the21stcenturynomad · 2 years
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后来有个答主的一段话近乎终结了这场讨论,他说:“这句话不是谎言,只不过用错了对象。让孩子不要输在起跑线上不是将来往死里折腾孩子,而是现在往死里折腾自己,因为你孩子的起跑线就是你。你的经济能力,学识修养,道德三观,眼界品味决定你孩子从哪开始跑,往哪跑,怎么跑。” 看上去同样是赤手空拳来到人世间,但有人的起跑线旁边停了一辆有司机的车,有人的起跑线上却荆棘密布。
“父母是孩子的第一启蒙老师”,家长对孩子的影响,其实是远远大过孩子就读学校之教育的。 毕竟人生的战场,并不只有一处,所谓的“起跑线”,也不该只有一条。
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the21stcenturynomad · 2 years
Start your New Year with Harry Potter! https://kosmi.app/2sw569
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the21stcenturynomad · 3 years
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I showed this post to my boyfriend and he tried to take his shirt off like a girl and 
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Pillow Book #Ep53 The sweetest episode everrrr
Fengjiu: “Do these spiritual birds fly here to dance every year?” Dijiun: “You think they’ve got nothing else to do?” Fengjiu: “So you summoned them especially?” “Then ask them to come closer! Dance closer to me!”
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Dijiun: “I will not do it for nothing. What will you do in return?”
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Fengjiu: “Don’t be so stingy. I already taught you how to cook the fish.”
【When Fengjiu said calling Dijiun husband is weird】
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Dijiun: “Come here.”
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Donghua: “What did you just call me? Think again!” Fengjiu: “Dijiun....” Donghua: “Who am I to you?”
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Fengjiu: “Hu...husband, you’re my husband.” Dijiun: “Thats more like it. Go dance.”
【When Dijiun got seduced after the dance】
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Dijiun: “Come here.”
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Fengjiu: “You asked me to go here and the next second you ask me to go there. You should come here by yourself, why do you keep ordering me here and there!”
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Dijiun: “Come to me....” *Can’t resist this face expression* 😂
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Fengjiu: “I....I still have to watch the spiritual brids dance.”
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Dijiun: “There’s no fun in that. Just watch me instead, wife.”
🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Dijiun taking Fengjiu to Blue Sea of the Eastern Land
Fengjiu: “So beautiful! It’s so beautiful here, way more than Sky Kingdom. Why don’t you live here?” Donghua: “It’s too spacious, living alone here is lonley.” Fengjiu: “From now on, I will keep you company.”
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Dijiun: “You’re the best.” Fengjiu: “I am!”
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*Playing hide and seek* Fengjiu: “Close your eyes, do not use magic spells to find me. Start!”
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🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 🙈 
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
DongHua meeting FengJiu’s parents
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Fengjiu’s Father: “Why did you pick our FengJiu to be your empress?” Donghua: “Love at first sight.”
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Fengjiu: “My father agreed (marriage). What did you say to make him agree?”
*How Dijiun can open one eye so easily* 😂
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Dijiun: “I said....”
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*seriously what did he say?* 😂 😂 😂
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Fengjiu becoming Qing Qiu’s Empress
😍 😍 😍
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*When newlywed could face the battle together*
Dijun: “Shall we start? I went to sharpen my sword.” 😂
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*K.O. piece of cake*
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Dijiun: “You’ve done great.” *He's petting her like a fox* 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
【Fengjiu designing future rooms for their fox cubs】
Dijiun: “Give my room to them. That’s decided.” Fengjiu: “But..... I didn’t finish.” Dijun: “Where would little fox cubs come from without sleep?” 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂  
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Dijun: “You need to take a nap! Aren’t you tired pulling all these all-nighters?!”
🙈 🙈 🙈  *Bai gungun making in process* 🙈🙈 🙈    
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Dijun: “Pastries?” Fengjiu: “Nope.” Dijun: “Congee?” Fengjiu: “Nope....” Dijun: “Yes? Okay!” Dijun: “When will you take me to QingQiu to see your parents?” Fengjiu: “When I have convinced my grandmother and my father...... 😮 I spilled out my inner thoughts.....Dijun won’t get mad will he?....” Dijiun: “Tired? Alright take a nap, I’m not tired, lean on me.”
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Dijun can’t take his eyes off Fengjiu
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Dijun *Can’t take my eyes off you*
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Dijun *Not close enough to my Xiao Jiu* 😕
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ChongLin *moves the table again*
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*Best spot to watch over my XiaoJiu*  😍
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
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Few of my fav scenes through #EP48 - 51
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Being an Expat in Dubai during Corona Epidemic
I have spent most of my life in UAE or as many of you know it Dubai. Throughout my childhood I have always been surrounded by racist situations whether it’s directed towards me personally or to other people I know. Now you would think for a country that is made up of almost over 70% expat, shouldn’t racism be the last thing you expect? After all there isn’t a single race dominating.
Yes, comparing to other middle eastern countries or other third world economically under developed countries, Dubai is much more welcoming. However, that does not mean racism does not exist. From my experience and the things I have seen, here is a race ladder in Dubai:
Local (Emiratis) > GCC Arabs > Other Arabs / Westerns (white people) > Asians (Philippines/Chinese etc.) > Brown Asians (Indians/Pakistanis etc.) > Africans (black people)
SO when you are an local basically you have all the advantage and rights, understandable, after all this is your own country. The locals and GCC Arabs tend to stick together due to similar tradition, culture and language dialect. And we have the other Arabs, in Dubai it’s mostly, Syrians, Egyptians, Lebanese etc. Now these gather together because they have similar language, religion and culture too.
So when you are walking on the streets of Dubai, how can you differentiate these Arabs? Well mostly from their outfits if you don’t speak Arabic. Locals and GCCs women wear Abaya and men wear white Kandura (this is of course the majority, individual preference are excluded). And other Arabs, women mostly would be veiled and men casual clothing but never shorts (religion plays a main role in this). 
When you see a white person in Dubai, your first assumption would be, tourists. Dubai’s main income is tourism and with its never ending sales promotion, many high-end recreation parks and its luxury resorts/hotels, it’s one of the most popular place for holiday. Other white people would be some CEO, CCO CFO etc, in international corporate, even when some are trash in their own countries, once they are out here with an accent/native English speakers they became instantly posh. It’s a filter effect we like to use for them regardless of nationalities.
Now what we have are the Asians, usually they don’t mingle with the others, you will find groups of Philippines walking on the streets, going to malls, this is mainly because 1) they have the same language, culture, religion. 2) they probably are all roommates. 3) it is hard to mingle with Arabs who think less of you. Because many of them work either as nannies, waitress, receptionists...., for that they are branded as the people of service. And we have other Asians mostly the Chinese who tend to live in the same area, working for each other or together, they built a whole community for themselves because many are not as fluent in English as other Asians to work outside. 
Lastly, we have the Indians/ Pakistanis etc..... these are mostly working as labors in construction or industrial sites, they are the most under privileged in this country. Other half are at offices working mostly in IT departments or teachers at school (don’t ask why).
Almost forgot the Africans, in Dubai they are mainly Somalis, Nigerians, Ethiopians etc., most Somalis I know hold passports of other countries like UK, US, Canada, who are native English speakers, many moved here so that their children could grow up in a Muslim community. As for other Africans honestly I haven’t encountered much.
I have seen discrimination both at school and at work, mostly from Arabs against Asians. At school it would be from students (Arab) to teachers (Asians). At work it would be from anyone superior to the staff below their title, according to the hierarchy. 
Discrimination comes through various forms, whether it’s the way they talk, their accents, their looks, their religion, their smell (yes body ordure is a big issue here). Speaking about others in a language they don’t understand - Arabic. 
You see, when you are in a multi-cultural country, the discrimination is also multi directional. I am not saying that within the same Arab community everything is harmony or that all Asians are lovey dovey towards each other. Nevertheless, when you look at the whole picture, that race ladder truly exists.
When I was at school, many kids (Arabs) in the bus would make fun of the way I look. Many of my teacher (Asian) had also faced difficulties. Kids in the class would disrespect them because of their origin, they wouldn’t listen to their classes, cause chaos during the lessons and such. But they wouldn’t do it to a teacher (Arab) that speaks their language. That was my first encounter with discrimination. That even at such a young age, we as humans would regard people of the same race, speak the same language as our own and those who don’t as outsiders.
However now, working in a corporate, I have seen and experienced so many discrimination from the Arabs against Asians. Especially during corona virus outbreak. Some of people might say, it’s everywhere get over it! But why just because an issue is occurring all the time in every country, that it has become the norm, that it becomes the standard? What have we become as a species, as the only higher intelligence on Earth to regard racism which is happening everywhere and to everyone as normal?
During corona epidemic a lot of my colleagues makes fun of Asians, for many of them it doesn’t matter you’re Chinese or not, it doesn’t matter whether you have traveled to the affected areas or not, as long as you have an Asian face, you are dangerous. When a colleague or a manager (Arab) was sick, no one made a fuss about that, but when I caught a flu, I was called upon and asked to go to the hospital, I felt cornered to the point that I had to submit my medical report in order to prove that I don’t have corona.
Their reactions were very understandable since this is a pandemic we are facing and no one wants to be sick. But what kind of vibe they are sending when the moment they heard I am sick, they disinfected the whole department and did not do the same when others were sick? I was asked to leave and given a longer holiday when I showed up at the office to grab some paper works, although I have already recovered from my cold. This level of ignorance and discrimination is happening everywhere, corona or not, this epidemic is merely their outlet to be racist. It has nothing to do with the virus. So my question is why should we endure this? What give them the right? Is it because they pay my salary? Is it because I am living on their land? Is it because they have to power to do so?
As I write this, I know that if I post this I will face controversies, difficulties, actions even from the company or government (I don’t know what level of free speech UAE can endure). But I want the world to know what is happening. Of course I am not the only one and won’t be the last one to encounter such situations. And Dubai is definitely not the only place for this to happen, many have faced and are still facing discrimination in different parts of the world.
If you have read until the end, I thank you for sticking with me through my horrible composition and I appreciate you cared till the end.  
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
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When Dijun smiles like this.... I don’t know whether to be fan-girling or having goose bumps 
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
Dijun went from sad to battle mode pretty fast....
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*this CGI reminds me of that scorpion king in the Mummy 2 😂 *
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*Fengjiu jumps into the dome to help Donghua*
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Fengjiu: I’m about to go first....Donghua I’m in pain, say something nice to cheer me up.
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Donghua: What do you want to hear?
Fengjiu: Say, you like me.
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Donghua: I love you.
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Fengjiu: Don’t fall asleep, open your eyes Donghua, if you close your eyes now I will hate you, Donghua...
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Donghua: Thank you.
Fengjiu: Don’t talk, from now on you must listen to me.
Donghua: Forget me.
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 
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Blood of the only nine tailed red fox in the Four Seas, Eight Wilderness. 
And the blood of the first Emperor of the Heaven Clan born in Blue Sea of the Eastern Land combined...
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
#Ep 55 The most bitter sweet scene  
The way Dijun looks at Fengju 😭 😭 😭
the more you ship these two the harder you will hurt  💔 💔 💔
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Dijun: All I wanted was to see you one more time Xiaobai.
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Dijun: It’s all my fault that I did not get there in time.
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Dijun: No one is more important than you, not a single person is more important than you, Xiaobai.
😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭
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Fengjiu: Actually you don’t need to feel responsible for my honor, we could go ask for an annulment.
Dijun: I am not agreeing on an annulment with you, you are my wife, until I die.
💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 💔 
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Dijun: Leave.
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Fengjiu: We don’t owe each other anything. Actually our past encounter was merely how I used to like you.
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*the way Donghua looks as Fengjiu leaves T_T*
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That one drop of tear 💔 💔 💔 
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
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Seriously Yan Chiwu deserves way better.... 😒
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the21stcenturynomad · 4 years
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Gun Gun: Mother and Father are kissing again.... Gun Gun wants too
Once upon a time there was a little fox and an old man......And they lived happily ever after XDD
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