agender-void · 6 months
happy hanukkah to those celebrating but particularly to those struggling to celebrate bc of what is being done in their name. u don't have to answer for it but i know it can be hard to reconcile sadness and community, and u r not alone in this. in better times all our celebrations will be unmarred.
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agender-void · 6 months
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agender-void · 6 months
I’ve been a changed person since I found out that all of Santa’s reindeer are gals
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agender-void · 8 months
So, i know i said i would go on with this one and not the other series, but obviously my pc broke down (a bit like the owner) and the start of the third chapter is only on there, so until i know what's wrong and if it can be repaired you will not be getting a new chapter for this fic, im sorry my lovelies
She didn't know when it started, she just knew that one day she realized that she was in love with her and that she could never live without her ever again.
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agender-void · 8 months
The break is finally over and with his return to Nevermore, Wednesday will have to come out not only to his friends, but also to his principal and the whole school.
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agender-void · 11 months
I know
Wednesday: “Grandmama, I am transgender”
Grandmama: “Well yeah, obviously. I’ve always know. Now go and get me these ingredients and be quick!”
Wednesday: *shrugging* “Yeah, that checks out”
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agender-void · 11 months
She didn’t know when it started. She had never really stopped to think about it before and now it seemed like it came out of nowhere for her. Deep down he knew that wasn’t true, that part of him had always felt like this and he just ended up ignoring it, like he ignored all of his feelings.
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agender-void · 11 months
She didn't know when it started, she just knew that one day she realized that she was in love with her and that she could never live without her ever again.
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agender-void · 11 months
Joel finally found the way to convince both Gomez and Morticia that he should join Wednesday at Nevermore. All he needed to do now was show up at the school and surprise her in the middle of the year. It was gonna be so much fun.
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agender-void · 11 months
Bianca, Divina and Wednesday talking.
Bianca: “Oh yeah? I bet you don’t have the balls to do that Addams.”
Wednesday: “When I win you better keep your word, Barclay.”
Divina: “Yeah! Go and do it Wednesday!”
Wednesday walking towards where Enid and Yoko are talking stopping in front of Yoko.
Yoko: “Yo, Addams. You need something?”
Wednesday. *looking up at Yoko through her eyelashes+
Wednesday: “Yoko-senpai”
Yoko: *getting a nosebleed from the cuteness and a heart attack from the cringe fainting immediately*
Wednesday: *touching her with a foot to see if she is alive  before sendind a thumbs up to Bianca and Divina*
Wednesday: “Mission accomplished.”
Bianca and Divina: *falling on the floor cause of how hard they laugh”
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agender-void · 1 year
wednesday addams makes a friend
okay, but imagine:
wednesday is at the local library with her father, searching the shelves for a book uncle fester told her about dangerous animals in south america. Gomez strikes up a conversation with the elderly librarian mrs. phelps to help wednesday find what they are looking for.
“That one? Or, Mr. Addams - I’m afraid it’s been checked out.”
a squeaky wheel catches wednesday’s attention, and right past her walks a girl with an ENTIRE red-rocket wagon topped full of books. the girl carefully looks over each book and drops them carefully into the book-return
that’s when wednesday sees it - the book she’s been looking for.
wednesday walked slowly up to the girl’s wagon, and touched the cover.
“I just finished that one,” the girl says. wednesday straightens up. “It has a fascinating chapter on the red-bellied piranhas of South America.”
“We’re looking at getting one for Pugsley’s tank,” wednesday says.
“A piranha? It will eat your fish,” she said.
“I’m counting on it.”
“Is Pugsley your fish?”
“My brother.” Wednesday replied.
The girl thought a moment. “You’ll need at least a dozen - they hunt best in schools.”
wednesday just barely smiled, a single corner of her lips turning up. “I’m wednesday addams.” she said, extending a hand.
“Matilda,” the girl replied, shaking her hand. “Matilda Wormwood.”
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agender-void · 1 year
The Addams Family renting out rooms in their huge mansion cheaply to broke college students.
The students digging it because the craziness and the bugs are pretty much the same as any other dorm house. Also, Morticia and Gomez treat them all like visiting cousins, not like tenants to abuse and exploit. 
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agender-void · 2 years
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agender-void · 3 years
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More of my Ghost!Ophelia AU
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agender-void · 3 years
Claymore headcanon
Even if Teresa hadn’t left Clare in that town and then killed all the bandits, she would have ended up as a deserter anyway cause at some point the organization would have ordered her to give them Clare so that they could make her a claymore too and Teresa would have just killed them when they tried to take her daughter by force. 
Would then the other warriors actually try to kill her? 
Yes and no. As long as the organization could keep from them the reason why Teresa killed the ones sent to take Clare, the others would have followed orders, but when they all found out the real reason they would slowly come to be on Teresa’s side cause none of them actually wanted to be a claymore and if they could help even just one girl they would have done it.
The organization would have probably ended up with a rebellion way sooner than in canon  
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agender-void · 4 years
I deserve a dark haired lover with soft eyes and a heart full of love
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agender-void · 4 years
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Rosa Diaz
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