eastern bloc
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Research ideas for bored students
The evolution of national identity in the country of your interest (ancient or modern)
The influence of paganism on christianity in Ireland and Scotland.
The impact that fairy beleif had on the Scottish witch hunts.
How fashion was influenced by the second world war.
The differences between and evolution of first, second and third wave feminism.
The impact the post-modern globalism has had on human rights.
Depictions of homosexuality in the ancient world (are there similarities/differences between nations?)
The evolution of tavern and drinking cultue in England, Scotland and the Netherlands.
The portrayal of women in early-modern English ballads.
The use of certain tunes or melodies in E.M. English ballads.
Portrayals of the devil in E.M. English ballads.
The difference between collective memory and historical facts (war is a time when our memories are often romanticised).
Fashion in the Elizabethan era and how it changed after.
The evolution of pens and writing materials
Historical methods of making paint/paint thinners.
Men in the early-modern witch hunts.
Differences between old world and new world witch hunts.
The use of torture in witch trials and the laws regarding torture (differences between countries)?
The use of salt as currency.
Depictions of intoxiication in ancient art.
How ancient societies viewed drinking and how they drank.
The lives of great poets.
The decline of the latin language.
The English civil war during the 17 century.
The relationship between ancient Celts and the Romans.
Religious symbolism in early modern art.
The history and evolution of marriage.
“In Praise of Folly,” by Desiderius Erasmus
The Protestant Reformation and/or the resulting split of protestantism (calvinism, lutheranism, anabaptists, etc.)
The history of Christmas in the new world.
Add your own in the comments!
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The infodump on the ‘Wilson is Webber’s biological father’ theory/headcanon
First off, some quotes from Wilson.
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Protective, fatherly qualities, bonus for the paternal scolding and praising of Wendy and Webber in DST.
Now, what sorts of things might one man say if their son was presumed dead, dragged off to the Constant without a body to bury at a funeral?
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Wilson has a grave on his property.
Now, what sort of things might a child say about their father being a reclusive, bearded, gentlemanly scientist?
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What about how they behave? Any similarity there?
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Do you think you’d be able to easily tell who is who without help?
Anything else?
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Wilson and Webber are also the only two characters who can grow beards, and are the only two explicitly stated to have been outright tricked by Maxwell in order to come to the Constant.
And, well, if you look at the situation with Wendy, Abigail, and Maxwell, Klei has never officially confirmed that connection, either.
I know Klei will probably end up denying this, and on that day I will Die, but–
Wilson had a son named Webster before the Constant, and you will not convince me to the contrary until Klei breaks into my house and throws me out the attic window
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This small waterside Hungarian settlement is often called “Witch Village” due to its eerie atmosphere. Most nights its surrounded by fog and the village only has a handful of inhabitants. 
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Amateur Cryptozoologist
Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience and subculture that aims to prove the existence of entities from the folklore record, such as Bigfoot, the chupacabra, or Mokele-mbembe. Cryptozoologists refer to these entities as cryptids, a term coined by the subculture.
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How about horror dark academia?
So it’s like dark academia and chaotic academia mixed with some trashy horror
Staying up late reading your favorite horror novel by candle light
Writing in red ink that looks a little bit to much like blood
Taking walks in a forest under a full moon as the spirits whisper warnings while you pass
Driving down a eeire stretch of road just searching for a cryptid to make friends with
Watching horror movies late into the night with friend and then sneaking out to make some trouble of your own
Jumping at the shadows passing in the corner until you realize it’s only the ghost who has been living with you
Learning a dead language to have a conversation with things in the unknown
Adventuring to that run down house or castle on a warm summer night because it’s too loud to focus anywhere else
Roaming the local cemetery in the mist
Making friends with the crows
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You bored, or feeling artsy but don’t have any inspiration...? *updated!*
Do you need to distract yourself? Or are you simply bored? Here are some great websites to make the time pass.
create pixel art
Awesome photo editor and art program, all free…!
Totally free transparent textures
make a cute chibi
draw some cool generative art
be a graffiti creator
create a picassohead (you don’t need to be a picasso to do so)
paint online
another awsome site to create pixel art on
and another one
create your own mandala
or color one
create an avatar
or you can try creating your own superhero
here you can interact with organisms in different environments to see how to music changes
here’s a website that translates the time into hexidecimal colours,
Here is a website where you can travel along a 3D line into the infinite unkown
here is a website where you can listen to rain with or without music
Need a model in a certain pose for drawing? here
Want to build your own planet
here is a website where you can create your own galaxies
make your own pattern (very useful if you need a new background)
create next hit comic
make a city which looks like something from 90′s games
draw a mandala like design
jig saw puzzles
more jig saw puzzles to solve
create a stunning HTML5 animation - no coding!
make a movie
create and dress up dolls
play a piano
you can also play a guitar
create sounds
another sound creator
create a logo
design your dream home
sketch rooms
explore fashion trends and create your own sets
build a website
try this app for building a website
Or maybe start learning how to code!
design your own t-shirt or a beanie or sweatpants and order them
design your own phone case
pretend to be a graphic designer with this cool online tool
Make your own Glitch art
Here’s another glitch art maker
And another!
Holy hell, here’s a third!
make an image look like it was created by a commodore 64
freaking cool text generator!
Easy to use word processor
Make up really cool patterns or run your photos through it :)
Write an essay on anything with no hassle
Wanna see how something you write would look like if it was on JacksFilms YGS((Your Grammar Sucks videos on YouTube))?
Make pictures out of text
ASCII word generator
Need an idea for some fanart-here :D
Still haven’t found something that would float your boat? Try these:
watch a documentary
learn to code
do something yourself
workout with the help of this great youtube channels
learn things
play pokemon or zelda or other awesome old school games
waste your time on miniclip
play games at additing games
or try games at agame
calm your thoughts
the quiet place
it will be okay
vent or listen to someone
pour out your soul
explore the sky
look at art from around the world
virtually visit museum of iraq
explore world with arounder
create a music playlist
list through rare books
scroll useful science website
create sand art
brain games
try out tastekid and discover new favorite band or movie or book
interactive 3D anatomy
random street view
post a secret
create a family tree
find our what’s the difference between x and y
help scientists and become volunteer researcher
create your own font
read a classic short story
In the mood to read, but not sure exactly what book to go for?
scribble on maps
listen to letters
play with acrobots
listen to podcasts
make a bucket list
Ever want to see the most truly useless websites in creation?
Prank a friend with this blue screen of death!
Zone out watching the colors drip down
Maybe none of these peeked your interest-maybe you’ve been wanting to create an o.c, but never really knew how to start-or you just enjoy making O.C’s….
This masterlist is to help you in making your own OCs….it can also apply to developing RP characters i suppose! (´ヮ`)!
How to Write Better OCs:
basic tips on how to make your oc even better
tragic backstory? learn how to write one/make yours great
writing specific characters
a wordier, great guide on how to develop your character
kick out those vague descriptions and make them AWESOME
Character Development:
how to actually make an OC
Q&A (to develop characters)
more Q&As
giving your character a backstory
how to write an attractive character
Need an Appearance idea?
Humanoid generator? check
Here’s another one
and maybe if you didn’t like those this’ll work
Need Monsterpeople?
Well, then here ya’ go
Maybe you need Cats?
adding more racial diversity
avoiding tokenism, AKA, how to add diversity to your cast not just because you “need” it
writing sexuality and gender expression (doesnt include non binary, if you have a good ref to that, please add on!)
masterpost on writing more diversity into your story
cultures of the world
guides to drawing different ethnicities (not just a great art reference, but also really helpful in appearance descriptions!)
Mary Sue/Gary Stu
Test to see if your character is a Sue
Explains subdivisions of Sues/Stus
Powerful Characters Don’t Have to Be Sues
villain generator
need an evil sounding name for your evil character? bam
villain archetypes
what’s your villain’s motive for being a villain?
character perceptions (What your character thinks of themselves and what others think of them)
how to write strong relationships between two characters
8 ways to write better characters and develop their relationships with others
OCxLove Interest Handbook
develop your couple with good ol’ Q&A!
how to write realistic relationships
how to write relatives for your characters (this is more OC related to a canon character, but will help in writing family members in general)
12 common archetypes
8 archetypes for male/female characters
female archetypes (goes pretty indepth from two main categories)
a list of archetypes
how to name your character
random name generator
most common surnames
surnames by ethnicity
tips for better design
basic appearance generator
pinterest board for character design (includes NSFW and images of skeletons/exposed muscle (?) so tread carefully!)
clothing ref masterpost
Clothing generator
Another clothing generator
More clothing generator
Aaaand even more
Steam punk clothing
Char Style preference
Dress Generator
give your character better powers
a list of professions
proactive vs reactive characters
positive and negative traits
interest generator
skills generator
motivation generator
123 ideas for character flaws
list of phobias
Oh shit someone died
Backgrounds and stuff? yep
Personality. you need that shit
Need something fandom related?
City generator hell yeah
location? got ya
make your own god damn laws
Need Item names?
Fantasy/sci-fi/etc. medicine names
Stuff to make things more interesting.Weapons, clothes, treasures… whatever your characters need.
Item & Artifact Generators
Other stuffs!
Genre, Plot, & Story Prompt Generators
How did your characters meet?
Fanfic plots. you bet your ass.
400K notes · View notes
Cryptid academia:
Carefully cutting out and sticking newspaper clippings into scrapbooks.
Pinning up photographs and articles to a wall, connecting them with red strings.
Late-night walks in the woods with a pair of binoculars and a film camera, because you just might find something.
Piles of newspapers and magazines sprouting up in every corner, with the pages for paranormal sightings dog-eared.
Seemingly random books on aerospace engineering, radioactivity, and obscure psychological disorders open on the coffee table.
Writing articles about alien sightings for the school newspaper.
Always being the first to find out about strange local occurrences.
A phone book stuffed with loose papers, and a notepad covered in scribbles and diagrams open next to the phone book.
Impromptu camping trips to nonsensical places (like the middle of a field, then next to a lake, then by a roadside).
Pamphlets and membership badges for the Loch Ness Monster Trust or the Mothman Convention scattered everywhere.
Digging up old medieval texts about ghouls and demons to try and make connections.
Setting up wildlife cameras and watching back hours of footage of hedgehogs, trying to see if anything unusual crops up.
"Buzzfeed Unsolved is my bible."
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Stunning new photo of Jupiter by Nasa’s Juno spacecraft
via reddit
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funky academia
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might i suggest: athletic academia
because i need some rep for the people
who cram beat-up dog-eared copies of ‘the catcher in the rye’ in their gym bags (between their sneakers and water bottles) on the way to a cross country meet
who grind all day at school and all night at practice
who page through ~aesthetic notes~ over a bowl of overnight oats at five in the morning
who page through ‘the iliad’ while icing their injuries
with tired bones, sore muscles, endless adrenaline
dressing in adidas joggers and school-merch hoodies, quoting oscar wilde on their bright yellow school bus
dressing in beat-up bright clothes—not professional, always ready to change into workout dri-fit, their second skin
who cherish ancient greece for the olympic games, for they, too, are herculean
who read on the treadmill
who don’t know “cozy” or “cutesy”, but live by “work hard, play hard”
who could sing whole epics about the high of victory
without a single perfectly maintained book; all of their books have bent pages and broken spines from travel
who have a lucky poem they read before games
whose notes are sloppy from being written on a bus to a meet
who give book recommendations to their teammates during cooldown
who see the early morning sunrises, and later tries to paint them
who seek the gothic horror, the poe, the six of crows, the hunger games—chasing adrenaline
studying the human body and how to constantly improve it
who smell of sweat and gatorade, and sound of heaving chests and hozier’s “sunlight”
with letterman’s jackets draped over library chairs
tearing through sophocles before your event starts
putting off certain books “until the off season”
different from soft academics, classic academics, flowery cottagecore—these are the sneaker-meet-pavement, gatorade-drinking, bread-getting student athletes who are all hard lines, scraped knees, and thick muscles.
like me
make this the new aesthetic, cowards! because i can’t wear a jersey to teatime or joggers to uni. i demand the bright-colored, messy-haired, sweaty-skinned, sneaker-busting, scrappy, determined, daring athletic academia aesthetic be made real.
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types of academics: tag yourself
nocturnal: messy notes, never sleeps, wakes up after noon, sarcastic, coffee addiction, turns everything in late, sweats, netflix, needs a lot of naps, deep cleans their room maybe once every 2 months, messy buns, says they’ll be productive but never is until it’s past 2 am
“perfect”: balances work, social life, and health, never sleeps past midnight, aces everything, pretty notes, coffeeshops and libraries, cardigans, makes their bed every morning, mom friend, skincare routine, organized playlists, neat handwriting, autumn, coffee with cream and sugar
extroverted: loud but beautiful laugh, twirly handwriting, polaroids, colorful pens, skirts, wants to/does dye their hair, goes to parties but leaves early, summer, travels a lot, teacher’s pet, throws sleepover study nights, paints nails while reading for homework, leather jackets
chaotic: amazing music taste, probably good with technology, doesn’t bond with professors, has few close friends but lots of acquaintances, parties a lot, never focused (but when they are they’re really productive), really bad at reading people, cram sessions, bad sleep schedule
independent: has only one friend per class, gets everything done on time, prefers office hours over asking questions in class, rain, print-out lecture notes, one yellow highlighter, beautiful smile, the color green, painter, likes studying outside, sensitive to high-energy people, striped sweaters
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Nine Stories, J.D. Salinger. 1953
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My Aesthetic
“You can never be overdressed or overeducated”
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"The truth is that everyone is bored, and devotes himself to cultivating habits."
-Albert Camus
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my DArling pt. 2
she’s folding tiny butterflies. one for each day in quarantine. she is going to let them loose, placing one in each of the places she wanted to go during this time.  god, how i adore her.  for me it’s late night cigarettes, reading camus, chewing my way through advanced biology, all the while thinking about her. always about her. 
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