commecietca · 16 days
Sometimes a creative outlet is a fun little hobby and sometimes it's a lifelong affliction. Like I crochet because making little woven animals sparks joy and I'm a writer whether I like it or not because I'm tormented by visions
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commecietca · 23 days
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Dang digital art got hands
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commecietca · 1 month
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commecietca · 1 month
Just finished watching ‘Nimona’, and…
* thought I didn’t like Ambrosius but it was just my hatred for his casual wear hoodie
* give me a child like Nimona, or I don’t want it (for the Gods)
* loved how fully committed the director was about killing the child, she had so many opportunities to pause but instead decided to drop a bomb on half her population. Truly a girl boss.
* Rupaul!? the Rupaul(idk why their presence surprised me)
* the political, politics ohh, *chefs kiss*. The perks of feudalism, lying and be lied to.
* gay ex knight dad was everything, character design, character psyche, character personality all 👌🏾.
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commecietca · 3 months
Never to late to kill somebody already dead
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commecietca · 4 months
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Made this for the Global Strike, and though its passed it’s never too late to show support for Palestinians…
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commecietca · 6 months
…I should try camping again
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commecietca · 8 months
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I don’t even know what I’m doing any more, bruh
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commecietca · 8 months
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10/2/2023_A cornerstone to my love of spooky and horror.
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commecietca · 11 months
Are you ever writing a story and realize, the reason why it's not working is because you're making two different stories? And once you separate the stories it makes sense.....oh, just me. ok.
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commecietca · 11 months
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I found this burger man in an old sketchbook and knew this would be perfect to retry. I did and while before probably took me ten minutes after also probably took me ten minutes.
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To say the least, I'm proud of myself.
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commecietca · 2 years
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When a child gives to something you must accept…for the most part
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commecietca · 3 years
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A Girl and her Bear
5. Aerobics, a secret diary, and something unpleasant under the bed.
Stella listens to the faint sound of her mother's aerobics tape playing through the crack of her door. The voice of the teacher is overly enthusiastic almost tinny, she could hear the consistent creaking of her mothers' feet pounding the old wood of their house. It is a familiar almost comforting sound now, it means she has time uninterrupted.
She moves from her desk to a stretch of wall in between the door and the closet. They have a new neighbor, his name from what she could gather is Farhan Robinson. A short old man who dresses fashionably and always has a jar with him; she rarely saw him which was rare for this neighborhood. She presses her ear to the wall and waits. He is usually in at this time and he is, she can hear the sound of footsteps and the clink of glass.
"Stell," her mother's voice rips through her train of thought, she quickly presses off the wall.
"Uh, yes ma'am," she says automatically.
"Go get my exercise bands," her mother says in between pants "They're under the bed."
She quickly jumps up from her chair and heads down the hallway to her mom's room. She gets on the floor and begins thrusting into the darkness. It always feels strangely uncomfortable to be in her mom's room; like a forbidden place. So she tries to keep her visits brief. She feels something solid but it isn't the bands it's soft and squishy. She quickly pulls her hand back and looks under the bed.
Nothing, but she finds the exercise bands. As she reaches for them something quickly passes in the corner of her eye. She sits up looking in the direction of the door. It scurries into the hallway, Stella scrabbles to her feet. Whatever it is is dark and wispy. She runs into the hallway. And bumps into her mother.
"What are you doing?" she holds her hands out to catch Stella.
"Mom! Mom, did you see that?" Stella continued, looking up and down the hallway.
"See what?" She looks around slowly.
"The thing. The black thing that was just here," Stella moves her hands in the direction the creature went.
"I did not," She looks at Stella unconvinced, she moves around Stella "Anyway I'll grab my bands myself don't worry about it."
The tone isn't completely sincere, so she can tell she's has annoyed her mother. She quickly retreats to her room, lightly closing the door. She goes back to her desk. Her heel taps the floor.
She takes a breath and looks at the pile of homework she has on her desk, most of it's done. She grabs a book she needs to read for English and flips to where her bookmark sits. She puts a hand on her neck and begins reading. She hears a sound. Something knocking against something, she quickly looks behind her.
Another sound from above, slowly craning her neck upwards she anticipates the worst.
Her heart skips a beat, she looks at the thing from under the bed a mix of black and grey it's wispy and yet solid; it looks almost like a....beetle. And it seems to be alive. It moved as if it sensed her gaze, it darts towards her. Without a second thought, she grabs the book in front of her and swats it. The contact is soundless but it nonetheless flies across the room into the giant teddy bear her father got her at a fair.
It disappears, she holds her breathe waiting for the thing to show itself. After a few seconds, nothing happens. It must have run away or left the room or never existed at all. Whatever it was...
She comes up with excuses as to what it was, she has to be sensible of course. It didn't look like any insect she knows but maybe she just didn't know enough about bugs. She would look more into it tomorrow, that was all she felt she could do. If it ends up not being something she could find, she would chuck it up to tiredness. After gym class, walking to and from school, chores, and homework she couldn't deny the fatigue. Plus her mom was always talking about how she needed to go to the eye doctor. Of course, that could be an insult but she did have trouble seeing things at times.
She checks her watch it's around 10 which affirms that theory; she is often getting ready for bed at this time. She moves the notebook back to the closet and begins getting ready.
She lies in her bed staring into the darkness of the space around her, rubbing the duvet with her thumb and finger. A sensory thing it's something she does without thought. Her mom has checked up on her making sure her homework is done and that she is in bed. She's looking at a spot on the wall of aging paint, she feels her eyelids get heavy.
She hears something again, it snaps her to full wakefulness. A part of her is annoyed the other is curious. Is the bug back. She sits up on her elbows and stares harder at her room, identifying every object in the room; the desk, the chair, the closet everything seems accounted for. Her eyes pass over to her bear...it moved. Not to a different spot but in front of her eyes.
It moves again, she turns on the lamp at her bedside. The yellow glow illuminates the furry hulk and Stella is able to see that it isn't just moving it's shaking like it's having a seizure. Her knees move to her chest, unable to stop herself. This is a dream, I have to be dreaming.
She jumps off the bed and keeping an eye on the bear shoves herself under the bed. She feels the rough wood under her chin scrape at her skin; she began to count a technique her dad taught her for monsters: 1,2,3,4,5..6...7....8.....9......
It stops moving, she hears soft footsteps now, not her moms' footsteps. The wood creaks slightly. She holds her breath. She follows the sound of the steps as they reach the bed. Her eyes largen at the sight of large fluffy paws padding their way across her sight. She stays as still as she can. It stops and her heart skips a beat. In one movement it squats and moves the duvet to peek under the bed. She yelps and hits her head in response. She quickly presses into a ball cradling her head, quietly pleading for it not to hurt her.
A few seconds of quiet pass it doesn't move but tilts its head, one glassy black eye reflects the lamplight.
"Hello," Its stitched mouth separates to form the word.
*If I continue this I'll put the diary in later*
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commecietca · 3 years
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How do you know a Hand Man is awake?
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commecietca · 3 years
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You ever do some surface level journaling to clear you're thoughts then it gets real negative but also true, that what this is about.
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commecietca · 3 years
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oldie but a goodie
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commecietca · 3 years
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drew the face before the body, old man character worthy of any anime..
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