canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
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happy birthday to the most delicious pork cutlet bowl  ღ(ゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
A Rather Brilliant “Dark Past” by RavingRaven | G | Yuuri/Victor | 2k WIP
Yuuri claims to have a “dark past.” Part of that dark past is Phichit successfully convincing Yuuri to join the school pageant, and him actually winning it. Viktor finds out.
Detroit Days Series by IllyasJames | G-E | Yuuri/Victor, Phichit & Yuuri | 13k (9 Works)
No Summary, but honestly the title speaks for itself - mod
Return to Sender by IllyasJames | G | Yuuri/Victor, Phichit & Yuuri, Christophe & Victor | 1k
As the tags say. Follow the Ten Dollar Bill and see all the people it meets on its way. It starts with Phichit and Yuuri in their first week in Detroit. It ends with Yuuri and Victor visiting Skate America.
searching for a signal by TheCookieMonster77 | G | Phichit & Yuuri, Phichit & Yuuri & Celestino | 6k WIP
There are two (2) reasons why Celestino's glorious mane of hair can now be pulled back into a sleek ponytail.
Their names are Phichit and Yuuri.
The Katsulanont Guide to Life Series by xylophones | G-T | Phichit & Yuuri | 7k (2 Works)
No Summary, but I promise its worth a read :)
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Katsuki “Heartbreaker” Yuuri
(i’m) the boy you’d die for by jenmishe | T | Yuuri/Victor, Phichit & Yuuri | 6k
v-nikiforov ✓
[Video: A short clip where Victor is laying dramatically on the couch with miserable expression. “Heartbreaker” by Marina and the Diamonds is playing.]
v-nikiforov✓ Am I the another one? (((
vitYASS victor,,,, honey,,,, i lvoe you so much,,,, but WHY are you like this.
red-blue-gay but??? does that mean that somebody has broken victor’s heart???? I DON’T UNDERSTAND
christophe-gc ✓ You’re ridiculous.
starsaregay But who recorded it?? Makkachin???
vityathebabe user @starsaregay asking the real question.
The adventures of Yuuri “Heartbreaker” Katsuki, or: how Yuuri became known as a cold player full of himself who doesn’t care about anyone. (Hint: it’s an anxiety and obliviousness.)
Accidentally Seductive by braveten | T | Yuuri/Victor | 7k
Yuuri Katsuki is a walking contradiction.
(And it’s driving Viktor mad.)
Heartbreaker by deathbycoldopen | E | Yuuri/Victor, Yuuri/Other(s) | 92k
If you ask Yuuri, he'll say that he's never been on a date, or even been asked on one.
If you ask anyone else, they'll burst into tears.
Alternatively titled "Five times someone tried and failed to ask Yuuri out on a date, and one time they didn't have to."
It’s All Gone South by Spuri | G | Yuuri/Victor, Yuuri/Minami - one-sided | <1k
Yuuri is stopped by Minami for one last request after the regionals.
...Y'know, if he were to graph the amount of hugs in his life so far, this recent increase would look pretty ridiculous.
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Sorry for the lack of recs lately. I’ve been incredibly busy, but I have a little bit of time, so I’ll try to see if I can queue up a couple of posts :)
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Victuuri Developing Relationship
A Safe Place To Fall by uchiuchi | T | Yuuri/Victor | 8k
“Can I…?”
Viktor’s voice breaks Yuuri out of his trance and he focuses on Viktor, waiting for the words to come out. But Viktor doesn’t say anything more, eyes flickering between Yuuri’s eyes and mouth, and then his finger stops moving and he pulls it back.
He looks like he has more he wants to say, but doesn’t.
Every Day by runningthroughthewind | T | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
“I have to pee.” Cringing a little at just how direct that had been, Yuuri peaked over at Viktor. “Oh thank god.” At his obviously incredulous expression, Viktor expounded, “I’ve had to pee for forever, but didn’t want you to think I was gross if I asked you to wait while I went behind a tree.”
Having moved in together in St. Petersburg, Yuuri and Viktor grow closer than ever as they bond over a series of awkward realities of a life of athletics.
from june to september by bigspoonnoya | T | Yuuri/Victor | 11k
This is the summer they fell in love.
magpies by winchilsea | T | Yuuri/Victor | 2k
Viktor can be brave for Yuuri, he can be so many things, he can be anything, and all Yuuri wants him to be is himself, what does that even mean.
(It rains during Tanabata.)
mountain fold, valley fold by kiitemiru | G  | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
Viktor expects to see Yuuri lying in bed awake, maybe even on his phone, but he’s actually sitting at his desk, his torso twisted to look in Viktor’s direction. He has a piece of half folded yellow paper in his hands. His glasses are perched atop his head.
“What are you doing up, Viktor?”
the certainty, the second hand by Chrome | T | Yuuri/Victor | 4k
They’re allowed to do this, Yuuri tells himself. They will do this whether they mean to or not, whether they know better or not, stumble over each other and disagree and say things they don’t mean.
Yuuri worries that Viktor is doing too much. Viktor worries about more important things.
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
hi !! i really love your account ! i was wondering if you have any smut fics you’ve read where viktuuri end up using a safeword ? or if anyone knows of any fics like this..if not that’s perfectly okay !! i was just looking for some to read ☺️ thanks for the fics you send our way ! ~
thanks for liking the blog! I promise I’ll post some more recs soon but i just got back from japan!
I’m sorry I don’t have any fics like that since I don’t read too much smut, but if anyone else has a suggestion, please leave a comment :)
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Anxious!Yuuri #2
breathe by tiredbecauseiwrite | N/R | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
a skaters heart truly is as fragile as glass.
counting seconds through the night by cafecliche | G | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
In the weird, dizzy clarity of sleep deprivation, Yuuri gets it. Of course he warned Victor it was coming. But he’s not sure he ever told him what to do.
(Or: some days, it's all Yuuri can do to manage his own anxiety. He certainly doesn't expect Victor to do it for him.)
Darling, Please Don’t Ask Me by HisRedEmpress | N/R | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Sometimes, letting things left unsaid can be harmful.
But sometimes, only sometimes, there's just no words needed.
Alternate Title: 5 times Yuuri was anxious because of Viktor and 1 time Yuuri made Viktor scared.
I Could Hope for a Better Day by haycorn | T | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
In which Yuuri tries to make Victor come to terms with not trying to fix the unfixable.
Pulse by orphan_account | T | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
Yuri questions reality after a horrible nightmare, and Viktor has to prove that everything between him and Yuri wasn't a dream.
You Are My Flame by superheichou  | G | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Yuuri sat on his own, his leg bouncing frantically against the scuffed tile as his eyes clenched shut to try and ignore the nerves wracking his body.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” He mumbled to himself.
Victor helps Yuuri out of his anxious thoughts before his performance.
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Can you recommend some fics where Victuuri and Otayuri are bothering there?? Like 2 parallel stories?? Running at the same time??
I don’t know a story like this unfortunately. I don’t actively read Otayuri fics and the ones I have read do not have a story like this. If anyone knows something like this, please let us know :D
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
is there a fic that has yuuri wearing a dress for a family pic "victor family" bc i saw this beautiful art and I'm wondering if its based on a fic or smth, thank you
I don’t know this piece of art, but I have not come across a fic with this topic. Usually an artist will include the fic it’s based on, if it is indeed inspired by a fic.
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Hello! I was trying to go through your masterlist but the link doesn't seem to work for me? Anyways, I was wondering if you know any reverse canon fics (you know, in which Yuuri is the one training Viktor and not the other way around)? Thank you in advance! n.n
I’ve tried to look into why you can’t access the masterlist, and I can’t find an answer. Both the links on my description and on my blog work for me, and I’ve checked multiple times that it’s publically available. I’d like to know if anyone else has problems accessing the links, or if it’s just one of them that doesn’t work
And I don’t have any reverse!fics since that’s too AU for me, so I’m sorry about that. I’d recommend looking at or asking the people who run @yoi-fic-recs
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Valentine’s Day
a bicycle built for two by Edgedancer | G | Leo/Guang-Hong, Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Guang Hong Ji, in that moment, experiences what feels like a divine revelation. He knows with perfect, stunning clarity that February 14th will be the day he confesses to the love of his life.
Happy Valentines Day! by Alec_Bane | G | Leo/Guang-Hong | <1k
Short one shot about Leoji.
How to Surprise Your Fiancé With Pork: An Honest Walkthrough by Viktor Nikiforov by Orchids_and_Fictional_Cities  | T | Yuuri/Victor | 5k
The thing with Viktor is that once he’s set his mind on something, there is a very very minuscule chance of him not following through on said thing.
He wants to do something for Yuuri: partly as a Valentine’s Day gift, partly as a prelude to Worlds, and partly ‘just because’. It’s somewhere between dwelling on the abstract thought of Yuuri’s hunger as a competitor, and watching the younger skater on Facetime with his mother back home, that an idea starts to form.
This is how Katsuki Yuuri, the love of his life, the apple of his eye, the fire of his loins et cetera, ad infinitum, finds Viktor when he walks into the door: standing precariously with one foot on a barstool and the other on top of his counter, frantically fanning at his smoke detector with a magazine.
It’s Valentine’s Day! by pigalle | T | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
It’s Valentine’s day, Victor wakes Yuuri up with kisses, and they go on a date.
No Plans Are Best Plans by Jala | G | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Victor makes some plans, but forget to take something into consideration.
Today is for Lovers (So What the **** Am I Doing?) by peanutbutterpianist | T | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
“No. No, no, no, no, NO. Do not take another step closer. Victor felt like holding his head in his hands and returning to the closet to hide.”
Victor should, by nature, be GREAT at Valentine’s Day affairs.
What if he…isn’t?
AKA the First Time Victor Feels Romantically Inadequate.
Too much Valentine by IllyasJames | G | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Valentine maybe the celebration of love, but as it is a date in the middle of the skating season, Yuuri never really bothered to give it much thought. But when your Theme is Love, your routine is about finding love and your coach is your fiance. The whole world might decide it is something you are into. Especially when said coach is publicly gushing about him going to spend the day with you. All Yuuri cares about is that it is the First day of the Four Continents. Oh and of course there is that…
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
Victuuri Fluff #4
Full Hotel Scene by Apherion | G | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
In which I create a fluffy explanation to episode 11’s final scene.
Golden by Lyn349 | G | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
Yuuri was always one step ahead of Victor
his name on my lips by himechit | G | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
Running away from his career, Victor doesn’t care. Yuuri's name is repeating itself in Victor's mind and his voice.
Interrupted Confessions by NiennorNight (Niennor_Night) | G | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
Set at Barcelona, at the same time as episode 10, before Yuuri bought the rings for them.
Lazy morning by Farato | G | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
Yuuri woke up to the smell of Breakfast, and to his surprise it didn’t even smelled burned in the slightest for the first time since he moved in with Victor.
New Discoveries by rainbowwrites | G | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Victor is disappointed that he can't be with Yuuri, but can never pass up the opportunity to know more about him.
ten kisses of katsuki yuuri by hiyoris_scarf | T | Yuuri/Victor | 2k
Viktor had never envisioned himself scooping the plastered remnants of another Grand Prix finalist into his arms in the men’s restroom. He had certainly never envisioned those plastered remnants belonging to Katsuki Yuuri: the shy, soft, birdlike boy who skates as though his soul lives in the spark between blade and ice.
through you broken tongue by bosbie | T | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
Yuuri is homesick. Victor scours the city of Moscow in an effort to help.
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
I read a fic a while ago and it was a time travel au where young Victor traveled to the future where he was married to Yuuri, and he was trying to figure out why he had settled down and married. I can’t find it, and I was wondering if you knew what it was? Thanks! :)
I think it’s this one??
Unimaginable by emilyenrose | T | Yuuri/Victor | 4k
Sixteen year old Victor spontaneously travels to the future, where he’s… retired? And married?
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
i really love your account you should know how grateful i am that you exist :
!!! thank you !!! 💕💕💕 may all the yoi fics bring you joy 💕💕💕
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
And other NSFW topics
After Banquet Special by Watermelonsmellinfellon | M | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
What would happen if Victor had escorted Yuuri back to his hotel room after the banquet?
before the skate by Melbabewrites | E | Yuuri/Victor | <1k
Victor helps Yuri relax a few hours before his short program at the grand prix finals
From The Moon by butterbeerbitch | M | Yuuri/Victor | 4k
Victor Nikiforov, the living legend, winner of five consecutive World Championships and five straight Grand Prix Finals - was in Yuuri's bed. Yuuri's bumpy, squeaky bed, with the Pokémon stickers peeling off the frame and the unwashed sheets. "Smells like you," Victor mumbled, careful and coy.
Yuuri was on the verge of passing out.
Or that one time Victor finds out why Yuuri has never let him inside his bedroom because....well, we all know why...
i’ve been waiting all my life by neomeruru | M | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
The night after the Cup of China, Yuuri learns something about Victor that surprises him.
Just Kiss Me by Clockwork_Mockingbird | M | Yuuri/Victor | 2k
Their first kiss is televised. The next one is just them.
Move Aside by ayyyywhatsup | E | Yuuri/Victor | 2k
Sure, Yuuri's seen Viktor nude more times than he can count. He's pretty sure the man would become a full fledged nudist if he had the chance. That doesn't mean Yuuri's ready for the sight of Viktor wearing the skimpiest pair of underwear he's ever seen though.
silver by pageleaf | E | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
"Oh? You can't kiss silver?"
Viktor makes a mock-horrified face. "Silver? No way!"
Ah. Yuuri recognizes this—Viktor getting into one of his bratty moods. Yuuri's never really tried to do anything about it before, and eventually Viktor always tones it back down, but this time, Yuuri wonders...
He shrugs. "Well, I guess I just won't be able to kiss you then."
What kind of trust building is this? by auriadne | E | Yuuri/Victor | 5k
“Do you dream about me often?” Yuuri did dream about Viktor often. More so than he’d ever care to admit. “N-no. Not at all.” “Yuuri.” His named rolled off his tongue sweetly. The younger squeezed his eyes shut, really wishing that Viktor would stop saying his name in that tone. It was making him think of things that he really did not need to be thinking about in this moment. “I don’t believe you. Look at you, you’re so embarrassed. It’s adorable.” In which Yuuri gives in and lets Viktor sleep over, but this wasn't the trust building he expected.
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
drunk victuuri ;)
Unsurprisingly, a lot of drunk victuuri are just smut, which honestly I’m not a fan of (the drunken sex, not the smut itself), so here are the few I’ve read:
Accusations by Zetal (Rodinia) | G | Yuuri/Victor | 2k
Viktor goes out drinking because he misses Yuuri. Lilia does not approve and tells him off.
All Their Fault by oooohno | M | Yuuri/Victor | 3k
Yuuri gets drunk at yet another GPF banquet. The people get a show…and Victor gets Yuuri.
Bottom’s Up by cryingoverspilledvodka & lucycamui | T | Yuuri/Victor | 4k
At the Grand Prix banquet, Victor’s been asked to sign an autograph for a very enthusiastic fan. Unfortunately, there’s a distinct lack of paper around. Fortunately, Yuuri has a suggestion.
Alternatively titled, “Ever Seen An Ass So Fine You Had To Sign It ‘Mine’? or “Autograph Me (Wherever You’d Like)”
cloud nine by asterismos | M | Yuuri/Victor | 6k
It’s two days before the Grand Prix, and Yuri has been practicing nonstop. Viktor knows he needs to get Yuri off the ice and may have an idea of how to do it.
Tomorrow Morning by apollosoyuz | G | Yuuri/Victor | 1k
Viktor usually rose first in the mornings, torturing Yuuri awake with the cold touch of his toes against Yuuri’s legs and the tickle of his hair as he covered Yuuri’s neck with kisses. But last night at the club had been wild, and… how many shots had he done?
Tweet tweet by hazelandglasz | G | Yuuri/Victor, Yuuri & Yuri P., Phichit & Yuuri, Chris & Yuuri, Mila & Yuuri, Yuuri & Georgi, Mila & Victor | 1k
In which Yuuri should never be left alone with a full bottle of vodka and a fully charged phone
And of course all of the Chihoko Fics
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canonverse-yoi-fics · 5 years
When Victor wakes up the night is still dark. It takes him a few seconds to understand why he is awake. On the other side of the bed, Yuuri whimpers softly. Victor pushes himself up on one elbow. Yuuri’s shoulders shake, but his eyes are closed. A tear glimmers on his lashes and rolls down his cheek.
Unsure of what to do, Victor tries to gently squeeze Yuuri’s arm. Yuuri doesn’t react, and keeps clutching the blanket to himself and sobbing in his sleep.
“Yuuri…” Victor whispers.
Yuuri does not wake up or relax. Victor hesitates. He brushes Yuuri’s hair gently, and speaks a little louder. “Yuuri.”
For a second it looks like Yuuri has heard him but his eyes are still closed. Victor cradles him against his chest and caresses his cheek. “Yuuri wake up, you’re having a nightmare.”
Keep reading
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