Okay, so I made an introductory post like what.. 2 months ago? Well it’s been a while.  I think I'm having trouble with my motivation because I know at the moment, nobody is reading anything I send out into the endless abyss of the internet.  But, if I don't make any posts, I'm not going to get any followers so I'm gonna start with something I have very strong feelings about. 
Now, most people would think if I’m taking the time to write a blog post about pot, that I'm either a total stoner or a total priss, but neither of those things are the case.  I just feel very strongly about the whole topic.  There are a lot of people who try and tell me how terrible weed is, about how its a gateway drug, how its dangerous and a bunch of other TOTAL BULLSHIT.  First of all, if you look at ACTUAL facts, alcohol causes approx. 88 000 deaths a year.  EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND.  Want to take a wild guess how many people weed has killed? Yeah, none. There have been no reported deaths *that I can find*** related directly to marijuana use.  Alcohol is legal and seen as a normal, acceptable thing in our society, why is weed so different? 
Another thing, people say that weed is a gateway drug, that people who smoke weed will eventually go on to use other drugs.  The thing about that is, if someone is going to snort cocaine or shoot up heroin, they’re just going to do it.  Smoking weed will have nothing to do with those people’s poor decisions to intentionally harm themselves with serious drugs.  There are other issues that come up about addictions and people who now ‘rely’ on pot to get the through the day, and even if marijuana was addictive, so are cigarettes!  People have access to over the counter medications that are highly addictive, and no one complains about that.  There are so many things that are so much worse (and legal??) yet people choose to look down on those who smoke weed.  It’s ridiculous. 
There is a serious issue though, about the probability of weed being laced with more serious drugs. (ie: fentanyl)  This is a real problem.  That's why we need to legalize weed.  People who smoke are going to do it regardless if its legal or not, so why not make it safer?  If it becomes legalized, the public will have access to safe, reliable marijuana rather than the stuff that has potential to be laced.  I don't even know why this is even a discussion any more.  It’s almost common sense at this point, but people still choose to argue. 
Also, disclaimer, if anyone strongly disagrees with me, I am happy to listen to your opinion but please don't be a dick about it :)
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About Me.
The fact that I am making a post to a whopping 0 followers is sort of depressing, but I guess this is really for anyone who happens to stumble across my blog.  According to my boyfriend, I need to make an introduction before I actually START my blog. So... here it goes I guess. 
 My name is Hannah, I am 15 years old and I’m really not all that interesting.  I’m so basic it hurts, except for the the fact that I have the most uncommon personality type in the world (INTJ, which you’ll have to look up if you want top know more about personality types, its pretty damn interesting) I like coffee shops, libraries and thrift stores and basically anything that can result in some bomb ass Instagram pictures.  As I said before, basic.  I also enjoy reading, writing, math and science.  So overall, I’m a basic nerd with a basic life. There’s probably more i can say about myself, but i don’t want to bore the 2 people who read this, so I’m gonna wrap it up here.  
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