trees-expertise · 1 month
you can do more than one of these if you want
actually, you can do anything you want
live unapologetically and without restraint
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trees-expertise · 2 months
I have decided my gender is omen
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trees-expertise · 2 months
Love how tumblr has its own folk stories. Yeah the God of Arepo we’ve all heard the story and we all still cry about it. Yeah that one about the woman locked up for centuries finally getting free. That one about the witch who would marry anyone who could get her house key from her cat and it’s revealed she IS the cat after the narrator befriends the cat.
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trees-expertise · 2 months
Pin for survivors
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trees-expertise · 2 months
I swear to god do you guys ever just wanna go feral????
Like I don’t usually get angry easily but so many people have been testing me lately and idk whether its the moon or some shit but I swear if one more person tries to push my buttons I’m going ham
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trees-expertise · 2 months
If you come in you don’t have to come out
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trees-expertise · 2 months
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We are the Pride Knights, and this is our battle cry No enemy can shake us, as hard as they can try There’s a fire in our eyes that no hatred can kill A passion in our hearts that’s as strong as our will To our fellow queers who fight their battles on their own We promise to fight with you, you are never alone To our fellow queers who have fallen with the pain We thank you for your courage, your fight is not in vain We are defenders of the right to be proud of who you are To love who you love and to accept every scar We are your knights, protectors of our pride Together we stand, together we ride
AVAILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY(!) The Pride Knights Playing Cards are now available for pre-order in our store until March 31, 2024!
prideknights.com ⚔️🌈
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trees-expertise · 3 months
The symbolism of flowers
Flowers have a long history of symbolism that you can incorporate into your writing to give subtext.
Symbolism varies between cultures and customs, and these particular examples come from Victorian Era Britain. You'll find examples of this symbolism in many well-known novels of the era!
Amaryllis: Pride
Black-eyed Susan: Justice
Bluebell: Humility
Calla Lily: Beauty
Pink Camellia: Longing
Carnations: Female love
Yellow Carnation: Rejection
Clematis: Mental beauty
Columbine: Foolishness
Cyclamen: Resignation
Daffodil: Unrivalled love
Daisy: Innocence, loyalty
Forget-me-not: True love
Gardenia: Secret love
Geranium: Folly, stupidity
Gladiolus: Integrity, strength
Hibiscus: Delicate beauty
Honeysuckle: Bonds of love
Blue Hyacinth: Constancy
Hydrangea: Frigid, heartless
Iris: Faith, trust, wisdom
White Jasmine: Amiability
Lavender: Distrust
Lilac: Joy of youth
White Lily: Purity
Orange Lily: Hatred
Tiger Lily: Wealth, pride
Lily-of-the-valley: Sweetness, humility
Lotus: Enlightenment, rebirth
Magnolia: Nobility
Marigold: Grief, jealousy
Morning Glory: Affection
Nasturtium: Patriotism, conquest
Pansy: Thoughtfulness
Peony: Bashfulness, shame
Poppy: Consolation
Red Rose: Love
Yellow Rose: Jealously, infidelity
Snapdragon: Deception, grace
Sunflower: Adoration
Sweet Willian: Gallantry
Red Tulip: Passion
Violet: Watchfulness, modesty
Yarrow: Everlasting love
Zinnia: Absent, affection
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trees-expertise · 3 months
Lopsided boobs are completely natural! in other words the left boob isn't always the same size as the right boob, this is completely normal and you are beautiful
that's actually the only boob fact I have so far I'm trans sorry I'm new to this
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trees-expertise · 4 months
Angel gets a hug.
Angel Dust/Reader (platonic)
angst, be warned now, angst. If you’ve ever wanted to hug Angel Dust, you’re in the right place.
word count: 753
     It had been a long night in the studio for Angel Dust. He’d somehow pissed off Val enough to gain four extra hours of filming. He was practically limping by the time he got back to the hotel. Everyone had gone to sleep, including Husk. It was just Angel, alone with his thoughts. He trudged to the bar, needing to drop off his feet for just a moment, even if it caused him to crumble. He leaned on the surface, taking his face in his top hands, the others wrapped tightly around himself. His phone chirped, and he dejectedly looked at it, a voice message from Val. He sighed and clicked play, his boss's smooth voice cracking the quiet atmosphere. 
   “Angie, you were great tonight, did you really have to go back to that hotel though baby? I miss you.” He was practically whining for him at this point, but it wasn’t in his contract to service the boss as well as the people, so he turned the glowing box completely off, resisting the urge to throw it in the garbage with the empty bottles of liquor. He took a few more minutes to compose himself, for who, he didn’t know. But he eventually slunk to his feet, and turn towards the staircase, and saw your silhouette. He cursed under her breath and put on a flirty face.
    “How long ya been standing there, dollface?” He asked in his usual voice, denying anything being wrong. You frowned at him.
    “Long enough.” You responded. “You can barely stand on both feet, go to bed.” You chided him, and he didn’t have a visual reaction, but winced internally.
   “I’m alright baby, don’t worry for me.” He crossed 3 of his four arms, the other one he checked his nails on. He would deny it to his second dying breath that anything could break him. Physically or emotionally. You narrowed your eyes at him. 
   “Liar.” He pouted at that. 
   “Come on doll, get a drink and I’ll settle in your room?” He winked and you scoffed.
   “One, no. Two, you’re in no state to cloud your mind further. Let me take care of you Angel.” You pleaded, and he looked at your concerned face and his expression softened. 
    “If it means that much to you honey, you can make sure I get to my room.” He conceded, wanting to get that look off your face. You smiled. 
    “Good, now come on.” You bowed at the waist mockingly, waiting for him to pass you and go up the stairs. He rolled his eyes, standing from the barstool barely concealing a wince and then made sure to strut across the lobby, taking the tall boots of his and making a show of walking up the stairs to prove he was fine. You weren’t buying it however and started walking behind him. He spun on the stairs and started walking up them backward, a raised brow at your actions.
    “That worried eh?” He smiled slightly, still working to bury his feelings. It was your turn to roll your eyes at him. 
   “Can you be normal for a second so you don’t fall?” You asked, and he shook his head, having already reached the second floor.
    “Normals not in my vocabulary dollface.” He said, splaying his arms. “I got four arms for Lucifer’s sake.” He joked, still walking backwards. You sighed exasperatedly, and went to open your door.
    “Yes you do Angel, yes you do.” You sighed as he leaned on his doorway. 
    “You sure you don’t want to come in, doll?” He asked once more, holding himself together with sheer pride, and you shook your head. You come closer and wrap your arms around him in a gesture meant to be comforting, and he locks up in your grasp. He doesn’t let it show on his face how much the action displeases him, he in fact tries to return the gesture but can only get one arm to move. At first, that is. The longer you hugged him, the longer he relaxed. All four of his arms eventually enveloping you. After a while, he even leans his head on yours, tears threatening to fall. He quickly pulled himself together when you pulled away, putting a hand behind his hair. 
   “Thank you, Y/n. I needed that.” He whispered. You smiled.
   “I’m glad I could help, Angel.” You say, then you walked towards your room, and he stared after you for just a moment, before shutting himself in his own. 
absolutely no one asked for this but say thanks to @g0dwat3r for this tbh
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trees-expertise · 1 year
the concept of 'sperm whale' is so fucking funny. these prudish victorians found a gigantic, terrifying sea-beast, and, discovering it was full of a thick, oily substance, immediately went 'is this fucking Cum???' and started fueling everything with it. they thought their whole sexually repressed society was running on the monstrous cum harvested by deadly expeditions to the black, icy sea. what kind of immaculate neuroses they must have had.
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trees-expertise · 1 year
monster that doesn’t know that it’s a monster because it’s never seen its own reflection, doesn’t understand why it’s feared. lonely creature only trying to love and be loved but it’s clumsy and doesn’t realize its power, doesn’t know it’s different. why don’t you love me. why are you scared of me. i’m just like you
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trees-expertise · 1 year
Admit it
☆ Pairing: Loki x Reader ☆ Synopsis: Loki likes you, more than he's liked anyone before, you make him laugh, you intrigue him and he's very comfortable around you, but proud as he is, he won't admit it. So when it turns out you already knew, will he be up to it and confirm it? ☆ Word Count: 4,902 ☆ Notes: Loki is in denial about his feelings, as he does. ☆ Warnings: Alcohol consumption. Angry drinking, drunken confessions.
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Loki was a lot of things, a liar, a trickster, a warrior, a sorcerer, a jester, a prince, a god, a hero, once even a villain. His current title, an Avenger... Ironic, really. How just a few years he had tried to kill every single one of them, and now he was part of the team. Although, he could argue that he’s the reason they finally got together in the first place, so it was only fair that now redeemed, he’d be allowed to join the famous team that once (thankfully) stopped his attempt at invading Earth. 
Because this way he got to meet you. 
You, oh Norns, you. Where could he start? You had been born different, to put it simply, as in you were part of the human population with special traits. Back then, Loki’s most remarkable human was a man with strength and anger issues formidable enough to scar him emotionally. Nowadays, there were sorcerers that could compete with Asgard’s finest, artificially made sentient and intelligent beings, and people with remarkable abilities that came from birth. Like yourself. 
You were what Midgard had been addressing as a mutant, which essentially meant that you were born with special abilities. Some had super speed, some had laser eyes, other had super strength or like in your case, could make your way into people’s mind to take peeks into their thoughts. Funny you did not end up in that super school for mutants. 
No, you had made your way into the rank of trainees for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. And... somewhere else, but that was subject for another time. You were in a weird in between point right in the middle, you weren’t just a mortal in a suit, but your abilities didn’t stand out as much as for instance the reality warping witch. Not that you minded, quite the contrary, actually. 
You were quite a peculiar individual, on one hand you were a very shy and closed off person with most people, you mostly spent your times in the Avengers Facilities you hardly went outside and when you did it was very task focused, meaning if you went shopping you went to get the things you needed and came back, if you were going to meet someone that’s all you did, it was rare you went to stroll around the city or went to big events just because. When brought up, you argued it was simply because crowds meant lots of thoughts and it gave you headaches. 
On the other hand, inside the Compound you were bright and bubbly, always friendly and looking seeing you alone was rare, either spar training with Barton, Romanoff or Rogers, assisting Stark and Banner, cooking with Wanda and her tin-man fiancé maybe playing videogames with the young Spider boy and the other Maximoff twin, hearing Thor’s stories, even volunteering to babysit Barton’s youngest child and Stark’s daughter. And... even Loki got his quality time, mostly reading in the library or during training when your schedules aligned. But... for some reason, you seemed to look for his company a lot. 
It startled him at first, you approached him once, with a friendly aura he had never seen before, you smiled happily at him asking him to go with you downtown for a coffee. He was going to decline but when he opened his mouth, what came out was... 
“Of course. Let me grab a coat...” 
You seemed just as surprised as he felt, but your expression quickly shifted into a happy and comforting smile. 
“Alright, should I wait for you here?” 
He felt his lip curling up into a smirk. Without breaking eye contact, he flicked his wrist and under the sizzling green light he was so familiar with, his black long coat and glasses were conjured on him, as his appearance swapped, his hair turned shorter and brown as beard grew on his face. Your eyes widened big like plates as a soft blush appeared on your cheeks. 
“Ready when you are, dove” he smiled, offering you his arm for you to grab. 
Your flushed face, staring at him, scanning him. 
“A gentleman and a magician, color me impressed” you smiled. 
“Oh, no you little mortal, I’m much more than your cheap street wizards” he replied. 
“I can see that” you admitted, “but I think I like your hair black.” 
He didn’t admit it, but that had been a lot of fun. The conversation had been lighthearted and while at first you had struggled to find common ground, given you both came from very different backgrounds. But once it turned out you had a shared interest in theater and books, you had a nice place to start a conversation. 
Then it went on for a while, talking about life and missions, and whatever came to mind. Loki couldn’t remember the last time he had laughed so much, but you seemed to know exactly which buttons to press and how. By the time you had arrived at the coffee shop he had a slight stomachache. 
The coffee on its own was so insignificant that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remember what he ordered that time, but he could recall that conversation no matter how much time it passed. 
He had been completely immersed in the conversation, that he hadn’t noticed when the sun set. And the walk under moonlight was even more pleasant, the temperature went down, making you shiver and hide under his arm and coat for extra warmth. It was... scaringly pleasant. 
“Doesn’t it bother you that we look like a couple?” 
“Given my reputation on earth, rumors of a partner is the least of my concerns,” he shrugged, “just enjoy the warmth.” 
“How are you so cozy if you’re a frost giant anyway?” you teased him. 
“I’m a magician, remember?” he grinned, “I have many tricks up my sleeve.” 
“Yeah,” you said, deviously, “me.” 
He never expected the fingernails scratching his upper arm. 
“Ticklish much?” 
“Don’t be foolish” he spat out defensively. 
“Loki... I felt the panic ringing like an earthquake alarm” you giggled tapping your temple. 
“You’re delusional” 
“And you’re ticklish, deadly based on how badly you’re trying to deny it.” 
“Very funny.” 
That was a first, usually, when Loki got a jab to his pride, the other person got a jab to the stomach with his daggers. Loki wasn’t one to take teasing lightly, but it felt inoffensive, like sure, it was meant to get on his nerves, but he couldn’t help but smile at you. 
That’s the first time he had a nice time being teased and not just teasing, the warmth on his cheeks felt somewhat comforting. No one had ever felt so easy-going, not fearing his god or royal status or using him as a steppingstone to get to Thor or his parents, not even trying to make him angry, just plain fun. 
The rest of the night was just as lovely, it was like none of you wanted it to end, so you prepared tea and chatted in the living room until late hours, when Wilson came to scold you both for not letting him sleep enough and risking his energy for his morning jog and not going to hear the end of it and blah blah blah. 
From then on it was getting to know each other. 
Thor got to tease him because now it was Loki filling your day with Asgardian stories. But you’d defend him saying you enjoyed listening to both talk about Asgard. Somehow, you always made the brothers get along. Thor talked about his parties and friends, while Loki narrated the most exquisite pieces of Asgardian literature, recited poetry, and made you laugh until you cried with every prank he ever played on Asgard. Both could talk for hours about their battle anecdotes, night could fall, and they would still be arguing about how events went down while you listened somehow not getting tired of the brothers’ antics. 
Training was another place you got to know each other better. 
“You sure you want to fight me, little mortal?” he teased you, “Is not quite a wise decision.” 
“I’ll take that risk” you replied with a wink that made Loki feel more things that he’d ever admit. 
You circled around the training mat for a few minutes, and that’s when Loki got his first to see your powers in action. You weren’t particularly strong or fast. But your mind reading gave you a heads up of every attack, so Loki had a hard time landing a blow. You, on the other hand, got to hit him a couple of times, not that it caused him any harm... well, other than his ego. 
Later on, Loki learned why he had trouble fighting you, Roger and Romanoff had designed your fighting style to be evasive and adaptable, focusing on compensating your lack of physical strength with good reflexes and responses. Although rather than making him angry, it made him admire you, and want to learn to fight you. 
That made you soon be sent in teams for missions together. Loki’s illusion and deception mastery to infiltrate you both, and your powers to extract intel without even needing to engage in direct conversation. 
“Alright darling, I’m on my way to the servers, did you get the code?” Loki asked through the communicator. 
“Not yet, I have yet to find O’Donnell, he was supposed to be in tech develop but the room empty, they said he went for a coffee break” you whispered back. 
“Yeah, what kind of idiot just stops everyone if they’re not caffeinated enough?” 
“Ah, that’s low, that’s hurtful.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Wait!” you whispered, indicating Loki you had found him, “Professor O’Donnell!” 
Loki slowed his pace to pay extra attention to what he heard over the com, you should be alright given Loki’s illusions were unbeatable, he made you look exactly like the general in command on the central. Your word was meant to be unquestioned, Loki himself chose to appear as another lab attendant, mainly to not stand out. But he still held his breath as you interacted with anyone, as low as it was, risk to getting caught was not zero. 
“Yes, General?” the investigator asked. 
“Are the reports ready?” 
“Ah, yes, they are almost done General!” the other voice said. “They should be done later on tomorrow!” 
That was a problem, you needed a trigger a certain train of thought, and he was derailing from the subject. And Loki was already by the hall, just a few meters away from his destination. 
“Well, that’s unfortunate,” you said. 
With the illusion over you, your voice sounded deep and intimidating. Loki stopped by a corner to hear, his breath stopping as he felt eyes on, looking at him weirdly for standing by the door. 
“Maybe I can stop by later by your office to see some advanced and get some work ahead with what’s already done. Would that work for you?” 
“Ah, o-of course General!” 
“Alright, I’ll try meeting you after your break.” 
Loki soon heard footsteps, detecting your pace extra rushed and a close door. 
“1-9-9-3” Loki heard. 
Loki walked to the door, and typed in the code, which opened with a beep! 
“Took you long enough” Loki teased you. 
“Sorry, he focused on the work, I had to bring him to the office, so he’d think of the code”. 
“Right, but I got dirty looks for standing by my own door like an idiot.” 
“Not all of us are masters of manipulation” you whined. “Just get the data and meet me outside.” 
You seemed to be an unbeatable team. 
Loki felt comfortable around you. With time, comfort turned into friendship, which eventually turned friendship into fascination. He just loved learning about you, training and improving together, sharing secrets, developing inside jokes and codes that only you two understood, and he loved hearing you laugh. 
And soon, Loki couldn’t stand being away from you. 
“Darling, I’m thinking getting a drink by that coffee shop we like, would you like to come?” he asked, leaning on your door frame. 
“A-Ah... sorry Loki-Doki, I can’t right now... This report is taking me longer than I thought” you declined as you stretched on your chair. “How’s yours going?” 
“I haven’t finished either, turns out you can’t stretch much of infiltrating an auction without dozing off” he shrugged, and smiled at your shock, “I was hoping some coffee would wake me up.” 
“I don’t know, Loki... I really don’t want to come back to work on this.” 
“Come on, love” he insisted, “It’ll be my treat.” 
You thought about it, and Loki felt a delightful warmth running through his chest when he saw the smile reluctantly make its way on your face, your resolve breaking under the tempting offer. 
“And maybe a big cookie...?” you asked innocently. 
He flicked his wrist making his body be engulfed by his magic, to transform him into his now recurrent disguise, it was subtle, but it was impressive what changing his hair to short blonder hair and a beard did to conceal his presence. 
“Is there any other way to have coffee?” 
The whole walk you protested, calling Loki a bad influence and fearing you wouldn’t be able to finish in time unless you pulled an all-nighter, and how you couldn’t comprehend how Loki could be so chill about not handing it over in time. Loki just laughed at you whiny rant only making your cheeks reddened as you continue scolding him for laughing at you about something so serious. 
You had already arrived at the coffee shop and ordered while Loki went to save a seat for you to keep chatting and drinking while you chatted. 
“Thanks for treating me this time, darling” Loki said as you handed him his cup, “but next time I’ll be the one to pay.” 
“It’s okay, I just needed something heavier to work tonight” you groaned as you took a big sip of your coffee. 
“It’s just a report, love” Loki reminded you, “they won’t kick us out if one of their 18 reports they’ll get anyway.” 
“No, they won’t kick you out!” you snapped, “you are worth keeping. I’m just a low-tier mutant.” 
“Ah, right, because there’s so many of them around, willing to work for good and keep up with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s demanding regime and lifestyle.” 
“There’s more of us than actual than a god magician prince, it’s just the trifecta of «we must keep him! » and that’s without mentioning you’re the little brother of one of the 6 Og Avengers! They’d be insane not to keep you regardless of what you do!” 
“Like going rouge and trying to conquer Earth... again?” Loki said flatly, “Half of the time, I can’t tell if they actually want me to be here, or if I’m just being contained to be able to prevent, I plot against Midgard. I’m not an Avenger, I’m just a high-class prisoner.” 
“Shut your mouth, because that’s not true, Loki” you shushed him, placing a finger on his mouth, “I know that’s not true.” 
Loki gave you a weird look, you were very touchy with everyone in the Compound, but, in the Compound, you weren’t one to be so physical in public. 
“I’ve asked everyone in the Compound what they think of you, and... they say they like you, but...” 
A waitress interrupted you to bring the freshly out of the oven jumbo chocolate chip cookies, which you thanked her rather loudly and kept on staring at the spot where she had stood, after she had gone back to work behind the counter. 
“But...?” Loki inquired, getting your attention back. 
“But what?” you asked innocently. 
It was then that Loki noticed the pink tint on your cheeks. 
“Do you feel alright, sweetheart?” 
“Yes, of course... what was I talking about?” you said, grabbing your cup with sloppy hands 
“... They said they liked me...” Loki reminded you, wary of your moves. 
“Ah, right, right, right!” you said. “But I wasn’t satisfied, so I peeked in their minds, and they thought they could trust you when you first joined, but they think trusting you was the best decision they ever made, because you’re quite a softie.” 
“A softie?!” Loki gasped indignantly. 
“Yes, cute right? They think you turned into a softie, but I think you’ve always been, but we broke down your defenses, and you actually like us too...” you said before bursting into giggles. 
Loki just denied such claims, watching you giggle and laugh as his anger quickly subdued to curiosity and concern with your current state. 
“You are though! Like when you helped Peter with his literature by translating old Asgardian novels for him. Or how you gifted Clint and Kate an old set of bow and arrow made by the dwarves...” 
Loki rolled his eyes as you kept listing things Loki had done for everyone, while he looked at you drag words, your silly mood, your pink cheeks, and clumsy motions... He knew these symptoms. 
“Hey! That’s mine!” you yelled as he grabbed your cup and took off the lid to sniff the drink. “Don’t drink it!” 
The smell was faint compared to what he knew in Asgard, but this was undeniably alcohol. 
“Sweetheart, what are you drinking?” 
“It’s Irish coffee, it’s very bitter...” you pouted. 
“This is alcohol,” Loki asked severely, “why on Earth would you drink something like this?!” 
You shrunk in your seat like a kid at his scolding, making Loki’s heart ache. He didn’t like seeing you upset, but this wasn’t normal behavior, much less from you. 
Loki had only seen you this drunk once before. You had been like this, angry and pressured to push a limit. You had been in an awful mood the whole day, and by the night, you sneaked to the drinks cabinet and drank down half of a wine bottle by the time Loki found you. And just like now, you had gone from angry and stressed to giggly secret-spilling, with the mindset of basically a toddler, that’s how he had learned his brother like doing karaoke nights to cheesy pop songs on dorky Midgardian pajamas and frog feet-shaped slippers and that Stark had Captain America trousers. 
But he knew that angry drinking wasn’t a healthy habit, especially on you, who angry drank without pacing or measuring yourself, so you got very drunk, very quick. 
“But yeah, we all adore having you around Loki” you babbled “and I agree with Thor, you’re his favorite, you know?” 
Now that he didn’t expect, you weren’t much to talk about your feelings. But hearing that made him melt. You were trying to assure him that even his brother loved him, but the implication that you liked him as well made him stupidly happy. 
He just smiled and grabbed your hand. 
“Come on, love” he said gently, “Let’s get you home.” 
Soon he realized you were drunk beyond what he had seen you, you could barely stand up, so with a sigh, Loki kneeled to let you climb on his back giving you a piggyback ride. You shyly accepted given you were not gonna be able to walk on your own. 
And it turned out rather nice having you against him with your arms around his neck, you were warm and comfortably resting your head on his shoulder as you giggled while spilling dorky secrets to the young prince. All harmless innocent stuff, but amusing, nonetheless. And it usually came from places of care and concern. 
“...And Peter has an Iron-Man plushy that he talks to when he’s nervous...” you mumbled, “I wish I could tell him he can go to the real Tony, but I can tell him I know...” 
“You know a lot of secrets, don’t you?” Loki teased you. 
“Sorry...” you said hiding your face against his shoulder. 
“Dear heart, what could you possibly be apologizing for?” Loki asked gently. 
“I don’t know these secrets because I want to...” you mumbled, “I can’t help but catch the thoughts like passing conversations on the street.” 
“We are aware, and it was hard to get used to,” he admitted “but we are aware you don’t intend to hear people’s thoughts.” 
“I know... but people still get angry about it,” you muttered “I don’t intend to, but no one likes feeling their privacy was invaded. I hate being the way I am...” 
“Don’t say that dove, I doubt anyone in the building blames you” he assured you. “Don’t be so hard on yourself, love.” 
“Thanks Loki” you said, as you nuzzled against his neck. 
Immediately he jolted as he felt your breath against his skin. 
“Ah, sorry, I wasn’t trying to tickle you.” 
“Yeah, you are” you pouted, “you can lie but your brain doesn’t. You’re very-very super very ticklish... Look you’re getting embarrassed because I’m right!” 
It would be useless to lie given you could see right through him. 
“You’re super ticklish... here.” 
And right then he felt your hands sneaking under his arms, as your fingertips wiggled against his armpits, which immediately made him break into laughter. 
“Ehehehe-hey!” he cackled, “Stohohohop it!” 
“See? So ticklish, and so cute” you smiled as you changed to scratch with your fingernails, making Loki double over with laughter. “And I’d dare to say you like it.” 
“Shuhuhut ihihit, you mihinx!” he whined. “Thahahat’s so bad!” 
“Ow, but it’s fun...” you whined, breathing against his neck, which only tickled more. 
And then something unexpected happened, between the tickles that were overwhelming and having all his focus spent on not dropping you, his magic failed, making his spell wear off, revealing his usual self. 
“Uh-oh...” you mumbled shyly. 
The previous scene had earned a few looks from bystanders, but their endearment and amusement turned into horror when they saw Loki’s real appearance. You hid against him when Loki, barely with time to recover from the giggle fit you had induced on him, summoned a teleportation spell and both of you disappeared under a green cloud. 
You reappeared on the halls of the Compound, right by your door, so with a relieved sigh he opened it and delicately placed you in your bed. Before sitting beside you. 
“Sorry I ruined the fun” you muttered. 
“Fun?” he gasped indignantly, “You called tickling me to pieces fun?” 
You nodded. 
“I do not like being tickled, you’re talking nonsense” he huffed. “It’s so childish and idiotic.” 
“And it puts you in a good mood because it’s mischievous fun” you cut him off. 
“You’re insane.” 
“It’s okay” you assured him, patting his hand, “I like getting tickled too.” 
That made Loki perk up his ears. 
“Do you, now?” he smirked. “Well, well, well... Now that’s a secret I’m interested in.” 
Immediately your face turned red as your eyes grew wide as plates, as he leaned to straddle your with his hands as he sat on your upper thighs. 
“W-Wait! Wahahait, Loki! Nononono, Loki don’t, I’m stupidly ticklish I—” 
“Oh, are you?” he grinned. “My, my... I’ve always loved your drunk honesty, but this is the most important bits of information you’ve given me...” 
“Loki!” you whined as you covered your beet red face with your hands. 
An opportunity he took to scratch your sides, making you jolt and burst into bright silly hiccupy giggles. 
“Lohohohoki! Thahahat hic tihihihickles, plehehehease hic hic—!” 
That was an adorable sight, you squeezed his wrists, yet not pushing him away. Guess you weren’t lying about actually liking getting tickles. 
“Please what, darling? Please more? Please tickle me to pieces? Gladly” he teased as moved to knead that sides of your belly. 
You wheezed arching your back as he gave repeated pinches to the sides of your tummy, slowly climbing to your ribs, pinching and squeezing your ribs and sides, causing you to scream with laughter. 
“Ah, so pretty and so ticklish... and so helpless” he growled as he sneaked his fingers under your arms. 
“No, I don’t feel like stopping, you shouldn’t have a problem taking what you dished out on me earlier, would you?” 
He simply decided to take it up a notch, grabbing your wrists, and pinning them both above your head, making you even more helpless to his tickling free hand. 
“LOHOHOHOK—” you protest was got off by a wheeze that sentenced the end of the screaming laughter. 
Now the only sound you could make was wheeze in silent laughter and gasp for air as Loki tickled you silly. Tears began streaming down your face as Loki’s hand roamed to squeeze, pinch and scribble over every ticklish spot it could find. He only stopped when you began coughing between gasps of air. 
He got off you and saw you curl your legs up to your chest in an attempt to protect yourself. But it only made Loki grab your feet and take off your shoes and socks. 
“Noohohoho, no, no Loki please nohoho dohohon’t tihihihck— ACK!” 
A single finger scratch with his nail across your sole made you jump and swing your foot, kicking Loki right on the stomach making him fall off the bed. 
“Oh my gosh, Loki, I’m sorry!” you said, truly horrified. 
The trickster god, huffed and groaned in pain, not expecting a human kick to do so much harm. 
“I’m quite alright, you’re just stronger than I thought” Loki said, “I’m impressed.” 
You went down to sit next to him, placing a gentle hand on his stomach. Truly it didn’t hurt after initial impact, but you weren’t going to be at peace until you’d check yourself. And maybe he enjoyed having your hands on him. 
Until it tickled. 
“Hehey!” he whined. 
“Sorry...” you said, as a smiled shyly. 
“Oh, no I know exactly what you’re thinking” he groaned, “I do not, I repeat, I do not enjoy these childish games." 
“I can tell you do, but that’s okay... I know you’re not the type to admit you like something...” 
“Wha— What is that supposed to mean?” Loki asked. 
“A-Ah! Nothing no... it’s nothing!” you squeaked nervously. 
“Darling, you may read minds, but I am the God of it,” Loki said, “I can tell exactly when someone is lying.” 
“N-No, it’s nothing!” you said as you curled up on the spot, hiding your face on behind your knees. 
“Darling... you’re scaring me... What’s wrong?” 
“Can you promise you won’t get mad...?” you asked. 
“I don’t think you could truly upset me” Loki comforted you as he grabbed your hand to give it a gentle reassuring squeeze. “After all, you are my favorite.” 
Your face turned red and a shy smiled appeared on your face for a moment, before that anguished look made its way back to your features. 
“We were getting ready for the last mission, and I heard you, Thor and the others talking... About... me. How you maybe sort of actually... liked-liked me. And you said no... but, your thoughts... did not agree.” 
Oh, oh no. Oh dear, oh gods. 
Now a lot of things made more sense. How your face was red was in when you walked in the room, and how you suddenly decided to pair up with Steve to rescue the hostages rather than going for intel with him and Nat. How you were moody and distant afterwards. And why this mission report was causing you so much conflict. 
You knew he liked you. You had managed to peek that thought of his mind. A thought even he refused to admit. But now, out in the open, he felt relieved, and the way you just seemed embarrassed. 
“So you’ve known all this time? And that’s what upsets you?” 
“You promised you wouldn’t get mad” you whined. 
“I’m not, I think you are more upset than I am!” he laughed, before realizing something, “Does it bother you...? That I long for you like this?” 
“N-No...” you mumbled, “Not at all... I maybe sort of like you too...” 
“Then why were you so upset?” 
“How would you feel if you realized the person you have a massive crush on likes you too but you can’t do anything about it without revealing you may have stepped his boundaries?” 
“Massive crush, eh?” he grinned. “So.. It's safe to say that you wouldn’t mind if I stole a k—hmpf!” 
He was interrupted by a pair of lips against his own, that quickly melted him into a kiss. You had placed your hand on the side of his neck, sliding it to the back to play with his hair. The young prince pulled you closer to kiss you more, even pinning you against the side of your bed. 
Only breaking the kiss when you needed to gasp for air. And he got to admire you bright open eyes staring at him with a huge happy grin. 
“Beat you to it” you smiled. 
“Whahat?” he laughed. 
“I stole the kiss” you beamed proudly. 
He smiled as he leaned to kiss you again. 
“Now that you admitted you liked me... will you admit you like getting tickled...?” 
“Mmm, not yet...” he grinned. “But I have something better in mind.” 
But Loki had already tackled you on the floor and went back to tickling you silly once more. But it was fine, one big confession at the time, and today had been more than enough.
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trees-expertise · 1 year
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trees-expertise · 2 years
Some days in uni I feel like Hamilton singing the line “I am not throwing away my shot”
Other days I feel like “i imagine death so much it feels more like a memory” described my entire life
There is no in between
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trees-expertise · 2 years
My GOD the twitter drama is exploding. As of today, here are a couple updates for anyone interested:
The "insulin is free" tweet from the fake-verified Eli Lilly account tanked the company's stock, along with the stocks for two other major BioTech firms, by up to 4%
The "we're suspending arms sales to Saudi Arabia, the United States, et al" tweet from a fake-verified Lockheed Martin account tanked Lockheed's stock today
Since 8:00AM this morning there has been a tweet claiming Elon Musk was starting a program called "Elon's Tots" wherein he would pay off people's student loans
Numerous politicians and pundits have been targeted by trolls leveraging verified accounts to fuck with their public images, and many of them aren't being addressed nearly as fast as the fake-verified Elon Musk accounts
Twitter is allegedly worth 1/4 of what Elon bought it for
Tesla's stock has allegedly fallen by 50%
Elon has said Twitter may have to declare bankrupty
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trees-expertise · 2 years
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Lost Hat (A short comic) 
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This was the scene that inspired me to draw the comic. The idea has been in my head since June, after the release of the Good Omens episodes. It went lying in my folders for a while, but I’m glad to finally have it finished!  Thank you for reading :)
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