thisuserwanttosleep · 3 years
So, I am having some Xicheng feels right now. #4 “Stop flirting unless you mean it.” - Canon Divergence where Lan Xichen pursues Jiang Cheng while in the clouds of recesses during their lessons.
Hey!  I hope you like this!  Sorry it took me so long, I’ve been super busy!!
Jiang Cheng didn’t have a lot of pet peeves, but the one thing that really grinded his gears were when people decided to flirt with him on a dare and lead him on, making him think that they actually liked him.  Then, when he would go to ask them out, and they admitted that they were just playing him, he always felt so stupid.  He could count on both hands and feet how many times he had been played and after about the twentieth attempt, Jiang Cheng gave up on love in general.  Normally his older brother, Wei Wuxian, would push him to get back into the dating game, but he had come home to see his baby brother broken hearted enough times to know to leave it alone.  Jiang Cheng’s older sister, Jiang Yanli, tried a few times as well to get Jiang Cheng to give dating a try but Jiang Cheng shut her out.  After that, Jiang Yanli stopped trying as well because she too knew when to just let sleeping dogs lie.  
When the three Yunmeng siblings headed to Cloud Recesses for their lessons, along with the other young heirs of the different clans, they were certainly the talk of the town.  Mainly because Jiang Yanli was so graceful and beautiful while Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng were so handsome.  Of course, when everyone laid eyes on Lan Wangji and his older brother Lan Xichen, they started talking about them as well; even Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng began whispering about the two brothers.  During their lessons, Wei Wuxian spent his time focusing on making Lan Wangji like him while Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng, along with the others, focused on actually learning the lesson.  While they were learning, Jiang Cheng always felt like someone was watching him and whenever he looked up, he noticed that Lan Xichen was always quickly avoiding eye contact with him.  Jiang Cheng found that a little weird, but he didn’t comment on it and went back to learning the lesson, which he found terribly boring.  After a while, he felt his eyes drooping and without realizing it, he accidentally fell asleep.  He was asleep for at least a few minutes before he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle shake.  He startling and looked up to see Lan Xichen smiling down at him.
“Zewu-Jun” he whispered.  Lan Xichen chuckled.
“Have a nice nap?” he asked.  Jiang Cheng blushed and looked away as Lan Xichen smiled.
“It’s alright.  Uncle can drone on a bit” he assured.  Jiang Cheng smiled before he looked around and noticed that the classroom was empty, save for himself and Lan Xichen.
“Where is…everyone?” he asked.  Lan Xichen hummed and looked around before he looked back at Jiang Cheng.  
“Seems that they all went to lunch.  Care to join me?” he asked, holding out a hand.  Jiang Cheng looked up at him with wide eyes before he gulped and nodded, reaching out and taking his hand.  Lan Xichen then helped him to his feet before they both turned and headed out, heading to the eating area.  It was a bit empty, but they were still able to get a nice meal.  They then headed to a quiet area of the eating area, both men eating in silence before Lan Xichen looked at Jiang Cheng.
“So, tell me about yourself” he stated.  Jiang Cheng looked at him with wide eyes and his hands began to shake before he calmly put down his bowl and stood up.
“Thank you, Zewu-Jun, for lunch.  If you’ll excuse me…” he murmured, quickly turning and walking out of the eating hall.  Lan Xichen frowned and watched him leave.
“But…you haven’t eaten anything yet!” he exclaimed.  Jiang Cheng didn’t hear him, he just kept walking, heading straight for his shared quarters with Wei Wuxian.  
When Jiang Cheng walked into the hanshi, he headed immediately for his bed, making Wei Wuxian look over at him.
“A-Cheng?  What’s wrong?” he asked, confused.  Jiang Cheng said nothing and shook his head as he let out a shuddery breath, sitting down.  Wei Wuxian frowned and walked over to him, kneeling before him.
“Hey, look at me” he instructed, using his “big brother” voice.  Jiang Cheng lifted his head and looked at him, tears beginning to pool in his eyes.  Wei Wuxian’s eyes widened and he reached out, gripping Jiang Cheng’s knee.
“What happened?” he asked.  Jiang Cheng took a deep breath.
“Zewu-Jun asked me out to lunch and then while we were eating he asked, “so tell me about yourself”” he croaked.  Wei Wuxian hissed before he stood up and pointed at Jiang Cheng.
“Stay here” he instructed before he turned and walked out of the hanshi, leaving Jiang Cheng confused.
Wei Wuxian stormed through Cloud Recesses, eyes slightly crazed, before he noticed a Lan disciple.
“Where’s Zewu-Jun?” he demanded.  The disciple looked at him with wide eyes before he pointed to the library.
“Thank you” Wei Wuxian thanked before he turned and stormed towards the library, kicking in the door before storming inside.  Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen, who were both reading, looked up in surprise as Wei Wuxian pointed at Lan Xichen.
“SQUARE UP, MOTHERFUCKER!” he roared.  Lan Xichen looked at him in shock as Lan Wangji stood to his feet, unsheathing his sword.
“Sit your ass down, Lan Wangji, this doesn’t fucking concern you” Wei Wuxian snarled, turning to glare at the younger Lan.  Lan Wangji looked at him in shock before he looked over at Lan Xichen, who just glanced at Wei Wuxian before looking over at him.
“It’s alright, Wangji.  Why don’t you give us a moment?” he suggested.  Lan Wangji narrowed his eyes before he sheathed his sword and stormed out of the library, shooting Wei Wuxian a glare before he left.  Once he was gone, Lan Xichen calmly looked at Wei Wuxian.
“Yes, Wei Wuxian?” he asked.  Wei Wuxian snarled.
“Your ass is lucky you’re Lan Qiren’s nephew or it would be on sight” he spat.  Lan Xichen frowned.
“I don’t…understand?” he replied.  Wei Wuxian pointed at him.
“You made my little brother cry” he snarled.  Lan Xichen’s eyes widened.
“I did?!  What did I say?  What did I do?!” he exclaimed.  Wei Wuxian opened his mouth to snap when he paused, eyes widening in realization.  Lan Xichen had no idea about Jiang Cheng’s many breakups and how they affected him.  He then sighed and sat down before Lan Xichen, making Lan Xichen look at him in confusion.
“I’m sorry” he apologized.  Lan Xichen frowned.
“I’m sorry?” he repeated.  Wei Wuxian sighed again.
“You see, my brother has been the butt of dating pranks, jokes, whatever the hell you want to it.  People used to pretend to like him and flirt with him for a while and then he thought they actually liked him, only to tell him that it was a prank, a joke, or a dare.  Do you know, Zewu-Jun, how many times I’ve come home to see my brother laying in his room, crying, because someone played with his emotions?  He may seem strong and a little prickly, but underneath that tough exterior is a young man with a big heart who just needs to be loved and treated well” he explained before he looked at Lan Xichen.
“I apologize for accusing you of something you had no idea about.  Please forgive me” he asked, bowing low.  Lan Xichen shook his head.
“I had no idea…I just wanted to get to know him because he just…intrigued me” he explained.  He then looked at Wei Wuxian and smiled.
“Of course I forgive you.  You were just protecting your brother.  I think that if something like happened to Wangji, I’d probably do something similar” he mused.  Wei Wuxian smiled before he pushed himself to his feet and turned towards the library door, pausing to look back at Lan Xichen.
“A word of advice, Zewu-Jun” he called out.  Lan Xichen raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.
“Hmm?” he replied.  Wei Wuxian pointed at him.
“Don’t flirt with my baby brother unless you’re serious” he warned before he turned and walked out of the library.
The next day, after lessons, as Jiang Cheng was leaving, Lan Xichen walked over to him.
“Jiang Cheng” he called out, making Jiang Cheng freeze before he slowly looked over at him.
“Yes, Zewu-Jun?” he asked.  Lan Xichen dipped his head before he walked over to him.
“I wanted to apologize for yesterday” he stated.  Jiang Cheng blinked.
“Why?  What for?  You did nothing wrong; I’m the one who walked out on you!” he exclaimed.  Lan Xichen smiled.
“Yes, but I at least understand why you did it” he stated.  Jiang Cheng frowned before his eyes widened.
“Wei Wuxian…” he whispered.  Lan Xichen looked at him sadly.
“I’m sorry, Jiang Cheng.  For what happened to you” he murmured.  Jiang Cheng was quiet before he looked at Lan Xichen.
“Don’t flirt with me unless you mean it.  I don’t…” he started before he took a shuddering breath.
“…I don’t think I can handle another prank” he finished.  Lan Xichen shook his head.
“I don’t think I could handle it either.  You’re so much stronger than I am, Jiang Cheng” he declared.  Jiang Cheng looked at him with wide eyes.
“I am?” he whispered.  Lan Xichen nodded.  
“You are.  And I would love to get to know you better…if you’d allow me to” he stated.  Jiang Cheng was quiet before he looked into Lan Xichen’s eyes.
“If…if you’re serious…I’d love to” he whispered.  Lan Xichen grinned before he motioned to the eating hall. 
“How about we…try that lunch date again?” he suggested.  Jiang Cheng laughed and nodded.
“I’d like that.  I’d really like that” he replied.  Lan Xichen smiled, as did Jiang Cheng, before both men turned and headed towards the eating hall, both men laughing as Jiang Cheng slowly began to open up, Lan Xichen soaking up everything he could like a sponge.  From afar, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, both of whom had made up after Wei Wuxian’s little “outburst”, were watching Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen head to the dining hall; a bright smile on Wei Wuxian’s face and a small smile on Lan Wangji’s face.
“I think is the beginning of a beautiful friendship” Wei Wuxian mused.  Lan Wangji hummed.
“Or something more” he added.  Wei Wuxian looked over at him and grinned before he looked back at Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng, his grin softening to something more fond.
“God I hope so…” he whispered.  As Jiang Cheng’s big brother, he only wanted the best for his little brother, so he really wanted this thing between him and Lan Xichen to work out.  After everything that Jiang Cheng had been through relationship-wise, he deserved to be happy.  
‘And with Zewu-Jun…I think he will finally be able to achieve that’ he thought to himself as he and Lan Wangji continued to watch Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng talk and be themselves, smiling the entire time.
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
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lan jingyi + moodboard for anon
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
BeeTober 2020 Day 25
Burn - Ghost
It seems like Beetober is a perfect time to write about all the rare pairs I didn’t even consider before but I do have to admit that Zhancheng might be kind of growing on me.
When Jiang Cheng wakes up in the middle of the night, he simply takes a moment to stare at Lan Wangji, before he sits up in bed.
The cold night air hits him, causes him to shiver, but Jiang Cheng doesn’t pull the blanket around his shoulders.
It would wake Lan Wangji, and he would hate to do that.
Jiang Cheng should be sticky and sweaty after what they did that evening, but Lan Wangji took great care to clean him up afterwards and so Jiang Cheng can’t even pretend that it’s the uncomfortable feeling of dry come that woke him.
He only has his own thoughts and worry to blame for being awake at this ungodly hour.
Jiang Cheng isn’t entirely sure how he ended up here, with Lan Wangji in his bed, but it’s been going on for long enough that he mostly stopped questioning it.
It certainly was a hate thing—and mutual at that—at first, but it’s been going on for so long now, that Jiang Cheng’s stupid heart got attached. It’s probably the biggest mistake Jiang Cheng has ever made—and with his track record that’s surely saying something—because he knows what this is for Lan Wangji.
He came to Jiang Cheng full of grief, hurt and with a toddler perched on his hip—his toddler, Jiang Cheng recognized him—and then he simply didn’t leave him alone again.
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
first, early in the morning to dinner and now late night in the morning
modern!au, when He Lian smokes
his sleep was disturbed by the slight smell of cigarette smoke, which had clearly seeped through the open door on the balcony. Hua Cheng runs his hand along the other half of the bed, feeling the elusive warmth, but not finding his beloved there. frowning, he opens his eyes and looks around the room.
this happened quite rarely, when He Lian woke up in the middle of the night, carefully so as not to wake him up, climbed out of Hua Cheng's embrace and left the bedroom. usually he just wandered around the apartment a little and drank a glass of water, and then returned to bed. but there are nights when this is not enough, so he went to the balcony, where he took out a pack of cigarettes hidden behind numerous pots of flowers. and at first he managed to hide it, exactly until the moment when at one of these moments he was hugged from the back, taken away from his cigarette and, after extinguishing it, thrown over the balcony railing.
Hua Cheng honestly tried to break this habit from the villager, but he managed to resist any opposition. and had to come to terms with the condition that it would not hide from him.
se lyan, after especially vivid nightmares, he forgot about the agreement and secretly left the bedroom. and in his place jumped Emin, the faithful dog, covering the owner at such moments. but this time he slept in the hall, like their cat Joey.
- gege?  - hua cheng pulls back the heavy curtain hiding the balcony door, which he opens next.
he asked rather quietly and was not too surprised when his presence was not noticed.  however, just looking at the man at the railing, he was immediately captivated by the view that opened before him.  thin fingers removed an almost smoked cigarette from the lips closed in a curved line, and then these very lips, barely opening, exhale a small cloud of smoke.
- gege! - repeats hua cheng more loudly, not noticing how he licked his lips from such an attractive image of He Lian. he didn’t approve of it, but he couldn’t help himself.
- San Lang? I woke you up? - He Lian turns around and, quickly putting out the rest of the cigarette, hides his hands behind his back.
- no, not you. - the man comes closer and puts his arm around the sledge by the shoulders. - let's go to sleep.
he leaves a light kiss at the corner of his lips and, holding hands and intertwining fingers, led him back into the room. for the rest of the night, He Lian doesn't have any nightmares, they are all driven away by the Hua Cheng, protecting his Prince with his arms.
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
BeeTober 2020 Day 25
Burn - Ghost
It seems like Beetober is a perfect time to write about all the rare pairs I didn’t even consider before but I do have to admit that Zhancheng might be kind of growing on me.
When Jiang Cheng wakes up in the middle of the night, he simply takes a moment to stare at Lan Wangji, before he sits up in bed.
The cold night air hits him, causes him to shiver, but Jiang Cheng doesn’t pull the blanket around his shoulders.
It would wake Lan Wangji, and he would hate to do that.
Jiang Cheng should be sticky and sweaty after what they did that evening, but Lan Wangji took great care to clean him up afterwards and so Jiang Cheng can’t even pretend that it’s the uncomfortable feeling of dry come that woke him.
He only has his own thoughts and worry to blame for being awake at this ungodly hour.
Jiang Cheng isn’t entirely sure how he ended up here, with Lan Wangji in his bed, but it’s been going on for long enough that he mostly stopped questioning it.
It certainly was a hate thing—and mutual at that—at first, but it’s been going on for so long now, that Jiang Cheng’s stupid heart got attached. It’s probably the biggest mistake Jiang Cheng has ever made—and with his track record that’s surely saying something—because he knows what this is for Lan Wangji.
He came to Jiang Cheng full of grief, hurt and with a toddler perched on his hip—his toddler, Jiang Cheng recognized him—and then he simply didn’t leave him alone again.
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
wwx and lwz are doing repairs in the bedroom his son and asked jc to look after sijhuy
jc with a child in his arms looks into the room noticing that lwz is measuring the length of the wallpaper, while the wwx is sitting at the other end of the room and fooling around
«you don't want to help him?» – jc turns to wwx, nodding at the lwz
«lan jhan, can I help you?» – without looking away from the brother and the child asked wwx
«not yet» – having received the answer, he looked at jc look like he says "I told you so"
«why are you still here?» – noticed later wwx
«oh, don't worry, another five minutes and we won't be here. – jc hears the noise of an approaching car and smiled. – maybe even early..»
«well, what have you got here?» – lxn looks into the room and hugs jc
«everething is fine, brother xichen!»
«then we went.» – lxn takes jc with lsh to the shouts of wwx «have fun( or good luck)» and they leave either to the xicheng's apartment or to the park
sizhui temporarily lives with his uncles until his room is finished
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
no longer morning, but this doesn't bother us..
the soft rays of the sun gradually penetrated the room through the thin slit of the drawn curtains. a warm, light orange light reigned in the bedroom, making this weekend morning magical and peaceful.
it would be a sin to break the morning silence, but soon in the corridor you can hear the slapping of children's steps and the clatter of dog claws on the laminate. the child immediately goes to the parents' bed and, in order to climb, grabs the shoulder of one of them.
- a-Gyi, well, why don't you dream?  - Lan Xichen helps his son to get into bed, while at the same time stopping the dog who wanted to follow the boy.
- but you .. but you are not sleeping either!  - Jingyi wanted to loudly indignant, but Xichen stopped him in time, with a nod of his head reminding that someone else was sleeping.  so the boy switched to a whisper.
the man only smiles at this and puts his son between himself and his husband. Wanyin frowned slightly, but apparently continued to sleep.
- sleep some more. - Lan Huan pulls on the blanket, which has slipped slightly over the night, and was about to get out of bed, when a hand stretched out from under the blanket stopped him.  - Wanyin?
Jiang Cheng did not answer, only mumbled something indistinctly, pulling Xichen back into bed and hugging his son.  this morning he wanted to sleep a little longer, but his plans were not destined to come true.  so let the morning begin surrounded by loved ones.  squinting, he raised himself on one elbow and, reaching out to doin huan, kissed him on the cheek, and then patted Jingyi on the head.
- good morning.
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
at first I thought it was a sketch on "the parent trap"(previously seen your work on this crossover), but reading the dialogues was touched even more! this is a very nice and cute!!
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unstoppable force (the chancellor of the morning sun) vs. immovable object (the evening song) ft. xicheng kiddos
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
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———- Why yes, I do indeed have a very important agenda to push. Now, everyone go shower our favourite grumpy boy with love. Post haste!
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thisuserwanttosleep · 4 years
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a little chili and ginger combo!! guaranteed to be super effective on big white radishes
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