who I am the next time you see me.
P.S. My ass is still in place, no suing yet ;)
P.P.S. You should ask out the cute guy from the floor above you.
You're laughing as you fold the note and put it into the pocket of your coat, not knowing how you should respond. Bold you think, but somehow charming. And now you also know who lives in the flat over you, the wind sometimes carrying lovely guitar tunes to your window from his.
It takes you three days to have the courage until you're knocking on Thomas' door. He opens the door in his pyjamas, messy hair and his mouth open in surprise.
"Hi, I'm your neighbour from downstairs, the one you asked out for dinner" you say, a big grin on your face.
He laughs, and you are glad that you didn't just leave a message and go to your flat again.
"Yes, yes, I did," he says, opening the door for you, "but right now I'm making pancakes.”
“Is that what’s smelling like it’s burning?”
His eyes go wide.
He turns around and runs to the kitchen. You take the time to look at his flat, there are a few books. Guitars. Magazines. A stray sock on the floor. Photos.
He comes back out a few minutes later, smiling sheepishly.
"Okay, so, it's not burnt. It's just... not exactly the way I had planned."
You knit your eyebrows together thinking about the fire alarms again but shake your head at yourself and smile at him instead.
“I would share them but …. I was kind of planning to eat them straight from the pan and my cooking isn’t exactly made to be shared, or even fit for human consumption.“
You laugh.
"I would like to share them anyway," you say and wink at him, "and I'm sure they're delicious."
He smiles back.
"Well then, sit down and let me be your host," he says. “But if you get food poisoning that’s on you, I warned you.”
“You can say if now is a bad time instead of trying to poison me if you want to, that would be perfectly okay, maybe I should have just written a reply to the note. So sorry if I'm interrupting anything. Or anyone."
"You're not. I'm not... I mean... I'm single. I'm sorry." He blushes. "I didn't mean to say that. Fuck. I mean..."
You start laughing.
"Okay. Calm down. Breathe. It's fine, I promise.”
“I’m only in my pyjamas. I wasn't really expecting anyone. Let alone the person I tried to ask out."
You smile at him.
"Well, I didn't expect you to still be in pyjamas in the middle of the day either." It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you really didn't think he would be in his pyjamas.
He looks at you sheepishly: "Good point. You can have my pancakes but only if you're getting in your pyjamas as well."
It's something you can agree on and ten minutes later you're sitting in his living room, in your pyjamas. He smiles and laughs and you have a nice fuzzy feeling when he looks at you. You talk about music, about travelling, about everything and nothing. When it's dark outside and you're full of pancakes, that are only half as bad as he thought and said but somehow still burned at the edges and the inside that should be fluffy sometimes not quite cooked. You're glad you took the chance. He's fun to be around and you talk more, about concerts, memories and favourite places. It's easy to talk to him, and it's even easier to laugh with him. When the conversation dies down a little bit and your eyes are getting heavy, he looks at you and grins.
"We should do that again."
You look at him, he's beautiful, he's sweet, you nod.
"Yes. Definitely."
"Maybe not in pyjamas next time."
Thomas doesn't really think he can call it a date, it's not a real one, but it's a great evening and definitely a beginning of something. He likes you, he would love to take you out, and he feels like a fool for having given you a note and not asked you out directly. It's not his usual behaviour. When he's walking you to the door, he thinks about kissing you. But you're just getting to know each other, so he hugs you, and kisses you on the cheek instead. You're grinning and wave at him, he watches you walk to the door and down the hall to his front door.
"See you around?" He asks, a little hope in his voice.
"Of course. I think that's an offer I can't refuse."
"Good, next time I'll take you out for dinner." He says, you lean in and for a second he thinks you're going to kiss him, but you just give him a quick kiss on the nose.
"That would be wonderful," you say and then you're gone.
He goes back inside, closing the door and leaning against it.
"Fuck," he says to himself. "I've got it so bad."
Two weeks later you're going out for dinner with Thomas. He's a little late and when he walks into the restaurant he's already apologising from afar.
"I'm so sorry, the traffic is hell," he says, his eyes wide. "And my phone battery died and I couldn't call you. But I'm here, finally."
You smile.
"It's fine," you say and you take a deep breath, he's so cute, you already knew that but seeing him makes you nervous and happy and giddy. A feeling you haven't had in a while. He sits down opposite you. "And I have to say it's nice to see you in something different than your pyjamas or only in underwear."
He blushes.
"You liked the sight then," he says with a smirk and winks at you.
You look at him, raising an eyebrow and grin.
"I didn't say that."
He chuckles and starts looking through the menu. You watch him, trying to figure him out, but it's not as easy as you first had thought.
"Do you want some wine?" He asks, looking at you.
"That sounds great," you say.
He looks at you, you think he's waiting for a question, but you're not sure what.
"I have another idea," you say, hoping it's a good one.
"What would that be?"
"A bet."
He raises an eyebrow.
"What would this bet involve?"
"We have to make the other one blush, the first one to lose the game has to pay for dinner."
He laughs.
"So we're both going to be in trouble tonight."
"Maybe, maybe not."
He looks at you and smiles, "okay, we can do that, but I should warn you I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
"We'll see," you say.
And with that the game begins. You're looking at each other, smiling, flirting, and you're having fun.
The waiter comes over and asks for your order, Thomas gets Carbonara, and you're getting ravioli.
"Can I try yours?" You ask.
"Yes, if I can try yours."
You're nodding and when the food arrives a few minutes later, you take turns feeding each other.
"This is amazing," you say.
"Yours is too, do you think we should switch?"
You're smiling, shaking your head.
"No, it's good."
"Do you think the pasta is as good as me?"
"Don't make me answer that."
He chuckles.
"I would say we can just not decide who has to pay and just split it."
"You would say that, and I can't tell if it's because you're afraid of losing or because you're trying to be a gentleman."
"I'm always a gentleman." He laughs.
He smiles at you and for a second he looks at his hands, before looking up at you.
"I'm not afraid," he says. He takes your hand, and you know you should prepare yourself for something, "your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
He looks at you expectantly, his eyes wide, a little shy. It's endearing. And it's really adorable. You try to stay serious, to not laugh. But when his face changes from hopeful to worried and then he's trying to pull his hand away, you can't help yourself.
"That was the worst line ever," you say, laughing.
"I don't know if I should be offended? Are you laughing at me?"
"No," you say, still laughing, "actually it's kinda cute just... it's cute, and I can't believe you actually said that. I thought you're going to make me blush with something dirty but you're just being adorable."
"Hey," he says, pretending to be offended. "I'm not adorable, I'm handsome and I'm..."
You're shaking your head.
He pretends to pout, which makes you laugh even more. And you can see the blush creep into his cheeks.
"I can't believe I'm the loser of this bet," he says, sighing.
"You might be, but you're right, my lips are a little bit lonely. Mind to help out?"
"I can try, not making any promises though," he says, he leans closer, putting his lips on yours, and kissing you softly. You're smiling, and so is he. It's a short kiss, and it's not really enough, but it's still perfect.
When he pulls away, he's looking at you, his eyes full of wonder, his mouth slightly open.
"What?" You ask.
"I just want to savour the moment, I haven't kissed many people lately, and it feels a little strange to have my first real kiss in a while after a bad pick-up line."
You chuckle.
"You can have another one if you like."
He nods and kisses you again.
When dinner is over, Thomas walks you home. He takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. He doesn't want the night to end, he likes being with you, and he has a feeling that you might like him too.
He brings you right to your apartment door and kisses you goodbye. It's soft and sweet and you're smiling, leaning into him. He can feel your smile against his lips, and he wants more.
He kisses you a little harder, his tongue flicking out to touch your bottom lip, and then your upper lip. A surprised moan escapes him when you open your mouth, granting him entrance, his tongue sliding over yours. Your arms wrap around him, holding him close, his body pressed against yours, and he can feel you against him. Your soft curves, your breasts pressing against his chest, your warmth and the smell of your skin, it's all intoxicating.
When the kiss ends, his lips are tingling. He looks at you, his mouth open and his breathing a little faster.
"You're good," you say, a smile on your lips.
He blushes.
"Thanks," he whispers.
He's leaning in again, kissing your cheek, and then the side of your neck, nuzzling your skin.
"Thomas," you whisper, his name coming out as a sigh.
He likes the sound of it, he wants to hear it again.
"Hmm," he hums, pressing a kiss right under your ear, sucking gently on your skin, his hands stroking your back. And then he pulls back. "I should say goodnight before I do something stupid."
You look at him, and for a moment he's afraid you'll disagree.
"Yeah," you say, sighing. "You're right."
He's glad that you understand, and a little disappointed that you're agreeing to let things progress slowly.
"Thank you for the lovely evening," he says.
"Thank you."
"I hope we can do that again, soon."
"Me too."
You give him a quick peck on the lips, then you're gone, closing the door behind you.
He stands in front of your door for a moment, his hand on the door, smiling.
"Fuck yes," he says to himself, a spring in his step when he gets up the steps to his own flat.
After your third date with Thomas he's away for some time but he texts you. The first night he's back, is the night before your holidays and the first night another fire alarm goes off again, it's the beginning of January. You're annoyed, it's freezing cold outside, your flight is early and not even Thomas who's standing there in only his briefs again, with a bowl of pasta, can't make you smile.
"Hi neighbour," he says.
"Hi," you grumble.
He puts the bowl down, walking towards you and taking your hand.
"What's wrong?"
"I've got an early flight tomorrow, and now the stupid fire alarm went off, and..."
Thomas looks at you with guilt in his eyes, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I'm sure the fire department is going to be quick."
"They better be," you say.
You turn around and see the firefighter that you already saw talking to Thomas the last few times. Thomas tries to sneak away, you look at his pasta that all of a sudden looks suspiciously burnt.
"Is this your doing?"
He smiles sheepishly, "maybe."
"Maybe," the firefighter says. "I have a feeling, it might be your boyfriend who's a little bit clueless in the kitchen."
"That's not true, my pancakes are delicious." He says and looks at you for help.
You look at them both.
"Not my boyfriend, not really, and your pancakes were for human consumption but also ... burnt a bit," you say, and the firefighter looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, they were horrible, but I didn't burn anything in a while. Just today."
The firefighter sighs.
"This is the sixth time in not even as many months, please order pizza or go to a cooking class, please, for your neighbours sake," he says and you look at him.
"You're really getting a cooking class," you say to Thomas, "this is not negotiable, you can't cook, and everyone's getting fed up with being woken up by the fire alarm. You need a teacher, or someone, just... something. Please."
Thomas sighs, but he agrees.
"Good," you say.
It's not much longer until the building is empty again and the fire alarm is shut off. You walk to your apartment, and Thomas follows you.
"Sorry about the pancakes, and the pasta, and the fire alarm. And the other fire alarms," he says, sighing.
You shrug.
"It's okay, and now that the fire department knows that the fire alarm is set off by an incompetent cook, they hopefully know for future incidents. Now I should sleep, I'm getting up way too early tomorrow."
"Good night," he says.
He hugs you, and kisses you, and you're glad to be inside again.
The first time you sleep with Thomas is after you're back, the two of you are spending more and more time together, and there is no way you would ever describe it as 'just friends'. You've been flirting with him, and he with you.
Thomas is kissing you passionately. His hands are under your shirt. You're kissing back, trying to keep up with his kisses and his movements. You're in his bed and while you are both still wearing shirts and underwear you feel a little too warm all of a sudden. He is on top of you, kissing down your neck and biting softly, you let out a soft moan.
"Fuck," he whispers.
"What is it?"
"This is embarrassing, but... I might not last long," he whispers, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't worry about that, I won't be offended," you say, stroking his hair, and kissing his temple. “Feels like a compliment to me.”
"It's fine."
He lifts his head, looking at you, smiling, his eyes full of hope and lust. He kisses you again, and starts rubbing against you. The thin layer of fabric is the only thing separating the two of you. You're grinding back, moving together, and it's not long until you're both gasping, and you're holding on to him. His hands are moving, slipping under the waistband of your panties, pushing them down, and then his hands are between your legs. You can feel his fingers on your folds, stroking gently.
"Shit," you breathe, your eyes falling shut.
He's moving, getting between your legs and kneeling on the floor. You prop yourself up on your elbows, and look down at him, watching him, he's licking his lips, and looking at you, his pupils wide. You watch him and he leans in, his breath hot against your skin, his lips kissing the inside of your thigh.
He kisses upwards, getting closer and closer, and when his mouth finally touches you, your head falls back, and a moan leaves your mouth. He's sucking and licking, his tongue teasing your clit, his fingers thrusting into you. Your breathing is ragged and fast, your heart is racing, it doesn't take long until the wave of pleasure is crashing down on you.
"God, fuck, Thomas," you gasp, as the orgasm washes over you.
He keeps going, drawing out the pleasure - making you tremble and writhe. When he's finished, you're lying on the bed, breathing hard. He gets up, and gets rid of his underwear, and his shirt, and when he climbs back on the bed, he's naked. He leans down, kissing you.”
"Can I?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yes, please."
He lines himself up and slowly pushes into you, you can feel him stretching you, filling you, and you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Shit," he breathes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, it's just..." he trails off, not finishing his sentence, and he starts to move, his thrusts are slow and gentle.
You can see the expression on his face, his mouth is hanging open, his eyes are closed, and he's moaning, and whispering. His name is on your lips, and you're holding onto him, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
His thrusts become faster and harder, his breathing is getting ragged. He's moaning, his hips stuttering. He's groaning and grunting, his body tensing, and his muscles straining, and when he comes, his whole body shakes. He collapses on top of you, his weight resting on you, and his head resting on your chest.
You stroke his hair, and kiss the top of his head, and he's breathing heavily, his eyes closed.
"Sorry," he whispers, after a few moments.
"It's fine."
"It's been a while."
"You can't control these things."
He rolls off of you, and turns his head, his eyes opening.
"I'll make it up to you," he says.
"There's nothing to make up, really. It was wonderful."
"Still," he says.
Thomas' birthday is coming up and even though by now he has told his friends and the band about you, he's still nervous asking you to join them for the evening. In the end he doesn't know what he was so worried about, you're excited and happy about the invitation.
Thomas is in the middle of his party, surrounded by friends and family, and you're sitting next to him, with a beer and a slice of cake, and he's happy. You're holding his hand, and occasionally lean over to kiss him.
Victoria is pulling you away from him to dance with you, and he's smiling and laughing as he watches the two of you.
"Good job," she whispers into his ear after she's sick of dancing.
"Thank you!" He has to grin, and then she's gone, and you're back by his side.
"How's the birthday boy doing?"
"Great, now that my girlfriend is back," he says.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Yes," he says, looking at you, a hopeful smile on his face.
"Okay, boyfriend," you say.
He blushes, and smiles, his eyes are wide but his smile is almost shy. He pulls you in, kissing you softly, and wrapping his arm around you.
"I like that," he says.
"Me too."
He drags you into the bedroom as soon as most of the people have left and you can't stop smiling and laughing. Thomas closes the door and turns around to look at you. You're standing there, your hair is a little messy, your shirt is crumpled, and your cheeks are flushed. He can't stop looking at you, and when he doesn't say anything, you take a step forward.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes," he says, and closes the distance between the two of you, kissing you, and holding you close.
He starts unbuttoning your shirt, and kisses the skin that's revealed, then pushes the shirt off your shoulders, it lands on the floor, and then his hands are on your breasts, squeezing gently.
You pull his shirt off, and your fingers trail down his sides, making him shudder. His skin is warm, his stomach soft. You push him down onto the bed, he lies back, looking up at you, his pupils blown, his breathing ragged, and his cock hard.
"I've got a surprise for you, birthday boy.”
"Oh yes," he says, his voice hoarse.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and you take some lube from the nightstand, and get out of your skirt and your underwear, and kneel next to him, straddling his thigh. You squeeze some lube into the palm of your hand, warming it up between your fingers.
"Can I look now?" He asks, impatiently.
"Almost," you say, and then your hands are on his cock, stroking him, your thumb brushing over the tip, his hips bucking into your touch.
"Fuck," he whispers, and he bites his lip, trying to stay quiet, his eyes still closed.
You start moving, your hand stroking his cock, and he's groaning, his hands are grasping the sheets, and he's arching his back, and thrusting into your hand.
"Fuck, please," he gasps, and you stop.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, his mouth hangs open, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"That was mean," he says, but the smile on his lips is telling you that he liked it. “Is my surprise only sex or is there more? Like is it edible underwear or something, a costume … oh," he cuts himself off, when he sees the look on your face.
You raise an eyebrow.
"A costume. You'd like me in a costume, wouldn't you?"
He's blushing, and his cock twitches, he doesn't answer, he doesn't has to.
"Wouldn't you?"
"Yeah," he admits.
You laugh.
"Well, I don't have one now, but if I find one, I might surprise you," you say, “I have something different for you, I want to eat you out and when you’re a whimpering mess, I want to ride you."
"Fuck, yes," he breathes.
"Lie back and relax."
"I can do that," he says.
You lean down and start kissing his chest, nipping and licking his skin. You can feel his heartbeat, his breathing shallow. You're working your way down, kissing his stomach. You take his cock in your hand, and stroke him, and he moans. You kiss further down, getting between his legs, and licking his balls, and then his cock. He's moaning, his hips jerking.
"Oh god, please," he gasps.
You continue, sucking his balls into your mouth, and then moving back. He spreads his legs a little further apart, and lifts his hips, you kiss his thighs, and stroke his cock, your other hand moves between his cheeks, and when your finger brushes over his hole, his hips jerk violently.
"Fuck," he gasps.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Please," he begs.
You're spreading his legs a little more, and kissing the inside of his thighs, and then you're licking his hole, your tongue teasing the tight ring of muscle. He's panting and gasping, his eyes closed, his mouth hanging open. He's writhing on the bed, his hips moving, and when you push your tongue into him, he's swearing, his hands gripping the sheets.
“Oh god, please don’t stop. Shit, please. Fuck, this is amazing, shit, please, fuck, I want- I need- please, please, please, please," he's babbling, and when you reach between his legs, and wrap your fingers around his cock, his body is shaking, and he's swearing. "Fuck, oh god, please, please, I need you. If you keep fucking me this good," he gasps. “I might just have to marry you.”
Your mouth is still on him but you smile, and you're licking and sucking, your hand is stroking his cock.
For Thomas it feels like minutes, for you, it must have been less than a minute. He's writhing and swearing, and moaning, his breathing is ragged, and his hips are stuttering, his cock throbbing and leaking pre-come. He's a mess, his back arched, fingers entangled in your hair.
“You enjoy that?”
"Fuck, yes. Yes. God, yes, please, please, I need you, please," he pants, and his eyes are wide open, looking at you.
"You ready for me, birthday boy?"
"Yes, yes, please," he whispers.
You kneel over him, straddling his waist, guiding him to your entrance. He's holding on to your hips, his eyes squeezed shut. You lower yourself, and when the head of his cock slips into you, the both of you moan. You're moving, taking him in inch by inch, and when he's completely inside you, you're sitting in his lap. You move your hips, riding him, and he's thrusting up into you, his cock rubbing against your walls, hitting all the right places. He's groaning, and his fingers dig into your skin.
“That was so good, no one ever did that for me before, I didn't think I'd like it, but fuck, this was amazing," he's talking, and it sounds almost like he's drunk. Drunk on lust and emotions.
You start riding him, your hips moving, and he's thrusting up into you, his moans fill the room, and the sounds of your bodies moving together. The slap of skin against skin is the only sound, apart from his voice.
"Please, don't stop," he's begging, and his words are slurring, his movements becoming erratic. His back arches, his muscles tense, and his body starts to shake, his grip on your hips tightens, and his mouth falls open. "Oh god, fuck, fuck, please, oh god, please, please, please, please, oh god," his voice is hoarse, and then his hips are jerking, and his cock is throbbing and his eyes are squeezed shut, his body is shaking, his nails digging into your skin. He's gasping, and his cock pulses inside of you.
He's panting, his eyes are open, and he looks at you, his gaze unfocused. You lift your hips, and he slips out of you, his hands are resting on your hips, his grip still tight, and his breathing is laboured.
You roll off of him, and lie down next to him. When he reaches for you, you hold him. His body is trembling, and his heart is beating fast. He's breathing hard, and his eyes are closed.
"Wow, that was amazing," he mumbles.
"It was," you say, kissing his temple.
"I need to clean up, give me a second," he says, and he's trying to get up.
"Stay, I'll do it."
"You sure?"
He's smiling, eyes still closed, his head resting on the pillow, and his breathing is getting steadier again. You get up, and walk into the bathroom, and return with a washcloth.
"This was the best birthday present," he says, looking at you. “No candy underwear but you can’t have everything.”
"It was a pleasure."
"What about you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, I came long before you.”
"You did?"
He smiles, and closes his eyes. You're cleaning him up, wiping away the sweat, and his come, and his eyelids flutter. You put the washcloth into the laundry basket, and crawl back into bed.
"I'll do something for you, just let me catch my breath," he says, his words are slurred, and his breathing is deep.
"There's no need," you whisper.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, and he's snuggling closer to you before he drifts off to sleep.
"Happy birthday," you whisper, and press a soft kiss to his forehead, and he sighs contently.
A couple of weeks later, you're sitting in the dressing room with Victoria after a show. He's sitting on a couch, his legs spread wide, and he's talking to someone. You can't hear what they're saying, but you're watching him. His smile, and the way his eyes light up, the way he talks. The way he moves his hands.
Victoria is next to you, she's watching you, and a smile is playing on her lips.
"You're staring," she says.
"Yes," you answer.
She's grinning.
"Do you need help?" She asks.
"I know a lot about him."
"I don't doubt it."
"I mean, if you wanted to surprise him," she says, and winks.
“Actually I would need your help,” you smile, “Valentine’s is coming up and I would like to do something. Something a bit romantic, and something a bit, you know, … sexy.”
She's grinning, and her eyes light up.
"Oh yes, I would love to help you with that."
"As long as it doesn’t involve edible underwear,” you laugh.
She looks at you confused.
"No, but why would you think that?"
"Thomas mentioned it. He was curious about it."
"Oh," she grins, "c’mon it would make him laugh. You’re both silly like that. Just do it as an extra little thing, a candy bra and some really nice lace panties.”
“You’re right, if nothing else it would make him laugh, and he would love it. Thank you, Vic, for all the help you gave me and I would be honoured to have your advice and assistance with this."
"So, what do you have planned so far?"
"I'll tell you, but first I need to ask Thomas if he has any plans for the day, because if he does, we have to plan around them."
"Sounds like a good idea," she agrees. “He’s a romantic, so I don’t think he has other than plans he might have come up with already, but I can interrogate him a little bit. So what’s the plan?”
“I want to cook with him at home. You know how he set off the fire alarms a few times when he tried cooking and I figured that we can try it together, and maybe I can help him, make sure that we won't have a repeat performance of those days. Maybe we can do it together, so he will actually learn something, or maybe we'll fail spectacularly together. Light some candles, maybe get a bit wine drunk. And then after dinner, maybe have a bath and then go to bed, have sex, cuddle. Just the two of us, and a nice relaxed evening. No stress, no worries, just us. What do you think?"
"It sounds great," Victoria smiles. "So, what are you going to cook?"
"We never really cooked together before, but I did some research and I found a recipe for a lasagne, that sounds really good. We should be able to manage that. Worst case scenario we’re ending up with take-out.”
“Great, I’ll let you know when I find something out.”
Later that day, you're in bed, you're naked, and his face is buried between your thighs, his tongue is lapping at your wetness. His fingers are inside of you, and he's working his tongue on your clit. You're arching your back, almost grinding against his mouth. He's humming, you can feel the vibrations, and his teeth graze your clit.
His tongue is flat moving down, licking the length of your folds, and he's nipping at the sensitive skin. His fingers are curling and rubbing against the sweet spot inside of you, and when his other hand moves from your hip, and his finger brushes over your entrance, your breath hitches.
"Fuck," you gasp.
"That's the plan," he says, his voice muffled.
"Fuck," you say again.
He chuckles and his finger slides into you, his tongue is teasing your clit. His lips wrap around your clit, and he's sucking gently. Your hands are on his head, your fingers running through his hair, and your hips are moving. He's fucking you, his fingers are curling and pressing, and his tongue is stroking and licking, and your body is tensing.
"Thomas, please," you beg.
He doesn't stop, and his finger pushes in and out of you, his lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking, and his fingers are hitting all the right places. You're arching, and your hips are moving, and you can feel the orgasm building up. Your muscles are clenching, your breath hitches, and your toes are curling. You're close, so close, and you're grinding against his mouth, and his finger is still moving inside you.
"Fuck, Thomas," you gasp, and you're coming.
Your body is tensing, and your eyes are squeezing shut, your back is arching. Your muscles clench, and your walls are gripping his finger, and he's still fucking you, and his lips are wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking and sucking. Your hips jerk, and you're shaking, and he just doesn't stop.
He's lapping and licking, and you're squirming, and your hips are bucking, and you're whimpering. His finger is pressing and pushing, and his tongue is lapping and stroking, and your back is arching. He's humming, and your breathing is ragged.
You're tugging at his hair, and you're whimpering.
"Thomas, please, I need a moment, please," you're panting.
He stops, and looks at you, his chin is glistening, and his eyes are dark, and there's a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Are you tired already?"
"Yes, very much, I need a break," you say.
"You'll get one," he says.
He gets up, and moves over you, and your bodies are touching, his weight on top of you, and his cock is hard and twitching against your thigh, and you reach between your bodies, and wrap your fingers around his shaft, and start stroking him. He's groaning, and his head falls forward, and he's burying his face in your neck. His breath is hot against your skin, and he's rocking his hips, his cock sliding through your fingers.
He's panting and gasping, and you can feel him throb, his precum is smearing across your stomach. He's thrusting his hips, and his breath is hitching like yours before. He's moving, his hips jerking, and he's pushing his cock into your hand, his body is shaking, and his fingers dig into the mattress.
"Please, I want to come inside you," he moans.
"Do it," you say, and his cock twitches, and you spread your legs a little wider, and guide him between your folds, and he's entering you slowly.
"Fuck," he moans, and his body is trembling.
"You're so wet," he gasps, and his eyes are closed.
You lift your legs, and wrap them around his waist, and he's completely inside you, and he's still for a moment. He's panting, his cock is pulsing, and his muscles are tensing, and he starts moving, his thrusts are shallow, and his eyes are closed, and his lips are slightly parted, and his hair is hanging in his face. His hands are on either side of your head, and his body is shaking.
"Thomas, look at me," you say.
He looks at you, his eyes are glassy, and his pupils are blown.
"I'm not made of glass, please fuck me."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, please," you beg, and you move, and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He starts moving, his movements slow and deliberate, and his breathing is ragged, and his muscles are tense, he's gritting his teeth.
"Harder, please," you moan, and your hips are bucking - matching his thrusts. Your back is arching, and his eyes fall shut, and he's pushing into you, his thrusts are hard.
"Shit, oh fuck," he groans.
“God, so good, Thom, please," you gasp, and his body is trembling.
He's gasping and moaning, and he's leaning down, and kisses you, his mouth is on yours, and he's thrusting into you, his movements erratic, and his fingers are gripping the sheets.
"You're so beautiful," he pants, and his voice is raspy.
He's moving faster, and his cock is sliding in and out of you, his lips on yours, and his tongue is moving against yours. Your legs are shaking, and you can feel the pressure inside of you building again. The tension coils in your belly, you're getting closer, and your fingers dig into his shoulders. You're gasping, his name a breathy moan.
"Please, Thomas, please," you beg.
"Please, what?"
"I want to come, I'm close," you moan.
"I know, love, so am I, please, come for me," he gasps. “Come again, please.”
He's moving his hips, his thrusts are fast and hard, and you're gasping and moaning, and his movements become more erratic.
"Shit, I'm close," he moans.
Your muscles clench, and the tension in your belly is too much, you can't hold it any longer. You're coming, your body is shaking, you're crying out, your body is arching, and you're clinging to him. His cock is throbbing and twitching, and his hips are jerking, and he's coming. You're trembling, and his cock is still pulsing, and his body is shuddering, and his face is buried in your neck.
"Fuck," he groans.
"Yes, indeed," you breathe.
“What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?” Vic asks him some days later just after they had dinner together.
“Yes, so I was thinking of taking her to Verona for a day or two. Or maybe go to the planetarium and have a nice dinner afterwards. What do you think?”
“It’s great, Thom. But maybe you should do Verona another time, take her to the planetarium and maybe don’t worry about dinner. Romantic night in, you know.”
“You know something I don’t know, don’t you? Okay, planetarium and romantic night in. Understood.”
She grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
It's Valentine's day and you're sitting on the couch together for breakfast. You made pancakes, edible and not burned. After you finish eating he's kissing you, and his arms are around your waist, his body is warm against yours. His lips are soft, and his breath is hot, and then he's pulling away from the kiss.
"I have a present for you," he says.
"So do I," you smile.
"Me first," he says, and his cheeks are red.
He's taking a little box from the cupboard, and gives it to you, and you open it, and there's a bracelet. A thin, golden bracelet with three charms. A tiny rose, a guitar, and a heart.
"Oh Thomas," you whisper. "Thank you, I love it."
You take the bracelet and put it on.
"It's so beautiful, thank you."
He's smiling, and there's a pink blush on his cheeks.
"And now your turn," he says.
You're going to your room and take a bigger, gift wrapped box, and give it to him, and he sits on the couch next to you opening it. In it is a knitted sweater, he takes it and he smiles. The sweater is pale blue, and has a white pattern of musical notes and stars on it.
"Oh, this is so beautiful," he whispers. “I can’t believe you knitted for me.”
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it." He gives you a kiss, “and I thought we could go to the planetarium and I was told to have a romantic night in.”
“Yes, the night is my part of the plan.” You smile.
When you arrive at the planetarium it's almost empty. There's only a group of school children, a couple and a few people that seem to be there just to have a look around, but there's no guided tour and no lectures, so you're wandering around, looking at the exhibits, and watching the different shows while holding hands.
At some point, when the children have left and you're alone in the room, there's a show about the northern lights, and Thomas is staring at the ceiling. His eyes are sparkling, he smiles at you.
"One day I want to see them with you," he says.
"Someday, maybe."
"Yes, someday," he sighs, and smiles.
The lights dim, the show ends, and you're leaving the room. You're wandering through the hall, looking at the displays, and the pictures of the different constellations and galaxies, and stars. You're standing in front of the big picture of the milky way. Thomas is behind you, his arms are around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
“What’s your favourite,” he asks.
"You're my favourite," you whisper back.
"Your favourite galaxy, silly.”
"That would be still you," you say, and he kisses your neck.
"I’m also quite fond of you," he chuckles.
"So, which one is yours?"
"That would be the Orion nebula."
"Why that one?"
"Because of the colours and the beauty, and the fact that it's made from gas, dust and stardust, and the fact that it's a birthplace for stars, that makes it special to me."
You look at him.
“Maybe Ethan talked a lot about space lately and I think it might not be a galaxy, but it is still something related to the universe, so we’ll pretend that it still counts."
He's laughing and kisses you.
When you are back home and there's music playing, the lights are dim - the candles are flickering.
“I thought we could make lasagne together, have some wine, have a bath and later move to bed, have some more wine and then sleep or do other things."
He laughs.
"That sounds wonderful."
You start cooking together. Chopping, sizzling and at some point there's tomato sauce spilled, and tomato on the wall, and on the kitchen counter.
"Oops, sorry," he laughs.
"It's okay, I'll clean it up," you laugh.
You're cleaning up the mess, and then there's tomato on his face, and on his shirt, and you're still laughing. He's taking the bowl, puts it on the kitchen counter, and moves closer to you. He's leaning in, his lips touching yours, his hands are on your waist. His tongue is pushing against your lips and he's deepening the kiss.
“We should cook first, at least have the ragu sauce cooking,” you say between kisses.
"Yes, that's right," he whispers.
He's smiling and kisses your nose.
"Later," he says and winks, which makes you giggle.
You're making the ragu sauce, he's holding you from behind, his chin is on your shoulder, and his lips are against your neck.
"Do you need a hand?" He asks.
"No, the sauce is fine," you say, and his hands are roaming over your body, his mouth is on your neck, and he's nipping and kissing. His lips are brushing against your ear.
"Thomas, stop, or I won't be able to focus," you laugh.
"That's exactly what I'm hoping for," he chuckles. “Also don’t deny it but I saw that earlier. You checked out my ass when I bent down to take out the wine glasses and the bottle."
You smile and giggle.
"Yes, and I'm not even sorry, it's a really cute butt."
"Thanks, it's a gift from God, and I'm not even kidding."
You laugh and turn your head, your lips brush against his.
"Yes, it is."
He's laughing, and his fingers are digging into your waist.
"I love you," he says, his voice is low. His breath is warm against your skin. And his heart is beating against your back.
"I love you too."
He smiles and kisses you. Thomas’ hands are cupping your face and he's leaning his forehead against yours.
“Can we make out while the things in the pots are cooking and boiling, please, and maybe a bit later?"
You're giggling.
"Yes, I would like that," you say.
His lips are soft. His tongue is licking and sliding against yours, his hands are sliding over your body. Thomas’ touch is gentle. He's lifting you up on the kitchen counter and you're wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Can I touch your cute godsend butt," you ask, and his body is shaking with laughter.
"Yes, yes you can, and I would be offended if you didn't."
You're running your hands over his shoulders, down his back, right to his ass. Thomas’ hands are in your hair, his hips pressed against yours. His lips are sliding along your jaw, down your neck, and he's sucking at the spot just under your ear. His hardening cock is pressing against your core.
"Thom, the sauce will burn," you gasp.
"Right," he whispers, “but it’s not burning yet, let me kiss you some more."
"Okay," and with that he's deepening the kiss again.
His fingers are slipping under your skirt, his thumbs are brushing against the lace of your panties. His hand is sliding between your legs, he's slowly pushing the fabric aside, and his fingers are tracing along your folds, he's circling your entrance. And then his fingers are entering you, his thumb stroking over your clit.
"God, you're so wet," he moans.
"Thomas," you gasp.
"The sauce, it's burning."
"Shit," he curses. Then his hand is gone, he steps back and turns off the heat.
"Sorry." He gives you an apologetic little smile.
“Is this how you triggered the fire alarm before, cooking, and getting distracted?"
"Yeah, I tried to make dinner once, and I forgot to stir the sauce, and the next thing I knew the alarm was blaring."
“Making out? Or just distracted.”
“Just distracted, I wasn’t making out with anyone, I was alone in the flat, and had no idea why the alarm was going off, I was a little confused. It took a few seconds to figure out it was the food on the stove. Once or twice or maybe … more.”
"I'm not even surprised, and I can relate," you smile, and he grins.
"Sorry," he chuckles, and gives you a kiss, and his lips are lingering, and his tongue is licking against yours, and his teeth are scraping against your bottom lip, and his hands are sliding over your back.
"The sauce is safe now," he whispers, his nose is brushing against yours and his hands are in your hair.
"Let’s put together the lasagne and put it in the oven, then we can make out some more," you suggest.
"That sounds like a good plan," he says.
"Yes, very good plan, I know," you chuckle, his body is warm against yours..
You're finishing the lasagne, putting it in the oven and Thomas is setting the timer.
“Now I want more kisses," he looks at you.
He's kissing and sucking at your neck, his hands are pushing your skirt up, his fingers are pulling down your panties.
"Thom, we should wait until the lasagne is done," you whisper and he groans.
"Just a few minutes, please," he pleads, his other hand is gripping your thigh, his fingers digging into your flesh.
"Okay," you moan, his thumb is circling your clit not leaving you room to think.
"Thank you," he breathes. “Bedroom, we have a timer anyways. We will hear it, and can continue."
You nod, his hand is gone, and you're stumbling towards the bedroom. Kissing on your way and his hands are sliding under your shirt.
“Oh, is this …” he laughs, “finally what I wished for? Candy hearts in your bra?"
"Maybe," you laugh.
"I love it," he says.
"I thought, since it's valentine's day, and the edible underwear was a bit out of my comfort zone, maybe that’s close enough for you? Or too much? It's weird isn't it, I'm sorry," you say, and he shakes his head.
"No, not weird, I love it, and I'm so glad you did that for me," he says, and pulls away from the kiss. "You know what else I wanted?"
"Tell me," you say.
"This," he says, and sneaks his hand in your bra, and takes one of the candy hearts, and his hand is moving up, and the little heart is touching your lips.
"Open," he says, and you open your mouth, and his hand is moving up, and the heart is in your mouth.
"Now, can I take off the bra?" He asks.
"Yes, go ahead, you can eat the rest of the candy," you laugh, and he's pulling the cup down, and taking a candy heart with his tongue and he's biting it, and then his mouth is on yours.
"Delicious," he chuckles, and his eyes are sparkling.
"Yes, very," you smile.
"You're delicious," he says, and his mouth is on yours, and the taste of the candy and the wine is still on his lips, and his tongue is licking against yours.
His lips are moving along your jaw, and to your neck, and his mouth is sucking and kissing at the crook of your neck.
He's lying down, and you're straddling him, and he's reaching for your bra, and pulls it off. His hands are cupping your breasts, and his mouth is on the valley of your breasts, and his tongue is licking along your sternum, and his teeth are grazing against your nipple.
He's sucking, and his teeth are pinching and his tongue is flicking over the sensitive bud, and you're gasping and moaning.
His mouth is moving to the other breast, and his lips are closing around your nipple, and his mouth is warm and his breath is hot against your skin. He's sucking and his teeth are grazing against your hardening nipple, and his hands are on your back, and they're sliding over your hips.
“I think some of the hearts fell out of the bra," he chuckles.
"I can look for them later," you laugh, and he laughs, and kisses you.
"Yes, we'll find them later, now, can I lick the rest off of your body?"
"Yes, please, and feel free to use your teeth too," you whisper, and his tongue is licking along your neck, and over your collarbones, and his tongue is moving over the swell of your breasts. His teeth are grazing against your nipples, and his lips are brushing against the underside of your breasts, and his hand is cupping the other, and his thumb is rubbing over your nipple, and his tongue is moving lower, and his teeth are biting and sucking.
“Found one,” he says and nibbles it off your stomach.
He's licking lower, and his tongue is sliding along the edge of your panties. His mouth is on the lace, and his tongue is licking along the damp material, and his teeth pulling back the waistband with his teeth.
“I think you missed one.” You pull his head back to your bellybutton.
"Oh, yes," he breathes, and his tongue is swirling, and he's sucking and his teeth are nipping, and the candy is gone.
His hand is cupping your pussy, and his thumb is stroking over your folds through the damp fabric.
"Can I have a taste?" He asks, and his breath is hot against the damp lace, and you're nodding.
"Yes, please."
His hands are pushing the panties aside, and his fingers are brushing along your slit, and he's pushing two fingers inside, and curling them.
He's spreading your legs, and his tongue is flicking over your clit, and he's pushing his fingers deeper, and curling them, and stroking against your g spot.
"You taste so good," he moans. “Better than the candy."
"Yes," you gasp.
"And you're so wet, and hot, and soft."
"Thom," you moan, and his tongue is lapping over your clit, and his teeth are grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Come on my face, please," he moans, and his fingers are rubbing against your g spot, and his tongue is flicking against your clit, and his thumb is pressing down on the swollen bud.
"I'm almost there, don't stop," you moan.
"Good, come on my tongue," he growls, and his fingers are moving faster, and his tongue is licking over your clit. “Let me taste you."
"Yes, yes," you whimper.
"Yes, let me lick your sweet juices, come on," he moans, and his fingers are fucking you, and his tongue is stroking over your clit, and his eyes are fluttering open, and when he looks up at you, you’re tumbling over the edge, and your pussy is clenching around his fingers, and the wave of pleasure is crashing through you.
"Yes, that's it," he breathes. "I love it when you're coming on my face."
"I love it when you're licking me clean," you breathe.
He's laughing, and his mouth is sucking, and his tongue is licking, and he's swallowing your juices, and his tongue is licking into you.
“But now I would love to return the favour,” you’re pulling at his hair, “and taste you too."
He's groaning, and his eyes are shining, and his lips are curving into a smile.
"Yes, please, I would love that."
You're pushing him on his back, and he's lifting his hips, and pulling down his boxer briefs.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Touch me," he says.
"I am, but where do you want me to touch you," you say.
"Anywhere," he moans.
"What about here?" You run a finger over his hipbone.
"Yes," he whimpers.
"And here?" You lick his abs.
"God, yes," he moans.
"What about here?" You circle his cock.
"Yes, please."
"Here?" Your lips are wrapping around his cock, and your tongue is stroking over the crown.
"Fuck, yes," he groans.
"Where else, should I touch you?"
"On my thighs," he breathes.
"Okay," you say, and your fingers are stroking over his inner thigh, and your nails are dragging over the soft skin.
"There, please," he pants.
Your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is swirling over the head.
"Yes, there, God, your mouth feels so good," he moans, and his fingers are in your hair.
Your fingers are stroking over his balls, and over his perineum, and his cock is pulsing in your mouth.
"There too," he whimpers.
You're circling his opening, and his hand is fisting your hair.
"Yes, there," he moans.
Your fingertip is circling his opening, and he's gasping and panting.
"Can I?"
"Yes, God yes," he says, and your finger is pressing into him, and your lips are sucking his cock, and his hips are pushing up.
"Fuck," he curses, and his hand is pulling you back down by your hair and his legs are shaking.
"Are you close?"
"Yes, keep going, I'm so close," he moans, and your finger is pumping into him, and your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is flicking over the head, and his body is trembling.
"Faster, please," he begs, and your finger is curling, and his cock is pulsing, and his hips are thrusting, and his ass is clenching around your finger, and his cock is twitching and his cum is spilling over his belly, and his hand is tugging your hair.
"So good," he whispers.
"Good," you whisper, and his fingers are tracing along your cheek, and you're kissing his belly.
"We should get cleaned up," you say, and he's smiling and his hand is pulling you down for a kiss. “Shit, does it smell burnt in here? Shit, Thom, the lasagne."
"Shit, fuck," he says, and sits up, and gets off the bed, and pulls on his boxer briefs.
He's sprinting to the kitchen, and you're following him, and when he's opening the oven, there's a cloud of smoke coming out. And somehow a little baking paper inferno has formed, and you're not sure what happened, and it's smoking, and Thom is staring at it, and you're turning off the oven.
"I'm sorry, I think I left the baking tray I made pizza on yesterday in the oven, with the baking paper.”
“It’s fine, just open the window before the smoke alarm goes off and the fire brigade is your guest again.”
He opens the window, you put out the tiny flames, and the oven is full of black crumbs. But your lasagne is salvageable.
"It tastes amazing," you say, after the first bite.
"Yes, the sauce is so good," he says, and grins, and his foot is caressing your leg under the table. “Let’s sleep in tomorrow and just cuddle. Maybe we should start our own little tradition.”
“Okay,” you say looking curious.
“How about we make that day of the first fire alarm, when we talked to each other first, our day? Eat pancakes, talk, cuddle, almost burn down the house.
"That sounds perfect," you smile, and he smiles and kisses you.
Tag list: Taglist: @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall , @sunlightbabe , @little-moonbeam-666 , @ethaneskin , @maneskin-dimensione , @l0standn0tf0und , @butkutee , @gr8rainbowpunk , @maneskintifoso , @hiraetheral , @imjustanerdwholikestoread , @cuzimitaliano , @hopelessromantic727 , @wonderlandishell , @paralianeyes , @que--sera--sera , @roisinlove123 , @romanoffswoman , @lovelyy-moonlight , @crwnnjules, @lizzylynch1 , @maneaterdoll, @imposter-27 , @soundscuntfeelscunt , @gaiagoddess26 , @lonnybunnys , @lexasaurs634 , @milfhunter889 , @shinshans
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tempobrucera · 2 months
Fire Alarms & Love Hearts
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Pairing: Fem!Reader/Thomas
Description: Thomas might be the reason why you and your neighbours are getting annoyed. And he might also be the one who asks you for a date.
Words: 10.1k
Warnings: Smut, it’s silly - I’m well aware of that
A/N: About 1 ½ years ago i received this lovely prompt and guess who finally wrote it @l0standn0tf0und
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
It's the beginning of November even for Rome the night air is chilling, and you would like to be in bed instead of staying outside in the cold. In your pyjamas. Your neighbours are all outside with you, the fire alarm went off the second night this week. The second night you're staring at your neighbour, you think you overheard someone call him Thomas a few nights ago. He's standing there only in his briefs and while you're still asking yourself how he isn't cold you see him shiver.
"I probably should have grabbed my bathrobe on the way out," he says. You know you should say something but you're busy looking at him, he's tall, fascinating eyes, cute smile and your sleep deprived brain can’t handle anything at this moment. “But then no one’s really dressed for the occasion, are they?”
You realise he's talking to you, and you blush. "Sorry?"
He giggles.
"I’m cold, my ass is going to freeze and fall off and then it's going to get lost somewhere around here and the city is going to be sued because of a naked butt running around and..." He trails off.
Now you are the one laughing.
“I’m sure that’s not what you said before but we can’t have your butt get lost, good thing it looks like they’re letting us inside again."
You're right. A few minutes later you're back in your apartment, ready to fall asleep again. Snuggled in your blankets, thinking about Thomas winking at you before you parted ways again.
When you leave the next day you can see a little note on your door.
“Hello neighbour,
I would like to ask you out for dinner.
If you're interested just let me know, if not please burn this note and never mention it to anyone! And just pretend you don’t know who I am the next time you see me.
P.S. My ass is still in place, no suing yet ;)
P.P.S. You should ask out the cute guy from the floor above you.
You're laughing as you fold the note and put it into the pocket of your coat, not knowing how you should respond. Bold you think, but somehow charming. And now you also know who lives in the flat over you, the wind sometimes carrying lovely guitar tunes to your window from his.
It takes you three days to have the courage until you're knocking on Thomas' door. He opens the door in his pyjamas, messy hair and his mouth open in surprise.
"Hi, I'm your neighbour from downstairs, the one you asked out for dinner" you say, a big grin on your face.
He laughs, and you are glad that you didn't just leave a message and go to your flat again.
"Yes, yes, I did," he says, opening the door for you, "but right now I'm making pancakes.”
“Is that what’s smelling like it’s burning?”
His eyes go wide.
He turns around and runs to the kitchen. You take the time to look at his flat, there are a few books. Guitars. Magazines. A stray sock on the floor. Photos.
He comes back out a few minutes later, smiling sheepishly.
"Okay, so, it's not burnt. It's just... not exactly the way I had planned."
You knit your eyebrows together thinking about the fire alarms again but shake your head at yourself and smile at him instead.
“I would share them but …. I was kind of planning to eat them straight from the pan and my cooking isn’t exactly made to be shared, or even fit for human consumption.“
You laugh.
"I would like to share them anyway," you say and wink at him, "and I'm sure they're delicious."
He smiles back.
"Well then, sit down and let me be your host," he says. “But if you get food poisoning that’s on you, I warned you.”
“You can say if now is a bad time instead of trying to poison me if you want to, that would be perfectly okay, maybe I should have just written a reply to the note. So sorry if I'm interrupting anything. Or anyone."
"You're not. I'm not... I mean... I'm single. I'm sorry." He blushes. "I didn't mean to say that. Fuck. I mean..."
You start laughing.
"Okay. Calm down. Breathe. It's fine, I promise.”
“I’m only in my pyjamas. I wasn't really expecting anyone. Let alone the person I tried to ask out."
You smile at him.
"Well, I didn't expect you to still be in pyjamas in the middle of the day either." It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you really didn't think he would be in his pyjamas.
He looks at you sheepishly: "Good point. You can have my pancakes but only if you're getting in your pyjamas as well."
It's something you can agree on and ten minutes later you're sitting in his living room, in your pyjamas. He smiles and laughs and you have a nice fuzzy feeling when he looks at you. You talk about music, about travelling, about everything and nothing. When it's dark outside and you're full of pancakes, that are only half as bad as he thought and said but somehow still burned at the edges and the inside that should be fluffy sometimes not quite cooked. You're glad you took the chance. He's fun to be around and you talk more, about concerts, memories and favourite places. It's easy to talk to him, and it's even easier to laugh with him. When the conversation dies down a little bit and your eyes are getting heavy, he looks at you and grins.
"We should do that again."
You look at him, he's beautiful, he's sweet, you nod.
"Yes. Definitely."
"Maybe not in pyjamas next time."
Thomas doesn't really think he can call it a date, it's not a real one, but it's a great evening and definitely a beginning of something. He likes you, he would love to take you out, and he feels like a fool for having given you a note and not asked you out directly. It's not his usual behaviour. When he's walking you to the door, he thinks about kissing you. But you're just getting to know each other, so he hugs you, and kisses you on the cheek instead. You're grinning and wave at him, he watches you walk to the door and down the hall to his front door.
"See you around?" He asks, a little hope in his voice.
"Of course. I think that's an offer I can't refuse."
"Good, next time I'll take you out for dinner." He says, you lean in and for a second he thinks you're going to kiss him, but you just give him a quick kiss on the nose.
"That would be wonderful," you say and then you're gone.
He goes back inside, closing the door and leaning against it.
"Fuck," he says to himself. "I've got it so bad."
Two weeks later you're going out for dinner with Thomas. He's a little late and when he walks into the restaurant he's already apologising from afar.
"I'm so sorry, the traffic is hell," he says, his eyes wide. "And my phone battery died and I couldn't call you. But I'm here, finally."
You smile.
"It's fine," you say and you take a deep breath, he's so cute, you already knew that but seeing him makes you nervous and happy and giddy. A feeling you haven't had in a while. He sits down opposite you. "And I have to say it's nice to see you in something different than your pyjamas or only in underwear."
He blushes.
"You liked the sight then," he says with a smirk and winks at you.
You look at him, raising an eyebrow and grin.
"I didn't say that."
He chuckles and starts looking through the menu. You watch him, trying to figure him out, but it's not as easy as you first had thought.
"Do you want some wine?" He asks, looking at you.
"That sounds great," you say.
He looks at you, you think he's waiting for a question, but you're not sure what.
"I have another idea," you say, hoping it's a good one.
"What would that be?"
"A bet."
He raises an eyebrow.
"What would this bet involve?"
"We have to make the other one blush, the first one to lose the game has to pay for dinner."
He laughs.
"So we're both going to be in trouble tonight."
"Maybe, maybe not."
He looks at you and smiles, "okay, we can do that, but I should warn you I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
"We'll see," you say.
And with that the game begins. You're looking at each other, smiling, flirting, and you're having fun.
The waiter comes over and asks for your order, Thomas gets Carbonara, and you're getting ravioli.
"Can I try yours?" You ask.
"Yes, if I can try yours."
You're nodding and when the food arrives a few minutes later, you take turns feeding each other.
"This is amazing," you say.
"Yours is too, do you think we should switch?"
You're smiling, shaking your head.
"No, it's good."
"Do you think the pasta is as good as me?"
"Don't make me answer that."
He chuckles.
"I would say we can just not decide who has to pay and just split it."
"You would say that, and I can't tell if it's because you're afraid of losing or because you're trying to be a gentleman."
"I'm always a gentleman." He laughs.
He smiles at you and for a second he looks at his hands, before looking up at you.
"I'm not afraid," he says. He takes your hand, and you know you should prepare yourself for something, "your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
He looks at you expectantly, his eyes wide, a little shy. It's endearing. And it's really adorable. You try to stay serious, to not laugh. But when his face changes from hopeful to worried and then he's trying to pull his hand away, you can't help yourself.
"That was the worst line ever," you say, laughing.
"I don't know if I should be offended? Are you laughing at me?"
"No," you say, still laughing, "actually it's kinda cute just... it's cute, and I can't believe you actually said that. I thought you're going to make me blush with something dirty but you're just being adorable."
"Hey," he says, pretending to be offended. "I'm not adorable, I'm handsome and I'm..."
You're shaking your head.
He pretends to pout, which makes you laugh even more. And you can see the blush creep into his cheeks.
"I can't believe I'm the loser of this bet," he says, sighing.
"You might be, but you're right, my lips are a little bit lonely. Mind to help out?"
"I can try, not making any promises though," he says, he leans closer, putting his lips on yours, and kissing you softly. You're smiling, and so is he. It's a short kiss, and it's not really enough, but it's still perfect.
When he pulls away, he's looking at you, his eyes full of wonder, his mouth slightly open.
"What?" You ask.
"I just want to savour the moment, I haven't kissed many people lately, and it feels a little strange to have my first real kiss in a while after a bad pick-up line."
You chuckle.
"You can have another one if you like."
He nods and kisses you again.
When dinner is over, Thomas walks you home. He takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. He doesn't want the night to end, he likes being with you, and he has a feeling that you might like him too.
He brings you right to your apartment door and kisses you goodbye. It's soft and sweet and you're smiling, leaning into him. He can feel your smile against his lips, and he wants more.
He kisses you a little harder, his tongue flicking out to touch your bottom lip, and then your upper lip. A surprised moan escapes him when you open your mouth, granting him entrance, his tongue sliding over yours. Your arms wrap around him, holding him close, his body pressed against yours, and he can feel you against him. Your soft curves, your breasts pressing against his chest, your warmth and the smell of your skin, it's all intoxicating.
When the kiss ends, his lips are tingling. He looks at you, his mouth open and his breathing a little faster.
"You're good," you say, a smile on your lips.
He blushes.
"Thanks," he whispers.
He's leaning in again, kissing your cheek, and then the side of your neck, nuzzling your skin.
"Thomas," you whisper, his name coming out as a sigh.
He likes the sound of it, he wants to hear it again.
"Hmm," he hums, pressing a kiss right under your ear, sucking gently on your skin, his hands stroking your back. And then he pulls back. "I should say goodnight before I do something stupid."
You look at him, and for a moment he's afraid you'll disagree.
"Yeah," you say, sighing. "You're right."
He's glad that you understand, and a little disappointed that you're agreeing to let things progress slowly.
"Thank you for the lovely evening," he says.
"Thank you."
"I hope we can do that again, soon."
"Me too."
You give him a quick peck on the lips, then you're gone, closing the door behind you.
He stands in front of your door for a moment, his hand on the door, smiling.
"Fuck yes," he says to himself, a spring in his step when he gets up the steps to his own flat.
After your third date with Thomas he's away for some time but he texts you. The first night he's back, is the night before your holidays and the first night another fire alarm goes off again, it's the beginning of January. You're annoyed, it's freezing cold outside, your flight is early and not even Thomas who's standing there in only his briefs again, with a bowl of pasta, can't make you smile.
"Hi neighbour," he says.
"Hi," you grumble.
He puts the bowl down, walking towards you and taking your hand.
"What's wrong?"
"I've got an early flight tomorrow, and now the stupid fire alarm went off, and..."
Thomas looks at you with guilt in his eyes, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I'm sure the fire department is going to be quick."
"They better be," you say.
You turn around and see the firefighter that you already saw talking to Thomas the last few times. Thomas tries to sneak away, you look at his pasta that all of a sudden looks suspiciously burnt.
"Is this your doing?"
He smiles sheepishly, "maybe."
"Maybe," the firefighter says. "I have a feeling, it might be your boyfriend who's a little bit clueless in the kitchen."
"That's not true, my pancakes are delicious." He says and looks at you for help.
You look at them both.
"Not my boyfriend, not really, and your pancakes were for human consumption but also ... burnt a bit," you say, and the firefighter looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, they were horrible, but I didn't burn anything in a while. Just today."
The firefighter sighs.
"This is the sixth time in not even as many months, please order pizza or go to a cooking class, please, for your neighbours sake," he says and you look at him.
"You're really getting a cooking class," you say to Thomas, "this is not negotiable, you can't cook, and everyone's getting fed up with being woken up by the fire alarm. You need a teacher, or someone, just... something. Please."
Thomas sighs, but he agrees.
"Good," you say.
It's not much longer until the building is empty again and the fire alarm is shut off. You walk to your apartment, and Thomas follows you.
"Sorry about the pancakes, and the pasta, and the fire alarm. And the other fire alarms," he says, sighing.
You shrug.
"It's okay, and now that the fire department knows that the fire alarm is set off by an incompetent cook, they hopefully know for future incidents. Now I should sleep, I'm getting up way too early tomorrow."
"Good night," he says.
He hugs you, and kisses you, and you're glad to be inside again.
The first time you sleep with Thomas is after you're back, the two of you are spending more and more time together, and there is no way you would ever describe it as 'just friends'. You've been flirting with him, and he with you.
Thomas is kissing you passionately. His hands are under your shirt. You're kissing back, trying to keep up with his kisses and his movements. You're in his bed and while you are both still wearing shirts and underwear you feel a little too warm all of a sudden. He is on top of you, kissing down your neck and biting softly, you let out a soft moan.
"Fuck," he whispers.
"What is it?"
"This is embarrassing, but... I might not last long," he whispers, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't worry about that, I won't be offended," you say, stroking his hair, and kissing his temple. “Feels like a compliment to me.”
"It's fine."
He lifts his head, looking at you, smiling, his eyes full of hope and lust. He kisses you again, and starts rubbing against you. The thin layer of fabric is the only thing separating the two of you. You're grinding back, moving together, and it's not long until you're both gasping, and you're holding on to him. His hands are moving, slipping under the waistband of your panties, pushing them down, and then his hands are between your legs. You can feel his fingers on your folds, stroking gently.
"Shit," you breathe, your eyes falling shut.
He's moving, getting between your legs and kneeling on the floor. You prop yourself up on your elbows, and look down at him, watching him, he's licking his lips, and looking at you, his pupils wide. You watch him and he leans in, his breath hot against your skin, his lips kissing the inside of your thigh.
He kisses upwards, getting closer and closer, and when his mouth finally touches you, your head falls back, and a moan leaves your mouth. He's sucking and licking, his tongue teasing your clit, his fingers thrusting into you. Your breathing is ragged and fast, your heart is racing, it doesn't take long until the wave of pleasure is crashing down on you.
"God, fuck, Thomas," you gasp, as the orgasm washes over you.
He keeps going, drawing out the pleasure - making you tremble and writhe. When he's finished, you're lying on the bed, breathing hard. He gets up, and gets rid of his underwear, and his shirt, and when he climbs back on the bed, he's naked. He leans down, kissing you.”
"Can I?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yes, please."
He lines himself up and slowly pushes into you, you can feel him stretching you, filling you, and you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Shit," he breathes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, it's just..." he trails off, not finishing his sentence, and he starts to move, his thrusts are slow and gentle.
You can see the expression on his face, his mouth is hanging open, his eyes are closed, and he's moaning, and whispering. His name is on your lips, and you're holding onto him, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
His thrusts become faster and harder, his breathing is getting ragged. He's moaning, his hips stuttering. He's groaning and grunting, his body tensing, and his muscles straining, and when he comes, his whole body shakes. He collapses on top of you, his weight resting on you, and his head resting on your chest.
You stroke his hair, and kiss the top of his head, and he's breathing heavily, his eyes closed.
"Sorry," he whispers, after a few moments.
"It's fine."
"It's been a while."
"You can't control these things."
He rolls off of you, and turns his head, his eyes opening.
"I'll make it up to you," he says.
"There's nothing to make up, really. It was wonderful."
"Still," he says.
Thomas' birthday is coming up and even though by now he has told his friends and the band about you, he's still nervous asking you to join them for the evening. In the end he doesn't know what he was so worried about, you're excited and happy about the invitation.
Thomas is in the middle of his party, surrounded by friends and family, and you're sitting next to him, with a beer and a slice of cake, and he's happy. You're holding his hand, and occasionally lean over to kiss him.
Victoria is pulling you away from him to dance with you, and he's smiling and laughing as he watches the two of you.
"Good job," she whispers into his ear after she's sick of dancing.
"Thank you!" He has to grin, and then she's gone, and you're back by his side.
"How's the birthday boy doing?"
"Great, now that my girlfriend is back," he says.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Yes," he says, looking at you, a hopeful smile on his face.
"Okay, boyfriend," you say.
He blushes, and smiles, his eyes are wide but his smile is almost shy. He pulls you in, kissing you softly, and wrapping his arm around you.
"I like that," he says.
"Me too."
He drags you into the bedroom as soon as most of the people have left and you can't stop smiling and laughing. Thomas closes the door and turns around to look at you. You're standing there, your hair is a little messy, your shirt is crumpled, and your cheeks are flushed. He can't stop looking at you, and when he doesn't say anything, you take a step forward.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes," he says, and closes the distance between the two of you, kissing you, and holding you close.
He starts unbuttoning your shirt, and kisses the skin that's revealed, then pushes the shirt off your shoulders, it lands on the floor, and then his hands are on your breasts, squeezing gently.
You pull his shirt off, and your fingers trail down his sides, making him shudder. His skin is warm, his stomach soft. You push him down onto the bed, he lies back, looking up at you, his pupils blown, his breathing ragged, and his cock hard.
"I've got a surprise for you, birthday boy.”
"Oh yes," he says, his voice hoarse.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and you take some lube from the nightstand, and get out of your skirt and your underwear, and kneel next to him, straddling his thigh. You squeeze some lube into the palm of your hand, warming it up between your fingers.
"Can I look now?" He asks, impatiently.
"Almost," you say, and then your hands are on his cock, stroking him, your thumb brushing over the tip, his hips bucking into your touch.
"Fuck," he whispers, and he bites his lip, trying to stay quiet, his eyes still closed.
You start moving, your hand stroking his cock, and he's groaning, his hands are grasping the sheets, and he's arching his back, and thrusting into your hand.
"Fuck, please," he gasps, and you stop.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, his mouth hangs open, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"That was mean," he says, but the smile on his lips is telling you that he liked it. “Is my surprise only sex or is there more? Like is it edible underwear or something, a costume … oh," he cuts himself off, when he sees the look on your face.
You raise an eyebrow.
"A costume. You'd like me in a costume, wouldn't you?"
He's blushing, and his cock twitches, he doesn't answer, he doesn't has to.
"Wouldn't you?"
"Yeah," he admits.
You laugh.
"Well, I don't have one now, but if I find one, I might surprise you," you say, “I have something different for you, I want to eat you out and when you’re a whimpering mess, I want to ride you."
"Fuck, yes," he breathes.
"Lie back and relax."
"I can do that," he says.
You lean down and start kissing his chest, nipping and licking his skin. You can feel his heartbeat, his breathing shallow. You're working your way down, kissing his stomach. You take his cock in your hand, and stroke him, and he moans. You kiss further down, getting between his legs, and licking his balls, and then his cock. He's moaning, his hips jerking.
"Oh god, please," he gasps.
You continue, sucking his balls into your mouth, and then moving back. He spreads his legs a little further apart, and lifts his hips, you kiss his thighs, and stroke his cock, your other hand moves between his cheeks, and when your finger brushes over his hole, his hips jerk violently.
"Fuck," he gasps.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Please," he begs.
You're spreading his legs a little more, and kissing the inside of his thighs, and then you're licking his hole, your tongue teasing the tight ring of muscle. He's panting and gasping, his eyes closed, his mouth hanging open. He's writhing on the bed, his hips moving, and when you push your tongue into him, he's swearing, his hands gripping the sheets.
“Oh god, please don’t stop. Shit, please. Fuck, this is amazing, shit, please, fuck, I want- I need- please, please, please, please," he's babbling, and when you reach between his legs, and wrap your fingers around his cock, his body is shaking, and he's swearing. "Fuck, oh god, please, please, I need you. If you keep fucking me this good," he gasps. “I might just have to marry you.”
Your mouth is still on him but you smile, and you're licking and sucking, your hand is stroking his cock.
For Thomas it feels like minutes, for you, it must have been less than a minute. He's writhing and swearing, and moaning, his breathing is ragged, and his hips are stuttering, his cock throbbing and leaking pre-come. He's a mess, his back arched, fingers entangled in your hair.
“You enjoy that?”
"Fuck, yes. Yes. God, yes, please, please, I need you, please," he pants, and his eyes are wide open, looking at you.
"You ready for me, birthday boy?"
"Yes, yes, please," he whispers.
You kneel over him, straddling his waist, guiding him to your entrance. He's holding on to your hips, his eyes squeezed shut. You lower yourself, and when the head of his cock slips into you, the both of you moan. You're moving, taking him in inch by inch, and when he's completely inside you, you're sitting in his lap. You move your hips, riding him, and he's thrusting up into you, his cock rubbing against your walls, hitting all the right places. He's groaning, and his fingers dig into your skin.
“That was so good, no one ever did that for me before, I didn't think I'd like it, but fuck, this was amazing," he's talking, and it sounds almost like he's drunk. Drunk on lust and emotions.
You start riding him, your hips moving, and he's thrusting up into you, his moans fill the room, and the sounds of your bodies moving together. The slap of skin against skin is the only sound, apart from his voice.
"Please, don't stop," he's begging, and his words are slurring, his movements becoming erratic. His back arches, his muscles tense, and his body starts to shake, his grip on your hips tightens, and his mouth falls open. "Oh god, fuck, fuck, please, oh god, please, please, please, please, oh god," his voice is hoarse, and then his hips are jerking, and his cock is throbbing and his eyes are squeezed shut, his body is shaking, his nails digging into your skin. He's gasping, and his cock pulses inside of you.
He's panting, his eyes are open, and he looks at you, his gaze unfocused. You lift your hips, and he slips out of you, his hands are resting on your hips, his grip still tight, and his breathing is laboured.
You roll off of him, and lie down next to him. When he reaches for you, you hold him. His body is trembling, and his heart is beating fast. He's breathing hard, and his eyes are closed.
"Wow, that was amazing," he mumbles.
"It was," you say, kissing his temple.
"I need to clean up, give me a second," he says, and he's trying to get up.
"Stay, I'll do it."
"You sure?"
He's smiling, eyes still closed, his head resting on the pillow, and his breathing is getting steadier again. You get up, and walk into the bathroom, and return with a washcloth.
"This was the best birthday present," he says, looking at you. “No candy underwear but you can’t have everything.”
"It was a pleasure."
"What about you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, I came long before you.”
"You did?"
He smiles, and closes his eyes. You're cleaning him up, wiping away the sweat, and his come, and his eyelids flutter. You put the washcloth into the laundry basket, and crawl back into bed.
"I'll do something for you, just let me catch my breath," he says, his words are slurred, and his breathing is deep.
"There's no need," you whisper.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, and he's snuggling closer to you before he drifts off to sleep.
"Happy birthday," you whisper, and press a soft kiss to his forehead, and he sighs contently.
A couple of weeks later, you're sitting in the dressing room with Victoria after a show. He's sitting on a couch, his legs spread wide, and he's talking to someone. You can't hear what they're saying, but you're watching him. His smile, and the way his eyes light up, the way he talks. The way he moves his hands.
Victoria is next to you, she's watching you, and a smile is playing on her lips.
"You're staring," she says.
"Yes," you answer.
She's grinning.
"Do you need help?" She asks.
"I know a lot about him."
"I don't doubt it."
"I mean, if you wanted to surprise him," she says, and winks.
“Actually I would need your help,” you smile, “Valentine’s is coming up and I would like to do something. Something a bit romantic, and something a bit, you know, … sexy.”
She's grinning, and her eyes light up.
"Oh yes, I would love to help you with that."
"As long as it doesn’t involve edible underwear,” you laugh.
She looks at you confused.
"No, but why would you think that?"
"Thomas mentioned it. He was curious about it."
"Oh," she grins, "c’mon it would make him laugh. You’re both silly like that. Just do it as an extra little thing, a candy bra and some really nice lace panties.”
“You’re right, if nothing else it would make him laugh, and he would love it. Thank you, Vic, for all the help you gave me and I would be honoured to have your advice and assistance with this."
"So, what do you have planned so far?"
"I'll tell you, but first I need to ask Thomas if he has any plans for the day, because if he does, we have to plan around them."
"Sounds like a good idea," she agrees. “He’s a romantic, so I don’t think he has other than plans he might have come up with already, but I can interrogate him a little bit. So what’s the plan?”
“I want to cook with him at home. You know how he set off the fire alarms a few times when he tried cooking and I figured that we can try it together, and maybe I can help him, make sure that we won't have a repeat performance of those days. Maybe we can do it together, so he will actually learn something, or maybe we'll fail spectacularly together. Light some candles, maybe get a bit wine drunk. And then after dinner, maybe have a bath and then go to bed, have sex, cuddle. Just the two of us, and a nice relaxed evening. No stress, no worries, just us. What do you think?"
"It sounds great," Victoria smiles. "So, what are you going to cook?"
"We never really cooked together before, but I did some research and I found a recipe for a lasagne, that sounds really good. We should be able to manage that. Worst case scenario we’re ending up with take-out.”
“Great, I’ll let you know when I find something out.”
Later that day, you're in bed, you're naked, and his face is buried between your thighs, his tongue is lapping at your wetness. His fingers are inside of you, and he's working his tongue on your clit. You're arching your back, almost grinding against his mouth. He's humming, you can feel the vibrations, and his teeth graze your clit.
His tongue is flat moving down, licking the length of your folds, and he's nipping at the sensitive skin. His fingers are curling and rubbing against the sweet spot inside of you, and when his other hand moves from your hip, and his finger brushes over your entrance, your breath hitches.
"Fuck," you gasp.
"That's the plan," he says, his voice muffled.
"Fuck," you say again.
He chuckles and his finger slides into you, his tongue is teasing your clit. His lips wrap around your clit, and he's sucking gently. Your hands are on his head, your fingers running through his hair, and your hips are moving. He's fucking you, his fingers are curling and pressing, and his tongue is stroking and licking, and your body is tensing.
"Thomas, please," you beg.
He doesn't stop, and his finger pushes in and out of you, his lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking, and his fingers are hitting all the right places. You're arching, and your hips are moving, and you can feel the orgasm building up. Your muscles are clenching, your breath hitches, and your toes are curling. You're close, so close, and you're grinding against his mouth, and his finger is still moving inside you.
"Fuck, Thomas," you gasp, and you're coming.
Your body is tensing, and your eyes are squeezing shut, your back is arching. Your muscles clench, and your walls are gripping his finger, and he's still fucking you, and his lips are wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking and sucking. Your hips jerk, and you're shaking, and he just doesn't stop.
He's lapping and licking, and you're squirming, and your hips are bucking, and you're whimpering. His finger is pressing and pushing, and his tongue is lapping and stroking, and your back is arching. He's humming, and your breathing is ragged.
You're tugging at his hair, and you're whimpering.
"Thomas, please, I need a moment, please," you're panting.
He stops, and looks at you, his chin is glistening, and his eyes are dark, and there's a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Are you tired already?"
"Yes, very much, I need a break," you say.
"You'll get one," he says.
He gets up, and moves over you, and your bodies are touching, his weight on top of you, and his cock is hard and twitching against your thigh, and you reach between your bodies, and wrap your fingers around his shaft, and start stroking him. He's groaning, and his head falls forward, and he's burying his face in your neck. His breath is hot against your skin, and he's rocking his hips, his cock sliding through your fingers.
He's panting and gasping, and you can feel him throb, his precum is smearing across your stomach. He's thrusting his hips, and his breath is hitching like yours before. He's moving, his hips jerking, and he's pushing his cock into your hand, his body is shaking, and his fingers dig into the mattress.
"Please, I want to come inside you," he moans.
"Do it," you say, and his cock twitches, and you spread your legs a little wider, and guide him between your folds, and he's entering you slowly.
"Fuck," he moans, and his body is trembling.
"You're so wet," he gasps, and his eyes are closed.
You lift your legs, and wrap them around his waist, and he's completely inside you, and he's still for a moment. He's panting, his cock is pulsing, and his muscles are tensing, and he starts moving, his thrusts are shallow, and his eyes are closed, and his lips are slightly parted, and his hair is hanging in his face. His hands are on either side of your head, and his body is shaking.
"Thomas, look at me," you say.
He looks at you, his eyes are glassy, and his pupils are blown.
"I'm not made of glass, please fuck me."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, please," you beg, and you move, and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He starts moving, his movements slow and deliberate, and his breathing is ragged, and his muscles are tense, he's gritting his teeth.
"Harder, please," you moan, and your hips are bucking - matching his thrusts. Your back is arching, and his eyes fall shut, and he's pushing into you, his thrusts are hard.
"Shit, oh fuck," he groans.
“God, so good, Thom, please," you gasp, and his body is trembling.
He's gasping and moaning, and he's leaning down, and kisses you, his mouth is on yours, and he's thrusting into you, his movements erratic, and his fingers are gripping the sheets.
"You're so beautiful," he pants, and his voice is raspy.
He's moving faster, and his cock is sliding in and out of you, his lips on yours, and his tongue is moving against yours. Your legs are shaking, and you can feel the pressure inside of you building again. The tension coils in your belly, you're getting closer, and your fingers dig into his shoulders. You're gasping, his name a breathy moan.
"Please, Thomas, please," you beg.
"Please, what?"
"I want to come, I'm close," you moan.
"I know, love, so am I, please, come for me," he gasps. “Come again, please.”
He's moving his hips, his thrusts are fast and hard, and you're gasping and moaning, and his movements become more erratic.
"Shit, I'm close," he moans.
Your muscles clench, and the tension in your belly is too much, you can't hold it any longer. You're coming, your body is shaking, you're crying out, your body is arching, and you're clinging to him. His cock is throbbing and twitching, and his hips are jerking, and he's coming. You're trembling, and his cock is still pulsing, and his body is shuddering, and his face is buried in your neck.
"Fuck," he groans.
"Yes, indeed," you breathe.
“What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?” Vic asks him some days later just after they had dinner together.
“Yes, so I was thinking of taking her to Verona for a day or two. Or maybe go to the planetarium and have a nice dinner afterwards. What do you think?”
“It’s great, Thom. But maybe you should do Verona another time, take her to the planetarium and maybe don’t worry about dinner. Romantic night in, you know.”
“You know something I don’t know, don’t you? Okay, planetarium and romantic night in. Understood.”
She grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
It's Valentine's day and you're sitting on the couch together for breakfast. You made pancakes, edible and not burned. After you finish eating he's kissing you, and his arms are around your waist, his body is warm against yours. His lips are soft, and his breath is hot, and then he's pulling away from the kiss.
"I have a present for you," he says.
"So do I," you smile.
"Me first," he says, and his cheeks are red.
He's taking a little box from the cupboard, and gives it to you, and you open it, and there's a bracelet. A thin, golden bracelet with three charms. A tiny rose, a guitar, and a heart.
"Oh Thomas," you whisper. "Thank you, I love it."
You take the bracelet and put it on.
"It's so beautiful, thank you."
He's smiling, and there's a pink blush on his cheeks.
"And now your turn," he says.
You're going to your room and take a bigger, gift wrapped box, and give it to him, and he sits on the couch next to you opening it. In it is a knitted sweater, he takes it and he smiles. The sweater is pale blue, and has a white pattern of musical notes and stars on it.
"Oh, this is so beautiful," he whispers. “I can’t believe you knitted for me.”
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it." He gives you a kiss, “and I thought we could go to the planetarium and I was told to have a romantic night in.”
“Yes, the night is my part of the plan.” You smile.
When you arrive at the planetarium it's almost empty. There's only a group of school children, a couple and a few people that seem to be there just to have a look around, but there's no guided tour and no lectures, so you're wandering around, looking at the exhibits, and watching the different shows while holding hands.
At some point, when the children have left and you're alone in the room, there's a show about the northern lights, and Thomas is staring at the ceiling. His eyes are sparkling, he smiles at you.
"One day I want to see them with you," he says.
"Someday, maybe."
"Yes, someday," he sighs, and smiles.
The lights dim, the show ends, and you're leaving the room. You're wandering through the hall, looking at the displays, and the pictures of the different constellations and galaxies, and stars. You're standing in front of the big picture of the milky way. Thomas is behind you, his arms are around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
“What’s your favourite,” he asks.
"You're my favourite," you whisper back.
"Your favourite galaxy, silly.”
"That would be still you," you say, and he kisses your neck.
"I’m also quite fond of you," he chuckles.
"So, which one is yours?"
"That would be the Orion nebula."
"Why that one?"
"Because of the colours and the beauty, and the fact that it's made from gas, dust and stardust, and the fact that it's a birthplace for stars, that makes it special to me."
You look at him.
“Maybe Ethan talked a lot about space lately and I think it might not be a galaxy, but it is still something related to the universe, so we’ll pretend that it still counts."
He's laughing and kisses you.
When you are back home and there's music playing, the lights are dim - the candles are flickering.
“I thought we could make lasagne together, have some wine, have a bath and later move to bed, have some more wine and then sleep or do other things."
He laughs.
"That sounds wonderful."
You start cooking together. Chopping, sizzling and at some point there's tomato sauce spilled, and tomato on the wall, and on the kitchen counter.
"Oops, sorry," he laughs.
"It's okay, I'll clean it up," you laugh.
You're cleaning up the mess, and then there's tomato on his face, and on his shirt, and you're still laughing. He's taking the bowl, puts it on the kitchen counter, and moves closer to you. He's leaning in, his lips touching yours, his hands are on your waist. His tongue is pushing against your lips and he's deepening the kiss.
“We should cook first, at least have the ragu sauce cooking,” you say between kisses.
"Yes, that's right," he whispers.
He's smiling and kisses your nose.
"Later," he says and winks, which makes you giggle.
You're making the ragu sauce, he's holding you from behind, his chin is on your shoulder, and his lips are against your neck.
"Do you need a hand?" He asks.
"No, the sauce is fine," you say, and his hands are roaming over your body, his mouth is on your neck, and he's nipping and kissing. His lips are brushing against your ear.
"Thomas, stop, or I won't be able to focus," you laugh.
"That's exactly what I'm hoping for," he chuckles. “Also don’t deny it but I saw that earlier. You checked out my ass when I bent down to take out the wine glasses and the bottle."
You smile and giggle.
"Yes, and I'm not even sorry, it's a really cute butt."
"Thanks, it's a gift from God, and I'm not even kidding."
You laugh and turn your head, your lips brush against his.
"Yes, it is."
He's laughing, and his fingers are digging into your waist.
"I love you," he says, his voice is low. His breath is warm against your skin. And his heart is beating against your back.
"I love you too."
He smiles and kisses you. Thomas’ hands are cupping your face and he's leaning his forehead against yours.
“Can we make out while the things in the pots are cooking and boiling, please, and maybe a bit later?"
You're giggling.
"Yes, I would like that," you say.
His lips are soft. His tongue is licking and sliding against yours, his hands are sliding over your body. Thomas’ touch is gentle. He's lifting you up on the kitchen counter and you're wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Can I touch your cute godsend butt," you ask, and his body is shaking with laughter.
"Yes, yes you can, and I would be offended if you didn't."
You're running your hands over his shoulders, down his back, right to his ass. Thomas’ hands are in your hair, his hips pressed against yours. His lips are sliding along your jaw, down your neck, and he's sucking at the spot just under your ear. His hardening cock is pressing against your core.
"Thom, the sauce will burn," you gasp.
"Right," he whispers, “but it’s not burning yet, let me kiss you some more."
"Okay," and with that he's deepening the kiss again.
His fingers are slipping under your skirt, his thumbs are brushing against the lace of your panties. His hand is sliding between your legs, he's slowly pushing the fabric aside, and his fingers are tracing along your folds, he's circling your entrance. And then his fingers are entering you, his thumb stroking over your clit.
"God, you're so wet," he moans.
"Thomas," you gasp.
"The sauce, it's burning."
"Shit," he curses. Then his hand is gone, he steps back and turns off the heat.
"Sorry." He gives you an apologetic little smile.
“Is this how you triggered the fire alarm before, cooking, and getting distracted?"
"Yeah, I tried to make dinner once, and I forgot to stir the sauce, and the next thing I knew the alarm was blaring."
“Making out? Or just distracted.”
“Just distracted, I wasn’t making out with anyone, I was alone in the flat, and had no idea why the alarm was going off, I was a little confused. It took a few seconds to figure out it was the food on the stove. Once or twice or maybe … more.”
"I'm not even surprised, and I can relate," you smile, and he grins.
"Sorry," he chuckles, and gives you a kiss, and his lips are lingering, and his tongue is licking against yours, and his teeth are scraping against your bottom lip, and his hands are sliding over your back.
"The sauce is safe now," he whispers, his nose is brushing against yours and his hands are in your hair.
"Let’s put together the lasagne and put it in the oven, then we can make out some more," you suggest.
"That sounds like a good plan," he says.
"Yes, very good plan, I know," you chuckle, his body is warm against yours..
You're finishing the lasagne, putting it in the oven and Thomas is setting the timer.
“Now I want more kisses," he looks at you.
He's kissing and sucking at your neck, his hands are pushing your skirt up, his fingers are pulling down your panties.
"Thom, we should wait until the lasagne is done," you whisper and he groans.
"Just a few minutes, please," he pleads, his other hand is gripping your thigh, his fingers digging into your flesh.
"Okay," you moan, his thumb is circling your clit not leaving you room to think.
"Thank you," he breathes. “Bedroom, we have a timer anyways. We will hear it, and can continue."
You nod, his hand is gone, and you're stumbling towards the bedroom. Kissing on your way and his hands are sliding under your shirt.
“Oh, is this …” he laughs, “finally what I wished for? Candy hearts in your bra?"
"Maybe," you laugh.
"I love it," he says.
"I thought, since it's valentine's day, and the edible underwear was a bit out of my comfort zone, maybe that’s close enough for you? Or too much? It's weird isn't it, I'm sorry," you say, and he shakes his head.
"No, not weird, I love it, and I'm so glad you did that for me," he says, and pulls away from the kiss. "You know what else I wanted?"
"Tell me," you say.
"This," he says, and sneaks his hand in your bra, and takes one of the candy hearts, and his hand is moving up, and the little heart is touching your lips.
"Open," he says, and you open your mouth, and his hand is moving up, and the heart is in your mouth.
"Now, can I take off the bra?" He asks.
"Yes, go ahead, you can eat the rest of the candy," you laugh, and he's pulling the cup down, and taking a candy heart with his tongue and he's biting it, and then his mouth is on yours.
"Delicious," he chuckles, and his eyes are sparkling.
"Yes, very," you smile.
"You're delicious," he says, and his mouth is on yours, and the taste of the candy and the wine is still on his lips, and his tongue is licking against yours.
His lips are moving along your jaw, and to your neck, and his mouth is sucking and kissing at the crook of your neck.
He's lying down, and you're straddling him, and he's reaching for your bra, and pulls it off. His hands are cupping your breasts, and his mouth is on the valley of your breasts, and his tongue is licking along your sternum, and his teeth are grazing against your nipple.
He's sucking, and his teeth are pinching and his tongue is flicking over the sensitive bud, and you're gasping and moaning.
His mouth is moving to the other breast, and his lips are closing around your nipple, and his mouth is warm and his breath is hot against your skin. He's sucking and his teeth are grazing against your hardening nipple, and his hands are on your back, and they're sliding over your hips.
“I think some of the hearts fell out of the bra," he chuckles.
"I can look for them later," you laugh, and he laughs, and kisses you.
"Yes, we'll find them later, now, can I lick the rest off of your body?"
"Yes, please, and feel free to use your teeth too," you whisper, and his tongue is licking along your neck, and over your collarbones, and his tongue is moving over the swell of your breasts. His teeth are grazing against your nipples, and his lips are brushing against the underside of your breasts, and his hand is cupping the other, and his thumb is rubbing over your nipple, and his tongue is moving lower, and his teeth are biting and sucking.
“Found one,” he says and nibbles it off your stomach.
He's licking lower, and his tongue is sliding along the edge of your panties. His mouth is on the lace, and his tongue is licking along the damp material, and his teeth pulling back the waistband with his teeth.
“I think you missed one.” You pull his head back to your bellybutton.
"Oh, yes," he breathes, and his tongue is swirling, and he's sucking and his teeth are nipping, and the candy is gone.
His hand is cupping your pussy, and his thumb is stroking over your folds through the damp fabric.
"Can I have a taste?" He asks, and his breath is hot against the damp lace, and you're nodding.
"Yes, please."
His hands are pushing the panties aside, and his fingers are brushing along your slit, and he's pushing two fingers inside, and curling them.
He's spreading your legs, and his tongue is flicking over your clit, and he's pushing his fingers deeper, and curling them, and stroking against your g spot.
"You taste so good," he moans. “Better than the candy."
"Yes," you gasp.
"And you're so wet, and hot, and soft."
"Thom," you moan, and his tongue is lapping over your clit, and his teeth are grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Come on my face, please," he moans, and his fingers are rubbing against your g spot, and his tongue is flicking against your clit, and his thumb is pressing down on the swollen bud.
"I'm almost there, don't stop," you moan.
"Good, come on my tongue," he growls, and his fingers are moving faster, and his tongue is licking over your clit. “Let me taste you."
"Yes, yes," you whimper.
"Yes, let me lick your sweet juices, come on," he moans, and his fingers are fucking you, and his tongue is stroking over your clit, and his eyes are fluttering open, and when he looks up at you, you’re tumbling over the edge, and your pussy is clenching around his fingers, and the wave of pleasure is crashing through you.
"Yes, that's it," he breathes. "I love it when you're coming on my face."
"I love it when you're licking me clean," you breathe.
He's laughing, and his mouth is sucking, and his tongue is licking, and he's swallowing your juices, and his tongue is licking into you.
“But now I would love to return the favour,” you’re pulling at his hair, “and taste you too."
He's groaning, and his eyes are shining, and his lips are curving into a smile.
"Yes, please, I would love that."
You're pushing him on his back, and he's lifting his hips, and pulling down his boxer briefs.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Touch me," he says.
"I am, but where do you want me to touch you," you say.
"Anywhere," he moans.
"What about here?" You run a finger over his hipbone.
"Yes," he whimpers.
"And here?" You lick his abs.
"God, yes," he moans.
"What about here?" You circle his cock.
"Yes, please."
"Here?" Your lips are wrapping around his cock, and your tongue is stroking over the crown.
"Fuck, yes," he groans.
"Where else, should I touch you?"
"On my thighs," he breathes.
"Okay," you say, and your fingers are stroking over his inner thigh, and your nails are dragging over the soft skin.
"There, please," he pants.
Your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is swirling over the head.
"Yes, there, God, your mouth feels so good," he moans, and his fingers are in your hair.
Your fingers are stroking over his balls, and over his perineum, and his cock is pulsing in your mouth.
"There too," he whimpers.
You're circling his opening, and his hand is fisting your hair.
"Yes, there," he moans.
Your fingertip is circling his opening, and he's gasping and panting.
"Can I?"
"Yes, God yes," he says, and your finger is pressing into him, and your lips are sucking his cock, and his hips are pushing up.
"Fuck," he curses, and his hand is pulling you back down by your hair and his legs are shaking.
"Are you close?"
"Yes, keep going, I'm so close," he moans, and your finger is pumping into him, and your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is flicking over the head, and his body is trembling.
"Faster, please," he begs, and your finger is curling, and his cock is pulsing, and his hips are thrusting, and his ass is clenching around your finger, and his cock is twitching and his cum is spilling over his belly, and his hand is tugging your hair.
"So good," he whispers.
"Good," you whisper, and his fingers are tracing along your cheek, and you're kissing his belly.
"We should get cleaned up," you say, and he's smiling and his hand is pulling you down for a kiss. “Shit, does it smell burnt in here? Shit, Thom, the lasagne."
"Shit, fuck," he says, and sits up, and gets off the bed, and pulls on his boxer briefs.
He's sprinting to the kitchen, and you're following him, and when he's opening the oven, there's a cloud of smoke coming out. And somehow a little baking paper inferno has formed, and you're not sure what happened, and it's smoking, and Thom is staring at it, and you're turning off the oven.
"I'm sorry, I think I left the baking tray I made pizza on yesterday in the oven, with the baking paper.”
“It’s fine, just open the window before the smoke alarm goes off and the fire brigade is your guest again.”
He opens the window, you put out the tiny flames, and the oven is full of black crumbs. But your lasagne is salvageable.
"It tastes amazing," you say, after the first bite.
"Yes, the sauce is so good," he says, and grins, and his foot is caressing your leg under the table. “Let’s sleep in tomorrow and just cuddle. Maybe we should start our own little tradition.”
“Okay,” you say looking curious.
“How about we make that day of the first fire alarm, when we talked to each other first, our day? Eat pancakes, talk, cuddle, almost burn down the house.
"That sounds perfect," you smile, and he smiles and kisses you.
Tag list: Taglist: @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall , @sunlightbabe , @little-moonbeam-666 , @ethaneskin , @maneskin-dimensione , @l0standn0tf0und , @butkutee , @gr8rainbowpunk , @maneskintifoso , @hiraetheral , @imjustanerdwholikestoread , @cuzimitaliano , @hopelessromantic727 , @wonderlandishell , @paralianeyes , @que--sera--sera , @roisinlove123 , @romanoffswoman , @lovelyy-moonlight , @crwnnjules, @lizzylynch1 , @maneaterdoll, @imposter-27 , @soundscuntfeelscunt , @gaiagoddess26 , @lonnybunnys , @lexasaurs634 , @milfhunter889 , @shinshans
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tempobrucera · 2 months
Fire Alarms & Love Hearts
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Pairing: Fem!Reader/Thomas
Description: Thomas might be the reason why you and your neighbours are getting annoyed. And he might also be the one who asks you for a date.
Words: 10.1k
Warnings: Smut, it’s silly - I’m well aware of that
A/N: About 1 ½ years ago i received this lovely prompt and guess who finally wrote it @l0standn0tf0und
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
It's the beginning of November even for Rome the night air is chilling, and you would like to be in bed instead of staying outside in the cold. In your pyjamas. Your neighbours are all outside with you, the fire alarm went off the second night this week. The second night you're staring at your neighbour, you think you overheard someone call him Thomas a few nights ago. He's standing there only in his briefs and while you're still asking yourself how he isn't cold you see him shiver.
"I probably should have grabbed my bathrobe on the way out," he says. You know you should say something but you're busy looking at him, he's tall, fascinating eyes, cute smile and your sleep deprived brain can’t handle anything at this moment. “But then no one’s really dressed for the occasion, are they?”
You realise he's talking to you, and you blush. "Sorry?"
He giggles.
"I’m cold, my ass is going to freeze and fall off and then it's going to get lost somewhere around here and the city is going to be sued because of a naked butt running around and..." He trails off.
Now you are the one laughing.
“I’m sure that’s not what you said before but we can’t have your butt get lost, good thing it looks like they’re letting us inside again."
You're right. A few minutes later you're back in your apartment, ready to fall asleep again. Snuggled in your blankets, thinking about Thomas winking at you before you parted ways again.
When you leave the next day you can see a little note on your door.
“Hello neighbour,
I would like to ask you out for dinner.
If you're interested just let me know, if not please burn this note and never mention it to anyone! And just pretend you don’t know who I am the next time you see me.
P.S. My ass is still in place, no suing yet ;)
P.P.S. You should ask out the cute guy from the floor above you.
You're laughing as you fold the note and put it into the pocket of your coat, not knowing how you should respond. Bold you think, but somehow charming. And now you also know who lives in the flat over you, the wind sometimes carrying lovely guitar tunes to your window from his.
It takes you three days to have the courage until you're knocking on Thomas' door. He opens the door in his pyjamas, messy hair and his mouth open in surprise.
"Hi, I'm your neighbour from downstairs, the one you asked out for dinner" you say, a big grin on your face.
He laughs, and you are glad that you didn't just leave a message and go to your flat again.
"Yes, yes, I did," he says, opening the door for you, "but right now I'm making pancakes.”
“Is that what’s smelling like it’s burning?”
His eyes go wide.
He turns around and runs to the kitchen. You take the time to look at his flat, there are a few books. Guitars. Magazines. A stray sock on the floor. Photos.
He comes back out a few minutes later, smiling sheepishly.
"Okay, so, it's not burnt. It's just... not exactly the way I had planned."
You knit your eyebrows together thinking about the fire alarms again but shake your head at yourself and smile at him instead.
“I would share them but …. I was kind of planning to eat them straight from the pan and my cooking isn’t exactly made to be shared, or even fit for human consumption.“
You laugh.
"I would like to share them anyway," you say and wink at him, "and I'm sure they're delicious."
He smiles back.
"Well then, sit down and let me be your host," he says. “But if you get food poisoning that’s on you, I warned you.”
“You can say if now is a bad time instead of trying to poison me if you want to, that would be perfectly okay, maybe I should have just written a reply to the note. So sorry if I'm interrupting anything. Or anyone."
"You're not. I'm not... I mean... I'm single. I'm sorry." He blushes. "I didn't mean to say that. Fuck. I mean..."
You start laughing.
"Okay. Calm down. Breathe. It's fine, I promise.”
“I’m only in my pyjamas. I wasn't really expecting anyone. Let alone the person I tried to ask out."
You smile at him.
"Well, I didn't expect you to still be in pyjamas in the middle of the day either." It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you really didn't think he would be in his pyjamas.
He looks at you sheepishly: "Good point. You can have my pancakes but only if you're getting in your pyjamas as well."
It's something you can agree on and ten minutes later you're sitting in his living room, in your pyjamas. He smiles and laughs and you have a nice fuzzy feeling when he looks at you. You talk about music, about travelling, about everything and nothing. When it's dark outside and you're full of pancakes, that are only half as bad as he thought and said but somehow still burned at the edges and the inside that should be fluffy sometimes not quite cooked. You're glad you took the chance. He's fun to be around and you talk more, about concerts, memories and favourite places. It's easy to talk to him, and it's even easier to laugh with him. When the conversation dies down a little bit and your eyes are getting heavy, he looks at you and grins.
"We should do that again."
You look at him, he's beautiful, he's sweet, you nod.
"Yes. Definitely."
"Maybe not in pyjamas next time."
Thomas doesn't really think he can call it a date, it's not a real one, but it's a great evening and definitely a beginning of something. He likes you, he would love to take you out, and he feels like a fool for having given you a note and not asked you out directly. It's not his usual behaviour. When he's walking you to the door, he thinks about kissing you. But you're just getting to know each other, so he hugs you, and kisses you on the cheek instead. You're grinning and wave at him, he watches you walk to the door and down the hall to his front door.
"See you around?" He asks, a little hope in his voice.
"Of course. I think that's an offer I can't refuse."
"Good, next time I'll take you out for dinner." He says, you lean in and for a second he thinks you're going to kiss him, but you just give him a quick kiss on the nose.
"That would be wonderful," you say and then you're gone.
He goes back inside, closing the door and leaning against it.
"Fuck," he says to himself. "I've got it so bad."
Two weeks later you're going out for dinner with Thomas. He's a little late and when he walks into the restaurant he's already apologising from afar.
"I'm so sorry, the traffic is hell," he says, his eyes wide. "And my phone battery died and I couldn't call you. But I'm here, finally."
You smile.
"It's fine," you say and you take a deep breath, he's so cute, you already knew that but seeing him makes you nervous and happy and giddy. A feeling you haven't had in a while. He sits down opposite you. "And I have to say it's nice to see you in something different than your pyjamas or only in underwear."
He blushes.
"You liked the sight then," he says with a smirk and winks at you.
You look at him, raising an eyebrow and grin.
"I didn't say that."
He chuckles and starts looking through the menu. You watch him, trying to figure him out, but it's not as easy as you first had thought.
"Do you want some wine?" He asks, looking at you.
"That sounds great," you say.
He looks at you, you think he's waiting for a question, but you're not sure what.
"I have another idea," you say, hoping it's a good one.
"What would that be?"
"A bet."
He raises an eyebrow.
"What would this bet involve?"
"We have to make the other one blush, the first one to lose the game has to pay for dinner."
He laughs.
"So we're both going to be in trouble tonight."
"Maybe, maybe not."
He looks at you and smiles, "okay, we can do that, but I should warn you I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
"We'll see," you say.
And with that the game begins. You're looking at each other, smiling, flirting, and you're having fun.
The waiter comes over and asks for your order, Thomas gets Carbonara, and you're getting ravioli.
"Can I try yours?" You ask.
"Yes, if I can try yours."
You're nodding and when the food arrives a few minutes later, you take turns feeding each other.
"This is amazing," you say.
"Yours is too, do you think we should switch?"
You're smiling, shaking your head.
"No, it's good."
"Do you think the pasta is as good as me?"
"Don't make me answer that."
He chuckles.
"I would say we can just not decide who has to pay and just split it."
"You would say that, and I can't tell if it's because you're afraid of losing or because you're trying to be a gentleman."
"I'm always a gentleman." He laughs.
He smiles at you and for a second he looks at his hands, before looking up at you.
"I'm not afraid," he says. He takes your hand, and you know you should prepare yourself for something, "your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
He looks at you expectantly, his eyes wide, a little shy. It's endearing. And it's really adorable. You try to stay serious, to not laugh. But when his face changes from hopeful to worried and then he's trying to pull his hand away, you can't help yourself.
"That was the worst line ever," you say, laughing.
"I don't know if I should be offended? Are you laughing at me?"
"No," you say, still laughing, "actually it's kinda cute just... it's cute, and I can't believe you actually said that. I thought you're going to make me blush with something dirty but you're just being adorable."
"Hey," he says, pretending to be offended. "I'm not adorable, I'm handsome and I'm..."
You're shaking your head.
He pretends to pout, which makes you laugh even more. And you can see the blush creep into his cheeks.
"I can't believe I'm the loser of this bet," he says, sighing.
"You might be, but you're right, my lips are a little bit lonely. Mind to help out?"
"I can try, not making any promises though," he says, he leans closer, putting his lips on yours, and kissing you softly. You're smiling, and so is he. It's a short kiss, and it's not really enough, but it's still perfect.
When he pulls away, he's looking at you, his eyes full of wonder, his mouth slightly open.
"What?" You ask.
"I just want to savour the moment, I haven't kissed many people lately, and it feels a little strange to have my first real kiss in a while after a bad pick-up line."
You chuckle.
"You can have another one if you like."
He nods and kisses you again.
When dinner is over, Thomas walks you home. He takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. He doesn't want the night to end, he likes being with you, and he has a feeling that you might like him too.
He brings you right to your apartment door and kisses you goodbye. It's soft and sweet and you're smiling, leaning into him. He can feel your smile against his lips, and he wants more.
He kisses you a little harder, his tongue flicking out to touch your bottom lip, and then your upper lip. A surprised moan escapes him when you open your mouth, granting him entrance, his tongue sliding over yours. Your arms wrap around him, holding him close, his body pressed against yours, and he can feel you against him. Your soft curves, your breasts pressing against his chest, your warmth and the smell of your skin, it's all intoxicating.
When the kiss ends, his lips are tingling. He looks at you, his mouth open and his breathing a little faster.
"You're good," you say, a smile on your lips.
He blushes.
"Thanks," he whispers.
He's leaning in again, kissing your cheek, and then the side of your neck, nuzzling your skin.
"Thomas," you whisper, his name coming out as a sigh.
He likes the sound of it, he wants to hear it again.
"Hmm," he hums, pressing a kiss right under your ear, sucking gently on your skin, his hands stroking your back. And then he pulls back. "I should say goodnight before I do something stupid."
You look at him, and for a moment he's afraid you'll disagree.
"Yeah," you say, sighing. "You're right."
He's glad that you understand, and a little disappointed that you're agreeing to let things progress slowly.
"Thank you for the lovely evening," he says.
"Thank you."
"I hope we can do that again, soon."
"Me too."
You give him a quick peck on the lips, then you're gone, closing the door behind you.
He stands in front of your door for a moment, his hand on the door, smiling.
"Fuck yes," he says to himself, a spring in his step when he gets up the steps to his own flat.
After your third date with Thomas he's away for some time but he texts you. The first night he's back, is the night before your holidays and the first night another fire alarm goes off again, it's the beginning of January. You're annoyed, it's freezing cold outside, your flight is early and not even Thomas who's standing there in only his briefs again, with a bowl of pasta, can't make you smile.
"Hi neighbour," he says.
"Hi," you grumble.
He puts the bowl down, walking towards you and taking your hand.
"What's wrong?"
"I've got an early flight tomorrow, and now the stupid fire alarm went off, and..."
Thomas looks at you with guilt in his eyes, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I'm sure the fire department is going to be quick."
"They better be," you say.
You turn around and see the firefighter that you already saw talking to Thomas the last few times. Thomas tries to sneak away, you look at his pasta that all of a sudden looks suspiciously burnt.
"Is this your doing?"
He smiles sheepishly, "maybe."
"Maybe," the firefighter says. "I have a feeling, it might be your boyfriend who's a little bit clueless in the kitchen."
"That's not true, my pancakes are delicious." He says and looks at you for help.
You look at them both.
"Not my boyfriend, not really, and your pancakes were for human consumption but also ... burnt a bit," you say, and the firefighter looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, they were horrible, but I didn't burn anything in a while. Just today."
The firefighter sighs.
"This is the sixth time in not even as many months, please order pizza or go to a cooking class, please, for your neighbours sake," he says and you look at him.
"You're really getting a cooking class," you say to Thomas, "this is not negotiable, you can't cook, and everyone's getting fed up with being woken up by the fire alarm. You need a teacher, or someone, just... something. Please."
Thomas sighs, but he agrees.
"Good," you say.
It's not much longer until the building is empty again and the fire alarm is shut off. You walk to your apartment, and Thomas follows you.
"Sorry about the pancakes, and the pasta, and the fire alarm. And the other fire alarms," he says, sighing.
You shrug.
"It's okay, and now that the fire department knows that the fire alarm is set off by an incompetent cook, they hopefully know for future incidents. Now I should sleep, I'm getting up way too early tomorrow."
"Good night," he says.
He hugs you, and kisses you, and you're glad to be inside again.
The first time you sleep with Thomas is after you're back, the two of you are spending more and more time together, and there is no way you would ever describe it as 'just friends'. You've been flirting with him, and he with you.
Thomas is kissing you passionately. His hands are under your shirt. You're kissing back, trying to keep up with his kisses and his movements. You're in his bed and while you are both still wearing shirts and underwear you feel a little too warm all of a sudden. He is on top of you, kissing down your neck and biting softly, you let out a soft moan.
"Fuck," he whispers.
"What is it?"
"This is embarrassing, but... I might not last long," he whispers, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't worry about that, I won't be offended," you say, stroking his hair, and kissing his temple. “Feels like a compliment to me.”
"It's fine."
He lifts his head, looking at you, smiling, his eyes full of hope and lust. He kisses you again, and starts rubbing against you. The thin layer of fabric is the only thing separating the two of you. You're grinding back, moving together, and it's not long until you're both gasping, and you're holding on to him. His hands are moving, slipping under the waistband of your panties, pushing them down, and then his hands are between your legs. You can feel his fingers on your folds, stroking gently.
"Shit," you breathe, your eyes falling shut.
He's moving, getting between your legs and kneeling on the floor. You prop yourself up on your elbows, and look down at him, watching him, he's licking his lips, and looking at you, his pupils wide. You watch him and he leans in, his breath hot against your skin, his lips kissing the inside of your thigh.
He kisses upwards, getting closer and closer, and when his mouth finally touches you, your head falls back, and a moan leaves your mouth. He's sucking and licking, his tongue teasing your clit, his fingers thrusting into you. Your breathing is ragged and fast, your heart is racing, it doesn't take long until the wave of pleasure is crashing down on you.
"God, fuck, Thomas," you gasp, as the orgasm washes over you.
He keeps going, drawing out the pleasure - making you tremble and writhe. When he's finished, you're lying on the bed, breathing hard. He gets up, and gets rid of his underwear, and his shirt, and when he climbs back on the bed, he's naked. He leans down, kissing you.”
"Can I?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yes, please."
He lines himself up and slowly pushes into you, you can feel him stretching you, filling you, and you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Shit," he breathes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, it's just..." he trails off, not finishing his sentence, and he starts to move, his thrusts are slow and gentle.
You can see the expression on his face, his mouth is hanging open, his eyes are closed, and he's moaning, and whispering. His name is on your lips, and you're holding onto him, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
His thrusts become faster and harder, his breathing is getting ragged. He's moaning, his hips stuttering. He's groaning and grunting, his body tensing, and his muscles straining, and when he comes, his whole body shakes. He collapses on top of you, his weight resting on you, and his head resting on your chest.
You stroke his hair, and kiss the top of his head, and he's breathing heavily, his eyes closed.
"Sorry," he whispers, after a few moments.
"It's fine."
"It's been a while."
"You can't control these things."
He rolls off of you, and turns his head, his eyes opening.
"I'll make it up to you," he says.
"There's nothing to make up, really. It was wonderful."
"Still," he says.
Thomas' birthday is coming up and even though by now he has told his friends and the band about you, he's still nervous asking you to join them for the evening. In the end he doesn't know what he was so worried about, you're excited and happy about the invitation.
Thomas is in the middle of his party, surrounded by friends and family, and you're sitting next to him, with a beer and a slice of cake, and he's happy. You're holding his hand, and occasionally lean over to kiss him.
Victoria is pulling you away from him to dance with you, and he's smiling and laughing as he watches the two of you.
"Good job," she whispers into his ear after she's sick of dancing.
"Thank you!" He has to grin, and then she's gone, and you're back by his side.
"How's the birthday boy doing?"
"Great, now that my girlfriend is back," he says.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Yes," he says, looking at you, a hopeful smile on his face.
"Okay, boyfriend," you say.
He blushes, and smiles, his eyes are wide but his smile is almost shy. He pulls you in, kissing you softly, and wrapping his arm around you.
"I like that," he says.
"Me too."
He drags you into the bedroom as soon as most of the people have left and you can't stop smiling and laughing. Thomas closes the door and turns around to look at you. You're standing there, your hair is a little messy, your shirt is crumpled, and your cheeks are flushed. He can't stop looking at you, and when he doesn't say anything, you take a step forward.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes," he says, and closes the distance between the two of you, kissing you, and holding you close.
He starts unbuttoning your shirt, and kisses the skin that's revealed, then pushes the shirt off your shoulders, it lands on the floor, and then his hands are on your breasts, squeezing gently.
You pull his shirt off, and your fingers trail down his sides, making him shudder. His skin is warm, his stomach soft. You push him down onto the bed, he lies back, looking up at you, his pupils blown, his breathing ragged, and his cock hard.
"I've got a surprise for you, birthday boy.”
"Oh yes," he says, his voice hoarse.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and you take some lube from the nightstand, and get out of your skirt and your underwear, and kneel next to him, straddling his thigh. You squeeze some lube into the palm of your hand, warming it up between your fingers.
"Can I look now?" He asks, impatiently.
"Almost," you say, and then your hands are on his cock, stroking him, your thumb brushing over the tip, his hips bucking into your touch.
"Fuck," he whispers, and he bites his lip, trying to stay quiet, his eyes still closed.
You start moving, your hand stroking his cock, and he's groaning, his hands are grasping the sheets, and he's arching his back, and thrusting into your hand.
"Fuck, please," he gasps, and you stop.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, his mouth hangs open, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"That was mean," he says, but the smile on his lips is telling you that he liked it. “Is my surprise only sex or is there more? Like is it edible underwear or something, a costume … oh," he cuts himself off, when he sees the look on your face.
You raise an eyebrow.
"A costume. You'd like me in a costume, wouldn't you?"
He's blushing, and his cock twitches, he doesn't answer, he doesn't has to.
"Wouldn't you?"
"Yeah," he admits.
You laugh.
"Well, I don't have one now, but if I find one, I might surprise you," you say, “I have something different for you, I want to eat you out and when you’re a whimpering mess, I want to ride you."
"Fuck, yes," he breathes.
"Lie back and relax."
"I can do that," he says.
You lean down and start kissing his chest, nipping and licking his skin. You can feel his heartbeat, his breathing shallow. You're working your way down, kissing his stomach. You take his cock in your hand, and stroke him, and he moans. You kiss further down, getting between his legs, and licking his balls, and then his cock. He's moaning, his hips jerking.
"Oh god, please," he gasps.
You continue, sucking his balls into your mouth, and then moving back. He spreads his legs a little further apart, and lifts his hips, you kiss his thighs, and stroke his cock, your other hand moves between his cheeks, and when your finger brushes over his hole, his hips jerk violently.
"Fuck," he gasps.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Please," he begs.
You're spreading his legs a little more, and kissing the inside of his thighs, and then you're licking his hole, your tongue teasing the tight ring of muscle. He's panting and gasping, his eyes closed, his mouth hanging open. He's writhing on the bed, his hips moving, and when you push your tongue into him, he's swearing, his hands gripping the sheets.
“Oh god, please don’t stop. Shit, please. Fuck, this is amazing, shit, please, fuck, I want- I need- please, please, please, please," he's babbling, and when you reach between his legs, and wrap your fingers around his cock, his body is shaking, and he's swearing. "Fuck, oh god, please, please, I need you. If you keep fucking me this good," he gasps. “I might just have to marry you.”
Your mouth is still on him but you smile, and you're licking and sucking, your hand is stroking his cock.
For Thomas it feels like minutes, for you, it must have been less than a minute. He's writhing and swearing, and moaning, his breathing is ragged, and his hips are stuttering, his cock throbbing and leaking pre-come. He's a mess, his back arched, fingers entangled in your hair.
“You enjoy that?”
"Fuck, yes. Yes. God, yes, please, please, I need you, please," he pants, and his eyes are wide open, looking at you.
"You ready for me, birthday boy?"
"Yes, yes, please," he whispers.
You kneel over him, straddling his waist, guiding him to your entrance. He's holding on to your hips, his eyes squeezed shut. You lower yourself, and when the head of his cock slips into you, the both of you moan. You're moving, taking him in inch by inch, and when he's completely inside you, you're sitting in his lap. You move your hips, riding him, and he's thrusting up into you, his cock rubbing against your walls, hitting all the right places. He's groaning, and his fingers dig into your skin.
“That was so good, no one ever did that for me before, I didn't think I'd like it, but fuck, this was amazing," he's talking, and it sounds almost like he's drunk. Drunk on lust and emotions.
You start riding him, your hips moving, and he's thrusting up into you, his moans fill the room, and the sounds of your bodies moving together. The slap of skin against skin is the only sound, apart from his voice.
"Please, don't stop," he's begging, and his words are slurring, his movements becoming erratic. His back arches, his muscles tense, and his body starts to shake, his grip on your hips tightens, and his mouth falls open. "Oh god, fuck, fuck, please, oh god, please, please, please, please, oh god," his voice is hoarse, and then his hips are jerking, and his cock is throbbing and his eyes are squeezed shut, his body is shaking, his nails digging into your skin. He's gasping, and his cock pulses inside of you.
He's panting, his eyes are open, and he looks at you, his gaze unfocused. You lift your hips, and he slips out of you, his hands are resting on your hips, his grip still tight, and his breathing is laboured.
You roll off of him, and lie down next to him. When he reaches for you, you hold him. His body is trembling, and his heart is beating fast. He's breathing hard, and his eyes are closed.
"Wow, that was amazing," he mumbles.
"It was," you say, kissing his temple.
"I need to clean up, give me a second," he says, and he's trying to get up.
"Stay, I'll do it."
"You sure?"
He's smiling, eyes still closed, his head resting on the pillow, and his breathing is getting steadier again. You get up, and walk into the bathroom, and return with a washcloth.
"This was the best birthday present," he says, looking at you. “No candy underwear but you can’t have everything.”
"It was a pleasure."
"What about you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, I came long before you.”
"You did?"
He smiles, and closes his eyes. You're cleaning him up, wiping away the sweat, and his come, and his eyelids flutter. You put the washcloth into the laundry basket, and crawl back into bed.
"I'll do something for you, just let me catch my breath," he says, his words are slurred, and his breathing is deep.
"There's no need," you whisper.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, and he's snuggling closer to you before he drifts off to sleep.
"Happy birthday," you whisper, and press a soft kiss to his forehead, and he sighs contently.
A couple of weeks later, you're sitting in the dressing room with Victoria after a show. He's sitting on a couch, his legs spread wide, and he's talking to someone. You can't hear what they're saying, but you're watching him. His smile, and the way his eyes light up, the way he talks. The way he moves his hands.
Victoria is next to you, she's watching you, and a smile is playing on her lips.
"You're staring," she says.
"Yes," you answer.
She's grinning.
"Do you need help?" She asks.
"I know a lot about him."
"I don't doubt it."
"I mean, if you wanted to surprise him," she says, and winks.
“Actually I would need your help,” you smile, “Valentine’s is coming up and I would like to do something. Something a bit romantic, and something a bit, you know, … sexy.”
She's grinning, and her eyes light up.
"Oh yes, I would love to help you with that."
"As long as it doesn’t involve edible underwear,” you laugh.
She looks at you confused.
"No, but why would you think that?"
"Thomas mentioned it. He was curious about it."
"Oh," she grins, "c’mon it would make him laugh. You’re both silly like that. Just do it as an extra little thing, a candy bra and some really nice lace panties.”
“You’re right, if nothing else it would make him laugh, and he would love it. Thank you, Vic, for all the help you gave me and I would be honoured to have your advice and assistance with this."
"So, what do you have planned so far?"
"I'll tell you, but first I need to ask Thomas if he has any plans for the day, because if he does, we have to plan around them."
"Sounds like a good idea," she agrees. “He’s a romantic, so I don’t think he has other than plans he might have come up with already, but I can interrogate him a little bit. So what’s the plan?”
“I want to cook with him at home. You know how he set off the fire alarms a few times when he tried cooking and I figured that we can try it together, and maybe I can help him, make sure that we won't have a repeat performance of those days. Maybe we can do it together, so he will actually learn something, or maybe we'll fail spectacularly together. Light some candles, maybe get a bit wine drunk. And then after dinner, maybe have a bath and then go to bed, have sex, cuddle. Just the two of us, and a nice relaxed evening. No stress, no worries, just us. What do you think?"
"It sounds great," Victoria smiles. "So, what are you going to cook?"
"We never really cooked together before, but I did some research and I found a recipe for a lasagne, that sounds really good. We should be able to manage that. Worst case scenario we’re ending up with take-out.”
“Great, I’ll let you know when I find something out.”
Later that day, you're in bed, you're naked, and his face is buried between your thighs, his tongue is lapping at your wetness. His fingers are inside of you, and he's working his tongue on your clit. You're arching your back, almost grinding against his mouth. He's humming, you can feel the vibrations, and his teeth graze your clit.
His tongue is flat moving down, licking the length of your folds, and he's nipping at the sensitive skin. His fingers are curling and rubbing against the sweet spot inside of you, and when his other hand moves from your hip, and his finger brushes over your entrance, your breath hitches.
"Fuck," you gasp.
"That's the plan," he says, his voice muffled.
"Fuck," you say again.
He chuckles and his finger slides into you, his tongue is teasing your clit. His lips wrap around your clit, and he's sucking gently. Your hands are on his head, your fingers running through his hair, and your hips are moving. He's fucking you, his fingers are curling and pressing, and his tongue is stroking and licking, and your body is tensing.
"Thomas, please," you beg.
He doesn't stop, and his finger pushes in and out of you, his lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking, and his fingers are hitting all the right places. You're arching, and your hips are moving, and you can feel the orgasm building up. Your muscles are clenching, your breath hitches, and your toes are curling. You're close, so close, and you're grinding against his mouth, and his finger is still moving inside you.
"Fuck, Thomas," you gasp, and you're coming.
Your body is tensing, and your eyes are squeezing shut, your back is arching. Your muscles clench, and your walls are gripping his finger, and he's still fucking you, and his lips are wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking and sucking. Your hips jerk, and you're shaking, and he just doesn't stop.
He's lapping and licking, and you're squirming, and your hips are bucking, and you're whimpering. His finger is pressing and pushing, and his tongue is lapping and stroking, and your back is arching. He's humming, and your breathing is ragged.
You're tugging at his hair, and you're whimpering.
"Thomas, please, I need a moment, please," you're panting.
He stops, and looks at you, his chin is glistening, and his eyes are dark, and there's a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Are you tired already?"
"Yes, very much, I need a break," you say.
"You'll get one," he says.
He gets up, and moves over you, and your bodies are touching, his weight on top of you, and his cock is hard and twitching against your thigh, and you reach between your bodies, and wrap your fingers around his shaft, and start stroking him. He's groaning, and his head falls forward, and he's burying his face in your neck. His breath is hot against your skin, and he's rocking his hips, his cock sliding through your fingers.
He's panting and gasping, and you can feel him throb, his precum is smearing across your stomach. He's thrusting his hips, and his breath is hitching like yours before. He's moving, his hips jerking, and he's pushing his cock into your hand, his body is shaking, and his fingers dig into the mattress.
"Please, I want to come inside you," he moans.
"Do it," you say, and his cock twitches, and you spread your legs a little wider, and guide him between your folds, and he's entering you slowly.
"Fuck," he moans, and his body is trembling.
"You're so wet," he gasps, and his eyes are closed.
You lift your legs, and wrap them around his waist, and he's completely inside you, and he's still for a moment. He's panting, his cock is pulsing, and his muscles are tensing, and he starts moving, his thrusts are shallow, and his eyes are closed, and his lips are slightly parted, and his hair is hanging in his face. His hands are on either side of your head, and his body is shaking.
"Thomas, look at me," you say.
He looks at you, his eyes are glassy, and his pupils are blown.
"I'm not made of glass, please fuck me."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, please," you beg, and you move, and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He starts moving, his movements slow and deliberate, and his breathing is ragged, and his muscles are tense, he's gritting his teeth.
"Harder, please," you moan, and your hips are bucking - matching his thrusts. Your back is arching, and his eyes fall shut, and he's pushing into you, his thrusts are hard.
"Shit, oh fuck," he groans.
“God, so good, Thom, please," you gasp, and his body is trembling.
He's gasping and moaning, and he's leaning down, and kisses you, his mouth is on yours, and he's thrusting into you, his movements erratic, and his fingers are gripping the sheets.
"You're so beautiful," he pants, and his voice is raspy.
He's moving faster, and his cock is sliding in and out of you, his lips on yours, and his tongue is moving against yours. Your legs are shaking, and you can feel the pressure inside of you building again. The tension coils in your belly, you're getting closer, and your fingers dig into his shoulders. You're gasping, his name a breathy moan.
"Please, Thomas, please," you beg.
"Please, what?"
"I want to come, I'm close," you moan.
"I know, love, so am I, please, come for me," he gasps. “Come again, please.”
He's moving his hips, his thrusts are fast and hard, and you're gasping and moaning, and his movements become more erratic.
"Shit, I'm close," he moans.
Your muscles clench, and the tension in your belly is too much, you can't hold it any longer. You're coming, your body is shaking, you're crying out, your body is arching, and you're clinging to him. His cock is throbbing and twitching, and his hips are jerking, and he's coming. You're trembling, and his cock is still pulsing, and his body is shuddering, and his face is buried in your neck.
"Fuck," he groans.
"Yes, indeed," you breathe.
“What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?” Vic asks him some days later just after they had dinner together.
“Yes, so I was thinking of taking her to Verona for a day or two. Or maybe go to the planetarium and have a nice dinner afterwards. What do you think?”
“It’s great, Thom. But maybe you should do Verona another time, take her to the planetarium and maybe don’t worry about dinner. Romantic night in, you know.”
“You know something I don’t know, don’t you? Okay, planetarium and romantic night in. Understood.”
She grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
It's Valentine's day and you're sitting on the couch together for breakfast. You made pancakes, edible and not burned. After you finish eating he's kissing you, and his arms are around your waist, his body is warm against yours. His lips are soft, and his breath is hot, and then he's pulling away from the kiss.
"I have a present for you," he says.
"So do I," you smile.
"Me first," he says, and his cheeks are red.
He's taking a little box from the cupboard, and gives it to you, and you open it, and there's a bracelet. A thin, golden bracelet with three charms. A tiny rose, a guitar, and a heart.
"Oh Thomas," you whisper. "Thank you, I love it."
You take the bracelet and put it on.
"It's so beautiful, thank you."
He's smiling, and there's a pink blush on his cheeks.
"And now your turn," he says.
You're going to your room and take a bigger, gift wrapped box, and give it to him, and he sits on the couch next to you opening it. In it is a knitted sweater, he takes it and he smiles. The sweater is pale blue, and has a white pattern of musical notes and stars on it.
"Oh, this is so beautiful," he whispers. “I can’t believe you knitted for me.”
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it." He gives you a kiss, “and I thought we could go to the planetarium and I was told to have a romantic night in.”
“Yes, the night is my part of the plan.” You smile.
When you arrive at the planetarium it's almost empty. There's only a group of school children, a couple and a few people that seem to be there just to have a look around, but there's no guided tour and no lectures, so you're wandering around, looking at the exhibits, and watching the different shows while holding hands.
At some point, when the children have left and you're alone in the room, there's a show about the northern lights, and Thomas is staring at the ceiling. His eyes are sparkling, he smiles at you.
"One day I want to see them with you," he says.
"Someday, maybe."
"Yes, someday," he sighs, and smiles.
The lights dim, the show ends, and you're leaving the room. You're wandering through the hall, looking at the displays, and the pictures of the different constellations and galaxies, and stars. You're standing in front of the big picture of the milky way. Thomas is behind you, his arms are around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
“What’s your favourite,” he asks.
"You're my favourite," you whisper back.
"Your favourite galaxy, silly.”
"That would be still you," you say, and he kisses your neck.
"I’m also quite fond of you," he chuckles.
"So, which one is yours?"
"That would be the Orion nebula."
"Why that one?"
"Because of the colours and the beauty, and the fact that it's made from gas, dust and stardust, and the fact that it's a birthplace for stars, that makes it special to me."
You look at him.
“Maybe Ethan talked a lot about space lately and I think it might not be a galaxy, but it is still something related to the universe, so we’ll pretend that it still counts."
He's laughing and kisses you.
When you are back home and there's music playing, the lights are dim - the candles are flickering.
“I thought we could make lasagne together, have some wine, have a bath and later move to bed, have some more wine and then sleep or do other things."
He laughs.
"That sounds wonderful."
You start cooking together. Chopping, sizzling and at some point there's tomato sauce spilled, and tomato on the wall, and on the kitchen counter.
"Oops, sorry," he laughs.
"It's okay, I'll clean it up," you laugh.
You're cleaning up the mess, and then there's tomato on his face, and on his shirt, and you're still laughing. He's taking the bowl, puts it on the kitchen counter, and moves closer to you. He's leaning in, his lips touching yours, his hands are on your waist. His tongue is pushing against your lips and he's deepening the kiss.
“We should cook first, at least have the ragu sauce cooking,” you say between kisses.
"Yes, that's right," he whispers.
He's smiling and kisses your nose.
"Later," he says and winks, which makes you giggle.
You're making the ragu sauce, he's holding you from behind, his chin is on your shoulder, and his lips are against your neck.
"Do you need a hand?" He asks.
"No, the sauce is fine," you say, and his hands are roaming over your body, his mouth is on your neck, and he's nipping and kissing. His lips are brushing against your ear.
"Thomas, stop, or I won't be able to focus," you laugh.
"That's exactly what I'm hoping for," he chuckles. “Also don’t deny it but I saw that earlier. You checked out my ass when I bent down to take out the wine glasses and the bottle."
You smile and giggle.
"Yes, and I'm not even sorry, it's a really cute butt."
"Thanks, it's a gift from God, and I'm not even kidding."
You laugh and turn your head, your lips brush against his.
"Yes, it is."
He's laughing, and his fingers are digging into your waist.
"I love you," he says, his voice is low. His breath is warm against your skin. And his heart is beating against your back.
"I love you too."
He smiles and kisses you. Thomas’ hands are cupping your face and he's leaning his forehead against yours.
“Can we make out while the things in the pots are cooking and boiling, please, and maybe a bit later?"
You're giggling.
"Yes, I would like that," you say.
His lips are soft. His tongue is licking and sliding against yours, his hands are sliding over your body. Thomas’ touch is gentle. He's lifting you up on the kitchen counter and you're wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Can I touch your cute godsend butt," you ask, and his body is shaking with laughter.
"Yes, yes you can, and I would be offended if you didn't."
You're running your hands over his shoulders, down his back, right to his ass. Thomas’ hands are in your hair, his hips pressed against yours. His lips are sliding along your jaw, down your neck, and he's sucking at the spot just under your ear. His hardening cock is pressing against your core.
"Thom, the sauce will burn," you gasp.
"Right," he whispers, “but it’s not burning yet, let me kiss you some more."
"Okay," and with that he's deepening the kiss again.
His fingers are slipping under your skirt, his thumbs are brushing against the lace of your panties. His hand is sliding between your legs, he's slowly pushing the fabric aside, and his fingers are tracing along your folds, he's circling your entrance. And then his fingers are entering you, his thumb stroking over your clit.
"God, you're so wet," he moans.
"Thomas," you gasp.
"The sauce, it's burning."
"Shit," he curses. Then his hand is gone, he steps back and turns off the heat.
"Sorry." He gives you an apologetic little smile.
“Is this how you triggered the fire alarm before, cooking, and getting distracted?"
"Yeah, I tried to make dinner once, and I forgot to stir the sauce, and the next thing I knew the alarm was blaring."
“Making out? Or just distracted.”
“Just distracted, I wasn’t making out with anyone, I was alone in the flat, and had no idea why the alarm was going off, I was a little confused. It took a few seconds to figure out it was the food on the stove. Once or twice or maybe … more.”
"I'm not even surprised, and I can relate," you smile, and he grins.
"Sorry," he chuckles, and gives you a kiss, and his lips are lingering, and his tongue is licking against yours, and his teeth are scraping against your bottom lip, and his hands are sliding over your back.
"The sauce is safe now," he whispers, his nose is brushing against yours and his hands are in your hair.
"Let’s put together the lasagne and put it in the oven, then we can make out some more," you suggest.
"That sounds like a good plan," he says.
"Yes, very good plan, I know," you chuckle, his body is warm against yours..
You're finishing the lasagne, putting it in the oven and Thomas is setting the timer.
“Now I want more kisses," he looks at you.
He's kissing and sucking at your neck, his hands are pushing your skirt up, his fingers are pulling down your panties.
"Thom, we should wait until the lasagne is done," you whisper and he groans.
"Just a few minutes, please," he pleads, his other hand is gripping your thigh, his fingers digging into your flesh.
"Okay," you moan, his thumb is circling your clit not leaving you room to think.
"Thank you," he breathes. “Bedroom, we have a timer anyways. We will hear it, and can continue."
You nod, his hand is gone, and you're stumbling towards the bedroom. Kissing on your way and his hands are sliding under your shirt.
“Oh, is this …” he laughs, “finally what I wished for? Candy hearts in your bra?"
"Maybe," you laugh.
"I love it," he says.
"I thought, since it's valentine's day, and the edible underwear was a bit out of my comfort zone, maybe that’s close enough for you? Or too much? It's weird isn't it, I'm sorry," you say, and he shakes his head.
"No, not weird, I love it, and I'm so glad you did that for me," he says, and pulls away from the kiss. "You know what else I wanted?"
"Tell me," you say.
"This," he says, and sneaks his hand in your bra, and takes one of the candy hearts, and his hand is moving up, and the little heart is touching your lips.
"Open," he says, and you open your mouth, and his hand is moving up, and the heart is in your mouth.
"Now, can I take off the bra?" He asks.
"Yes, go ahead, you can eat the rest of the candy," you laugh, and he's pulling the cup down, and taking a candy heart with his tongue and he's biting it, and then his mouth is on yours.
"Delicious," he chuckles, and his eyes are sparkling.
"Yes, very," you smile.
"You're delicious," he says, and his mouth is on yours, and the taste of the candy and the wine is still on his lips, and his tongue is licking against yours.
His lips are moving along your jaw, and to your neck, and his mouth is sucking and kissing at the crook of your neck.
He's lying down, and you're straddling him, and he's reaching for your bra, and pulls it off. His hands are cupping your breasts, and his mouth is on the valley of your breasts, and his tongue is licking along your sternum, and his teeth are grazing against your nipple.
He's sucking, and his teeth are pinching and his tongue is flicking over the sensitive bud, and you're gasping and moaning.
His mouth is moving to the other breast, and his lips are closing around your nipple, and his mouth is warm and his breath is hot against your skin. He's sucking and his teeth are grazing against your hardening nipple, and his hands are on your back, and they're sliding over your hips.
“I think some of the hearts fell out of the bra," he chuckles.
"I can look for them later," you laugh, and he laughs, and kisses you.
"Yes, we'll find them later, now, can I lick the rest off of your body?"
"Yes, please, and feel free to use your teeth too," you whisper, and his tongue is licking along your neck, and over your collarbones, and his tongue is moving over the swell of your breasts. His teeth are grazing against your nipples, and his lips are brushing against the underside of your breasts, and his hand is cupping the other, and his thumb is rubbing over your nipple, and his tongue is moving lower, and his teeth are biting and sucking.
“Found one,” he says and nibbles it off your stomach.
He's licking lower, and his tongue is sliding along the edge of your panties. His mouth is on the lace, and his tongue is licking along the damp material, and his teeth pulling back the waistband with his teeth.
“I think you missed one.” You pull his head back to your bellybutton.
"Oh, yes," he breathes, and his tongue is swirling, and he's sucking and his teeth are nipping, and the candy is gone.
His hand is cupping your pussy, and his thumb is stroking over your folds through the damp fabric.
"Can I have a taste?" He asks, and his breath is hot against the damp lace, and you're nodding.
"Yes, please."
His hands are pushing the panties aside, and his fingers are brushing along your slit, and he's pushing two fingers inside, and curling them.
He's spreading your legs, and his tongue is flicking over your clit, and he's pushing his fingers deeper, and curling them, and stroking against your g spot.
"You taste so good," he moans. “Better than the candy."
"Yes," you gasp.
"And you're so wet, and hot, and soft."
"Thom," you moan, and his tongue is lapping over your clit, and his teeth are grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Come on my face, please," he moans, and his fingers are rubbing against your g spot, and his tongue is flicking against your clit, and his thumb is pressing down on the swollen bud.
"I'm almost there, don't stop," you moan.
"Good, come on my tongue," he growls, and his fingers are moving faster, and his tongue is licking over your clit. “Let me taste you."
"Yes, yes," you whimper.
"Yes, let me lick your sweet juices, come on," he moans, and his fingers are fucking you, and his tongue is stroking over your clit, and his eyes are fluttering open, and when he looks up at you, you’re tumbling over the edge, and your pussy is clenching around his fingers, and the wave of pleasure is crashing through you.
"Yes, that's it," he breathes. "I love it when you're coming on my face."
"I love it when you're licking me clean," you breathe.
He's laughing, and his mouth is sucking, and his tongue is licking, and he's swallowing your juices, and his tongue is licking into you.
“But now I would love to return the favour,” you’re pulling at his hair, “and taste you too."
He's groaning, and his eyes are shining, and his lips are curving into a smile.
"Yes, please, I would love that."
You're pushing him on his back, and he's lifting his hips, and pulling down his boxer briefs.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Touch me," he says.
"I am, but where do you want me to touch you," you say.
"Anywhere," he moans.
"What about here?" You run a finger over his hipbone.
"Yes," he whimpers.
"And here?" You lick his abs.
"God, yes," he moans.
"What about here?" You circle his cock.
"Yes, please."
"Here?" Your lips are wrapping around his cock, and your tongue is stroking over the crown.
"Fuck, yes," he groans.
"Where else, should I touch you?"
"On my thighs," he breathes.
"Okay," you say, and your fingers are stroking over his inner thigh, and your nails are dragging over the soft skin.
"There, please," he pants.
Your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is swirling over the head.
"Yes, there, God, your mouth feels so good," he moans, and his fingers are in your hair.
Your fingers are stroking over his balls, and over his perineum, and his cock is pulsing in your mouth.
"There too," he whimpers.
You're circling his opening, and his hand is fisting your hair.
"Yes, there," he moans.
Your fingertip is circling his opening, and he's gasping and panting.
"Can I?"
"Yes, God yes," he says, and your finger is pressing into him, and your lips are sucking his cock, and his hips are pushing up.
"Fuck," he curses, and his hand is pulling you back down by your hair and his legs are shaking.
"Are you close?"
"Yes, keep going, I'm so close," he moans, and your finger is pumping into him, and your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is flicking over the head, and his body is trembling.
"Faster, please," he begs, and your finger is curling, and his cock is pulsing, and his hips are thrusting, and his ass is clenching around your finger, and his cock is twitching and his cum is spilling over his belly, and his hand is tugging your hair.
"So good," he whispers.
"Good," you whisper, and his fingers are tracing along your cheek, and you're kissing his belly.
"We should get cleaned up," you say, and he's smiling and his hand is pulling you down for a kiss. “Shit, does it smell burnt in here? Shit, Thom, the lasagne."
"Shit, fuck," he says, and sits up, and gets off the bed, and pulls on his boxer briefs.
He's sprinting to the kitchen, and you're following him, and when he's opening the oven, there's a cloud of smoke coming out. And somehow a little baking paper inferno has formed, and you're not sure what happened, and it's smoking, and Thom is staring at it, and you're turning off the oven.
"I'm sorry, I think I left the baking tray I made pizza on yesterday in the oven, with the baking paper.”
“It’s fine, just open the window before the smoke alarm goes off and the fire brigade is your guest again.”
He opens the window, you put out the tiny flames, and the oven is full of black crumbs. But your lasagne is salvageable.
"It tastes amazing," you say, after the first bite.
"Yes, the sauce is so good," he says, and grins, and his foot is caressing your leg under the table. “Let’s sleep in tomorrow and just cuddle. Maybe we should start our own little tradition.”
“Okay,” you say looking curious.
“How about we make that day of the first fire alarm, when we talked to each other first, our day? Eat pancakes, talk, cuddle, almost burn down the house.
"That sounds perfect," you smile, and he smiles and kisses you.
Tag list: Taglist: @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall , @sunlightbabe , @little-moonbeam-666 , @ethaneskin , @maneskin-dimensione , @l0standn0tf0und , @butkutee , @gr8rainbowpunk , @maneskintifoso , @hiraetheral , @imjustanerdwholikestoread , @cuzimitaliano , @hopelessromantic727 , @wonderlandishell , @paralianeyes , @que--sera--sera , @roisinlove123 , @romanoffswoman , @lovelyy-moonlight , @crwnnjules, @lizzylynch1 , @maneaterdoll, @imposter-27 , @soundscuntfeelscunt , @gaiagoddess26 , @lonnybunnys , @lexasaurs634 , @milfhunter889 , @shinshans
64 notes · View notes
tempobrucera · 2 months
as I've already said, your list is very good, so if it's ok, I wanna one more hehe)
Sentences: 70. "I saw that. You just checked out my ass." & 72. "If you keep fucking me this good, I'll marry you."
Mood: 8. Idiots to Lovers
Scenarios: 11. Person A and Person B almost burning down the house when making dinner because they're too busy making out.
Hiiiii 💕
I don’t know if you can still remember this but guess who has written this ancient prompt request now?
Me, a really slow me.
Fire Alarms & Love Hearts
0 notes
tempobrucera · 2 months
Fire Alarms & Love Hearts
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Pairing: Fem!Reader/Thomas
Description: Thomas might be the reason why you and your neighbours are getting annoyed. And he might also be the one who asks you for a date.
Words: 10.1k
Warnings: Smut, it’s silly - I’m well aware of that
A/N: About 1 ½ years ago i received this lovely prompt and guess who finally wrote it @l0standn0tf0und
Add yourself to my taglist.  / Masterlist
It's the beginning of November even for Rome the night air is chilling, and you would like to be in bed instead of staying outside in the cold. In your pyjamas. Your neighbours are all outside with you, the fire alarm went off the second night this week. The second night you're staring at your neighbour, you think you overheard someone call him Thomas a few nights ago. He's standing there only in his briefs and while you're still asking yourself how he isn't cold you see him shiver.
"I probably should have grabbed my bathrobe on the way out," he says. You know you should say something but you're busy looking at him, he's tall, fascinating eyes, cute smile and your sleep deprived brain can’t handle anything at this moment. “But then no one’s really dressed for the occasion, are they?”
You realise he's talking to you, and you blush. "Sorry?"
He giggles.
"I’m cold, my ass is going to freeze and fall off and then it's going to get lost somewhere around here and the city is going to be sued because of a naked butt running around and..." He trails off.
Now you are the one laughing.
“I’m sure that’s not what you said before but we can’t have your butt get lost, good thing it looks like they’re letting us inside again."
You're right. A few minutes later you're back in your apartment, ready to fall asleep again. Snuggled in your blankets, thinking about Thomas winking at you before you parted ways again.
When you leave the next day you can see a little note on your door.
“Hello neighbour,
I would like to ask you out for dinner.
If you're interested just let me know, if not please burn this note and never mention it to anyone! And just pretend you don’t know who I am the next time you see me.
P.S. My ass is still in place, no suing yet ;)
P.P.S. You should ask out the cute guy from the floor above you.
You're laughing as you fold the note and put it into the pocket of your coat, not knowing how you should respond. Bold you think, but somehow charming. And now you also know who lives in the flat over you, the wind sometimes carrying lovely guitar tunes to your window from his.
It takes you three days to have the courage until you're knocking on Thomas' door. He opens the door in his pyjamas, messy hair and his mouth open in surprise.
"Hi, I'm your neighbour from downstairs, the one you asked out for dinner" you say, a big grin on your face.
He laughs, and you are glad that you didn't just leave a message and go to your flat again.
"Yes, yes, I did," he says, opening the door for you, "but right now I'm making pancakes.”
“Is that what’s smelling like it’s burning?”
His eyes go wide.
He turns around and runs to the kitchen. You take the time to look at his flat, there are a few books. Guitars. Magazines. A stray sock on the floor. Photos.
He comes back out a few minutes later, smiling sheepishly.
"Okay, so, it's not burnt. It's just... not exactly the way I had planned."
You knit your eyebrows together thinking about the fire alarms again but shake your head at yourself and smile at him instead.
“I would share them but …. I was kind of planning to eat them straight from the pan and my cooking isn’t exactly made to be shared, or even fit for human consumption.“
You laugh.
"I would like to share them anyway," you say and wink at him, "and I'm sure they're delicious."
He smiles back.
"Well then, sit down and let me be your host," he says. “But if you get food poisoning that’s on you, I warned you.”
“You can say if now is a bad time instead of trying to poison me if you want to, that would be perfectly okay, maybe I should have just written a reply to the note. So sorry if I'm interrupting anything. Or anyone."
"You're not. I'm not... I mean... I'm single. I'm sorry." He blushes. "I didn't mean to say that. Fuck. I mean..."
You start laughing.
"Okay. Calm down. Breathe. It's fine, I promise.”
“I’m only in my pyjamas. I wasn't really expecting anyone. Let alone the person I tried to ask out."
You smile at him.
"Well, I didn't expect you to still be in pyjamas in the middle of the day either." It's 4 o'clock in the afternoon, you really didn't think he would be in his pyjamas.
He looks at you sheepishly: "Good point. You can have my pancakes but only if you're getting in your pyjamas as well."
It's something you can agree on and ten minutes later you're sitting in his living room, in your pyjamas. He smiles and laughs and you have a nice fuzzy feeling when he looks at you. You talk about music, about travelling, about everything and nothing. When it's dark outside and you're full of pancakes, that are only half as bad as he thought and said but somehow still burned at the edges and the inside that should be fluffy sometimes not quite cooked. You're glad you took the chance. He's fun to be around and you talk more, about concerts, memories and favourite places. It's easy to talk to him, and it's even easier to laugh with him. When the conversation dies down a little bit and your eyes are getting heavy, he looks at you and grins.
"We should do that again."
You look at him, he's beautiful, he's sweet, you nod.
"Yes. Definitely."
"Maybe not in pyjamas next time."
Thomas doesn't really think he can call it a date, it's not a real one, but it's a great evening and definitely a beginning of something. He likes you, he would love to take you out, and he feels like a fool for having given you a note and not asked you out directly. It's not his usual behaviour. When he's walking you to the door, he thinks about kissing you. But you're just getting to know each other, so he hugs you, and kisses you on the cheek instead. You're grinning and wave at him, he watches you walk to the door and down the hall to his front door.
"See you around?" He asks, a little hope in his voice.
"Of course. I think that's an offer I can't refuse."
"Good, next time I'll take you out for dinner." He says, you lean in and for a second he thinks you're going to kiss him, but you just give him a quick kiss on the nose.
"That would be wonderful," you say and then you're gone.
He goes back inside, closing the door and leaning against it.
"Fuck," he says to himself. "I've got it so bad."
Two weeks later you're going out for dinner with Thomas. He's a little late and when he walks into the restaurant he's already apologising from afar.
"I'm so sorry, the traffic is hell," he says, his eyes wide. "And my phone battery died and I couldn't call you. But I'm here, finally."
You smile.
"It's fine," you say and you take a deep breath, he's so cute, you already knew that but seeing him makes you nervous and happy and giddy. A feeling you haven't had in a while. He sits down opposite you. "And I have to say it's nice to see you in something different than your pyjamas or only in underwear."
He blushes.
"You liked the sight then," he says with a smirk and winks at you.
You look at him, raising an eyebrow and grin.
"I didn't say that."
He chuckles and starts looking through the menu. You watch him, trying to figure him out, but it's not as easy as you first had thought.
"Do you want some wine?" He asks, looking at you.
"That sounds great," you say.
He looks at you, you think he's waiting for a question, but you're not sure what.
"I have another idea," you say, hoping it's a good one.
"What would that be?"
"A bet."
He raises an eyebrow.
"What would this bet involve?"
"We have to make the other one blush, the first one to lose the game has to pay for dinner."
He laughs.
"So we're both going to be in trouble tonight."
"Maybe, maybe not."
He looks at you and smiles, "okay, we can do that, but I should warn you I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
"We'll see," you say.
And with that the game begins. You're looking at each other, smiling, flirting, and you're having fun.
The waiter comes over and asks for your order, Thomas gets Carbonara, and you're getting ravioli.
"Can I try yours?" You ask.
"Yes, if I can try yours."
You're nodding and when the food arrives a few minutes later, you take turns feeding each other.
"This is amazing," you say.
"Yours is too, do you think we should switch?"
You're smiling, shaking your head.
"No, it's good."
"Do you think the pasta is as good as me?"
"Don't make me answer that."
He chuckles.
"I would say we can just not decide who has to pay and just split it."
"You would say that, and I can't tell if it's because you're afraid of losing or because you're trying to be a gentleman."
"I'm always a gentleman." He laughs.
He smiles at you and for a second he looks at his hands, before looking up at you.
"I'm not afraid," he says. He takes your hand, and you know you should prepare yourself for something, "your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?"
He looks at you expectantly, his eyes wide, a little shy. It's endearing. And it's really adorable. You try to stay serious, to not laugh. But when his face changes from hopeful to worried and then he's trying to pull his hand away, you can't help yourself.
"That was the worst line ever," you say, laughing.
"I don't know if I should be offended? Are you laughing at me?"
"No," you say, still laughing, "actually it's kinda cute just... it's cute, and I can't believe you actually said that. I thought you're going to make me blush with something dirty but you're just being adorable."
"Hey," he says, pretending to be offended. "I'm not adorable, I'm handsome and I'm..."
You're shaking your head.
He pretends to pout, which makes you laugh even more. And you can see the blush creep into his cheeks.
"I can't believe I'm the loser of this bet," he says, sighing.
"You might be, but you're right, my lips are a little bit lonely. Mind to help out?"
"I can try, not making any promises though," he says, he leans closer, putting his lips on yours, and kissing you softly. You're smiling, and so is he. It's a short kiss, and it's not really enough, but it's still perfect.
When he pulls away, he's looking at you, his eyes full of wonder, his mouth slightly open.
"What?" You ask.
"I just want to savour the moment, I haven't kissed many people lately, and it feels a little strange to have my first real kiss in a while after a bad pick-up line."
You chuckle.
"You can have another one if you like."
He nods and kisses you again.
When dinner is over, Thomas walks you home. He takes your hand, interlacing his fingers with yours. He doesn't want the night to end, he likes being with you, and he has a feeling that you might like him too.
He brings you right to your apartment door and kisses you goodbye. It's soft and sweet and you're smiling, leaning into him. He can feel your smile against his lips, and he wants more.
He kisses you a little harder, his tongue flicking out to touch your bottom lip, and then your upper lip. A surprised moan escapes him when you open your mouth, granting him entrance, his tongue sliding over yours. Your arms wrap around him, holding him close, his body pressed against yours, and he can feel you against him. Your soft curves, your breasts pressing against his chest, your warmth and the smell of your skin, it's all intoxicating.
When the kiss ends, his lips are tingling. He looks at you, his mouth open and his breathing a little faster.
"You're good," you say, a smile on your lips.
He blushes.
"Thanks," he whispers.
He's leaning in again, kissing your cheek, and then the side of your neck, nuzzling your skin.
"Thomas," you whisper, his name coming out as a sigh.
He likes the sound of it, he wants to hear it again.
"Hmm," he hums, pressing a kiss right under your ear, sucking gently on your skin, his hands stroking your back. And then he pulls back. "I should say goodnight before I do something stupid."
You look at him, and for a moment he's afraid you'll disagree.
"Yeah," you say, sighing. "You're right."
He's glad that you understand, and a little disappointed that you're agreeing to let things progress slowly.
"Thank you for the lovely evening," he says.
"Thank you."
"I hope we can do that again, soon."
"Me too."
You give him a quick peck on the lips, then you're gone, closing the door behind you.
He stands in front of your door for a moment, his hand on the door, smiling.
"Fuck yes," he says to himself, a spring in his step when he gets up the steps to his own flat.
After your third date with Thomas he's away for some time but he texts you. The first night he's back, is the night before your holidays and the first night another fire alarm goes off again, it's the beginning of January. You're annoyed, it's freezing cold outside, your flight is early and not even Thomas who's standing there in only his briefs again, with a bowl of pasta, can't make you smile.
"Hi neighbour," he says.
"Hi," you grumble.
He puts the bowl down, walking towards you and taking your hand.
"What's wrong?"
"I've got an early flight tomorrow, and now the stupid fire alarm went off, and..."
Thomas looks at you with guilt in his eyes, he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, "I'm sure the fire department is going to be quick."
"They better be," you say.
You turn around and see the firefighter that you already saw talking to Thomas the last few times. Thomas tries to sneak away, you look at his pasta that all of a sudden looks suspiciously burnt.
"Is this your doing?"
He smiles sheepishly, "maybe."
"Maybe," the firefighter says. "I have a feeling, it might be your boyfriend who's a little bit clueless in the kitchen."
"That's not true, my pancakes are delicious." He says and looks at you for help.
You look at them both.
"Not my boyfriend, not really, and your pancakes were for human consumption but also ... burnt a bit," you say, and the firefighter looks at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Okay, they were horrible, but I didn't burn anything in a while. Just today."
The firefighter sighs.
"This is the sixth time in not even as many months, please order pizza or go to a cooking class, please, for your neighbours sake," he says and you look at him.
"You're really getting a cooking class," you say to Thomas, "this is not negotiable, you can't cook, and everyone's getting fed up with being woken up by the fire alarm. You need a teacher, or someone, just... something. Please."
Thomas sighs, but he agrees.
"Good," you say.
It's not much longer until the building is empty again and the fire alarm is shut off. You walk to your apartment, and Thomas follows you.
"Sorry about the pancakes, and the pasta, and the fire alarm. And the other fire alarms," he says, sighing.
You shrug.
"It's okay, and now that the fire department knows that the fire alarm is set off by an incompetent cook, they hopefully know for future incidents. Now I should sleep, I'm getting up way too early tomorrow."
"Good night," he says.
He hugs you, and kisses you, and you're glad to be inside again.
The first time you sleep with Thomas is after you're back, the two of you are spending more and more time together, and there is no way you would ever describe it as 'just friends'. You've been flirting with him, and he with you.
Thomas is kissing you passionately. His hands are under your shirt. You're kissing back, trying to keep up with his kisses and his movements. You're in his bed and while you are both still wearing shirts and underwear you feel a little too warm all of a sudden. He is on top of you, kissing down your neck and biting softly, you let out a soft moan.
"Fuck," he whispers.
"What is it?"
"This is embarrassing, but... I might not last long," he whispers, burying his face in the crook of your neck.
"Don't worry about that, I won't be offended," you say, stroking his hair, and kissing his temple. “Feels like a compliment to me.”
"It's fine."
He lifts his head, looking at you, smiling, his eyes full of hope and lust. He kisses you again, and starts rubbing against you. The thin layer of fabric is the only thing separating the two of you. You're grinding back, moving together, and it's not long until you're both gasping, and you're holding on to him. His hands are moving, slipping under the waistband of your panties, pushing them down, and then his hands are between your legs. You can feel his fingers on your folds, stroking gently.
"Shit," you breathe, your eyes falling shut.
He's moving, getting between your legs and kneeling on the floor. You prop yourself up on your elbows, and look down at him, watching him, he's licking his lips, and looking at you, his pupils wide. You watch him and he leans in, his breath hot against your skin, his lips kissing the inside of your thigh.
He kisses upwards, getting closer and closer, and when his mouth finally touches you, your head falls back, and a moan leaves your mouth. He's sucking and licking, his tongue teasing your clit, his fingers thrusting into you. Your breathing is ragged and fast, your heart is racing, it doesn't take long until the wave of pleasure is crashing down on you.
"God, fuck, Thomas," you gasp, as the orgasm washes over you.
He keeps going, drawing out the pleasure - making you tremble and writhe. When he's finished, you're lying on the bed, breathing hard. He gets up, and gets rid of his underwear, and his shirt, and when he climbs back on the bed, he's naked. He leans down, kissing you.”
"Can I?" He asks, looking at you.
"Yes, please."
He lines himself up and slowly pushes into you, you can feel him stretching you, filling you, and you wrap your legs around his waist.
"Shit," he breathes.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes, it's just..." he trails off, not finishing his sentence, and he starts to move, his thrusts are slow and gentle.
You can see the expression on his face, his mouth is hanging open, his eyes are closed, and he's moaning, and whispering. His name is on your lips, and you're holding onto him, your fingers digging into his shoulders.
His thrusts become faster and harder, his breathing is getting ragged. He's moaning, his hips stuttering. He's groaning and grunting, his body tensing, and his muscles straining, and when he comes, his whole body shakes. He collapses on top of you, his weight resting on you, and his head resting on your chest.
You stroke his hair, and kiss the top of his head, and he's breathing heavily, his eyes closed.
"Sorry," he whispers, after a few moments.
"It's fine."
"It's been a while."
"You can't control these things."
He rolls off of you, and turns his head, his eyes opening.
"I'll make it up to you," he says.
"There's nothing to make up, really. It was wonderful."
"Still," he says.
Thomas' birthday is coming up and even though by now he has told his friends and the band about you, he's still nervous asking you to join them for the evening. In the end he doesn't know what he was so worried about, you're excited and happy about the invitation.
Thomas is in the middle of his party, surrounded by friends and family, and you're sitting next to him, with a beer and a slice of cake, and he's happy. You're holding his hand, and occasionally lean over to kiss him.
Victoria is pulling you away from him to dance with you, and he's smiling and laughing as he watches the two of you.
"Good job," she whispers into his ear after she's sick of dancing.
"Thank you!" He has to grin, and then she's gone, and you're back by his side.
"How's the birthday boy doing?"
"Great, now that my girlfriend is back," he says.
You raise an eyebrow.
"Yes," he says, looking at you, a hopeful smile on his face.
"Okay, boyfriend," you say.
He blushes, and smiles, his eyes are wide but his smile is almost shy. He pulls you in, kissing you softly, and wrapping his arm around you.
"I like that," he says.
"Me too."
He drags you into the bedroom as soon as most of the people have left and you can't stop smiling and laughing. Thomas closes the door and turns around to look at you. You're standing there, your hair is a little messy, your shirt is crumpled, and your cheeks are flushed. He can't stop looking at you, and when he doesn't say anything, you take a step forward.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes," he says, and closes the distance between the two of you, kissing you, and holding you close.
He starts unbuttoning your shirt, and kisses the skin that's revealed, then pushes the shirt off your shoulders, it lands on the floor, and then his hands are on your breasts, squeezing gently.
You pull his shirt off, and your fingers trail down his sides, making him shudder. His skin is warm, his stomach soft. You push him down onto the bed, he lies back, looking up at you, his pupils blown, his breathing ragged, and his cock hard.
"I've got a surprise for you, birthday boy.”
"Oh yes," he says, his voice hoarse.
"Close your eyes."
He does, and you take some lube from the nightstand, and get out of your skirt and your underwear, and kneel next to him, straddling his thigh. You squeeze some lube into the palm of your hand, warming it up between your fingers.
"Can I look now?" He asks, impatiently.
"Almost," you say, and then your hands are on his cock, stroking him, your thumb brushing over the tip, his hips bucking into your touch.
"Fuck," he whispers, and he bites his lip, trying to stay quiet, his eyes still closed.
You start moving, your hand stroking his cock, and he's groaning, his hands are grasping the sheets, and he's arching his back, and thrusting into your hand.
"Fuck, please," he gasps, and you stop.
He opens his eyes and looks at you, his mouth hangs open, and his tongue darts out to lick his lips.
"That was mean," he says, but the smile on his lips is telling you that he liked it. “Is my surprise only sex or is there more? Like is it edible underwear or something, a costume … oh," he cuts himself off, when he sees the look on your face.
You raise an eyebrow.
"A costume. You'd like me in a costume, wouldn't you?"
He's blushing, and his cock twitches, he doesn't answer, he doesn't has to.
"Wouldn't you?"
"Yeah," he admits.
You laugh.
"Well, I don't have one now, but if I find one, I might surprise you," you say, “I have something different for you, I want to eat you out and when you’re a whimpering mess, I want to ride you."
"Fuck, yes," he breathes.
"Lie back and relax."
"I can do that," he says.
You lean down and start kissing his chest, nipping and licking his skin. You can feel his heartbeat, his breathing shallow. You're working your way down, kissing his stomach. You take his cock in your hand, and stroke him, and he moans. You kiss further down, getting between his legs, and licking his balls, and then his cock. He's moaning, his hips jerking.
"Oh god, please," he gasps.
You continue, sucking his balls into your mouth, and then moving back. He spreads his legs a little further apart, and lifts his hips, you kiss his thighs, and stroke his cock, your other hand moves between his cheeks, and when your finger brushes over his hole, his hips jerk violently.
"Fuck," he gasps.
"Can I?" You ask.
"Please," he begs.
You're spreading his legs a little more, and kissing the inside of his thighs, and then you're licking his hole, your tongue teasing the tight ring of muscle. He's panting and gasping, his eyes closed, his mouth hanging open. He's writhing on the bed, his hips moving, and when you push your tongue into him, he's swearing, his hands gripping the sheets.
“Oh god, please don’t stop. Shit, please. Fuck, this is amazing, shit, please, fuck, I want- I need- please, please, please, please," he's babbling, and when you reach between his legs, and wrap your fingers around his cock, his body is shaking, and he's swearing. "Fuck, oh god, please, please, I need you. If you keep fucking me this good," he gasps. “I might just have to marry you.”
Your mouth is still on him but you smile, and you're licking and sucking, your hand is stroking his cock.
For Thomas it feels like minutes, for you, it must have been less than a minute. He's writhing and swearing, and moaning, his breathing is ragged, and his hips are stuttering, his cock throbbing and leaking pre-come. He's a mess, his back arched, fingers entangled in your hair.
“You enjoy that?”
"Fuck, yes. Yes. God, yes, please, please, I need you, please," he pants, and his eyes are wide open, looking at you.
"You ready for me, birthday boy?"
"Yes, yes, please," he whispers.
You kneel over him, straddling his waist, guiding him to your entrance. He's holding on to your hips, his eyes squeezed shut. You lower yourself, and when the head of his cock slips into you, the both of you moan. You're moving, taking him in inch by inch, and when he's completely inside you, you're sitting in his lap. You move your hips, riding him, and he's thrusting up into you, his cock rubbing against your walls, hitting all the right places. He's groaning, and his fingers dig into your skin.
“That was so good, no one ever did that for me before, I didn't think I'd like it, but fuck, this was amazing," he's talking, and it sounds almost like he's drunk. Drunk on lust and emotions.
You start riding him, your hips moving, and he's thrusting up into you, his moans fill the room, and the sounds of your bodies moving together. The slap of skin against skin is the only sound, apart from his voice.
"Please, don't stop," he's begging, and his words are slurring, his movements becoming erratic. His back arches, his muscles tense, and his body starts to shake, his grip on your hips tightens, and his mouth falls open. "Oh god, fuck, fuck, please, oh god, please, please, please, please, oh god," his voice is hoarse, and then his hips are jerking, and his cock is throbbing and his eyes are squeezed shut, his body is shaking, his nails digging into your skin. He's gasping, and his cock pulses inside of you.
He's panting, his eyes are open, and he looks at you, his gaze unfocused. You lift your hips, and he slips out of you, his hands are resting on your hips, his grip still tight, and his breathing is laboured.
You roll off of him, and lie down next to him. When he reaches for you, you hold him. His body is trembling, and his heart is beating fast. He's breathing hard, and his eyes are closed.
"Wow, that was amazing," he mumbles.
"It was," you say, kissing his temple.
"I need to clean up, give me a second," he says, and he's trying to get up.
"Stay, I'll do it."
"You sure?"
He's smiling, eyes still closed, his head resting on the pillow, and his breathing is getting steadier again. You get up, and walk into the bathroom, and return with a washcloth.
"This was the best birthday present," he says, looking at you. “No candy underwear but you can’t have everything.”
"It was a pleasure."
"What about you?”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, I came long before you.”
"You did?"
He smiles, and closes his eyes. You're cleaning him up, wiping away the sweat, and his come, and his eyelids flutter. You put the washcloth into the laundry basket, and crawl back into bed.
"I'll do something for you, just let me catch my breath," he says, his words are slurred, and his breathing is deep.
"There's no need," you whisper.
"Are you sure?"
He nods, and he's snuggling closer to you before he drifts off to sleep.
"Happy birthday," you whisper, and press a soft kiss to his forehead, and he sighs contently.
A couple of weeks later, you're sitting in the dressing room with Victoria after a show. He's sitting on a couch, his legs spread wide, and he's talking to someone. You can't hear what they're saying, but you're watching him. His smile, and the way his eyes light up, the way he talks. The way he moves his hands.
Victoria is next to you, she's watching you, and a smile is playing on her lips.
"You're staring," she says.
"Yes," you answer.
She's grinning.
"Do you need help?" She asks.
"I know a lot about him."
"I don't doubt it."
"I mean, if you wanted to surprise him," she says, and winks.
“Actually I would need your help,” you smile, “Valentine’s is coming up and I would like to do something. Something a bit romantic, and something a bit, you know, … sexy.”
She's grinning, and her eyes light up.
"Oh yes, I would love to help you with that."
"As long as it doesn’t involve edible underwear,” you laugh.
She looks at you confused.
"No, but why would you think that?"
"Thomas mentioned it. He was curious about it."
"Oh," she grins, "c’mon it would make him laugh. You’re both silly like that. Just do it as an extra little thing, a candy bra and some really nice lace panties.”
“You’re right, if nothing else it would make him laugh, and he would love it. Thank you, Vic, for all the help you gave me and I would be honoured to have your advice and assistance with this."
"So, what do you have planned so far?"
"I'll tell you, but first I need to ask Thomas if he has any plans for the day, because if he does, we have to plan around them."
"Sounds like a good idea," she agrees. “He’s a romantic, so I don’t think he has other than plans he might have come up with already, but I can interrogate him a little bit. So what’s the plan?”
“I want to cook with him at home. You know how he set off the fire alarms a few times when he tried cooking and I figured that we can try it together, and maybe I can help him, make sure that we won't have a repeat performance of those days. Maybe we can do it together, so he will actually learn something, or maybe we'll fail spectacularly together. Light some candles, maybe get a bit wine drunk. And then after dinner, maybe have a bath and then go to bed, have sex, cuddle. Just the two of us, and a nice relaxed evening. No stress, no worries, just us. What do you think?"
"It sounds great," Victoria smiles. "So, what are you going to cook?"
"We never really cooked together before, but I did some research and I found a recipe for a lasagne, that sounds really good. We should be able to manage that. Worst case scenario we’re ending up with take-out.”
“Great, I’ll let you know when I find something out.”
Later that day, you're in bed, you're naked, and his face is buried between your thighs, his tongue is lapping at your wetness. His fingers are inside of you, and he's working his tongue on your clit. You're arching your back, almost grinding against his mouth. He's humming, you can feel the vibrations, and his teeth graze your clit.
His tongue is flat moving down, licking the length of your folds, and he's nipping at the sensitive skin. His fingers are curling and rubbing against the sweet spot inside of you, and when his other hand moves from your hip, and his finger brushes over your entrance, your breath hitches.
"Fuck," you gasp.
"That's the plan," he says, his voice muffled.
"Fuck," you say again.
He chuckles and his finger slides into you, his tongue is teasing your clit. His lips wrap around your clit, and he's sucking gently. Your hands are on his head, your fingers running through his hair, and your hips are moving. He's fucking you, his fingers are curling and pressing, and his tongue is stroking and licking, and your body is tensing.
"Thomas, please," you beg.
He doesn't stop, and his finger pushes in and out of you, his lips wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking, and his fingers are hitting all the right places. You're arching, and your hips are moving, and you can feel the orgasm building up. Your muscles are clenching, your breath hitches, and your toes are curling. You're close, so close, and you're grinding against his mouth, and his finger is still moving inside you.
"Fuck, Thomas," you gasp, and you're coming.
Your body is tensing, and your eyes are squeezing shut, your back is arching. Your muscles clench, and your walls are gripping his finger, and he's still fucking you, and his lips are wrapped around your clit, his tongue licking and sucking. Your hips jerk, and you're shaking, and he just doesn't stop.
He's lapping and licking, and you're squirming, and your hips are bucking, and you're whimpering. His finger is pressing and pushing, and his tongue is lapping and stroking, and your back is arching. He's humming, and your breathing is ragged.
You're tugging at his hair, and you're whimpering.
"Thomas, please, I need a moment, please," you're panting.
He stops, and looks at you, his chin is glistening, and his eyes are dark, and there's a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Are you tired already?"
"Yes, very much, I need a break," you say.
"You'll get one," he says.
He gets up, and moves over you, and your bodies are touching, his weight on top of you, and his cock is hard and twitching against your thigh, and you reach between your bodies, and wrap your fingers around his shaft, and start stroking him. He's groaning, and his head falls forward, and he's burying his face in your neck. His breath is hot against your skin, and he's rocking his hips, his cock sliding through your fingers.
He's panting and gasping, and you can feel him throb, his precum is smearing across your stomach. He's thrusting his hips, and his breath is hitching like yours before. He's moving, his hips jerking, and he's pushing his cock into your hand, his body is shaking, and his fingers dig into the mattress.
"Please, I want to come inside you," he moans.
"Do it," you say, and his cock twitches, and you spread your legs a little wider, and guide him between your folds, and he's entering you slowly.
"Fuck," he moans, and his body is trembling.
"You're so wet," he gasps, and his eyes are closed.
You lift your legs, and wrap them around his waist, and he's completely inside you, and he's still for a moment. He's panting, his cock is pulsing, and his muscles are tensing, and he starts moving, his thrusts are shallow, and his eyes are closed, and his lips are slightly parted, and his hair is hanging in his face. His hands are on either side of your head, and his body is shaking.
"Thomas, look at me," you say.
He looks at you, his eyes are glassy, and his pupils are blown.
"I'm not made of glass, please fuck me."
"You're sure?"
"Yes, please," you beg, and you move, and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer. He starts moving, his movements slow and deliberate, and his breathing is ragged, and his muscles are tense, he's gritting his teeth.
"Harder, please," you moan, and your hips are bucking - matching his thrusts. Your back is arching, and his eyes fall shut, and he's pushing into you, his thrusts are hard.
"Shit, oh fuck," he groans.
“God, so good, Thom, please," you gasp, and his body is trembling.
He's gasping and moaning, and he's leaning down, and kisses you, his mouth is on yours, and he's thrusting into you, his movements erratic, and his fingers are gripping the sheets.
"You're so beautiful," he pants, and his voice is raspy.
He's moving faster, and his cock is sliding in and out of you, his lips on yours, and his tongue is moving against yours. Your legs are shaking, and you can feel the pressure inside of you building again. The tension coils in your belly, you're getting closer, and your fingers dig into his shoulders. You're gasping, his name a breathy moan.
"Please, Thomas, please," you beg.
"Please, what?"
"I want to come, I'm close," you moan.
"I know, love, so am I, please, come for me," he gasps. “Come again, please.”
He's moving his hips, his thrusts are fast and hard, and you're gasping and moaning, and his movements become more erratic.
"Shit, I'm close," he moans.
Your muscles clench, and the tension in your belly is too much, you can't hold it any longer. You're coming, your body is shaking, you're crying out, your body is arching, and you're clinging to him. His cock is throbbing and twitching, and his hips are jerking, and he's coming. You're trembling, and his cock is still pulsing, and his body is shuddering, and his face is buried in your neck.
"Fuck," he groans.
"Yes, indeed," you breathe.
“What are you doing on Valentine’s Day?” Vic asks him some days later just after they had dinner together.
“Yes, so I was thinking of taking her to Verona for a day or two. Or maybe go to the planetarium and have a nice dinner afterwards. What do you think?”
“It’s great, Thom. But maybe you should do Verona another time, take her to the planetarium and maybe don’t worry about dinner. Romantic night in, you know.”
“You know something I don’t know, don’t you? Okay, planetarium and romantic night in. Understood.”
She grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
It's Valentine's day and you're sitting on the couch together for breakfast. You made pancakes, edible and not burned. After you finish eating he's kissing you, and his arms are around your waist, his body is warm against yours. His lips are soft, and his breath is hot, and then he's pulling away from the kiss.
"I have a present for you," he says.
"So do I," you smile.
"Me first," he says, and his cheeks are red.
He's taking a little box from the cupboard, and gives it to you, and you open it, and there's a bracelet. A thin, golden bracelet with three charms. A tiny rose, a guitar, and a heart.
"Oh Thomas," you whisper. "Thank you, I love it."
You take the bracelet and put it on.
"It's so beautiful, thank you."
He's smiling, and there's a pink blush on his cheeks.
"And now your turn," he says.
You're going to your room and take a bigger, gift wrapped box, and give it to him, and he sits on the couch next to you opening it. In it is a knitted sweater, he takes it and he smiles. The sweater is pale blue, and has a white pattern of musical notes and stars on it.
"Oh, this is so beautiful," he whispers. “I can’t believe you knitted for me.”
"I'm glad you like it."
"I love it." He gives you a kiss, “and I thought we could go to the planetarium and I was told to have a romantic night in.”
“Yes, the night is my part of the plan.” You smile.
When you arrive at the planetarium it's almost empty. There's only a group of school children, a couple and a few people that seem to be there just to have a look around, but there's no guided tour and no lectures, so you're wandering around, looking at the exhibits, and watching the different shows while holding hands.
At some point, when the children have left and you're alone in the room, there's a show about the northern lights, and Thomas is staring at the ceiling. His eyes are sparkling, he smiles at you.
"One day I want to see them with you," he says.
"Someday, maybe."
"Yes, someday," he sighs, and smiles.
The lights dim, the show ends, and you're leaving the room. You're wandering through the hall, looking at the displays, and the pictures of the different constellations and galaxies, and stars. You're standing in front of the big picture of the milky way. Thomas is behind you, his arms are around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
“What’s your favourite,” he asks.
"You're my favourite," you whisper back.
"Your favourite galaxy, silly.”
"That would be still you," you say, and he kisses your neck.
"I’m also quite fond of you," he chuckles.
"So, which one is yours?"
"That would be the Orion nebula."
"Why that one?"
"Because of the colours and the beauty, and the fact that it's made from gas, dust and stardust, and the fact that it's a birthplace for stars, that makes it special to me."
You look at him.
“Maybe Ethan talked a lot about space lately and I think it might not be a galaxy, but it is still something related to the universe, so we’ll pretend that it still counts."
He's laughing and kisses you.
When you are back home and there's music playing, the lights are dim - the candles are flickering.
“I thought we could make lasagne together, have some wine, have a bath and later move to bed, have some more wine and then sleep or do other things."
He laughs.
"That sounds wonderful."
You start cooking together. Chopping, sizzling and at some point there's tomato sauce spilled, and tomato on the wall, and on the kitchen counter.
"Oops, sorry," he laughs.
"It's okay, I'll clean it up," you laugh.
You're cleaning up the mess, and then there's tomato on his face, and on his shirt, and you're still laughing. He's taking the bowl, puts it on the kitchen counter, and moves closer to you. He's leaning in, his lips touching yours, his hands are on your waist. His tongue is pushing against your lips and he's deepening the kiss.
“We should cook first, at least have the ragu sauce cooking,” you say between kisses.
"Yes, that's right," he whispers.
He's smiling and kisses your nose.
"Later," he says and winks, which makes you giggle.
You're making the ragu sauce, he's holding you from behind, his chin is on your shoulder, and his lips are against your neck.
"Do you need a hand?" He asks.
"No, the sauce is fine," you say, and his hands are roaming over your body, his mouth is on your neck, and he's nipping and kissing. His lips are brushing against your ear.
"Thomas, stop, or I won't be able to focus," you laugh.
"That's exactly what I'm hoping for," he chuckles. “Also don’t deny it but I saw that earlier. You checked out my ass when I bent down to take out the wine glasses and the bottle."
You smile and giggle.
"Yes, and I'm not even sorry, it's a really cute butt."
"Thanks, it's a gift from God, and I'm not even kidding."
You laugh and turn your head, your lips brush against his.
"Yes, it is."
He's laughing, and his fingers are digging into your waist.
"I love you," he says, his voice is low. His breath is warm against your skin. And his heart is beating against your back.
"I love you too."
He smiles and kisses you. Thomas’ hands are cupping your face and he's leaning his forehead against yours.
“Can we make out while the things in the pots are cooking and boiling, please, and maybe a bit later?"
You're giggling.
"Yes, I would like that," you say.
His lips are soft. His tongue is licking and sliding against yours, his hands are sliding over your body. Thomas’ touch is gentle. He's lifting you up on the kitchen counter and you're wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Can I touch your cute godsend butt," you ask, and his body is shaking with laughter.
"Yes, yes you can, and I would be offended if you didn't."
You're running your hands over his shoulders, down his back, right to his ass. Thomas’ hands are in your hair, his hips pressed against yours. His lips are sliding along your jaw, down your neck, and he's sucking at the spot just under your ear. His hardening cock is pressing against your core.
"Thom, the sauce will burn," you gasp.
"Right," he whispers, “but it’s not burning yet, let me kiss you some more."
"Okay," and with that he's deepening the kiss again.
His fingers are slipping under your skirt, his thumbs are brushing against the lace of your panties. His hand is sliding between your legs, he's slowly pushing the fabric aside, and his fingers are tracing along your folds, he's circling your entrance. And then his fingers are entering you, his thumb stroking over your clit.
"God, you're so wet," he moans.
"Thomas," you gasp.
"The sauce, it's burning."
"Shit," he curses. Then his hand is gone, he steps back and turns off the heat.
"Sorry." He gives you an apologetic little smile.
“Is this how you triggered the fire alarm before, cooking, and getting distracted?"
"Yeah, I tried to make dinner once, and I forgot to stir the sauce, and the next thing I knew the alarm was blaring."
“Making out? Or just distracted.”
“Just distracted, I wasn’t making out with anyone, I was alone in the flat, and had no idea why the alarm was going off, I was a little confused. It took a few seconds to figure out it was the food on the stove. Once or twice or maybe … more.”
"I'm not even surprised, and I can relate," you smile, and he grins.
"Sorry," he chuckles, and gives you a kiss, and his lips are lingering, and his tongue is licking against yours, and his teeth are scraping against your bottom lip, and his hands are sliding over your back.
"The sauce is safe now," he whispers, his nose is brushing against yours and his hands are in your hair.
"Let’s put together the lasagne and put it in the oven, then we can make out some more," you suggest.
"That sounds like a good plan," he says.
"Yes, very good plan, I know," you chuckle, his body is warm against yours..
You're finishing the lasagne, putting it in the oven and Thomas is setting the timer.
“Now I want more kisses," he looks at you.
He's kissing and sucking at your neck, his hands are pushing your skirt up, his fingers are pulling down your panties.
"Thom, we should wait until the lasagne is done," you whisper and he groans.
"Just a few minutes, please," he pleads, his other hand is gripping your thigh, his fingers digging into your flesh.
"Okay," you moan, his thumb is circling your clit not leaving you room to think.
"Thank you," he breathes. “Bedroom, we have a timer anyways. We will hear it, and can continue."
You nod, his hand is gone, and you're stumbling towards the bedroom. Kissing on your way and his hands are sliding under your shirt.
“Oh, is this …” he laughs, “finally what I wished for? Candy hearts in your bra?"
"Maybe," you laugh.
"I love it," he says.
"I thought, since it's valentine's day, and the edible underwear was a bit out of my comfort zone, maybe that’s close enough for you? Or too much? It's weird isn't it, I'm sorry," you say, and he shakes his head.
"No, not weird, I love it, and I'm so glad you did that for me," he says, and pulls away from the kiss. "You know what else I wanted?"
"Tell me," you say.
"This," he says, and sneaks his hand in your bra, and takes one of the candy hearts, and his hand is moving up, and the little heart is touching your lips.
"Open," he says, and you open your mouth, and his hand is moving up, and the heart is in your mouth.
"Now, can I take off the bra?" He asks.
"Yes, go ahead, you can eat the rest of the candy," you laugh, and he's pulling the cup down, and taking a candy heart with his tongue and he's biting it, and then his mouth is on yours.
"Delicious," he chuckles, and his eyes are sparkling.
"Yes, very," you smile.
"You're delicious," he says, and his mouth is on yours, and the taste of the candy and the wine is still on his lips, and his tongue is licking against yours.
His lips are moving along your jaw, and to your neck, and his mouth is sucking and kissing at the crook of your neck.
He's lying down, and you're straddling him, and he's reaching for your bra, and pulls it off. His hands are cupping your breasts, and his mouth is on the valley of your breasts, and his tongue is licking along your sternum, and his teeth are grazing against your nipple.
He's sucking, and his teeth are pinching and his tongue is flicking over the sensitive bud, and you're gasping and moaning.
His mouth is moving to the other breast, and his lips are closing around your nipple, and his mouth is warm and his breath is hot against your skin. He's sucking and his teeth are grazing against your hardening nipple, and his hands are on your back, and they're sliding over your hips.
“I think some of the hearts fell out of the bra," he chuckles.
"I can look for them later," you laugh, and he laughs, and kisses you.
"Yes, we'll find them later, now, can I lick the rest off of your body?"
"Yes, please, and feel free to use your teeth too," you whisper, and his tongue is licking along your neck, and over your collarbones, and his tongue is moving over the swell of your breasts. His teeth are grazing against your nipples, and his lips are brushing against the underside of your breasts, and his hand is cupping the other, and his thumb is rubbing over your nipple, and his tongue is moving lower, and his teeth are biting and sucking.
“Found one,” he says and nibbles it off your stomach.
He's licking lower, and his tongue is sliding along the edge of your panties. His mouth is on the lace, and his tongue is licking along the damp material, and his teeth pulling back the waistband with his teeth.
“I think you missed one.” You pull his head back to your bellybutton.
"Oh, yes," he breathes, and his tongue is swirling, and he's sucking and his teeth are nipping, and the candy is gone.
His hand is cupping your pussy, and his thumb is stroking over your folds through the damp fabric.
"Can I have a taste?" He asks, and his breath is hot against the damp lace, and you're nodding.
"Yes, please."
His hands are pushing the panties aside, and his fingers are brushing along your slit, and he's pushing two fingers inside, and curling them.
He's spreading your legs, and his tongue is flicking over your clit, and he's pushing his fingers deeper, and curling them, and stroking against your g spot.
"You taste so good," he moans. “Better than the candy."
"Yes," you gasp.
"And you're so wet, and hot, and soft."
"Thom," you moan, and his tongue is lapping over your clit, and his teeth are grazing against the sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Come on my face, please," he moans, and his fingers are rubbing against your g spot, and his tongue is flicking against your clit, and his thumb is pressing down on the swollen bud.
"I'm almost there, don't stop," you moan.
"Good, come on my tongue," he growls, and his fingers are moving faster, and his tongue is licking over your clit. “Let me taste you."
"Yes, yes," you whimper.
"Yes, let me lick your sweet juices, come on," he moans, and his fingers are fucking you, and his tongue is stroking over your clit, and his eyes are fluttering open, and when he looks up at you, you’re tumbling over the edge, and your pussy is clenching around his fingers, and the wave of pleasure is crashing through you.
"Yes, that's it," he breathes. "I love it when you're coming on my face."
"I love it when you're licking me clean," you breathe.
He's laughing, and his mouth is sucking, and his tongue is licking, and he's swallowing your juices, and his tongue is licking into you.
“But now I would love to return the favour,” you’re pulling at his hair, “and taste you too."
He's groaning, and his eyes are shining, and his lips are curving into a smile.
"Yes, please, I would love that."
You're pushing him on his back, and he's lifting his hips, and pulling down his boxer briefs.
"What do you want me to do?"
"Touch me," he says.
"I am, but where do you want me to touch you," you say.
"Anywhere," he moans.
"What about here?" You run a finger over his hipbone.
"Yes," he whimpers.
"And here?" You lick his abs.
"God, yes," he moans.
"What about here?" You circle his cock.
"Yes, please."
"Here?" Your lips are wrapping around his cock, and your tongue is stroking over the crown.
"Fuck, yes," he groans.
"Where else, should I touch you?"
"On my thighs," he breathes.
"Okay," you say, and your fingers are stroking over his inner thigh, and your nails are dragging over the soft skin.
"There, please," he pants.
Your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is swirling over the head.
"Yes, there, God, your mouth feels so good," he moans, and his fingers are in your hair.
Your fingers are stroking over his balls, and over his perineum, and his cock is pulsing in your mouth.
"There too," he whimpers.
You're circling his opening, and his hand is fisting your hair.
"Yes, there," he moans.
Your fingertip is circling his opening, and he's gasping and panting.
"Can I?"
"Yes, God yes," he says, and your finger is pressing into him, and your lips are sucking his cock, and his hips are pushing up.
"Fuck," he curses, and his hand is pulling you back down by your hair and his legs are shaking.
"Are you close?"
"Yes, keep going, I'm so close," he moans, and your finger is pumping into him, and your mouth is sinking down on his cock, and your tongue is flicking over the head, and his body is trembling.
"Faster, please," he begs, and your finger is curling, and his cock is pulsing, and his hips are thrusting, and his ass is clenching around your finger, and his cock is twitching and his cum is spilling over his belly, and his hand is tugging your hair.
"So good," he whispers.
"Good," you whisper, and his fingers are tracing along your cheek, and you're kissing his belly.
"We should get cleaned up," you say, and he's smiling and his hand is pulling you down for a kiss. “Shit, does it smell burnt in here? Shit, Thom, the lasagne."
"Shit, fuck," he says, and sits up, and gets off the bed, and pulls on his boxer briefs.
He's sprinting to the kitchen, and you're following him, and when he's opening the oven, there's a cloud of smoke coming out. And somehow a little baking paper inferno has formed, and you're not sure what happened, and it's smoking, and Thom is staring at it, and you're turning off the oven.
"I'm sorry, I think I left the baking tray I made pizza on yesterday in the oven, with the baking paper.”
“It’s fine, just open the window before the smoke alarm goes off and the fire brigade is your guest again.”
He opens the window, you put out the tiny flames, and the oven is full of black crumbs. But your lasagne is salvageable.
"It tastes amazing," you say, after the first bite.
"Yes, the sauce is so good," he says, and grins, and his foot is caressing your leg under the table. “Let’s sleep in tomorrow and just cuddle. Maybe we should start our own little tradition.”
“Okay,” you say looking curious.
“How about we make that day of the first fire alarm, when we talked to each other first, our day? Eat pancakes, talk, cuddle, almost burn down the house.
"That sounds perfect," you smile, and he smiles and kisses you.
Tag list: Taglist: @oro-e-diamanti, @iamtashaquinn, @teenyweenynightghost, @findaqueenwithoutaking, @foreveryking-thatdied, @findoutwhoyougonnacall , @sunlightbabe , @little-moonbeam-666 , @ethaneskin , @maneskin-dimensione , @l0standn0tf0und , @butkutee , @gr8rainbowpunk , @maneskintifoso , @hiraetheral , @imjustanerdwholikestoread , @cuzimitaliano , @hopelessromantic727 , @wonderlandishell , @paralianeyes , @que--sera--sera , @roisinlove123 , @romanoffswoman , @lovelyy-moonlight , @crwnnjules, @lizzylynch1 , @maneaterdoll, @imposter-27 , @soundscuntfeelscunt , @gaiagoddess26 , @lonnybunnys , @lexasaurs634 , @milfhunter889 , @shinshans
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tempobrucera · 3 months
Omg are you traveling for valentine's day? Seeing someone special? 🤭
Before you ask every day now:
Who is asking? And why do you have to know?
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tempobrucera · 3 months
sanremo || thomas raggi
pairing: thomas raggi x gn!reader
word count: 2707 (is this my longest fic? i think so)
warnings: swearing i guess? two poor attempts at avoiding a makeout scene because i didn't want to write them? overall cringe content? slightly suggestive at the end?
summary: ever the supportive boyfriend, thomas indulges you in a sanremo 2023 watch party.
notes: this was supposed to be posted like two months ago i'm so sorry. vic ethan and damiano editions coming soon* i hope. *iwbys video kind of soon if you know what i mean
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“TESORO, get in here! It’s starting!” you yelled from the comfort of the couch. 
“Aspetta!” your boyfriend yelled back from the discomfort of the kitchen. 
“Sanremo waits for no one!” you replied. You heard the clattering of plates and the sound of the stovetop being turned off before Thomas entered the living room empty-handed.
“So, I kind of fucked up the pasta,” he began. You sighed and opened your mouth to speak, but he continued. “Not to worry! It’s easily salvageable and the rest of the snacks are ready. I’ll bring them out in a second.”
He went back into the kitchen and returned moments later, balancing plates of prosciutto e melone and assorted cheeses as well as a bowl of grapes and some crackers. As he set them down onto the coffee table, you leaned over to pick up a cube of cheese.
“Nicely cubed,” you commented. “You should, like, feed me the grapes. I think it would be funny.”
Thomas raised his eyebrows. “Do you want me to? Because I’ll do it if you want me to.”
You glanced at the TV. “Not now. You have five minutes to figure out the pasta situation because I think Amadeus is almost done talking,” you said before pausing to contemplate. When it came to Sanremo, ‘almost done’ meant the amount you expect it to last, doubled and rounded up. Especially if it was Amadeus. “Maybe more like ten minutes. You have ten minutes if you want to be here in time for the first performance, five minutes if you want to briefly make out with me beforehand.”
That was enough for Thomas to run, nay, sprint back to the stovetop. 
You’d been watching Sanremo since far, far before Thomas and the band competed, and it was no exaggeration to say it was one of your favourite weeks of the year. The press conferences, the memes, the performances: all of it brought immense joy to an otherwise boring month. And it was a nice lead-in to Eurovision too—if you liked the winner.
Thomas was normal. He’d watch the final with you, and sometimes cover night as well, but he mostly relied on you to give him your takes on the best songs—he trusted your music taste. When he told you that Måneskin were considering participating, you yelled so loudly the neighbour knocked on your door to ask if everything was alright. And you admit, that was a bit of an overreaction, but in the moment, you simply could not contain yourself. Thomas understood. He always did.
Four minutes and thirty seconds later Thomas was back. He put the plates of spaghetti alle vongole next to the rest of the food and sat on the couch before pulling you onto his lap. Your lips had just barely met his when you heard a familiar voice emanating from the TV speaker. 
“Oh fuck, Gianni Morandi is talking,” you said, turning around so your back was pressed against his chest. He let out a whine of discontent. “I’m sorry, tesoro, but my parasocial grandfather comes first.”
He pouted and put his head on your shoulder, which you figured was a sign that he was going to complain, so you turned back briefly to grant him a kiss.
“You should do that more often,” he said.
“Kiss you?”
“I kiss you plenty,” you replied. “Now shush, I think Elodie’s about to come on.”
Thomas sighed. “I hope you were this invested when we were competing.”
You turned back to kiss him again. “This and more. You’re lucky you weren’t there to witness it, I was insufferable.” Your friend group took turns hosting viewing parties during that week, culminating in a big party at your place for the final. You had gone all out—you baked a cake, decorated your living room with assorted pictures of Thomas (for good luck), and even impulsively bought a bottle of Prosecco. Your friends still tease you about how loudly you’d shush everyone when Måneskin came on. 
The same went for other Måneskin performances as well—Victoria liked to tell you at the end of each show that your voice made up most of the screaming crowd during guitar solos. She wasn’t wrong, per se, and who could fault you! Being Thomas’s one-person hype squad was basically your second job title.
He didn’t bother you more, allowing you to watch Elodie’s performance in peace…sort of. By the end of the song, you were lip syncing passionately to Thomas as he watched with a massive grin on his face. 
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing,” he said. “I finally get what you mean when you say you like hearing me talk about my boring guitar shit. I like seeing you nerd out like this.”
You kept up the energy during Colla Zio and Mara Sattei’s performances; you made sure to tell Thomas all about how much you liked the lyrics Damiano wrote and how they really should consider recording more ballads in Italian because he has such a way with words, and Thomas laughed and said he’d pitch it at their next rehearsal. 
When the co-hosts started talking again, you realized the pasta was getting cold. Neither of you had touched the food since the performances started. 
“Oh my god, the food,” Thomas blurted out. “I spent like half an hour this morning figuring out how to clean clams and we haven’t even tried them yet.”
You moved off Thomas’s lap and leaned over to take one of the plates on the table and a fork, and Thomas did the same. You took the first bite simultaneously, making sure to try both the clam and the spaghetti.
“Hm,” you began. “I think it needs a bit of salt. I think the clams are okay, though. I rate it a 7 out of 10.”
“I don’t,” Thomas complained, grabbing a napkin to spit out a clam. “The clam I just ate was sandy. Gross. I’m scared to eat the rest of them now.” He pushed the rest of the clams to one side. 
To no one’s surprise, Amadeus and Gianni were still going on and on by the time you were finished eating. You were setting down the plates on the countertop to deal with later when Thomas asked you to bring a bottle of wine on the way back.
“Which one?” you asked, scanning the shelf of bottles with two glasses in hand. The various wines were organized by grape variety and year, for the aesthetic, but neither of you were knowledgeable to the point of snobbery. It was fun to act like you were, though. 
Prolonged silence on Thomas’s end. “I don’t care. A white wine. You should probably hurry, though, they’re starting the preamble for the next artist.”
You took the first bottle your free hand met and quickly shuffled back to the living room. This was one of the performances you were most looking forward to tonight.
Thomas beckoned for you to return to your spot on his lap by way of grabby hands. You happily obliged and yelled in excitement when Gianni announced the next performer.
“It’s my boy!” you cheered as Tananai walked onto the stage.
“I thought I was your boy?” your boyfriend asked, the pout evidence in his voice.
You weren’t sure if it was conscious on his part or not, but Thomas’s hold around your waist tightened ever so slightly.
“He’s my parasocial boy,” you corrected. “Now stai zitto, my boy is singing.”
This time, you meant it. You managed to contain yourself for the entire duration of the song—partly because you’d started sobbing a little halfway through—and so did Thomas. You continued to sit in silence even after the song was over. Thomas spoke first.
“Wow,” he said. “I’m starting to see why he’s your parasocial boy now.”
As the night went on, you fluctuated between being too tired to function and being incapable of sitting still. Thomas gasped loudly when Rosa Chemical brought Fedez on stage, and you briefly fell in love with Sangiovanni during his interval performance with Morandi.
You didn’t remember falling asleep, but you were rudely awoken by Thomas hitting your arm repeatedly. “Amore, they’re about to announce the artists in the super final.”
“I don’t care anymore as long as Ultimo doesn’t make it,” you replied with a yawn. You were choosing to blame your inability to stay awake on the wine—you and Thomas finished the bottle when you started playing a drinking game after Ariete’s performance. “You voted from both our phones, I hope?”
“Of course, schatje.”
“I needed to switch things up, I always call you amore. I learned it from a fan in Belgium.”
“Hmm. I like it. You should use it more.”
On the TV, Chiara, Amadeus, and Gianni were announcing the classifica. You were disappointed to see some of your favourite acts so low in the standings, and by the time they were announcing the top 10 you were clenching your fists anxiously.
“Il sesto posto…” Gianni began on the screen. You leaned forward ever so slightly. “Giorgia!” 
Tananai hadn’t been mentioned yet, which meant…
“MY BOY MADE IT TO THE SUPER FINAL!” you yelled, unintentionally hitting Thomas in the face as you pumped your fists. He, of course, was startled and almost lost his grip on you. “Sorry amore.”
“I’m okay, don’t worry,” he said. “Let’s vote for Tananai?”
“That’s the most romantic thing you’ve said to me all night.”
He handed you your phone and you went into your messages, sending the maximum amount of ‘02’s you could to the number shown on screen. Thomas did the same. After that was done, you went into your messages to beg everyone you knew to vote for him as well, and even took it a step further by grabbing Thomas’s phone and posting to his Instagram story. You would stop at nothing to make sure Tananai won—or, at the very least, to make sure Ultimo lost. 
All that was left for you to do was wait. Thomas turned you around so you were face to face, like at the beginning of the evening. “Since we’re waiting around doing nothing…how about that make out session I was promised earlier?”
As if on cue, your phone started ringing. “Can’t, my mom’s calling me,” you said, reaching across the couch for your phone. You felt a little bad, sure, but he’d get his wish session eventually! 
“I hope she’s happy knowing she just cockblocked me,” Thomas grumbled. 
“Thomas!” you exclaimed as you answered the phone and put it on speaker.
“Ciao, cioccolatino,” you heard from the other end. Thomas’ grin was wide as you scrunched your nose at your childhood nickname. “How are you feeling about Sanremo so far?”
“Y/N’s very pleased with Tananai,” Thomas answered. He wasn’t in the mood for a conversation with his bandmate right now, despite your eagerness to share your opinions with someone other than him tonight. “Realistically, I think Men—”
You shushed Thomas loudly, as if him finishing his sentence would curse the results. “Tananai has a chance, shut up. How about you?”
“Oh! Thomas is there too! How wonderful! You know, I was just thinking—"
“Mom, not the time.”
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right. I’m surprised none of the women made it, I think that’s unfair. Mr Rain was definitely not better than Elodie.”
“Exactly!” you said. “The kids carried his whole performance! If anything, they should win the entire thing.”
You looked at Thomas, whose patience seemed to be wearing thin. 
“Amore,” he whined, just quiet enough that your mother probably wouldn’t be able to hear. “We were busy.” He wasn’t usually like this, but months away on tour does something to a person. Ever since he got back from the North American leg of the tour, he’d been far more touch starved than usual. You understood, of course. 
You covered the microphone to make sure she wouldn’t hear. “When my mom hangs up, I promise.”
He sighed, knowing he had no choice but to oblige. Voting hadn’t closed yet, so the chance of Sanremo results getting prioritized over him again were slim. Or rather, he hoped they were slim. You engaged in idle chitchat with your mom, knowing she’d likely start pressing for details if you tried cutting her off abruptly. Thomas was zoned out and tracing shapes idly on your thigh, as he did when he got bored. You’d joked that if you got his invisible doodles tattooed on you your thighs would be covered in the Lucky Charms marshmallow shapes. He didn’t get the reference.  
“Anyway, I should go, this wine glass isn’t going to refill itself. Call me tomorrow morning, cioccolatino. Have fun!”
“Bye,” the two of you chorused. As soon as you hit the end call button, Thomas took your phone and tossed it to the other couch, far out of reach for either of you. He gave you a look, the silent ask for consent, and you barely got out one nod by the time his lips were on yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck and one of his hands made its way to your waist, pulling you in closer.
The other hand, the one on your thigh, had since stopped tracing shapes and moved up ever so slightly higher. And higher. And a little bit more—
If it hadn’t been for the Sanremo theme blaring out of the TV speakers to signal the end of the ad break, the two of you could’ve easily forgotten all about the ongoing festival. This time, it was Thomas who pulled away quickly—much to your dismay. You glared at his smug demeanour as he moved his hand away from your thigh and up to his face to brush a stray strand of hair.
“Dude. Not cool.”
“My tongue was just down your throat and you’re calling me dude?”
“What do you want me to say!” you defended. “I admit, I was mean for depriving you of kisses for a prolonged period. But at least I didn’t fucking edge you when I did it!”
“Schatje, I promise you that wasn’t even close to me edging you. I’d be glad to show you after, but I think you want to see who wins Sanremo first,” he said, helping you turn around to face the TV screen once more tonight. Hopefully it would be the last.
As the hosts built up anticipation on screen, you squeezed Thomas’s hand tightly. So tightly, in fact, he had to pull away to avoid an actual injury. “Amo, I’m stressed,” you said. 
“I can tell,” he replied. “It’ll be fine. At the end of the day, it’s just a silly little song contest.”
You nodded in agreement. “You’re right. It is just a silly little song contest.”
“La quinta posizione…” the hosts announced. You muttered Ultimo’s name under your breath, as if to manifest it. “Tananai!”
“WHAT?” you yelled. “No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. No. Non è vero. Non è possibile. Chi cazzo ha votato per Ultimo?”
“Well, this sucks,” Thomas said. “If it helps, I think he should’ve won.”
You laughed in disbelief, watching as Lazza and Marco stood on the stage and waited to find out who won. “I maxed out my votes, I maxed out your votes…hell, I begged your fans to vote for him too. How the fuck did Tananai not win?”
It took Thomas squeezing your hand to bring you out of your misery. “Y/N. Silly little song contest, remember? Besides, Eurovision is in Liverpool of all places, I think there are cooler places for Tananai to perform.”
You sighed dramatically, leaning against Thomas until you both sunk into the sofa. “I’m inconsolable, Thomas. I need a kiss.”
He quickly obliged. “I need to be anywhere but this living room right now. Bedroom?”
“You don’t need to tell me twice,” you said. “Sanremo is exhausting.”
You stood up and Thomas followed suit. He took your hand and led you towards your shared bedroom—dishes in the kitchen long forgotten. “I take it you’re too tired for an afterparty, then?” he asked, the smallest smirk evident on his face. 
“Me? Never.”
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tempobrucera · 3 months
And being 12 pages in, whoops.
Writing weekend, the second 🤞😊
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