catsfurrealzx3 · 10 hours
I am the king of homophobia
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catsfurrealzx3 · 1 day
Picture me outside your house like this when you don’t respond to my texts
@mike-oxlong41 came up with the idea for this btw (he would 100% murder me if I didn’t credit him). Both are made by me :3 use them however you want as long as my tag is still the one I drew. I feel like he looks more soulless in mine.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 days
I adore tumblr and this is why
Ooh gotcha boobs
I had a dream about eyeless jack but instead of stealing your kidneys he'd climb in ur window at night and give you top surgery. "I gotcha boobs" was all i remember him saying...
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 days
I love Sero can we get more Sero appreciation he’s such a cutie pie
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 days
Holy crap. Guys. Guess what. There’s more.
Kirishima is wearing a binder btw! If you don’t headcanon him as trans just pretend it’s a normal compression top :3
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 days
Guys omg you’re never gonna believe this but I got back into My Hero Academia.
So here’s uh my favourite little guy on all of planet earth (he’s so me you guys) Try and ignore that I made his ear and lip piercings identical to mine and gave him a hairstyle similar to me. Total coincidence. Idk what you guys are talking about. Anyway hero fans would absolutely make blurry merch of Red Riot<3<3<3
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catsfurrealzx3 · 1 month
I don't care about the Met Gala.
I don't care about the Met Gala. I don't care about Eurovision. I don't care about Coachella. I honestly could not care less about any of these things right now. Because why would I? The fact that people can ignore the deaths of tens of thousands of people because of a celebrity fancy dress party is completely unbelievable to me. These are people that could be spending some of their millions of dollars on saving people's lives. The Israeli government is planning to completely eradicate the Palestinians. You should all be posting about this, spreading this information, doing research. And you're talking about the Met Gala???? What even is that??? If your entire family and all of your friends were trapped in a warzone and constantly under threat of being brutally murdered would you seriously be thinking about the Met Gala with anything other then fury and resentment? Because the money used to pay for one woman's dress could save your life. The life of your mother. Your father. Your sister. Your brother. No. There is so much that people could be doing. You don't need to have money to help. This year I asked for my family to send money to organisations helping Palestinians! I wish desperately that I could do more but seriously, when I say every bit counts I mean it. Because if you can donate alot please PLEASE do. But if all you can do is spread the word that's okay too. Everyone could be helping right now. Please try for them.
Never give up hope.
All eyes on Palestine.
From the river to the sea.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 1 month
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Best Of All Possible Worlds - AJJ, Kool Keith, Kimya Dawson.
From the river to the sea.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 months
Sure, concerts are cool, but have y'all ever seen Costa AND Dirt Girl on the SAME DAY??? No, I didn't think so.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 months
Korn if it was pop music: 🍿
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 months
Not a joke or prank. Bisan has called for another strike for Palestine TOMORROW. (April 1st, 2024)
For the best, there shouldn't be any pranks. ONLY serious news regarding Palestine.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 2 months
"I wish for death" -Twelve year-old Alma says. Fuck Israel.
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‘I wish for death’ - Twelve-year-old Alma says. She fled bombing and shelling twice before the third place they sheltered was bombed, She was rescued from the rubble only to find out both her parents and all four of her siblings had been killed. She found her 18-month-old brother in an unimaginable state. Her little brother was beheaded from the rubble after the IOF massacred them.
Source: BBC
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catsfurrealzx3 · 3 months
Not sure if anyone needs to hear this but Instagram is adding a filter for political subjects.
It will limit the amount of politics you see on your feed. This is added automatically and you have to manually turn it off if you want to be able to see anything about the current humanitarian crises. I'm not sure how to turn it off myself, you guys will have to look it up (sorry). This is something that definitely seems sketchy considering that Instagram is a platform that's used ALOT for Palestinian news reporters. Stay alert to the genocide in Palestine, and make sure to keep up to date on current events. You have to know how to find what you're looking for, because every day Palestinians and news reports talking about Palestinians (and more of the MANY humanitarian crises going on right now) are being silenced or hidden from view. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. FIND VALUABLE NEWS SITES AND ACCOUNTS. KEEP THE PALESTINIANS RELEVANT.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 3 months
Do your research on what to boycott in your own countries and states, support small businesses while you're at it, and don't give up!!! The more people put their foot down the quicker we'll be able to topple these evil supporters of genocide. Don't stop talking about Palestine!!!
The killing of Palestinians is still going, boycotting is still going
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catsfurrealzx3 · 3 months
Rent week
Once a month my uterus says "you owe me sperm." And I say "I don't have it." And it tears the walls down in a fit of rage. (Dw it always replaces them)
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catsfurrealzx3 · 3 months
Stop hating on artists for doing art
Guys genuinely I just saw someone say "I don't think you jelly artists can render anything but the face..." Like okay??? So???? People are allowed to have faults and mistakes in their art????? It's a sign that humans as a species will forever be improving?????????? Let people draw in whatever style they want????????????????? Artists that are famous now were always getting made fun of for having their own styles?????????????????????? Notice how I've added more question marks to every sentence????????????????????????????????? It's because I'm genuinely so fucking angry that artists are being made fun of for MAKING ART. Leave people alone. Critique your own art if you need something to critique. Every time I see hate comments on something totally chill and normal I'm reminded of the blissful time where I had to scroll for like ten minutes to find them... Bring back kindness gang.
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catsfurrealzx3 · 4 months
Children are actually hoping for death in Palestine right now.
So yeah. I saw a video taken in Palestine of a little boy. And he was being interviewed. He was asked something along the lines of "How do you feel about all the deaths?" And he basically explained, -this boy who couldn't be older then 12- that he knew they were in a better place, and wished he could be with them. This little fucking kid. Would rather be dead then in Palestine right now. Do you even realise how fucking horrible that is??
Keep ignoring it though. Just completely ignore the innocent lives being lost every second of every day. That's fine.
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